


Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. (Albert Einstein) Science helps us to prove facts, but intuition guides us to discoveries. (Paolo Coelho)

The Soul has no birth, no death, no beginning, and no end. Sin cannot touch it, nor can virtue exalt it. Wisdom cannot open it up, nor can ignorance darken it. It has been always and always it will be. (Hazrat Inayat Khan)

A PATAPHYSICAL VIEW ON ORIGIN AND EXISTENCE OF OUR PHYSICAL WORLD (An alternative theory on God and world based on personal imaginations)

Eugene J.H. Kerckhoffs Leiden, the Netherlands

Table of content (p. 2)

Abstract (p. 4)

1: Introduction: metaphysics and ‘P (p. 5)

2: Spiritual world: (All)Soul, Emanation, Spiritual Singularity, (All)Spirit, God (P. 6)

2.1: Emanation of the AllSoul in Souls (p. 7)

2.2: The Trinity Condition, Spiritual Singularity, AllSpirit (p. 9)

3: Spiritual world: the process of Consciousness (p. 12)

4: O “ b ” (p. 15)

5: Physical reality (p. 18)

5.1: Spiritual versus physical reality (p. 18) 3

5.2: Physical energy and Spirit (p. 19)

5.3: Common physical reality (p. 21)

6: life (p. 21)

6.1: Human life: essentially a set of bottom-up spiritual relations (p. 21)

6.2: Individuality of human life (p. 22)

6.3: Age and cyclicity of mankind (p. 23)

7: Human mind (p. 24)

7.1: Free will (p. 24)

8: Our pataphysical view on some scientifical subjects in physics (p. 26)

8.1: Science in pataphysical perspective (p. 26) 8.2: The relationship between physical reality and physical energy (P. 27)

8.3: A pataphysical view on E=mc2 (P. 27)

8 4: Th “Bi Ba ” (p. 29)

8.5: Cosmic Inflation (p. 33)

8.6: Elementary and composite particles (p. 35)

8.7: The impact of higher dimensions, string theories (p. 35) 8.8: Physical evolution (p. 36) 8.9: Dak energy and dark matter (p. 37) 8.10: Black a d whit hol , “what’s b for th Bi Ba ?” (p. 38)

8.11: 4-Dimensional , blockuniverse (p. 40) 8.12: The multiverse (p. 44)

9: The complete spectrum of mankind in a physical/biological world (p. 45)

9.1: Giving meaning to human life (p. 50)

9.2: Life after death (p. 50)

9.3: Near death experience (p. 52)

10: T S ’ : b ? (p. 53)

11: Experienced synchronicities related to our theory (p. 57)

12: Concluding and final remarks (p. 65)

Announcement (p. 71)

Appendix: E ’ “K T ” (p. 71)

P ’ b (p. 73) 4

Abstract of th diff r t d scriptio s of ‘Pataphysics d fi s this bra ch of philosophy as “th sci c of ima i ary sol tio s” Th titl of this ssay r fl cts o r fforts to i v sti at imaginary explanations regarding our physical/biological world. In particular, phenomena in a spirit al world as th y xist i th a thor’s ima i atio , a d th ir pataphysical ff ct i o r physical/biological world, are examined. (For the sake of easiness, throughout the essay the t rm “physical/biolo ical” is s d to xpr ss all asp cts of d ad a d livi matt r, so for instance also the chemical and even the mental or immaterial!) Th importa t a d ss tial starti poi t of o r co sid ratio s is that “all th r is” is pure Consciousness. The consequence in our philosophy is that all Realities and their inhabitants (spiritual and human beings) are in fact illusions! (This should always be kept in mind while reading the essay; on purpose it is repeatedly mentioned in the text, perhaps until annoying.) It is the power of imagination to accept illusion as starting point for further investigation; note in this respect also the statement of Albert Einstein at the very beginning of this essay. We realize very well that illusionism is in a minority position among academic philosophers; but it represents an ancient strand of thought among intellectual elites. In general and normally speaking, however, illusions will always hold us back. In our pataphysical philosophy we consider the All, covering the spiritual world and our physical/biological world, and all possible parallel universes as well, to be the expression of th o a d o ly “I fi it o scio s ss” or “All o l” i a “ pirit al i larity” (th spiritual domain of infinity). In a timeless process of Self-Reflection or Emanation this Infinite o scio s ss “s s” its lf i i fi it ly ma y asp cts of o scio s ss ( o ls), which ma if st th ms lv s i “spirit al b i s” i th ir ow spirit al ality Th o ls ar , so to say, th “ ro s” of a i fi it “spirit al brai ”, i which a (tim l ss) proc ss of o scio s ss tak s place up to Infinite Consciousness. The process of Consciousness would in our philosophy stagnate if not necessarily a sideroad is followed already in the very beginning (in structure, not in of course!) of the process. This sideroad implies the Soul- xp ri c d “h ma b i ” i his physical/biolo ical r ality Based on these perspectives we try to find pataphysical background explanations for s v ral iss s i physics, both classic a d mod r physics Aft r disc ssi th a thor’s imaginations about the spiritual world, we consider on the basis of these imaginations pataphysically physical phenomena such as physical energy, the equivalence of mass and energy, the Big Bang, cosmic inflation, black and white holes, the 4-dimensional spacetime, elementary and composite particles, and the multiverse. For instance and as illustration, physical energy is regarded to be our physical interpretation of spiritual “ pirit”, which i o r philosophy underlies Consciousness and therefore is really the very essence of “all th r is” In addition, we pay also attention to nonphysical iss s, s ch as “fr will”, th meaning and purpose of human life, the question of what happens after our death, and near death experiences. Finally, we outline the whole spectrum of and of mankind from a spiritual, pataphysical and philosophical point of view. In an Appendix at the end of the essay a xpla atio of th a thor’s p rso al lo o “ ow Thys lf” is pr s t d 5

Due to a Consciousness-based rather than the prevailing materialistic worldview, in our pataphysical philosophy we come to some really extraordinary conclusions which, as far as we are aware, have never been reported in this form and which may be in (apparently) blatant contrast to nowadays science. A series of not less than 13 actually experienced, sometim s v sp ctac lar, “sy chro iciti s” (m a i f l coi cid ts, i v t d a d described by Carl Gustav Jung) seem to support in a mysterious way our philosophy, especially our suggested spiritual processes of Emanation and Consciousness. B t …… , it is all ima i atio , th a thor’s p rso al ima i atio ; “abs rdity” or y t still deep Truth, a consideration of the physical world on a much deeper or deepest level? The future will tell. Anyway, the author tries to imagine the inexpressible and unmentionable of the spiritual world, put this into words and apply this to our physical world. 1: I : m ‘Pataphysics Ancient and medieval metaphysics studied subject-matt rs s ch as “b i as s ch”, “th first ca s s of thi s”, a d “thi s that do ot cha or iv rsals” Th foc s i mor co t mporary m taphysics (b i si ifica tly l ss ifi d tha th “old” m taphysics) is o subject-matters lik “modality” ( th xist c of thi s a d th poss ssio of th ir prop rti s), “spac a d tim ” ( q stio s abo t th at r of obj cts that tak p spac or p rsist thro h tim ), “th m tal a d physical” ( how cha s i immat rial or nonphysical substances can have impact in the physical world, or vice versa, how changes in the physical world can have effect on the nonphysical part of reality; how an act of will can cause a movement of a human body; questions about free will). Anyway, metaphysics is preoccupied with real and unreal, true and false, and therefore ignores the significance of anything which it deems to be unreal. This in contrast with ‘Pataphysics Th r hav b philosoph rs who propos that m taphysics is impossibl , because its questions are meaningless or, if meaningful, they are impossible to answer (respectively the strong and weak form of argument). ‘Pataphysics (invented by the French writer Alfred Jarry, 1873-1907) has a considerable of different definitions. of arry’s ow d fi itio s is: ‘Pataphysics is the science of that which is superinduced upon metaphysics, whether within or beyond the latter's limitations, extending as far beyond metaphysics as the latter extends beyond physics. Another example of his d fi itio s is: ‘Pataphysics xami s th laws ov r i th exception and uniqueness of any entity; above all, ‘Pataphysics is the science of the particular, in contrast to the common opinion that the only science is that of the general. With a view to achieving his own objectives the author’s preferred definition is: ‘Pataphysics is a branch of philosophy or science that examines imaginary phenomena that exist in a world beyond metaphysics; it is the science of imaginary solutions. The word ‘Pataphysics is a contracted formation, derived from a Greek phrase or expression with the meaning "that which is above metaphysics", and is itself a variation on th coll ctiv titl “M taphysics” of fo rt books by Aristotl , which i Gr k is "τὰ μετὰ τὰ φυσικά (ta meta ta phusika)”, “th aft r th physical” or “that which is abov physics” As alr ady said, ‘Pataphysics extends as far beyond metaphysics as the latter extends beyond physics. 6

o, ‘Pataphysics is ot m taphysics ‘Pataphysics do s ot disti ish b tw r al a d unreal or fact and fiction. In fact, it recognizes the inherent value of the unreal and fiction, as it also recognizes the value of nonrational, non-empirical knowledge. It is a science of speculations, a qualitative science. As the science of imaginary solutions, ‘Pataphysics is f lt to be the proper umbrella implying all the techniques that the human imagination has to offer: science, metaphysics, fiction, mathematics, art and whatever makes sense in q alitativ k owl d arry cryptically wrot : ‘Pataphysics is T sci c He may have been partly joking when he introduced the term, but the concept r so at s ‘Pataphysics r co iz s a d v co ra s a “o -ma philosophy” a d so th r r ally is othi pr v ti s from taking it seriously and even redefining it in order to meet our own aims. v rvi wi th a thor’s p rso al ima i atio s of phenomena in a spiritual world (see Sect. 2 and 3, Subsect. 5.1, and Sect. 10), and their imaginary explanatory effect on for instance physical issues (see Sect. 8), the presented theory in its totality extends beyond metaphysics. I d d, ‘Pataphysics seems to be th appropriat t rm to cov r th a thor’s philosophy, which is in its essence rather abstract. As illustration of this abstract character we give two examples. First, as said in the preceding Abstract of this essay, the AllSoul includes the spiritual processes of Emanation and (building up) Consciousness. , our philosophy is dominated by two major spiritual substances: Soul (aspects of the AllSoul or Infinite Consciousness) and Spirit (aspects of the “AllSpirit” or the All-Embracing Plan, th “story” b hi d v rythi ) Both ar t r al a d cha i All o l a d All pirit co ct i a “Spiritual Singularity”: th All o l xp ri c s the All- mbraci Pla (All pirit) as spirit al “Absol t ality” (or AllReality) and its inner Experienc r (i o r philosophy call d “God”) Th m tio d titi s (All o l, All pirit, AllReality and God) are identical but distinguishable. In the course of this essay these abstractions, that likely are incomprehensible at this place, will be clarified and further elaborated 2: Spiritual world: (All)Soul, Emanation, Spiritual Singularity, (All)Spirit, God As said, i ct 2, 3, bs ct 5 1 a d ct 10 th a thor’s p rso al(!) ima i atio s about the spiritual world are presented. These imaginations form the basis of our pataphysical thoughts and ideas behind the origin and existence of the physical/biological world. In this respect, in Fig.1 the author sees himself as the searching man looking for the border where the spiritual and physical world meet. Whereas his body still is in the physical world, his head is i th spirit al world, assi i “imaginations” to this unknown world. 2.1: Emanation of the AllSoul in Souls The All, including both the spiritual and physical world, is in our pataphysical philosophy bas d o a i fi it “ pirit al Brai ”, source of infinite Consciousness. Due to its i fi it div rsity th I fi it o scio s ss i t rat s (i “s s” its lf i ) i fi it ly ma y i each other integrated aspects of equal order (= level of Consciousness), and further in each of these in infinitely many in each other integrated aspects of continually lower and lower order. We use a simplified, in fact oversimplified but workable, model of the Infinite o scio s ss, b i a “matrix of i ach oth r i t rat d asp cts of o scio s ss” Th columns of the matrix are the infinit ly ma y “stri s” of i ach oth r i t rat d asp cts of continually lower and lower order. The rows of the matrix contain the in each other integrated 7

Fig.1: Wood engraving by an unknown artist that first appeared in Camille Flammarion’s “L'atmosphère: météorologie populaire” (1888). aspects of Consciousness of, on average, equal order (on the level of Consciousness that belongs to the position of the row in the matrix). This timeless process of Self-Reflection of the Infinite Consciousness is called th proc ss of “Emanation”. In this essay our focus is mainly on the columns of the matrix, i.e. on the infinitely many strings of in each other integrated aspects of Consciousness of continually decreasing order.

In the extensive intermezzo below more detailed and essential information about the process of ma atio is pr s t d; sp cially w laborat th otio s of “i t ratio ”, “asp cts of q al ord r” a d “asp cts of d cr asi ord r”

As said, by making use of a simplified model one could imagine the result of Emanation as an i fi it “matrix of asp cts of o scio s ss” I th rows of th matrix asp cts of o av ra equal order are located (on a level of Consciousness that belongs to the row concerned), and in the columns of the matrix aspects of continually decreasing order are positioned. All aspects in the matrix are mutually integrated. With regard to the aspects of equal order, so in a row of the matrix, the Infinite Consciousness is co sid r d to “s ” its lf i a asp ct A, a d i this aspect A further in aspect B; we say that B is integrated in A, or aspect A integrates aspect B. The same applies for the aspects of Consciousness in the columns of the matrix, however under the condition that aspect A is positioned higher in the column, i.e. on a higher level of Consciousness, than aspect B. This all applies of course for any aspect of the infinite number of aspects of Consciousness.

With regard to “aspects of Consciousness of equal order”, compar this with th diff r t interpretations (aspects) that one might have of one and the same drawing. Well-known in this respect is a drawing, which can be considered to represent the face of a young woman or that of an old woman. So two diff r t asp cts of o a d th sam drawi ; th asp ct “yo woma ” is so to say i t rat d i th asp ct “old woma ”, a d vic v rsa A oth r (by th author himself experienced) example from information technology, in particular Artificial 8

Intelligence, is that one and the same software system can be interpreted as both a so-called “ ral twork” a d a so-call d “ xp rt syst m”, which both are functioning as such.

We are confronted here with the concept of so-call d “f lly i t rat d syst ms”; co c pt ally v ry diffic lt, b t it mak s th co pli of both syst ms almost trivial I th th ory of “co pl d syst ms” w disti ish “loos ly co pl d”, “ti htly co pl d” a d “f lly i t rat d” Th latt r is by far the most advanced, however so complex that it is hardly applicable in practice, even for o ly a v ry small mb r of asp cts rom a “I fi it o scio s ss” w v rth l ss may xp ct that it “s s” its lf, o a y l v l of o scio s ss, as a “f lly i t rat d syst m” of infinitely many aspects of Consciousness of (on average) equal order with inherently perfect possibiliti s for m t al “comm icatio ” What v r w h ma s ar abl to accomplish, mor or less adequately, after all the infinite Consciousness can achieve this infinitely much better!

With regard to “aspects of Consciousness of continually decreasing order” (so i th col m s of the matrix, considered from top to bottom), in the above illustrative example of a drawing of the face of a young or old woman one could comparatively think of continually removing more and more connections in the drawing (not too many of course, since otherwise the representations are no longer as such recognizable). A practical application of something similar in our human world is met in computer simulation. Here a greater or smaller part of the physical/biological world can be imitated on a lower level, after a process of model building in which some facets of the reality are simplified or simply omitted. The simplification can, if needed, more or less far be carried out. Again, whatever we on our human level are able to accomplish, the Infinite Consciousness can do this infinitely much better!

Th ma at d asp cts of o scio s ss ar call d “Souls” and the Infinite o scio s ss th “AllSoul”; “ o scio s ss” a d “ o l” ar similar co c pts in our considerations. So, the AllSoul is regarded to consist of infinitely many strings of in each other integrated Souls of, from top to bottom of any string, continually decreasing order. Because of their mutual integration any string of Souls is a Soul on its own and is call d th “integral Soul” for the string concerned; any integral Soul is a direct aspect (of equal order) of the AllSoul on the highest level of Consciousness. The Souls in the infinite matrix of Souls form the “neurons” of the in the first sentence of this Subsect. 2.1 mentioned “Spiritual Brain”!

In our theory we generalize the strings of in each other integrated Souls by an “archetype String” (String with capital S!). Witho t loos of rality w sp ak of th “ tri of i ach oth r i t rat d o ls”, or th “ tri of o ls”, or simply th “ tri ” as arch typ for all strings of Souls. Note that Emanation is a process, not in time but in structure. In this process the one Infinite Consciousness (the AllSoul) sees itself, from top to bottom of the (archetype) String, in continually more and more mutually integrated Souls of continually decreasing order: “One” diverges so to say in “Many”.

What is a “ o l” i o r pataphysical philosophy? By d fi itio , a o l is a Experience of a corresponding Plan as if(!) this Plan is (spiritual) Reality; Reality, inclusive of an Entity that experienc s this ality (so i cl di its lf!) as “r al i th spirit al s s ” Th “corr spo di Pla ” i this d fi itio of o l is a asp ct of th i fi it “All- mbraci Pla ”, which shall be clarified in the next Subsect. 2.2 (5th paragraph) Th m tio d “ tity” i th o l’s d fi itio is call d “Spiritual Being”; the highest Spiritual Being, linked to the AllSoul, is call d “God” Not , w do ’t r co iz i o r th ory spirit al ality as s ch, b t th “ o l’s 9

Experience of spiritual Reality”, i.e. Experience as if(!) there is a spiritual Reality. In this sense spiritual Reality, and Spiritual Beings as well, are therefore regarded to be illusory or virtual (in the spiritual sense). As will be discussed in the next Subsect. 2.2 (6th paragraph), this illusory character does however not apply on the level of the AllSoul. Taking this into account and in analogy with our former definition of Soul, we could define the AllSoul to be the Experience of the (infinitely p rf ct a d i t lli t) “All-Embracing Plan” as “Absolute Reality”; Absolute Reality, including its “ xp ri c r from th i sid ” (i o r philosophy call d “God”) I bs ct 2 2 (7th para raph) w will f rth r s that o this hi h st l v l of o scio s ss th “All o l”, “All- Embraci Pla ”, “Absol t ality” a d “God” ar id tical b t disti ishabl Th co s q c is that act ally th o ly “ xp ri c r” of th ( til f rth r otic o ly spirit al) All is what w hav call d “God” That is to say, “God” as a integral Entity that through the identical Infinite Consciousness or AllSoul sees itself ultimately in infinitely many Spiritual Beings, who each experience an own spiritual Reality including themselves, although both b i ill sory, as “r al i th spirit al s s ” (I a lat r phas , 12th paragraph of Sect. 4, this statement will be extended to also include human beings in their physical/biological world!)

In common parlance we know a number of so-call d “r aliti s”, s ch as absol t r ality, spiritual reality, physical reality, and virtual reality. In our pataphysical philosophy we assume that th otio of “r ality” may b diff r tly “colo r d”, b t is fix d i its ss tial d scriptiv charact r i c w h ma s cr at d th “virt al r ality” o rs lves, this kind of reality has obvio sly o s cr ts W k ow that th “virt al r ality” is act ally o r xp ri c of a pla (r aliz d i comp t r softwar ) as if(!) this pla is r ality, i cl di a “virt al m ” that may experience this illusory reality from the inside as being real. The former definition of “Soul” is based on this concept! I ral o r d scriptio s of “spirit al ality”, “ pirit al B i s” a d other spiritual issues in this essay rely on the idea that whatever we are able to perform, the infinite Consciousness can do it infinitely much better and on an infinitely larger scale. 2.2: The Trinity Condition, Spiritual Singularity, AllSpirit We repeat the in the preceding Subsect. 2.1 given definition of what in our theory a Soul (aspect of Consciousness) is: an Experience of a corresponding Plan (an aspect of the in the forthcoming 5th paragraph of this Subsect. 2.2 declared All-Embracing Plan) as if(!) this Plan is spiritual Reality. This could be cryptically characterized by the trio {Experience, Plan, Reality}. For Consciousness to become infinite Consciousness, this trio has to transfer into the Trinity Condition {Experience=Plan=Reality}, ivi ris to a “Spiritual Singularity” This will b clarified in the intermezzo below.

As a norm for the level of Consciousness (albeit in the inversely proportional sense) we use an ima i ary a d abstract “dista c D” b tw th l m ts “ xp ri c ”, “Pla ” a d “ ality” of th abov trio I fi it o scio s ss m st imply that th “ xp ri c of a Pla as if this Pla is ality” is of i fi it p rf ctio This r q ir m t is o ly m t if th l m ts “ xp ri c “, “Pla “ a d “ ality” ar xactly th sam , h c th Tri ity o ditio Th lar r the deviation from this perfection, the larger the deviation from infinite Consciousness, i.e. the lower the level of Consciousness. Consequently, the lower distance D, the higher the level of Consciousness.


In our theory Consciousness is built up along the (archetype) String of Souls in a timeless “process of Consciousness” (see next Sect. 3). In the course of building up Consciousness, from bottom to top along the String, distance D becomes continually smaller and smaller, and consequently the level of Consciousness higher and higher, in order to finally end up, in the very top of the String, in Infinite Consciousness (i.e. D=0). The trio now transfers into the Trinity {Experience=Plan=Reality}, our condition for Infinite Consciousness. Because of the r q ir m t “D=0” th Tri ity o ditio iv s ris to a “Spiritual Singularity”; si c D is a orm for the level of Consciousness in the inversely proportional sense, we have after all to divide by zero in order to conclude Infinite Consciousness.

It is important to realize that, provided considered from the level of Infinite Consciousness, the Trinity {Experience=Plan=Reality} applies in fact for any emanated Soul of lower order; viewed from this level of Infinite Consciousness everything is after all perfect, albeit on a lower level. So, from the viewpoint of Infinite Consciousness the Trinity characterizes any lower level of Consciousness. However, this is not true anymore viewed from or on the lower level of Consciousness of the emanated Soul, i.e. not from the viewpoint of Infinite Consciousness. Th r for , th “dista c D” b tw th l m ts “ xp ri c ”, “Pla ” a d “ ality” has b taken in this theory as a norm (in the inversely proportional sense) for the extent of Consciousness locally along the (archetype) String of Souls!

Th Tri ity o ditio i th “ pirit al i larity” shows up in two different shapes: its l m ts ar id tical b t disti ishabl (l adi to th co cl sio of “Infinite Consciousness” or “AllSoul”, som tim s also call d th “conscious All”), and secondly, its elements are identical and not distinguishable. Since we regard the distinction between the elements of the Trinity Condition, whatever small, as characteristic for Consciousness, the latt r cas l ads to th co cl sio of a ( cha i , i fi it ly compl x a d i t lli t) “All- Embracing Plan” or “AllSpirit” (som tim s also call d th “unconscious All”) Th All- mbraci Pla or All pirit co ld b ima i d as th “story” b hi d v rythi ; in our philosophy it is essentially an infinite set of (top-down) spiritual relations! The mentioned “corr spo di Pla ” i o r d fi itio of o l (s th 10th paragraph of the preceding Subsect. 2.1) is a unique lower-level aspect of this All-Embracing Plan. Similar to Soul as a lower-order aspect of the AllSoul, Spirit is a lower-order aspect of the AllSpirit. In short, Soul is Experience and Spirit is Plan. (The Trinity Condition should of course on the highest level be satisfied in both shapes, since only then the existence of AllSoul and AllSpirit with their lower- level aspects Soul and Spirit is assured.)

I th “ pirit al i larity”, o th l v l of I fi it o scio s ss, th l m ts “ xp ri c ”, “Pla ”, a d “ ality” of th Tri ity o ditio ar obvio sly i t ral by at r This m a s: “ xp ri c ” is th ov rall Experience (the AllSoul) and implies infinitely many lower-order xp ri c s as asp cts ( o ls), “Pla ” sta ds for th “All- mbraci Pla ” (th All pirit) a d implies infinitely many lower-ord r Pla s as asp cts, a d “ ality” is o this hi h st l v l of o scio s ss th “Absolute Reality” (which i a alo y with All o l a d All pirit will also be call d “AllReality”) a d impli s i fi it ly ma y low r-order Realities as aspects. Contrary to the illusory or virtual character of these lower-order Realities and their spiritual beings, due to the Trinity Condition the Absolute Reality and its related highest spiritual being (God!) are real in the spiritual sense. In the Spiritual Singularity the Trinity Condition {Experience=Plan=Reality} can obviously also be written as {AllSoul=AllSpirit=AllReality}, which shows that the AllSoul and AllSpirit (and AllReality) are identical but distinguishable.


This l ads s to probi q stio s s ch as “W ltimat ly poss ss s i th pirit al Singularity the infinite Conscio s ss?” or “W ltimat ly is i th pirit al i larity th Planner and created the All- mbraci Pla ?” I th first i sta c o wo ld thi k of “God” God is i o r th ory th i r xp ri c r of th “Absol t ality” or “All ality”, and it is not difficult to understand that both are identical but distinguishable! So, the Trinity Condition impli s th m t al q ality of th “I fi it o scio s ss or All o l”, th “All-Embracing Plan or All pirit”, th “Absol t ality or All ality” a d “God” Each of them represents the spiritual All and are in fact synonyms of the spiritual All.

This shows that actually the wrong questions were asked. The Trinity Condition frees us from this kind of questions. Planner and Plan, and Experiencer and Experience, for instance, are identical on this highest level of Consciousness. There is no question of a WHO as creative tity Th r is o q stio of a almi hty p rso ifi d “som body” r spo sibl for cr ati the spiritual All or capable of changing the All-Embracing Plan. The spiritual All, in other words each of the above-mentioned synonyms including God, just IS as it IS in all . In this r sp ct w also thi k of th biblical pro o c m t “I am who I am” ( xod s 3:14)

So, God IS(!) the spiritual All rather than God created the spiritual All. Later in this essay will be clarified that this statement applies also for the All in general, including not only the spiritual but also our physical world. In this sense the statement is an expansion of Bar ch pi oza’s notion of God (God is nature, ”D s siv Nat ra”) i to o r “D s siv m ia” The religious sayi that God is th ca s of “all th r is” is th r for , accordi to o r philosophy, i principle not a bad idea, provided the notion of God is well understood! In the next three paragraphs we answer three questions which might show up in the context of this Subsection. Question: Is there a connection between our “Trinity Condition” for Infinite Consciousness and the “Divine Trinity” in for instance Christianity? As already said above, it is ot diffic lt to d rsta d that th “Absol t ality” a d its i r xp ri c r “God” ar id tical (b t disti ishabl ) D to th Tri ity o ditio th “All o l”, “All pirit” a d “Absol t ality (All ality)” ar id tical, a d th y ach ar th r for also id tical to “God” W co ld say: God is ma if st in and identical (but distinguishable) to each element of th trio (All o l, All pirit, All ality) Th co s q c is a “Divine Trinity” W have the impression that in the Christian religions and their gnostic versions our Trinity Condition is co scio sly d rstood as “Divine Trinity”, witho t xplicitly r alizi th sp cific m a i of a Trinity Condition for infinite Consciousness. In the ostic v rsio th “Divi Tri ity” is d rstood as “God th ath r” (= th All- mbraci Pla or All pirit), “God th Moth r” (= th ov rall xp ri c or All o l) a d “God th o ” (= th Absol t ality or All ality) I this respect we may also ref r to th biblical sayi of s s hrist: “I am th Way (= All- Embracing Plan), the Truth (= Absolute Reality) and the Life (= overall Experience or AllSoul).

