Kansas City Is More Dangerous Than 98 Percent of US Cities, with the Majority of Crime Concentrated in a Few Neighborhoods

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Kansas City Is More Dangerous Than 98 Percent of US Cities, with the Majority of Crime Concentrated in a Few Neighborhoods theST . TERESA ’S ACADEMY dart volume 69H issue 3H october 8, 2009 DIVIDINGLINES Kansas City is more dangerous than 98 percent of US cities, with the majority of crime concentrated in a few neighborhoods. Are “safe” neighborhoods like STA’s Brookside separated from crime? See Pages 12-13 in focus 2 the dart H st. teresa’s academy H october 8, 2009 SCIENCE behind romance A Closer Look H 1. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imag- ers (fMRIs,-the way to measure and observe activity in the brain. 2. Ventral Tegmental-part of the human brain that creates hormone dopamine. 3. Caudate Nuclei, the section of the brain that is in control of memory and is associated with the feelings of reward, mo- tivation, and pleasure. 4. Nucleus Accumbens-the area of the brain which processes dopamine, seratonin, and oxytocin. 5. Major Histocompatibilty Complex (MHC)-is the genetic make up of an indi- vidual’s immune system that is detectable through scent. Chemical Romance H Senior Susie Ancona engages in a tickle fest with her boyfriend of four months, St. Pius X HIgh School senior Andre Tinoco. According to Ancona their attraction is “really really natural.” PHOTO BY TRACY BURNS - YOCUM Romance,” most men are attracted to curves us accumbens is especially visible in long-term Initial attraction goes deeper because they show a woman as able to bear chil- relationships. dren and nurse them. Men with a broad chest In a video titled “The brain in love,” Fisher than visual attraction and and muscles indicate to women that the man is stated that when love is not returned, you sim- involves biological instinct capable of taking care of and providing for them. ply work harder to feel that reward in the form Women are also more attracted to a deep voice. of dopamine by becoming more attached to that by SHAUGHNESSY MILLER Studies show that men with deeper voices in the person. She even suggests that “romantic love News Editor Tanzanian hunter-gatherer community of Hadza is primarily a motivation system, rather than an fathered more children. emotion.” Love at first sight Thinking of you Romance in the air You’ve played that game. You make eye Another factor that is nearly impossible Your brain is not the only part of you that is contact and quickly look away. You’re pretend- to see, except through functional magnetic working hard. When you are attracted to some- ing not to have noticed the other person when resonance imagers (fMRIs), is activity in the one, usually their scent lingers, leaving you really you remember everything. The way his brain. Ms. Helen Fisher, an anthropologist wanting more. hair sweeps across his face, the color of his at Rutgers University studied these fMRIs in Mr. Claus Wedekind of the University of eyes, and whether or not he noticed you too. her article, “Romantic Love: An fMRI Study Utah’s Department of Biology has researched When you are attracted to someone, it seems of Neural Mechanism for Mate Choice.” She the importance of pheromones (chemical sub- the only factors involved are physical. In re- found that the brain’s ventral tegmental, which stances related to smell) to attraction and found ality, your brain, nose and eyes are hard at creates dopamine, and caudate nuclei, which is that traces of an individual’s major histocom- work. Subconsciously, that is. responsible for memory, become active when patibility complex (MHC) are found in their An anthropologist at Rutgers University one sees the person they are attracted to. These scent. The MHC controls which tissues the wrote an article which discusses the “attraction areas are associated with the feelings of reward, immune system will accept as their own, and system” humans use to choose a mate. She ex- motivation and pleasure. In another article, which they will reject and attack to protect the plained that this system could also affect roman- “Romantic love: a mammalian brain system for body. tic love (a relationship based on both emotions mate choice,” Fisher writes that activation also Humans looking for a mate tend to seek and sexual desires). occurs in the brain’s nucleus accumbens, which someone who has a unique MHC from them- Normally, the first quality people notice processes dopamine, seratonin, and oxytocin. selves. Wedekind conducted an experiment in in others is physical appearance. According Oxytocin causes humans to bond and explains which men wore a t-shirt for two nights and graphic by Michelle Reichmeier to the Time magazine article, “The Science of parental attachment. The function of the nucle- women later smelled them, selecting the ones See ROMANCE, page 