WEDNESDAY4,1,S4aily Spartan
spARTAN WEDNESDAY4,1,,s4AILY New film version of Steinbecies 'OfMice and Men' premieres. VoL 99, No. 23 Published for San lose State University since 1934 September 30, 1992 Page 6 Rough road Touché SJSU to reopen ahead for spring semester applicants BY NICOLE SIRI Spartan Daily Stall-Writer for admissions Admission to SJSU will become even more difficult for applicants next year as Califor- President Evans approves proposal nia's budget cuts take yet another BY KERRY PETERS bite of CSU's piece of the pie. AND JANE MONTES design, psychology, occu- SISU's Council of Deans and Spartan Daily Stan Writers pational therapy and social Academic Senate committee work, because they already began discussions this month Interim President J. have too many students regarding the need to limit Handel Evans announced even after graduating some enrollment to SJSU by next year. Tuesday that SJSU will out, Stahl said. According to Academic Vice admit a limited number of Business, education, President Arlene Okerlund, the graduate and credential and some social science limits are essential to ensure stu- students for the spring and humanities and arts dents have a quality education. semester. programs will be accepting "It is clear that we have to limit The decision came after students, Stahl said. enrollment if we want to benefit the Academic Senate, in a Approximately 500 new students and do it in a timely sense-of-the-senate resolu- and returning graduate manner," she said. tion, agreed with Evans and credential students The council and committee that SJSU should open will enroll in the spring, have not yet decided who will be admissions for the spring estimated Ed Chambers, most affected by the new policy semester to credential can- associate executive vice because the meetings are at such didates in the College of president of Admissions an early stage.
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