Rain Stalls 5Th Series Contest
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J ! / Avonffe Dailr Net Prem Rob ' F or me Week Ended The Weather Reptember, SZ, IS n Faraenat at E. 8. WentlMr Moafly doudy, Httia tcenpefs* 13,628 ^tom ohaaga tonlgtit.' Low 47 4a Mbamber at tiie Andtt 'ie. Wednesday fsnsrally fair, BaroMi at OIreiiIntion pleasant. High eS to 7e. Manche$ter—-A City o f Village Charm % ,YOL. LXXXII, NO. 8 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER t, 1962 (CUaM fM A ivertU ng an Pnfa 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS State News Rain Stalls 5th Roundup sey 8 Series Contest Proxy Passes ilE W YORK (A P )—The Merit Exam, fifth World Series game was ^ postponed today because of 2 Lose Jobs rain after a delay of more than an hour. It will be played HARTFORD (AP) — ^ State’s Atty. Jo)in D, La- Wednesday at Yankee Stadi- Belle’s office is investigating a ^ case in which a state^highway By JACK HAND department employe is alleged Awoclat^ Press Sports Writer , J* ? to have taken a merit system Deplores Automatic NEW YORK (A P )— Rain examination for a fellow em- delayed today the fifth World ploye. Series game between th e^ fi Both men, their identities with- Francisco Giants and,, New held, have been dismissed. License Suspension State Personnel Director George York Yankees but Commis- J. Walker said the violation al- sioner Ford Frick still hoped legedly occurred at a Sept. 11 exam .to have the game played this HARTFORD (AP)—-The 3,000-member State Bar Associ- for a highway engineer trainee afternoon, post. He said a 24-year-old engi- ation of Connecticut will be asked at its annual meeting next The ihlield cover, removed once neer *n the department took the Tuesday to go on record in opposition to most features ef test—and passed—for a 46-year- when the rain slopped, was placed Governor Dempsey’s traffic safety program. •back on the field when the show- old employe who Bought a promo- tion. ’ The organization’s Ckimmittee on Administration of Criml-' ers resumed. nal Justice specifically will recommend: , ^ The case was turned over to La- Lem than half of the 70,000 Belle for possible prosecution under 1. Abolishment of the automatic suspension of driver*’ li- Yankee Stadium seats were oc- a state law which calls for a pos- cupied when game time arrived censes upon conviction for speeding.' / sible maximum penalty of a year and passed with no- action. The Imprisonment and a $1,000 fine for 2. Transfer of the license suspension power in case* involv- fans In the open stands huddled merit system violations. ing moving violations from State Motor Vehicles (^orhmission- under umbrellas. er John J. Tynan td the trial court judges. Neither club took batting prac- -Diett of Iniurieg 3. Opposition to establishment of a maximum speed law. tice. Neither starting pitcher, San Francisco’s Jack Sanford gmd HARTFORD (A P)—A 20-year- 4. An increase by at least four assistants in the Department old Hartford girl injured in a mo- of Toxicology of the State Department of Healthoto facilitate New York’a Ralph Terry, had warmed up. torcycle accident Sunday died at the handling of drunken driving cases involving the use of Twelve minutes after game time the Hartford Hospital last night. chemical tests for intoxication—rather than establishment of the public address sumouncer re- She wae Carol Bowers, 157 Ma- a mandatory chemical test law, which has been proposed. ported: ‘"The rain is moving ple Ave., a passenger on a motor- cycle driven by William Collins, The report of the committee,e • north-northeast. It should pass In of which A tty.' Hyman Wilenaky about 16 minutes. It is clear now 32. Hartford, who was killed in the Flees from Hospital smashup. of New London is chairman, haa in New Jersey and Manhattan.” been sent to all aaaoclatlon mem- Railroad Wins Half an hour after game time Trunk murderer Winnie Ruth The accident occurred on Inter- bers in preparation for the-meet- Judd escaped last night from state Route 91 in Hartford. it still was raining hard. ing. It notes that the maximum Due to the rain the clubs did thp Arizona State Hospital at - topka at specUa eUectronic computer inside St. Petei/e Bialllca in Vatican City ^ speed law, license suspensions And On Layoff for not come out early for their usual Phoenix. She is .shown in 204 to 238 yeateixtoy tor/u s e ^ counting votM for forthcomtng__ Roman Cathollc_ Ecumenical__________ Council. The4»__ chemical tests have been.^dls- batting practice.- Frick examined, November, 1951, following her HARTFORD (AP)—The State computer ^located inside a chapel of the baailica. Technician Italo Tampellini ^e-scrlbes--the com- cussed^ at meetings durifig the the field with the umpires and pe- capture after escaping from Motor Vetocle Department’s daily putor’s Btlon for the Pope. (AP FhotofaX via radio from Rome.) past year. /- Onion Workers" mgUned in the dugout. the hospital. Mrs. Judd, now record o^automobile fatalities aa .