The Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer Mission Butler Hine, Stevan Spremo, Mark Turner NASA Ames Research Center Mail Stop 240-5 Moffett Field, CA 94035 650-604-4449
[email protected] Robert Caffrey NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Mail Stop 401.0 Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-286-0846
[email protected] Abstract— The Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment TABLE OF CONTENTS Explorer (LADEE) is a Lunar science orbiter mission 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1 currently under development to address the goals of the 2. MISSION REQUIREMENTS................................................ 2 National Research Council decadal surveys and the recent 3. MISSION DESIGN.............................................................. 2 “Scientific Context for Exploration of the Moon” (SCEM) 4. SPACECRAFT DESIGN ...................................................... 5 [1] report to study the pristine state of the lunar atmosphere 12 5. MISSION SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE.................................. 8 and dust environment prior to significant human activities. 6. LAUNCH VEHICLE ........................................................... 9 LADEE will determine the composition of the lunar 7. SUMMARY ........................................................................ 9 atmosphere and investigate the processes that control its REFERENCES........................................................................ 9 distribution and variability, including sources, sinks, and surface interactions.