CALIFORNIA.Opposition to US
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Dinn of 26th [ORRIS and ESSEX RAILROAD.. parry ¥TNITED STATES MAIL LINE from LIVERPOOL.Packet OAR- » *>SENOfcA UP Leave N-w.Tort CHECKS.-Apron, pain is tha ^CHAFLESTON to HAVANA, »1» SAV ANNAH tad FORMarch.- The epleod'd sad regular racket Skip M TRAINS rraat t«»lUi«.fc- killer, win sari a* above, her regu ar dav. .f j^L» AJf. and f SO FM; Un Newark*-* Cheek* of «1nV«l vegetableworld for tbe immediate r>' M' vf Ex¬ _COAL._ KEY WEST KICK.Ort R Adeet. CurUty 1 A other ? best article IB lb* AJ» end « P M. »d CO V aid a rm»*i Lirer- harden, commended-The.p!f»)!df««m.btplSAHEL^.'^u:r.fWhitem will com¬ For freight or peat age, having earl raited accommodation* 7 ternal and Internal Complaints. Pull directions for Its use FLOAT.-Halliburton's by Capr. Rollins, t to r-"-»eaa Tasini Pew* -Leave Dover A M asal P^^im.PUlrKW^m «Ml11H the w«r 1* now f. orn mence her regular trips od Mon-ey. Oct. 1, tod eell regu- on board, at Pier it Faar River, or . will be found la the" People's by fJSSTXOrrel Co*!. The tiirHcrP'er landing apply U5P.M.; Mottu-owo T So A. M. aad j * f. M; Msdasava Pamphlet," published pool 8 C for Havana o= th« 1« tod Sf0FFOR0, TiLEJTON A CO., New styles, a copy of which will be given with every Satke -ship a iol of Orrel Coel. nelected expreealy early fron; Crerleeton, mjj ItAAM ud t v> p M ; Huimpll « » * M and 3 «6 P M r '* CALICOES. proprtetore, splendid each and from Havara to Charleston on its *Ji 6m 07th 4S Sooib-«t frriVrtDRaW «. reived tYi-tnihe work* l*iiy,for*e.e bottle. For sale at wholesale New-York by RN 'emlly e»e, md carefully lowered In the h >ld, for «sie of month, Mllrvtlle I is a at and 11» P M ; Change ( » A H aai « 4k CO fret d 52 Plie-it A. H at 0. Bscds, 100 Pniton-al ; William Bargee. 37 »> ry low In to suit purchaser* Alto to yard. ted 22d. li* r. M f ¦^<«tw^£|tMITH A Co J. \V. Peach quantities 1 Orrel frum Cbsrleston tod Ssvarmah to Havana, ilP LIVERPOOL .United States N T. AM Cortlend-st i_l Minor 214 Fullon-et.; Oao. Orchard, B act He»th, Lehigh. Ltverpo tod rtf i«nT,Taaiae -Leave Dover 3 AM and Hi Up 89 Naseau-et Hariland. Kenee A Co. Rfi Maldeo- Cant,el and Coal, of ihr b»at qnt'ltle*, and foe s«_e From Charleston Savannah to Key W eat, $30. FORMall Steantbrp PACIFIC. Cant. Exre Nya. Tbl* Ouhi Hoa.i Cii_ -Imi, ora^.e iaM.bM IN Sidney . for It u .ÄfSrjr^^ Cloth. foe sale try taoe i M Ward k Co 3.1 do : Alcolt, McKlaaoa St Robbies, iow. JAML9 L. WORTH. SI Broadway, for p_rt!ru;»r«. apply u> Steamship »n, depart with ite Mai rope, poeltive- P.M.; NewYork 11 »Akt aad 4*»V M SB«1 A CO *1 Boata-M, . from her F.ll'rn*t*vera baron. A5 127 do.; Leeds a. Harzerd. 121 do.; J E pee, 128 do.: ml'' if and Fourth, cor. Thompson at. 8P0FFORD, TILESTON )y. on Wcdnctday. March 19th. at Ii o'clock. M Passengers by these tratst are received aad deB**r*4 fptgWIw-i-- ü kt. le Puae^ Trip In Cbarieaton to M C. MORECAL. at. No Hertha secured until aad Bous. Norton. Babcock A Wood. 139 do.; R B. Hevibtnd k Co 177 CO. berth at the footof Canal paid snca way at North Orange. M.Uv-.uaa, swiblssX of ¦ roadway, Hayduek, Corliee k Clay, 218 Peal at.; C. V. Ahh or White Ash Agents In Havana, DilAKE. BROTHER- A for. Chatham, MadJaoo, Mocrtetown, M.rrle Platoa. Üanvilla. full supply Spring Co 81 Nat, Passen»m leaving Ht7«nt ay thii thip can reach Bald- Ail leiteramust paaa through the Poal Offiaa. and Do rar. inRY\fiC^-Ä to the trade *n«» for export, ¦ Itcs-cere 8arrlay-et.:Koop, Fiercer 4, Co New-el COAL..Red$5 N Nut, R5 75; Egg or Stove, $6 rYt; (j,. the nneeuniie* aeecrrriirodB. A ke»ay suited i Large more the ;ar J route the fifth or, or aseag*. he wtth K^aari rer^ved, *" «°<- » f<r**-*t. and Mom Carlelt Co. Iis Water-aL Also, for Sale Ute dnivered. by day, by meeting For freight | nog Ai Dover, stares tasmseasf the AM laaaaagat N r'HMlTH by erpooi, (ft en per Cbaidron, A'ao, Cumberland .teamer Southerner, reach New-Tor I In aaiae time Tf for or comfort, to rtewsuu. He< tees, AjCO Trade generelle and CanDei, from vard* und«r cover, at 473 Broome-ai uear tLns e,rgaiiee appiv VVa!]