' . ■ ; V ■ - / VMS I • ^ FRIDAY, OCTOBEHl The Weather ■jM|ffl ijponoB ff Manchester Evening Herald ATcrage Daily Circulation Foraeaat o< U. 8. WOathar B For the Moatli ot Soptember, IMS Ctesw and cooler tmdafit. Son- A daughter was bom Oct. 18 l^t day fair with moderate tempera- St. Francis hospital to Mr. and 8,988 ture. A bout Town Mrs. Chester T. Kocinaki of 49 Ed­ Bfgniber ot tiw Audit ward street, B w cM ot OtrcnlntloBS Manche»ter—“A City of Village Charm tm d Mi*. D*Tid G. W eit Robert R. Bteams, of 142 El- „______Ir two chJMren ot Camillft, dridge street, has returned home PRlCiB rUREB CENI after 18 months’ service over.sctis MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20,1945 ' ■ Qtaw » » ‘'•y* qa Pm * M ) ICf*. W w fa p*r«nU, Mr. and Mra. to receive his discharge under the VOL. LXV., NO. 18 ■BL- BlteaT W . MacAlplne of 103 Hen- point system with a total of 9r. Fashion Features 11 IT Captain West who has points. Mr. Steams entered the |h stationed at Fort Riley, Kan- Army in December of 1912 and rer Motorman's Legs'Amputated After Crash ■U. **** lecelved an honorable dia- ceived his training at Fort Jack Nearly HaK '•liait* trw n the Army, hnd he and son, S. C., and Camp Wheeler. Va., W ar T ria ls Ilia family will mahe their home before sailing for England in 3,000 Guests Left tak Oanllla, G*. March, 1913. As a corporal in the Weekend Shoppers Of Soldiers InfantiT he served , in Englai d, Dttusfatara of Liberty, No. U5, France and Germany and after L. L O v A;,_are requested to meet VE-Day was in Czechoslovakia Without Services Come Home this asrskiinf at X=30 at Main and with the Army of Occupation. He W ith in 6 0 W oodbrld^ streets, from whence has four battle stars on the E.T.O. they will proceed to the Holmes ribbon and holds the Combat In­ at HALEYS Funenl Hortiq, In tribute to Mrs. fantryman’s Badge and the Good Barring Unexpected De* Sarah J. Tedford who was a char­ Conduct Medal. Mrs. Stearns Is At Chicago Hotel velopments War De­ ter member and' past mistress of the former Minne MacLachlan and they have two children, Linda 500 Suspects Hel i the todire. partment Expects to Louise and Robert Jr. Palmer House Employ­ Ml*. George F. Borst. of Cam- Cuts in T ax Make Good on Goal hrldge street, attended \the board es Go on Strike at Chi­ More of 2,000 Son| meeting of the Hartford. County New York Lodge Washington, Oct. 20—(O —Five O ffer Made Yankee Air^ League of Women Voters in Hart­ cago; Called Without Bill Jumped months end one week after V-E Being Arrested Dail ford today. Here OA Nov. 3rtl Warning; All Services day, the job o f getting American F o r c e Top Prospects for Miss Amelia K. Farr, daughter soldiers home from the Atlantic T o Mediate inal List Make It Lik^ o f Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Farf^ With Exception of By Senators an)—Ap­ erty. Japanese on charges _ inclu(| and patrons’ night at iU meeting hall which will be followed by the proval of the Senate Finance com­ All soldiers In the Pacific home in the Masonic Temple, this eve­ degree work at 8 p. tn. Employes union went on by next June eitcept those needed New York. Oct. 20— (8’i —The Washington, Oct. 20—i/Pi—The ing sickening- atrocities ning. Mrs. Astrid Dougan will mittee was stamped today on a for occupation in Japan and Ko­ Members of outside lodges wish­ / strike at the hotel. Union of-* United States offered today to United States today has the expected to begin within serve as royal matron and Louis ing to make reservations for the bill cutting taxes a total , of $5,- rea, to man outposts such as RAYON ficials were not immediately participate In attempts to settle world’s most powerful Air Force, next 60 days, “ Approximaf Vanderbrook as royal patron. Sup- Guam and the Philippines, and to supper are advised to contact W’ll- | available for comment 629,000,000 and giving indiridual r will be served at 6:30 in the 11am J. Stratton, 35 Garden street, taxpayers alone a |2,648,0oD,0O0 dispose of sucplus property. peacefully the rebellion oKnatlves greater perhaps than the aerial ly 500 suspects now are Knquet hall by Mrs. Rollin Hitt Booked to Capacity break next year. War department figures show strength of all other nations com­ custody,” said Col. Alva at once. 100% The Palmer house and other In French Indo-Chlna and \ the and her committee. / Corporations would benefit even that Uncle Sam had in the Euro­ bined. Carpenter, Fort Wayne, Chicago- Loop, neighborhood and more, by $2,841,000,000. pean^ theater on V-E day 3,059,000 Dutch East Indiek corporation lawyer, who is dir Members of Lady Roberts DRESSES suburban hotels have been booked The use tax on automobiles and nien; In the Mediterranean 498,- John O rter Vincent, director of The estimate is Oen. H. H. .Ar­ ing preparations for one of WOOL nold’s. And in making It to a Sen­ Lodge, Daughters of S^ Geor.ge, SIMONIZING lo~C*piKtty" boats would be repealed next July 000,. in North Africa and the Mid­ the Stale department’s Office of lory’s greatest criminal trials.j who plan to attend the "school Of cases wMks—In advance. The af­ 1, for a revenue loss of $140,000,- dle East 32,000 and In the Per­ Far Eastern Affairs, made ^the ate Military subcommittee the Could Start Within Three We Instruction, Tuesday, Oct. 23, at The Body Shop Slethod .. Softly contoured— devine- fected guests at the Palmer house 000 in the last half bf 1946. sian gulf 18,000, a grand total of offer in a speech before the For­ boss of the Army Air Forces said "More are being taken in were faced with the prospect of New Haven, ape requested to ly detailed. Each fluid body The social security payroll tax 3^607.000 for the Gqrjman end of Arrow points to- Motorman L.“ O. Simmons as he lies pinned In eign Policy ssaociatton forum In the A. A. F. should have equal No, we will not wait until all boaid the 10:15 bus for New Ha­ SOLIMENE & FLAGG. Ine. line with a purpose— each using the stairways to their rooms would be frozen at 1 per cent on the war. which he also: status With the War and Navy de­ arrested to start the trials, ven, at Ann and Asylum streets, or remaining Inside without any the wreckage of his Pacific Electric train after it crashed during a 384 Center St. Xel. 5101 SPORT employers and employes again Large Percentage Likely to Stay heavy fog into a freight train In Los Angeles. A surgeon la am­ (1) Asserted that the United partments in a proposed merger of could start with Class Three < ■ Hartford Rose of New England arresting details to accentu­ services or food. ne :t year. Of this number 1,718,000 bad putating both legs and Simmons, although given several injections of States, recognizing Russia’s in­ the services. within three weeks. ’ Lodge will be hostesses. ate your charm. Glamour in F, R. Ueweller, assistant mana­ Would Get Special BeneSta been returned home on Oct. 15. morphine, is fully conscious. Thirty-five of his passengers were In­ terests .In the Far East, expects Arnold based his appraisal of Class Three jcases are thoes all its glory—elegant but not ger" of the hotel, said the strike Veterans would receive special U. S. air supremacy in part on tl.e Of the 1,889,000 remaining, a large jured, five seriously. (A P wirephoto.) the Soviet union to understand Japanese accused of actually coij flamboyant — beauty that was called without warning at 7 benefita Elnliated men would be percentage of the low point men this country has a stake there fact that England Is the only other mltting crimes such as behead! a. m. (e. s. t.) today and tied up forgiven the Income tax on their speaks just above a whisper. COATS likely will sUy a while. They too. nation which “has a atrategic nlr often done' at the direction o t all services, elevator included, ex­ service pay during the war years, force that we know about,” he ex­ Capture the love of your life will make up most of the 370.000 * C9itn> Regarded m "Bridge” perlors. These Japanese are cepting telephones. and wouldn’t even have to file re- needed for the Army of occupa­ plained at yesterday’s hearing. garded as amaU fry. in one of these shining jewels. Lleweller said "the place is In a turna Officers would have addi­ tion In Germany, to wind up the Junta Tightens Grasp (2) Laid down the policy that Strategic bombing with fighter Colonel Carpenter, chief le Toiletries, Etc. Chesterfield and boxy turmoil," with the guests* unaware tional time to pay the taxes which Army’s property problems In Eu­ the U. S. re|(arda C^ina , as a officer of General MacAr piled up while they were in uni­ In the season’s newest col- styles. Smartly tail­ of the strike until they tried to rope and to man such places as “bridge’’—not a "buffer”—in Far (Continued on Page Six) staff, said prospects for the ork and materials tailored or use the elevators In the 25-story form. Ascenslonlsland. Eastern relations with the U.S. inal list make it likely the"! ♦OLD SPICE COLOGNE...... $1.00 ored.. Black, brown, ■But the heavy wartime excise dressy styles. Black, Green, blue, American Beauty Loop structure. Thus from Europe about 1,519,- On Oil-Rich Venezuela S.R. will double the present figure •FRIENDSHIP GARDEN COLOGNE...... $1.00 DeoUnes to Diaouss Issues taxes on furs and cosmetics, mov­ (3) Found fault with the divi­ American Beauty, Aqua, Roy­ and green. ie tickets and liquor, light bulDs 000 remain to be returned. 2 , 000. •COTY’S T A L C U M ...... '...... 5 0 c Edward T. Lawless, president On V-i day the Pacific strength sion of Korea between Russian Labor Party ^ Among those already in cu al Blue. and managing director of the ho­ and jewelry would no( be cut to and U. S. occupation troops and are such well publicized p< their pre-war levels next July 1, was 1,665,000 and in the C3ilna- President Medina Un- J jQ u g g R e je C t S fREVLON LIPSTICK ...... 60c tel, declined to discuas the issues Burma-Indla theater 231,000? a to­ suggested instead an internation­ ages ms Hideki Tojo, Jap which led to the strike, referring as the House previously voted. seated in Bloody Up- J al trusteeship until Koreans are •REVLON NAIL POLISH...... ; ...... 