
Dinn of 26th [ORRIS and ESSEX RAILROAD.. parry ¥TNITED STATES MAIL LINE from LIVERPOOL.Packet OAR- » *>SENOfcA UP Leave N-w.Tort CHECKS.-Apron, pain is tha ^CHAFLESTON to HAVANA, »1» SAV ANNAH tad FORMarch.- The epleod'd sad regular racket Skip M TRAINS rraat t«»lUi«.fc- killer, win sari a* above, her regu ar dav. .f j^L» AJf. and f SO FM; Un Newark*-* Cheek* of «1nV«l vegetableworld for tbe immediate r>' M' vf Ex¬ _COAL._ KEY WEST KICK.Ort R Adeet. CurUty 1 A other ? best article IB lb* AJ» end « P M. »d CO V aid a rm»*i Lirer- harden, commended-The.p!f»)!df««m.btplSAHEL^.'^u:r.fWhitem will com¬ For freight or peat age, having earl raited accommodation* 7 ternal and Internal Complaints. Pull directions for Its use FLOAT.-Halliburton's by Capr. Rollins, t to r-"-»eaa Tasini Pew* -Leave Dover A M asal P^^im.PUlrKW^m «Ml11H the w«r 1* now f. orn mence her regular trips od Mon-ey. Oct. 1, tod eell regu- on board, at Pier it Faar River, or . will be found la the" People's by fJSSTXOrrel Co*!. The tiirHcrP'er landing apply U5P.M.; Mottu-owo T So A. M. aad j * f. M; Msdasava Pamphlet," published pool 8 C for Havana o= th« 1« tod Sf0FFOR0, TiLEJTON A CO., New styles, a copy of which will be given with every Satke -ship a iol of Orrel Coel. nelected expreealy early fron; Crerleeton, mjj ItAAM ud t v> p M ; Huimpll « » * M and 3 «6 P M r '* CALICOES. proprtetore, splendid each and from Havara to Charleston on its *Ji 6m 07th 4S Sooib-«t frriVrtDRaW «. reived tYi-tnihe work* l*iiy,for*e.e bottle. For sale at wholesale New-York by RN 'emlly e»e, md carefully lowered In the h >ld, for «sie of month, Mllrvtlle I is a at and 11» P M ; Change ( » A H aai « 4k CO fret d 52 Plie-it A. H at 0. Bscds, 100 Pniton-al ; William Bargee. 37 »> ry low In to suit purchaser* Alto to yard. ted 22d. li* r. M f ¦^<«tw^£|tMITH A Co J. \V. Peach quantities 1 Orrel frum Cbsrleston tod Ssvarmah to Havana, ilP LIVERPOOL .United States N T. AM Cortlend-st i_l Minor 214 Fullon-et.; Oao. Orchard, B act He»th, Lehigh. Ltverpo tod rtf i«nT,Taaiae -Leave Dover 3 AM and Hi Up 89 Naseau-et Hariland. Kenee A Co. Rfi Maldeo- Cant,el and Coal, of ihr b»at qnt'ltle*, and foe s«_e From Charleston Savannah to Key W eat, $30. FORMall Steantbrp PACIFIC. Cant. Exre Nya. Tbl* Ouhi Hoa.i Cii_ -Imi, ora^.e iaM.bM IN Mayi.ee. Sidney . for It u .ÄfSrjr^^ Cloth. foe sale try taoe i M Ward k Co 3.1 do : Alcolt, McKlaaoa St Robbies, iow. JAML9 L. WORTH. SI Broadway, for p_rt!ru;»r«. apply u> Steamship »n, depart with ite Mai rope, poeltive- P.M.; NewYork 11 »Akt aad 4*»V M SB«1 A CO *1 Boata-M, . from her F.ll'rn*t*vera baron. A5 127 do.; Leeds a. Harzerd. 121 do.; J E pee, 128 do.: ml'' if and Fourth, cor. Thompson at. 8P0FFORD, TILESTON )y. on Wcdnctday. March 19th. at Ii o'clock. M Passengers by these tratst are received aad deB**r*4 fptgWIw-i-- ü kt. le Puae^ Trip In Cbarieaton to M C. MORECAL. at. No Hertha secured until aad Bous. Norton. Babcock A Wood. 139 do.; R B. Hevibtnd k Co 177 CO. berth at the footof Canal paid snca way at North Orange. M.Uv-.uaa, swiblssX of ¦ roadway, Hayduek, Corliee k Clay, 218 Peal at.; C. V. Ahh or White Ash Agents In Havana, DilAKE. BROTHER- A for. Chatham, MadJaoo, Mocrtetown, M.rrle Platoa. Üanvilla. full supply Spring Co 81 Nat, Passen»m leaving Ht7«nt ay thii thip can reach Bald- Ail leiteramust paaa through the Poal Offiaa. and Do rar. inRY\fiC^-Ä to the trade *n«» for export, ¦ Itcs-cere 8arrlay-et.:Koop, Fiercer 4, Co New-el COAL..Red$5 N Nut, R5 75; Egg or Stove, $6 rYt; (j,. the nneeuniie* aeecrrriirodB. A ke»ay suited i Large more the ;ar J route the fifth or, or aseag*. he wtth K^aari rer^ved, *" «°<- » frday eeenlnf. March |7ih , Delaware W*j,r Birc^aeburga, :,"d ¦ - ^noc-at. LER. manufactured by the proprl^ti ]~ FRANCISCO, wul socceed t.'ie PACIFIC, and talratoWQ, Worte, Oap. Bar. Ät^ CO. PERRY DAVIS k SON, am the best .at rrdaced rate* of P»es*ge and Freight. The new and Tte steamer ARCTIC rreS aoadaulrg to the Lavchawaoaa passing through 74 Providence. delivering Stove Si.-emsbip NORTH . 2j"0 tuna bur¬ ha. tocrilM.Stachopa (Pal Sittlm'StTaveru. N^leevtfln. COt* . Htgh-st. elegait an. _ C-'and"JOAL..IEgg Red Aah. dry. from under eheas, at $5 50 per the w d. to FroTtdecve, oo Tuned «,-a, CASES BLUE^W^-K N B The came Pa|n |rj|lM. beionga exrmetvely to PER¬ rrialdron den, the fa-teat steamihip la j. U, Bleihen, ton, Dunmore, Hyde Part the SY DA via A SON, as a Trade as decided .> i White Aah, R5; Liverpool. $6 per Conimitri r. will leave pier 4 Norm River, for Chsgres NEW-YORK ÄND LIVER- Thursdaye and Samrdaya, aad rstautda, aaeet FJa, rwn hlvt pr.ntr ..pomi Mark, retently m'21m» PETER CLINTON, cor King and Oreenarfch. at So STEAMERS.