GLEANER March 20, 1995

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GLEANER March 20, 1995 A Publication of the North Pacific Union Conference March 20, 1995 of Seventh-day Adventists *GLEANER Volume 90, Number 6 VIEWPOINTS 'Jock Socks, Muscle Building, and the Gospel' 4 By Russell L. Johnson Russell L. Johnson is executive secretary and church ministries and communication director of the Idaho Conference in Boise, Idaho J./ ublic Evangelism," ranks near the tions run about 10 spots daily during the week Russell L. Johnson top of the Seventh-day Adventist preceding the campaign kick-off. controversy scale. It's been anath- Handbills should arrive in people's homes ematized, eulogized, and ig- about three days before the meetings begin, nored; it's been practiced and and visual advertising must carry the cam- praised. paign logo so that the campaign identity is March 20,1995 Vol. 90, No. 6 Like a pair of white cotton socks, it's been reinforced. Published by the North Pacific Union tossed about for years, hot-potato style, con- Posters can be placed in high-traffic areas, Conference of Seventh-day Adventists demned by some as old-fashioned, inefficient, and a well-placed billboard can sometimes (ISSN 0746-5874) repulsive, and untouchable—lauded by others reach nearly 100 percent of a city's population, Address all letters, advertising and address changes to: as impact absorbing and body building. adding impact to the campaign. GLEANER "Evangelism" takes many forms, but always As I write, Pastor Charles Stout and I have North Pacific Union Conference heeds the biblical call to "make disciples" completed an evangelistic series in the small P.O. Box 16677 Portland, OR 97216-0677 (Matthew 28:19). Approaches and methods southern Idaho town of Heyburn which we (503) 255-7300 that alienate discipleship—even though they advertised using the general approach out- Address-change requests may appear to "spread the message,"—are not lined above. Fifty non-Adventists came out the must be submitted by mail. evangelism at heart. first night, more than 80 percent of whom STAFF It appears that audiences in today's society responded to advertising alone, and a good percentage of these have continued attending, Edwin A. Schwisow are responding well to multimedia presenta- Editor tions and informal seminars, though some seven have joined the church, and several Todd Gessele preachers still prefer "stand up" evangelism. more are scheduled for baptism. Editorial Assistant But whatever the presentation form, we I find it unfair to ask church members to do Shari Smith Advertising/Copy Coordinator cannot expect to make disciples unless we are their regular work and support public evange- prepared to cordially host those who come to lism as well—unless ministers are willing to go CORRESPONDENTS sit at the feet of Jesus. the second mile with them. In recent weeks, First, it's vital that we prepare the church I've been carrying my regular administrative Bradley Galambos Alaska property and buildings for the comfort of the load at the conference office in Boise while Russell L. Johnson people, while we prepare ourselves spiritually speaking several evenings each week in Idaho to be warm and accepting, remembering that Heyburn. I can't keep up this pace indefinitely, Larry Unterseher most people who come to Jesus are hurting in but I'm willing to make the sacrifice because of Montana what evangelism does for me spiritually and Jay E. Prall, Helen R. Smith some way and need to see a demonstration of Oregon God's grace in other Christians. emotionally and what it does for the church. Max Torkelsen H Likewise, our invitations must "compel" I'm convinced that the only "right way" to Upper Columbia people to come in. Unfortunately, proper do evangelism is to make it a cooperative effort Dave Weigley Washington advertising is little understood, so indulge me between laity and pastors and to accept the Joanne Reinke as I explain a process that seems to bring the help of conference workers and evangelists. Walla Walla College best results. Which brings me once again to my point: Submissions—As of Jan. 1, 1995, all I recommend buying 10 to 12 30-second Evangelism is good for the church. Stephen L. announcements, features, news stories and spot announcements on every major TV station McPherson, Idaho Conference president, sums family notices for publication in the GLEANER may be submitted directly to in an area and to have that spot include a good it up well: "The charge has been made that the editor at the address listed above. Thus is a departure from former policy which attention-getter, followed by an invitation to 'new members bring into the church new chal- called for all GLEANER material to be sub- lenges and problems that previously did not mitted in-care-of local conference corre- attend delivered by the evangelist