60c Q^othlng Final Vet tal of 1,796,000. Out to Build premier when the war queetions to company lawyers. Of this number 293,000 had been ready for Independence. members o t hla cabinet and •BTIQUET CREAM DEODORANT...... -39c HEAD Nothing IB . final y et You might rising; 50 Lose Lives Discharge Plan He said the lawyers conferred returned on Oct. 15. This leaves Vincent’s statement op Indo- war leaders as Lieut. Gen. throughout the night with union say the tax reduction bill is about •RUBINSTEIN’S LIPSTICK S E T ...... $2.50 three-sixths of the way through 1;503.000 yet to come home. Out And 100 Wounded CHiina and the East Indies was the New Society ham Homma, accused of to $22-98 representatives without reaching of this group likely will come a first from a State department blllty for the bmtal death raa ♦RUBINSTEIN’S EYE MAKEUP ...... rr$2.00 \ t? enactment a settlement. ’The House Ways and Means large part of the 400.000 needed Caracas, 'Venezuela.. Oct. Repulsed on Technical­ policy-making official since the on Bataan. •EVENING IN PARIS TALCUM ...... i»0c SCARFS to The strikers Included elevator committee originated a bill calling for occupation luid outposts. Thus native unrest ffared. Asking for Program of Problem More Cm operators, cooks, bus boys, maids from the Pahifle area there are 20.-—(/P) — A revolutionary ity; Surprise Move at "Our probleig here is con BOe LYONS TOOTH POWDER ...... 31c for A $5,350,000,000 reduction. The Does Not Question Soverrignty and porters. House approved It Now the Sen about 1,103.000 to come home soon. ju n t a '"^ghtened its grip on End o f Long Debate Legislation Unexam­ ably more complicated than ’These figures add up to over-all He declared that thla govern­ ManUa,” said the tall, 50c KOLYNOS TOOTH P A S T E ...... 39c Urg* Accepting New Offer ate Finance group has rewritten oil-rich Venezuela today aft­ ment does not question French Self edge fringe The three-day work stoppage it with the aggregate cuts made totals of 2,011,000 men already pled in Peacetime His­ jawed Carpenter. BOc WILLIAMS SHAVE C R E A M ...... 39c brought home and 2.622.000 yet to er unseating President Isaias Washington, Oct. 20.—(/P)—A sovereignty in Indo-Chins or "W e already bad been occuf rayon .square.s in white of 2,000 utility workers appeared $279,000,000 larger. Medina Angarita In a bloody Dutch sovereignty in the East tory Attlee Tells Scots headed for settlement today as The bill yet has to pass the Sen­ come back besides those who wdll move to convert a $52,000,000,000 Manila for a long time when •PLUS TAX or colons. $49-98 stay for a time. uprising which cost 50 lives Indies. war ended, had prepared much CIO union leaders urged the ate, go to a conference committee appropriations withdrawal Into an j 366,000 To Be Returned "It is not our intention to insist Musselburgh. Scotland, Oct. 20. strikers to accept ^ new wage for adjustment of differences be­ and left 100 wounded. The Army-Navy discharge measure our evidence so about all we ' offer and go back to their jobs of tween House and Senate, and win Between now and fihristmas or participate in enforceful meas­ — Prime Minister Clement R. to do was catch our defend 366,000 men are expected to be re­ seven-man junta, which headed Into the Senate today aft­ ures for the Impoaitlon of control servicing gas and electricity to the Presldent’a approval. Attlee announced today that Brit­ and go ahead. turned from the Pacific. In addi­ promptly promised a general elec­ er repulse of a technicality in the by the territorial sovereigns,” he some 2,000,000 consumers In 2,000 Formula Fairly Intricate tion- by direct, secret vote, an­ "In Japan, however, we had! GIRLS’ COATS^ tion 12,000 will be In the ’pipeline” said, ’’but we would be prepa-cd ain’s ruling Labor party is "out to empty prison camps, tntervu U.JW.HAL 6 COM $1.00 Michigan communities. The senatora’ formula for reduc­ nounced It would foUow a pro- House. —staging areas and on the high to lend our assistance, if request­ build a new society—a society of A settlement agreement was ing Individual Income taxes is fair­ If successful, it would effect the prisoners aboflt atrocities -•'I MAMCNnrM tOMM* seas. , democratic policy. ed to do ao, in efforts to reach peace, .freedom and social justice.” Chesterfield accepted by the union leaders last ly intricate: Rebel Against Military CUquer other words, start from scret The 43rd division will have bien discharge of several hundred ” We are asking the House to get Then we had to catch our criral night as effects of the walkout (1) The 3 per cent normal tax Is The junta came into power aft­ 100% wool and 100% wool face material put on the same-exemption base as thousand men with 18 months of (Continued on Pago Eight) through a program of legislation aU.” (Continned on Pnge ’Two) er 'Voung Army ofllceis, ranging ^ j » unexampled- in its peacetime his­ In fine tailored coata, with velvet collar trim, (Continned on Page Eight) the graduated surtax—$500 apiece from the rank of major down, re- service who have dependenta or a However, Carpenter, who also plain tailored s l » 7. to 12, 10 to 16. tory,” the Labor prime minister for U)e taxpayer and each depend' belled against the A n d ^ s , a i desire to resume Interrupted here Wednesday night from \ Brown, green, tan, red. said in an address to a conference ila, said he was well satisfied ' ent. Currently the normal tax Is western military clique which had | schooling. ¥ A Nu-Enamel ''No Brush Mark" levied on net Income above $500 Urge Junking of the Scottish Lnbor party. the progress. Mishit Accept regardless of the number of de­ Police Sifting dominated national politics for a Might Provoke Veto Urges Self Control The trials will be public. Job Is As Smooth As Porcelain... pendents. century. It might also provoke a veto. Asserting that ”we are working (Bogota dispiatches said the An- Of Proposals on a long-term plan,” he urged to (2) The rate In each bracket of The bill already is loaded with a (Continued on Page Eight) And See These Low Costs! Russian ^able $13-98 Smaller Raise the jurtax is lowered by percentage Strange Tale dinoa still claimed control of the requirement for prompt return to upon Labor party adherents a high points.' western states of Tachira, Merida the states of the United States degree of self control, to assure Votes Additional Relief and Tnijlllo. Whether-these states Employment Service offices. Pres­ Scientists Suggest New that the timetablfe of the labor Dyed Squirrel Auto Workers Want Up to there, tha*’s the way the Discharged Soldier Held possessed suffleient armed strength ident Truman wants these to stay program would not bc upset, and formula Stood until late yesterday to threaten a counter-revolution upder Federal control at leaiat un­ Bill Be Drafted on "that at a later stage we shall not SNOW SUITS. afternoon. Then the ' committee Without Charge in WM called "conjectural.” Persons be confronted with .j-oppoBltloil-j- I General' Motors to with a knowledge of Venezuelan til July 1, 1946. Atomic Energy Curbs which might frustrate our efforts. F la sh e s! unexppeted voted an additional Representative • Rankin (D.. (I^te Bulletins ol. thecMWir Wool two piece with warm hoodz. Applique Show Effect on Prices $563,000,000 of relief: Slaying of His Wife politics predlttqd the Andinos "In a party like our own, which Miss.), fathered the discharge SCARFS trim. Sizes 7 to 14, 89.98 to 818.98. (3) The Senators said:- Figure 'will never voluntarily bac’.t Washington, Oct. 20—(/P>—Two has Ijeen out of office for many amendment in a suenrise move at years, there Is a great accumula­ Sub-Machine Guns Stolen ai Water repellent and Detroit Oct 20—(ei—Demands your tax under the formula, then- Littleton, Oolo.. Oct. 20— A down.” !’ groups of scientists who helped windproof suits of take off 6 per cent before paying 26-year-old discharged soldier sat Scheduled for Swift Trial the end of a long day of House de­ make the atom bomb urged today tion of desirable reforms which Boston, Oct. 2(L—

. 4 ^ ' ' . : , .■ . X' • ' i '; - • : r ■ ,' -j ■' ’ . / • ^/ PAGE TRREH .1 iHAisLaieynG* Evitnm Q ncRALiti.inAMCHEiSTER. CUMM^ Sa t u r d a y , OCTOBER 20, 194i MANCHESTER EVENING HERAXaD. MANUfiESTEB. CONNw SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20,194» QB TWO Cl­ I organ’ selections will be given and ■first days of the nation that there power. However, It wouldn’t be Troop Masters. Scout Masters, Cub fiei be home from the Psclflc before Masters, Assistants, and Den are co-chairmen, and Mrs. Merrill Rev. Lundberg will sing a number ncm wsm tong before we had this situation should be a check upon the presi­ Scout Meeting Pick 4-H Club Organ Benefit of solos with the organ accompani­ Christmas. Priest Scores if we had a military caste’. F-sr an Motliers go the mppreciation of all Adams and Mrs. Rlchart Uppln- early Half The W»r_^partment’s Trans- dent. example look at Germany. Scouters for their constant work "cott are' co-chairmen of the re­ ment. portaUon corps. Is using: - 73 per France Greatly Prepared Does Not Insure Peace little of which Is seen by the pub­ freshments. This la open to the The purpose of the conoe.il Is to cent of its troop transports In the "M arshall aeems to make I f Well Attended Trip Winners Here Oct, 2^th Marshall Plan "Peacetime military conscrip­ lic but which means so much to public and reservations may be raise funds for the purchase of a Of Soldiers Pacific. To bring the boys home clear that the nation was unpre­ C h u r c h e & made with Miss Carrier. Mrs. El­ tion never yet has in.siired peace. the Scouting program. new organ for the church, It Is from Europe it is using its remain­ pared for war. Yet France, was liott, Mrs. Sutllffe, or Mrs. Henry COLUMN Exprewirs His Thanks hoped that a substantial amount ing 27 per cent of troop ships, plus greatly prepared: It had the big It is historiciilly evident it enpen- 14 from This State to 8t. James's Roman Catholic Noted Artist to Sing Reports of the Officers Mr. Lotane closed hls report South Methodist diurrh Miller. By Hal Boyis -fnese woman walking along the money will be raised the even. Come Home the British liner the Queen Mary Fallipr Slack Tells Vi liy g^st standrng'Arm'y In the W ld. w.-ir fi cngemlers the Rev. William i . Dunn, Pastor with thanks to the DlstrlOt com­ Main street and Hartford road Wednesday, 9:00 .a. m.