- by tbe Supreme Court. J_7 3m* direct, oi: TUESDAY, the 11th day of March, clock, THEpool united states MAIL trains for New-Tort. Boonlon PH. Tide attain thip ia entirely new, having made bat The sr-ip» comprising this Itne are the At DeorUie stages leave for Powrrvitle and eaj BLUE AND SUBSCRIBERVaiTthtirized one to and can upon her PACIFIC. CapL Nye. tr.rsjrtvxi of the A. M. and P. M. trains from, acd meet (ha _ MRS BURRS (as trip Cbegree. passengers depend ATLANTIC. Cspt. West, ^ijfTCASES ol the to eontract for the delivery of clean, and ber Ac. free from disease. Sue Lace, RALT1C. Capt. Cotnsices, A M. and P M. tralas tor New-Tort. ointment..a sure and THEAgent Company) being bedding. ARCTIC, Capt. the arrival of the A. M. fl* 'Oranoe rarNTa-sorertor»n»-j-orisale by C R. U! antique CARGOE8 of the celeoraled COAL from the Salem HiU haa ib large and commodioua eiaie-rooma; aome expreaeiy ADRIATIC, Capt G-afwa At Morrlstown stäupe leave on of style, for BARON^ MM. speedy cure for the PILES, Chafed Limbs, Chapped Mine* at Pottsvlile. pa.t formerly worked by Milne* A designed for the use of famlliea Thia ateamer will he to These ships bare been ballt hyeonusct, expo-stly fjr pataenrer trains for HeadJktm, f>ee«er. hVboofear'B Mcrna* Jrtrtety Bande, Ac. Thia article has Wang been used in private Ha\ w h d and John O. Hewee New-York, on her return from Chagree. on or before meet sei rice, rare baa been taken ta titetr coo- is w Betvidere and Eaatoa. daily, aad ares* and la ex tant trip Ooven every aactngtoa. SHIRT- practice, acknowledged to he tbe best article Slf ly*8. C. OODEN. f!9 Wall-ft the ;d of Marrh. Faaaengeta Intending to leave for San atrBCt>on. as also In their Ergtnee, to Insure strength and the P. MT^ata for New-Tort. BLEACHED for the relief of the above named complaints. Franctaco or C would do well to examine her extra rd.aid their accommodations for passenger* areun> ARBS for Basking Ridge on the arrival of the P. M trata ^fCASES27 29. » ana 36 Inch, »uliabl* lot For Sale at wholesale and retail In New-York, hagre-, ipr the A. M. trala tor Hrl FlNOa, 2d. trade. For *ai« byOeo.J. PER TUN-Peach Orchard accemmodatiena, and notice the Improved manner in which equa'lrd fi r elegance or comfort. rr-ürrrnr neat mcraicg, concecting wtih Z^ttmrr-rt of B»ga and ihe genera! by W. Met-e, M Nas.au si I. Minor A Co. 214 Fu.ton-aL A. ¦. 5* 95 la venu aied. An la attached to of from New-York to Liverpool 0130; New. York. V C. I LH BARON,66 Pine**. D. Inn Reese k Co. SO V" earraj» Coal, freah mired, beat t-uailty. egg, atove, she experienced surgeon Price paaeage from the* A Sanda, Fulton-st Havlland, and alzes, at the above low price, delivered at the theebip. Ali freight must be on board and btl'a of lading elusive uae of extra size state-rooms $325; Liverpool Peeeecgere are to procure their tickets before taking 6£ Me-den-lane, C. V. Cllckener k Co 81 Barciay-sl. C. H. range ua to £9A An aurgeoa attached to seats In the cars Tickets will be received eaW> on the door of eoraumrra, free of charge for cartage If paid for at signed prevtr the day of sailing. For freight, pass¬ to experienced for. dap Ring, Broadway, comer of Joan-st J. A I. Coddlngtoa, It age, or other information. Inquire of J. F. NORTON, at the eaoh No berth can be secured nnoI paid Wheat purchased The fares from each station where BeBeta T. - the oftce when the order given. sMp. for am s at. and 716 Broadway, R A. 8anda, Bowery, office on No. 4 North River, at the foot of Morrta-et. Tne owner* of ibeae ahipewill not oe accountable are sold will be Ava seats asset when paid tn the cere, laaej PIANOS. M. a, T. STOKES UICKERSON, pier atones or at the several ticket aSVea Paeaeav eom^-of Bpring-st. Agent for Brooklyn, Mra. Hay tnU' 1"7 Anihony-at, near wbere the p.en of the cabin can be seen, and etaie-rooms or gold, stiver. l>u .ion.tpe.-ie, Jewelry, precious whee paid lor tickets 176 r * tf_ Broaiway. berths secured. 22flml2 metals, unless bills of lading are slgaed nerefor, and the (era are to show their tickets/ to the ossadaotor wh-o rag FORTES for SALE or for sale the of our at flU PIANO Also, by Agents Pain Killer generally. Prices. tb.U0 U,ere«>r, there.n expressed. Ä«, HIRE cheap, (and Music taught tho-ougbly) Put up and sold at wholesale by AR fUl.COAL.REDUCED MAIL STEAMSHIP COM- proposed dates of railino. pMa4_all Sine, $1A Rii? and $223, all In good PERRY DAVIS k SON, Proprietors, -Freth atock Peach Orchard and S-buyl- AND OREGON-The rtoM Ntw-vosK. raoN LivsarooL. NEWPORT «.at 123. $35, Teacher of the Plane- It kill at JF" Price*. Lackawana Stove and Egg $5 50 PACIFICFANT.FOR CALIFORNIA March 8,1951 OR BOSTON, via aai b> ** DUMSDAY, Hlgh-st Providence, L Spring ' the of this Com¬ March VI-M'Saturday, Sr ipp»y at»« Orand- IPSm*_74 tun, delivered. A!»o. and Cannel. at SIMP- public Is Informed tbatnnder arrangements Wednesday, |8M FPALL RIV KR..BTttas spleadid and saperierstaaea* listing, Guitar, Accordeon and Violin, per Liverpool steamers and approved try the Navy De¬ Wednesday. March 19.1 SAI jSeiurday. March«, and of M AI N E, of arreaxgtBi Lee ml2h« BON'S.' 73 Thorn p*on-*t. near Spring, and at 9 ChrUto- pany, Inspected UV. 2. ItM 'Wednesday, 9, IkM ere BAY STATE IS/ATE greet fancheronian m3 lm* e*d carrying the Untied 3iates Mails will con Unas re.^av, April April and ¦<"¦ to the aavlgarioa ef Lonf J%rerofÖreen. 12 >r*MJenl any called excellent Sa'tirCav, SO. UM W-edneaosy, Sept. 3. 1*S1 of to their rat* mir excellence, EL, and as a VERMIFUGE or WORM Medirine there Is Auto. File*. Flea*, end of the ruule: Aug Wedce»d«y, SepL 17,1*51 and «very anraiigemeet mr taa racarRy eaad aosnft-rt seat, .i Beot»d-haad Piano« taken in exchanga none better. There is no other medicine that such and Insect* oe Plant*. OREGON.1.099 tana TENNESSEE....l.seo tue* Saturday, Sept IS,18»! who are afforded this route a nlghrs rarst est gives .. .. Oct. I. IAM sengers, by u let.ml las'* satisfaction In the diseases. LYON S MAONETIC PILLS. PANAMA.1.IW7 NORTHERNER..1.200 Saturday, Sept. 27,1851 Wednesd.tv, ami oa arrival at Pail River per railn-adJ universal above .. Oct ISM board, proceed 14b Fulton-el. for the » on of CALIFORNIA. ..1.H60 COLUMBIA. 