-*t traia leave tor Stvkseuaoy SUnhop*. jSh7l^,f! BE"WARE OP COUNTERFEITS ed WD K COLLINS. M tfwa acd Hope, Mn/ord aad Oweeo oo Mucdaya, bales Woosier-st and SiS Bowrrv co »in be reeeiv<-d ou board after dally, MHJ.s1äÖ(")DS.-LO00 And hyy none but the GENUINE ORIGINAL PAIN Rllr IS**3m- JACOB WEEKS k NEPHEWS. M)TpENDENT STEAMSHIP LINE Pcattive'y freight Wednesdays aad Fridays, acd f. s.arta, Johaambaa}*, ^iBK rs fOR SAN VIA CtlAGRES, DIRECT M >rday eeenlnf. March |7ih Columbia, Delaware W*j,r Birc^aeburga, :,"d ¦ - ^noc-at. LER. manufactured by the proprl^ti ]~ FRANCISCO, wul socceed t.'ie PACIFIC, and talratoWQ, Worte, Oap. Bar. Ät^ CO. PERRY DAVIS k SON, am the best .at rrdaced rate* of P»es*ge and Freight. The new and Tte steamer ARCTIC rreS aoadaulrg to the Lavchawaoaa passing through 74 Providence. delivering Stove Si.-emsbip NORTH AMERICA. 2j"0 tuna bur¬ ha. tocrilM.Stachopa (Pal Sittlm'StTaveru. N^leevtfln. COt* . Htgh-st. elegait an. _ C-'and"JOAL..IEgg Red Aah. dry. from under eheas, at $5 50 per the w d. to FroTtdecve, oo Tuned «,-a, CASES BLUE^W^-K N B The came Pa|n |rj|lM. beionga exrmetvely to PER¬ rrialdron den, the fa-teat steamihip la j. U, Bleihen, ton, Dunmore, Hyde Part the SY DA via A SON, as a Trade as decided .> i White Aah, R5; Liverpool. $6 per Conimitri r. will leave pier 4 Norm River, for Chsgres NEW-YORK ÄND LIVER- Thursdaye and Samrdaya, aad rstautda, aaeet FJa, rwn hlvt pr.ntr ..pomi Mark, retently m'21m» PETER CLINTON, cor King and Oreenarfch. at So STEAMERS.- by tbe Supreme Court. J_7 3m* direct, oi: TUESDAY, the 11th day of March, clock, THEpool united states MAIL trains for New-Tort. Boonlon PH. Tide attain thip ia entirely new, having made bat The sr-ip» comprising this Itne are the At DeorUie stages leave for Powrrvitle and eaj BLUE AND SUBSCRIBERVaiTthtirized one to and can upon her PACIFIC. CapL Nye. tr.rsjrtvxi of the A. M. and P. M. trains from, acd meet (ha _ MRS BURRS (as trip Cbegree. passengers depend ATLANTIC. Cspt. West, ^ijfTCASES ADAMS ol the to eontract for the delivery of clean, and ber Ac. free from disease. Sue Lace, RALT1C. Capt. Cotnsices, A M. and P M. tralas tor New-Tort. ointment..a sure and THEAgent Company) being bedding. ARCTIC, Capt. the arrival of the A. M. fl* 'Oranoe rarNTa-sorertor»n»-j-orisale by C R. U! antique CARGOE8 of the celeoraled COAL from the Salem HiU haa ib large and commodioua eiaie-rooma; aome expreaeiy ADRIATIC, Capt G-afwa At Morrlstown stäupe leave on of style, for BARON^ MM. speedy cure for the PILES, Chafed Limbs, Chapped Mine* at Pottsvlile. pa.t formerly worked by Milne* A designed for the use of famlliea Thia ateamer will he to These ships bare been ballt hyeonusct, expo-stly fjr pataenrer trains for HeadJktm, f>ee«er. hVboofear'B Mcrna* Jrtrtety Bande, Ac. Thia article has Wang been used in private Ha\ w h d and John O. Hewee New-York, on her return from Chagree. on or before meet sei rice, rare baa been taken ta titetr coo- is w Betvidere and Eaatoa. daily, aad ares* and la ex tant trip Ooven every aactngtoa. SHIRT- practice, acknowledged to he tbe best article Slf ly*8. C. OODEN. f!9 Wall-ft the ;d of Marrh. Faaaengeta Intending to leave for San atrBCt>on. as also In their Ergtnee, to Insure strength and the P. MT^ata for New-Tort. BLEACHED for the relief of the above named complaints. Franctaco or C would do well to examine her extra rd.aid their accommodations for passenger* areun> ARBS for Basking Ridge on the arrival of the P. M trata ^fCASES27 29. » ana 36 Inch, »uliabl* lot For Sale at wholesale and retail In New-York, hagre-, ipr the A. M. trala tor Hrl FlNOa, 2d. trade. For *ai« byOeo.J. PER TUN-Peach Orchard accemmodatiena, and notice the Improved manner in which equa'lrd fi r elegance or comfort. rr-ürrrnr neat mcraicg, concecting wtih Z^ttmrr-rt of B»ga and ihe genera! by W. Met-e, M si I. Minor A Co. 214 Fu.ton-aL A. ¦. 5* 95 la venu aied. An la attached to of from New-York to Liverpool 0130; New. York. V C. I LH BARON,66 Pine**. D. Inn Reese k Co. SO V" earraj» Coal, freah mired, beat t-uailty. egg, atove, she experienced surgeon Price paaeage from the* A Sanda, Fulton-st Havlland, and alzes, at the above low price, delivered at the theebip.