— Runa- Denpasar, Bali-(/l>)-’n.e Inland I r°“d«lde with a basket on her Ing of the concert. A n opportunity and 75 converted Victory ships What happened to France shows ting-chin altitude. We will be- Show^Siilemlhl Prp- Go to Chicago as Re­ Jtev. Edmund Barrett, Assistant Local Church for t h e - ing of He Is Afraiiisl l*cacc- come severe with our neighbors. mittee for Its cooperation during W . Ralph W ard, Or., Minister mage sale, sponsored by the King’s head, but bare to the waist. to make a pledge or contribution, which have been equipped to car­ that a great standing Arm y does Rev. Frederick McLean, Assistant Daughters, Mrs. Rachel Tllden, (ODBtiaiwd from Pafo One) "The ironic thing that General th e past several months • and on ward for Their Work George O. Ashton, Organist pf Ball is Just one big Ziegfeld fol­ Everybody saw her at once. Second Time. at the door,’ toward the organ fund ry 1.500 and 200 Liberty ships that tiine Military Pro{j;ram not mean that a nation can be de­ . gross of Movemeiil Marshall doesn’t see is that th e' behalf of the D laW ct committee leader. T h e sale will be held In lies— without the boxoffice. "Beaver! Beaver!", they shout­ will be given, should anyone care can bring home between .500 and fended. ‘ Sunday masaea: the Church lobby, and anyone n e d from the Pacific when war we have just won was foiignt' thanked Chief Nelson Sly, Assist­ 10:45 a .m.— Morning worship. ed, A t this strange outcry as the to do so. There will-be no admis­ 600 each. The corps expecU to "Tlie genera! scemS to make a The annual meeting of the M an­ StorrS, Oct. 20;— Fourteen all- For adults; 7, 8:30, 9:45 (two wishing to donate articles should American sweater girls couldn’t Rov. Eugene Lundberg, out­ Healthy Homes Make Truly laat two abips, the Noshoba •‘PeaeetlrTfe military con.srrip- to end militarism in Japan-and! ant Chief William Davis, and all Prelude— "Canrona” ('Annotation truck swept past, the native lady, sion fee. Everybody is welcome , to get three more Converted Liberty case for his cause on the grounds chester District Boy Scouts of nss_„trips to Chicago for Con­ masses In the upper nnd lower get them to the Church by Tues­ make the grade out here because standing artist as a tenpr soloist, the EtoUn, dock on the west tlon never yet has insured peace. Germany. While we wore d-)iiig those at the Charter Oak i by Joseph Bonnet) ...... of the competition. They don’t switched her betelnut from one this "exceptional concert with a Happy Familiae ships and 22 more converted Vic­ that the failure of the nation to necticut 4-H Club members to at­ church) and at, 11 o’clock. day, October 23, or conUct Mrs. O c t 28 and 25 respectively. tills Uiure were pressure groups' America was held laat evening in office' who did so much to assist . . . Andrea Gabrieli (1510-1586) bother to wear sweaters In Bali. side of her mouth to the other and will share In the Organ Benefit definite purpose.” tory ships shortly; It is historically evident it engen­ have peacetime conscription was Children’s mass at 8:30 in low­ Arvld Seaburg. , ships brlngflng back the 38th In W ashington advocating mili- tlie Center Congregational church. In the work .of the district. All tend the NaUonal 4-H Club Con­ Processional Hymn—"All Hall the When you first come to Ball you smiled at us through stained teeth Concert to be given at the Coven- During the pa«t 90 years Father John’s ders \yar—it engenders the jut- the cause of unpreparedness. The Scouters in Manchester and vicini­ er church. 10:30 a. m.-4;30 p. m.— Red Medicine has been used in thousands (Ion from the Pacific are at tarlam In thia country. Clayton Hansen" was th® caterer, gress, December 2 to 6. were an­ Power of Jesus’ Name!” (^jie44Mtve-— the- --uneasy feeling that in pleasant astonishment. tlng-chin attitude.” Rev. Thomas cause of oUr being unprepared vyaS Cross sewing. Mrs. EMbK ant-Congrgatlonal f church, 43 of families, and has with the first ship due O ct 29. "Peacetime military conscrip­ ty owe a vote of thanks to Chair­ nounced today by A. J. Brundage, ...... (Miles Lane) you’ve walked into the third act A fter that, the “beavers” came General Dies F. Stack of St. Thomas’ seminary, because Congress failed to support serving a fine turkey dinner to at. Bridget's R. O. Parker, Leader. All women of the Spruce street, Friday, October 26, proved its value by actu­ ,JT)\e 37th and 31st divisions will tion la detrimental to true patri^ man A. J. Lotane for the fine State 4-H Club-Leader. Anthem— "Still, Still With Thee" i of a burlesque show. That’s be­ thick and fast. When we reached Bloomfield, told his audience at St. a bill passed In 1920 for the na­ over 125 persons all of whom were Rev. James E. Timmins, Pastor Church are Invited. WHATEVER al merit. m . ■ otism. There .are many prominent .active workers in Scouting in Man- quality o f leadership they have ‘The trips arc being given for su­ ...;...... Arthur Foote cause people In the western world our hotel and compared tallies I at 8:00 p. m. This will be Rev. IirAir Crash Jamea’s-Sehool hall last night, tional defense. It adopted a pinch- had from him all year. Rev. Bronislaw OadarowskI and 6:45 p. m.-T-Cub Scouts, N or- and'good American citizens w h-j' clicslcK . ’ perior work in 4-H agricultural Hymn—"Forever Here My Heart are reared with the Idea that the was high man. Lundberg’s second concert In the tAt A»* t I t has w on the. confi­ ther Stock interniptcd hls-.series penny attitude and did not support The two district officers for 1946 and homemaking projects.. These Rex-. Robert J.'Oarroll, Aaaistants man A. Wilson, (^b master ran away from Army acrvice in 1 The Committee of arrangements Shall ...... H. Wilson northern half of the feminine tor­ Light Brown In Color Covenant chtirch, his first appear­ dence of those who Iwve of six lectures entitled "A M.ap of the defense program laid out in who wore elected last night are state champion trip winners were 7:15 p. m.— Senior Choir. WHEREVER (Oontlniicd from Page One) their native countries. U that is consisted of Edward S. Dik chair- Offertory Anthem— “The Lord Is so Is something to be displayed Balinese girls are light brown ance being as tenpr soloist of the used it both fo r adults I.ife,” to speak on the reyiviil of that legislation. If Uiat bill had Chairman Richard MaKIn and selected from 75 county cham. Masses on Sunday at 7:30, 9, 10 Thursday, 1:00 to 3:00 p. m.- true. military conscription doe.s man. George q, Andrew, .Charles My Light” . . ; .“Hofatlo Parker mainly In art galleries, night club In color, delicately featured and annual fall copcert In 1944. He t A « m t f i and children. The Friendly ■------^ t this issue which he declared to he been supported we would have vhnr chatrman- HarryMIHer.-Rich­ profis' fcpresentmig the" 8 .0 0 0 4-H and 11 a. m. Pastor’s office hours. 8.sld the plane hit a hill a few hun­ not foster patriotism. I Lynn, Eugene Splcas, Joseph Mon- Sermon—"What la the Church shows and maternity wards. have nmrveloiia posture developed I t soothes and relieves FITRQ one of the foremost in American been adequately prepared. ard Martin-‘ has been active in Club members in Connecticut. 6:30 p. m.— Group B, Mrs. Allen dred feet high at about 6:05 p. m. "Many proponenU of peacetime' Richard Martin. Thomas by the custom of carrj’lng bur­ coughs due to colds. life today. "M any people have the attitude scouting for a number of years and Six of the trips arc being Trying to Do" ...... St. M ary’s Episcopal Church Belcher, leader. A Pot Luck sup­ More Conunon .That Bare Feet FIX-IT SHOP nnd plunged into n gulch taking military training talk about the | Birningham, and Gordon Fogg. dens atop their heads. They are Contains no alcohol or "When this subieet was first that a year In the Arm y will as vice chairman for 1943 is all set financed by commercial concerns ...... Rev. Ralph W. Ward, Jr. Rev. Alfred L. WllUaros, Rector per. Will be served In the Robbins In this sunburned, carefree Is­ ' W. A. Burnett, Prop. out n l.arge number qf trees. Ports Arm y producing able-bodied men,, o f greatest Interest to those extremely modest. harmful drugs. brought up," Father Stack said., straighten a boy out, if he has an to go for next year. Harry Miller idoing a nation-wide business, and Recessional Hymn — “At Length Rev. Ellison F. Marxin, Curate room. A business meeting will be land in the Dutch Bast Indies, of the plane were scattered over an If we iook at ths Arm y they are ; prc.sont was the annuhl report of One foreign white artist who 6 No. Main St., Ruckland "hardly anyone would raise a voiee inclination toward wildness. The is at present chairman ofUhe Scout the balance by state funds for 4-H There Dawns the Glorious Day ’ held, foUowed by a Bingo party. however, bare bosoms are more area of 200 yard.s. he said. all fine-looking, able-bodied men. i District Chairman A. J. Lotane ...... Gawler'a has spent 14 years In Ball paint­ /RURKE@ "against it because it had the sup­ Arm y ia not an institution for committee in Bolton which formed prizes. The 21st Sunday after Trinity. Elach member is aaked to bring a common than bare-, feet, but after Johnson quoted farmers as say­ But they were able-bodied before | which .showed a substantial growth ing native life 1 used one feminine Repairs Made On .. port of the secular press and vari­ making good citizens. It makes a new troop during the past year , The trip winners are for the Postlude— "Grand Chorus In B 8:00 a. m.— Holy (Communion. white elephant. Mrs. Russell Pit­ a few days they are hardly more ing the plane revved its motoj-s they went into the Arm y—other­ 4n all scout work for the year. At model all thoae years and never Wa.shers. Vacuum^' ous pressure groups. Finally the good soldiers, the beat in the with evcry.0 boy of scout age in girls — Margaret Murray, Forest- Flat” ...... Theodore Dubois 9:30 a. m'. — Morning prayer kin-Is the program chairman, and interesting. I r s i i cinhiisi «»scMGnii.tD«ii ju.st before the crash nnd said a wise they would not have been the beginning of the year the Dis­ portrayed het- In a nude study. He Federated Churehes pf Amerlea world, Good citizens are made towii aa charter members. ville, outstanding O H Club gltlj' ' 0:30 a. m.— Church School. ((Jhildren’s service), with address Mrs. John Mortimer is the hospl YOU fall into the viewpoint of Sacred Musical Beaters, Irons, I terrific explosion at the time of taken. said he would hesitate to embar­ began to oppose it and then ‘ he through democratic InstituHons. trict committee consisted of 16 Audrey Strickland, Middlefl^W. 10:45 a. m.— Nursery during tality chairman. the' natives themselves, that after Or What Have You? the crash tit up the .entire coun­ "A lso we should not forget the Unable To Appear by the Rev. Alfred L. Williams. Concert By Catholic bishops of America came members while nine months later clothing; Ann P. Staebner, Frank­ morning worship, 8:00 p. m.— Board o f Deacons all there Isn’t anything perma­ rass her by asking her to pose tryside and set fires, desnite thi^ There are ba'd citizens who come tremendous expense attached to J. Watson Beach, former chair­ ■ 11:00 a. m.