800 Ham i day. Oct. II, IR.M Wednesday, 15, Bassea the «. um» or can reaaaaa otly Dr. J. 8 FANCHER. .. v\v,i.r*i 11 Wiaehnia early «atlowmg PIANO FORTE, Prepared ay aale at Rau and POO CAROLINA. 600 Baturdav. Oct. ,v, Oct trtetr b.vwkfaat If wWoed for. aattl Baa I SECOND-HAND New-Ywrk.a few doors from Broadway. For most Mice, UNICORN. Not. P. IS5I Weduesdty, Not. II. 1AM Ü board, retting snd In good order, for sale at RACGN st RA- of the drug-stores in the city and throughout the country. warranted without Pohvan. SARAH SANDS.1.100 Ines. Saturday, Nov. 1851 starting of the arr smarts*attires trabt at a euartnr berbra j*JUoarvi rail 3l* 420 Broadway. Tbe new COLUMBIA wi ply regularly bs> Saturday, Nor tS 1891 Wedtetday, A M whyhreaches Bossooei s>eat^>rieek. AM. Center-»t. Price $1*4. J24 2awSm* Principal Depot, steamahip Dec. n, 1851 Saturday, Dec l t. IHM f o'clock, V11V&16»* AGENTS. twees San Francisco and ports In Oregon, awaiting at the Saturdav. Dec. JM A baggage-masvr la axtaehed to earn sseamer, who ras the arrival of malts and passengers from Pana¬ Saiurda Dec Jo, lH.il Saturday. 27, i own improved Hew-Tors.C. V. Cilckener A Co .1 Barclay-st. former port a, civ to EDWARD K COL- e*'er* and tickets the baargBsTe, sad tone aaie B. A D. 8and*. loo Fulton-st. ma, and returning without dels; with :natls and passengers Fi r fielght or passage, leludesttoadesj. tjELODEONS of auperlor and atyle, for A. steamer Ban tti Wa; .»t New York, BROWN. SHIPLEY A C'Trharts rooms, at 368 Please WATER Clark A Co. 110 for toe following from Frarrtaco. LIM, 13 Arms The rates fW passage aai ase price ef Melodron Warn Broadway. Ruabton, Broadway. he for the trans¬ E. O ROBERTS A CO Ring's saw JCURE._ - Reese A Co t.« Maiden-lane A regular line of propellers will kept np CO. Liverpool, Same as oSher Uae* |l5Mra»| J.B.CLARK. Havlland. 8 Momma1 tie, Paila. by ** of freight and transient pass*-_era between Pan¬ Yard. London, Boulevard, . s »oaeeeuon wua ihta Bae te aad kraal ^asdasamine. MOUNtXiN WATER- G.-een.'eaf A Klngaley, 45 Cortland-st portation After the 1st of A II next, the rate of freight >>v the - Scheffeliii Bro*. k Co. 1 Oft John-*t ama and Ban Francisco. pi Prorulena*. racept Suadaya U-FORTES.-V. F. HARRI- ORANGECURE Dr. JOSEPH A. WEDER has assumed the In the Atlantic will he maintained the &: """ will ta materially reduced daily, rasee as MAN Tbeconnectlon by to Baeteo ka laaea at the easae aBa>eSBBat st 2d offers for sade Medical Direction of thia Inatltutlon. The es¬ 9. 8 A R. Barnmn. 274 Bowery. en the JLiverpool PrHght ay BON. 25 Canal (wsreroom story,! permanent - Sfl Steamships EMPIRE CITY, leaving New-York and Cerwanied with taped(tiara by rsl Rosewood PIANOS of and 7 tablishment Is situated In South Orange. Essex County. John Mitchell. Bowery. New.York on the 28th of regular Hues, greater id aaaortmentof 6, .. 74fc l'ith.tnd CHEROKEE, leaving 1 -1 ,. wksi Sarves Pa liear sjasaf ajaaai wlih the latest l?f lm* New-Jereey, one hour's ride from the rJty by Morris and H. A. Kerr, Broadway. for A third boat will also be la BRITISH ami NORTH AMER- for BVoaum asad ks*ra*a Improvements at the fool Brlgharo A Miller, 17 Avenue D each month, Cbagres. kept rpBB tag (Sauaday eacepaad) at teveioch Est» x Railway. Visitors take the ferry%oat ol New-York as a spare ateamer. -¦ ICAN ROYAL MAIL «TEAMSHIPS BETWEEN at tu deecaaut«dtetiaatU« at or ae«atakavat II11 A SBM at 8 at P.M. Private baths are at¬ Dr. Lyon, 472 Grand-at, B,.lf.em rii,r,;, srnvingarriving & WARRINER, Du- Conlacd-at. A.M. and ^ 305 Grand «. The new CARIBBEAN and PHILADEL¬ REW.YORK AND I l\ t KPOOLdire-n.aLd BETWEEN gor oaa board,boai or at the etjee oa Past S ¦-JV nUBOIS (late tached to most of the Petlents' rooms. All letters nnoa E.Cook. steamships between New-Orleans end freight apply or it A Plano-Eorte Makers, SCO RROAO- ** A Martin, corner ITtitJJ PHIA will form a direct line BOSTON AND LIVERPOOL siate-rooaus or berthafdkj . oa board, tf Vj isBataj I/bois Stodart) bualneaa ahould be addreaeed to Dr. Weder; Van VaJkentmrgb as will Insure as little at Hal fix to land and re¬ Pur apply is n T 2tlflni professional .. avenue and at, Cbagr-a, leaving at auch perlode Tte Boiton ships on.) calling secure ihast ahead, applies!*irraBoBn may be made fiT athera to the of the Mountain Wa¬ Twenty-fir*t on with to T1 W Superintendent Orange Rlker and Benian, asa Stxth-eveaue. detention ss possible the Isthniua. and forming, the ceive mai'e snd passenger* leli r V1SDALC k B^talDIJI. Ageaua. TBaad tf a THROUGH LINE to and from New- JudklD* EUROP 1, E. O. Low tk H. BARMORE ofler at their Man- lk--Cure._J9 ¦reoklrn.Mr* Hayea, 175Fultoa-st. Paclhe eteamehlpe, ASIA, J Stone. p SiS BLEECKER-at. eor- A vre», cor. an! Atlantic sU. Orleans and ports in Mexico, Callfornlc and Oregon. Pas- AKKICA. A Ryrle. NlAOAKA. UTaufaetory and Wareroom, S. Brooklyn.Mr. Henry can be secured from Shannon. CANADA, Wm. Harrison EW-YORK and ERIE R.\ILROAJ>. an assortment of elegant PIANO lNSTITUTE-^CITY Buaklrk. 6 Lower Cabin Berth.$80 head; <.*i i n od starboard »ide ar.r> with maitrssa and Board. 160 be on an amount for Passengers IW Rechesrrr, baflalo, Ac neige gowner Steerage (found Freight will charged specie beyo&d the Traiafrom neat mornha^ aejsbrldte and patent tube, well calculated for keeping Orricc or thi Grocers' Fire IwsiRxitci Co.) i ao.m san ratacisco to abtobia. personal expenses. ra end take Eipreas Albany kkata Pianoforte* tuned, repaired and exchanged J28 3m» New-York, March 3, IVA. J Cabin.tluiiSteerafn.