The Great Unwashed Public Baths in Urban America, 1840-1920
Washiîi! The Great Unwashed Public Baths in Urban America, 1840-1920 a\TH5 FOR Marilyn Thornton Williams Washing "The Great Unwashed" examines the almost forgotten public bath movement of the nineteenth and early twentieth cen turies—its origins, its leaders and their motives, and its achievements. Marilyn Williams surveys the development of the American obsession with cleanliness in the nineteenth century and discusses the pub lic bath movement in the context of urban reform in New York, Baltimore, Philadel phia, Chicago, and Boston. During the nineteenth century, personal cleanliness had become a necessity, not only for social acceptability and public health, but as a symbol of middle-class sta tus, good character, and membership in the civic community. American reformers believed that public baths were an impor tant amenity that progressive cities should provide for their poorer citizens. The bur geoning of urban slums of Irish immi grants, the water cure craze and other health reforms that associated cleanliness with health, the threat of epidemics—es pecially cholera—all contributed to the growing demand for public baths. New waves of southern and eastern European immigrants, who reformers perceived as unclean and therefore unhealthy, and in creasing acceptance of the germ theory of disease in the 1880s added new impetus to the movement. During the Progressive Era, these fac tors coalesced and the public bath move ment achieved its peak of success. Between 1890 and 1915 more than forty cities constructed systems of public baths. City WASHING "THE GREAT UNWASHED" URBAN LIFE AND URBAN LANDSCAPE SERIES Zane L. Miller and Henry D.
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