— Monilng Prayer Work Guaranteed! out against it. By degrees senti­ there were 35 members. At *thc lin. canning; Lucy Ann Croix'ley, 6:30 p. m.-;-Youth Fellowship. meeting in the Pastor’s Study. nently startling about the human without benefit of her half-length dampness,. that were still burning from the Arm y as well as bad citi­ training 1,500,000 boys yearly. If man of Charter Oak Council Com, with sermon by the Rev.. Ellison Salvation Army Band Rates Reasonable! ment was worked up against it. ■' pSfesent time there are ten troops Stonington, foods: Charlotte L. Officers will meet in the office in Friday, 7:00 p. m.— Hay Ride body, nude -or clothed. sarong. 20 minutes later. Johnson sa'd zens livho come from civilian life. the government wants able-bodied mission was unable due to illness, F. Marvin. "These people are unbelievably Marslinll’s Proposition and two c.ib packs in the District. Pickett. Berlin, 4-H dress rexme; .6:00 p. m. sponsored by the C Y P Club. Bcifore we stopped here en route Applianre Cords Made the pUno apparently hit at full It is not the business of the Army youths let it spend the money to to be present but he was ably rep­ Processional Hymn— "Stand Up, f IS^n N p D e E r a n d _ Tonight at 8 P. M. ".When the, ntomic bomb was in­ Courts of Review I.ila P. Miller, North Coventry, 6:30 p. m.— Epworth League Everyone is asked to meet In the to Australia our airplane crew was Shy,” he said. Any Lenffth To Order -speed.' to make good citizens; resented by Robert Stirling, ’CHAr- Stand Up. for Jesus.” / vented nnd used I decided to throw­ provide milk, food, sunshine and In hls report Mr. Lotane cited farm and home work; and Elsie■ (Thurch banquet hall. While half eager-eyed with anticipation. The His bosom landscapes, however, FeaturinK Cornet ^tos. The puhlic relations office said " If we admit ,lt is necessary to ter Oak Council- organization and will meet in ladles parlor. Sermon Hymn— "Fight the Good B ODDY" D i r W O R K Parts Available for Any away my notes on the subject be­ playgrounds in the slum sections. ^ e group la on the hay ride, there crewmen decided to play that old are extremely popular with visit­ Vocal Selections the .\dv!inccmcnt Committee un­ Extension chairman who extended Blumcrithal. Danielson, . leader­ ' 7:30 p. m.— Evening Worship In Fight with All Thy Might." , Make WashinK Machine the plane was bringing the gen­ cause It wa.s apparent that there put a boy into the Arm y in order A boy doesn't change physically childhood “beaver” game, only ip ing tourists. I asked him if ho der the chairmanship of C. Kcn- the greetings of the Council nnd ship. the chapel. Mr. Ward will preach Offertory Anthem—"Seek Ye win be dancing and games for the SOUMUNE «>l,Ar.G By the Male Chorus and eral. one of the Corps.of Engincer.s’ would be no need for a great niirr.- to make a good citizen we admit after he is 18. But we should this case they were to tabulate weren’t weary of painting them ■ Prompt Plch-np and netli Burnhams and Leo Stiles paid tribute to the many volun The bovs winning trips Include— on the second part of a series of r e ^ highc.st ranking officers: hack to b "r of men to use the atomic bomb the schools, tjie honies, the colleges have better health laws and eradi-- The Lord" by Roberts. feminine bosoms hjstcad of manly for 14 straight yeara without a INC. \ Other Special Musical Delivery Service. which held four-courts of review tecr workys- In Scouting. 1 ' William Connertor. Jr., M l. Car­ sermons on The Lord’s Prayer. 83^ Center St. Tel. 61411^ Spokane from a conference at All qf a sudden, however, Gen. and the churches have failed In cate the slums. Recessional Hymn— "Soldiers of beards. vacation. Numbers, during the first six month.s of the A.sslataiu Scout Executlve\ P mel. dairy; Arthur A. Cohen, Guil­ Trtle of the sermon Is "Hallowed Second Congregational Church „ TELEPHONE 4777 Fourth Air Force headquarters in George C. Marshall, Army chief their task. It-is-true-^hat^-ln-many- - •Proponents also say peacetime Christ, Arise.” We hadn’t gone a quarter of a “No. I neve# tire of this sub­ Lijcht refreshments ■» year witli a fifth to be held on Oc­ William Davis spoke on plans'ror ford, outstanding' 4-H Club boy; Be 'Thy Nam e." Ferris E. Reynolds, Minister San Francisco. of staff, vehemently recninme"nda cases they have been a failure. Yet military training Is a good thing The Week mile from the airfield until we ject," he replied,' seriously. "1 am Rev. Eugene Lundberg tober 6tl> and two public court.s of the future with .special emijhasls Robert E. Lnrson. Portland, poul­ The W eek f Samuel O. Ramette, Organist " following:. to Congress that a year's compul­ we can correct these when we find for morale and discipline. I say it ■Wednesday noon. Intercessions. spied a dignified, middle age Ball- an artist." * honor with another to be held In on Increasing the numlier of bows try: Charles Peckhnm. Newington, Tuesday, 3:15 p. m.— Brownies. Miss Helen Periy, Cfcurch School sory peacetime military trainli-g the reason Is a bad thing. It is easier to keep Object:,The children in St. Luke’s wa.x so well received at this con­ November. At these courts ad in scouting. He gave figures to livcstocU: Lloyd B. Wilhelm. Gran­ 7:00 p. m.— Boy Scouts, Director Is needed for adequate defense of Is Not Democratic up morale in wartime than in Hospital , Manila. P. I. cert that he was immediately In­ vanCes in rank were given to 10 show that hundreds of bovs in the by, gardening; George W . Miner. 7:30 p. m.— Teachers’ training (Classes for all ages. Tennyson Rev. Elmer Danielson, missionary the country. "The general stresses what he peacetime. That is due to the mo­ Monday, 3:15 p: m. — Girl’s vited for a return engagement." Star Scouts, three Life Scouts, an district really want scouting and .North Stonington. farm work, and Church school at 9:30. McFall, superintendent. to Africa, guest speaker. Personal Oil Company " I am not speaking against ade­ proposes is thoroughly democratic. tivation of death. In wartime class in Hartford. Friendly Society Juniors meeting. Rev. Lundberg came to N ew Eagle Scout, and eighty four merit put It un to those present to pro­ Gilbert H. Hescock, also of North Wednesday, 10-4—i-Red . Cross Church-tiige nursery at 10:45. 10:45 a. m.— Morning Worship. Saturday— 10 a. m., (Jbnfirma- quate defense for the nation. Fav‘ I contend it is totalitarian. He there la n o t the_ .tendency to cut 6:45 p. m.— Boy Scouts, Troop York aa pastor of the Covenant- badgc.s were awarded. < vide the leadership. Stonington. leadership. MToriilhg x^fshlp at 10:45. Ser­ Sermon by the pastor: "Disciple-’ tlon class. 6:30, Brotherhood F a­ Services Agency oring adequate defense is a rudi­ .says all must .adhere to the w ar­ up so many capers. The soldiers work at the Armory. No. 27. . . . Bethlehem church, Bronx, N ew PIANO TUNING Center Street The Camping Activities commlt- Assistant Secretary of the State At Chicago several of these mon by the minister on the sub­ ship.’’. ther and Son banquet. mentary element of patriotlpin. I time spirit nnd that for future know that they have to obey their Hustlers will meet all day in the • 7:30 p. m.— Girls’ Friendly So­ York, a year ago, and during the BOLAND tbe held a camporce last- May Board of Education Finis E. En- young people will compete for na­ ject: "Tested and Tried". Music 6:30 p.~ m.-^NYPS, Miss Marion Johnny Jay, Mjfr. nm objecting to tM^ method Gen­ wars all resources must be used. officers. They know that if they primary room. ciety meeting. year he has been extensively en­ AND VOICING-S5.00] which w'as. participated In by . 130 gleman was the principle sneaker tional honors in their respective by the choir. E. Janes, president. Zion Ex-angeilcal Lutheran Church eral Marshall )s using. "A fter the boys have been con­ do not-stiidy they will be in danger Friday. 2:30 p. m — Study Group Tuesday, 3:30 p. m.— Girl Scout gaged In concert wwrk in New Boy Scouts while 46 Scouts from of the evening and gave a very projects. Prelude—Adagio ...... Corelli 7:30 p. m.— Evangelistic service. Cooper and High Streets PH ONE 4974 Repairing Rebuilding' ‘‘Peacetime military training Is scripted then labor will be con­ qf their lives. As a result the boys •■VVTnner of a Chicago trip for will meet at the church. Brownies. No. 26. York city and throughout the N ew Dial the District attended. Camp interesting tallc stressing “Loyai- Anthem— Lord of All Being Pastor’s subject: "Re-Mending the Rev. Paul O. Prokopy, Pastor Csob for Your Spinet Grand ^ undemocratic In that It leads to scripted. Then labor will be told learn quite industriously. There outstanding work In rural electri­ 8:00 p. m.— Senior (Jholr re­ Andrews England states. The Covenant We Cater To All Kinds of nccr. Plans of this committee call ■ty.” Mr. Kngleman served in the Break". and Upright ' n i l seeds of totalitarianism and cen­ It can’t strike. When labor Is con­ is not the same motivating spirit fication will be announced later. Christian Serxlces hearsal. churc'h^ Is fortunate to be able to \M)n i:i, 1 f I 11 6320 for a big increa.se in this type of N avy in World W a r one and has Offertory Anthem— Fear Thou Not H ie Week 21st Sunday after Trinity. Odd Jobs. Let Us Serve tral eontrol. It is Interesting to scripted. democracy Is almost dead. in peacetime. Wednesday. 10-5:00 p. m.— Red present'him as concert, soloist for scout work for the coming year. lust finished a three year, stretch Hartford. First Church. Sunday Woodman Wedneaday at 7:30 p. m.— Pray­ 9:00 a. m.— Sunday School and read Gcncr.nl Marshall’s report. All that Is needed then- to have de­ (Hillrd Poor Fdiie.atloii At the North Pole all winds : Sunday School 11; Wednesday O oss Sewing Group. Postlude—Maestoso ...... Wachs the secon'd time. You With Quality Work At The first part of it is a great Tlie Finance committee with in W orld W a r II. He cited the 11 er and Praise meeting with the Bible Class. A. G. McCROHON mocracy die Us to have education "Proponents say that those in blow south. 537 Farmington avenue. Thursday. 9:00 a. m.— Rumrqpge Junior Quest Club at 5:30. Miss Included also on the program American document.' In the last Harry Maidment as finance oAcer loyalty shown In the Navy. The 8 pastor in charge. 10:00 a. m.— Divine worship. Reasonable Prices. FURNACE BURNER SERVICE conscripted. During the war some | the Army get a good education. I Second church. Sunday 11 a.m. sale. Helen Perry. leader. will be a demonstration of the Phone .8.128 part he is not displaying the in­ and Herbert Hou.se as treasurer crew of each ship was Intensely Text: Eph. 6:10-17. of the boys were sent to colleges. , say that the Army i.s notortoiia for ' ^qwed that the District finances and 6 p.m.; Sdnday School 11: 6:30 p. m.