$6« An experienced Surgeon oa board. arriving at Rorlrearer wad Bndate at the same time as pas> _INSUIIANCE^_ OF FIVE PER CENT, For through tickets for any month apply at the office of All letters and newspapers must pane through the Post- sen/era via AIbaav w wsburgh, Hancock. LVepoaH, Siuo^ehaaua» ajDverraJ aatlafactton, any expressed , 62 WaJI-el. an 17 tf Our next Express for California, via the latbmmof and sreibros west of 3'.aghast It to their quality, the payment may be withheld until auch Wm Dennlsiouo, E.L.Walton, Wlnslow, Larter A Co. f_»* CEAN STEAM NAVIGATION Great Bead, Slnghesaioa. Cuba will I a.id Stephen Cutter, JohnT Klots, Samuel Philips, w 111 leave. In charge of a Special Meeeengwr and SOUTHAMP¬ Passengers for Cnrnlug, Hornellavtlle aad gmhts are removed. Old Ptanoa exchanged. New Jared M D. Wm J. Panama, OCOMPANY.FOR BREMEN, VIA Planoa to lei nVT if Peter Balen, Llnaly, Pease, and GALENA TEN PER on Thu reo ay, 13th Inat.. at 3 o'cloca. P.M. United Slates .Mail steamship HERM ANN, E. (MsTrala. sseond-Bacd J. H. Browning, George C Melborn, George vvidmayer, Freight Agent, TON.-Tf.e via Pa*.enters tor Buffalo by this train proceed to Oeav (CHICAGO-'CENT. RAILROAD BONDS, »30.000.-Thesub¬ for direct. Crabiree. Con mander. will sail for B einen, Southamp¬ at Surl.il«. stuae Mai Edward E Daniel D ateamer City, Chaerea, iske me train anivint Alfred tin, wen, Wright, «sie of the Bond* of the per Empire n Mairh from 3 North River. aa" ran »f EMOVAL..DUBOIS & WARRI- succeeding roads In lie world, having coal but about $10,000 per mile and Letters until 2 m5 7f 5,8,11,14,17,19,21 50 Broadway. barg. Elio'va. ('.»n.lng, 1'ell:ted neas hi.urs, at the following places, to wit: Tbe Trades- from . eels will be received until 12 o'clock, haa>u>n. Owego, Waveriy, Posi, Pianoforte Maaufa-. to Elgin to which place It 1« completed Chicago oa arrival «( )>« trains R" NER. (late Dubol* A Stodart.) men'a Bank, 177 Chatham-at ; The Seventh Ward Bank, of ibl* waa eight for o'clock of the of aatling. US V T() HorBellaTiila asV Cuba, tarers. of their of Music to Mr. corner of Pearl at and and the M-v-haul-e' The )i*i dividend Compauy perceut day DUEPORT, HO NIC TRAINS TO MRVA-IottA having disposed Catalogue Burilng.allp; tlx morthson ibehtitthed portion of die Road. must be and all bo ren¬ 6 Mail Taam leavea Geueva at i A M stsas. The Bond» above-mentioned are a portion of dered Week*.wilt leave the fojt of ai .* P M. srd cVgant Ware room. 3fM) Broadway, where th«y have lb cent, of the amount etihecrlbed will be required to ba the to to strict j wnier-proof. tlosn.er Ailcc, Cud. pier pu c el aii llie stauiuria. end ein*log la New-York a assortment of and 7 per for tie purpose of extending Road Belv'.dere, eV By leaving their Invoices wl'h us eariy.shippers Market-it. every rburt^ty ant Sa urdav, at 8 leeres Geaeve at i P H and on band large 6,6{. 6J. 6, pa>d on aubacribing, which wi.l be received by theCialiiers a is under cor tract. Tuesday, dock at NluH-r Exratss Tbai* awttsnt'y Fortee Tbelr Instrumenta are constructed ove named vi^: R'chard Alfred S. which point may even, the)trsaMs and expense of clearing their goods o e o. kA M will leave the Railroad ai stauons went ef e>legMrtaxea, i_ astave Piano of the al Banks, Perry, These ten Bonds are for sale In amount* of $.500 Returning, aoi at 8 Cuba I P M etej'P'ag and are for the . « percent. at ibe ( usti ui House. Moccay, Wednesday Friday rJaaeoe.k iarr«>ws> hub** most substantial manner, unsurpassed Erster, and Ephraim D. Brown, ai i05 cent with interest from lal May next, A an! Wal! st. Bridgeport every ai Draal Brad, ei.'i.uebaaua. Deio-tt and of tone, of touch 18.51. .ard $1,000, per n.7 6t ADAMS CO. 14 18 O'clock A. M ririgkl tor BrMgrpi nl aid me Railroad* Lt at Ilia Vllddl. ices aad Aiferae, ar> rtekteat, depth, brilliancy delicacy New-York. March, H, and turiiUb the safe security on iha ree< at burgh. Delaware, sad ru-'«*r!ur finish. They are Warranted to stand the ac- JACO8A WESTERVELT, 1 cheapest poifectly Ukea at lue lowest rates, which will ha ived daily rltinv ka Mew-Terb art A.M. Barkel ex pr~ess' notice^ tl e i li ce or. Ihe pier. W U. SLATER, Agt Wav re.it leavea Otiavi la at AAi dea i f any climate, and a wriite-i guarantee accompanies FREEMAN CAMPBELL, Further can be obtained ,,f thetubicriSer, CALI¬ [*BitSw*| Ken.«» Division svwy Insirument. Purchase's are resptctfully tnrtted lo IBA AC T. LUDLAM, J Comti issior.era. particular* JOHN THOMPSON. 64 Wall-»L SPECIALtwfCOMPETITION(j.M rf* TIT l()N DEFIED..GREOORrSDEFIED -OEBOORT*8 CAU- A It. etatpiag ba a' its suatlona, aud arrirtag u New-Terk their BKRRY. I PACKAGE FXr-KEri^-Perst-amar EMPIRE BRIDGEPORT..Fare 50 cent-. U' I 'A M. tall ana examine stiM-k. RICHARD :n3tf*_ FORNIA b P as fOR a. DUBOIS A WARRINER, FRANCIS P. URNALD, j iJWHlP.Tbe ritV . .- Tl lirs.'.t I'lih M.rrh NawHtvaea Bba.icn leave Newburrr) fir Naw-Yrsra, ski I'm (late Daboisk H.oiart.) 