himself. spondents. Materials sent to the GLEANER To bolster the TV spots, I recommend run- exist.' To some extent this is true. in-care-of conference correspondents will continue to be routed to the GLEANER. ning a total of four display ads in a town's "However, the following is also true: If Please Note—Every reasonable effort is there is no evangelism, there are no new ener- made to screen all editorial material to newspaper/tabloid shopper on days preceding avoid error in this publication. The the campaign opening meeting. gies or resources to be tapped. Members begin GLEANER does not accept responsibility for categorical or typographical errors nor If a series starts on Saturday night, for to multiply problems among themselves. For a for advertisers' claims. example, I recommend running the print ads church to plan and sponsor public evangelism GLEANER, (ISSN 0746-5874) is published semimonthly except monthly in July and on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. builds spiritual strength in the same way that December and printed at Color Press, 312 resistance develops physical muscle.$. S. College Ave., College Place, Wash. I then arrange to have selected radio sta- 99324-1222. Second class postage paid in College Place, WA 99324. Subscription rate: $10.00 per year. imio us}, CP48344 POSTMASTERS: ABOUT THE COVER Send address changes to GLEANER Bernard J. Penner of Gresham, Ore., found "Rhodies in the Woods" in the Mt. Hood National Forest, near P.O. Box 397 Lobo Pass, Ore. He used a Canon Flb camera and Fujichrome 100 film. College Place, WA 99324 2 • GLEANER • March 20, 1995 VIEWPOINTS In regard to Marjorie West-Palmer's Feb. 6 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR letter about Custer, Mont., Church invest- ment, it would be well for her to read a bit. The investment program was heavenly Letters Policy: Letters to the GLEANER question. Letters which direct personal born. The first investment was started by a editor are welcome. Letters must be signed criticism at individuals will not be printed; dear Sabbath school teacher that gave five and should not exceed 150 words in conversely, letters which promote a person cents to her class of five pupils. Some raised length. Letter writers are urged to limit by name or description for gratuitous vegetables and some raised chickens and their letters to commentary on editorial praise will be declined for publication. sold them for a total of $11.52. The major matter appearing in the journal, and Highest priority will be given to letters investment offering is derived from agricul- should specifically refer to the issue date which add information and commentary, ture and livestock. and article in question. Priority will be pro and con, to material appearing in this My wife and I each have an investment given to letters received by the editor with- journal. Address letters to Editor, Box cow. We have had this project for years in 45 days of the cover date of issue in 16677, Portland, OR 97216-0677. back. We sell the calves for investment. The people that buy them buy them to eat. They don't eat them alive. We used to run sheep in Wyoming. Foxes The harsh, critical spirit that blazes in some and coyotes are the most destructive ani- Responsible Women people's letters is just as repulsive to readers as mals in the Western U. S. We would kill all I wish to thank Carrol Grady (Feb. 6 certain "Investment" projects are to certain of them if by any means we could.... GLEANER) for highlighting some of the other readers. I would suggest that when some- I'm surprised that any pious, devout women who work at Auburn Adventist thing outrages you, drop to your knees and ask Adventist would criticize any legal invest- Academy. However, there are more "positions God to either make them clean up their act (i.e. ment project, or the editor. The Dalles of responsibility" than the four she men- do things your way) or give you a more relaxed (my local church) investment for 1994 was tioned. The following are names of Wash- and accepting attitude toward others' differ- $2,886.74. ington women who work closely with the ences. If nothing else, politely agree to disagree. So far I say, "Custer, go for it!" greatest responsibility this church has—young Loral Lee Besola Elgin Miller people. Livingston, Mont. Dufur, Ore. Dee Myers is, until year's end, school coun- selor, a position of trust and importance in today's troubled teenage culture. Janet Goltz serves as food service director along with Nancy Myers, associate director. Kay San- born is dean of women, with Taskforce work- ers Terri McFarland and Stacy Howland Operation Bearhug assisting. Office staff includes Sylvia Cul- more, Sherry Hyde, Carmen Slavens, Carol Rick, Sue Pike, and Marilyn Thomas. Judy Worley serves as school nurse.
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