— Girl Scouts troop N o Young Peoples Mu Sigma Chi Hammond electric organ. Several sight shown in the first p4rt. loyal to hls own shipmates and Iknanuel Lutheran Church Theme: “Onward Christian Sol­ On the face that may seem like a I poor education. During the war I Wedneaday 8. Lafayette and Russ 10. " I f we could sec the documents were in wondei^ul shape with ex­ ship 'but when a large operation Society at 6:()0. Church and Chesthut Streets diers!” nice thing. But with it we have 1 the Arm y brou.ght in teachers Friday, 3:30 p. m.— Junior Choir T h e Week land letters of Bi.smari-k’s time and penses kept at a minimum. was In progress Involving a whole streets. Theodore E. Palmer, Pastor Friday, 7:30 p. m.— Congrega­ taken a step on the road toward 1 from college to iiclp on education Rockville Society. Sunday 11: rehearsal. Monday at 7:00 Boy Scouts. Compare therii with the last part Safefy' Committee fleet or task force tjiis l^altv was DANCE Evelyn A. Stark, Pariah Visitor tional meeting. government-control of education. and as a result the education was Sunday School 11; Wednesday 8. Tuesday at 7:00 Girl Scouts. ‘ -----— luJL. of Marshall’s report we would be The Important Health and Safe­ then extended to embrace Yhe en­ Modern and Old Fashioned Ex'a M. Johnson, Organist Once that happened democracy superior to that even given before. tire force so that the succc»^f 94 Union streeL Center Congregational Church Tuesday at 7:00 Choir rehearsal. St. John’s Polish National amazed at their similarity. Mar­ would be dead. That Is exactly A milltary_ man i.s not a good ty committee under the leadership the operation was assured. Mr^ -ClUtord OUver aimpsoWt Minister -Wednesday at 8:00 Teacher’s Sunday morning, Oct. 21. 21st Golway, N ear North School Street ORANGE HALL BINGO shall wants a democratic method whatit happened in Germany and teacher. An analytica! and sj-n- ! H “>bcrt Inspected all "Doctrine of Atonement" Englcman urged all thore engaged^ FYederlc E.^^’eraer, Wrector of Training Institute. Rev. Paul Kozlowski, Pastor of peacetime military training thctickl mind is needed to be a ' meeting places ta Sports Center Sunday after Trinity. France. In scouting to have this same loy­ be the subject of the Lesson-Ser Music Friday at 7:00 Cub Scouts. W hat Bismarck proposed to the the District and then held a meet- Wells SIreet Prelude, "At Sunrise"—Diggle. "Militarism is contrary to the; good teacher. There is no reason-, . , . . . ,,, alty and to -strive to extend It .on mon for Sunday. • M rs. Ex'erett Miner, Organist Friday at 7:00 Members of the 8:30 a. m.. Mass. German nation was dcniocratlC democratic principles. The mill-i mg process or discussion in . the made a detailed written Tlie Golden Text ia from Mark Emanuel choir, "(Comfort O down to the lowliest tenderfoot, Forhicriy At Miller’s Hall Young Peoples Mu Sigma Chi So­ Lord’’— Bridge. 10;30 a. m.. High Mass, Choir [EVERY MONDAY, 8/P. M. conscription which, in time, clc tary has not had the last word in .Army.-—Army and college dlscip- report of its findings with rccom 1():45. “The Son of man came not thendations for changes that would feeling that thus the success of Morning Service— 11:00 ciety will meet at the church to go Offertory, "Ave-Verum”— Mo­ rehearsal after each mass. generated into totalllnrlanfsm thl.s country even In the event o t ' line are two different things, to be ministered unto, but to min­ mean better health and safety con- scouting vrill be assured. October 14. on their annual hay ride. zart. There is the same danger in the war. It is the duty of the presi- - "The last thing military men ister, knd to give W s life a ransom Note Admission 25c dition.s for all Scouts. A good No large Scout • meeting In'the Every Spt. Niqht Prelude—"Ave Maria from Otello" Sermon, "Life to the Full”— Bolton Methodist Church Marshall proposal as there was in dent and the Congress to make a think about is morals. There is fo r many,” Verdi Next Sunday will be observed many of these recommendations vicinity of Hartford wouW be com­ Rev. Palmer. Bolton, Conn. Bismarck’s. declaration of war. i a great 4*mger to morals in the Selections from the Bible In­ throughout the church as Loyalty have since been carried out by the plete without at least a few word.s Anthem— "The Lord’s Prayer" Emanuel choir, “Bless the Lord’’ Rev. Meredith F. Eller, Minister [23 REGULAR GAMES 7 SPEOALS “The change advocated by the If General Marshall’s ideas are - Army. The Arm y Is only Inter clude the following: ’T h is is the Sunday. Special service at 10:45. sponsoring institutions. TTils Cbra- from the Charter Oak Council James E. Elliott, Jr. — IppoUtaf-Ivanof. general would bring about a radl carried out then we are going to, gated in the boys not getting ■tone which was set at nought of Malott mittee extends its thanks to Dr. Chairman Nelson A. Slv. If all of A ll members of the parish are Postlude, "Beautiful Saxrlor." ca] departure from the processes have a tullilary caste in this conn- diseases. They have lessors on you builders, xvhlch Is become the Sunday, Oct.fl: Moore, Chief Foy. and Chief Gris-, the liovs who have known and Offertory—"Intermerro” ..Dellbea urged to qttend. Vespera at 5:00 p. m., with L a ­ 9:30 a. m. — Morning worship. ’ PLUS SWEEPSTAKES of our 170 years of democratic try, A military caste is an im por-; acx in which the boys are told that head of the comer." (Acts 4:11.1 wold, who gave so much of their loved Chief Sly were stood end to Anthem—"Bless The Lord, O My . —_ _ _ — ------dies’ Aid In Charge. Rev. Palm er’s Sermon by Rev. Elle»;;, "It’s Later government. He ’ quotes lengthy fant factor in tota'itarinnistn,; they must not contract any di- Correlative passages from the time In an advisory capacity. end there would be no end. The Soul" ...... Ippolltof-Ivanhof Talcottxille Congregational Church topic, “ Thy Neighbor as Thyself." Than You Think." ^ passage.s from our first president. Marsball makes that point clear j aeaae. Arm y life Is detrimental to Christian Science textbook, "Sci­ e. G. McCaUlster, Pastor Unfortunately Harold Read, armed services all over the world Sermon— “Counting The Cost 1 The W eek 1:30 p. m.— Church SchooL George Washington, and sho’ws he in one or two parts of the laat halt mprals, especially when they are ence and Health with Key to the chairman ol the Leadership and have some of the Chiefs lioys In Scriptures,” by Mary Baker Eddy, Dr. Paul Schubert Monday— 3:30, Girl Scouts. 6:30, favored peacetime military .con­ of hls report. j al> herded together. The boy is no 9:40 a. m.— Church school. x x : Training committee was 111 for their ranks and they are all doing Include the following (p. 473): Postlude— "Trulmphal March" Boy Scouts. 8:00, Beethoven cho­ Buckingham Congregational scription, What happened to Wash­ "Peacetime military training[ angel; he has human nature and A l l . IN p e r s o n Oasta 10:45 a. m.— Morning worship several months but the committee ® wonderful Job. "Christ Is tlie ideal Truth, that rus. Church ington’s proposal, however, was a sows the" seeds of an unfiemograi-; .may be enticed to take hls first 'The sermon topic will be “Modem was able to see that several men A call was issued for more men cbmes to heal sickness and sin Sunday, 9:30 to 10:40 a.' m.— Tuesday— 7:30, Sunday school Rex'. Philip M. Rose, Pastor marvelous example of the demo­ ic way of life. Every , country with ■ drink or have hls fir-st love affair, Salvation for Modem Living.” attended training programs at the and women to give their time to through'Christian Science, and at­ (Jhurch School. teachers meeting. cratic spirit; because Washington conscription eventually had had "The good boy will have temp- 7:00 p. m.—Young People’s How Would You Like To— | .Council office. It is hoped that the advancement of scouting. This tributes all power to God.” 11:00 a, m.— C3mrch-time N urs­ Wednesday — 7:30, Emanuel 11 a. m.— Sunday school. was not supported by the Con­ centrallzatlon of power. VVe havfr;-tatlons that he would not face at j^ n meeting. this able leader will be back in Is a wonderful worldwide move­ ery. choir Hallowe’en party. 11 a. m.^Cffiurch achool. rr W n i be sm ar t gress. Thus it was felt from the had enough of centralization of home. When he is with a group ment with unlimited possibilities 6:00 p. m.— C Y P Club (high The W eek Scout work in the near future. Thursday— 7:30, ,G. Clef club that is going to jeer or sneer at Salvation Army 10:30 to 3:00 Thursday. The Organization and Extension which can only be realized with school group). Robert W right, Hallowe’en party. Tin was known to the Phoeni­ Install additional built-in him your boy will' fall into traps, 66i Main Street Women’s Missionary Society' will ( Modernise your kitchen committee work ia very important the help of public soirlted men and president. Dorothy Spalding and Friday—8:00, Missionary Circle. cians and Romans. cabinets or shelving . TO SELL YOUR CAR TO US NOW men of various ages in the bar­ C tV f ChpA and Mrs. R. D. AtxveU Ann Hawley will leiul the worship sew for the Red (Jross. 4 and the District was fortunate in women who are Interested In boys racks. Some of these were married and their development and trWn- TBIB. OomoMutding Officers service. The Rev. Lorlng (Jhase, 7:30 Friday. Choir practice. BEFORE NEW CARS ARE AVAILABLE obtaining George Stiles as chair­ Paint your home, inside and men and careful of their morals. man. He was himself a Scout and ing to hedome better American cit­ Pastor-at-large for the Stat®’'Con- 0 Convert your attic or base­ Saturday, 8 p. m.— The Band During peacetime con-sorlptloij the has had about 20 years experience izens. IliHBiaMBaglIBWgl ference, will be the speaker, tak­ Branch of the 7th Day Organ Benefit Concert will present a sacred concert. out ment into a play room or barracks would be full of 18-year in Scout activities. During the ing as his topic "The Three F ’s of .Adx-entlst Hartford Church Sunday, 9:30 a. m.— Sunday, old boys without the slahlllzlng short time this committed has been Our Church”. TTils Is the first In Masonic Temple Evangelistic Services maid’s room FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26,8:00 P. M. -schooL A Red and Blue contest la influence of older men. active. 85 new boys have entered a series of meetings on different Small Lodge Room WE CAN PAY MORE The Next War now In operation. religions, with Rabbi Leon Wind Elder C .M. Pike Continue Nightly (Except Saturday) 7:45 p. m. 0 Install Venetian blinds, scouting in the District. When the 11:00 a. m.