300 Broadway. mia sn2,i7,-»,ai,a«_ I^O-PAKTN kUatleisifEsawth* fii.dro* Pree'L to 39 Wiiliam-tt. I'1 Cs>BBA«r dSoIlan Plti.o rooms of T. OIL BERT at and 43 Fultcc-at. Brooklyn. WM. ELLSWORTH, next, when ihey wU remove No CO, II.' or lo the Way ei P mr\:CBra1 sl at the Planoa for Ilf6m* TIMOTHY T MERWIN, LOCKVER A Souib-aL. Cspta.ao-i neci. Also, a New-York. March 1,1851 WILLIAM R OOL'LD, f> at S arrive fsjetale cheap or to pricea $25 to loan on Dullness Ac. rr»3 12l* Pssae«Bs>ra t New-Ymk, leaving P.M., at aaod assi.riiuent of Music for sale at a reduced price, Office of the N. B .Money paper, Cbange of hour*, commencing Feb. 10. U ii is train at 115. - (fewburgh Mf Im« fire insurance co. raving, i ca i.e. i i s rts nun j. r in. RAIL- Va> r 7 BAin. irare'rom pier foot of DuBite at atiP Mi copart^rship" l'e< asges (whii h amst In all casea be made perfecty AMAPÖ AND PATEltSON Pteirht Air Geneva Rechesier and Buoa,«. tad all pAv-oa corner of Pearl-el. . Grocers'No. 81 Wall-et., h« retoftire between the t&bicribers, under the jreier prm.fi n u«t be j fi at tbe OfaoS the day previous is ROAM b trains aud la forwarded DnfSSmuflON..Theexttdng onlv at Petei*on aic Hie ikl b) tpress iretgh; CAPITAL !*vi04>,OO(l. firm of BARD, BROTHERIA CO. 1« thi« day diaeolved No Cusloiu-ilouee sjaarsjes ma e tikTTSSas Tiiaias JSloppIng ill MEDICAL. held this the f.-., »w'.ng .eollemea A HITCHCOCK, bi.kua Leave Sufferu'a al and B A M au 1 74 P ,14 or On vaga without delay CbiARLEÜ NOT, At au election day, mutual con*> tit. 8. D. »hipman retiring. Tbeun.etthaj THOMPSON f.J 7 Irani, were chosen Dtrecu» sol this Company for the ?naulng year by firm will be el.ended to J AMES D spri Agenia. 1 ' l Pearl at., ro ner Wall. on the arrival ofiho Erie train*. Leave New-York at A M »f_a»a*rlnlsej Eider. kaulnesa of the by Maragera .* -. V E R (X)MPLMNT..Jaundice, Sampson Mot re, Moaee Taylor, George BARD, at Ml William at. who 1« auibor'. Pens and Gold and St'ver Peu and American-JOHNSTON LIVINGSTON, having pun Lrave Paterton Depot al 84 aod 12 A.M. 3| LEAVE NEW YORA, GOING NORTH, ttonarh, twimming the manufaciure Id with the whole etork and Irlvreet of William A. at A M. and and 5 P.M ra toast aear 1, mit.- heart and choking, orsutt'ocat- New-York, Feb. 3, 1851. nr II under iho name acd firm of BAKD, BROTH¬ othtis, Leave New-Yoik 7, 9, l.S|,4f from ihr Cflirt Hud Chaaabara sraail'ipg, fiuiteiiog to Insure Pi Cases, In the American Express Company. Notice is .Leave Market-*!, at 7 A M Palertoo D6[>A|3| -f. r to when lo a lying posture, dimness of vision, N. B. Thia Company continues Buildings, ERS A CO. JAMES D. BARD, Livlngaton ScuDaV* Alt In A M ps^aMUgnm Poagkksjepae slepalag kf teyssiions fever and dull pain In the Merchandise, Household Furniture, Vessels In Port, GEORGE I. BARD. U/jre.ore hereby given that the said Wii.iam A Llvtugatoa P.M Leave New-York at' i A M. and 5 P.M. Mftf at ail the way stationa ist* or weba belore the sight, Ae^ a member uf etld nor of the firm of to of of the skin on the most favorable terme. Ail losses promptly adjusted mlC 8PRAÜÜE HARD. la no lotgf-r Company, At L3 M -for freight aad aaareogers PoagsAaavpsle, Mast, dear.y pcrsptrauon, yellowness suddeu w if Livingston, Fargo A Co .said Johnston Livingston having atepplng si all way sfatiisaa ¦VSjyse. peli IS tl e swe, back. che*t, limbs, Ac, and paid. 3f_J. I in said firm. WM G. FARGO, Sec y. and AM BOY RAILROAD to l»i>r in tte tletb, conttant Imaginations Orricr or JsrrrasoN Inscrsmcs Co., taken his place lo in f M .Pur Pesesrnajars Poughkaepa.A steppiag ¦tabes ef beat lng 1861. J IS5L 2>)f lm* C"1AMDENJ LINE, from NEW-YORK PHILADELPHIA, v> can be e-iectnally New-York, Monday, March S, Daied New-York, January 16. M all the ay stall, -os SI e»U, and great depression of *pirit*, assurance. . national leaves Pier No I, North Rlvrr, by stoeinbosl John Paueri. to tared l>v Dr UOOFLAND'e CELELRATED QERMAN of Directors of this o'clock Fare In firtt-rla** rar», |j «ec ind, %i At 4 P. M.-For Psseeagers PougBkeepsrUa, Albany at the German LOAN FUND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF BoRrd ComuRny 25 cents to califor¬ at 19 dally. SBd ln'ern edit'" p act. ,u | plat at ttsvL imUmuriUm, tm.f Dr. C M Jackson, Life >¦ of Dollars .. rta. Line, *l Aul it-dby a- a Dividend Three To Freehold, >'\ F.mlgraul IITTEPS.pt; . Arch-*t LONDON Oeneral Agent's Office. 71 Wall-si. New- THEhave thla dsy TO U. S MAIL.Bebpobi At third, $l keis listings, Dubns' Ferry, Dee. aian Tairvutwa, saaur. MedieiBe Btore, 12b Philadelphia. and per share, payable te the Stockholders or their legal repre PostageNIA, OPPOSITION BLISS, AgeaL Garrsasx », «Sold Fishkia. Tbelr over the above dtteaaea t» not excelled, If York, 1st March, 1851. Capital ,2.5(>0,(Kö, Surplus, * T. will seed a Messenger hy s'earaer UNION on _IRA Sarg Grote«, Peesakul, Sprmg, power tilted State*, as sectauves, on demand. GEG. HOPE, Co. Special New llanbargb. Millua Perry aad Poughe.ui'ale. and Seilt to, by any other preparation in the ( $412.271. to Secretary. 8th mat, by s-eemer EMPIRE CITY on I3tb InsL, by case* after skillful The wiitdrawal table of the Society affords the As- n>4 2w ^ on 15* mat, with fonr COLUMBUS AN)5 thence by steamer Ant BaaA iaiiding at Hvile Park, Rings» the ct re* attest, and In many physicians tut under these tables steamer BROTHER JONATHAN to Columbus, Bilsud. CaUklli, Hudson. Cox. sured who may take their policies news. Letters and Parcels delivered in advance CLEVELAND,CINCINNATI RAIf.ROtD-Opened ton. Bkirylown. TnoII, bad failed. ofinvalids. Pos- preaent and proepective advantage*, TREASURER'S OFFICE, NOR- dava later snd connected «»ith Ihe oandusky and Newark Railway, sackte. Sb.yv« e.nl and Near-Bailliaore, reaching Albany The»e Bitter* are worthy the attention the greatest posathle On this Table the of U 8 Mall, which leaves on Hth tnst. and Tram for Cm- virtue* in the rcrrtfiratlcn of dl*ea*e* of the that can be conferred by Life Assurance. 