1 2 Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. (Albert Einstein) Science helps us to prove facts, but intuition guides us to discoveries. (Paolo Coelho) The Soul has no birth, no death, no beginning, and no end. Sin cannot touch it, nor can virtue exalt it. Wisdom cannot open it up, nor can ignorance darken it. It has been always and always it will be. (Hazrat Inayat Khan) A PATAPHYSICAL VIEW ON ORIGIN AND EXISTENCE OF OUR PHYSICAL WORLD (An alternative theory on God and world based on personal imaginations) Eugene J.H. Kerckhoffs Leiden, the Netherlands Table of content (p. 2) Abstract (p. 4) 1: Introduction: metaphysics and ‘P (p. 5) 2: Spiritual world: (All)Soul, Emanation, Spiritual Singularity, (All)Spirit, God (P. 6) 2.1: Emanation of the AllSoul in Souls (p. 7) 2.2: The Trinity Condition, Spiritual Singularity, AllSpirit (p. 9) 3: Spiritual world: the process of Consciousness (p. 12) 4: O “ b ” (p. 15) 5: Physical reality (p. 18) 5.1: Spiritual versus physical reality (p. 18) 3 5.2: Physical energy and Spirit (p. 19) 5.3: Common physical reality (p. 21) 6: Human life (p. 21) 6.1: Human life: essentially a set of bottom-up spiritual relations (p. 21) 6.2: Individuality of human life (p. 22) 6.3: Age and cyclicity of mankind (p. 23) 7: Human mind (p. 24) 7.1: Free will (p. 24) 8: Our pataphysical view on some scientifical subjects in physics (p. 26) 8.1: Science in pataphysical perspective (p. 26) 8.2: The relationship between physical reality and physical energy (P. 27) 8.3: A pataphysical view on E=mc2 (P. 27) 8 4: Th “Bi Ba ” (p. 29) 8.5: Cosmic Inflation (p. 33) 8.6: Elementary and composite particles (p. 35) 8.7: The impact of higher dimensions, string theories (p. 35) 8.8: Physical evolution (p. 36) 8.9: Dak energy and dark matter (p. 37) 8.10: Black a d whit hol , “what’s b for th Bi Ba ?” (p. 38) 8.11: 4-Dimensional spacetime , blockuniverse (p. 40) 8.12: The multiverse (p. 44) 9: The complete spectrum of mankind in a physical/biological world (p. 45) 9.1: Giving meaning to human life (p. 50) 9.2: Life after death (p. 50) 9.3: Near death experience (p. 52) 10: T S ’ : b ? (p. 53) 11: Experienced synchronicities related to our theory (p. 57) 12: Concluding and final remarks (p. 65) Announcement (p. 71) Appendix: E ’ “K T ” (p. 71) P ’ b (p. 73) 4 Abstract of th diff r t d scriptio s of ‘Pataphysics d fi s this bra ch of philosophy as “th sci c of ima i ary sol tio s” Th titl of this ssay r fl cts o r fforts to i v sti at imaginary explanations regarding our physical/biological world. In particular, phenomena in a spirit al world as th y xist i th a thor’s ima i atio , a d th ir pataphysical ff ct i o r physical/biological world, are examined. (For the sake of easiness, throughout the essay the t rm “physical/biolo ical” is s d to xpr ss all asp cts of d ad a d livi matt r, so for instance also the chemical and even the mental or immaterial!) Th importa t a d ss tial starti poi t of o r co sid ratio s is that “all th r is” is pure Consciousness. The consequence in our philosophy is that all Realities and their inhabitants (spiritual and human beings) are in fact illusions! (This should always be kept in mind while reading the essay; on purpose it is repeatedly mentioned in the text, perhaps until annoying.) It is the power of imagination to accept illusion as starting point for further investigation; note in this respect also the statement of Albert Einstein at the very beginning of this essay. We realize very well that illusionism is in a minority position among academic philosophers; but it represents an ancient strand of thought among intellectual elites. In general and normally speaking, however, illusions will always hold us back. In our pataphysical philosophy we consider the All, covering the spiritual world and our physical/biological world, and all possible parallel universes as well, to be the expression of th o a d o ly “I fi it o scio s ss” or “All o l” i a “ pirit al i larity” (th spiritual domain of infinity). In a timeless process of Self-Reflection or Emanation this Infinite o scio s ss “s s” its lf i i fi it ly ma y asp cts of o scio s ss ( o ls), which ma if st th ms lv s i “spirit al b i s” i th ir ow spirit al ality Th o ls ar , so to say, th “ ro s” of a i