Page 1 Ferguson Fire - Brush Engine 1 Crew INSIDE THIS QUARTER: WUI Program................... 1 Calls & Response Stats.... 2 Mutual Aid Assignments. 2 This year’s WUI program was a success with a total clearance of 235 Prevention Unit Stats...... 3 acres. The crew performed fuels reduction around the residences, tribal buildings, and road system on the reservation. Defensible space Traffic Accidents.............. 4 was maintained up to 100 feet around the homes and tribal buildings. Fireline Medic.................. 4 The program runs each year from June through September with a Training & Testing........... 5 crew between 7 to 10 individuals, including a crew boss and assistant Misc.................................. 6 crew boss. The Bureau of Indian Affairs funded Email the Battalion Chief’s this year’s WUI program by way of
[email protected] mkennedy@pechanga grant at a total of $109,252.00.
[email protected] Or Call Pechanga Fire Department at (951)770-6001 Page 2 Pechanga Fire Department Quarterly Report Pechanga Fire Department personnel actively participated in this year’s wildland fires, CALLS both operational and administratively. The following is a breakdown of fire personnel that participated in mutual aid assignments this quarter. EMS Calls 273 Fires 10 . FC Chris Burch: Dispatched to the Klamathon Fire in Siskiyou County on July 5th, and Public Assistance 2 the Carr Fire in Shasta County on July 25th as Planning Section Chief, working closely Good Intent 27 with the Incident Commander to plan and organize the tactics, strategy and False Alarms 3 resources needed to suppress the fire. Hazardous Condition 1 .