1 inclose ietiera and and to al Shelby, ard wlib the Coluubu* Xenle bt'oie 12 at night sestirg great la entitled at time, to receive at interest an im- Notice ta given lhat an a**e**nent of five dollan postage prepay T. si Coluirhu*. At 5 P. W..f. r a at leafart te PeeksklU, stoppiec ai aA liver acdlesser gland*, exerriting the most searching pow¬ ssaured any ol hereby «lock of la* ml 12t BKRFORDA CO.. 2 Aator Honse, N einasjd, the weaknei* and affections or the organs, they media'« advance, to Lie extant of one-hslf the-amount per abare ha* been laid on the scrip preferred On ai d after Tuesday, February ii5.ii, regular Trains way stations. ers In digestive IIa- to the Treasurer ai the tranafer oifice * run dal excepted.) ha dOlNG SOUTH' are w llhal ssfe. certain and pleasant the paid aunusl premiuma, without aecurlty, personal Comptny, payalile of the Cou.pany will y, (Sundays LEAVE P0LGDEXEP81Ü. or of the policy, but by ainiple endorsement the U Hanover *L New-York, on the tenth I T S. PASSPORTS for CALIFORNIA, taei-n Cleve aid, Co'iiu bus, and a'l titiennediste places, At7 A. M.-For Naw-Tort Mooptng at Miitoa Ferry. READ AND BE CONVINCED. billiy. depoait CtirporatfoE, will be closed oe Ac.In¬ w M. M. Noah said In hit W oekiy Messenger, Jan. thereon; or the naif premium may ba so withheld during day of March next. The tranefer hook* U e Cuba. Central and South America, Europe, for ('sat. r gs*s and Frelgkt New-HaabgrgA U Point, FlatlLui Cc^d Bpnag, Gag. Judge w hole continuance of the Also, In the event of theßth March. GEO. L. PERKINS. to travelers and gold miners, aa a P.ttstM.kb Tsain.Leaves Cleveiaod and Colnaibas, ruKBj'a. PeaasAia, Crotoa, MagBUf^ar0towa DetAraasw, I.1S60 SJas pollcv. dispensable tore lo thesurep'otee-"World's . H."erf**» h'ltttri Hsra is a which at lime not to condoue ike po- l' f tbn foreign aggreeeloa Via! witb al *J ociock A. .M. Arrive* at Colum¬ Dtrobs' Ferry freakem aad saasLa" Maw Ik* WiJ.i t in lb* I'm.,.* l* b* unsniowus ia rscom- on lie aurre: der one-half of Uie animal premiums will Fair' them, if they visit Continent, especially bus at 5 P M At A. M..For pasaeagtra Terk, prsssss sppesr Key. require bv with at 11 wat ..'U^oa si J tli* reasoa i* cA'ibu*. It is ir.sl* after a pr**cnpt.oa by the Society. in Ha dlsturlied state. Issued LeavetColurnl.L* for Ove'and Passenger*, ¦topping at all ousigi.sj. iwsO.i.g. t m*s. be returned preaenl 93 ü 45 at all kniskv* b) < *. ol ths Bi«st ,slsbr*tel physici«ti«of roixisra At the last annual Investigation, reported in May, 1850, iti8 w* I. B. NONES, Notary Pubtie, Broadway. o'cli-rk A M. Arrive* at Cleveland al o'clock minutes At 3 P M..For New-York, sio^sisg way statieas tkshts Dr Wilh*'» Hik-iIsuJ. Praiass^r to rli* L'ni**r«.ty ol J*nt, the botj-aes declared to the assured were the of . TRAVELIINO. P. M on signal .sr, tr> the K Pri » H one ol Iiis grettsot optionor re- for New or on si rival of the SnvtU ( to> tgol ««,i return of U Per cent on ihetr premiums In cash, a PASSENGER OF- FatiGiiT asi> Pi-HBGFk Tsai.a.Leave* SvelSy Alk P M. lor York, S'esmboat, ¦smksI ariurs Oeriiiuy kss *v*r pndoer.l. Hs B*SS *iiptn'icsilv sum each reduc- tlh Fiel.ht and Patte? ger* at 8 o'clock A. M. which leaves Albany at I P M stoppiog at New-Hamburgh, a^Jicirj* ol whr h bs was lb* verslonal additioa to the original assured by po¬ city line.at Cleveitrö tka ssstxi ol kumbeg sod Urnt'or** to cent. f^mpire to San CALIFORNIAKICEt 179 Broadway, New-York-Early sppliralloa tt Cieve a- d II o'clock A. M Flskl'!, Cold Spring. Garrison's, Pee-kstlll, Crotoa Sing* raised otv H* llcv. varvlr g from 20 65 per RATES OF FARE.Through Tirkeu on tha» 11th, 15 h and Arrlvet atsatof and ia*»r**r nuay k* ccaAactilly apacially DECLARED XiJFD oa the will ireure paaaage at reduced pr'ce Cleveland for SheRrv with Sit tovAO, Dearman, Dobia' Kerry, Yonhert aad .sr. s äst 4rt it in t.>»*r », Osk.lny, >srtrn, EXAMPLES OF BONUSES ALREADY Franciico via Cbagtea, and by the I'. S Mail Line Bluff Sand and the Gold KtTi s.Mns-Leaves Frwj|bt g. Tarry i^mplsist, l>j«pap" with S.th of every monib. Tbe Gold 5 o clock 3* minute* P. M. Arrives at Msi.taiunvilir, reaching New-Y .<% st 1 P. M. SeiSity ul ttwStotBsrh th* Livsr ssl Ms Inl*>tjas*. Nins fh .Urtsk Will be foubd In the Socletv'e pamphlet, together Pacific The aplendid Bieemshtp EwPIRE CITY, S.eoo be aeen In dally cperatlon as above, lofjr- and Pester ger*.at FOR t4AW-fURR is an. a hoc*, and a*«sralo( other lnwnnaiian. on at will leave her Separator, may at 1 o'e.ork J5 minutes P. M LEAVE PAI.AVaAJLL Skis ri|,*rssipr*aslte.r >iiutk,i> ,u Tablea of Ilatea. aid application tuns burden, J. D. Wilson, Commasder. Circulars sent gratis to order. Address, postage Shelby WM At 7 aisX eta'lsau on ¦Meslilvrs spssA of iU sSsiti fron l**M own laJi'iisal rlr*r»ji*. 71 Wallet or at any of the agencies, free ofexpense. dick Pier No. ft N.R for Cbagres direet, on THURSDAY. metion A 3t« BFCKWITH, A. M Hb.ppiag way signal. w* (e*| wsrraaUd, in net th* Insure for ward ARNOLD BI KFUM RetHer.t sad Engineer. will ihcu cxrareeieure aba safao by f*a*r tkrsacirrs-nsUBrvs, nn(y ralhag A party msy at a moderate annual premium, March IS, at 3 o'clock P.M. All freight mu*: be on paid. CO._mil m12 if Superintending Passengers promote 'st GHve afree- attatiwa of ear issJars to tb* pr*sent pmpiMtoi's (Or. C M. Jack- te survives to reach the age of b0 years, the full at the office to the day observing the foCowtng raise: partirjelar Out i* r*c*onii*i Ju u.aarti, m to all*ill,il*d." llfe;acd"if ard Mil* of ladlcg signed previou* » u *i-1. yoai bj u &. .ie- .sa'aj prspaiatma, g sum Insured 10|1j.eOO, wU be paid to his fauuly or le¬ For or freight, apply to kt BELKNAP, MAIL LINE between BOS- lataiai |*ai ,«.' bsaTjaja More kviosncc up of tailing. passage 10 LAND AGKNTS, Uvsrad, that he may mark it accordingly, aid fAereby avoid tbeheat news¬ gal repiesctiiativrs. m3tds 8. B STONE Bat'.ery.place. CROSBYLAWYERS AND aad NEW.fORR. via STONINOTO.N and »<.