Question: Which of both is most fundamental: the AllSoul or the AllSpirit? The Spiritual Singularity includes the AllSoul, AllSpirit, Absolute Reality and God. Although they all are identical, there is a difference in the degree of fundamentality. From the Trinity Condition in its two shapes follows that it is the AllSpirit that represents the pure(!) Singularity, rather than the AllSoul. Although AllSoul and AllSpirit are identical but distinguishable, the latter is most fundamental; this can also be concluded from our definition of AllSoul in the 11th paragraph of the preceding Subsect. 2.1. “All there is”, in both the spiritual and (the later on discussed) 12 physical/biological world, is in its deepest essence Spirit and based on spiritual relations! So, Spirit even underlies Consciousness. If w co ld irr v r tly sp ak of a “p cki ord r i fundam tality” th this wo ld b : “All pirit”, “All o l” and on a third place ex aequo the “Absol t ality” a d “God” This impli s that God is ot almi hty i th s s of b i abl to override the AllSpirit or All-Embracing Plan; God is identical to the All-Embracing Plan but cannot change it. Question: AllSoul and AllSpirit are identical, but what about their aspects “Soul” and “Spirit” on lower levels of Consciousness? In the 4th paragraph of this Subsection 2.2 we claimed that the Trinity Condition {Experience=Plan=Reality} or {Soul=Spirit=Reality} applies for any level of Consciousness, provided being considered on or from the level of Infinite Consciousness! Under this condition Soul and Spirit are identical (but distinguishable). This equality of Soul and Spirit is the essential Truth, because it is considered as such on and from the level of Infinite Consciousness. However, the equality doesn’t hold anymore when considered on the Soul’s lower level of Consciousness. In the case the equality does indeed apply, it could be formulated in the form of a qualitative “form la”: =st2, where capital S stands for Spirit, s for Soul and t is a condition which is 1 if the Trinity Condition is fulfilled; the square in the formula is due to the both shapes in which the Trinity Condition shows up. The striking resemblance to i st i ’s famo s form la =mc2 (expressing the equivalence of mass and physical energy) is not accidental, we think (see Subsect. 8.3). But we can state here already that in analogy with the equality of Soul and Spirit (as said being the essential Truth, but not felt as such on the level of the lower-order Soul) the equivalence of mass and energy may be truth from the viewpoint of fundamental physics, but is not experienced as such in normal daily human lif I this r sp ct w mi ht r f r to th rm tic sayi “As abov , so b low”!

To finish this Subsect. 2.2 we spend a few words to our supposed “consistency” between the Soul-experienced spiritual Realities (any Soul experiences after all its own spiritual Reality, albeit illusory). Th combi atio “I fi ite Consciousness (AllSoul) and All-Embracing Pla (All pirit)” sho ld of co rs b th ara t that o th low r l v ls of Consciousness all different Soul-experienced spiritual Realities connect perfectly and that complete consistency is assured This obvio sly also with a vi w to “comm icatio ” b tw spirit al beings. So each Reality is perfectly consistent, both in itself and in relation to other Realities experienced in other Souls, which through their mutual integration are all connected to each other. We remark that each Soul-experienced spiritual Reality is in our theory timeless ( t r al) a d “spac l ss”, so obviously nonphysical (see Subsect. 5.1). 3: Spiritual world: the process of Consciousness Downwards along the (archetype) String of Souls the Consciousness decreases from infinite to extremely low. The other way around, upwards from bottom to top of the String, the level of Consciousness is built up from extremely low to infinite. The latter process, opposite to Emanation and regarded as the mirror image of Emanation, is called the timeless “process of Consciousness” We say that the AllSoul is aware of itself in its mirror image. Due to the mutual integration of Souls in the Emanation process, from bottom to top of the (archetype) String a continual reduction of Souls takes place in Souls of a continually higher and higher level of Consciousness, up to finally, at the very top of the String, the one 13

AllSoul or Infinite Consciousness: “Many” converges so to say towards “One” (this in contrast to ma atio wh r “ ” diverges in “Many”; see Subsect. 2.1, 9th paragraph).

In our human understanding both processes are causally related, in the sense that only after completion of the process of Emanation Consciousness can be built up to infinite Consciousness; but, on the other hand, it is this Infinite Consciousness that generates the Emanation process. W ar co fro t d h r with what i i formatics is call d a “d adlock” or “d adly mbrac m t”: th comp t r pro ram stops a d othi s happ s a ymor ! This however is not the case in the current situation of a timeless non-causal spiritual world (see also Subsect. 5.1, 2nd paragraph)! In very essence, the processes of Emanation and Consciousness are equal but distinguishable and as such recognizable, no matter how strange this may sound in our human ears. Both processes are completely intertwined; they actually are two aspects of one and the same process. Nevertheless, for the sake of easy understanding, we will regard both processes as opposite (mirror image) processes with their own particular function (Emanation and building up Consciousness).

B sid s th orm “dista c D” for th l v l of o scio s ss alo th (arch typ ) String of Souls (see 2nd paragraph of Subsect. 2.2), we assign to Consciousness two major charact ristics: “depth” a d “intensity”, which both ( specially in their combination) are considered as additional degrees for the level of Consciousness. We imagine the depth of o scio s ss as th “dimension” of the (spiritual) Reality experienced in the Soul. The i t sity of o scio s ss is r ard d as “warmth of Experience” (“warm” i th s s of harmo ic a d lovi ) or mor i partic lar th “density of Experience” a d, i th i v rs ly proportio al s s , ima i d as th “radius” of th o l-experienced (spiritual) Reality. Although “dim sio ” a d “radi s” ar act ally physical iss s, w s i o r ima i atio these terms also for the spiritual Reality in order to get to some extent grip on this unknown world. The qualifications are to be understood so to say in a spiritual sense. The Consciousness decreases downwards along the (archetype) String of Souls from infinitely large (that is to say, a Soul-experienced Reality, or more precise AllSoul-experienced Absolute Reality, with infinite dimension and zero radius) to what we think the lowest level of Consciousness in the emanated Soul. This lowest level is in our theory characterized by a Soul-experienced Reality with dimension 3 (being of course infinitely low compared with infinite dimension!) and an extremely large radius. (In the next Sect. 4, paragraph 5- 7, we shall pay som att tio to th “why” of choosi dim sio 3 ) As said, infinite Consciousness is characterized by the pair (infinite dimension, zero radius) of the AllSoul- experienced Absolute Reality; cryptically formulated, God as the inner Experiencer of and id tical to th Absol t ality is fo d i a spirit al “zero-radius point of infinite dimensionality” As to th radi s of th o l-experienced Reality, the Emanation process could be regarded as a kind of “spirit al i flatio ” (tim l ss rowth of th radi s dow wards alo the String from top to bottom). Along the String of Souls the continually growing radius could in a way be imagined as a spiral shape, which is a figuration typical in ‘Pataphysics.

The Absolute Reality in the Spiritual Singularity is characterized by infinite dimension and zero radius. The Trinity Condition {Plan=Experience=Reality} for infinite Consciousness in the Spiritual Singularity now leads however to a contradictio , si c “Pla ” a d “ xp ri c ” do inherently have no dimension and no radius (which we imagine here as zero dimension and 14

zero radius), although in their content they may of course include references to these features. So, the Absolute Reality in the Singularity can also be characterized by zero dimension and zero radius, which evidently is in contradiction to the original infinite dimension and zero radius. We conclude that on the level of infinite Consciousness in the Spiritual Singularity zero dimension and infinite dimension are identical, but distinguishable.

Since zero dimension is a measure for zero Consciousness (not to confuse with the assumed lowest level of Consciousness in the emanated Soul at dimension 3) and infinite dimension is a measure for infinite Consciousness, we further conclude that in the Spiritual Singularity zero Consciousness and infinite Consciousness are identical, but distinguishable. Consequently, the starting point of the process of Consciousness (zero Consciousness) and its endpoint (infinite Consciousness) are the same, but distinguishable.

The (archetype) String of in each other integrated Souls is therefore actually a closed (archetype) Ring. The beginning and identical endpoint of the process of Consciousness is also the beginning and endpoint of the Emanation process. The latter process could be imagined to run in the other direction around the Ring. However, since both processes are timeless, in essence there is talk of one and the same static process with different meanings: building up Consciousness and Emanation. Both processes are two distinguishable aspects of one and the same process (see also the 3rd paragraph of this Sect. 3 with the same conclusion).

For reasons of convenience, we maintain throughout nearly the whole essay the image of a tri (of i ach oth r i t rat d o ls) rath r tha a i A tri with a ”b ath” (z ro o scio s ss) a d a “abov ” (i fi it o scio s ss), wh r th “abov ” a d “b ath” ar identical but distinguishable. The Emanation process runs downwards along the String from this “abov ” to “b ath” ( ly i ct 10, wh r w disc ss th topic of th o ls’ sph r s, we will make use of the archetype Ring of Souls instead of the archetype String of Souls.)

W hav m t abov i this xt siv i t rm zzo som xampl s of “ q ality of opposit s” o the level of Infinite Consciousness in the Spiritual Singularity. More in general we state that on the level of Infinite Consciousness there are no opposites anymore (top is bottom, start is finish, all is nothing, infinite is zero)! As to the growth of Consciousness upwards along the (archetype) String of Souls we use a simple, but in science frequently applied, growth model: the growth of something is proportional to the magnitude of that something. The level of the 3-dimensional o scio s ss i th o l, ar th tri ’s bottom, is xtr m ly low; so th local growth upwards along the String is extremely small L t’s say, w have an increase of the dimension of the spiritual Reality, experienced in the succeeding Soul in the String, from 3 to 3,0000… 0001 This Experience of dimension 3,0000….0001 is considered in our philosophy to be the superposition of a pure 3-dimensional Experience and an independent 1-dimensional Experience along the 4th dimension, this all in a 4-dimensional framework. The latter condition is however not possible since, coming from a 3-dimensional Consciousness, there still is no question of the required (sufficient) 4-dimensional awareness in the Soul concerned. The process of Consciousness would therefore stagnate already in its very beginning! A way out could be the possibility of the superposition of a 3-dimensional and an independent 1-dimensional Experience, now however without the condition of being united in a 4-dimensional framework. But this possibility creates another problem; it does not match the timeless, consequently parallel and static, Soul-experienced (spiritual) Realities as they 15 are considered in our philosophy (see the forthcoming Subsect. 5.1, 2nd paragraph). D p d t o th o l’s l v l of o scio s ss (i its positio i th tri ), th s aliti s concern each after all only one overall dimension; superposed Experiences of different dimensions, that are not included in this overall dimension, are excluded and not allowed. We remind also i this r sp ct that th otio of “dim sio ” r pr s ts in our philosophy the “d pth of o scio s ss” (see 4th paragraph of this Sect. 3). Th possibility of “s p rpositio of a 3- and independent 1-dim sio al xp ri c ” could therefore only be realised in Soul-experienced Realities that completely(!) differ from the spiritual Realities as imagined in our philosophy ; that is to say: not parallel but sequential, not static but dynamic! Based on this insight, in our pataphysical philosophy the Soul takes a sideroad in the main process of Consciousness in order to remove the stagnation and to enable the original main process to continue. This idea has led to our so-call d “subroutine theory” (see next Sect. 4) in order to explain the origin and existence of our physical world.

Th t rm “s bro ti ” ori i at s from i formatics Wh a comp t r pro ram (ro ti ) stagnates because of missing information, one could switch over to a subroutine (sideroad program) in order to produce that missing information, which then is loaded in the main program so that it can continue. Lar ly bas d o th a thor’s v ry p rso al(!) ima i atio s, our pataphysically assumed qualifications of the eternal spiritual world were discussed in Sect. 2 and 3, and will briefly be further discussed in the forthcoming 2nd paragraph of Subsect. 5.1. In addition, in an extensive and rather complicated Sect. 10 the topic of so-call d “ o ls’ sph r s” will b d alt with, which shows a oth r asp ct of th spirit al world (a ai i th a thor’s ima i atio ) The big question now is where, how and why our physical/biological world is positioned in this eternal timeless whole! As said, the answer might be found in our pataphysical “subroutine theory” which is the subject of discussion in the next Sect. 4. L t’s fi ish o r co sid ratio s p to ow co c r i th spirit al world with a extremely amazing and likely unimaginable conclusion. In the Spiritual Singularity the “All o l” a d “All pirit” ar catchi th y , altho h th latt r is most f dam tal (s the 12th paragraph of Subsect. 2.2). The whole spiritual world, even the AllSoul, is based on Spirit. The AllSoul incudes the timeless processes of Emanation and (building up) Consciousness, which both have the same starting point and (identical) endpoint in the Spiritual Singularity. This and in addition the mutual integration of Souls in the Emanation process lead to the important conclusion that both processes, and so the entire spiritual world with its illusory spiritual Realities and illusory spiritual beings, take completely place within the Spiritual Singularity!! This even applies for the All, implying the spiritual and physical world as well, since the latter is the result of a Soul-experienced sideroad in the main process of Consciousness (see also next Sect. 4)!! 4: O “ b ” As said in the preceding Sect. 3, in the very beginning of the process of Consciousness pwards alo th (arch typ ) tri of o ls th o l tak s a “s bro ti ” or sid road L t’s consider the Soul with 3-dimensional Experience, the lowest level of th o l’s o scio s ss near above the very bottom of the String. The subroutine procedure implies the succeeding 16

Soul in the String to be subject to the superposition of a 3-dimensional and an independent 1–dimensional Experience, and this in a sequential and dynamic framework (see the 13th paragraph of the preceding Sect. 3). In this sequential framework the independent 1- dimensional Experience is felt in the Soul as “physical time”, a d th s p rpositio of 3- and 1-dim sio al xp ri c s as dy amic “physical/biological reality”, this all of course in full accordance with the All-Embracing Plan or AllSpirit. In addition to our definition of Soul in Subsect. 2.1 (10th paragraph) and with this definition in full consistency, we state that inside(!) the subroutine the Soul experiences a corresponding Plan (now however, due to the transformation from parallel/static into s q tial/dy amic, ot a ymor capt r d i “top-dow ” spirit al r latio s, b t i corresponding “bottom-up” spiritual relations!) as if(!) this Plan is physical/biological reality; an illusory reality, including an entity that from the inside this Soul-experienced physical/biological reality experiences this reality, including of course also itself, as real. This tity is call d “human being” or “incarnation of the Soul” The “bottom-up spiritual relations inside the subroutine” are interpreted by the Soul and therefore the corresponding human as physical/biological issues, albeit essentially illusory. Differently formulated, the human being may experience him- or herself and the world in which he/she lives as real, but actually they all are illusory or virtual. (Compare this with our human-made virtual reality, and keep in mind that what we human beings are able to accomplish, the Infinite Consciousness can do it infinitely much better!) When the human being, after having lived his or her life, dies, a timeless and spaceless (so nonphysical) r trosp ctio of this lif provid s xactly th missi “i formatio ” that th original main spiritual process of Consciousness needs to continue. This parallel/static information (superposition of a 3- and 1-dimensional Experience) cannot be in an overall 3- dimensional framework, since the 1-dimensional Experience is independent of this. It must therefore be in a (still very weak) 4-dimensional context; in other words, the Soul concerned gains a little bit 4-dimensional awareness. Th m tio d “tim l ss a d spac l ss r trosp ctio ” m a s that i th mai proc ss of Consciousness (so outside the subroutine!), on the same level of Consciousness, the Soul experiences an (illusory) spiritual Reality, being a non-physical/biological version of the (illusory) physical/biological world experienced by the corresponding human inside the subroutine. In this respect the illusory spiritual Reality (outside the subroutine) and the illusory physical/biolo ical r ality (i sid th s bro ti ) ar ach oth r’s counterparts. In conformity with our definition of Soul (10th paragraph of Subsect. 2.1) this illusory counterpart spiritual Reality includes an entity that experiences this Reality from the inside to be real (in the spirit al s s ) Th m a t tity, a t r al spirit al b i , is call d “astral being”, also considered as the “astral body” of the corresponding human inside the subroutine. So, the human being and corresponding astral being are experienced expressions of the same Soul, respectively inside and outside the subroutine! In contrast to the Soul both are illusory!

In the 5th paragraph of the preceding Sect. 3 we promised to spend a few words about the “why“ of choosi dim sio 3 o th low st l v l of th o l’s o scio s ss alo th (archetype) String of Souls. It is here the right place to do so. Taking into account that very near above this level the spiritual world outside the subroutine is in our philosophy a non- 17

physical/biological version of the counterpart physical/biological reality inside the subroutine (see the preceding paragraph), one could in this respect also ask why the space of our physical/biological world is 3-dimensional and not 2- or 4-dimensonal? t ph awki xplai s i hapt r 2 of his last book “Bri f a sw rs to th bi q stio s” that for i sta c a 2-dimensional animal would have insurmountable problems with its digestion. Also, two dimensions are simply insufficient for such a complex issue as intelligent life. In three dimensions planets are able to turn in stable orbits, which prohibits that they fall on their sun or that they could escape in cold and darkness. Orbits of electrons in atoms would in other dimensions not be stable and the matter we know would not exist.

Pataphysically speaking, dimension 3 as the lowest dimension in the (archetype) String of emanated Souls seems simply fixed and determined in the All-Embracing Plan (AllSpirit), and th r for also fix d a d d t rmi d i th r spo sibl s bro ti ’s bottom-up spiritual relations and their physical/biological interpretations in Soul and human. (Of course, we exclude here dimension 0 which i th “ pirit al i larity” is identical to infinite dimension, respectively at the very starting point and identical endpoint of the archetype String! See also Sect. 3, paragraph 6-10.) With the rise further upwards along the (archetype) String of Souls in the direction of increasing Consciousness, the above subroutine procedure is repeated and repeated, many . The subroutine is passed through by successive Souls in the String, where each Soul has its very own physical/biological i t rpr tatio of th s bro ti ’s bottom-up spiritual relations. This own interpretation should of course be consistent with the interpretations of other Souls as far as it concerns, among others, physical time and the physical/biological viro m t (W disc ss th r lat d iss of “i divid ality of h ma lif ” i bs ct 6 2 ) Meanwhile the 4-dimensional awareness in the Soul, positioned in continually higher and higher String positions, gradually increases. The repetition of the subroutine procedure continues until the 4-dimensional understanding in the Soul locally in the String is such that th s bro ti is ot d d a ymor W th sp ak of th “end of times”, th d of physical/biological reality. The human being has become a spiritual being (both being illusory in our theory)! Remember that the missing of (sufficient) 4-dimensiomnal awareness in the Soul was the very reason behind the idea to introduce our subroutine. Following the ideas of the well-known “st pidity xp rt” a d promi t m mb r of th D tch ‘Pataphysics community, Matthijs va Boxs l, w co ld co sid r “stupidity” (i th s s of missi sufficient 4-dimensional awareness) as THE cause of the origin and existence of our physical/biological world and mankind.

In the area of the String of Souls where the subroutine still occurs (the so-call d “subroutine area” or “subroutine domain”), a o l- xp ri c d h ma b i is call d a “reincarnation” of the human being experienced by a Soul lower in the String! In contrast to the routine/subroutine mechanism in information technology, in the spirit al world th mai proc ss of o scio s ss do s ’t “wait” for th r s lt of th subroutine, since this process is eternal (timeless). Also the subroutine on its own is eternal; its content(!) however is not, the content is time-bo d “Tim ” has o ly m a i i sid th subroutine, not outside the subroutine. The result of the subroutine is therefore known in the 18 main process of Consciousness in all eternity (albeit in a non-physical/biological version). Nevertheless, life in the subroutine world (the physical/biological reality) must(!) be lived by the human being; this is an absolute prerequisite for the process of Consciousness. That is why we humans and the world around us exist. We human beings are here to deliver an absolutely necessary and absolutely unique contribution to the process of Consciousness, according to a, for anybody different, personal Plan (an aspect of the All-Embracing Plan). All human lives make part of the “information processing” in the corresponding “neurons” (Souls) of the in Subsect. 2.1 (1st paragraph) mentioned infinite Spiritual Brain which “generates” the Infinite Consciousness (AllSoul). Through the corresponding Souls we humans experience a physical/biological reality (including ourselves) and take this world, although being illusion, for real. One should how v r r mai k pi i mi d that th o a d o ly r al “ xp ri c r” of “all th r is” is “God” God is i o r philosophy a i t ral tity (identical to but distinguishable from the AllSoul and AllSpirit), that thro h th All o l “s s” its lf outside the subroutine in spiritual beings in their spiritual world, and inside the subroutine and therefore on a very low level of Consciousness in human beings in their physical/biological world (see also the 11th paragraph of Subsect. 2.1). On the other hand, in our philosophy human lives are a necessary condition for the existence of God, or AllSoul or AllSpirit (see also the two preceding paragraphs of this Sect. 4). Spiritual and human beings as well as their worlds are in our pataphysical philosophy virtual or illusory; only God and the Absolute Reality are real (in the spiritual sense).

Our introduction of the subroutine and subroutine theory, which give rise to the origin and existence of the physical/biological world, is really pataphysical, since ‘Pataphysics is also defined to examine the laws governing the exception and uniqueness of entities (see 3rd paragraph of Sect.1). Indeed, our introduced subroutine in its function of “sideroad” is a unique exceptional concept in the spiritual mainstream of building up Consciousness. Therefore, in this respect the whole physical/biological reality including mankind can be called “pataphysical”! 5: Physical reality 5.1: Spiritual versus physical reality L t’s start with again the remark that both the Soul-experienced spiritual Reality (outside our introduced subroutine) and Soul-experienced physical/biological reality (inside the subroutine) are for any Soul essentially unique and illusory; this follows immediately from o r d fi itio s of “ o l” i bs ct 2 1 (10th paragraph) and Sect. 4 (2nd paragraph). Only the “Absol t ality” xp ri c d by th All o l i th “ pirit al i larity” is real (in the spiritual sense). In their experienced spiritual Realities the Infinite Consciousness (AllSoul) as well as all its lower aspects (Souls) do not suffer from limitations such as time, locality, matter, rules, laws, , or ; this may of course be expected of an Infinite(!) Consciousness. “All is always v rywh r ”, so to say All o l-experienced spiritual Realities outside the s bro ti ar tim l ss (parall l, static, t r al), “spac l ss” ( o local), immat rial, o - causal and qualitative (rather than quantitative or quantifiable). They are based on top- down(!) spiritual relations; in other words, the whole determines th spirit al “compo ts” 19

They are not subject to rules or laws; all is as it is, in all eternity. Lower levels of Consciousness diff r, how v r, i “d pth” a d “i t sity” which, as said i th 4th paragraph of Sect. 3, we ima i as r sp ctiv ly “dim sio ” a d, i th i v rs ly proportio al s s , “radi s” of th Soul-experienced spiritual Realities. All these qualifications of the spiritual world are based on th a thor’s ow ima i ary, a d h c pataphysical, charact ristics that w assi to this world. In contrast, inside the subroutine the Soul-experienced (and so by any human as real experienced) physical/biological reality is completely different. The physical/biological reality is time-bound (sequential, dynamic, having a start and end), spatial, material, causal and quantifiable. It is based on bottom-up(!) spiritual relations; in other words, physical/biological components d t rmi th whol co ld say that i th “s bro ti domai ” (th low st part of the String of Souls where the subroutine still occurs) the parallel and static spiritual ality o tsid th s bro ti is i a way “s q tializ d” a d “dy amiz d” in the corresponding physical/biological reality inside the subroutine. Contrary to the spiritual Reality being based on top-down spiritual relations, inside the subroutine the physical/biological reality is based on corresponding bottom-up spiritual relations, which obviously in the end should have the effect imposed by the related top-down r latio s Th tra sformatio “top-dow ” i to “bottom- p” ca s s th r for ca sality (cause/effect), rules and laws. This explains why inside the subroutine our world is governed by rules and laws such as physical, biological and evolutionary! The bottom-up spiritual relations are physically/biologically interpreted in the Soul and therefore in the corresponding human; this all of course in full accordance with the All-Embracing Plan or AllSpirit! In the physical/biological reality the above-m tio d “s q tializatio ” a d “dy amizatio ” iv ris to th ph om o of “positio i ”, i th possibility to foc s o different positions. Positioning, both in the 1-dimensio al xp ri c of “tim ” (l adi to th physical otio s of “time instances” a d th ir dista c s) a d i th s p rimpos d 3- dim sio al xp ri c of “spac ” (l adi to th physical otio s of “local places” a d th ir distances). From these, physical charact ristics s ch as “speed”, “impulse”, a d “acceleration” are concluded. Further, in contrast to the immaterial spiritual Reality outside the subroutine, inside th s bro ti th o l, a d th r for th h ma b i , xp ri c s “matter” with its q a tifiabl “mass” Th o l’s a d th r for h ma ’s physical i t rpr tatio of bottom-up spiritual relations as matter and mass, inclusive of their meaning, is obviously in full accordance with and incorporated in the All-Embracing Plan (AllSpirit). Essential and extremely characteristic for the dynamic material world is that everything in this world is in continual movement, variation and change (th “cosmic da c ”) These are ca s d by “forces” (again in accordance with the All-Embracing Plan). By definition, in physics the displacement of th s forc s is call d “p rformi physical work” of th bi st discov ri s of ma ki d is th xist c of “physical energy”, th capacity(!) to p rform physical work I ss c , physical r y is th “capacity to realize physical changes/movements”. Note that all physical characteristics, physical energy included, are quantifiable, which of course is essential in human daily life and practice as well as in the science of nature. 20

We emphasize once more that all physical notions and their meaning are incorporated i what w hav call d “Pla s” (asp cts of th All-Embracing Plan or AllSpirit and captured in bottom-up spiritual relations), to be experienced in the Souls as if(!) they are physical reality. We humans take, from inside the Soul-experienced physical/biological reality to which we belong, all these physical issues and ourselves as well, although all actually illusion, for real! See an illustrative example of the physical world in Fig.2.

Fig.2: Illustration of a physical world fragment, enjoyed during one of the author’s holidays on the Canary island Tenerife. However, all matter (including ourselves) is illusory and in our pataphysical philosophy nothing but Consciousness (Soul’s experience).

