LLyyrriiccNNOOTTEESSTM AN ACTIVITIY GUIDE FOR KIDS J ohnny Mercer © 2002, Camp Broadway LLC All rights reserved This publication is based on the life and work of lyricist Johnny Mercer. The content of The Life and Works of Johnny Mercer edition of LyricNOTES™ is fully protected under the copy- right laws of the United States of America and all other countries with which the United States has reciprocal copyright relations. All rights regarding publishing, reprint permissions, public readings, and mechanical or electronic reproduction, including but not limited to, CD-ROM, information storage and retrieval systems and photocopying, and the rights of translation into foreign languages are strictly reserved. Printed in the United States of America First printing, June 2002 For more information on Johnny Mercer and The Great American Songbook, contact: The Johnny Mercer Foundation (212) 835-2299 http://www.johnnymercerfoundation.org For more information on LyricNOTES™ and other arts related programs for students, contact: Camp Broadway LLC 145 West 45th Street, 7th Floor New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 575-2929 Facsimile: (212) 575-3125 Email:
[email protected] www.campbroadway.com LyricNOTESTM AN ACTIVITIY GUIDE FOR KIDS Johnny Mercer Table of Contents Namely You: Who Is Johnny Mercer? . .4 A short life story of Johnny Mercer, from Savannah to Hollywood Too Marvelous For Words: Johnny Mercer's Collaborators . .8 Johnny’s thoughts on songwriting, inspiration and teamwork – and which comes first, the words or the music Hooray For Hollywood: Mercer’s Point of View . .12 High points of Johnny Mercer’s career, his Oscars, and his take on Hollywood It’s A Great Big World: Growing Up: A Timeline .