*/ Cckeu >>esora enter. -The PA«ir»Washington. Prividetsee Raumsjda .eav'.Bg New-York daily (Seadayt EWYORK tkNEW-HA VEN RAIL* afaw it i ss Son* it* rare of rauH kwf, but of a in»d ,- ls Ions .*>- Commatdar, Ad .Ml Cook of Tiiiruseu-h Warl, waarf above goiKy tra-iacilon of biialness. been conatructed with a view O Braiding, Bufle'o, *n>w PL'r % N R ir*. Sauerj- place |\l aad after De« is the follow, taa. sh*4, si.irsrsa')) p-izad, and wluch lias m*t Um hearty approval J. LEANDER STARR. General Agent and at 3 P.M. Tbi**teamerhu New-Y'-ra IraBmtth A Co. 1*4 Pearl a A- Benedict, sxcep*e eeaama. V\ A. BT 1 D. Sands, 100 Fulton-aL aubseribed. per payable22d next. SharesjHb> also with an ex. THE PANAMA RAILROAD Ta* C VANDERB1LT, tlrer Railroada. w'.l take this Train and jo»D Fxavsat Traka Ik leaale and Retail by scrlbtng. the balance tn the April $25 ü0d ofspecie, bu'.lkn, and other valuables; the canageiEPni of A B Miller and J F Oonger aad Saturday Leave a^eaington oa Moa- Haven rs for Cans. RsAlrond stop at tamer of Wliitam. H. MARSHALL,) to der at Cruces, under Le aar., gty Tbursdsj at I New Paseeagi 92 eorner of John-st.: each. CHARLES Surgeon. For freight or paaaage spply TUE A51ER1CAN HOTEL, dav Wedresd*» aed Fndav. ¦ew Haven. Ketad by C H. Ring, Broadway, JOSEPH ST IWART. .l ComtmAeiouers. perlecced 51 Cortland at of E R. Folger end H Mi Irr, Jr. wfU leave Wew.Tort MoeSav, Wed. Train at I sfelock A M for Stsnafoad. Brldfav Mrs. Haja. Brooklyn. mlOMWASJm* L TAYLOR, S m7 MILLS, Agent, agement STATES HOTEL, at Panama, under TheCOMMODORE i^irasjaf 2. Express Raiiroada Mvw- ROBERT 115_E THE UNITED DACif -. ^ rWaiM BBMfMBaaSJ port Aloexty, Horisslontc and Naaga'usk DiascToa*. the management of Adrian B ._- flavea aad the Canal Railroad, MlddJeeoo, HartSBrvL YMorse s Syrup of Charles H MaiahaU, Joe. L Coddlncton, MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPA- Mhler._jel .jedeaturday on uae anivay of me steaaers a< sHetv and CowiaeUeat River Reiiroavd, Worceetar, Cvopound Rol>ert L Taylor, AND NEW- M B pae*» ogees, ta tkt rallread can Str1r,gfield ELLOW feel Joseph Sie wart, US.* NY, FOR CHAGRES. HAVANA AND LIVER¬ htgtup, process tDtaiediately rp,-od3d Provtoeuee, and Boston. _ DOCK!ROOT..We John J. Phsjlpe, w. ¦ Mk_p, to Ssn Francisco at Re¬ aad Roaton A accosa- Traka at I o-clort A M. for Ifew. of to make .»..« N Tickets POOL LINE OF STEAMSHIPS to Providence ^gagweaasuwFor S. Acxommodadoe protupied by.every principle humanity, Wat C Wetmore, PSMpa, ORLEANS..Through PHILADELPHIA B Mvhewa Cram U> and from Boatoa paevaga ¦¦¦ R. cs each M.'a-e Down ie the world ihe wonderful efficacy of ifI* Mlraor* Wm Geor»e Merrllt, passengers transferred at Havana CITY OF GLASGOW. 1 6iotucs. Capt. pan may be raaat* m ktkj IJatMjfwlJ remain3E"5«B!at New-Havrsj?l preparation Thou »ands have been relieved of a EL Wabb, W. duced Rates..Chagres x^f tuca. w. C.Stotesbary. 5-rJjA suts-rooaa* er freagM-aTOhealJoaa Tram for tte Caoai laiiroad itaary Norman Walle, George Qaintard, etesmskip FALCON .Go WEDNESDAY, PENNSYLVANIA, Cspt en Ma ws»v< sssdoaVia. 18 awJAery place M- For New-Haven, Eartiord a.al Spnafdasa mrmt amount of suffertng, and mar y live* saved by the ose John 8. Francis Tomes, Jr., to the spiencid CITY OF PHILADELPHlA.i'JWtaaa. bs A/eats onuiSiP ouuU ? M .f t It la arknowledg«, tb* ^( 0f medicine to Weatervelt, at 3 P M ttesplendld doable-engine tteamship of the above ships are now being bolt, and wu aWoad. remain .n Ncw.Haven i,j judf** C barlea Ely, Wm. H. Smith, March 26, Two Cenirai Rsii/oad of Rew>/er»ef ^_ P M for Slamford, Norvala, Brtdgd ««wlfc and salutary preparaaou now H. J arris, burthen, James Fltdliy Bchenck, Com¬ are.1 on the line daring the ensuing Sum.uer. 1 ExpfnasTraloaiJ .taR?*1- Mertlit Trimble, Bent OHIO, S,CCeiura bep t B, Msihews, <.H0 IrCtL ail stargaturk Railroad* Waurrbury, New-Barsa, Alfred W W Richard Tighe, at 3 o'clock P.M. from her pier The CITY OF GLASGOW, Cap*, * ARRANGEMENTS.- VTorceater aad Boston. bile, mander, will tall precisely " Weeten."1 is Intended to etil as under. WINTER Nev 4. lade..This Road iWbrd SpnngSeld, Daniel H. Tompklns, Horace F. Clark. with the Government Mat't, dp ofthe Q real V tommecr.ng MONDAY. WHIT1 at 4 P M for New-Hawaaatai .anker, BVro*Ul* and mil toe v»^J. J^^'Xng frtS D. Morgan, at foot of Warren-at N- R. faoai PHii-AoaLriiA. I raoM livbbi>oou ¦ EL'/aBETHPoRT S6milesto the tZ\m\mTR^m-''m Albert Lowry, Jamee I2th enecc-sfr theaaraute* «li raw. lallirBBBsT'n'- iBtpureiBtSj*t of the BlixvJ. Arno, all Biill ma tx.mplal«»«*, John T. Alien. for HAVANA. NEW-ORLEANS and CHAORES. Batardey. IM March. Wednesday, February. HOUSE. N. J reducirg the »tagtrg eatweaa at IP M for aal Ma Bod Is eaed with un meet*** In a'l cases of FejrnaJa Win.C Taylor, pect 16. to 5 miles. CiaruDOtaüoa Trata eVVte^aport precedent J. Seaman, Charles M. Guild, taken to New-Orleans at usual rates. Tbu/sCsy, May 15. J Weiaeeday, April Of the Road and E ASTON Red Jarsaa, *n'1 «eo*rkl ».'