5.2: Physical energy and Spirit Physical energy is in our pataphysical philosophy the physical interpretation of Spirit, or in other words: physical energy is on the deepest level Spirit. We will explain this. As said in the 10Th paragraph of Subsect. 2.1, Soul (an aspect of the AllSoul) is the Experience of a, for the Soul exclusive, Plan as if(!) this Plan is Reality; this Plan is Spirit (actually spiritual relations), an aspect of the AllSpirit or All-Embracing Plan. However, Spirit is not only the Plan to be experienced in the Soul as Reality, but includes inherently also, and even in particular, an underlying capacity(!) to experience this Plan as Reality (otherwise the notion of “Pla ” wo ld be useless!). This applies for both outside and inside our introduced subroutine. The mentioned “capacity” makes in fact part of the “Plan” and is as such incorporated in the spiritual relations! So, inside the subroutine and purely physically regarded, Spirit represents the “Plan” that also includes the “capacity” to experience this Plan as physical reality (read: physical dynamics or changes, since these are essentially most characteristic for physical reality!). This “capacity” as q ality of pirit is also incorporated in the bottom-up spiritual relations and experienced in the Soul in quantifiable form (since physical reality is quantifiable). Although illusory, this “capacity” is taken by the human for real. In summary, the physical interpretation 21 of pirit i cl d s th “capacity to r aliz physical cha s”, a d this accordi to a “Plan” (both captured in the bottom-up spiritual relations). The first part of this statement corresponds to the definitio of “physical r y”; th s co d part r f rs to th r tic laws which govern physical reality in all details from the very beginning till the very end. Th sci tific i si ht “everything is, physically regarded, essentially physical energy and bas d o r tic r latio s a d laws” is j st th physical “tra slatio ” of o r i bs ct 2 2 (12th para raph) m tio d spirit al stat m t that “all th r is” is ss tially pirit; pirit, being an infinite set of spiritual relations: top-down outside the subroutine (the spiritual world), bottom-up inside the subroutine (our physical world). Once again, physical energy is on the deepest level Spirit. Consequently, the relationship between matter and energy is on the deepest level the relationship between Soul (Consciousness) and Spirit. We will later (in Subsect. 8.3) come back to this in relation to i st i ’s famo s form la =mc2 for the equivalence of matter and energy. In the physical world matter is scientifically on a deeper level physical energy; similarly, in the spiritual world Consciousness is on the deepest level Spirit. As regards the connection between spiritual and physical world, physical matter is on its deepest level Consciousness and physical energy Spirit! Please, keep in mind that in our theory physical energy is illusory just as the whole physical/biological world; this in contrast to Spirit! 5.3: Common physical reality i ally, to fi ish ct 5, a f w words abo t th importa t iss of “commo physical r ality” Essentially, the Soul-experienced and so human-experienced physical/biological reality differ for every Soul and human, since the Soul experiences its very own specific Plan as its very own interpretation of the one and only set of bottom-up spiritual relations (this is further discussed in the next Sect. 6, d ali with th topic of “h ma lif ”, and more sp cifically i bs ct 6 2 o “i divid ality of h ma lif ”) ow v r, b ca s of th p rf ct consistency which the AllSpirit and AllSoul are assumed to “ ara t ” i a d b tw all Soul- and human-experienced realities, in their togetherness the Souls and humans experience a (quasi-)common physical/biological reality; otherwise, for instance human relations and communications would become impossible. It is this common physical/biological reality in which we humans think and experience to live. All afore-mentioned physical statements remain of course also valid for the common physical world! 6: Human life We repeat (see 2nd paragraph of Sect. 4) that inside our introduced subroutine the Soul experiences in the process of Consciousness its own specific Plan as if(!) this Plan is physical/biological reality; a virtual reality, inclusive of an entity that experiences this Soul- experienced reality (itself obviously included!) as a real material world. This entity is the, to th o l corr spo di , “human being” (As a matt r of fact, th fr q tly s d sayi “th h ma has a o l” co ld i this r sp ct b b tt r form lat d as “th o l has a h ma ”!) Th human experience of his body, thoughts, behaviour, etc. in the physical/biological viro m t is call d “human life” 22

Both the physical/biological reality and human life are actually illusory in our pataphysical philosophy. They just are an experience of the Soul, being a low-level aspect of the AllSoul or Infinite Consciousness. The human being is not at all aware of this and xp ri c s a r al lif i a r al world Th Tr th is that th All o l (say God) “s s” its lf o the lowest level of Consciousness, and inside the subroutine, as human beings living their own life in a common physical/biological environment; this all through the corresponding Souls. 6.1: Human life: essentially a set of bottom-up spiritual relations “Lif ” is a xp ri c of th o l This appli s for th lif of both th o l-experienced “spirit al b i ” a d o l- xp ri c d “h ma b i ” i th ir ow o l-experienced Realities. This all essentially based on the Soul- xp ri c d “Pla ” or i oth r words o “spirit al r latio s”: top-down for the parallel spiritual Reality (outside the subroutine) and bottom-up for the sequential physical/biological reality (inside the subroutine). All Soul-experienced Realities including their (spiritual or human) beings are in essence spiritual relations. There is essentially only one and the same set of top-down spiritual relations, and as a co s q c (as far as it co c r s th “s bro ti domai ” o th low st l v ls of Consciousness) only one and only set of corresponding bottom-up spiritual relations! Going downwards along the (archetype) String of Souls, i.e. in the direction of decreasing o scio s ss, mor a d mor spirit al r latio s (both “top-dow ” a d “bottom- p” i th s bro ti domai ) t th lab l “dark” for the Souls concerned. This means that these dark relations are hidden for these Souls and therefore not as such experienced, and as a consequence not experienced by the corresponding spiritual or human being. A physical example as illustration: before the invention of a new star, in our philosophy it did not exist in the physical sense, only in the corresponding, till then dark, bottom-up spiritual relations. (The time and circumstances of the discovery are determined in the All-Embracing Plan or AllSpirit!) As said, inside(!) the subroutine the “Plan”, experienced in the Soul as physical/biological reality including the human being, is essentially a set of bottom-up spiritual relations. In other words, human life in the physical/biological reality is essentially a set of bottom-up spiritual relations. In analogy with software relations in computer programs we think th str ct r of th s spirit al r latio s b ilt p i “layers” Most ss tial is th “upper layer”, which of co rs is bas d o a d d p d t o all low r lay rs Th pp r lay r co sists of the bottom-up spiritual relations which actually determine h ma lif a d th “human meaning” of the spiritual relations in lower layers, such as animals, plants and dead matter. In the very lowest layer(s) we find spiritual relations which, in the upper layer, have the human meaning of for instance physical elementary and composite particles which play a significant role in the scientific theory of the origin of the universe. 6.2: Individuality of human life The above raises the question how to explain the individuality of human life, since after all there is just one and the same set of bottom-up spiritual relations; dependent on the level of o scio s ss, th s spirit al r latio s may i cl d “dark r latio s” that ar ot y t experienced in the Soul as physical/biological reality. The answer is that the one and same set 23 of bottom-up spiritual relations is interpreted in (infinitely) many different ways (aspects) with each its own experiencing Soul. We refer in this respect again to the in the 5th paragraph of Subsect. 2.1 mentioned example of a drawing, consisting of one and the same set of pixels and their mutual relations, which may have different meanings (interpretations, aspects). The one and the same drawing (and therefore one and the same set of pixel relations) was constructed on purpose to represent two aspects: the face of a young woman and that of an old woman. Two different aspects, but in a common framework; both aspects imply aft r all th commo iss of “f mal fac ” What we humans are able to establish, the Infinite Consciousness can do this infinitely much better (e.g. not two but an infinite number of different aspects of one and the same set of relations can be experienced!). This means that the one infinitely complex set of bottom- up spiritual relations is existent in the AllSpirit or All-Embracing Plan to include infinitely many aspects (interpretations). Each such aspect is experienced by a particular Soul and consequently by its corresponding human being with an individual life in a (for reasons of consistency, as mentioned in Subsect. 5.3) common(!) physical/biological reality. Compare this with the above example of a drawing showing two different aspects in the common fram work of “f mal fac ” 6.3: Age and cyclicity of mankind “Physical tim ” as s ch is j st a xp ri c of th o l a d co s q tly of th h ma b i , a d th r for disco t d i th s bro ti ’s bottom-up spiritual relations! (Just like th r st of th physical/biolo ical r ality, also “tim ” is i our theory of course illusory.) But … , this m a s (wh w for clarity i or for a mom t th ill sory charact r) that before the human being (in our philosophy the civilized(!) man, not the prehistorical man) there was no time and no physical/biological reality! We guess the current age of mankind (and universe) in the order of 5000 to 6000 . We realize of course very well that from the normal and scientific materialistic worldview this sounds completely ridiculous, but from our pataphysical Consciousness-based worldview as used in this essay it makes sense! That we nevertheless have found and find for instance skeletons of dinosaurs and remains of Neanderthals, although according to our philosophy these never have existed, is explained as the So l’s a d so our physical interpretation –in terms of time, place and (living and dead) matter—of the corresponding bottom-up spiritual relations in lower layers. In the upper layer these lower spiritual relations are interpreted by the Soul, and so by the human being, as (in this example) dinosaurs and Neanderthals having lived in the far past. Since the low r spirit al r latio s hav th ir impact o th r latio s i th pp r lay r, w fi d “as a proof” sk l to s, fossils, a d oth r r mai s of lif from far before mankind. Again, this all is illusion, an experience of the Soul as if(!) this is physical/biological reality, including the human being who experiences this to be real (not at all being aware of the underlying Truth). As already said in Sect. 4 (10th paragraph) our introduced subroutine on its own is timeless, eternal; its content however is not, it is time-bound. Time has only meaning inside the subroutine, not outside the subroutine. This means that (seen from the subroutine world) 24 our physical/biological reality must be cyclic. It appears and disappears, appears again and disappears, etc., in an everlasting sequence of cycles, without beginning and without end. We guess the cycle time in the order of 10.000 years. In any cycle of existence physical time and reality start all over again. We human beings have lived exactly the same life, that we live now, already infinitely many times, and we will still live this life, in exactly the same circumstances, infinitely many times more! We humans are of course completely unaware of these cycles of xist c I a y cycl , a d xactly th sam for a y cycl , th r ar ma y “i car atio s of o ls” or “r i car atio s of th i t ral o l” (see 8th paragraph of Subsect. 2.1) along the (archetype) String of o ls (of co rs i th s bro ti domai of th tri ): ……… , pr c di cycle (sequence of reincarnations), current cycle (sequence of reincarnations), next cycle (s q c of r i car atio s), ………………) So, descending downwards along the (archetype) String of Souls we reach in the lowest part th “subroutine domain” of th tri I this domai th s bro ti occ rs as a sid road in the process of Consciousness (apart from the ongoing eternal main process of Consciousness!). By th o ls’ passing and experiencing the subroutine in the full “subroutine domain” mankind experiences a physical/biological world from its beginning till its end, again and again in any cycle of existence of this world. 7: Human mind We know there exists a deep interconnectedness between human mind and physical/biolo ical r ality L t’s co sid r th h ma brai Changes to brain chemistry by for instance alcohol or antipsychotics can alter human behaviour. The same applies for changes in the brain structure such as after having developed a brain tumour. Unfortunately, up to now materialistic theories fail to elucidate how brain could generate the mind (the well-known body-mind problem). In contrast to these examples of how (brain) matter may influence mind, we discovered in physics that human mind can influence matter. Particles being observed and the observer (the physicist) are connected; the mind (consciousness) of the observer is vital to the existence of physical events being observed. Psi research demonstrates that we can mentally influence, at a distance, physical devices and living organisms including other human beings. We are beginning to realize that physical reality (matter) cannot be fully understood without making reference to the human mind. In our pathaphysical philosophy the interconnectedness between mind and matter is clear in the sense that both are actually experiences of the Soul and consequently of the corresponding human who take them for real. We speak of, for any Soul exclusive and determined, interpretations of a “Plan” captured in infinitely many bottom-up spiritual relations and their interconnections. In this pattern of interconnected spiritual relations it does in principle not matter if the Soul-experienced meaning of the spiritual relations concerned is mind (awareness, thought, desire, hope, fear) or physical matter (brain or other physical substances). The mutual influence between both on the level of bottom-up spiritual relations is therefore obvious (of course in accordance with the All-Embracing Plan (AllSpirit) and its lower-level aspects). This explains why we humans discovered matter to influence mind and mind to have impact on physical matter (although this all in our philosophy essentially being illusion). 25

The human brain, usually understood to generate in one way or the other mind, is in our Consciousness-based worldview the physical/biological interpretation of interconnected “mi d a d matt r r lat d bottom- p spirit al r latio s” Altho h i o r philosophy Consciousness is thought to exist outside the brain, scientifically the physical brain is generally thought to be correlated with human awareness. We think that the human brain (a pattern of v ry ma y i t rco ct d ro s) a d o r i trod c d “spirit al brai ” (a patt r of i fi it ly ma y i t rco ct d o ls) ar a ai a xampl of th rm tic sayi “As abov , so b low”

So, our introduced subroutine contains layers of bottom-up spiritual relations that are related to experiences of physical/biological but also mental nature such as thoughts and ideas. In the upper layer these all are as such interpreted and understood in the Soul, and so by the corresponding human to be real (although in fact illusion). Very personally speaking, this means that the author’s presented own ideas about the spiritual and physical/biological world are his Soul’s exclusive interpretations according to an own underlying aspect of the All- Embracing Plan or AllSpirit! 7.1: Free will This bri s s to th hot iss of “fr will” I o r pataphysical philosophy fr will is clearly non-existent (this even applies for the AllSoul, say God!), since any Soul experiences its own specific and determined(!) aspect of the immutable All-Embracing Plan (or AllSpirit). This full determinism applies for both outside and inside our introduced subroutine, so for the static unchangeable spiritual reality (obviously!) and for our dynamic physical/biological reality. As said already in Subsect. 2.2 (12th paragraph), our definitions of Spirit (Plan) and Soul (Experience of the Plan as if this Plan is Reality) have as consequence that Spirit is most f dam tal This wo ld s st that i o r physical/biolo ical world a ma ’s d d precedes(!) the human awareness (including the conscious decision) with regard to the deed, which of course contradicts having a free will. As will be discussed further in this Subsect. 7.1, this also has turned out to be shown by experiments of the American physiologist Benjamin Libet. On the basis of our philosophy one could say short and snappy that physical/biological r ality is i ss c a ill sio a d co s q tly h ma fr will is a ill sio That’s tr b t a bit oversimplifying matters. Because, for us human beings the more practical issue is what abo t “fr will” iv th fact that w h ma s tak o r world for r al? Is i this representation free will real or illusory? A relevant question, since in our world is generally thought to depend on a widespread belief in free will, the free choice between good and bad and between right and wrong. L t’s th r for co sid r what (som ) sci tists hav to say about the subject (here we based ourselves, broadly speaking and in a nutshell, on a survey of Stephen Cave in the June 2016 Issue of Atlantic). W hav to asc rtai that mor a d mor sci tists b li v “th r is o s ch thi as fr will” Human behaviour can be explained through the laws of cause and effect: firing neurons, causing other neurons to fire, causing again other neurons to fire, in an unbroken chain, responsible for all our thoughts, memories, hopes, dreams and deeds. As regards the scientific debate on free will, the work of the American physiologist Benjamin Libet in the 26

1980s is very noteworthy to mention. Many scientists see his experimental findings as a strong i dicatio that th r is o s ch thi as fr will L t’s tak as a xampl movi o ’s arm upwards. A l ctrical activity b ilds p i th p rso ’s brai b for movi th arm a d s t the act in motion. Accordi to Lib t’s xp rim ts this occ rs s rprisi ly b for (!) th person makes a conscious decision (commonly thought to be associated with the notion of free will) to move. Currently we see a spread of free will scepticism also beyond the scientific laboratories. Determinism is in a way gaining popularity. The big question is what happens if faith in free will erodes? Many scientists think that promoting determinism and loose of faith in free will might be very dangerous for society; we are better off without the notion of free will being an ill sio ow v r, wh v r th choic is b tw th “tr a d th ood”, th “tr ” has priority. Other scientists think the consequences of losing faith in free will would be much less negative than some scientific experiments suggest. They see in their experiments benefits such as, among others, more compassion and less hatred and malice. Determinism is often co f s d with fatalism (th b li v that o r d cisio s do ’t r ally matt r) which is a mistak !

Possibly the best way to preserve both the inspiring power of belief in free will and the compassionate understanding from determinism is to consider both as simply describing human behaviour at different levels. (This is perhaps also the best way to cope with our philosophy’s stat m t that ma ki d a d physical/biolo ical r ality ar ill sory!)

8: Our pataphysical view on some scientifical subjects in physics

‘Pataphysics xt ds as far b yo d m taphysics as th latt r xt ds b yo d physics. I o r philosophy w r ard ‘Pathaphysics in the form as dealt with in this essay (that is to say, th a thor’s p rso al ima i atio s abo t th spirit al world a d th ir ff ct o o r physical world) in its deepest essence as a possible foundation of physics or at least as a way to come closer to th Tr th b hi d o r physical world Th pow r of “ima i atio ” is limit d in this respect. In the subsections to follow our pathaphysical view on some subjects in modern physics are discussed; this in addition to topics in classic physics which already have been considered in Subsect. 5.1.

8.1: Science in pataphysical perspective Wh th o l’s o scio s ss i cr as s, i wh w ris hi h r i th (arch typ ) String of Souls and, physically regarded, we proceed further in the common physical time, the Soul-experienced and so human capacities and capabilities increase. As a consequence the Soul and human experience more and more the need to investigate bottom-up spiritual r latio s i sp cially th s bro ti ’s low r lay rs, which p to th w r “dark” a d ot yet explicitly manifest to them (this all of course in accordance with the All-Embracing Plan or AllSpirit!). The Soul and human being will interpret these lower spiritual relations in the upper layer of spiritual relations in terms of time, place and (dead or living) matter; that, after all, is inside our introduced subroutine (sideroad in the process of Consciousness) the world known to them. The human starts to commit (Soul-experienced!) science in order to understand more the basics of his world. In our pataphysical philosophy science is the investigation of the 27 subroutine’s bottom-up spiritual relations, in particular those in lower layers, in the upper layer however understood in terms of time, place, and (dead or living) matter. We have to emphasize here that in our pataphysical perception we fully accept and even admire scientific results, however always being aware that these just are (physical) interpretations of a deeper Truth based on spiritual relations. When, where, by whom or under which circumstances scientific discoveries take place is determined in the own specific Plans (aspects of the All-Embracing Plan or AllSpirit) of the Souls concerned and so of the corresponding human beings (e.g. scientists). In this respect we may remind that on the different levels of Consciousness the AllSpirit manifests itself in many aspects which find their interpretation i th corr spo di o ls’ experiences. (This concerns both the physical world, inside the subroutine, and spiritual world, outside the subroutine.) We realize of course very well that our pataphysical theory does not at all satisfy the r q ir m ts of owadays sci c , b t it do s satisfy th abov d scriptio of “sci c i a pataphysical p rsp ctiv ” All pr s t d p rso al tho hts a d id as i th a thor’s th ory ar i ss c xp ri c s of th a thor’s o l Th s xp ri c s ar disco t d i th s bro ti ’s bottom-up spiritual relations and as specific aspects (dedicated to the Soul concerned) interpreted in the upper layer as personal ideas. That is why the author has his own pataphysical theory, including his own imaginations about the spiritual world and their effect on our physical world. Illustrative examples are presented in the next subsections 8.2- 8 12 ‘Pataphysics allows a d co ra s i divid al ima i ary id as which v mi ht b i (apparently) blatant contrast to the normal and accepted standards. 8.2: The relationship between physical reality and physical energy Our pataphysical philosophy postulates that, due to the Soul-experienced physical/biological reality inside our introduced subroutine, the human being experiences this world, including him- or herself, although all illusion, as being real. That is, the human being experiences physical reality and the underlying physical energy as real quantifiable phenomena. In its deepest essence, however, the real Truth lies in the notions of Soul and Spirit. The relationship between physical reality and physical energy, as understood and discovered by us humans, is essentially the physical interpretation of a similar relationship between Soul and Spirit ( r th rm tic sayi “As abov , so b low” fi ds probably its most essential expression!) We will explain this in the next two paragraphs. Accordi to o r philosophy “all th r is” is ss tially pirit pirit is a Pla , capt r d in spiritual relations, but as said in Subsect. 5.2 (2nd paragraph) inherently also an underlying capacity(!) to experience this Plan as if it is Reality (nota bene: inside our introduced subroutine this Reality is the physical/biological reality). Spirit manifests itself in the Soul as the actual(!) “ xp ri ci th Pla as if it is ality” (a ai , i sid o r i trod c d s bro ti the physical/biological reality). Considered on and from the level of Infinite Consciousness (and therefore obviously representing the Truth in its very essence!) Spirit and Soul are equal (but distinguishable). Regarded however on lower levels of Consciousness there is a degree of inequality between both (see Subsect. 2.2, 13th paragraph); this degree of inequality is larger as th l v l of th o l’s o scio s ss is low r o far o r spirit al philosophy, ow i th next paragraph our physical interpretation. 28

Physically r ard d, “all th r is” is ss tially physical r y a d capt r d i energetic relations. In Subsect. 5.2 we have already pointed out that the physical interpretation of Spirit is physical energy. Since obviously the physical interpretation of Soul is physical reality, the further physical interpretation of the considerations in the preceding paragraph leads to the conclusion that physical energy manifests itself in physical reality. Indeed, physical energy manifests itself in different and quantifiable physical shapes, such as for i sta c ki tic r y, pot tial r y, atomic r y, a d …… matt r imilar to th essential equality between Spirit and Soul when regarded from the level of the Infinite Consciousness, physical energy and physical reality are fundamentally(!) equal; but similar to the inequality of Spirit and Soul when experienced on lower levels of Consciousness, the fundamental equality of physical energy and physical reality is not experienced as such by normal people in normal daily human life. 8.3: A pataphysical view on E=mc2 In this Subsection the content of the last Subsect. 8.2 is more accentuated. The discov ry of physical r y is a major h ma achi v m t! o also i st i ’s discov ry of th quantitative equivalence of physical energy and mass as expressed in his famous formula E=mc2, where E stands for physical energy, m for mass and c for speed of light in vacuum. Imm diat ly th striki similarity with o r q alitativ spirit al “form la” =st2 for the “ q ality of pirit a d o l” attracts att tio ; sta ds for pirit, s for o l, a d t has the value 1 if o r i trod c d “Tri ity o ditio ” is f lfill d in its both shapes (see 13th paragraph of bs ct 2 2) Th sq ar i th spirit al “form la” is due to these both shapes in which the Trinity Condition manifests itself. Th q stio aris s wh th r w co ld i a way co sid r i st i ’s quantitative formula E=mc2 as a (Soul-experienced) physical interpretation of our qualitative spirit al “form la” S=st2? As mentioned in Subsect. 8.2 (3rd paragraph), the physical interpretation of Spirit and Soul is respectively physical energy and physical reality. As to the latter we restrict ourselves to matter and its quantifiable mass; this in contrast to the more general consideration in the preceding Subsect. 8.2. Spirit and Soul are equal on any level of Consciousness, provided(!) viewed on and from the level of Infinite Consciousness, and consequently this equality is the very essential Truth (see Subsect. 8.2, 2nd paragraph). With a view to the mentioned restriction (that is to say, the focus on matt r) a d this “ ss tial Tr th”, th physical i t rpr tatio of th “ q ality of pirit a d o l” impli s a “fundamental equality of physical energy and matter”; i oth r words, “matter is energy” (in the qualitative and fundamental sense!). Since physics is quantifiable, we are of course interested in the quantitative aspect of this pro o c m t That is, i st ad of th q alitativ “fundamental equality of physical energy and matter” w ar i t r st d i th q a titativ “fundamental equivalence of physical energy and mass” I th belief that o r spirit al “form la” =st2 is also the underlying basis for our physical world in the quantitative sense, we assign as physical interpretation to Spirit (S) and Soul (s) respectively quantifiable physical energy (E) and quantifiable mass (m). The physical i t rpr tatio of th f dam tal “ q ality of pirit a d o l” wo ld th b a f dam tal a d q a titativ “ q ival c of physical r y a d mass” 29

In order to fully specify this quantitative equivalence, l t’s ow fi ally co c trat o the physical i t rpr tatio of th factor t i o r spirit al “form la” S=st2, so i fact o r “Tri ity o ditio ” W ar looki for a physical ph om o that ma if sts its lf i two shap s (j st like the Trinity Condition does) and has in one way or the other a conditional impact on “mass” and “physical energy” (just like the Trinity Condition as fundamental condition for Soul and Spirit, considered from the level of the Infinite Consciousness). The sought physical phenome o is i o r vi w “li ht”, that indeed manifests itself in two forms: particles (photons) and (electromagnetic) waves. Moreover, through its quantitative characteristic of “sp d i vac m” (c) it has a conditional effect (called th “particle effect”) in the sense that mass, whatever small, cannot have a speed larger than c (Einstein); photo s do ’t hav mass Lik wis , i st i ’s th ory of sp cial r lativity sets the absolute speed limit of a wave (which characteristically does not move mass in the direction of propagation, but it transfers energy) to the speed c of light (called th “wave effect”).

p aki abo t “wav s”, visible light forms part of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. The spectrum includes microwaves, infrared, (visible) light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. EM radiation in a vacuum travels at the speed of light, relative to the observer, regardless of the observer's velocity. (This observation has led to Einstein's development of the theory of special relativity.) Both above effects might implicitly condition the existence of physical mass and energy (lik th “Tri ity o ditio ” i o r pataphysical philosophy conditions, however explicitly, the existence of Soul and Spirit). Finally, i o r pataphysical th ory th “Tri ity onditio ” has an absolute and fundamental meaning; so it is not surprising that its physical interpretation c is a fundamental “nature constant”, actually the most fundamental of the known nature constants. In summary, the physical interpretation of t in our qualitative “form la” S=st2 seems to be c i i st i ’s quantitative formula E=mc2. Like i o r spirit al “form la” =st2, th sq ar i i st i ’s form la =mc2 could be pataphysically imagined to reflect the two shapes in which light manifests itself; i.e. the square could be regarded as the direct “tra slatio ” of its w ll-argued appearance in our spiritual “form la” =st2. In other words, the physical interpretation of our spiritual formula could xplai th “why” of th app ara c of li ht i two shap s as w ll as its f at r of havi a sp d c which i a way co ditio s matt r’s a d r y’s existence (we mean matter with quantifiable mass).

We remind that the equality of Soul and Spirit is fundamentally true, provided considered on a d from th l v l of I fi it o scio s ss; this do s ot apply a ymor vi w d o th o l’s lower-order level of Consciousness. Similarly, the (qualitative) “ q ality of matter and energy” a d th (q a titativ ) “ q ival c of mass and energy” ar f dam tally a d sci tifically true, but not at all experienced as such in normal daily life of normal people. We could again refer in this respect to the Hermetic sayi “As abov , so b low” 8.4: Th “Bi Ba ” I most commo sci tific mod ls th iv rs i its v ry arly sta was a “ti y ball”, homogeneously filled with a very high energy density and subject to a huge temperature and pressure, and was rapidly expanding and cooling. Extrapolation backwards in time, using 30 the known laws of physics, leads to the prediction that just before this period of very high density there was a (gravitational) singularity. So, the conventional understanding implies that the so-called “Bi Ba ” b a with a si larity, a i compr h sibl hot a d d s phenomenon of spacetime (see Subsect. 8.11) where the standard laws of physics break down. Sufficient knowledge is currently missing to determine if the singularity was basic and elemental. Singularities are bizarre, and our understanding of them is restricted. Space, time, energy and matter are thought to come into being at this infinitely dense and infinitely hot singularity, and began expanding. All space, energy and matter of the universe are believed to have been squeezed into the infinitely small volume of the singularity. Th si larity is its lf som tim s call d th "Bi Ba ", b t th t rm “Bi Ba ” also r f rs to the above-mentioned more generic early hot and dense phase of th iv rs (th “ti y ball”), where the laws of physics such as for instance “general relativity” work. One of the greatest challenges in cosmology is to gain understanding of the first-mentioned meaning of the Big Bang, i.e. the singularity. In this Subsect. 8.4 our pataphysical considerations will therefore mainly focus on the “Big Bang as singularity”; at the end of the subsection we pay briefly attention to our pataphysical view on the Big Bang, bei th hot a d d s “ti y ball” as th ori i of physical reality. As to th “Bi Ba as si larity”, in the following we provide two different pataphysical views, indicated by view 1 and view 2. Before however dealing with both views, we first a short but relevant intermezzo.

Wh w div d p r a d d p r i th s bro ti ’s bottom-up spiritual relations, i.e. in the lower up to the very lowest layers, we approach the lower limit of our introduced subroutine (= sideroad in the process of Consciousness). From this lower limit on, in upward direction the ar a of validity of physics a d physical laws app ar as th o l’s a d co s q tly h ma physical interpretation of bottom-up spiritual relations. (This interpretation is however supposed to be manifest and as such understood in the upper layer of spiritual relations!) Downwards beyond the lower limit, so outside the subroutine, we are also beyond the validity of physics and we are landed in the parallel, lawless and eternal spiritual world covered by top- down spiritual relations, in contrast to the bottom-up spiritual relations inside the subroutine. (We remind, see 4th paragraph of Subsect. 5.1, that in our theory the transition of top-down into corresponding bottom-up spiritual relations upon entry to the subroutine is the very cause of physical and other laws underlying the physical/biological world.)

