'48 Budget Study
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The fifM a|*blt polio mu»t |o on. Wilt Cartwrrt Service* la Tb* Am An* do itt *har* thu y«ur? AihwtiNrt. P.tronlM Th VOL XXVI—No. 41, CARTBRET, N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1948 PRICE THftBB CENTO Board Sets /*'* Leap JW-Jgf Who Wants a Husband?Trust Co. Now It's Wash Day for Papa '48 Budget CARTERET PRESS Reporter Find* that Carteret Girls are Viewing the He Ha$ to Take the Family laundry to the fS ear tit [learing On "Opey/Season" Rather Calmly; Opinions Vary Votes Juke-box Launderette and Watch H Go 'Round Study Nm| CARTKRET—It's Lea* Year, girls! But who the army. But if he gets back this year—" CARTRUFT—Men have taken the proprietor of one of those lew Budget wenta a huaband? At Roosevelt Avenue and Hudson Street, we Dividend to doing the family laundry and Juke box laundries, "If it's done Under Wai The Irish Invented It, the Scotch, Prench and found another charming girl. Said she: folks, believe It, Monday his with machinery, It's papa's Job." IUllans legalized It, the English and Americans "No chasing a man for me. I don't think mm like faded out as the conYentlonal The sad part of It is—and |)i.irirl I"* Will have emtoned It, and It's one world, Mr. Eligible aggressive women." Both Institutions wash day. there's no Way to keep this quiet Borough Council Bachelor, as far as you Ye concerned: Ladles' Choice A girl standing in front of the Borough Hall was Now wash day is any day— -men are better laundresses Hr |/OW,.rinW49 is hen again. asked what type of a man she would seek. Her Re-elect All Officers usually after 5 P. M. when Papa than women. Bids for War Mi comes home from work, gathers The male washwoman sorts A CARTIMfl' HUEB0 reporter decided to find answer: Reveal And Directors up the soiled clothe* and gets his washujg out neatly, slips Monument Here out Just whit the Carteret young women think "A man—period." busy with his mechanised do- quarters m the right number I' The Board of Id- about leap year. Indications are that moat Carteret On the Hill, we noticed a young woman walking CARTERET —• At Its annual CARTIRET —Borough (•-AIM HI' mestic chores. of machines and then stlps away rt January 23 as the girls will not take their leap year prerogatives and with three children. "What do you think of leap meeting here Tuesday, the Car- will soon begin the Usk of A survey shows that most of for a quick beer. Lots of them ibilc hearing on the that they will not make much fuss about It. year?" we asked. teret Bank and Trust Company, ping 'the 1948 budget into 111tf t'» " P the evening trade where they though stand around and watch KM to be voted on at Her reply: "Are you kidding?" voted a dividend of $5 a share, while members of the oounci) i l:itivi' '' The hunt Is open to single girls only, although run the mechanical laundry the machine go round and round. 1 ,-hool election, Tues- Now how do young men feel about leap year? bringing the total to $10 a share making a study of • ||.p anil"' three matrons encountered in this survey agreed gadgets Is masculine. There Is During the day. the house- v 10. Several were questioned. paid In dividends for 1947. requests for fund* other to swap. even the communal Instinct evi- wives are chief customers of lh« One of them said: "Every year Is leap year for The bank reelected the following salary Items. * i,,n.l budget has been fixed dent. Even bachelors, middle- coln-ln-the slot laundries. They Most women, asked what they thought of leap girls. They know how to pop the question in a way directors: Emil Stremlau, Andrew Only a few of the requests I 4 ri72 08 as compared with aged and elderly come in pairs run down to the launderettes year, said they had not given It much attention. as to make you think you did It." He Is married been explored and othtn n HR in the previous yew, Chrlstensen, Elmer E. Brown, with their little bundled of laun- for an hour or so, and while Our first question was directed at a tall blonde, Another fellow, all set and marking time, said: be sifted soon so that the 1 „„„„>! io be raleed by tax- William Lonsdale. Harold I. Has dry. their wash tumbles along by it- . mailer this year. For waiting for a bus at the city line. She said: "Sure, "Bring me around a good looker and if she pro- kins, Alexander LeBow, Thoma* can be prepared for lati "It's the same'old story." said self, catch up on the latest news. - in the meantime, the • ,j4r> me district tax will be I'd like to pop the question, but he's In Europe In poses, I'll take her up on the spot." C. Kenyon and George Chamra. its meeting last night appn •19l ,;T> ofl as compared with Officers reelected were Lons- resolution by Councilman 4o;J (i« 48 for the year of 1M7- dale, president; Stremlau, vice Girl Scout* Court president and counsel; "Hanking, wiecki providing temporary i !)48 Firemen to Honor Salary Adjustment Hanker for Foreign Lands? priatlons to operate the ! l,,,,lKrl for 1948-4* fol- vice president; K^nyon, secretary T! Of Award* March 16 allty until the budget Ic rxpenses. 