Sandymoor Parish Council 9 Walpole Road, WA7 4AY [email protected]

Minutes of the meeting held at Sandymoor Hall on Thursday 11th October 2012 commencing 8:00pm.

Present: Cllrs David Felix (in the Chair), Andrew Lockyer, Jackie Watkins, Lynn Plumbley, Jo Wakefield, Richard Eastburn, Simon Hurst, Adam Irvine, Borough Councillor John Bradshaw and Frances Street (Clerk). Graham Bate, Environment Agency for Items 1 and 5.

1. Public Air Time –

Declarations of Interest - were made by Cllrs Andrew Lockyer, Richard Easstburn and Jo Wakefield in respect of any discussion concerning Sandymoor School.

Graham Bate (GB) from the Environment Agency attended the meeting to discuss any concerns residents have in relation to flood risks.

Many residents raised concerns regarding the impact of the proposed new School site on the flood risk in the area. Particularly in view of the problems already being encountered.  The proposed site for the School is already designated as a flood plan and residents feel that building on this land will further enhance problems already being experienced.  Some residents felt that whatever works had been done by the Environment Agency in the area, had made the flood situation worse.  Some residents voiced concerns around continual problems with flooding in their gardens.  They felt that the present system does not have the capacity to prevent flooding to their properties so fear that any further development in the area would make it worse.

In response GB advised that:  The Strategic Flood Risk Assessment for the area had recently been updated in line with development within the area.  The Flood Risk Management Team at the Environment Agency are asked to comment on planning applications from a flood risk view point.  They look at the flood risk from rivers, streams and surface water

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run off.  The Flood Embankment that has been built around Newmoore Lane will provide protection to existing properties in the area.  All new built properties and developments will have a better standard of flood protection built in from the planning stage.  Wharford Farm is owned by Halton Borough Council (HBC) and rainwater is stored in underground tanks and a controlled drainage system would be implemented with limited run off in the case of future building in the area.

A lengthy discussion ensued mainly around the flooding issues currently being experienced and how further build on the proposed site of the new school would make this more of a problem.

It was resolved that:  The Parish Council would look at making a standard caviat regarding flooding in response to planning applications within the Sandymoor ward and request HBC to inform the Parish Council of the outcome of all planning applications within Sandymoor.  The Parish Council would arrange a joint meeting between Halton Borough Council, Homes and Communities Agency, Environment Agency, United Utilities and residents in the coming months to discuss flooding issues

2. Apologies for Absence - Apologies were received from Borough Councillor Marjorie Bradshaw.

3.a) Declarations of Interest – No Declarations of Interest were made in respect of the meeting agenda. b) 4. Environment Agency – See Public Air Time above.

5. Further discussion / response to questions raised by Sandymoor Residents Concern was raised by some residents regarding the extension of the road at the junction of Newmoore Lane and Wharford Lane. Cllr Lockyer advised that he was due to meet with Jonathon Farmer from HBC the following week and would raise any issues then and report back to the next meeting.

In response to earlier concerns raised by residents regarding the level of consultation undertaken by Sandymoor Free School, Cllr Eastburn gave a

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comprehensive list of the process, including questionnaires, meetings, posters, newspapers articles etc. This list was made available for residents / public to view.

6. Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th September 2012 Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting held on 13th September were signed as a true and correct record.

7. Planning and planning liaison matters a) No planning applications were received b) Homes and Community Agency – Nothing further to report.

8. Finance a) Payment for Authorisation Resolved – payments for authorisation totalling £621.48 were approved by the Council. b) Area Forum Funding – Notification received from HBC to inform that Area Forum Funding for 2012/13 for the Area Forum is £20,849. In previous years the funding has been allocated to the Parish Councils by dividing the total budget by the four parishes of Moore, Sandymoor, Daresbury and . If all Parish Councils are in agreement this would mean an allocation of £5,200 each for this financial year. Resolved – The Clerk to confirm to HBC that Sandymoor Parish Council are in agreement with the division of the Daresbury Area Forum funding.

9. The Big – deferred to the next meeting

10. Updates on:- Councillor Training – Councillors Watkins, Hurst and Irvine attended the ChALC Councillor Training Workshop 1 on Tuesday, 9th October.

Jubilee Benches – Bench designs and costs have now been received from HBC. The cost of each bench including installation is around £822. There is a need for further discussion to decide on the number and location of the benches. Agreed – That this item is discussed again at the next meeting of the Parish Council.

Sandymoor Postal Address – The Clerk advised the meeting the next step in the process of recognising Sandymoor as a postal address within Runcorn, is to get letters of support from the local MP, the Chamber of

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Commerce and the Local Council. To date letters had been received from Graham Evans MP, and the Chamber of Commerce. Agreed – The Clerk to chase up a response from HBC.

11. Daresbury Area Forum 15th October 2012 – Notification that the next meeting of Daresbury Area Forum is on Monday 15th October at 7.30 p.m.

12. Fire & Rescue Service Future Plans Consultation – The Clerk advised that notification had been received from Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service informing of a major consultation on future plans for the service. Comments on the proposals are being sought throughout Cheshire with a number of briefing sessions planned. The main proposals for Halton are:-  Remove the second fire engine entirely OR  Replace it with a midi fire engine used during periods such as bonfire night  Change how the second fire engine is crewed from wholetime to on- call  Change is crewing to a 12 hour day shift only OR  Change its crewing to to a Nucleus Crewing model (12 hour day shift and on-call at night). Following discussion it was felt that the Parish Council would like to have more information on these proposals in order to make a response. Agreed – That the Clerk would contact Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service to ask about the possibility of a local briefing for the Parish Council.

13. Policing Matters – In the absence of Police presence, no issues were reported.

14. Any Other Matters arising for future discussion: A quote of £160.18 had been received from Greenbarnes Limited in respect of replacement polycarbonate glazing to the vandalised noticeboard. It was agreed that this needed repairing as soon as possible. Resolved – That the quote be agreed and the Clerk to contact Greenbarnes to confirm the order. Cllr Wakefield asked whether any further progress had been made in respect of the signage to Pilgrims Way. Agreed – that Cllrs Bradshaw and Lockyer would check on progress with HBC Highways department.

15. Date of next meeting - Resolved –The next meeting of Sandymoor Parish Council would take place on Thursday 15th November 2012 at 7.30 p.m.

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...... Chairman, Sandymoor Parish Council


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