The “Big Bang as singularity”: pataphysical view 1 In our pataphysical philosophy the prediction of the physical singularity follows from an extrapolation (in the direction of the subroutine’s lower limit) of physical laws, which as the o l’s a d th r for h ma physical i t rpr tatio ar i corporat d i the lowest bottom-up spirit al r latio s ( ar th s bro ti ’s low r limit), a d ar ma if st a d as s ch d rstood in the upper layer of spiritual relations. (Note that the physical interpretation of going down i th s bro ti ’s spirit al r latio s also implies going backwards in physical time.) This means that we humans (in particular of course the physicists) take this extrapolated interpretation as a real physical theory. In fact this is the direct and therefore not very surprising pataphysical translation of the scientific view mentioned in the first paragraph of this Subsect. 8.4. The extrapolation could well imply the singularity to be beyond the domain 31 of physical validity, with as consequence that its origin could possibly never be concluded from physical laws, even not from still up to now unknown physical laws. Clearly, the above presented pataphysical view on the “Big Bang as singularity” doesn’t say anything about the problem where this singularity comes from; there is in this respect no question of an explanation, what so ever. Our next second pataphysical view may give more clearness on that score.

The “Big Bang as singularity”: pataphysical view 2 We now present another and completely different pataphysical exploration of the singularity. But first again an important and relevant intermezzo.

ollowi th rm tic sayi “As abov , so b low”, w ima i th s bro ti ’s low r limit mor or l ss as a “soft” limit, i th s s that both sid s of th limit show a c rtai d r of consistency and continuity with respect to each other. This explains for instance why modern physics ( i st i ’s world, so to sp ak) do s ot satisfy o r h ma f li s of lo ic to th xt t as classic physics (N wto ’s world) do s; as a matt r of fact, ar th s bro ti ’s low r limit we approach in modern physics to some extent the characteristics of the spiritual world which, as we have seen in Subsect. 5.1, are completely different from those of our physical world. In oth r words, v ry ar th s bro ti ’s low r limit w approach th Tr th of th t r al lawless spirit al world I th low r limit’s imm diat i hbo rhood th k ow physical laws do ’t apply anymore, they break down. This all of co rs b i th o l’s a d so h ma (illusory or virtual) experience. The assumed consistency at both sides of the subro ti ’s low r limit is believed to become more evident when we assign a kind of physical interpretation (in this essay called “look-alike physical interpretation”) to th spirit al world o tsid th s bro ti ; this i addition to and inspired by the physical interpretations of the bottom-up spiritual relations inside the subroutine. As to the spiritual world, we mean here explicitly and emphatically the spiritual world as personally imagined and described by the author in this essay! We will see that such a “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio ” of s ch a ima i d spirit al world will also lead to the meant singularity and its characteristics! In other words, both pataphysical views 1 and 2 give similar results which could confirm our afore-mentioned assumed consistency.

Important note: we speak of “physical interpretation of bottom-up spiritual relations” inside the subroutine (above its lower limit), but of “look-alike physical interpretation of the spiritual world” outside the subroutine (beneath its lower limit). Just like the physical interpretations of bottom-up spiritual relations inside the subroutine, we imagine that also the “look-alike physical interpretations” of the spiritual world outside the subroutine are manifest and understood as such by Soul and human in the subroutine’s upper layer of spiritual relations. For that purpose we think these “look-alike physical interpretations” linked to the subroutine’s lower limit in the form of “look-alike bottom-up spiritual relations”, which behave like regular bottom-up spiritual relations and therefore have their impact in the subroutine’s higher layers, in particular the upper layer! ollowi th a thor’s motto “What’s importa t, mak it r d da t” we reconsider -- especially here at this place-- some major and relevant aspects of the spiritual world as ima i d i th a thor’s mi d Based on this r vi w w th pr s t o r “look-alike physical 32 i t rpr tatio ” that may r s lt i th “Big Bang as singularity”. The review in the intermezzo below is also meant to facilitate the “tra slation” of these major aspects into the corr spo di “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio s”!

The spiritual world includes in the AllSoul or Infinite Consciousness the (divine) combination of a timeless process of Emanation and, in our restricted human understanding reversely, timeless process of Consciousness. The source and well of both processes are a Spiritual Singularity (see the 7th and 8th paragraph of Sect. 3), in which an integral Spirit (the AllSpirit) and the mentioned AllSoul are identical but distinguishable. The key characteristic of si larity is “infinity” Th All pirit is th infinite All-Embracing Plan (captured in top-down spiritual relations) of infinite complexity and infinite intelligence. The AllSoul, in its very essence also Spirit and based on the same top-down spiritual relations, is the infinite Consciousness being an Experience of infinite depth, infinite harmony and infinite intensity. That is, the Infinite Consciousness experiences in the Spiritual Singularity the All-Embracing Plan as Absolute Reality (or AllReality) characterized by an infinite “dim sio ”, infinite “warmth” a d infinite “d sity” (or “zero radius”). The condition for this all is our in Subsect. 2.2 (2nd paragraph) form lat d “Tri ity o ditio ”, which has as co s q c that i th pirit al i larity th AllSoul, the AllSpirit, the All ality, a d ltimat ly also th “s p rior pirit al B i ” (experiencing fully this AllReality or Absolute Reality from the inside and am d “God”), are all identical but distinguishable.

The afore-m tio d proc ss of ma atio impli s th All o l “s i ” its lf i i fi it ly ma y strings of in each other integrated aspects (Souls) of lower and lower order (= level of Consciousness). Downwards along the archetype String (generalization of all strings), so in the direction of decreasing Consciousness, the Soul-experienced (illusory) spiritual Realities show a decreasing dimension, decreasing warmth and increasing radius. On the lowest levels of the archetype tri a d i sid (!) o r i trod c d “s bro ti ” (sid road i th proc ss of Consciousness) the Soul experiences an (illusory) physical/biological reality, including a corresponding human being who from the inside of this reality takes this illusion for real. This in addition to the illusory spiritual counterpart world that the same Soul experiences outside(!) the subroutine!

D to its i cl d d All o l a d th All o l’s ma atio i o ls with th ir xp ri c s of spiritual Realities, albeit illusory, the Spiritual Singularity can obviously be considered the very cause of a y spirit al ality Mor ov r, d to th All o l’s ma at d o ls i sid (!) th subroutine, the Spiritual Singularity is clearly also the very cause of physical reality, including physical energy, matter, time and space (actually spacetime; see Subsect. 8.11). And of course also i cl di “physical laws”(!) b ca s of th tra sitio of top-down into bottom-up spiritual r latio s po th o l’s t ri of th s bro ti ; as said i th 4rd paragraph of Subsect. 5.1, this transition is in our theory the very reason behind rules and laws in the physical/biological world. In summary, the Spiritual Singularity is the very cause of both the spiritual and physical worlds!

One could even say that the (zero-radius) Spiritual Singularity comprises both the whole spiritual and physical world and so also all spiritual and human beings who take their illusory realities, themselves included, for real! In other words (and this might be hard to believe), all spiritual and physical worlds take actually and fully place in the (zero-radius) Spiritual Singularity; see also the last and 16th paragraph of Sect.3. This follows immediately from our assumed Self-Reflection or Emanation of the AllSoul. 33

So far our review of major aspects of the spiritual world (at least according to the a thor’s p rso al ima i atio s). Th ow, o r (or b tt r, o r o l’s) “look-alike physical interpretation” of some of these spirit al world co sid ratio s r “look-alike physical i t rpr tatio ” of th “ pirit al i larity” is a “physical singularity”, i which a infinitely large amount of energy (in the absolute sense when we abandon the difference of positive and negative energy) represents o r “look-alike physical int rpr tatio ” of Infinite Spirit or AllSpirit in the Spiritual Singularity; see also Subsect. 5.2. In addition, the whole physical reality (o r “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio ” of I fi it o scio s ss or All o l i th pirit al Singularity) is compressed in an infinitely small volume (o r “look-alike physical i t rpr tatio ” of th “z ro-radi s Absol t ality” i th pirit al i larity) with infinitely huge temperature (o r “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio ” of th i fi it “warmth of th Absol t ality” i th pirit al i larity) Th m tio d look-alike physical interpretation of “compr ssio i a i fi it ly small vol m ” impli s of co rs an infinite density. rth r, o r “look-alike physical interpretation” of “ pirit al i larity b i th v ry cause of both the spiritual Reality and physical r ality” is “physical si larity b i th v ry cause of the physical r ality”, a d therefore the very cause of physical energy, matter, time and space, as well as physical laws and rules. As to the latter, we would like to drop especially the attention to laws and rules that support the scientific idea that the universe has created itself from nothing, but this however on the basis of certain laws. We think here specifically of is b r ’s U c rtai ty Pri cipl a d th z ro-energy universe (the balance between positive and negative energy). Finally, a comment on the last paragraph of the above intermezzo: o r “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio ” of a z ro-radius Spiritual Singularity that includes all possible spiritual and physical realities, is that all space, energy and matter of the universe have been squeezed into the infinitely small volume of the physical singularity or Big Bang (see the 2nd paragraph of this Subsect. 8.4). The prevailing scientific view on the physical (gravitational) singularity (as said, often i dicat d by th t rm “Bi Ba ”) s ms to be compatible and consistent with our “look-alike physical i t rpr tatio ” of th pirit al i larity W co sid r th Bi Ba i the version of singularity as a “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio ” of th t r al(!) cha abl pirit al Singularity, which always has been and always will be. Said otherwise, the physical (gravitational) singularity or Big Bang is in our pataphysical philosophy an illusory “look-alike physical interpretation” of the eternal Spiritual Singularity, including the (AllSoul=AllSpirit=AllReality=God) in what could be imagined a spiritual “zero-radius point of infinite dimensionality”. Focussing on God, we say that God did not create the Spiritual i larity a d th r for “all th r is”, b t God I th pirit al i larity a d th r for “all th r is”, this with respect to both the spiritual and physical world (“D s siv om ia”) For us finite and limited humans singularity may be bizarre, but this do s ’t apply for the AllSoul, AllSpirit and God, being after all infinite themselves. The “Big Bang as hot tiny ball”

To finish this Subsect. 8.4, l t’s fi ally pataphysically foc s o th i th first two para raphs m tio d oth r m a i of th “Bi Ba ”, i ot th physical si larity b t the (very!) arby hot “ti y ball” A first r mark is that w co sid r th “Bi Ba as 34 si larity“ as initial Bi Ba ; it i itiat s a d co ditio s so to sp ak th “Bi Ba as ti y ball” Except in the mathematical sense, inside the subroutine the Soul and therefore corresponding human cannot really cope with the concept “i fi ity”, this i co trast to th AllSoul or God in the Spiritual Singularity, being infinite themselves. Th r for , i o r “look-alike physical i t rpr tatio ” w ima i th o l ot to concentrate on the very top of the (archetype) String of Souls, but slightly lower in the String where the radius of the Soul-experienced Reality is extremely small but not zero. Based on physical laws that as has been said find their being i th “Bi Ba as physical si larity”, as well as the other mentioned characteristics of the initial version of the Big Bang, th o l’s a d th r for h ma “look-alike physical i t rpr tatio ” is ow a tiny ball filled with very high energy density and subject to huge temperature and pressure. Provided the physics would be completely known, we could in principle derive the whole evolution of the universe with as starting point this tiny ball version of the Big Bang. Remind that just like the physical reality in general also its birth in the Big Bang as hot dense tiny ball is in our pataphysical theory illusory (virtual).

Finally a pataphysical comment on how long ago the Big Bang has taken place. Taking into acco t that “physical tim ” is i corporat d i th s bro ti ’s bottom-up spiritual relations, the lowest layers consist of spiritual relations that provide time indications of the far evolutionary past. Th physical i t rpr tatio of “tim ”, i corporat d i th bottom-up spiritual relations in the immediate vicinity of th s bro ti ’s low r limit a d so th “Bi Ba ”, r v als a vol tio ary past of som 13,8 billio y ars a o (a sci tific r s lt) Remember however that in our pataphysical philosophy the physical evolution in the past is an illusion within the illusion of physical reality! 8.5: Cosmic Inflation An extremely fast (exponential) expansion of space in the early universe, in an ultra- small time interval very shortly after the Big Bang singularity, is generally excepted in physics; w sp ak of “cosmic inflation” “ xtr m ly fast” is to b d rstood as fast r tha a y oth r physical phenomenon, even faster than the speed of light in vacuum. Physical inflation could b co sid r d as th “ba ” of th “Bi Ba ” Inflation theories have been formulated and more advanced ones will surely follow. A number of inflation model predictions have been confirmed by cosmic observations, hence the general acceptance of cosmic inflation by physicists.

Physical science claims that during the inflation th iv rs cools dow , b t a “r h ati ” takes place at the end of the inflation. Aft r th cosmic i flatio has stopp d, th iv rs ’s expansion proceeded, but much slower. This expansion shows an acceleration which is thought to be due to “dark energy” (see Subsect. 8.9, paragraph 1-3). According to many physicists cosmic inflation is believed to resolve problems associated with the Big Bang theory: the inflation explains why the universe appears to be isotropic and flat, why the cosmic microwave background radiation is distributed evenly, and why no magnetic monopoles are observed. In our pataphysical philosophy the physical th ori s o “cosmic i flatio ” are imagined to be based o th o l’s physical i t rpr tatio of responsible bottom-up spiritual relations very near above th s bro ti ’s low r limit (by Soul and therefore human however as such understood i th s bro ti ’s pp r lay r). Based on our supposed consistency at both sides of th s bro ti ’s low r limit, w ar of course i t r st d i a “look-alike physical i t rpr tatio ” (s 9th paragraph of the preceding Subsect. 8.4) of the spiritual world (so 35 b ath th s bro ti ’s low r limit) which co ld also explain the extremely fast expansion of space. L t’s in mind go down along the (archetype) String of Souls in the spiritual world, i.e. in the direction of decreasing Consciousness. Doing so, we see downwards along the String a timeless(!) increase of what w hav call d th “radi s” of th o l-experienced Spiritual aliti s (act ally r pr s ti a d cr as of th o l’s “i t sity or d sity of xp ri c ”), as w ll as a tim l ss d cr as of what w hav call d th o l’s “warmth of xp ri c ” A “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio ” of this tim l ss(!) i cr as of th “radi s” a d d cr as of th “warmth” i th spirit al world co ld i d d be regarded to imply the extremely(!) fast expansion (with a cooling down) of the universe shortly after its birth! So, similar to o r pataphysical co sid ratio abo t th “Bi Ba ” i th pr c di Subsect. 8.4, we meet here again an example of consistency at both sid s of th s bro ti ’s lower limit: the physical interpretation of bottom-up spiritual relations inside the subroutine j st abov its low r limit a d a “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio ” of our assumed spiritual world b ath th s bro ti ’s low r limit (i.e. outside the subroutine) both may lead to an explanation of cosmic inflation. Related to cosmic inflation, we present another illustration of our assumed consistency at both sid s of th s bro ti ’s low r limit I th All o l’s ma atio process the timeless d cr as of th ma at d o l’s o scio s ss (a d th r for th tim l ss i cr as of th o l’s xp ri c d radi s) along the archetype String of Souls towards the low level of o scio s ss i th “s bro ti domai ” of th String could be regarded as preparatory(!) to ltimat ly th o l’s and therefore human experience of the physical world inside the s bro ti A “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio ” of this may b fo d i th followi observation: according to many physicists th “cosmic i flatio ” satisfi s th d d preconditions for further evolution of the universe and so could be regarded as preparatory(!) to this evolution towards ultimately our current physical world.

Finally, an additional note. Due to physical processes incorporated in the interpretation of bottom-up spiritual relations a bit further above th s bro ti ’s low r limit (inside the subroutine!) the cosmic inflation stops, giving rise to “r h ati ” a d further evolution of the early universe to the generation of stars, galaxies, and so forth. Physically speaking, one could say that th cosmic i flatio stops i a “b lb” that th volv s i a iv rs Th r ar theories that the cosmic inflation is continually going on: “eternal” cosmic inflation. The assumption is that the ongoing inflation stops intermediately i “b bbl s” that th n further evolve in universes, and that there are infinitely many of such bubbles. Our universe is just one of many. Th id a of a “multiverse” is d alt with in Subsect. 8.12, where we spend attention to our assumed infinite diversity of the AllSoul (and AllSpirit). 8.6: Elementary and composite particles Bottom- p spirit al r latio s i th s bro ti ’s d p st lay rs may b physically understood (in the upper layer) as elementary and composite particles, that is to say elementary and composite fermions (matter particles) and bosons (force carrier particles). Examples of elementary fermions are quarks and leptons (such as electrons and muons), along with their antiparticles. Examples of composite fermions are protons and neutrons as well as 36 many atoms and nuclei (note: composite fermions are the key building blocks of everyday matter). Examples of elementary bosons are photons, gluons and the rather recently discovered Higgs boson (responsible for matter to have mass). As to elementary particles, an important process is the so-call d “pair production”: th creation of elementary particles and their antiparticles from neutral bosons. Examples are the creation of electron-positron pairs and muon-antimuon pairs. Pair production often refers specifically to photons creating electron-positron pairs. The reverse process is electron- positro “annihilation” In our pataphysical philosophy all these scientific findings are physical interpretations of bottom-up spiritual relations in the subroutine’s deepest layers, and are manifest and as such understood in the upper layer of bottom-up spiritual relations. They are experiences of the Soul and, although illusory, taken for real by the corresponding human being, e.g. the physicist. 8.7: The impact of higher dimensions, string theories Th poi t i this s bs ctio is that co sist cy at both sid s of th s bro ti ’s low r limit may also include the appearance of higher dimensions in the description of the very essence of physical reality. We mean here on the one hand scientific research with respect to unification theories (string theories) in which higher dimensions play an essential role, on the oth r ha d “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio s” of spirit al world ph om a which also lead to the expectation of higher dimensions in the description of physical reality in its very essence, and which moreover show a connection with “string theory”. W start i th xt para raph with “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio s” of the spiritual world, leading to the occurrence of higher dimensions in fundamental physics (outside the subroutine!). Then we shortly deal with “string theories” in which higher dimensions are included (inside the subroutine!). We finish the subsection with again a “look-alike physical i t rpr tatio ” of spirit al world ph om a that refers to “string theories“ (outside the subroutine!). Consider again the process of Emanation in the spiritual world, specifically the timeless d cr as of th o l’s o scio s ss alo th (arch typ ) tri of o ls towards th (v ry) low l v l of o scio s ss i th “s bro ti domai ” of th tri of o ls All this oi along with a decreasing dimension of the Soul-experienced spiritual Realities towards the low dimensions experienced in the subroutine domain. This process of decreasing dimension could be regarded as preparatory(!) to ltimat ly th o l’s xp ri c of physical reality at its low dimension (see also the 6th paragraph of Subsect. 8.5). Therefore, and also with a view to the integration of lower Souls i hi h r o ls alo th arch typ tri of o ls, i a “look- alik physical i t rpr tatio ” of this spiritual phenomenon we may expect that higher dimensions, i.e. dimensions higher than those met in the subroutine domain, play a role and have an impact in the description of physical reality in its very essence. L t’s ow consider a specific kind of advanced fundamental physical research (i.e. according to our philosophy the investigation of bottom-up spiritual relations inside the subroutine very near abov th s bro ti ’s low r limit) In the hope to find an overall and all explaining unifying physical theory, some physicists are currently investigating more advanced 37 theories concerning the very essence of physical reality, in which for reasons mentioned above higher dimensions appear. We refer in this respect to the so-call d “string theories” (unification theories), which try to unify the four fundamental physical forces in one all- embracing theory. String theory replaces in the standard description of the universe all point- like “matter particl s” and “force carrier particles” (see Subsect. 8.6, 1st paragraph) with tiny one-dimensional vibrating strings (with a size of approximately the plancklenth 10-35 meter) , that from our perspective look like particles but twist and turn in complicated ways. Different ways of vibrations may mark different types of particles. In particular we draw att tio to a it d v rsio of fiv diff r t “s p rstri th ori s” that ar r lat d to b ach a sp cial cas of a mor f dam tal th ory: th so- called M-theory, which however has as fundamental objects not strings but 2- or 5- dimensional membranes. The M-theory includes 11 dimensions: 1 time-dimension, the 3 well- known space-dimensions, and 7 extra space-dimensions. Scientists think that the 7 extra space-dim sio s ar xtr m ly “roll d- p” a d th r for ot (yet) experienceable for us humans in their advanced experiments. (According to our philosophy the higher dimensions are of co rs i corporat d i th s bro ti ’s bottom-up spiritual relations, this all in accordance with the All-Embracing Plan or AllSpirit.) In a way in our pataphysical theory one also could speak of a “string theory”. That is to say, the AllSoul emanates in infinitely many one-dimensional strings of in each other integrated Souls. These strings of Souls are at their low levels of Consciousness fundamental for physical/biological reality! Since the Emanation takes place in the zero-radius Spiritual Singularity (see 15th paragraph of Subsect. 8.4, as well as the 16th and last paragraph of Sect. 3)), or cryptically form lat d th stri s hav o “l th”, a “look-alike physical i t rpr tatio ” of this spirit al ph om o co ld w ll b a i fi it mb r of ultra-short(!) one-dimensional strings, where we now understand in th word “stri ” its meaning of “vibrating stri ” (this also with a vi w to th “vibratio of lif ” of the emanated Souls in the string). This all could express a co sist cy b tw sci tific r s arch with r sp ct to “stri th ory” a d our “look-alike physical interpretation” of strings in the spiritual world. 8.8 : Physical evolution In our pataphysical philosophy we do not recognize the materialistic evolution (in time) of physical reality as understood and accepted in physical science. In our Consciousness-based worldview there is no question of a (physical) evolution from scratch, but instead the o l’s physical interpretation of bottom-up spiritual relations in (especially) lower layers of our introduced subroutine. This interpretation is manifest and as such understood by the Soul in th s bro ti ’s pp r lay r a d, altho h b i ill sory, xp ri c d by th corr spo di human from the inside of this illusory world as being real. o, th “macroscopic” xp ri c of Soul and corresponding human takes place in bottom-up spiritual relations in the s bro ti ’s pp r lay r, b t obvio sly s pport d by and relying on the spiritual relations in all low r lay rs This of co rs also appli s for “physical tim ”, b i part of th o l’s xp ri c a d as s ch i corporat d i th s bro ti ’s bottom-up spiritual relations. The very early evolution of the universe in physical science is in our pataphysical philosophy th o l’s physical i t rpr tatio of bottom-up spiritual relations in the 38 s bro ti ’s low st(!) lay rs (i which, w r p at, also physical time is incorporated). As said, this i t rpr tatio is ma if st i th s bro ti ’s pp r lay r a d, altho h b i ill sio , taken by the human researcher for true reality. Since the lower and lowest spiritual relations have their impact in the upper layer, the physicist finds a d discov rs sci tific “proofs” of th early evolution of the universe (such as, for instance, cosmic background radiation), not at all being aware that this all is illusion. The prevailing model with respect to origin and evolution of the universe is the “Big Bang theory”. The scientifically accepted 13.8 billion years lasting evolution of the universe does not exist in our Consciousness-based worldview. In this Consciousness-based worldview the existence of man and universe is in the order of thousands, not billions of years. This based on our ass m d a of th “civiliz d” h ma b i a d o r stat m t that b for this “civiliz d” h ma b i th r was o physical reality; see the 1st paragraph of Subsect. 6.3. Th (far) past, as ass m d i sci c , is i o r philosophy bas d o th o l’s physical interpretation of the bottom-up spiritual relations in the lowest layers, which in the s bro ti ’s pp r layer are understood by Soul and human to span an of billions of years (remember again that th otio of physical tim is i corporat d i th s bro ti ’s bottom- up spiritual relations!). We are of course fully aware that according to the prevailing materialistic worldview it sounds fully ridiculous, but in our Consciousness-based worldview the physical/biological reality, including the (civilized) human being, originated instantaneously(!) several thousands of years ago. This as conscious experience of the Soul upon entering the subroutine in the beginning of the process of Consciousness. Through the physical interpretation of bottom-up spiritual relations inside the subroutine, the Soul then becomes immediately aware of the physical/biological version of the eternal spiritual counterpart, that has been always and always will be (see 4th paragraph of Sect. 4). In other words, the instantaneous origin of physical reality and (civilized) human relies i fact o th o l’s i sta ta o s physical i t rpr tatio of th t r al spirit al co t rpart of this physical r ality Th o l’s co scio s experience of the physical world is taken by the corresponding human being, from the inside of this illusory world to which he belongs, for real. (Nota Bene: both the physical/biological world and its spiritual counterpart are illusory, but taken for real by respectively the human b i a d corr spo di “astral b i ”; s 4th paragraph of Sect. 4.) 8.9: Dark energy and dark matter rr tly th l v l of th o l’s o scio s ss (i th still low ra ki of th o l i the archetype String of in each other integrated Souls) is such that a large part of the s bro ti ’s bottom-up spiritual relations is not yet manifest to the Soul and therefore not y t physically i t rpr t d W call th s spirit al r latio s “dark spiritual relations” (s also the 2nd paragraph of Subsect. 6.1). But also dark bottom-up spiritual relations in for instance the s bro ti ’s low r lay rs hav th ir impact o th pp r-layer spiritual relations. This means that it may well be that the Soul interprets certain upper-layer spiritual relations as physical phenomena, that only can be explained by assuming dark lower-layer spiritual relations to be responsible, carrying a (hypothetical) physical meaning. Examples are the sci tific hypoth s s of th xist c of “dark energy” a d “dark matter”, which ar tho ht to make part of the universe for respectively 68% and 27%, leaving less than 5% for the rest 39 of the universe. Again, these (illusory) experiences of the Soul are taken for real by the corresponding human being (e.g. the scientist). Dark energy, for example, could be a possible explanation for the fact that the expansion of the universe is not slowing down due to gravity, but on the contrary it is accelerating. As to dark matter, its presence is implied in astrophysical observations which cannot be explained by the accepted theories of gravity, unless abundantly more matter is present than is visible in the universe. Dark matter is assumed to hold parts of the universe together, even though there is nothing visibly doing so. It is a myst rio s s bsta c that do s ’t r act with oth r known forces in nature except gravity. The most common opinion of scientists is that dark matter is not baryonic matter (nearly all matter that is experienced in everyday life) but is made up of other, more exotic, particles. I o r pataphysical philosophy both “dark r y” a d “dark matt r” are associated with a co sid rabl part of th s bro ti ’s “dark bottom- p spirit al r latio s” i c th s dark spiritual relations have actually not yet been physically interpreted in the Soul, according to o r philosophy “dark r y” a d “dark matt r” do i fact ot xist i th physical s s until they have been shown empirically, i.e. not only hypothetically, to exist. The questions “wh , wh r a d how” of s ch physical discov ri s ar part of th All-Embracing Plan or AllSpirit. Apart from th iss s of “dark r y” a d “dark matt r”, l t’s pay a bit mor att tio to “dark a d whit bottom-up spiritual r latio s” i th s bro ti , a d sp cially to what happ s wh th o ls’ o scio s ss i cr as s Wh th o l’s positio ris s i th (archetype) String of Souls, i.e. in the direction of higher Consciousness, and we hence proceed further in the commo physical tim , mor a d mor “dark” bottom-up spiritual relations in low r lay rs b com “whit ” ( ot to for t th still “dark” spirit al r latio s i th pp r lay r which for instance refer to the future in the common physical time). They will then get a physical interpretation in the Soul and corresponding human, which as such is manifest and understood in the upper layer of spiritual relations. As mor a d mor “dark” bottom- p spirit al r latio s will b com “whit ”, i th pp r lay r new and till th k ow physical m a i s may possibly b assi d to th ow “whit d” spiritual relations. This might lead to the discovery and formulation of new energetic laws which include and may be more general than the until then existing laws. Compare as illustration for instance issues in classic and modern physics (the worlds of Newton against i st i , so to sp ak) A ai , this all obvio sly as th o l’s xp ri c s a d tak by th corresponding human for real! With a still further increase of the o l’s o scio s ss (i a still hi h r ra ki of th o l i the archetype String of Souls and still further progress in the common physical time) all bottom- p spirit al r latio s i th s bro ti will r ach th stat s of b i “whit ” W approach th poi t wh r th o l’s o scio s ss, sp cifically th o l’s extent of 4- dimensional awareness, has advanced such that our introduced subroutine is not needed anymore. In our philosophy this implies the end of times and the end of physical/biological reality! But, as discussed in Subsect. 6.3, followed by a new cycle of existence of exactly the same physical/biological reality including exactly the same mankind. 8.10: Black a d whit hol , “what’s b for th Bi Ba ?” In Subsect. 8.4, 8.5 and 8.7 we have used a so-called “look-alike physical i t rpr tatio ” of supposed spiritual world phenomena, this based on an assumed consistency at both sides of the lower limit of our introduced subroutine. Doing so, we were 40 for instance able to provide an imaginary solution of the problem where the Big Bang in the version of a physical (gravitational) singularity comes from. Pataphysically speaking, it is an ill sory “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio ” of th t r al(!) pirit al i larity (“a spirit al zero-radius point of infinite dimensionality” i cl di g the AllSoul, AllSpirit, AllReality (or Absol t ality) a d God) A oth r “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio ” of th spirit al world has t r d o t to abl a pataphysical xpla atio of “cosmic i flatio ” I cosmolo y th q stio ”what was before the Big Bang?” is of course an intriguing question. Many physicists believe there is no before. Time began at the instant of the Big Bang some 13.8 billion years ago. In their opinion the notion of a pre-Big Bang reality is beyond the realm of science and beyond human understanding. But there are other scientists who disa r om th ori s d ali with th q stio “what was b for th Bi Ba ?”, altho h highly speculative, have been formulated. In our pataphysical philosophy the answer is really straightforward. Based on our suggested cyclicity of the universe (see 3rd paragraph of Subsect. 6.3) the universe appears and disappears in an eternal sequence of cycles of xist c It ori i at s v ry tim from th sam “Bi Ba as si larity”, which is in our philosophy as said o r “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio ” of th t r al(!) Spiritual Singularity. co ld say that b for th “Bi Ba ” xactly th sam pr d c ssor iv rs was “running” As said, in physics theories abo t th q stio “what was b for th Bi Ba ?” have been formulated, although they are highly speculative. These theories are often related to the physical phenomena of so-call d “black holes” a d “white holes” The very point in this Subsect. 8.10 is to investigate if our “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio ” co ld also s pport such speculative theory. In the next intermezzo we first give a brief introduction to black and white holes.