«> - - — “Although the state^-police and With the first four .games even- 57, was convicted In 1931 for of last ^idnight and the totals on both ex-Governor Rlblcoff and WASHINQTON (AP)—An arW- ly divided the two managers came murder in the’ slaying of two the same date last year; Governor Dempsey favored a women. The original death tratlon board today granted the back with the starting pitchers of 1961 1962 1st M ating in 92 Yearg ‘ . \ Casljro Nearly maximum speed law,’’ the report Chicsigo and North Western Rail- the second gaipe with Manager sentence later was commuted Killed ....................204. 238 says, “ the general consensus of way a free hand, subject to layoff RIaph Houk of the Yankees nam- to life imprisonment after .she the committee ' was that the es- had been ruled insane and benefits, in dlschsu-^ng telegra- ing Ralph Terry and Mangiger A1 Ready to Free tablLshment of such a maximum phers whose jobs it flnds have be- sen-t to the hospital. (AP Honor for Pujatki speed law would noU be effective WASHINGTON (AP) — Gen. come obeoletc or unnecessary. (Continued on Page ggght) Photofax). Ring^ Cross, Bible as a safety measure. The decision Is final and binding Casimir Pulaski. Revolutionary 1,113 Prisoners on both psutles. War figure, will have a Polaris "It would tend to become a submarine named for him. minimum rather than a maximum It Wgw made by Arbitrator Syl- Basis for Accreditation Rep. Thomas J. Lane, D-Mass., HAVANA (AP)—Prime Minister speed law and the presently ex- veater Garrett, with the union Fidel Castro and negotiator James isting law la satisfactory- and dissenting imd the railroad, con- said yesterday that President Ken- Council A^ b le ms adequate. nedy authorized the name for a B. Donovan appeared set to com- curring. plete an afre'emant today 'for the "It was submitted Uwt the pub- George E. Leighty, president at .Submarine to;o be built, beginniiy;beginning in lic requires educatOlH' regarding [i?'Oanuary, by By GEORGE W- CORNELL *> releasei PLJUU* Cuban“ ' prisonnn ^ - the AFL-OO . ofder of Railroad ‘‘to go .bgujJtaaj. seized 1n^YfSTIpiir''i96i InvstSIBfir on highways and also Telegraphers represented his tm- “ ton at Oiltoiyl' aamiaro9lpr&i 'Aatotrialed PrFs*r~l{e11gi6ii Writer the enuren as Jesus founded it the fact that the automatic suspen- Groton, Conri". VA’nCAN CITY (AP)—A ring, in its original pbrlty and sim-. Responsible sources predicted ion on the three-man board and the prisoners would. be flown to sion of licences for a c6nvicUcm the rgdlroad’s chairmam, Ben W. Pulaski, a native of Poland, join- a cross and the Bible. pllcity.'' tends to make the Jurors sympa- ed the American Continental Army These are the chief emblems of Miami in a few days. Heineman, represented the car- Use of the Scriptures as a Castro’s government originally thetic toward the accused and rier. during the Revolutionary War, or- the historic gathering—the 2nd council symbol seemed likely to In School Standards asked $62 million in cash for ail this has resulted iti more jury trials The arbitration winds up a dis- Vatican Council — that opens in strike a responsive chord with and fewer convictions.'’ (Continued on Page Bight) St. Peter's Basilica Thursday. the prisoners taken in the Bay of pute that brought a month-long Protestant "delegate, observers,” Pigs invasion. About 60 already The ring and the crosses are whose denominations have cited 'The committee pointed out that strike which crippled rail trans- the Insignia of office pf bishops have been freed. Donovan, a New since the establishment of the Cir- portation to a large part of the HARTFORD (AP) — Sweeping .Mime counselor for every 250 pu- the Bible as the chief rule of York attorney negotiating for the Midwest. pils and an audio-visual coordina- of the ^ m a n Catholic Church. faith. cuit Court, the automatic suspen- proposals for . state-wide educa- families of the prisoners, has said sion of licenses, particularly in After lengthy negotiations here tional standards were epelled out tor for every 2,000. Reds Cut West Never in history have they Advancing the cause of Chri.s- gathered in such force. he would, offer Cajstro medicine speeding cases, has resulted in with the aid of government medi- today by State Education Commis- Difficulties some school sys- .tian unity is a long-range aim of and food instead of a cash ran- ators, the strike was ended with tems might have in meeting them As they begin considering the 'council. many cases being claimed to the sioner William 3. Sanders. som. jury and with many acquittals.