— Holiness meeting. Modernize your bsthpo®™ COVpSANT-CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH " If we need peacetime conscrip­ present plans of this committee of the Jewish Synagogue and the screens and awnings 2 ;00— Hospital visitation. 2:30 p. m. today. Sabbath school S U N D A Y , 7 p. m. W E PREACH 4.3 Spruce Street tion, whom are we going to fight? get Into full swing on even better minister of the German Lutheran add an attractive new one 7:00—-Service at the Convales­ 3:30-3:40 p. m., Missionary talk THAN IT WILL EVER BRING AGAIN Som® talk as If the third World result is to be expected. church speaking at later dates. Listen and Dance cent Home on Cottage street. Money for the hayrlde must be In by Mra. Olivia M. (3ooke. IRUCIFIE^ ^ Rev. Eugene Lundherg, Tenor Soloist war were an actual thing. WTien Publicity Work ^ Have new iighting fixtures 7:30— Salvation meeting. 3:45 p. m.. Preaching service. Have new walks, walls, shrub­ !* it going to be? If not for 20 Publicity was handicapped due by tomorrow night., Also , The W eek The Week ROWNED and wiring years present military tactics may to the lack of a permanent chair­ Ths W eek — bery or other landscaping WHEN NEW CARS ARRIVE—PRICES Demonstration of the Hammond Electric Organ Wednesday, 2 p. m.— Women’s 7:45 p. m. Tuesday. Prayer be obsolete by then. W e are not man but C. W . DoLsen, who filled To Your\Favorife Tunes Monday. 7:00 p. m.— Girl Scouts, OMING Admission Free. Pledge or Free AVIll Olfcring at Door Home League Troop 1. Miss Emily Smith, lead­ meeting at the home of Mr. and CHRIST C: going to fight Japan or Germany. in when hls out of town duties ON USED CARS WILL DROP DEAD 6:30—Young People’s Bible Mrs. Fred Miner, 62 Bigelow ‘What Think Ye of Christ? Whose Son Is He?” 0 Have your floors scraped and Repair your roof, chimneys, ■ITien It must be that we are going permitted, wrote several articles |y the er. to fight our'Allies. W e are strain­ giving accounts of the District study. 7:15 p. m.— Boy Scouts, Troop street. ^ (Matt. 22:42) reflnished gutters or downspouts ' 7:30—Torchbearera (young ing ourselves to put down militar- committee meetings and Its plans 26. Cffiarles Lynn, leader. people 15 to 30); Crusqdera Church of The Nazarene BE SMART! SEE US NOW! and publicizing the public Courts CONTINENTAL TRIO Tuesday, 3:15 p. m.— Brownie Evangelists A. P. Klabunda, Jno. Govan ,Isrh In Japan and Germany. - But 466 Main Street, Manchester of Honor. It is'hoped that a per (young people 12 to 15), special ScouU. Mrs. Herbert McKinney, If we are going to fight, in the Rev. James A. Young, Pastor future then all our peace confer­ manent chairman for this commit­ program. leader. All Welcome No Offerings These are but a few of the many things you can do under At Thursday, 7:00—Street meeting. ences are fake: qur efforts made tee will be secured during the com­ 6:30 p. m.— Girl Scouts, Troop 7. 7:30— Special Gospel meeting. Sunday services: our low cost F. H. A. Modernization Loans. On this type of CEDAR POLES tor ^eace are not sincere. A t the ing year. Mrs; Hugh Bracken, leader. BEEMAN-GRIFF \ Friday, 7:30— Holiness meeting. 8:00 p. m.— M ilitary Whist, 9:30 a. m.— Church achool. W e GOSPELHALL same time we are holding ebnfer- Cubbing has shown a real sponsored by Group D, Mrs. A. invite all who are not regular in 415 Center Street, Manchester loan, the interest rate is most reasotiahle. MOTOR CAR CO. INC. 20-25 A N D 30 FT. / < 7ti FT. RED CEDAR g h c ^ on the west coast for peace growth and there arc at present In DEPOT SQUARE GRILL Hyatt Sutllffe. leader. Miss Helen attendance elsewhere, to come (here arc pressure groups oh the the/ District 151 boys in this The North Methodist Church 29 YEARS SALES AND SERVICI FT. WHITE CEDAR 14 DEPOT SQUARE , TEI.EPHONE 3835 (Carrier and Mrq. J. Elmer Elliott with us for thlA bOur of study. ju| POLES 8 cast .coast for/mllUarism. Who ia br^'nch of seoutlng. During 1944 James M. Gage, Mlnlstes, , 410 MAIN STREET—OPP. CAPITOL AVENUE FOR PULLEY LINES, ETC. 9 H*. RED CEDAR going to trust us If we mobilize twenty Cubs advanced in rank . Mrs. D. M. Bennett, w^ile so far In 1949 eighty six Organist and Director ...... PHONE HARTFORD 2-22.37 all young tnw by conscription ? , Try Our Delicious Pizza ^ "France let Germany knpw that toys have won advancement. i i i / Gordon Fogg, District Commis­ Mrs. Bennett has prepared Ujc XX she was fully mobilized j*et Ger­ F. FITZGERALD sioner, assisted by Joseph Moyni 485348235348534853535348535323485348234848302348532353482348 many w a ^ not afraid to - attack following music: H ere’s A ll You Have To Do han, ’Thomas Birningbkin, Hkrold T E L E PH O N E 2-1417 France. Mobilization is not a. Prelude-r-"Reverie’* . by Orlando J. Dougan, and William Hunntford threat to a toUlitarism fiatio: Mansfield *■ have been good workers since their Anthem— "I Was Glad When They Corning Tomorrow and Monday! | 1 . Check your property, inside and out, and list the things you would which ftglits in other ways. appointment. They made forty Said Unto Me" Mueller “It stioiild be quite c)ear that We five visits to Troops and Packs Sundoy Offertory— "Andante In A" like to do. / ought to have rnore thinking, more and> both Scout and Cub leaders Dr. E . J. Hopkins reasoning and' ought to .be told In 2. Get the" necessary estimates from any carpenter, plumber, painter cbmniend them highly for the serv­ Mon. and Tues. Postlude— “Postlude In F " l^emare clearer language why we should ices they have rendered. The qual­ The minister will speak on ’The or contractor of your choice. ., have -military cdnscrlptlon. - Our ity of Scouting has been Immeas­ .f. Church in a Changing W orld.” Job Is to find a democratic w ay to urably Improved because of their A t 6 p. m., the Youth Fellow­ THE tt? L . L . L . P IC T U R E 3. Then come to the Manchester Trust Company and request the defend this nation. YOU CANT GO WRONG! V work. ship will meet Id the church. Mias amount necessary to pay cash for the entire job. Follow ifig GREGOR’S "1 do not set myself up as be­ To .those Scout' workers, the LOOK THEM OVER Janet Holmes and Miss Janice ing an expert In. military matters, "Whalen will have chaise your request,^ the money is promptly turned over to you. FUEL OIL SERVICE! but I would suggest the following devotions and the Legend. SAVES TIME, WORK, WORRY as a program, to foUpw the demo­ 2 'A ' Pictures on the Same Bill The W eek cratic way on defense: Increase TueiKlay, at 7:30 p. m.. at the BEAUX ARTS military academics; make military It Takes A Sn; lit Girl South Methodist parsonage, the i AUTOIIUTiC DEIIVERY: Helps if THOUGHTFUl SERVICE: Drivers life more attractive; raise stand- Joint committee will meet tp com­ the Kingdom you avoid a dangerously low oil Y o u tl are prompt— reliable— coiuid- !Io Know He: 0w‘ Huslianil! FRED ALLEN plete the arrangements for Meih- supply or dry tank I 82 MULBERRY STREET — HARTFORD I ards of hqye guard and expand Bid crate of your property I the R.O.TX. and we might have odUt Night, Nov. 14. The full plan 36 Months To Repay If niu MEASURE: Nothing "slap- summer camps where boys could and the speaker will be announced PRESENTED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY AND COUNTRY TO HELP FIGHT PUBLIC = / MONEY-SAVINC TIPS: Free T O D A Y a n d S U N D A Y dash"about the way we fill your be given training for defence. after that meeting. e S y NO I^UV^ AND TO HELP RETAIN AND MAINTAIN HAPPY HOME s helps on preventing heat loss , “ Peacetime conscription is an Wedneaday, 7 p. m., Scout Troop tsnki Exact measurement. ■ LIFE . To keep your monthly reniiuance to a minimum, Uies© to cut heating bills 1 I undemocratic way to prepare for N o. 98 will meet at the church. A t If CLEAN MOBItHEATi Burns the defense of the country." 7:30 p. m. the choir will have their in our beloved = Phone today for Complete rehearMi at the church. The day It is time for every community to rise and fight every Indecency, immorality and criminality advances are made for as long as 36 months. You do not clesjrly, completely— promotes Fine Paintings Framing Next week Father Stack will ii'lobtlhcat Service! . • \ BINS CROSBY RfOOUCTtONS give hls final lecture In his series has been deMgnated by the W . S. country. ■4.. oombustion efficiency I b 1 presents C. S. as a D ay of Prayer and Medi­ have^to put out one cent in advance; you do not have-to get whlcji Is sponsored by Gibbone As-. jai:k bf.nnv sembly. Catholic Ladies of Colum­ tation. Restoi;atiqns a Specialty Friday, 7:30 p. m., the Youth any one to sign your note,, nor is aity hen or mortgage bus. for the benefit of Jts welfare DON AM[('H[ Sunday Evening, October 21$t, 7.30 at Army and Navy Club Fellowship will give a Hallowe’en ’ V fund. ' placeduponyourproperty.' H.SKIRBAU ^\iillAM BfNDIX Party at the church In the Social ,WHen in Hartfoht make it a point to visit roopis. A fine program is i**' Assembly Room , Main ond Forest Streets. Ur Hih' MiiOK- ranged by the committee. one of Ne'w’ England’s finest art gallerie^v The Men’s Banquet Is coming —j i i i T r r - — — ■■■■If « .Pcraon^_IN.iilic«i. pairs and improvements with very little monthly outlay; .re in the hands of Leonard Burt. Beaiiti]Ey’ your honia witli genuTrtely'finc * t iwail IMNOl COtfHtTi^CHr Monday Evening, October 22nd, 7.30 at Comniunity Building T) and now is the time to plan to have the work done.' Card of Thankb immmTTWi»«ttiiccim PAINTfNG or make a-choice from pur ex­ . • R I C ^ FORAN • . Gospel Hall " 1 - W‘e extend our heartfelt thanks to 4U Oeater Street > Silver Lane Homes Drive A cellent selection of old and mcjjiern masters all our friends for their ekpreaslons PLUS **niE CHEATEBS** MORIARTY BROS. of sympathy In our hprcavcnieiit. the 10:30 a. m.—Breaking of Bread. in fine color REPRODUCTIONS. death o f'2d Lieut. Michael lUbertrn. 0 On the Level At Center and Broad who wan declared loit In action sa of 12:16 p. m.— Sunday schooL Sept: 13. 194S. We deeply appreciated •MONDAY AND TUESDAY 7 p. m.—Gospel meeting. . Open for Deliveries Day and Night tha ImpreialTa memorial aervlce held Thee Week in hla memor}-. “TrfE CORN IS GREEN” No Admission - Voluntary Offering TELEPHONE 8500 Mr». .Michael Haberern, 7:46 p. in., Tuesday— Prayer meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Haberarn “2 O’CLOCK COURAGE” TO D AY” Along Came Jones” and ” Tiger Woman” and 7:45 p. m., Friday— Btble read- ^ Mr. and Mrs. Jobs BsbwraiA. ins.