Black holes, considered as one of the most extreme environments in all of nature, are the corpses of giant stars that have collapsed inwards; they are in fact huge mass in a comparatively very small space. An incredibly large gravity pulls everything within the so-called “ v t horizo ” (bo dary b tw th black hol ’s i t rior a d xt rior) i wards Th ravitatio al p ll is so xtr m ly h that ot v li ht ca scap , h c th black hol ‘s blackness. Black holes are not only a theoretical concept, since enormous black holes have act ally b discov r d i th c tr of alaxi s; v o r hom alaxy “th Milky Way” is believed to have a black hole in its heart.

Accordi to i st i ’s th ori s, at th bottom of a black hol a i fi it ly small a d i fi it ly dense spot is calculated: a singularity. A question is whether th black hol ’s si larity, wh r the laws of physics break down, can exist in the real Universe, or is it simply that our knowledge has not advanced enough to understand it? Infinities are not typically found in nature. As yet the singularity is a hypothetical concept.

The matter inside a black hole is compressed to be incredibly tiny, unimaginably tinier than the particles that ever have been observed. Physicists believe that in the black hole a point could be reached that matter cannot be crushed further. At that point the black hole might cha i to a “white hole”; a ”q a t m bo c ” t r s th shri ki black hol i to a expanding white hole. White holes are the theoretical opposite of black holes and are their mirror images. They are the black ones in reverse, spewing out by force all the matter that 41

have been sucked-up in the black hole. So, white holes would radiate light and matter would escape from white holes, suggested to be ejected at a single pulse. Some scientists suggest that “Bi Ba ” a d “whit hol ” ar o a d th sam

Whit hol s ar b li v d to v a sw r som of th iv rs ’s f dam tal q stio s or instance, where does all the in the black hole sucked-up stuff go? Also, white holes might help to discov r th id tity of “dark matt r” (see Subsect. 8.9). Unlike black holes, white holes cannot be continuously observed but the effect of the itself could be detected and a alys d, s ch as radio wav s’ flash s that possibly could come from a white hole. Some physicists have proposed to associate the most energetic explosions in the universe (gamma-- ray bursts) with white holes. But as yet white holes are speculative. L t’s com back to th q stio “what’s b for th Bi Ba ?” As said, th r xists a mb r of sp c lativ th ori s or i sta c , th th ory that o r iv rs “r sid s” i a vast black hol , i that w ar livi i a black hol of possibly a oth r old r “moth r iv rs ” i th “m ltiv rs ” (s bs ct 8 12) I that cas , th black hol is co sid r d to b a “o - way door” b tw both iv rs s rath r tha o r iv rs b i part of th moth r universe. Another example co c r s a lik wis sp c lativ th ory of a “cyclic iv rs ”, which corresponds very well to our pataphysical ideas about the cyclicity of mankind and its physical world (see the 2nd paragraph of this subsection and the 3rd paragraph of Subsect. 6.3) and deserves therefore our special interest! The theory implies that after a long-lasting expansion of the universe all matter is contracted through gravity into a supermassive black hole, which then changes into a white hole, spews out all matter and gives birth to a new universe. So, the white hole could be the mother of our universe as successor of an (identical?) preceding universe. In our imaginations we suppose that such possible physical transition of the mentioned supermassive black hole into a white hole takes place according to (the physical interpretations of) bottom- p spirit al r latio s v ry ar th s bro ti ’s low r limit th basis of our assumed consistency at both sides of this lower limit (see the 8th paragraph of bs ct 8 4) w ar looki for a “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio ” (s th 9th paragraph of Subsect. 8.4) of spiritual world phenomena, that could lead to a similar conclusion about such transition of the meant black hole into a white hol I oth r words, co ld a “look-alike physical i t rpr tatio ” of o r s st d spirit al world provid s with a pataphysical explanation of the existence of the meant black and white hole as well as the transition of the black into a white hole? I this r sp ct w thi k sp cifically of th All o l’s proc ss of o scio s ss a d process of Emanation. The timeless process of Consciousness implies the integration of Souls into continuously fewer and fewer Souls on continuously higher and higher levels of Consciousness, up to finally Infinite Consciousness (the one and only AllSoul). With a view to our definition of Soul (see the 10th paragraph of Subsect. 2.1 and the 2nd paragraph of Sect. 4) one could assert that the whole spiritual and physical/biolo ical world ar so to say “s ck d p” as ch ks of o scio s ss i to th All o l (i th pirit al i larity) Therefore, a “look- alike physical interpretation” of the process of Consciousness could well concern a supermassive “black hole”! 42

Further, in the Spiritual Singularity w co ld ima i a “bo c ” i which th tim l ss process of Consciousness transits into the timeless process of Emanation. The process of Emanation is in our theory the opposite of the process of Consciousness and thought to be its mirror ima ma atio impli s th All o l “s i ” its lf i co ti o sly mor a d mor i each other integrated Souls on continuously lower and lower levels of Consciousness. On the lowest levels of Consciousness and inside the subroutine the Soul experiences a physical/biological world. Again, with a view to our definition of Soul, one could claim that the whol spirit al a d physical/biolo ical world ar so to say “sp w d o t” from th All o l (i the Spiritual Singularity) in the form of chunks of Consciousness (Souls). Therefore, a “look- alike physical interpretation” of the process of Emanation could well concern a super “white hole”, being as such the origin of our universe and so actually the “Big Bang” in the version of physical singularity! Since the processes of Consciousness and Emanation are timeless, i.e. eternal, through the presented “look-alike physical interpretations” we have to come to the conclusion that our universe is cyclic. In any cycle of existence the “white hole” (or Big Bang) is observed as origin of the universe. This implies that in any cycle of existence all matter in the universe is ultimately sucked-up in the supermassive “black hole”, that then changes into the “white hole” spewing out the stuff to create the new universe. There is no beginning and no end in this sequence of cycles. But .., stay keeping in mind that in our pataphysical philosophy the physical/biological reality is illusory, inclusive of the mentioned black and white hole as well as their transitions! 8.11: 4-Dimensional spacetime, blockuniverse Until the 20th century, it was assumed and experienced that the 3-dimensional geometry of the universe (its spatial expression in terms of coordinates, distances, and directions) was independent of an absolute 1-dimensional time (Newtonian world). It was Albert Einstein who helped develop the idea of a 4-dim sio al “spacetime” as part of his (published in 1905). In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model which fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional manifold. o trary to th N wto ia world, i “ i st i ’s world” tim is relative. Spacetime diagrams can be used to visualize relativistic effects, such as why different observers perceive differently where and when events occur. The spacetime theory helped cosmology to understand how the universe works on the big level (e.g. galaxies) and small level (e.g. atoms). The 4-dimensional spacetime world model has proven to be a better model than the old Newtonian world model to understand certain physical phenomena. Think for instance of the present- GPS, which would be impossible without the corrections based on the 4-dimensional spacetime. The 4-dimensional spacetime model can be understood in two different ways. The first view is that in the 4-dimensional physical reality three space-coordinates are related to any time-coordinate. This sounds logical and obvious, but be aware of physical time being relative! Th physical r ality co c r s a i fi it s t of “tim li s” i th 4-dimensional spacetime. Once more, unsatisfactory is that the physical reality in this view is relative rather than absolute, this due to i st i ’s sp cial r lativity th ory 43

The second view is that of an unchanging 4-dim sio al “block r ality” (block universe). Imagine for convenience a block of cement, where the cement is spacetime. According to the block universe theory, the universe is a giant block of spacetime that includes all that ever happen at any time and at any place. The past, present and future are all equally existent in the block. This means for instance that every moment of our total life is there, somewhere in space-time (in principle this could be overseen from the level of a 5th dimension, but in our philosophy th “s bro ti domai ” i cl di ma ki d stops i th 4th dimension). Time-dimension is in fact similar to space-dimension, and there is no flow of time. The "block universe" theory describes spacetime as an unchanging four-dimensional "block", as opposed to the view of the world as a 3-dimensional space modulated by the passage of time. The 4-dim sio al r ality ow co c r s a i fi it s t of “worldli s” Th reality is absolute but does of course not at all satisfy our human experiences and comes across o s as “shocki ”. All these physical discoveries (l t’s ot for t that th y ar virt al a d i sid th subroutine incorporated in bottom-up spiritual relations which are physically interpreted in the Soul) are of course in full accordance with the All-Embracing Plan or AllSpirit. Apparently, in this Plan in a certain time period a certain Albert Einstein appears to completely change the at that time understanding of the physical world. In our philosophy, before his discovery spacetime did not exist in the physical sense, only in the form of (still dark) bottom-up spiritual relations which of course have their impact on the important upper layer of spiritual relations. The discovery and development of the 4-dimensional spacetime model are sophisticated and in our pataphysical philosophy therefore based on physical interpretations of bottom- p spirit al r latio s v ry ar abov th s bro ti ’s low r limit (this part of th subroutine indeed contains the bottom-up spiritual relations that are really basic and fundamental). As remarked already several times, these basics and fundamentals are physically i t rpr t d a d as s ch by o l a d h ma d rstood i th s bro ti ’s pp r layer. With a view to our assumed consistency at both sides of th s bro ti ’s low r limit, the relevant question in this Subsect. 8.11 is: leads a “look-alike physical interpretation” (see 9th paragraph of Subsect. 8.4) of our imagined spiritual world to a 4-dimensional spacetime? o l t’s look what in this respect is happening in our imagined spiritual world and apply a “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio ” to this. In Sect.3 (11th paragraph) we made clear that at the lowest level of Consciousness of the Soul along the archetype String of Souls (3- dimensional Experience) the Consciousness’ initial(!) growth results in the superposition of a 3-dimensional Experience and a 1-dimensional experience along a 4th dimension, and this all in a 4-dimensional framework. W will apply a “look-alike physical i t rpr tatio ” to this statement, but first a summary of a previous exploration of the statement as mentioned in the paragraphs 11-13 of Sect.3. Coming in the beginning of the spiritual process of Consciousness from a 3-dimensional Experience, and moreover because of the 1-dimensionality along the 4th dimension, the Soul at the lowest level of Consciousness along the archetype String of Souls misses (sufficient) 4- dimensional awareness. This has given rise to the introduction of our so-called “s bro ti ” (sideroad of the spiritual process of Consciousness). As a consequence, upon entering the subroutine the Soul experiences a physical/biological reality, including the superposition of a 3-dimensional experience (space) and an independent 1-dimensional experience (time); see 44

also the 1st paragraph of Sect.4. This in fact reflects the situation with respect to the instantaneous origin of physical reality and mankind (4th paragraph of Subsect. 8.8), or in other words the instantaneous appearance of the very first (civilized) humans. A “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio ”, applied to this initial growth of Consciousness in the spiritual world, would be a 4-dimensional physical reality (physical interpretation of the mentioned 4-dimensional framework) with three space-dimensions and one time-dimension as the 4th dimension. The first people (and many generations after them), however, do ’t have the slightest idea to live actually in a 4-dimensional world. In our Consciousness-based philosophy we suggest therefore as physical interpretation a 4-dimensional physical world in which the 4th dim sio is “roll d p” to a very small scale compared with the three other space-dimensions (this in fact is the consequence of the spiritual one-dimensionality along the 4th dimension). Then practically the Soul, and so the corresponding human, do then indeed experience a 3-dimensional space with time as superimposed, absolute and independent 1- dimensional physical phenomenon. This is exactly the situation described in the above intermezzo (and in the 1st paragraph of Sect. 4). As we rise upwards in the “subroutine domain” of the (archetype) String of Souls, and inside the subro ti w proc d f rth r a d f rth r i th commo physical tim , th o l’s Consciousness will continually increase and so the human capacities and capabilities. (Note, in this process of increasing Consciousness within the “subroutine domain” of the archetype String of Souls the life, death(!) and introspection of the past human’s life play an essential role.) As a consequence, outside the subroutine (so in the spiritual world) the 1-dimensional Experience along the 4th dimension changes into an Experience of a continually broadening “ba d” alo th 4th dimension. Inside the subroutine (i.e. in the physical world) this finds its expression in a continual “ rolli ” of th 4th dimension in the 4-dimensional physical reality. Consequently, the Soul and corresponding human gain more and more 4-dimensional awareness. The human will be more and more aware of a 4-dimensional physical world and its implications. He discovers (on account of Albert Einstein) that the 3-dimensional space and 1-dimensional time fuse in a 4-dimensional manifold; we speak of a 4-dimensional “spacetime”. But still up to today we humans do not experience in our normal daily life a 4- dimensional reality. Physicists believe that our brains cannot comprehend beyond the 3rd dimension. In our Consciousness-based worldview we abstain from this materialistic viewpoint and maintain our suggestion of a “roll d- p” 4th dimension.

With a still further increasing Consciousness we imagine that the human will experience also in daily life 4-dimensional and relativistic effects. Paranormal becomes more and more normal through the exchange of space and time. More and more parallelism will be experienced in a world dominated by additional and possibly different rules and laws than the presently known ones. The human being becomes more and more a spiritual being, until the 4-dimensional awareness is such that our introduced subroutine is not needed anymore. We have then left the subroutine domain of the (archetype) String of Souls. We speak of the end of times, the end of physical/biological reality. The human being has become completely a spiritual being! See also the 8th paragraph of Sect. 4. W com to a co cl sio A “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio ” of o r pataphysically imagined spiritual world on the lower levels of Consciousness leads to the insight that the Soul 45 experiences inside the subroutine an (illusory) 4-dimensional spacetime physical reality. This Soul-experienced physical world, although illusion, is taken by the corresponding human, from the inside of this world, for real. Differently and independently, physical science (of course in its v ry ss c also a o l’s xp ri c ; see Sect. 8.1) has also led to a 4-dimensional spacetime model to describe physical reality. In summary, our philosophically and pataphysically derived result of a 4-dimensional spacetime is compatible and consistent with the prevailing scientific physical insights, which of course have been based on explorations that differ completely from our pataphysical considerations. Indeed, the physical reality is scientifically understood to be a 4-dimensional spacetime reality.

There still are some issues to be considered. In our philosophy, before the (civilized) human there was no physical/biological reality; moreover, before its discovery a physical phenomenon does not exist in the physical sense, but certainly in the form of bottom-up spirit al r latio s i sid th s bro ti This m a s that b for i st i ’s discov ry th r was no spacetime in the physical sense, but in the form of (still dark) spiritual relations that however have their influence In the upper layer of bottom-up spiritual relations inside the subroutine. These influences may be physically interpreted by Soul and corresponding human. Therefore in our physical thinking it is as if(!) spacetime always existed in the physical sense, even in the illusion of physical evolution within the illusion of physical reality. In this respect, in our thinking with th “Bi Ba ” ot spac a d tim originated but spacetime!

In Subsect. 6.4 we spoke about the cyclicity (in all eternity) of mankind and universe. This cyclicity applies of course also for the spacetime physical reality that reflects the above view 1 Th “ t r alism” a d d t rmi ism is however directly expressed in the blockuniverse, the spacetime physical reality according to view 2. In our physical/biological reality everything (matter and mind) is actually fixed and determined, which of course is difficult to accept and d rsta d for s h ma s Th f ll d t rmi ism is to b d rstood i th s s of “what happens, happens, and could not have happened otherwise (despite of alternatives that may exist and might be chosen i adva c )” This obvio sly match s o r co sid ratio s abo t “fr will” i bs ct 7 1

I th “s bro ti domai ” of th arch typ tri of o ls th physical world has a spirit al counterpart, being the spiritual version of this physical world. Clearly, both views 1 and 2 of the spacetime world have the same spiritual counterpart, although the blockuniverse (view 2) has obviously the best resemblance to the spiritual counterpart (see 4th paragraph of Sect. 4). 8.12: The multiverse It sounds obvious to assign to the Infinite Consciousness (AllSoul) and Infinite Spirit (All pirit) th charact ristic of a i tri sic i fi it “diversity”. In Subsect. 6.2 we have met alr ady a xampl : th o a d o ly s t of th s bro ti ’s bottom-up spiritual relations includes an enormous diversity of different interpretations, experienced by different Souls a d xpr ss d i i divid al p opl ’s liv s in a (changing) common physical reality. This common(!) physical world is considered to be bas d o th o ls’ physical i t rpr tatio s of lower-layer spiritual relations with, for reasons of consistency and mutual understanding, similar or quasi-similar meanings for different Souls and corresponding humans (this all being manifest and as such understood in the upper layer of spiritual relations). 46

Up to now we have introduced only one(!) archetype String of Souls. This archetype String, representing many strings of Souls, gives in the “subroutine domain” of th tri (and inside the subroutine) rise to many different human lives in a (changing) common physical r ality (o r iv rs ) with its ow physical laws p aki abo t s ch “commo physical r ality”, from a I fi it o scio s ss a d I fi it All pirit o may mor ov r xp ct a infinite diversity in common physical realities, this in addition to the diversity of individual human lives in each of these common physical worlds. An infinite diversity in common physical realities suggests an infinite amount of archetype Strings of Souls!

We therefore assume the infinite set of strings of Souls to be subdivided in an infinite number of subsets, each represented by its own archetype String. In Subsect. 2.1 (1st and 8th paragraph) we have considered the infinite structure of the in each other integrated Souls as an infinite “Spiritual Brai ”, i which th o ls ar r ard d to be th brai ’s “ ro s” Th Spiritual Brai is tho ht to “ rat ” th I fi it o scio s ss (thro h th proc ss of Consciousness). The mentioned subdivision implies the Spiritual Brain to contain an infinite mb r of diff r t “brai domai s” ompar this with a h ma brai with s v ral domai s for specific functions, which in their connectedness and togetherness are responsible for the splendid characteristics that we assign to the human brain (this apart from the actual illusion of th physical h ma brai ) A ai a xampl of th rm tic sayi “As abov , so b low”! The Souls in the many strings of Souls, which are represented by one of the infinitely ma y arch typ tri s of o ls, xp ri c i divid al “h ma ” liv s i th ir ow (!) commo physical r ality s bj ct to ow “physical” laws This m a s, w may b co fro t d with i fi it ly ma y iv rs s (i dicat d by th t rm “multiverse”) Spiritually speaking, the universes in the multiverse are physical interpretations of the afore-mentioned domains in th i fi it “ pirit al Brai ” The residents of each universe (for convenience here also called “humans”) s th ir ow “Bi Ba ” as the origin of their own universe. All these Big Bangs ar how v r act ally th ow ill sory “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio s” of th o a d o ly eternal AllReality (Absolute Reality) and its one and only eternal inner Experiencer (God) in the one and only eternal spiritual Singularity, not to forget the one and only eternal AllSoul a d o a d o ly t r al All pirit (Bas d o similar ar m ts w do ’t xcl d i divid al human lives in more common areas in one and the same universe, e.g. on different remote planets.) It should finally be remarked that in physics there indeed are some speculative theories with respect to the possible existence of a multiverse. We may refer in this respect to a theory r lat d to “ t r ally ongoing cosmic i flatio ” which has intermediate stops i “b bbl s” that then evolve in universes (see the last paragraph of Subsect. 8.5). In our philosophy we relate th “ t r ity” of cosmic i flatio to th tim l ss i cr as of th radi s (of Soul-experienced spiritual Realities) downwards along each of the infinite(!) amount of archetype Strings of Souls with each their own subroutine (bubble). 9: The complete spectrum of mankind in a physical/biological world The aim of this Sect. 9 is to bring together the main issues up to now dealt with in this essay; this in order to provide a clear and understandable whole. We therefore survey, in what for the major part will be a repetition, the complete spectrum of physical/biological interpretations of the bottom-up spiritual relations inside our introduced subroutine. As long 47 as this s bro ti is d d th o ls i th “s bro ti domai ”, i th low r part of th (archetype) String of Souls where the subroutine occurs, enter the subroutine (in other words, they incarnate) in order to follow a sideroad in the process of Consciousness (apart from the eternally ongoing main spiritual process of Consciousness!). In Fig. 3 the set of bottom-up spiritual relations inside the subroutine is subdivided in 6 layers of spiritual relations. The number 6 has been chosen on the basis of the biblical pronouncement “God cr at d th world i 6 days” (th 7th day was a day of rest); but this is, as will be clarified at the end of this paragraph, not more than an indirect reason behind this choice! The physical/biological reality including the human being is an experience of the Soul (an lower aspect of the AllSoul or Infinite Consciousness). This experience of the Soul is based on physical/biological interpretations of bottom-up spiritual relations inside the subroutine and, although being illusory, taken by the corresponding human from the inside of this illusory reality for real. Sinc i th pirit al i larity “God” a d th “All o l” ar id tical (b t disti ishabl ), o co ld say that th tity “God” s s its lf o a low l v l of o scio s ss

Fig.3: Subroutine with bottom-up spiritual relations, to be physically/biologically interpreted in the Soul. and inside the subroutine ultimately as human beings who experience themselves in a physical/biological world; this all based on physical/biological interpretations of the s bro ti ’s bottom-up spiritual relations. In this se s th stat m t “God cr at d th world” is d rstood a d it was th r for a w ll-ar d choic to r plac th “6 days” i “6 lay rs” (of bottom-up spiritual relations in the subroutine). In this respect it is funny to remark that i th a thor’s ativ la a (D tch) th words “days” a d “lay rs” diff r o ly i th ir first charact r: “6 da ” a d “6 la ” 48

The upper layer (yellow coloured in Fig. 3) is the most relevant layer of bottom-up spirit al r latio s I this lay r th act al “macroscopic” physical/biological interpretations in th o l’s a d so h ma ’s xp ri c s tak plac Th pp r lay r r li s of co rs o all low r layers of bottom-up spiritual relations. L t’s foc s o th low r limit of this pp r lay r a d its dir ct viro m t pwards Although ridiculous from the prevailing materialistic worldview, in our pataphysical philosophy of Consciousness the physical/biological reality including the human (the “civiliz d h ma ” is xplicitly m a t h r ) ori i at d instantaneously! This as consequence of our philosophy that upon entering the subroutine the Soul experiences a Plan as if(!) this Plan is physical/biological reality, including an entity (the corresponding human) that experiences this (illusory) reality from the inside as being real. The very first experiences inside the subroutine ar “macroscopic” physical/biolo ical i t rpr tatio s of th bottom-up spiritual relations in the direct environment abov th pp r lay r’s low r limit (which of course rely on lower spiritual relations). They are understood by Soul and human in terms of time, space and (dead and living) matter; they concern in fact the physical/biological interpretations of a spiritual counterpart Reality, that has been always and always will be. Below the pp r lay r’s lower limit we find the bottom-up spiritual relations that r pr s t th “ vol tio ary past” This vol tio , how v r, is ot the well-known evolution i tim , b t a “ill sio withi th ill sio of physical/biolo ical r ality”, si c b for ma ki d (w m a th “civiliz d h ma ” who tak s hims lf a d th world aro d him for r al) th r was according to our philosophy no physical time and no physical/biological reality. Note in this r sp ct that “tim ” is a xp ri c of th o l a d as s ch i corporat d i th bottom- p spirit al r latio s i sid th s bro ti , both abov th pp r lay r’s low r limit (ma ki d’s past, pr s t a d f t r ) a d b low this low r limit (the comparatively illusory evolutionary past).

The physical/biological meaning of spiritual relations in the direct environment below(!) the pp r lay r’s low r limit may for i sta c co c r “d c as d par ts” of th v ry first h ma s Since these spiritual relations have their impact and effect in the upper layer where the actual experience and understanding of the physical/biological reality take place, the very first h ma s may for i sta c visit th ir par ts’ rav s a d poss ss th ir i h rit d b lo ings, although these parents have never lived and their graves have never existed! Indeed an illusion within the illusion of reality! With a d imm diat ly aft r th b i i of th “s bro ti world” (th physical/biological reality) the vast majority of th s bro ti ’s bottom-up spiritual relations is still “dark” (i ot y t physically/biolo ically i t rpr t d i th o l) This is th cas for spiritual relations in both the upper layer (think for instance of the unknown future) and lower layers which have their influence and are manifest in the upper layer. When we rise in the (archetype) String of Souls in the direction of increasing Consciousness, so physically speaking when we proceed further in the common physical time, more Souls positioned low in the archetype String of Souls will incarnate, i.e. they enter the subroutine. The growing Consciousness has as consequence that in the upper layer increasingly higher bottom-up spiritual relations are experienced in the Souls as a more 49 advanced physical/biological reality including the more sophisticated corresponding humans. More and more bottom- p spirit al r latio s i th pp r lay r will cha from “dark” to “whit ” o l a d h ma will xp ri c a “pr s t” a d “past”, that is to say “ma ki d’s past” ( ot to co f s with th “ill sory vol tio ary past” b low th pp r lay r’s low r limit!) Th f rth r f t r of ma ki d is still hidd i th “dark” spirit al r latio s hi h r o in the upper layer. When we rise still further in the String of Souls and proceed still further in the physical time, the So l’s o scio s ss co ti s to row a d still mor bottom-up spiritual relations cha from “dark” to “whit ” We will also see a Soul’s increasing need to investigate lower and lower bottom-up spiritual relations below(!) the upper layer’s lower limit, which up to then might be “dark”. Also these are (in the upper layer!) understood in terms of time, space and (dead and living) matter and taken by the human for real physical/biological phenomena. Remember, these lower spiritual relations have their impact and effect on the spiritual relations in the upper layer where the actual physical/biological interpretation and understanding take place. This explains why we find (albeit illusorily!) remains, skeletons and fossils of “pr historical h ma s” ( Neanderthals), animals (e.g. dinosaurs) and plants, that wo ld hav xist d far b for th “civiliz d h ma ” Th y hav how v r v r xist d, although through their interpretation in the upper layer of spiritual relations we humans believe to have the sci tific “proofs” for th ir form r xist c A ai a ill stratio of this “ vol tio ary past” b i a ill sio withi th ill sio of physical/biolo ical r ality!