1368,450; and treasurer; Sylvester Ounkel, Many Carteret Men and Women Holding Down The Council re«er?ed two s and repairs, »ll,M0: Ex-Chief Olbricht CARTERET—The Olrl Scout assistant .secretary and assistant Action is Taken for the War Memorial Monq iii,iy, 18,000; library. Council of this (borough has set treasurer, and Charles Sommers, ()l Civilian lob* in the Far Corner* of the Earth Uiffbarry Memorial of manual training, I16.W0; March 14 as the date for the assistant treasurer. 4IU1I) asked $8,300, tnit the bid was : Company 2 is Planning holding of a Olrl Scout Court of Council Sets February Reporting on the affairs of the CARTERET—If you've been Europe and Asia point out that , ,.|,.,,-,1. $i,M0 and debt accompanied by a check or Awards. The ceremony will take banking institution, Mr. Kenyon housing is as troublesome there ';,,•'' $44,222.08. To Hold Annual Fete As Date for Hearing hankering for a look at foreign bond. The other bid came from j place in the High School Gym- said assets as of December 31, last, as It is over her*. ,,, „[ revenue, SUte aid, lands, there are civilian Jobs J. Williams A Son of Perth, liiir Some Time in February nasium. amounted to $8,017,295, a sizeable A number of Carteret girls ' (iMiiot tax. 1391.673.01; On Three Ordinances across the seas that will get you asking 110,960. It was ace M Increase over the $5,656,000 as of hold down foreign Jobs. Some I, i,, Held rentals, $000 and frte 4 The request of Mrs. John there. by a bid bond. The bids were i^~. CARTERET — A committee of Nemlsh, president of the Council CARTERET — Borough Council December 31, 1946. are typists, stenographers and Hi-T-. $13 100. These Jobs have already lured re-red to the Council u a whot#'« Fire Company 2 headed by James to use the High School was has set February S as the date He also reported continuous In- clerks. between 100 and 150 Carteret for study. i nufiini! Wednesday night. Irving Is slated to meet this week- granted by the Board of Educa- for a public hearing on three or- creases In deposits, principally In Most of the Jobs held by bor- residents abroad. Here are some Councilman Turk and Mayotjj l rcii'ived B petition signed end and select a date and place tion, dinances pertaining to the adjust- the savings account. Savings last ough men and women are with ,i: inirhi'iK and Janitors rt- ment of salaries of borough em- year were up by $251,300 as com- of the Jobs held by local men in the Army's occupation forces. Sklba praised the work of for the annual banquet In honor Details for the Court of ;n ;m increment of 1800 In of J. Leslie Olbricht. who retired ployes, police and firemen. pared with the year of 1946. the far corners of the world: The begging agencies for over- police department after the • Awards were outlined at a meet- dl received the annual report ,,,.. it was referred to tnc as chief of the fire department. Veterans mortgages" In the Sign painter at Okinawa, sew- seas workers are the Department ing of leaders and assistant The' ordinance was Introduced activities of the department !,,< i', » whnle. The affair is likely to be held In amount of $190,000 were granted ing machine repairman In To- of Agriculture's Office of Foreign leaders held at the Nemlsh home. at an adjourned meeting of Coun- mltted by Police Chief i, .in;,Nt(in wss granted to the the middle of February cil Friday night. during 1947, Kenyon said. kyo, dental plate specialist In Relations; the Division of Li- First National Europe, a carpenter In the Phtl- braries and Institutes, the Public Sheridan, Jr. :..' Nimc Society of the Holy Assisting Irving with arrange- Under the new measure, the sal- , cinnch to use the High Reelected directors of the First ' lpplnes, plus a score of construe- Schools of Alaska, Hawaii and 'The detailed report" said mll ments are William Carney, Sd- aries are raised about two and a "shows the fine work the ,„,,; simdiiy, March 7 for a National Bank In Carteret were: tlon specialists.