iVTUT—ISSU Today Radio WHTD—1410 EMtcrn Standard Ttnw MANCHESTER DIRECTORY WHTD Jobs After VIctmy. L j « 0—WDRC—New*: WHTD WTIC—Our Foreign Policy. \ CIhriatlan Science progt*ni;^ 7:l5—WHTD—Labor, tJ. S; A. ,,, W nO —Newe. r 1:15—WDRC — TreeBure Salute: 7:30-WDRC — The First Night WHTD—News; WTHT—Greek er; WHTD—Dick Tracy; WTHt Prograiii: WTlC-AgrlculturBl —Arthur Hale; WTIC — Music OF BUSINESS SERVICES New*. , , of Manhattan. fltSO—WDRC — Grand Central 7;45—WTHT—Sports with Tom Harmon. StaUon; WHTD—Jive Bombera; 8;00—WDRC — Dick Haymes WTHT—Musiel Polish Program; Show; WHTD — Woody Her­ TIAVE YOUR HAIR CUT ■ w n c —Veterans' Advisor. man Show; WTHT To-be An^ 1:46—WTHT—Dance Orchestra: nounced; WTIC.*— Life of Riley. Lyarsqi;e For Jobs Around the House Murphy Store THE CURLI-CUT WAY WTIC—The American World. 8;15_WTHT—The Constant In­ 8:00—WDRC — Strictly Swing: vader. As thb Basis of Shaping WHTD—Football Game, Ohio 8:30—WDRC — Mayor of the Well Equipped i Just Call R. S. Porterfield Is Convenient State V*. Purdue; WTHT—Foot­ Town; Ned Calmer; WHTD — For a Really Successful ball Game. Pittsburgh vs. Notre Musical Roundup;. WTHT — To house. The way Mr. Porterfield ' Dame: WTIC-Juke Bob Jingles. be' Announced; WTIC — Tnith Ernest Roy Ready Ad­ How about your disposition 7 Is . Always Ready to Call for PERMANENT : 1:16—WTIC—Colgate vs. Colum­ the work getting ahead of you and recommends for the utmost satis­ Y ’ --i or Consequences. faction eliminates most of this ' w *1 bia Football Game. 9:00 — WDRC — Hit Parade; vise You on'New repair joba mounting to the point Your Prescription and 1 ^ S:S0—Football Game. Ohio State plaster dust and once your ceilings k* WHTD—Gangbusters; WTHT— At This Time. that .you Just wonder how on earth are .finished in this fashion your Deliver It * > I » va Purdue. Leave It to the Girls; WTIC - worries are all over He puts up J;45_WDRC—News: Game con­ National Bam Dance. l Vou’ll ever get caught up? Wejl, tinued. jf:30—WHTD—Boston:.30—WHTD—Boston Symphony Are you looking for some com- if jrou are in that predicament.' predicamem. plaster board right over the old The E . 3 Murphy Drug Store at 4:00.—WTHT—To be announced. the tele- cracked irp ceiling and then puts 4 Depot Square now owned by ?9 East Center Street ^ 4:30—Elliott Lawrence Orche.stra. oh a Textunc finish, which abso­ ^ r Man, WTIC - C.?Y Can You Top ■r;/'" j, y„u are.-Just p^irterlield and tell him just lutely resemble.^ a regular sand- Bernard J. Hart, who himself is a “iSiOO^WDRO — PhUadelphla Or- This licensed pha^rmactst, ia amoat icbeatra: WHTD—Date with the 9*45_WDP.C—Ham Session. hop into your car and drive over J Y^,uat yoiL.are up against and he'll finisheo ceiling When this is- fin- Whatever May Be Your Duke: WTlC—Grand Hotel. 10:00—WDRC—Let's Look at tlie to Ernest Roy's- Depot Square Ga- g datc'' .to come over to your islied you will have one of the dependanabie durg store as many S;30—WTIC-John W. Vander- Facts- WTHT-Chicago Thca- ! rage which la located at 241 Norih • house and Ibqk the aituation over whitest, crack-free ceilings you Manchester people well know. One Manchester ter of the Air- WTIC—Judy Ca- i Main atYee.t and drop and tell you juat what needs doing ever aaw. Best of all, thU celling ROOFING cook nova Sho v . 1 Roy’s office and ask him about the g.,d how much iKwil! cost to have can be treated just as the original of the little services offered by 5;4^_-WTIC—Tin Pan Alley of celling was., it can be whitened or this drug store is the picking up Dry Cleaners the Air. 1015—WDRC—Report U) the Na- | new car situation. Mr. Roy Is hor- , jt put in tip-top shape for you. of any doctor's prescription, tak­ Problem. E. V. Cnughlin, tion. ' cstly hopeful about getting nem ' w, Porterlield, 178 Oak street painted over and over again with Evening . | not tomorrow, as you .'cii ^ really the moat versatile person no fear ut it cracking ot flaking ing it over to the drug store, 93 Wells Street Your Local Roofer. 10:30- VVliTD—Hayloft Hix'dowii; i promptly filling it and returning 6:00—News on all statiens. WTIC—Grand Old Opry< know, but much sooner than tiie , possioly Imagine and and causing you .my more trouble. Can Help You With A 6:15—WDRC—People's Platform: 10:45—WDRC-^Talks. buying public had anticipated. In | j^g^e really la no type fif job-lHaTrir lRra“T^~one of your problema, it to you. This service fs one Telephone 7254 WHTD—Digest of the Air; Or­ 11:00—News on all stations fact. Mr. Roy Is so cimfldent that | Porterfleld is not capable of why not ask Mr. Porterfleld to that is most appreciated by many S . ■ chestral Interlude; WTHT — 11:15—WDRC-^Night Owl Show; he obtain new DeSoto ^ most offleient fashion. give you atl'^estimate of the cost Manchester people, for it. ia riot Ruberojd Roof Sports with Jim Campbell: WHTD — Rhythm Jockeys Plymbuth cars that he has hi*u his i of u.*? necci fl«»ors rehnished of having it rbpairfd? always convenient ’ to drive over Expert Dry 'WTIG—Background for Dinner. WTHT Dance Orchestra; showroom and garaje redcfora-1 time or another and Mr. The paint used- by Mr. Porter, with it and leave an III member .390' Woodland Street 6:30 — WHTD — Answer Man; WTIC—Clifton Utley. ted so that when the first new rainx«fs them up so that fielif on ail of his'painting jobs is of the family home alone. All you : WTHT—Osimek Polish Pro- 11*30---- WHTD------Dance Music; actually make Uieir appearant. : proud of them. He gets !I mixed by himself, and he uses need do ia to dial 6545 and your Cleaning Service Phone 7707 jrram: WTIC—Bob Steele;'Five WTIC—Sweetheart Time. Hght down to the original wood I white lead, oil and. which will prescription will be taken care of. Minute Mystery. 12:00—WHTD — News; Music: painted showroom ^^’ill show them and “ wilMlni.sh them In any fashion | stand up ever so much Iqnger and Since taking over the store. Mr. 6:4i-WDRC—News; WHTD — WTIC—New4; Art Mooney's Or­ off In their sparkling newness. rtisiy choose. If you want j weather to perfection. B^ mixing Hart has seen to It that the stock ■ Jim Britt Roundup;__W'nC —• chestra. Now', to get down to facts, those * ^ floor laid, he is just the man I his' own paints, Mr. Portei^ld is of drugs has been coi^Ietely filled THE CAR YOU OWN Furnace and Senator Hart. 12:30—WTIC—Three Suns. of you who sro anxious to obtainn„ti'to I. do it ftrr you. able to match or blend paints to and ygu will at ail times find just 7:00 — WDRC — Helen Hays; 12:45—WTIC—Lee Sims. Pianist. new car—and moat of us Heating Equipment just the shade you have In minU, what drugs the doctor orders for . . . II In running ordtr. Is a only want one, but some of us ac­ By now, you are wondering if you at this drug store. Plumbing Suftplies tually need one—the smart thing Heating equipment is no prob­ real o u e t W» are -«t1U a long lem to -Mr. Porterfieid, he will re­ ,Mr. Porterfleld does papering and The Miirphv Drug Storekcarry a way* tmm new onm Lot u» X.& do is to talk with Mr. Roy in place pipes that have worn or the answer is "'Yes” and he also full line of M4di-Sweet for CThil- Of AH Kinds [Edward Noble Sole Owner person. Naturally, you know just rusted out, and If the asbestos has his oum books of paper dren. This ling is prepared for Help keep yiinr praornt oat m how good a car the DeSoto and the beat pnmible ' mMihanlcoi Plymouth arc.—they rate a? , a covering on-yottr steam pipes samples. All kinds of paper are children only and is highly recom­ fve got my eye on a business I can purchase clear and Iree, most excellent buy. a car that needs recovering, this will bo taken to be found in these sample books, mended. Among the different arti-. oondltlon. Be oonalatent obnal Manchester * Of the ABC Network Now care of. you may have your choice of prac­ cles you will find are cough syrup, having It cheeked and aervtoed ^ I think of a rolling country, and the farm m ow n some day, . needs no build up, that la why Mr. tically any priced paper in water I’m saving my pay for the lucky day when I start to work for me! Roy carries them. In order to ob­ Ceilings and the repairing of baby oil and cream salve, laxatives bare. It win pay. Hardware Co. wrench tain a new car, you must list yo'ir them is a job that most of ua shy resistant and fhde proof patterns. and many others. If you are not J, When I swap my for a milking bench, and my lathe for a load of hay! New York, Oct. 20.— Pur- roche also resigned as vice chair* away from for as long as possible, For ail kinds of odd jobs, repair­ Peter Oallaaeo, Pmp. bhase by Edward J. Noble of the man and member of the board of name, for naturally the deniand entirely satisfied w'ith the brand for new cars will far exceed tne for plasten dust is something that ing of first quality depend upon you are now using, Mr. Hart is COOK’S SERVICE ST A. 248 North Main Street ..U Sitockholdings of Time Inc., and of dircetbrs. . Roy Larsen, president no one wants sifting all over the i R. .S. Porterfleld, phone 4752. Chester J. Laroche in the ABC of Time, Inc., likewise resigned as supply, and the rar.s will be ■vild certain that this Medi-Sweet will blaacheater Urem Phone 8906 Tel. 6265 network, amounting to approxim­ a director. In the order that your application fill the bill for you. ately 12 H per cent each, as an- This lateot move completes the la listed, ao don’t delay, drive over Square Garage. You may ask. just factorj’, a man capable of fixing Patent hledicine* liounced yiesterday, returns full reorganisation that began in Sep­ right away and see Mr. Roy and what dbes vitalize a motor me^i. your car the way it should be fix­ The patent medcline line car­ townership to Noble. The stock tember with Laroche's and aeversl you won’t risk disappointment. and does It really do a good job 7 ed, and with the parts available at ried by the Murphy Drug Store is SHEET METAL Johnson Bros. ■ Id been bought by them a year Ask AImiuI the Vltallr.er You just bet It docs, and this is Depot Square Garage, you need a liiost exten.sive one and the resignations from the executive For you people who are still not have your car laid up for a prices are consistent with the. * The amount Involved was not staff. It has stated that , the old car percolate until what you may expect. We all WORK ^ Electrical Contractors iMated. j, operation thus has been returned tj-,,, know scum gathers in the motor, long period.' stores’ practice of charging fair to net-work-trained men after a carbon forma between .the rings Batteries arc still acarce, so prices. You will 'find all kinds of OF ALL TYPES 533 Main Street 1- t *t Loii^he recently resigned as advice of hundreds of satisfied mo and cylinder walls and' a heavy i make use of the . faat battery cold remedies. cough syrups, diief raecuUve officer after aerv- year of direction by men from the torists who have had their car vi­ Tel. 6227 * 7606 advertising agency field. substance is found in the bottom charger Mr. Roy has—don’t let creams, rubbing lotions, etc., in ' We Specialize in P ing a year. Coincident with the talized at Ernest Roy's Dopot of the crank case. For every quart your batterV' go too far before the most popular brands. Also fKllnquishment of hia stock, La- Noble purchased the chain in having it checked. * \ Eavestrough and 1943 from RCA for 38.000,000 of oil your car holds, a double por­ I household remedies, mefeuro- We WiU Glady Give You t tion, or two quarts of solution i.