Something similar applies for new physical discoveries. For instance, in our philosophy before the discovery of a new star, the star did not exist in the physical sense (manifest in the upper layer of bottom- p spirit al r latio s) b t i th form of till th “dark” bottom-up spiritual relations somewhere b low th pp r lay r’s low r limit. When we continue rising in the (archetype) String of Souls, but still within its “s bro ti domai ”, a d so proceed still further in physical time, the increased Consciousness causes in the Soul the need to investigate the bottom-up spiritual relations in th s bro ti ’s low st lay rs Also th s spirit al r latio s ar physically i t rpr t d a d understood in the upper layer, and taken for real by the human researcher. We are approaching the lower limit of the subroutine. Above this lower limit we have the bottom-up spiritual relations which determine the physical/biological reality as it is actually interpreted a d d rstood i th s bro ti ’s pp r lay r B low this limit w ar o tsid th s bro ti and we are landed in the eternal spiritual world of top-down spiritual relations (in contrast to the bottom-up spiritual relations inside the subroutine). omi clos r to th s bro ti ’s low r limit, w also approach th charact ristics of the spiritual world. This explains why the physics related to this lowest part of the subroutine differs considerably from the physics related to higher parts: modern physics (say the world of Einstein) versus classic physics (say the Newtonian world). Contrary to classic physics, mod r physics do s ’t look lo ical a d d rsta dabl for av ra p opl It i v sti at s the very origin and essentials of the physical reality, i.e. the physical interpretation of the lowest bottom- p spirit al r latio s as th s ar ma if st a d d rstood i th s bro ti ’s upper layer. They concern for instance the origin and processes of elementary and composite particles (fermions and bosons). 50

I o r philosophy th s bro ti ’s low r limit is a soft limit, in the sense that we suppose a certain consistency between the physical interpretations of bottom-up spiritual relations inside the subroutine very near above its lower limit a d “look-alike physical i t rpr tatio s” of what w i o r p rso al pataphysical imaginations think is going on in the spiritual world (i.e. outside the subroutine, below its lower limit). Some exampl s ar : th “Bi Ba ” i th v rsio of a physical ( ravitatio al) si larity is a “look-alike physical i t rpr tatio ” of th t r al pirit al i larity (i cl di All o l/All pirit/Absol t ality/God); “cosmic i flatio ” is a “look-alike physical i t rpr tatio ” of th tim l ss i cr as of th “radi s” of th o l-experienced spiritual Realities downwards along the (archetype) String of Souls; the 4-dim sio al spac tim is a “look-alike physical i t rpr tatio ” of th o l’s spirit al(!) Experience (so outside(!) the subroutine) in the “s bro ti domai ” of th (arch typ ) tri of o ls

Both the physical interpretation of the bottom-up spiritual relations inside the subroutine, as w ll as th “look-alike physical interpretation” of spiritual phenomena outside the subroutine, are used in this essay to provide background explanations of several physical phenomena. In this respect the “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio ” of spirit al ph om a reflect in a way the rm tic sayi “As abov , so b low” The saying is also expressed in our statement that the physical/biological reality is a physical/biological interpretation of the counterpart spiritual world (on the same level of Consciousness). In other words, the spiritual world is a spiritual version of the counterpart physical/biological world (again on the same level of Consciousness i th “s bro ti domai ” of th arch typ tri of ouls). L t’s ow r t r to th y llow colo r d pp r lay r i i 3. From the physical/biolo ical poi t of vi w, th still “dark” bottom-up spiritual relations in this layer co c r , amo oth rs, ma ki d’s til th k ow f t r Wh w ris f rth r and f rth r i th “s bro ti domai ” of th arch typ tri of o ls a d w com f rth r a d f rth r i what til th was physical f t r , th o l’s o scio s ss co ti ally i cr as s and more and more higher bottom-up spiritual relations become ma if st i th o l’s a d th r for corr spo di h ma ’s physical/biolo ical i t rpr tatio s That is to say, more and mor spirit al r latio s cha from “dark” to “whit ” (As a matter of fact, not only in the upper layer but also in the lower layers.)

With the increasing Consciousness and the accompanying progress in technology the human may b rad ally cha i to what is am d “cybor s” (a composition of “cyb r tics” a d “or a ism”) Th o l’s xp ri c i sid th s bro ti is th of course expressed in the cybor ’s xp ri c of a real physical world (although being illusory). Nevertheless, in this essay w r mai sp aki of “h ma s”, also for h ma s s pport d by robots or v for humans dominated by robots. It is all included in th o l’s xp ri c i sid th s bro ti ! Th co ti ally i cr asi o l’s o scio s ss also impli s that th 4th dimension of the 4-dimensional spacetime more and more unrolls, and consequently the 4-dimensional awareness of Soul and human grows. The human being gets more and more the characteristics of a spiritual being and experiences a more and more parallelized world with physical laws that match such 4-dimensional system. (Like the “special physics” ar th s bro ti ’s low r limit, near the subro ti ’s pp r limit, i th pp r lay r’s pp r limit, we also will endure a “special physics”; i both cas s w approach aft r all th spirit al world.) In the end the 4- dimensional awareness of Soul and human is developed so far that in the main spiritual 51 process of Consciousness our introduced subroutine is not needed anymore. The human being has become fully a spiritual being. We speak of the end of times and the end of physical/biological reality. We are landed in the upper limit of the upper layer of bottom-up spiritual relations and so in the spiritual world. Since the subroutine itself is eternal (only its content is time-bound), the whole above- d scrib d “proc d r ” r p ats its lf i t r ally o oi cycl s of th physical/biolo ical reality o, i th xt cycl of physical xist c w ar back a ai i th pp r lay r’s low r limit! With the physical time starting all over again, the very first (civilized) humans in their physical/biological reality appear instantaneously in exactly the same setting and under xactly th sam circ msta c s Aft r th o l’s a d h ma ’s 4-dimensional awareness has grown in the process of Consciousness to the appropriate level, the physical/biological reality and mankind will disappear again. Then the next cycle of existence starts, and so on, and so on. The life that we currently live has been lived already infinitely times before and will be lived infinitely times more, exactly the same and in exactly the same circumstances, in an eternally continuing sequence of cycles, without beginning and without end.

We have come to the end of our survey concerning the spectrum of mankind in its physical/biological reality. That is to say, our own mankind in our own physical world. But what abo t possibl oth r “ki ds of ma ki d” i oth r “ki ds of physical worlds”, oth r iv rs s? We touch here the issue of infinite diversity in the spiritual world. Starting point in our pataphysical philosophy of Consciousness was an Infinite o scio s ss (th All o l), “s i ” itself in infinitely many strings of in each other integrated Souls of continually decreasing order (= level of Consciousness). The Souls are aspects of the All o l a d th “i fi it ly ma y stri s” ar for r aso s of co v i c , cl ar ss a d asy understanding represented by an archetype String (throughout the whole essay written with capital ) rom a I fi it o scio s ss w may xp ct a i fi it d r of “div rsity”, ot only with respect to the individual Experiences of different Souls (giving for instance inside th s bro ti ris to th div rsity i p opl ’s liv s), b t also div rsity with r sp ct to that part of Experiences that is considered to be common for different Souls (this for reasons of communication and mutual understanding between Souls in such common domain). As to th latt r, w thi k th “i fi it ly ma y stri s of i ach oth r i t rat d o ls of co ti ally d cr asi ord r” s bdivid d i “i fi it ly ma y ro ps of stri s” ach ro p is represented by its own archetype String of Souls and has its own subroutine. For any group the same theory and procedures apply as presented in this Sect. 9. Any group includes, on a low l v l of o scio s ss a d i sid its ow s bro ti , its ow ki d of “h ma b i s” with their own individ al liv s i th ir ow commo “physical/biolo ical r ality”. These realities are each cyclic and could each have their own laws and might therefore be quite different from ours. Altho h b i ill sory, th r aliti s ar tak by th ow “h ma s” as real and tho ht to b ori i at d from th ow “Bi Ba ” Every “Bi Ba ” is how v r th ow “look- alik physical r pr s tatio ” of th o a d o ly pirit al i larity, i cl di AllSoul/AllSpirit/Absolute Reality/God. We are confronted here with the notion of “multiverse”, i which i fi it ly ma y iv rs s com p a d disapp ar, come up again and 52 disappear, and so on, each in its own eternal sequence of cycles of existence. The AllSoul and AllSpirit are indeed INFINITE, also in their diversity! Possibly unimaginable, but we have to conclude that in very essence this all takes place in the Spiritual Singularity (including the AllSoul, AllSpirit, Absolute Reality, and God), or cryptically formulated in a spiritual “zero-radius point(!) of infinite dimensionality”! The whole spiritual world with all its spiritual beings as well as the multiverse with all its “kinds of mankind” are virtual or illusory inside the Spiritual Singularity, this in contrast to the “Absolute Reality” and its inner Experiencer “God”. Cryptically formulated, the infinite number of universes of the multiverse are essentially unified in a spiritual POINT! 9.1: Giving meaning to human life A ss tial q stio for v ry i divid al h ma is “what is th m a i or p rpos (if a y) of my p rso al lif a d what happ s aft r my d ath?” (s also xt bs ct 9.2). Our pataphysical philosophy might provide an answer. Every human life, whatever insignificant or significant in our human view, is an absol t ly c ssary a d absol t ly m a i f l “ xc ptio ” i th pataphysical s s ; w r mark i this r sp ct that ‘Pataphysics is also defined to be the study of “exceptions” rather than generalisations in normal science (see 3rd paragraph of Sect. 1). Any human life, even in the slightest details, is fully unique and as such an absolutely necessary contribution to the i t ral proc ss of th o l’s o scio s ss towards Infinite Consciousness (the AllSoul). No single human life, good or bad, rich or poor, healthy or sick, can be missed in this process. It is due to the extremely low level of Consciousness in the subroutine that human lives in their diversity pass a spectrum from what we humans(!) regard as extremely good to extremely bad and all gradations in between. With a view to the processes of Emanation and Consciousness one could cryptically say that the humans need God, but God also needs th h ma s L t’s keep in mind that in our philosophy every human life is, as regards its content, fixed and determined according to the own dedicated plan, a low level aspect (captured in bottom-up spiritual relations) of the All-Embracing Plan or AllSpirit; this with the explicit purpose to contribute in a unique and necessary way to the integral process of Consciousness. 9.2: Life after death

Th ow th i tri i q stio “what happ s aft r o r d ath?” irst, b ca s of our in Subsect. 6.3 (3rd para raph) i trod c d “cycl s of xist c ” of th physical/biolo ical reality (with a guessed cycle time of roughly 10.000 years) we all have lived our lives already infinitely many times and we will still live this life infinitely many times more, in a never ending sequence of cycles. So after our death we will physically come back again at the appropriate occasion (as determined in the All-Embracing Plan or AllSpirit) in exactly the same setting; we co ld sp ak of a “resurrection of the body” f co rs , w ar ot at all aware of this and we will never be. Note again that in our philosophy both human life and death are actually illusory, but experienced by the human from the inside of the illusory physical world as being real!

In the “subroutine domain”, i.e. the lower part of the (archetype) String of Souls where the subroutine is manifest, the Soul has a dual Experience: outside and inside the subroutine. 53

tsid th s bro ti th o l’s xp ri c ( ltimat ly xpr ss d i what w i th 4th paragraph of Sect. 4 have call d a “astral being”, a t r al spirit al b i ) is i o r philosophy a spirit al v rsio of th o l’s counterpart physical/biological experience inside th s bro ti ( ltimat ly xpr ss d i th corr spo di “human being”) So, in a way one could say that every human life has always been and will always be, that is to say in the capacity of its spiritual counterpart: the “life” of the corresponding eternal “astral being”.

In the both above paragraphs already two reactions have been given related to the q stio “what happ s aft r o r d ath?”: “r s rr ctio of th body” i v ry cycl of existence of the physical/biological world, and the eternal existence of our life, albeit in the capacity of its spiritual counterpart. In the next paragraph we focus a little more on this spiritual counterpart.

Aft r o r d ath o r p rso al o l’s xp ri c tra sits from i sid towards outside the subroutine. The personal Soul then joins consciously the eternal string of Souls to which it belongs, and experiences a spiritual version of the finished physical human life (the afore- mentioned spiritual counterpart life). This spiritual version reflects not only the finished physical/biological but also mental life, and does not suffer anymore from the limitations or restrictions being so characteristic for physical life. This would for instance imply full d rsta di of th “why” a d th d p st m a i of all lov ly, ood, av ra , bad or v disgusting experiences having been endured in the physical life; this all under the cover of a deep warmth (in the sense of love), a quality that we have assigned to Consciousness (see 4th paragraph of Sect. 3). This is what the personal Soul experiences in the spiritual Reality after the human’s death in the physical/biological reality.

ow v r ……… , th spirit al world is t r al, a d so is th p rso al o l’s xp ri c of the spiritual counterpart of physical life. This Experience is for ever and ever; before, during and after the human’s life in the physical/biological reality. Considered from the viewpoint of the spiritual world this is true. But regarded from the viewpoint of the physical/biological world it looks lik “what is oi o with r sp ct to th p rso al o l’s xp ri c i th spiritual world” is i t rr pt d d ri th o l’s i car atio i th physical/biolo ical world (i every cycle of existence), which is of course not true because of the spiritual eternity. Our solution is that, seen from our physical/biological world, the personal o l’s xp ri c i sid the subroutine (i.e. the physical/biological reality including the corresponding human) is overriding(!) th t r ally o oi p rso al o l’s xp ri c o tsid th s bro ti (th Spiritual world); this obviously occurring in any cycle of existence of the physical/biological reality. According to our pataphysical philosophy this time after time repeated overriding is an absolutely necessary requirement for the integral process of Consciousness up to Infinite Consciousness! This is in our philosophy the big secret behind the human physical life!

As r ards th th m i q stio “lif aft r d ath” th r is mor to say, b t first a relevant intermezzo.

The personal Soul related to any human is an integrated part of one of the infinite number of strings of in each other integrated Souls, with on top the what we in Subsect. 2.1 (8th para raph) hav call d “integral Soul” of the string Th “i t ral o l”, a dir ct “asp ct of 54

q al ord r” of th AllSoul (say God), integrates all Souls in its string, so also the personal Soul co c r d I a y cycl of xist c of th physical/biolo ical r ality th “i t ral o l” reincarnates many times in the “subroutine domain” of its string of Souls; in other words, each of its integrated Souls, so also the personal Soul concerned, incarnates once in any cycle of physical/biological existence. Through this incarnation the personal Soul experiences periodically, i.e. in every cycle of existence of the physical/biological reality, exactly the same corresponding human, in exactly the same circumstances and with exactly the same deeds, feelings and thoughts.

Th “i t ral o l” co ld b co sid r d as th “highest me”, although this qualification is a bit misleading. The integral Soul integrates after all in its string the personal Souls of many(!) humans; moreover, in our opinion these personal Souls do ’t hav on this highest level of Consciousness their lower-order identity anymore.

We repeat that, viewed from the subroutine world, we could say that after the h ma ’s d ath th p rso al o l l av s th s bro ti a d is th part of th tim l ss proc ss of Consciousness in the spiritual world. In this process it is integrated in higher and higher positioned Souls in its own string of o ls, p to ltimat ly i th stri ’s “i t ral o l” As said, this “i t ral o l”, or th afor -m tio d “hi h st m ”, is a dir ct “asp ct of q al ord r” of th All o l (say God) Thro h th i t ratio th p rso al o l is o this infinite level of o scio s ss, so to say, a “drop witho t id tity i th oc a of th All o l’s i fi it o scio s ss” It s ms lik th p rso al o l has com hom wh r it b lo s I t rat d i th “i t ral o l” a d ot a ymor i th poss ssio of its low r-order identity, the p rso al o l is, sp aki i ristia t rmi olo y, “i Heaven and staying in the immediate i hbo rhood of God” ow v r, this all is o ly a ima i ary r pr s tatio of matt rs, being regarded from our human point of view. Because of the eternity of the spiritual world th p rso al o l co c r d has always b a d will always b as “ o l integrated in the i t ral o l” i its spirit al om (so also b for , d ri a d aft r th h ma lif i th physical/biological world).

As regards th t r al h ma ’s p rso al o l i th spirit al world o tsid th subroutine, in this Subsect. 9.2 we have considered the Soul on two different levels of Consciousness: on a low level of Consciousness (within the “subroutine domain”) with the identity of the spiritual counterpart of its corresponding human, and on the highest level of o scio s ss, i t rat d witho t id tity i its “i t ral o l” (o r “hi h st m ”)

9.3: Near death experience

To finish this Sect. 9, we say a few words about so-call d “ ar d ath xp ri c s” Wh v r a h ma b i is dyi , a tra sitio phas s ts i from th o l’s physical/biolo ical experiences into spiritual Experiences. This semi-physical/spiritual transition phase is felt by many people (not all!) as going through a dark tunnel with at the end the clearest white light th y v r hav s With a vi w to th “black/whit co trast” of both compl t ly diff r t worlds, this is a beautiful Soul- xp ri c d symbolizatio of a tra sitio from “dark colo r d” physical/biolo ical xp ri c s i to “whit colo r d” spirit al xp ri c s Possibly, p opl (in their spiritual shape) are met who in the physical/biological world have died already; in this respect we remind that with the transition a spiritual version of the corresponding 55 physical/biological reality (the spiritual counterpart Reality), including the persons concerned, is going to be experienced in the Soul. We finally have to realize that, when the nearly-dead p opl “com back” i th physical r ality, th y mi ht i t rpr t all th y hav “s ” a ai i physical/biolo ical t rms a d th r for “colo r d”; for that r aso th ir i t rpr tatio s mi ht possibly be not always completely credible. 10: T S ’ : beings in our universe? This Sect.10, dealing with quite another and more complicated model for the process of Consciousness, could at will be skipped without loss of overall understanding! A problem here is that for sake of convenient understanding we are forced to describe this process more or l ss i a “s q tial way”, altho h in our philosophy the spiritual world is eternal, timeless and parallel. The reader should therefore try to imagine that the described process is carried out fully in parallel! We anyway advise to read the final note in the last paragraph of this Section. The process of Consciousness upwards along the (archetype) String of Souls does continually decrease the radius and increase the dimension of the Soul-experienced spiritual aliti s Th fi al r s lt is I fi it o scio s ss i a spirit al “z ro-radius point of infinite dim sio ality” (our so-called “Spiritual Singularity”). We could imagine this process of Consciousness as a ki d of “s arch proc ss”, which mi imiz s th radi s to b com ltimat ly 0 in an infinite dimensionality. This could be more or less compared to a mathematical minimization problem in an extremely high-dimensional mathematical space, where finally (by goal-oriented searching in the space) the point should be found where each dimension has the value 0. An efficient procedure could be to subdivide the original range of huge dimension in consecutive subranges of lower dimension and carry out the minimization successively on these subranges, hereby always taking into account the final result of the preceding subrange. In what follows, something similar comes up for discussion concerning this s ctio ’s subject of th “ o ls’ sph r s” In some religious texts the Soul is said to pass on its way to “Heaven” through a number of spheres. In our pataphysical philosophy this is to be understood as a subdivision of the (archetype) String of Souls in successive dimension-intervals, which in our terminology are call d “spheres” o, alo g the archetype String the emanated Souls are thought to be positio d i co s c tiv sph r s (Not that act ally it is th “I t ral o l”, a dir ct “asp ct of q al ord r” of th All o l a d call d o r “hi h st m ”, that thro h its integrated Souls passes the successive spheres!). The very point of this Sect. 10 is to show that the Experience of every emanated Soul is split up in a sphere-dependent highly intensive kernel Experience and a peripheral Experience. Upwards along the (archetype) String of Souls the Consciousness grows from 0 (zero) to infinite. This means, the dimension of the Soul-experienced spiritual Realities increases from 0 to infinite and their radius decreases from infinite to 0. We remind (see 7th paragraph of Sect. 3) that in our pataphysical philosophy start and finish of the process of Consciousness ar id tical i th “ pirit al i larity”, b i th All o l’s “r sid c ” wh r z ro Consciousness and infinite Consciousness are identical but distinguishable. This of course also implies that in the Spiritual Singularity zero dimension and infinite dimension, as well as zero 56 radius and infinite radius, are identical but distinguishable. The Spiritual Singularity functions in this respect so to say as a “point of unity”. Th “poi t of ity” i cl d s th infinite-dimensional Experience of the AllSoul, which in our philosophy is supposed to emanate in Souls of continually lower- and lower- dimensional Experiences downwards along the (archetype) String of Souls. These emanated Souls, together forming in our philosophy th “ ro s” of a i fi it “spirit al brai ”, ar responsible for building up Consciousness, up to Infinite Consciousness (the AllSoul). As regards the Consciousness of the emanated Souls, we take in our further considerations a dimension 3 as th low st o l’s xp ri c alo th (arch typ ) tri of o ls, and an extremely high dimension dN, clos to i fi it dim sio , as th hi h st o l’s xp ri c along the String. (Arguments for the choice of dimension 3, albeit for the physical counterpart of the spiritual world on this very low level of Consciousness, have been presented in the 5th– 7th paragraph of Sect. 4.) Consequently, along the String of Souls our relevant range of dimension is [3,dN]. We think this range subdivided in consecutive dimension-intervals or spheres [3,d1], [d2,d3], ………, [dN-1,dN], which are supposed to be fixed and fully determined in the All-Embracing Plan or AllSpirit.

I t rm zzo: B s r ot to co f s “Z ro o scio s ss” (dimension 0, infinite radius) with the lowest Consciousness of the emanated(!) Soul along the String of Souls (dimension 3, enormously large radius). We should realize, however, that on a scale of infinite Consciousness this lowest Consciousness of the emanated Soul is infinitely close to zero Consciousness (and therefore dimension 3 infinitely close to dimension 0). This means for instance that mankind in the physical counterpart of this domain of the spiritual world, i.e. immediately above dimension 3, suffers from a VERY small degree of Consciousness. In addition to physical obstructions and restrictions, this may explain our not so magnificent human behaviour, covering a spectrum from extremely bad to extremely good.

The above-charact riz d “poi t of ity” impli s th opposit s “i fi it ” a d “z ro” (as regards Consciousness, dimension and radius) being identical, although distinguishable. I th “poi t of ity” th r is o q stio of co trasts a ymor Also th co trast b tw “low st” a d “hi h st” o scio s ss of the emanated Soul along the archetype String of Souls is regarded to be non-existent i th “poi t of ity”, this the more because on the infinite-dimensional

scale dimension 3 is infinitely close to 0 and dimension dN to infinite dimension, and as said zero and infinite dimension are identical i th “poi t of ity” This obviously also implies the

equality of the dimensions 3 and dN in the “poi t of ity” o, in our further discussions we

simply assume the “incompatible” dimensions 3 and dN to be identical upon passing the “point of unity”! As said, start and finish of the spiritual process of Consciousness are identical (but distinguishable), which implies that the (archetype) String of Souls is in fact a closed (archetype) Ring(!) of Souls. Along this (archetype) Ring the last sphere [dN-1,dN] has the first sphere [3,d1] as its s cc ssor sph r , this how v r aft r passi th “poi t of ity” wh r zero and infinite Consciousness, dimension and radius, as well as the dimensions 3 and dN, are identical but distinguishable. Our further considerations in this Sect. 10 concentrate on an archetype Ring of successive spheres rather than an archetype String of spheres! 57

In the (timeless) process of Consciousness the radius of the Soul-experienced spiritual Reality should become in the end zero (0), which we imagine as that then the dimensions in the relevant range [3,dN] have all the value 0. Starting with the first sphere [3,d1] the procedure is as follows. The process of Consciousness minimizes the values of the dimensions 3 up to and included dimension d1 to be 0, i.e. the radius of a Soul-experienced d1-dimensional subdomain of the dN-dimensional spiritual Reality is zero (taking into account that on the scale of infinite dimension the dimensions 3 and 0 are as said above infinitely close, so that also the intermediate dimensions 1 and 2 are expected to get the value 0). This result is starting point and (especially the value 0 of dimension 3 up to and included d1) condition for a similar procedure in de second sphere [d2,d3]. B t …… , this m st imply that th o l-experienced Reality for every Soul in this s co d sph r co sists of a “kernel Reality” (the final result of the preceding first sphere, i.e. the dimensions 3 up to and included d1 havi th val 0) a d a closi “peripheral Reality” with a radius (considerably) larger than 0. The further continuation of the process of Consciousness now implies the minimization of the values of dimensions d2 up to and included d3 of the second sphere [d2,d3] to ultimately 0. With the final result of the preceding first sphere [3,d1] included, all dimensions from 3 up to and included d3 in the first two spheres have then the value 0. This means, the radius of a Soul-experienced d3-dimensional subdomain of the dN-dimensional spiritual Reality is zero. We simply say that with coming (in our considerations) at the end of the second sphere the final result (up to then) is a zero-radius spiritual Reality. This result in turn is again starting point and condition for the next third sphere.

The described procedure is successively repeated for all consecutive spheres along the archetype Ring, where each time the Soul-experienced zero-radius spiritual Reality of the preceding sphere (coming in our considerations at the end of this sphere) is starting point and condition for the succeeding sphere, and therefore kernel Reality for every Soul in this succeeding sphere. So, except for the first sphere [3,d1] we have found the Experience of any Soul in each sphere to consist of a Soul-experienced zero-radius kernel Reality and an enclosing peripheral Reality. (As regards these peripheral Realities, their initial radius at the beginning of the successive spheres along the Ring will become continually smaller and smaller, and eventually extremely small for the last sphere.) Just like in the other spheres, coming in our considerations at the end of the last sphere, the final result is a Soul-experienced zero-radius dN-dimensional spiritual Reality. All dimensions 3 up to and included dN in the relevant range [3,dN] do have now the value 0.

L t’s ow o o st p (i one sphere) further. Along the Ring of spheres the last sphere [dN-1,dN] is succeeded by the first sphere [3,d1], this how v r aft r passi th “poi t of ity” wh r z ro a d i fi it o scio s ss, dim sio a d radi s ar id tical; as stat d above, also dimension 3 and dN ar ass m d to b id tical po passi this “poi t of ity” Except the first sphere, up to now we found any Soul in all other spheres to experience a zero- radius kernel Reality enclosed in a peripheral Reality. On the basis of consistency we therefore may expect that also every Soul in the first sphere experiences a zero-radius kernel Reality enclosed in a peripheral Reality. There is really no reason why the first sphere should differ in this respect from the other spheres. 58

In the now following long and essential intermezzo we investigate first the kernel and then the peripheral Realities in specifically the first sphere [3,d1]. Just like the connections between the other successive spheres along the Ring, consistency requires the Soul-experienced kernel Reality in every Soul of the first sphere [3,d1] being identical to the Soul-experienced zero- radius dN-dimensional Reality at the end of the preceding (last) sphere [dN--1,dN], however with taking into account the effect of passing the “point of unity”. Doing so, especially with a view to our assumed equality of the dimensions 3 and dN po passi th “poi t of ity”, w conclude that the kernel Reality in every Soul of the first sphere [3,d1] is a Soul-experienced zero-radius 3-dimensional spiritual Reality. The kernel represents of course a VERY low (almost zero) Consciousness because of the low dimension 3, which reflects a VERY low depth of Consciousness on a scale of infinite Consciousness; but the intensity (density, concentration) of this low degree of Consciousness is extremely high because of the zero radius. After this discussion of the zero-radi s “k r l ality” xp ri c d i every Soul of the first sphere C l t’s ow concentrate on the radius of the “p riph ral ality” experienced in the Souls of this first sphere. We are especially interested in the peripheral radius experienced by the Souls in a small neighbourhood of the beginning of the first sphere (i.e. in a small domain immediately above dimension 3), since this domain is the spiritual counterpart of our initial physical/biological world. In the next paragraph we focus therefore on this specific peripheral radius.

