C. A. P. E. OVERSTRAND ESTUARIES MUNICIPALITY PROGRAMME ESTUARY MANAGEMENT PLAN for the BOT / KLEINMOND ESTUARINE SYSTEM OVERBERG REGION, WESTERN CAPE PART 1 : SITUATION ASSESSMENT REPORT F I N A L FEBRUARY 2009 PREPARED BY iRAP CONSULTING Postnet Suite 5 Private Bag X7 Muizenberg 7950 FOR WESTERN CAPE NATURE CONSERVATION BOARD SITUATION ASSESSMENT REPORT FEBRUARY 2009 PROJECT TEAM CapeNature: Pierre de Villiers Overstrand Municipality: Neville Green iRAP: Jenny Whitehead Kathy Leslie Errol Cerff Grant Benn Marlene Laros Jane Turpie Lara van Niekerk iRAP CONTACT DETAILS: Jenny Whitehead Kathy Leslie cell: 083-661-6621 tel: 021 6719350 e-mail:
[email protected] cell: 083 325 5615 fax: 086-685-8482 e-mail:
[email protected] postal: Postnet suite 5, Private bag X7, Muizenberg 7950 fax: 088 021 671 9350 Preface to the Final draft (February 2009) The Draft Part 1: Situation Assessment Report was made available for public scrutiny in September 2008, and followed by a public meeting held on 16 October 2008 in the Thusong Hall at Hawston, affording stakeholders and interested and affected parties the opportunity to comment and provide further input into the process of drafting the Estuarine Management Plan for the Bot and Kleinmond estuaries. The Consultant, on behalf of the C.A.P.E. Estuaries Programme, received numerous submissions from the public in the weeks following the meeting, all of which are recorded in the Annexure to this, the updated and final situation assessment report. During the course of consultations and in the written comments, many people expressed concern about the emphasis, in the Situation Assessment Report, on development and socio-economic issues, which they considered to be counter to the primary objective of the estuarine management plan.