Financial education for 7 to 19-year-olds in Wales Guidance for schools and colleges PHOTO REDACTED DUE TO THIRD PARTY RIGHTS OR OTHER LEGAL ISSUES Guidance Guidance document No: 043/2010 Date of issue: December 2010 Financial education for 7 to 19-year-olds in Wales Guidance for schools and colleges Audience Teachers, headteachers and governing bodies of all maintained schools; colleges and other learning providers that work with 14 to 19-year-olds; local authorities; initial teacher training providers; teacher unions and school representative bodies; ColegauCymru/ CollegesWales; church diocesan authorities; national bodies in Wales with an interest in education. Overview This document provides guidance on the provision of financial education for 7 to 19-year-olds in Wales. It is, therefore, provided for governing bodies, senior management teams and practitioners in primary, secondary and special schools and colleges with the responsibility for the planning and delivery of aspects of financial education. Further Enquiries about this document should be directed to: information Curriculum Support Branch Curriculum Division Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills Welsh Assembly Government Cathays Park Cardiff CF10 3NQ e-mail:
[email protected] Additional This document can be accessed from the Welsh Assembly copies Government website at Related Taking everyone into account: Financial Inclusion Strategy for Wales documents (Welsh Assembly Government, 2009); Welsh Financial Education