First, from the 1st sentence of the 6th paragraph of this Sect.10 is clear that the radius of the Soul-experienced Reality at the beginning of the first sphere (dimension 3), and therefore also in the direct neighbourhood above dimension 3, is extremely large; this extreme large radius must concern the peripheral Reality since the kernel Reality has a zero radius. Secondly, in de direct neighbourhood behind the beginning of the first sphere (i.e. immediately above dim sio 3) th o l’s xp ri c is a superposition of a 3-dimensional Experience and an independent 1-dimensional Experience along the 4th dimension (see 11th paragraph of Sect.3). Most relevant in this context is the Experience of the 3-dimensional spiritual Reality, to which we can assign an extremely large radius (this because of the argument in the beginning of this paragraph). We conclude that the radius of the peripheral Reality experienced in the Souls immediately behind the beginning of the first sphere is enormous, almost infinite.

As to the further process of Consciousness in the first sphere [3,d1], in addition to the existent val 0 of dim sio 3 (b ca s of th first sph r ’s k r l) the values of the other dimensions of the first sphere, i.e. dimension 4 up to and included dimension d1, are brought to 0. This means,. the radius of a Soul-experienced d1-dimensional subdomain of the dN-dimensional spiritual Reality is zero We are back again in the beginning of the whole story as described in the 9th paragraph of this Sect. 10. Things have turned full circle!! The highly relevant conclusion of the intermezzo above is that immediately behind the beginning of the first sphere (immediately above dimension 3) the Soul experiences a superposition of “a zero-radius 3-dimensional kernel Reality enclosed in a nearly infinite-radius 3-dimensional peripheral Reality” and “a 1-dimensional (peripheral) Reality along the 4th dimension”. Th k r l’s o scio s ss is VERY low due to dimension 3, but on the other hand extremely intensive due to the zero radius. In contrast, the intensity of the 3-dimensional peripheral Consciousness is extremely low due to the (almost) infinite radius; practically this means there is no 3-dimensional peripheral Consciousness at all immediately behind the beginning of the first sphere (immediately above dimension 3). 59

The important question now is what does this all, especially our assertions in the above paragraph with respect to the spiritual domain immediately behind the beginning of the first sphere [3,d1], mean for the Soul-experienced physical/biological counterpart reality inside the subroutine (sideroad in the spiritual process of Consciousness)? We remind that inside(!) the subroutine the Soul experiences a superposition of a 3-dimensional and independent 1– dimensional reality, and this in a sequential and dynamic framework (see the 1st paragraph of Sect. 4); the 3-dimensional reality is experienced as 3-dimensional spatial physical/biological reality, and the 1-dimensional reality as physical time. This all in combination would imply that inside(!) the subroutine the Soul experiences “a (ill sory or virt al) nearly zero-radius 3- dimensional physical/biological kernel reality enclosed in a nearly infinite-radius 3- dim sio al physical p riph ral r ality”, a d this all i cl di a tity (the human being) that considers these illusory realities to be real. This may possibly provide an explanation why we humans experience to live in a very tiny 3-dimensional kernel area (our earth, a nearly “zero- radi s poi t” i th ormo s iv rs ) s rro d d by a xtr m ly h , say i fi it or almost infinite, 3-dimensional peripheral area (the universe), and that practically all the Consciousness (albeit of a still very low degree) is concentrated in this tiny kernel area.

This all would imply that we terrestrial humans are likely the only Soul-experienced conscious inhabitants of our universe (or, which we however don’t expect, that there may be Soul-experienced conscious and intelligent beings on at most a limited number of other planets in our universe, together forming the kernel reality). In this respect it is good to be aware that, due to a continually growing Consciousness of mankind, we see nowadays rapidly increasing scientific efforts to investigate the enormous universe.

In a multiverse concept all the above applies in fact for any universe. That is to say, we are confronted with infinitely many closed (archetype) Rings of in each other integrated Souls, positioned in successive spheres. All Rings of Souls originate from one and the same Spiritual Singularity, so from one and the same AllSoul and AllSpirit.

Final note: in this essay we have met two different models as regards the spiritual process of Consciousness. One is based on an (archetype) String of Souls, in which upwards along the String the radius of the Soul-experienced spiritual Realities continually decreases and the dimension continually increases. It is actually a rather simple model, in which no distinction is made between diff r t ki ds of th o l’s o scio s ss. The other much more complicated model, as considered in this Sect. 10, is based on an (archetype) Ring of successive spheres filled with Souls. The Consciousness in any Soul consists of two different types of Consciousness: “k r l o scio s ss” a d “p riph ral o scio s ss” Compared to the peripheral Consciousness, the kernel Consciousness reflects an extremely high intensity (density, concentration) of Consciousness. Contrary to the first model where the radius of the Soul-experienced spiritual Realities continually decreases, in the more sophisticated second model the (peripheral) radius shows every time at the beginning of the successive spheres a decrease in leaps, and is then reduced to 0 at the end of the sphere concerned. In the end, after running through the entire archetype Ring, the peripheral and kernel radius have become equal (zero!). In both models the final result is of course Infinite Consciousness with “zero-radius and infinite dimension”. The first model is much easier to understand and has therefore been set forth in our philosophy. The second model is imagined to be more efficient a d to hav a “acc l rati ff ct” b cause of the influence of “concentration of o scio s ss” (this to th xt t that w ca at all sp ak of “acc l ratio ” i a spirit al 60 eternal world). Moreover, the second model might shed some light on the question why we h ma s ar “cl mp d to th r” i a “poi t” withi th xtr m ly h iv rs a d p to now no other conscious and intelligent life has been discovered in this universe.

11: Experienced synchronicities related to our theory “ y chro icity”, or m a i f l coi cid c , is a o -causal connecting principle, originally described by Carl Gustav Jung. In our pataphysical theory the AllSoul includes the process of Emanation and in the opposite direction the process of Consciousness (see Subsect. 2.1 and Sect. 3). The combination (Emanation, Consciousness) or (Consciousness, Emanation) is i o r th ory call d “divine combination” W hav symboliz d th proc ss of ma atio by 1→2, or 12 i a m rolo ical v rsio , wh r “1” stands for the one and only Infinite o scio s ss or All o l, div r i i to i fi it ly ma y (symboliz d by “2”) asp cts of Consciousness (Souls). The reverse process, called the process of Consciousness, is symbolized by 2→1 or 21. Sometimes an operator represented by figure 0 is used, placed before, between or behind the operands 1 and 2; e.g. 012, 102 and 120 are all symbolically equivalent to 12. So, the divine combination (Emanation, Consciousness) or (Consciousness, Emanation) is symbolized by the numerological combination (12, 21) or (21,12), and if needed by alternatives for 12 and 21 using the extra symbol 0. The (12,21) or (21,12) combination is in th a thor’s p rso al(!) symbolic t rmi olo y also i dicat d as “divi combi atio ” (I th symbolisation we abandon the fact that in our theory the processes of Emanation and Consciousness are in their very essence identical but distinguishable, since on our level of human understanding they are opposite processes.) An accidental(?) meeting on 22nd October 2002 (somewhere between 17.00 and 18.00 o’) with a f llow person (Mrs. Martina-Maria Seidel), followed by mutual deep spiritual discussions, have inspired the author to develop his pataphysical philosophy as dealt with in this essay. The mentioned date of first meeting is regarded by the author as the very origin of his pataphysical ideas. The meeting and a considerable period of time afterwards have resulted in a number of remarkable and sometimes even spectacular synchronicities (in both lives) with respect to the combination of 12 and 21 or their alternatives.

Before describing the experienced synchronicities, first a remarkable observation. The “ rop a o cil for Mod lli a d im latio ” ( M ) or a iz s alr ady mor tha 3 decades a yearly conference in different European locations. Both the author and Mrs. Seidel belong to the key people of ECMS: the author, having been in 1990 the initiator of the original organization (albeit under another organizational name which in 2004 has been structurally altered in ECMS by the then President Andrzej Bargiela); Martina Seidel, since 2001 assistant managing director and a few years later managing director of the ECMS Office. Remarkable is that ECMS contains the initials of Eugene Kerckhoffs and Martina Seidel, when we consider the C and K interchangeable, among others since the C is pronounced as K. SYNCHRONICITY 1: As said, on 22nd October 2002 there has been talk of an accidental meeting of, formally speaking, the author E.J.H. Kerckhoffs (60) and M-M Seidel (42). The number of characters in both names together and the sum of their ages are respectively 21 and 102; as mentioned above, the latter is symbolically equivalent to 12. So, we see here the wanted divine combination (21,12). In addition, remarkable is that 60 is divisible by 12 (60 = 5 61 x 12) and 42 by 21 (42 = 2 x 21)! Moreover, both 60 and 42 are divisibl by o r philosophy’s relevant and essential digits 1, 2 and 3 (see synchronicity 9). B t th r is mor … ! When we add up the digits in the age 60, in the age 42, in our divine combination (12,21) and in the set of used essential figures (1, 2 and 3, with sometimes the operator 0), we get in all cases the same result: 6, being surprisingly the supposed number of layers of bottom-up spiritual r latio s i sid o r i trod c d “s bro ti ” This all might suggest a strong tie between on the one hand both i car at d o ls m t ally a d o th oth r ha d th a thor’s pataphysical philosophy! SYNCHRONICITY 2: Qualitatively considered, the circumstances of the meeting are perfectly described by the two G rma phras s “ ahrst hl ot l Dr sd ” a d “ ai r Rima ” Th latt r is th am of th G rma ma a i dir ctor of th M sci tific conference on computer simulation in Dresden (Germany), which from 23rd October 2002 on took place in the hotel concerned. He presented to the author his brand new German assistant Mrs. Martina-Maria Seidel immediately after leaving an elevator (in German: Fahrstuhl) of the hotel. Surprisingly, the number of characters in both phrases are respectively 21 and 12. Hence, again the wanted divine combination (21,12). SYNCHRONICITY 3: Except the natural numbers 12 and 21, we allow also the numbers 1,2 and 2,1 to symbolically represent the processes of respectively Emanation and Consciousness. Considering Mrs id l’s a d th a thor’s birthdays (r sp ctiv ly 15th November and 7th September), we see that the mathematical ratio between both days (15:7) and both (11:9) results after rounding in 2,1 and 1,2. So we find once more the wanted divine combination! Surprisingly, the result of 11:9, being 1,222……222….222…, symbolizes beautifully the Emanation of the one and only AllSoul into infinitely(!) many aspects of Consciousness (Souls). SYNCHRONICITY 4: The birth dates of both persons involved (the author and Mrs. Seidel) are respectively 07-09-1942 and 15-11-1959. When adding the numbers of the days,

Fig.4: Birth and meeting dates 62 mo ths a d y ars (th latt r co t d from th “ro d y ar” 1900 o , h c 43 a d 60) we get exactly the meeting date 22-10-2002 ( 2002 is the 103rd year, when again counted from 1900 on), however with the multiplying coefficients 1 for the day, 2 for the and 1 for the year (see Fig. 4). So we find a sequence 1 2 1, to which we co ld assi as symbolical m a i : “2” (symbol for many aspects of Consciousness) is enclosed in “1” (symbol for the one and only Infinite Consciousness) or, in other words, the one Infinite Consciousness includes many aspects of Consciousness. Going pairwise from left to right or from right to left through the sequence 1 2 1 we get the wanted divine combination 12 and 21. ardi th s d math matical op ratio s “additio ” a d “m ltiplicatio ”, w co ld assign to th arithm tic “s m” a d arithm tic “prod ct” th fr q tly appli d symbolic m a i of r sp ctiv ly “meeting” a d “condition” Now symbolically is xpr ss d that th meeting of both incarnated Souls has taken place under the condition of the divine combination (Emanation, Consciousness); otherwise both Souls and their incarnations would even not have existed. This condition holds of course for all meetings between humans. SYNCHRONICITY 5: We write the meeting date 22-10-2002 in another format: 2210 0221, i.e. day 22, month 10, year 02 and century 21; so the format DDMM YYCC in which only the digits 2, 1 and 0 appear. We will show that under certain conditions our divine combination (21,12) is represented in this format. The first part 2210 is symbolically equivalent to 21 (symbolizi th proc ss of o scio s ss), wh r w admit symbol 2 for “ma y” to app ar in duplicate and operator 0 is placed behind the operands 1 and 2. Under the same conditions the second part 0221 (but now read not from left to right but the other way around from right to left, since the process of Emanation is understood to be opposite to the process of Consciousness) is symbolically equivalent to 12. So, again we find the divine combination (21,12)! Maybe, because of the imposed conditions (although making sense), this all looks a little bit artificial, but gains considerably more weight when we consider another (unique) date, having the same features under the same conditions, however now with the operator 0 between the operands 1 and 2: 2201 2201 or 22nd January 0022. Spiritually speaking, this is a day i th lif of s s hrist Accordi to th “A o-Domi i cal dar”, which starts with y ar 1 being the assumed year of birth of Jesus, the year 22 divides the 33 years lasting life of Jesus in 21 and 12 years. Again the divine combination (21,12) appears, and this linked to the (at least according to the Christian belief) suggested divine Fig.4: Birth and meeting dates. status of Jesus. (The fact that the historical Jesus is probably a f w y ars old r do s ’t matt r i this symbolical co t xt ) SYNCHRONICITY 6: Inspired by the former synchronicity 5, we had the intuitive idea to catch both variants (21,12) and (12,21) of the divine combination directly in the date format DDMM YYCC without any further directives: 2112 1221. This unique notation shows a more beautiful and more complete interpretation than just the single combination of 21 and 12: the first part 2112 indicates the Infinite Consciousness (result of the process of Consciousness, symbolized by 21) to emanate (symbolized by 12), whereas the second part 1221 shows us the 63 result of the process of Emanation (symbolized by 12) which enables the process of Consciousness (symbolized by 21). Also by intuition we had the feeling that the notation could be a mystical sign that in a symbolic way might reveal something important. A date(!) format refers obviously to physical “tim ” and the human notion of time instances and periods of time, the notation 2112 1221 is vid tly split p i two parts, a d th divi combi atio i cl d s ss tially “all th r is”, in particular (with a view to the above human notion of time) mankind in a physical/biological reality. Combining these facts we come to the conclusion that the symbolic meaning behind the notation could well be that the lifetime of mankind is spiritually subdivided in two parts, wh r th majority of “b ildi p o scio s ss” tak s by far(!) place in the second part. And then now an amazing synchronicity! The notation 2112 1221 indicates the date 21st December 2012; a date that got a lot of attention in the international press at that time, since it was erroneously understood by some people as the end of the world. The date was calculated to mark in the Gregorian the end of a cycle of approximately 5125 years in the Long Count (or Big Cycle) calendar, followed by the beginning of a new 5125 years lasting cycle of 13 “” of each 394,3 years. Anyway, at least we meet here a split in two distinct periods of time. In New Age beliefs the date was considered as the transition to a new era of spirituality. This all approximates surprisingly the suggested symbolic meaning of the notation 2112 1221! SYNCHRONICITY 7: We see the (as female regarded) Emanation represented in a major asp ct of Mrs id l’s lif : th bri i i to th world a d pbri i of two childr (1) life generates, so to say, two (2) lives; symbolically expressed: 1→2 or 12. In contrast, we see the (as male considered) process of Consciousness represented in a major aspect of the a thor’s lif Two (2) fac ts of lif it d i o (1) lif : a ormal lif with sci tific car r a d a more or less concealed life, a life dedicated to thoughts on and investigation of the spiritual world, especially the o l’s o scio s ss o to say, “physical” a d “pataphysical” it d Symbolically expressed: 2→1 or 21. So again, we see the symbols 12 and 21 united to form our divine combination. SYNCHRONICITY 8: Mrs. Seidel is the founder and chair of a sole proprietorship with th ( s sp cti ly a d f lly car l ssly chos ) G rma am “1-von-2” (i lish: “1-of-2”) Taking the digits in the sequence as they appear in the name, we obtain the symbol 12. During an overlapping period of several years the author has been chair of a so-call d “Bo wh t” (Dutch word, representing a typical working procedure in the Dutch Freemasonry), having as lo o “two poi ts i sid a circl ” with th r lat d i t rpr tatio “2 i 1” Taki th di its i the sequence as they appear in this interpretation, we obtain the symbol 21. Conclusion: again our divine combination of 12 and 21. SYNCHRONICITY 9: In addition to the symbols 1 and 2, as well as the operator 0, we i trod c a w symbol: di it 3 to symboliz th “Tri ity o ditio ” (s bs ct 2 2, 1st para raph) This impli s that th symbolic m a i of, for i sta c , 123 is “ ma atio (12) under the Tri ity o ditio (3)”, a d th symbolic m a i of 2013 is “ o scio s ss (201, equivalent to 21) under the Tri ity o ditio (3)” Th ow th sy chro icity: in the year 64

2013, until the author’s birthday in September, both ages added together was 123 (70+53). So we meet here the divine combination (Consciousness, Emanation) under the Trinity Condition! SYNCHRONICITY 10: During the time period from 7th pt mb r (th a thor’s birthday) up to and included 14th Nov mb r (o day b for Mrs id l’s birthday) i th y ar 2017 both ages were respectively 75 and 57. The digits in both ages add up to 12! Moreover, they ar ach oth r’s mirror ima s (j st lik 12 a d 21) which symboliz s ic ly th ma ati AllSoul knowing and being aware of Itself in Its mirror image (see 1st paragraph of Sect. 3). In addition to the afore-mentioned symbol 12, the considered time period (7/9-14/11), called th “i t rdi s”, iv s ris to symbol 21: th ratio of both days (14:7=2) and both months (11:9=1 after rounding) put together delivers 21. So again our divine combination of 12 and 21 appears! (Not o c mor th sp cial symbolic m a i of 11:9=1,222……222… 222… as mentioned in synchronicity 3.) SYNCHRONICITY 11: On the occasio of th a thor’s sp cial 75th birthday (7th September 2017) Mrs. Seidel has donated him as birthday present a German booklet entitled “Di raft d r li d Acht / Mit d r L m iskat z dlich r armo i ” (i lish: “Th power of the lying eight / with th L m iskat to i fi it harmo y”) Th L m iskat ∞ (a horizontal eight) is the mathematical symbol for infinite. The two sides (left and right) form one single meaningful symbol, thus 2→1 or 21; the other way around, the one meaningful symbol is split up in two sides (1→2 or 12) Th symbol’s math matical m a i of infinite symbolizes the Infinite Consciousness or All o l; mor ov r, both sid s ar ach oth r’s mirror images, having the meaning dealt with in the former synchronicity 10! So, in the unsuspectingly given birthday present the characteristics of the AllSoul (processes of Emanation and Consciousness, infinity, mirroring) are all represented. Indeed amazing! Also th “ iv rs “ ra t d the author the idea of a special birthday surprise: 75 is part of the beautiful series (25, 50, 75) and can in this respect be rewritten as the mathematical expression (25+50) or (25+25+25). Adding up the digits in the first expression gives 12 as result, and in the second expression 21. So, hidden in the number 75 we find again our divine combination of 12 and 21! YN NI ITY 12: Th a thor’s p rso al lo o has th l d “ ow Thys lf”, a phrase well-known and important in, among others, Freemasonry.

This ancient Greek aphorism was inscribed in the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo in Delphi. The logo places the “me” in the all-embracing. ( p i mi d that th “physical m i th physical world” is ill sory i o r pataphysical philosophy ) Th lo o as a whol mak s th impr ssio of a “smil y” Its co to r co sists of a o t r ri , r pr s ti th spirit al world, and an inner ring, showing the 12 dials of the face of a clock or and representing the time-bound physical world. Inside this contour the spiritual truth (at least according to our philosophy) is captured in the eyes, nose and mouth of the smiley. In the eyes the symbols 12 (Emanation) and 21 (Consciousness) are placed; the enclosing circles represent the operator 65

0, sometimes used in our symbolism to work on the operands 1 and 2. The noose represents breathing: breathing in (Consciousness) and breathing out (Emanation), symbolizing the indissoluble tie between the processes of Consciousness and Emanation. The both nostrils, in the logo a horizontal eight, have the symbolic meaning as mentioned in the preceding Synchronicity 11 (stipulating once again the (12,21)-combination, as well as i fi ity a d mirrori ) I th smil y’s mouth, keeping th word “m ”, th m taphor “blowi br ath of lif i th mo th of th h ma ” fi ds its xpr ssio For a more extensive explanation of the logo we refer to the Appendix at the end of this essay.

Before to start the description of the relevant synchronicities related to the logo, we mention a r markabl obs rvatio i adva c : both i r “twos” (22) a d o t r “o s” (11) i th smil y’s y s, to th r with th 1 (v rtically) a d 8 (horizo tally) i its os , may r pr s t the date 22-11-‘18 (22nd November 2018), which is exactly th a thor’s 50th wedding anniversary! A synchronicity on its own! We got the intuitive id a to iv th smil y a am i c th “m ” i th smil y’s mouth contains the initials of our first names (Martina, Eugene), we tried to construct a name on the basis of these initials, but now in the reverse sequence; ME changes into EMM, where MM ar th i itials of Mrs id l’s do bl first am (Martina-Maria). To finish the name we add d th charact r Y of “yo ” as co t rpart for “m ” Th r s lt: th smil y’s am is “Emmy” hocki a d v ry s rprisi , th m a i of “ mmy” is ……… all-embracing! i c th lo o plac s th (ill sory) “m ” i th all-embracing, it would be nice to find a s co d am to cov r also th “m ” i th lo o Th lo o shows a c rtain resemblance with inscriptions of the Maya-calendar on found stone tablets. A resemblance both in shape and in meaning: a representation of a human face surrounded by time-related or chronological symbols with a cyclic nature. In addition to other personally experienced coincidences with r sp ct to th otio “Maya”, a d si c “Maya” is also a f mal first am , w hav chos “Maya” to b th smil y’s s co d am “Maya” has a mb r of diff r t m a i s Most important in the context of our philosophy, Maya is an indication in Hinduism and Buddhism; it m a s “veil of delusion” It stat s that th h ma b i , th h ma “m ” i cl di his body and supposed brain-related mind, is subject to a veil of delusion, which prevents him to have real insight on Tr th This fits xactly i o r th ory, which stat s that “all th r is” i o r physical/biolo ical world is i d p st ss c o scio s ss (or still b tt r “ pirit”) rath r than matter or even physical energy. Our physical/biological reality is actually an illusory world, i cl di o r p rso al “m ” Th smil y’s f ll am “Maya- mmy” th r for sta ds for “ill sory m i th all-embraci ”, xactly th ori i al p rpos of th lo o

A f y sid ff ct is that “Maya- mmy” co ld b pro o c d as th Am rica city “Miami” i th stat of lorida markabl is that th mb r of charact rs i “Miami lorida” is 12, a d lorida’s pop latio i millio s of p opl is 21 (to b xact 21,47 i th y ar 2019)! A ai the combination of 12 and 21! 66

Just like the initials of Martina and Eugene (ME), also the initials of Maya-Emmy (ME) are covered by th “m ” in th smil y’s mo th Th total mb r of charact rs i th fo r am s is s rprisi ly 21! I this r sp ct th “m ” incorporates implicitly our symbol 21 for the process of Consciousness, whereas the face of a clock (with its 12 dials) i th co to r’s i er circle incorporates our symbol 12 for the Emanation process. Again we have here our divine combination of 21 and 12! So, besides the xplicit combi atio of 21 a d 12 i th smil y’s y s, w find the same combination in a more implicit way. Connecting in both cases the symbols 21 and 12 by a . Fig.5 : Latin Cross in logo li (i th latt r cas a li thro h th “m ” a d th 12th dial) results in a Latin Cross, i th hristia b li fs symbol for … th Divine! See Fig. 5. SYNCHRONICITY 13: On Easter Sunday 2019 (21st March 2019) the author had an extremely remarkable experience.

First, but this is not the very point to make here, the date includes in a way again our divine combination (21,12): day 21 and the digits in the year 2019 add up to 12. Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his death by crucifixion, at least according to the Christian belief. In our philosophy Jesus symbolizes mankind. Consequently, with a view to his death and succeeding resurrection, in our pataphysical philosophy Easter may symbolize a new cycle of existence of the physical/biological reality after the ending of the preceding cycle. The new cycle of existence implies the beginning of time all over again as well as the origin of mankind and universe all over again (see also the 3rd and 4th paragraph of Subsect. 6.3). Then now what happened on Easter Sunday 2019. That day the author was looking in t ph awki ’s last book “Bri f A sw rs to th Bi Q stio s”, a d r ad i chapt r 2 that the Irish Bischof Ussher (1581-1656) has calculated, on the basis of historical research of the Bible (Genesis), that “tim ” has start d o 22nd ctob r 4004 (B ) at 18 00 o’clock (r ally amazing to read this on precisely Easter, as said our symbolization of the beginning of time, all over again in any cycle of existence of the physical/biological reality!). Comparation of this date with the meeting date 22nd October 2002 (see among others Synchronicity 5) shows surprisingly both cases sharing the 22nd October (even the time instances appear to be very close to each other) and the year 4004 (albeit B.C.) and 2002 having a ratio of 1:2 or by choice 2:1. Ignoring the B.C., this means that 22nd ctob r 4004 (B ) at 18 00 o’clock a d 22nd ctob r 2002 b tw 17 00 a d 18 00 o’clock have exactly the ratio 1:2 or by choice 2:1. The mathematical division (:) is in fact an operator working on the operands 1 and 2, and is therefore symbolically equivalent to our previously introduced symbol 0 as operator. This means that the ratios 1:2 and 2:1 are symbolically equivalent to 102 (or 12) and 201 (or 21), leading again to our divine combination (12,21) .

According to the on the Bible based calculation of Bischof Ussh r, “tim ” a d physical r ality started roughly 6000 years ago. Through totally different considerations the author came in his pataphysical philosophy approximately to a similar conclusion (see Subsect. 6.3, 1st 67

para raph) L t’s how v r stay keeping in mind that in our theory the physical/biological world including mankind is an illusion and the evolution of this world an illusion within this illusion of reality. We guess the beginning of time in the first illusion some 6000 years ago (this corresponds to the result of Bischof Ussher); the beginning of time in the second illusion is more than 13 billion years ago (this corresponds to the findings in science). For that matter, not the number of 6000 years is our real issue, but the assumption that the age of our universe is in the order of thousands of years, not billions of years. We have described 13 synchronicities, but there were more with however a lower degree of relevance. One exception: a highly impressive synchronicity related to the dramatic crash of flight MH17 of Malaysia Airlines from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur on 17th July 2014 after a missile attack. In order to express our deepest respect to the many victims (and their relatives) of this terrible disaster (the big majority concerned the author’s countrymen from The Netherlands) we decided to not describe this synchronicity in the essay. Just one rough indication: the ECMS Conference on Modelling and Simulation (see 3rd paragraph of this Sect. 11) in June 2010 has taken plac i …… ala L mp r

Finishing the survey of experienced synchronicities in this Sect. 11, we could ask ourselves what is the m a i of this r markabl s ri s of “coi cid ts”? Ar w co fro t d with a mb r of “cha c hits”? I o r philosophy w do of co rs ss tially ot b li v i coincidents. But suggest we would do, then we could imagine one, two, three or four coincidents with r sp ct to o a d th sam topic, b t a mb r of 13 s ms “a littl bit too m ch for th ood thi ” (altho h of course always possible from the statistical point of view). In their togetherness the series of synchronicities seems to support our philosophical ideas, especially those about the processes of Emanation and Consciousness in the AllSoul. We have the impression that a “s ri s of r l va t sy chro iciti s” is for ima i ary id as i ‘Pataphysics what “validatio ” is for hypoth s s i physics. Further we have to assume that experiencing the described synchronicities is incorporated as personal aspects in the All- Embracing Plan (or AllSpirit). Finally, we think that th “experience through synchronicities” of the immense(!) relevance of “Ema atio ” and “ o scio s ss” (what co ld b mor relevant?) suggests a special link between both incarnated Souls concerned; w sp ak of “Dual Souls”, which spirit ally s rpass s the so-call d “so lmat s”

The 13 synchronicities described in this Sect. 11 are all related to our introduced processes of Emanation and Consciousness, respectively symbolized by 12 and 21 (and sometimes completed with an additional operator 0). These spiritual processes, which in very essence are two aspects of the same process (see Sect. 3, 3rd paragraph), are personal imaginations of the author; they have in the first instance nothing to do with any religion, what so ever. Religious sayi s a d stat m ts lik “God b com s ma ” a d “r t r s to th stat s of f ll divi b i ” could in our theory be seen as interpretations of the spiritual processes of Emanation and Consciousness. In this respect and with a view to for instance the Christian Believe, it is very remarkable that in Synchronicity 5 the person of Jesus Christ appears and in Synchronicity 12 the Latin cross! It is as if the All-Embracing Plan (or AllSpirit) maintains in the a thor’s a d fellow person’s p rso al Pla s a reminder of the Christian culture in which they both have been grown up.


