United; States ' Patent Office
UNITED; STATES ' PATENT OFFICE JULES. MEURANT, OF LIEGE,BELGIUM. ELECTROLYTIC Paco-ass. srncrrrcarron forming part-of utter-‘s Patent-.86. ee4,e5s, dated March 4, 19oz. mammals December 11,1900. smart-seats. 'mospecimmn‘ To all’ whom itnmy con/earn.- \ ‘nouose, sa'ccharose, lactose, maltose,mycose Be it known that I, J ULES MEUBANT, aft-iti or trehalose,‘ melibiose, raf?n'ose or melitose, . zen of the Kingdom of Belgium, residing at, melitriose, -melectose,also.the following mono Liege, Belgium, have invented certain new acids, the biacids, and the triabasic- acids: 55 and useful Improvements in Electrolytic Prue- the acids arabonic, aposorbinique, trioxy csses; and I do hereby declare the’ following _ glutaric, saccharonic, trioxyadipinic, desox to bea full, clear, and exact description of the alic, oxycitronic, dioxypropantricarbonic, as invention, such as willeuablc others skilled in ‘also the aldehydes. and the ketones, hexava the art to which it appertains to make and use lents-.that is to say, the aeids'mannitic, glu Go 10 the same. ' , conlc, dextrinic, mannonic, galactonic, &c., Hitherto in the electrolytic precipitation of the saccharic, mucic, isosaceharic acids, ‘850. > metals there have not yet been attained the I‘ add also all the class of gums comprising - desiderata of simultaneously realizing and in especially arabine, gunrarabic, the gums of an economical manner the highly-adherent the cou ntry obtained from plum-trees, cherry 65 I5 deposit of metals or of their alloys _ while trees, apricot-trees, &c.-, wood-gum, vegetable not absorbing an unduly large electromotive mucilage, anisie bassorin, pectic mathers. I force for the decomposition of the salts.
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