Copyrighted Material
Index Ace Combat, 11 audience achievements, 368–369 age of, 29 Action Cartooning (Caldwell), 84n1 control needs of, 158–159 actuators, 166–167 pitch presentation and, 417–421 Advance Wars series, 11 Auto Race, 7 aerial combat, 270 autosave, 192, 363–364 Aero the Acrobat, 52 “ah-ha!” experience, 349 background music, 397–398 “aim assist,” 173 backtracking, 228 aiming, 263–264 badass character, 86–88, 86n2 Aliens (movie), 206 bad video games, 25, 429 “alley” level design, 218–219 Band Hero, 403 Alone in the Dark, 122 Banjo-Kazooie, 190 Alphabetical Bestiary of Choices, 304–313 Batman: Arkham Asylum, 46, 50, 110, 150, 173, 177, alternate endings, 376 184, 250, 251, 277, 278, 351, 374 American Physical Therapy Association exercises/ Batman comic book, 54 advice, 159–161, 159n3 Batman TV program, 86, 146 ammunition gauge, 174 Battle of the Bands, 404 amnesia, 47, 76, 76n9 BattleTech Centers, 5–6 Animal Crossing, 117n10, 385 Battletoads, 338 animated cutscenes, 408 Battlezone, 5, 14 animatics, 74 beat chart, 74, 77–79, 214–216 anthropomorphic characters/themes, 92, 459 Beetlejuice (movie), 18 anti-hero, 86n2 beginning/middle/end (stories), 41, 50–51, 50n9, 435 anti-power-ups, 361 behavior (enemies), 284–289 appendixes (GDD), 458 Bejeweled, 41, 350, 368 armor, 259–261, 361 bi-dimensional gameplay, 127 Army of Two, 112, 113 Bilson, Danny, 3 Arnenson, Dave, 217n13, 223–229 Bioshock, 46, 46n9, 118, 208n9, 212, 214, 372 artifi cial intelligence, 13,COPYRIGHTED 42, 71, 112, 113, 293 “bite-size” MATERIAL play sessions, 46, 79 artist positions (video game industry), 13–14 Blade Runner, 397 Art of Star Wars series (Del Rey), 84n1 Blazing Angels series, 11 The Art of Game Design (Schell), 15n14 Blinx: the Time Sweeper, 26 Ashcraft, Andy, 50 blocks/parries, 258–259, 287, 300–301 Assassin’s Creed series, 21, 172 Bluth, Don, 13 Asteroids, 5 bombs, 47–48, 247, 272, 358, 381 attack matrix, 248, 267, 279 bonus materials, 373–376 Attack of the Clones (movie), 202n6 bonus materials screen, 195 attack patterns (boss attack patterns), 323 rewards and, 373–376 attacks.
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