12: Concluding and final remarks First, in the intermezzo below we summarize in a somewhat different formulation the a thor’s major ima i atio s, which form the pataphysical background on which his theory on origin and existence of the physical/biological reality is based.

Our philosophy is bas d o th pataphysical ass mptio that “all th r is”, i cl di th spiritual and our physical/biological world, is an expression of Consciousness and follows from a t r al “I fi it o scio s ss” Th r for w sp ak of “philosophy of non-materialistic(!) o scio s ss” W sp ak of “r ality” i th s s of “ xp ri c as if (!) th r is r ality” Mor pr cis , w sp ak of “ xp ri c of a Pla as if (!) this Pla is r ality”; this, i spir d by the ordered and intelligent organization of the world we live in, and grafted onto the insights arising from the virtual worlds that we humans are nowadays able to create. Since o scio s ss also i cl d s “physical tim ” (i xp ri c as if (!) th r xists “tim ”), it is i itself eternal (timeless)! Consciousness, as meant here, is not produced in our human brain but outside us humans, even outside the physical/biological reality. We are in the eternal timeless world of th “ o l”, th spirit al world!

In our theory the so-called “process of Consciousness” in the spiritual world is a structural timeless process, in which continually higher and higher intermediate stages of Consciousness ar b ilt p, p to fi ally I fi it o scio s ss (call d th “AllSoul”) Th i t rm diat sta s of Consciousness are based on Self- fl ctio s (call d “process of Emanation”) of this o and o ly I fi it o scio s ss That is to say, th I fi it o scio s ss or All o l “s s” its lf (i a tim l ss proc ss) i i fi it ly ma y “asp cts or app ara c s of o scio s ss” (call d “Souls”) of q al a d co ti ally low r a d low r ord r (= l v l of o scio s ss) I th opposit dir ctio , th “asp cts of o scio s ss” of co ti ally hi h r a d hi h r ord r form the timeless process of building up Consciousness, up to Infinite Consciousness. Although in our time-bound human understanding such reverse processes are dependent on each other, the processes of Emanation and Consciousness are in the timeless spiritual world essentially identical but distinguishable. Incomprehensible for us humans!

o scio s ss, i all its i t rm diat sta s, is ss tially “ xp ri c ”! Th I fi it Consciousness or AllSoul is integral by nature and concerns the integral Experience of an i t ral Pla (or “All-Embracing Plan”) as i t ral ality (“Absolute Reality” or “AllReality”), inclusive of an integral Entity (called Divine Being or “God”) that experiences this integral Reality on all its levels of lower order. Similarly, a Soul (a lower-level aspect of the AllSoul) experiences its own Plan (a lower-level aspect of the All-Embracing Plan) as if (!) this Plan is ality; a ality i cl di a tity (call d “spiritual being”) that xp ri c s this ality from the inside as real (in the spiritual sense). A consequence is that only the Absolute Reality is real (in the spiritual sense); all other spiritual Realities and their “inhabitants” (internal experiencers or spiritual beings) are illusory or virtual (again in the spiritual sense).

With a view to the above definitions, the AllSoul and its lower-level aspects, the Souls, can be cryptically characterized by the trio {Experience, Plan, Reality}. The condition for Infinite Consciousness (AllSoul) is the Trinity [Experience = Plan = Reality], which gives rise to a “Spiritual Singularity”, a “poi t of spirit al i fi ity” Except for the AllSoul, this Trinity Condition (however differently understood) is also the condition for the existence of the so-called “AllSpirit”, i fact th afor -m tio d “All-Embracing Plan”, which in our theory consists of an infinite set of (top-down) spiritual relations. Clearly, on the highest level of infinite Consciousness the Trinity Condition can also be written as [AllSoul = AllSpirit = AllReality]. 69

In the Spiritual Singularity the AllSoul, the AllSpirit, the Absolute Reality (AllReality) and also God (i r “ xp ri c r” of this Absol t ality) are identical but distinguishable. The AllSpirit however is most fundamental; “all th r is” is in its very essence Spirit! The mentioned equality fr s s from q stio s s ch as “Is th r a i t ral Pla d rlyi th i t ral ality?”, “Who is th “ r ator” of this integral Pla ?”, “Who is th “Poss ssor” of infinite Consciousness and has the corresponding integral Exp ri c ?” Pla a d its Creator, Experience and “ xp ri c r” ar aft r all id tical o th hi h st l v l of i fi it o scio s ss This is a importa t co cl sio Now, for i sta c , th abov sayi “th I fi it o scio s ss s s itself in infinitely many aspects of Conscio s ss” ( ma atio ) sta ds, so to say, o solid ground, at least pataphysically regarded. The same also applies for the process of Consciousness, regarded as the reverse or mirror process of the process of Emanation.

this “solid ro d” w hav based our pataphysical theory on origin and existence of our physical/biological world, and more in particular the origin and existence of mankind. In our pataphysical philosophy this all is due to a so-call d “subroutine” (sideroad that the Soul must necessarily take in the spiritual process of Consciousness because of the missing of sufficient 4-dimensional awareness in the very beginning of this timeless process). Inside(!) the subroutine the Soul expresses itself in an (illusory) human being, who experiences a surrounding (illusory) physical/biological world, but takes this world, inclusive of him- or h rs lf, for r al With th rad al i cr as of th o l’s o scio s ss a d th rowth of its 4- dimensional awareness, a point will be reached where the 4-dimensional awareness is such that the introduced subroutine is not needed anymore; we speak of the end of mankind and the end of physical/biological reality. However, then this all (we mean the physical/biological world and mankind) starts all over again since the subroutine is eternal (only its content is time-bound).

Since we consider the physical world pataphysically as a kind of physical representation of the spirit al world (“As abov , so b low”), w try to provide in the essay from this perspective pataphysical views on physical topics, both in classical and modern physics. In addition, also pataphysical views on some mental aspects and among others the issue “ ivi m a i to h ma lif ” ar disc ss d

We now present point by point our most remarkable and likely for nearly everybody unbelievable conclusions and consequences of our pataphysical philosophy (as having been said, bas d o th a thor’s v ry p rso al ima i atio s) Some words, word combinations or s t c s ar d rli d, which abl s “a ov rvi w at a la c ” o som q stio ably unique conclusions of a philosophy which in this form has never been published, at least to our knowledge.

◼ Except our own physical/biological reality and possible other realities in the multiverse, we imagine also spiritual Realities to be existent in a spiritual world. Based on (non-materialistic) Consciousness, in our theory all these Realities are illusory or virtual; the same applies obviously for th ir “residents”, h ma a d spirit al b i s, who however consider themselves and their illusory world from the inside of this world to be real A xc ptio is th “Absolute Reality”, th o a d o ly o -illusory, so real in the spiritual sense, infinite Reality. The Absolute Reality is identical to the 70

one and only non-illusory superior divine B i (call d “God”), who i o r ima i atio s experiences the Absolute Reality from the inside of this Reality. All the rest, that is to say all low r aliti s a d th ir “r sid ts”, both i th spirit al a d physical/biolo ical world, are illusory aspects (appearances) of the Absolute Reality and its superior Being “God”

◼ All mentioned illusory Realities, so also our enormous physical/biological world (our iv rs ), tak plac i a “Spiritual Singularity” which cryptically can be regarded as a spirit al “zero-radius point(!) of infinite dimensionality” (in our philosophy representing respectively an infinite intensity (density) and infinite depth of Consciousness, our assumed characteristics for infinite Consciousness).

◼ I th “ pirit al i larity” the AllSoul (Infinite Consciousness), the AllSpirit (All- Embracing Plan, the “story” b hi d v rythi , an infinite set of top-down spiritual relations), the afore-mentioned Absolute Reality (or AllReality) and its inner Experiencer (the Divine Being or God) are all identical but distinguishable; in fact they ach r pr s t “th All” I this r sp ct th pirit al i larity f ctio s as a “poi t of ity” “All o l (= God), AllSpirit (= God), All ality” (= God) can be regarded as the Divine Trinity (well-known in Christianity). Although in our philosophy the AllSoul is most catching the eye, it is the AllSpirit that is most fundamental! (If one irreverently co ld sp ak of a ki d of “p cki ord r” i f damentality, then this would be: AllSpirit, AllSoul and in an ex aequo third place the Absolute Reality and God.) This would imply that God is not almighty but subject to the permanent and fully determined All-Embracing Plan. God is identical to this Plan, but cannot change it. God did ot cr at “all th r is” b t I “all th r is” (j st lik th All o l a d All pirit): “D s siv om ia” (compar this with pi oza’s “D s siv at ra”)!

◼ The AllSoul includes the timeless process of Emanation (Self-Reflection) in an infinite set of continuously lower- and lower- order mutually integrated aspects or app ara c s (call d “Souls”), to th r formi a i fi it “Spiritual Brain” I this Spiritual Brain Consciousness is built up to Infinite Conscio s ss i a tim l ss “Process of Consciousness” I o r pataphysical philosophy th “ pirit al Brai ” is simply modelled as an archetype(!) String of in each other integrated Souls (representing infinitely many strings of Souls), containing in upward direction Souls of continuously increasing Consciousness; so the (timeless) process of (building up) Consciousness takes place upwards along this archetype String of Souls. Already in the very beginning of the process of Consciousness, and with this main spiritual process going on eternally, a what w hav call d “subroutine” (a sid road) is c ssarily follow d by th o l, giving rise to the human being in a physical/biological reality, which is subject to (physical and other) laws and rules. The direct reason behind our introduction of the subroutine is insufficient 4-dimensional awareness of the Souls in the lowest part of the (archetype) String of Souls.


◼ As already said, the physical/biological reality with its human beings is illusory or virtual, and so are the possible other worlds with their “r sid ts” in the multiverse as well as the spiritual world with its spiritual Beings. This all in contrast to the Absolute Reality and Divine Being (God), which both are real in the spiritual sense, just like the AllSoul and AllSpirit. Humans are expressions of their corresponding Souls and they experience the illusory physical/biological world, including themselves, as being real (compare this with our man-made virtual reality).

◼ The laws and rules that govern our physical/biological world are a consequence of the tra sitio of “top-down spiritual relations” (charact rizi th lawl ss spirit al world) into correspo di “bottom-up spiritual relations” (charact rizi th physical/biological world and assumed to be ordered in layers), upon entering the “s bro ti ” (sid road) i th proc ss of o scio s ss The (sub)set of bottom-up spiritual relations, oft capt r d i th coll ctiv o “Spirit”, is act ally a low r- ord r asp ct of th All pirit a d d t rmi s th s bro ti ’s limitatio s, in other words the restrictions of our physical/biological world. Inside the subroutine the bottom-up spiritual relations are physically interpreted by the Soul, and so understood by its corresponding human who considers these physical interpretations to be real. A importa t xampl is “physical r y” b i a physical i t rpr tatio of pirit. The stat m t “all is, physically speaking, energy and based on energetic relations and laws” is th physical i t rpr tatio of “all th r is i sid th s bro ti (that is to say, i th physical/biolo ical world)” is ss tially pirit a d bas d o bottom-up spiritual relatio s” Physical r y is o th d p st l v l “ pirit”

◼ Unlike the prevailing materialistic worldview, showing scientifically an evolution of our physical world (our universe) in billions of years, in our Consciousness-based worldview (civilized) mankind and universe originate instantaneously some thousands of years ago (actually d to th o l’s becoming aware of what always has been and always will be, albeit in a spiritual counterpart). Before civilized(!) mankind there was no physical/biological world. That we still find remains of prehistorical men, animals a d pla ts from (far) b for (civiliz d) ma ki d is xplai d by th o l’s a d th r for h ma ’s i t rpr tatio of th s bro ti ’s bottom-up spiritual relations in different lower layers and their effect in the upper layer, where this all is actually manifest and as such understood imilarly, physical ph om a ar xplai d as th o l’s a d co s q tly h ma ’s physical i t rpr tatio s of th s bro ti ’s bottom-up spiritual relations in different layers and as such understood in the upper layer.

◼ For reasons of our supposed consistency between the spiritual world and the very ss tials of physical r ality (“As abov , so b low”) w s a “look-alike physical interpretation” of what i o r pataphysical philosophy w imagine is going on in the spiritual world outside the subroutine (this inspired by the physical interpretations of the bottom-up spiritual relations inside the subroutine). For example, th “Bi Ba ” in the version of a physical (gravitational) singularity is o r “look-alike physical i t rpr tatio ” of th t r al “ pirit al i larity” (as said above, cryptically regarded 72

as a spirit al “z ro-radius point of infinite dimensionality”, including AllSoul, AllSpirit, AllReality and God).

◼ We used both the o l’s physical i t rpr tatio s of th bottom-up spiritual relations inside the subroutine a d th “look-alik physical i t rpr tatio ” of o r ima i d spiritual world outside the subroutine, also in combination, to present our pataphysical views and considerations about physical phenomena, such as physical energy, equivalence of mass and energy, Big Bang, cosmic inflation, black and white hole, 4- dimensional spacetime, elementary and composite particles, and the multiverse.

◼ In the process of Consciousness (i.e. rising up in the archetype String of Souls) the 4- dimensional awareness of Soul and therefore corresponding human will gradually grow until the level that our introduced subroutine is not needed anymore. (Note that the missing of (sufficient) 4-dimensional awareness in the Soul was the very reason for o r i trod ctio of th “s bro ti ” ) We speak of the end of time and the end of physical/biological reality. The human being has become then fully a spiritual being! But, then all starts all over again since the subroutine itself is eternal, only its content is time-bound! Again (civilized) mankind and physical/biological reality originate instantaneously and again they will disappear when the o ls’ 4-dimensional awareness has become sufficient. This goes on and on in an eternal sequence of cycles of existence, without beginning and without end. We have lived our lives already infinitely many times, and we will still live this life infinitely times more, each time in xactly th sam circ msta c s (w co ld i this r sp ct sp ak of th “r s rr ctio of th body”). We guess the length of a cycle of existence in the order of 10.000 years. It is really a curious idea that in roughly 10.000 years the author will be working on exactly the same essay as the current one!

◼ Taking into account a multiverse concept with many other universes, we could conclude that each of these universes has its own cycle of existence, its own “i habita ts” a d its ow “Bi Ba ” (b i how v r th r sid ts’ ow i t rpr tatio of th o a d o ly t r al “ pirit al i larity”)

◼ A relevant and intriguing question is “what is the purpose of human life, if any”? In our philosophy the content of every human life (in deeds and thoughts) is fully determined according to the own Plan, an aspect of the All-Embracing Plan or AllSpirit (full determinism). Th r is o s ch thi as “fr will”. The purpose of any human life is to provide, through the corresponding Soul, a unique and absolutely necessary contribution to the process of Consciousness up to Infinite Consciousness (the AllSoul). No single human life (whatever good or bad, rich or poor, healthy or sick, successful or dramatic) can be missed in this process of Consciousness. The occurrence of mankind in every cycle of existence of the physical reality is an absolute prerequisite for the process of Consciousness!


◼ A oth r i tri i q stio : “what happ s aft r o r d ath”? Accordi to o r philosophy, aft r th h ma ’s d ath th corr spo di p rso al o l leaves the subroutine and experiences immediately the spiritual counterpart of the finished physical life, wher th d p r m a i a d th “why” of all asp cts of th fi ish d physical life are revealed. This eternal(!) Experience outside the subroutine (of course without the limitations, restrictive laws, pain and sorrow being so characteristic in our physical exp ri c s) is “ov rridd ” by th physical xp ri c i sid th s bro ti , each time when the Soul again incarnates in a next “cycl of xist c ” of th physical/biological world. But… , there is quite another aspect! Since the personal Soul concerned is i t rat d i its “i t ral o l” (or “hi h st m ”, a “dir ct asp ct of q al ord r” of th All o l), from o r h ma vi wpoi t it looks lik aft r th h ma ’s d ath the Soul has returned to Home where it belongs and has immediately arrived in “ av ” (alb it i t rat d i its “i t ral o l” a d b i i fact a drop witho t identity in the ocean of infinite Consciousness). However, because of the spiritual eternity the Soul has always been there and always will be (also during the physical life of the human concerned).

◼ A additio al a d rath r complicat d th ory co c r i th th m “th Souls’ spheres” (in which we have made use of a more sophisticated model of Emanation: not an archetype String of emanated Souls but an archetype Ring(!) of emanated Souls) leads in our pataphysical philosophy to the astonishing conclusion that we earthlings are likely the only conscious and intelligent beings in our universe.

◼ A s t of r markabl a d som tim s v sp ctac lar “sy chro iciti s” (m a i f l coincidences), related to the author and an inspiring fellow person, seems to support in a mysterious way our imaginary theory, especially the divine combination of (the processes of) Emanation and Consciousness in the AllSoul. This has given us the impr ssio that “what validation is for hypotheses in physics, is a combination of relevant synchronicities for imaginations in ‘Pataphysics”.

◼ In summary, this essay shows exceptional work that in the first instance might make people LAUGH because of a number of “apparent absurdities”, but then --perhaps (very) much later—invites and challenges them to THINK about the idea that our physical world could well be completely different (e.g. immaterial or non-materialistic) than we nowadays think and experience it is!

◼ ‘Pataphysics is said to be a parody of physics. But when one thinks carefully about ‘Pataphysics, then the conclusion might be that everything is essentially pataphysical! ‘Pataphysics is i o r opi io a required background for physics rather than being a parody of physics. In this respect we repeat our citation of Albert Einstein at the very b i i of this ssay: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution”. 74

Announcement The author is much obliged to Dr. Han Bakker who put him on the trail of ‘Pataphysics He also would like to show his gratitude to Mrs. Martina-Maria Seidel who was during a relevant period of time his support and inspiring interlocutor during the development of the pataphysical views dealt with in this essay. This is nicely expressed in the experienced synchronicities of Sect.11. This all of cours do s ot cha at all th a thor’s f ll responsibility for the contents, imaginations and ideas in this essay. Appendix: E ’ personal “K T ” The logo presented in Fig.6 is regularly used in th a thor’s spirit al doc m ts as a vocativ expression of his philosophical view and insights. Being an own and very personal logo, it connects very well to th a thor’s pataphysical th ory of th rol a d ss c of immaterial and non-materialistic Consciousness. The logo as a whole gives the impression of a smiley, which represents symbolically the human being and, on another level, the spiritual being as well; it reveals the Fig.6: The author's personal very essence of both. logo “Know Thyself" The outer (red) ring symbolizes the Divine and the eternal spiritual world. A circle is frequently used as symbol to refer to the Divine; for example, in Freemasonry the circle has this special meaning. The outer ring may also, and perhaps in particular, symbolize the Divine as archetype closed Ring(!) of emanated Souls, this as a result of our introduced more sophisticated model of Emanation (see 8th paragraph of Sect. 10). The inner (orange) ring, showi partly th fac of a clock or watch, r pr s ts th “s bro ti world”, th tim - bound physical/biological world which in our theory is incorporated on a low level of o scio s ss as “s bro ti ” (sid road) of th main process of Consciousness in the spiritual world. So, o t r a d i r ri to th r r pr s t th “all- mbraci ” or th All (also assumed to include other universes in the multiverse; see Subsect. 8.12). The area in the middle, in which th colo r “y llow” has been chosen to express spirituality, shows schematically our spiritual and pataphysical explanation of the very essence of the All, as said including the spiritual and physical/biological world. As mentioned already in the 1st paragraph of Sect. 11, the numbers 12 and 21 have each an essential symbolic meaning. The number 12 represents symbolically that the one All o l or I fi it o scio s ss “s s” (th r for th eyes of the smiley!) itself in infinitely many aspects of Conscio s ss ( o ls) This is th proc ss of ma atio : “o ” (th o I fi it o scio s ss) div r s, so to say, i “ma y”; symbolically: 1→2 or in numerological form 12, wh r “2” is o r s d symbol for “ma y” Th oth r way aro d, w hav th proc ss of o scio s ss: “ma y” co v r s to “o ”, th o I fi it o scio s ss; symbolically: 2→1 or 21. The circles surrounding the numbers 12 and 21 express an operator (represented by digit 0), sometimes used to work on the operands 1 and 2. So, through the eyes of the smiley the logo symbolizes the (timeless) processes of Emanation and Consciousness, our so- call d “divine combination” 75

Th smil y’s nose i th lo o co sists of a slash (v rtically) a d a “lyi i ht” (horizontally) representing the both nostrils. The slash symbolizes the infinitely tight connection between Emanation (12) and Consciousness (21). It is the connection between “br athi i ” (i fi it o scio s ss thro h th proc ss of o scio s ss) a d “br athi o t” ( ma atio ); th r for th smil y’s os ! I mi d o co ld ima i that th s br athi in and breathing out occur in such an infinitely high frequency that both process are actually equal (but distinguishable). This is also symbolized in the slash: if we assume the slash to stand for th arithm tical op ratio “divid ”, as w ll as for th r s lt of this op ratio (that is to say: 1, because of the above argument), th “12/21=1” is r pr s t d; this symboliz s o r philosophical statement that Emanation (12) and Consciousness (21), although opposite processes in our human understanding, are in deepest essence (i.e. considered from the highest level of Consciousness) equal but distinguishable. The both nostrils, in the logo forming a lying (horizontal) eight, have the symbolic meaning as mentioned in Synchronicity 11 of Sect. 11 (stipulating once again the divine combination (12,21), infinity, and mirroring).

The lying eight has a nice side effect. In vertical position (the normal 8) we see digit 3 included twice, albeit in a mirrored positio Di it 3 symboliz s i o r th ory th “Tri ity o ditio ” (s Synchronicity 9 in Sect. 11). Consequently, the meaningful figures or symbols 0, 1, 2 and 3 are each in the logo incorporated in duplicate! Indeed a surprising effect! With r f r c to th “br athi ”, mentioned above in the 4th paragraph of this Appendix, w f rth r s st that th m taphor “blowi breath of life in the mouth of the h ma b i ” fi ds its xpr ssio i th smil y’s mouth. Here is symbolically represented that each emanated Soul experiences its own dedicated Plan (i.e. its own dedicated “life” hidden in spiritual relations) as if(!) this Plan is Reality; Reality, including an entity (spiritual being or, inside th “s bro ti ” or sid road of th main process of Consciousness, human being) that experiences this illusory Reality to be real. This “ xp ri c of b i r al” concerns of course also the spiritual or human being itself, resulting in feelings of self-awar ss: “that’s me”! Th r for th “m ” i th smil y’s mo th! So, as said the Soul discloses its own dedicated Pla , hidd i th “dark ss” of spirit al r latio s I oth r words, th o l op rat s as “th li ht that shi s i th dark ss a d th dark ss did ot compr h d it”; th dark ss of th Spirit reveals its hiddenness. It is therefore that in the smil y’s mouth th “m ” li ht s p i a black background. Finally, the l d “ ow Thys lf” This phras is a w ll-known and an important, if not the most important, statement in the blue (classic) Freemasonry; therefore the choice of the blue background of the phrase. This ancient Greek aphorism was inscribed in the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo in Delphi. Plato considered the “ ow Thys lf” as th fo datio of k owl d I th framework of our philosophy its deepest meaning could be “k ow yourself and you will k ow God” Th smil y th r for symbolizes the human being, but also the spiritual being, up to th hi h st spirit al b i : God! ow v r …, i its d p st essence the smiley only symbolizes God, identical to the Infinite o scio s ss (All o l) that “s s” its lf o low r l v ls of 76

Consciousness through the emanated Souls as spiritual beings; and further on the lowest l v ls of o scio s ss a d i sid th “s bro ti ” as h ma b i s, who xp ri c themselves in a physical/biological surrounding. In the logo this surrounding is represented in the sun (source of light and symbolized by the yellow face of the smiley) and the “black moon” (represented by th black smil y’s mo th) W m a h r with “black moo ” that th moo does not shine itself but is illuminated by the sun. (The sun and moon among the stars are also included in the physical world represented in Fig. 1 of Sect. 2.) A special meaning is assigned to the square that encloses the outer circle in the logo (see Fig. 6). The square causes four spikes, two at the upper part and two at the lower part of th circl L t’s now in our imagination consider higher- Fig.7: Cross and Aureole dimensional cases up to the divine infinite-dimensional level. A 2- dimensional representation of the 3-dimensional case (a cube enclosing a sphere) would look like a star with eight spikes. A 2-dimensional representation of the infinite-dimensional case would look like an infinite aureole (infinite number of infinitely long and infinitely narrow spikes). Fig.7 shows an extremely oversimplified illustration of such aureole in combination with the Latin cross considered in Synchronicity 12 of Sect. 11 (see also Fig. 5). Just like the cross also the aureole is frequently used to symbolize the Divine. In this respect the logo includes not only explicitly symbols referring to the Divine (the divine combination 12 and 21) but also implicitly (the Latin cross and aureole). In summary, and with a view to Synchronicity 12 in Sect. 11, one could say that the Logo shows in a pataphysical a d philosophical way th ill sory “m ” (and illusory s rro di s) i th “all- mbraci ” or th All Very special is that nearly all ingredients in the logo have been based on true “real-world events and experiences”. A synchronicity on its own! P ’ b Eugene Kerckhoffs studied physical engineering at Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands), and obtained a PhD in computer science at the University of Ghent (Belgium). He was an associate professor at Delft University of Technology and part- time professor at the University of Ghent, where he was a chair holder of a special Chair on Simulation Sciences. He is the (co- )author of over 250 publications in the area of computer simulation and artificial intelligence. He was a co-founder of the Dutch Benelux Simulation Society (DBSS) and for 12 years its first secretary (1979 – 1991). In this period of time, he was instrumental in the collaboration between (regional) European Simulation Societies, which finally in 1989 has led to the birth of Fig.8: Author showing his EUROSIM, the Federation of European Simulation Societies. In royal decoration. 1990 he was the initiator of the precursor of what currently is the ECMS (“ rop a o cil for Mod lli a d im latio ”) and for 7 years its first President. He got several awards and a fellow status of international scientific societies. In 2017 he was appoi t d “ ffic r i th rd r of ra -Nassa ”, a D tch royal d coratio , for lo lasti service to the international (scientific) community (see Fig. 8). 77

Based on his strong, but not scientifically founded, conviction that our physical/biological reality, and all possible realities beyond including the spiritual world, are nothing but lower-order expressions of eternal infinite Consciousness, the author developed a consciousness-based pataphysical theory on the origin and existence of our physical world. ‘Pataphysics is amo oth rs d fi d as th “sci c ” of ima i ary sol tio s Th a thor’s philosophical thinking (especially in the last 20 years) resulted in very personal imaginations about the spiritual world and their effect on our physical/biological world. This essay is a reflection of these imaginations.

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