22 insideout dart news Lifestyles: online Dart News Opinion: Find the story Online: The Dart behind the The Dart’s investigates the infamous “Sis- website released new texting and terhood of the nine new driving law and Traveling Skirt.” regular online finds age limit See Page 10 bloggers. unfair. See Page 22 See Page 5 the dart H st. teresa’s academy H october 8, 2009 campus news 3 DARTBOARD Dunlay teaches despite cancer by KYLIE HORNBECK and HANNA KATZ STA discusses new laptops English teacher fights illness, The STA administra- undergoing medical treatments tion hopes each student causes daily struggles, changes will have a net book, a miniature laptop with a by LAURA NEENAN longer battery life than a Staff Writer full size laptop, by next school year to increase Last December, English teacher Pat Dunlay the use of technology in woke up with a severe pain in her back and im- the curriculum, according to STA Presi- mediately went to the doctor. Dunlay was initial- dent Nan Bone. ly diagnosed with lung cancer, but upon closer Bone claims that to do this, STA will inspection doctors discovered the fluid build up need to become wireless, a current project in her lungs was caused by breast cancer, which that she plans to have completed by next is more easily treated. Although the news of the semester. changed diagnosis was promising, eight days STA is still in the process of fine-tun- later Dunlay discovered the blood fluid had filled ing its plan for the net book, according to up again and received surgery the next day. Dun- Bone. The administration is working on lay’s life changed in about a week going from a ways to make the net book cost (which is healthy woman to living with breast cancer. still an undetermined amount that will be “This has been a tough year,” Dunlay said. “I built into the current registration textbook am more tired than ever and it’s not just the pain fee) more affordable for students. Bone I have to endure.” and the administration are also studying Dunlay continues to teach and now has the the many minor details that factor into this cancer under control. Although the surgery was transition process. They have to make a unsuccessful in removing the cancer, Dunlay con- Turn it in H English teacher Pat Dunlay accepts a paper to review before her first class on Sept. 28. Last number of decisions including whether stu- siders herself lucky because she does not have to year at this time, her advisees would have been in and out of her room checking in. PHOTO BY HANNA KATZ dents will lease or own the netbooks and receive chemotherapy. Dunlay takes medication whether or not the school will require stu- once a day in hopes that the cancerous tumor will World Literature class sophomore year and is advisory to make things easier for her. For the dents to use the net books. “shrink” until it is so small that it is insignificant. currently taking British Literature, said Dunlay is 2009-2010 school year, Dunlay’s advisory made Bringing the net books to STA will al- Along with the side effects of the medicine, Dun- known for her advanced teaching style preparing changes including Ms. Jeanella Clark as a new low students to access a form of technol- lay still suffers from pain from the first surgery. students for college level classes. Yeradi has no- advisor and moving from the M&A Building to ogy that will help them both at STA and “[The doctors] told me it was a terrible sur- ticed the cancer affecting Dunlay physically but Donnelly Hall. after graduation. gery, but what would I know?” Dunlay said. “I has seen little changes in her personality. Yeradi “Clark is a new advisor so she isn’t quite as “In this information age, it is essential had never really had surgery like that before.” says Dunlay has stayed the same loud and vibrant comfortable,” Pautler said. “It’s a little bit harder STA commit to preparing its young wom- Dunlay currently has positron emission to- woman that she has always been. because she doesn’t know us as well as Ms. Dun- en to work in an evolving, information- mography, or PET, scans every three months “[Dunlay] really has a passion for what she lay. [Dunlay] would give us advice because she centered, global community,” Bone said. to monitor the cancer and according to Dunlay, teaches, and doesn’t let the cancer get to her,” knew us so well, but we’re all making the best “STA students should be provided with every one that comes back clean is something to Yeradi said. of it.” the opportunity to explore, investigate, celebrate. According to junior Katie Pautler who was Dunlay is not yet ready to give up teaching, analyze, evaluate, design and create using Dunlay continues teaching, making this her previously in Dunlay’s advisory, the girls in the even if that means making changes such as loos- state-of-the-art technology to solve real 21st year at STA.
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