2000 Bratislava, Slovakia Dr Gabriela Babiakova, Slovak XXth Conference of the Danube Countries on Hydrometeorological Institute, Jeséniová 17, 833- Hydrological Forecasting and Hydrological 15 Bratislava, Slovakia Bases of Water Management tel.: +421 7 54771192 or 54774331; fax: +421 7 54776562 4–8 September e-mail:
[email protected] Seattle, Washington, USA Masayoshi Nakawo, Institute for International Workshop on Debris-Covered Hydrospheric–Atmospheric Sciences, Nagoya Glaciers University, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan tel.: +81 52 7893477; fax: +81 52 7893436 13–15 September e-mail:
[email protected] Marmaris, Turkey Prof. Gültekin Günay, International Research and Karst 2000: International Symposium and Field Application Centre for Karst Water Resources Seminar on Present State and Future Trends of (UKAM), Hacettepe University, Beytepe Campus, Karst Studies 06532 Ankara, Turkey tel.: +90 312 2352543; fax: +90 312 2992136 17–26 September e-mail:
[email protected] Kassel, Germany Dipl.-Ing. V. Ashauer, c/o Universität Gh Kassel, International Symposium on Flood Defence FB14, FG Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft, PO Box 101380, D-34109 Kassel, Germany 20–23 September tel.: +49 561 8043203; fax: +49 561 8043952 e-mail:
[email protected] Ravenna, Italy Secretariat SISOLS 2000, Mrs Jane Frankenfield SISOLS 2000: Sixth International Symposium on Zanin, c/o CNR-ISDGM, San Polo 1364, I-30125 Land Subsidence Venice, Italy 25–29 September tel.: +39 041 5216826; fax: +39 041 5216892 e-mail:
[email protected] Ghent, Belgium Prof. François De Troch, Laboratory of Hydrology ERB2000 Monitoring and Modelling Catchment and Water Management (LHWM), University of Water Quantity and Quality Ghent, Coupure links 653, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium 27–29 September tel.: +32 9 2646136; fax: +32 9 2646236 e-mail:
[email protected] Wageningen, The Netherlands Mrs M.