fi it “spirit al brai ”, i which a (tim l ss) proc ss of o scio s ss tak s place up to Infinite Consciousness. The process of Consciousness would in our philosophy stagnate if not necessarily a sideroad is followed already in the very beginning (in structure, not in time of course!) of the process. This sideroad implies the Soul- xp ri c d “h ma b i ” i his physical/biolo ical r ality Based on these perspectives we try to find pataphysical background explanations for s v ral iss s i physics, both classic a d mod r physics Aft r disc ssi th a thor’s imaginations about the spiritual world, we consider on the basis of these imaginations pataphysically physical phenomena such as physical energy, the equivalence of mass and energy, the Big Bang, cosmic inflation, black and white holes, the 4-dimensional spacetime, elementary and composite particles, and the multiverse. For instance and as illustration, physical energy is regarded to be our physical interpretation of spiritual “ pirit”, which i o r philosophy underlies Consciousness and therefore is really the very essence of “all th r is” In addition, we pay also attention to nonphysical iss s, s ch as “fr will”, th meaning and purpose of human life, the question of what happens after our death, and near death experiences. Finally, we outline the whole spectrum of past and future of mankind from a spiritual, pataphysical and philosophical point of view. In an Appendix at the end of the essay a xpla atio of th a thor’s p rso al lo o “ ow Thys lf” is pr s t d 5 Due to a Consciousness-based rather than the prevailing materialistic worldview, in our pataphysical philosophy we come to some really extraordinary conclusions which, as far as we are aware, have never been reported in this form and which may be in (apparently) blatant contrast to nowadays science. A series of not less than 13 actually experienced, sometim s v sp ctac lar, “sy chro iciti s” (m a i f l coi cid ts, i v t d a d described by Carl Gustav Jung) seem to support in a mysterious way our philosophy, especially our suggested spiritual processes of Emanation and Consciousness. B t …… , it is all ima i atio , th a thor’s p rso al ima i atio ; “abs rdity” or y t still deep Truth, a consideration of the physical world on a much deeper or deepest level? The future will tell. Anyway, the author tries to imagine the inexpressible and unmentionable of the spiritual world, put this into words and apply this to our physical world. 1: I : m ‘Pataphysics Ancient and medieval metaphysics studied subject-matt rs s ch as “b i as s ch”, “th first ca s s of thi s”, a d “thi s that do ot cha or iv rsals” Th foc s i mor co t mporary m taphysics (b i si ifica tly l ss ifi d tha th “old” m taphysics) is o subject-matters lik “modality” ( th xist c of thi s a d th poss ssio of th ir prop rti s), “spac a d tim ” ( q stio s abo t th at r of obj cts that tak p spac or p rsist thro h tim ), “th m tal a d physical” ( how cha s i immat rial or nonphysical substances can have impact in the physical world, or vice versa, how changes in the physical world can have effect on the nonphysical part of reality; how an act of will can cause a movement of a human body; questions about free will). Anyway, metaphysics is preoccupied with real and unreal, true and false, and therefore ignores the significance of anything which it deems to be unreal. This in contrast with ‘Pataphysics Th r hav b philosoph rs who propos that m taphysics is impossibl , because its questions are meaningless or, if meaningful, they are impossible to answer (respectively the strong and weak form of argument). ‘Pataphysics (invented by the French writer Alfred Jarry, 1873-1907) has a considerable number of different definitions. of arry’s ow d fi itio s is: ‘Pataphysics is the science of that which is superinduced upon metaphysics, whether within or beyond the latter's limitations, extending as far beyond metaphysics as the latter extends beyond physics. Another example of his d fi itio s is: ‘Pataphysics xami s th laws ov r i th exception and uniqueness of any entity; above all, ‘Pataphysics is the science of the particular, in contrast to the common opinion that the only science is that of the general.
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