¦!'"J- air-sngibenlng the weakea- Hecry Freight RATES OP PASSAGE nusta staves New-York by steamboat *w9miimW YCMLaV W!*k.Ijr,f to the various mil lw* Calvta Burr. on to Havana. rasat i.ivbbpool. cooaeeu aritk train* oa Utt TRAINS fO HBW gBabody, givtrglone organs, and ln*rigora> Specie oaiy taken (f*igat raost PBii.ALKLiatA. I ¦ I North River, aad ii T hi-tv n n f. .jrT. rinj .. taititr Ikw eonre »j steai, and a!*o for toe cure o.'ih* liver com- reust be before the sitlag of the on.100 Dollsra Salooa.22 Guiaeaa Rai.road, which leaves New-York frota foot p. . Ail bii's of lading signed Bait K-w-ie-»ey hi Catarrh. HeaviachejDl rtaeaa. Cough*. Dollar», Cabin....UGuixeas. i axMBiaUtstolaimBBnahMstos^ Dvapepsla, MERCHANTS' INSURANCE ? Cai.ic.6t> | bet acl I *tearn boat Red Jsea> Traia st 7 A ML tor Ibw-tbvaS, Tlx we asected with Chronic Dw*a*e*§of wriatever or to M. O. R0BEP,TS, These ,metl.elu,le Prjvisloosatd R w r»ds' faa, TRAINS UP-Leave New-York by ^AseosaaMarlatlon TheCOMPANY, freight, apply at. « <-ard- aad at i P.M sBsasj a/ ai ai. Ii '.-r-ns-UOe safsawasl ¦»*«, win find tVit* medicine not pleasant te ibe laaua, .f TUB J^^raasege 177 West si. comer Warrun Wines or which can behaA NalNenh River, at li|A M freight, s 4* A M. frosa withinonlythe ol remedial CtTT Of n1w-tobb, ml2 iM27ts Liquors, between L verrool and O as- .Xptar foot of CortianaVet atf llMisxan.iiaaTisIt at sWw-aUvsaaj BBtBrertalncure. If It be power Otic*, Corner of Greenwich and Fulton sis Flret ciass steviniahlps ply pa**erger ard by N J. RsViroad, at aJ taW.medSase Station» reeaSvlsaf pnsna aRanu to affect ibeic liaeaae. it ls eompoaed of medtrine* Ocean Raak S. Havre. Ratterdam, Ughorn. Meiset, as aaJIBM Tu sad 4( PM. ttosaplair Csnai BsaUosd, and 1 _ Nsm-Hnvsav .a ccanbrred. as to tend direct'y to rive tone to the Building. to U. wbicJi can be shipped to Wlilie House and foUowiog p4s^ tor Hoaa. aTosk Hartford and happily action the Liver and CASH CAPITAL, *..«v-o. alow ltnea. BER- Ear,(.'iterraieac pf>ru. by goods d.recv Trt!r»:«ive aad bowels, »xclta to aealthy Insurance U*t or Da_ace Fira. Steamera, and to ail other aed toamce by th'.a One to Phtads'.phia fork a* follows: si 110 P M. Ma nnanscBsa Wwh tan Mt> yyasark agalrat by CALIFORNIA.OppositionMail Co wui send a Sr-- Liverpool number of wfu House St A.M.; at ft, AM 1*1 4. Express Train DIRECTORS. FoRD A CO California Expre** splendid Woxi.d'i Faia-A limited passengersand $l-> U White H freight areas Trala tToaat from New-IUvan, slisijkng at Aaron C.ark, aAsalr M from New-Baven, , t"*t. Pa* Trala si 4 PJL If"*} Ai,%*?J. the 1Mb m advance of ike V S. Ma 1 of wi.l be carried on each amp Brook at AM ; at 7 10m AJM-; ». Aeeoaumos^oa recs Naihaniel Weed, Wm H Diets, ilvered la San Fraiicteco can An experienced Surgeon Rourd H Freight at all ictenr.edisze ttadoas, jacatvrag .sssia A at 102 Fountain-* to tan. . . atepplng _Fr»paced only by C. MORRE CO. David Maste, Wuiiau, Husuce, llthlrat Passage by Brother Jonathan Cbtg/e* FreUht on dry gooda st*. per asd L^_.ar- .er ger at 2 25m PM. Pi frvm th* IfiinaitiidtMrsj Trais front Boston, aad &era R ' and sold by ihoacand* ail over the UrU- R-^*m otBce. 1st Cable .-<. ; 2d Cabin.$70; seti to -be Agents In PhllxdelDhia A.M.; Frtdgatst 7| *VM-i ZrZtrT*** Ac. A Clav, 211 VeJesutoe^lrfcir, He*, be secured at tats Plan of AU gooes and dUpaicA. PtainaeidatH the Bana^tsck aUilroad at Bridgeport > 5L Caaadaa, flaydock, Corile* Am* M A Heppock, Joseph M Brown. S ee-age. t-*n Number limited P.wt«ge25ru. por will tjetorwa-ded w;th econimy M P-M A.M-; A Tnta at I It P.M. (or In ee »«narrt! )16 BEllKoRD A CO , to . at A M at 7| Express g'sMsja.M.T*3sl Ageou. Roiren P. at this office. For or passage, _ We«tfe..d t» freight 5'- ^LAukr."' Ebeoerer Getty, Cabin* I Aator Hou*e. Ve*ey-«t, frelfht WATSONapplyk CO. New-Ton and Fhllsd. I P M - Bead^eton, RICHARDSON, IMPJR. S B.9^*_,der' rsnd su , San Francisco. A CO. I .RIVATE LYING-IN ASYLUM.. D. Randolph Martin, Harrison Jones, mlO 6t acd corner of Clay Kearney RICHARDSON. BROTHERS Liverpool. JgU E.lxaaethtown. FretfiitatliA.M. Pa^ae*tfera*al AM., PaawStV of the above IneUtate have concluded Ely Hoppoca, PATRICK HENDERSON A CO. OlsAROW- Rdxai«shponst3, AM -, fratRM H Ml Pi-oprteiors AARON CLARK, PreaMenL FRAN CISCO, via RIO larrtvs of admissloa to the ability of use _ _ _ SAN of the IAJR Jawiaa appU- W. 21fom ' wOi he In readl». on the arrtval Batld, stoppiaf at Norwaik aad asaBsaford- a CommunlcaUori* and Ui'be made to Gbobcb 8_vs6B,S*crei_i> JANEIRO. VALPARAISO, and PANAMA.The S. C.-The %rAaE8 ibe WWu Hoase to convoy paa- Or appliratloasibs f^OR PACIFIC, 1.4C4» are buriben, T?OK CHARLESTON, J Diea- trxn Hm New-York M RENNEDT. Duaoo-park new acd besntlftil »'.eem»h

r*a, Alteoniwu aed bv 1st D. O BAlLEIf.laus of JL i bsTM -;-eamabIp .e-g-r* to Easurn t. l^raivio. Ctw etitBr/ardfd oa Noitn , and to Fies k fc new-england livestock rx-a till fnun tht* port, at above, Irson, » i leave pier No.4, t Pan»tr* wl'i ve!y i . > J. COMPANY, of New naren. Conn. M She ea tike r)och P M . «ediere. N STATEN ISLAND SYRUPonly TheINSURANCE m -.v ]hih 'nsL, at 1« rrrloek. A t sad of \to owaars anal ds> and ioas from death, either £«. the foe >- 0,1 Pf^^f'pj^' JeVcible at the n*k »**.'. J|OREHOUNDCOUGH¦. ^ tk* *rery b#ai remedies fir Insure borace, cattle, Ac, against a small f ,t fre> J.t s'gim t>7 tbs)clere TT ,, »"Vvrd at nl N 8 Ail BAOOAOE tt * »eetHa. ard quarnty. Bj; "'*'*,.