<< For service that really^^lla 't- crome, bandages, adhesive, per­ Conductor Repairing after it had been separated the sclf, depend upon Emcat Roy’a D ?- Estimates. year before from NBC. used by the Vitalizing Machin:. oxide and disii^ectants. Why not Call CAPITOL T e car motor and the vitalizing pot Square Garsigo, phone 5113, stock up now? motor are started agitating this The Murphy Drug Store also NORMAN BENTZ SUeetric Coming Up: Tonight-:-CBS 7:30 GRINDING CO. solution through your motor, this Fire Insurance First Nlgbter back on the air, ' ^yCarry Revlon Nall Polishes In all 592 East Center Street Boagee — Beingemtora 38 Main St, Tel. 7958 loosens the accumulated dirt all F rank R o b in so n ' ! bf the newer shades and Revlon Is L , _ O b Yoat.. starting with "Sign of Love,” a ro- r around the valves and stems jiid just about tops in favor with Telephone 8966 mantic story, with leading roles by • “When Things Are Dull piston rings. You don't have to everyone. For *youn sweet tooth r FURNITURE Barbara buddy and Olan Soule; guess whether this really does get Gets Appointinent vou will hav^ an assortment of MBS—9:30 Break the Bank, new Our Business Is Good” the dirt out, you can actually a*>e [. And Personal Effects quiz show basing its questions on | it and also see when it runs clean. chocolates to' choose from. Among BILL'S TIRE American Industry, Bud Cnlyep M. i SAWS OF ALL KINDS The whole process talves but an Frank Robinson, day driver at the well Kmwn brands are Whit­ J. R. Braithwaite ; * IVc coo phiteci you fur os low C. ' SET AND FII.ED houV, the cost Is moderate and the • No. I's house of the South Man- man, Apolld and-Bumhanr-'-A and \ M $4.00 pet $1,000 for 3 Tearr Sunday—ABC—10 First musical . result is wonderful, for your mo­ Chester Fire department, has been Brady .cliocolates. Mr. Hart *ays Keys Made. Locks Repaired ttne. Mlnlmnm Pretnlnm $5.00 comedy, "Sing Out, Sweet Land" tor is as clean as the day it came named assistant superinlemient of that yhese chocolates are coming REPAIR SHOP WIN-POWER in ^little more freely and this is Tools Ground Let me ooU at your toome and in the Theater Guild series, with I Frozen Food Cabinets fronrtlle factory. Don't delay, have fire alarm system of the South Wm. H. Green. Pmp. Burl Ives, Arthur Godfrey and ' yours done'right away ind jec Manchester Fire District to fill the gfirid news Indeed. Have you tried OoipbUn details or Josh White and Electric LiRhting what a difference it will make. unexpired term of the late William ^m p Nuts lately? They are a l,.awn Mower* Sharpened Columbia and Elk Bicycles. Plants prime favorite and the next time If you haven't had the Reverse Cotter. Electrical Utilitiee Arthur A. Knof la On Saturday Night List: NBC— Flush Machine used on the cireu- The appointment ia made until you are at the Drug Store, ask U. S. rires. 7 Foreign Policy; 8 Life of Riley; GRAVELY TRACTORS latlng system of your car, have, the annual meeting which is to be Mr. Hart for some of those good Re-( Conditioned "The Furniture Fire Kemp Nuts to take home for a Repairs. Service. Inraranee Man" 8:30 Truth or 'Consequences; 9:30 Sales and Service. this done at the aamc time. Many held next month. At that time the Can you Top This; 10:30 Grand ole a motorist has never had a cooling office will be filled by the meeting. family treat. Guns Repaired Accessories. OOloe Open Dally Opry . . . CBS—8 Dick Haymes BRIGGS ANDSTRA1TON system work as well since the car The district officers name- the There are Greeting Cards for and Thnra. Evening 7 tn 5 P. M. show; 9:30 Mayor of the Town: 9 ENGINES was new after using this machi.ie. chief of the department and also any and ^ all occasions on , sale , at 32 Pearl SL Phone 4200 180 Spruce St. Phone 2-0659 876 MAIN STREICT Hit Parade; 10:15 Report to Na­ Sales and Service. The proof is in the driving, so the Miperintendent of fire alarms,' Murphv Drug Store, so look over Some day I want to retire, Tm saving my cash for then, I Telephone 5440 or 5038 tion , . . ABC—7:30 Dick Tracy; try it. , bill ail other officers are elected. their choice assortment WeVe planning a year of travel, now the flags of war are furled, 8 Woody -Herman show; 9 Gang- Remember that Depot Square The Manchester Electric Light ^0 Foi; with Bonds around I won’t be found in a home for broke old men! busters; 10:30 Sen. Edward John­ maintains ‘24-hour service and Ocean Highway „ Company maintains a branch of­ We Have Been in the U And each Bond we keep is another leap in our trip around the wor son on "Disabled Veterans look to SPENCER SUPPORTS that besides having a Special Florida’s spectacular Overseas fice at the E. J. Murphy Drug KRAUSE'S Are Individually Store and when you are over here Congress." . . . MBS—7:30 Ar­ Designed P.arta Department. Mr. Roy has Highway, between Key West and Plumbing and Heal* thur Hale: 8:30 Whisper Men, new a factory trained man at your ser­ the mainland crosses the ocean shopping, it probably will be more GREENHOUSES time; 10 Chicago Theater "Music to old the doctor’s vice. In fact, this mechanic has on many mile-long bridges be­ convenient for you to pay your ing Business fur Mdny 821 H artford Rnad Manrheater In the Air." treatment of ptosis just returned from a course at the tween coral islands. bill at the same tipie’; ______iL._____ (sagging organs); The oldest drug store In town Years. Special Atteutliw .V H ALL bock imln and in- invites you to 'drop in and get Rely on our experience sad Given to Phone Honored State Bird Juries; Inoperable Ordera. fei SIIMl hernia: movable kid acquainted wit^ it and see for service for best results. Prescriptions Expertly yourself why this partlbular drug Speotoliata in fa- H MAKES Missouri has honered Us official ney; maternity' neroi and Wed- 1 cases. HIGH GRADE store has enjoyed popularity .. bird by naming a highway that Filled — Accuracy — through the years. ding' Arrudge- . his p/cf tis esn come frue !. W RADIOS crosses the state "The Bluebird MARY F. Johnson & Little menta Trail," and erecting 6250 bluibird MePARTLAND Efficiency — Quality! Apartment 34 O PRINTING U. S. production of Persian 145 MAIN STREET tint rinwera i houses on. trees and fence post* lambskins is only about 8,0UU 1 R epaired bordering the road. ' Garden Drive Phone 587« Potted Pliuita. PHONE 1854 JOB AND UUMMEKUIAL The Edw. J. Murphy skins a year. PRINTING E Reasonably Drug Store - . Whatever your plans for the future you'd better buy BondsXy the scor^ Proinpl and EIHeient Printing No. 4 Depot Square (HBSON'S For Fall and Winlef B Tubes Tested ol All Hinds 1 HARVEST Complete Fountain Service Landscaping GARACm Improvements 5 % Your dollars won’t shirk, they’ll pitch in and work, COMMUNITY PRESS / B. H. pihaaa. Pm p / B Large Stock SUPPER A. E. Holmes J M Bars “Always On The Square” and Window Glass, Stove and Each three bucks will bring you back four! ^ , / WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24 Cnr. Nn. Main and Nn t^ n o l Specteliapig ui Furnace PIdp and Cement,. Parts 5:30 and 7:00 P. M. Streets — Telephone 5721^'' Bernard J. Hart, Prop. Roo6ng and Roofing Om- ill CHURCH Tree Surgery B ^ K ‘So buy ’em and buy ’em and buy ’em, and keep every p^ond till it’s due, COMMUNITY HOUSE ^ t , '* ' • . Wbnet AltgnnMlnt. ent. Small Tools for the NORTH COVENTRY II 1 ’ 1 ■ , Conn. State License. handy mechanic. 'The more Bonds you buy will be more you’ve put h^ COVENTRY FRAGMENT SOC. Bmke and SUPPER ONE DOLLAR. Uoreurator For the day when your plans can come true! ■/ s Adnit*. DE SO’fO , Pl.YMOUTH JOHN S. WOLCOTT anrvteel P n t t e Y ^ H 50r, Children Under 12. By Haring lUSerrioed At LARSEN'S MENU: Corned beef, potatoes, W A I k l'C SBftVIUB SERVICE AND GENUINE PARTS & SON 185 Main St. FEED SERVICE 639-541 cabbage, turnips, onions, baked V A IM a STATION Phone 5012 $8 Depot Square - Phone 5408 MAIN S> squash,' carrots, cauliflower, 427 Hartford Rood Tel 180 Main St. : Tel. 8597 ■" a .relish,, rolls, cql|ee, pie. EXPERT AI^TOMOBILE REPAIR WORK \ I^Open rhursday Until 9 P. M. j Reservations mast be In by / VICTORY BONDS-to have and to hold! Oct. 22. Dial 8763, 51anchester, QUALITY r,^.Closed Saturday At 5:3U p. M. j 3854 J-1. WllUmantIc. Painting. PaperhanjfinK, Puy Your’ Hardware T . P, Hol|Ordn ERNEST ROY'S P» R I N T IN G ! P'UNKRAI (lOMB Floors and Ceilings fhe printing ■ /■ bepot* Square Garage |ob fve do for and Ppusewares Installed and Reflnished. f o o m I I'l. Ideally Mioafed-.«naveaienl and 241 NO. MAIN STREET TEL. 5113 prove sathe, Needs at twny tmn)/ the buay tboroagO General Carpenter Work. taetnry, bo* rota. Ihkltnrtlvv Oerviee Mod cause H wUl ora rWHIIMea. TAKE IT EASY! We Repair Everything be produced Around the Property. modem, effirleol JACK ROAN'S onr eotlmate. - AMKULAN(!E SERVICE « - - F O R — \ Hardware Store CASH AND SEND YOUR R. S. PORTERFIELD Dependable Quality <— Servieei UAV AND NIGHT, Cor. am| Middle l>k CARRY OR 178 Oak Grove Street - WILLIAM H. SCHIELINiE 176 Center SL Phone .1060 CURTAINS TO US! Tel. 4752,4894.8745,^-0967 Dupont Paint Products l$5 Sproee Rtraot Tol 0$i CALL AND SERVING VOUR NEEDS 'oiTBurneps Servired tains perfectly and return YOUR In All Griswold's SERVICT ■"V riRES SPQRTS EQUIPMENT , L." M.. S.' them with beautifullvs' PICTURE FRAMING Step Amond T» Sot Hal Service Station and Hot Air Furnaces DIAL .375.3 w e a r in g We have it. It lUa to be bod 611 Main Street fluted ruffles. out? We can get It. It lt*a In be gnt We con do IL II It can be dnnn. TEI.EPHONE 8459 Repaired and WE CAN 51AKE THEM LAST It la our aim to serve yhu so . LONOERl wefi that yooHI “aok for ■aoro.*' Speciolizing In Replaced “<)atcli Cura* For Ailing OorF* I an of Zleanir/ Cotineff IIEW SYSTEM UUNDRY NASSIFF ARMS CO. General Motor Thh b oSkitl V.S, m tvwthem enl-^pjand under au$pke» Degarimuit and Vf% Advertie n i GEORGE’S JOHNSON PAINT CO. SPORTS SUPPI.IES VAN LAMP BROS. JURRlflON STREET, OFF EAST CENTER STREET ESSO STATION 699 MAIN STREET TEL. 6854 tl95 5|aln St,. Mapt'hexter. C'noa. Mala a tiw t At WsaoR Rtraat TW, Masobeetee $>i<41 Repqir Work 10 Ntwmaa St. 6244

■'...---'Ki a Jf ./•' . t>AGB MANCHESIEK BVIcmNU HERALD, MANUHtairiSK. CUNN, 5 A 1 yKUAY,;UcfOBER 20. 194® ___i MANCHESTfeR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1 ^ 4 P g e s i X still in the armed forces. CJur Hon­ that Kenyon Hills long reported ended with the cessation of hos­ what they could spare. • Manchester in the War ■ Throughout the war, St. John’s or RolU TTOvv^ contains over 75 missing in action is still missing. W K KKFU B8 BN T TH E S T R O N G l^ leadership m_nd let men taka over tilities but plans In every way to names with at l^ast a h^lf dozen Letters and periodicals were From/1 church has conducted special serv­ Manchester wJio will have a chance of tr e a t ­ Yankee Air Rcc'^jiit Event keep the .“welcome mat" out to all more to be added. sent to men in the service with cn-. th« who need heir help, and in parUc- ices evety first Sunefay of the closed devotional booklets whU’-V STOCK \ND omnsNb Comments River Road mohaT'at 8:30 a. m. A Requiem Some of cur women :UiU Red Evening Herald ing victory In 1948. Foree 'l’o|) The Open Forum Letters Inspire Men ular to the service men. Th'e com- were the gift of the Young Peop!e:s FATING For "the Republhjan ^wirty. to Im Mollan JSasis of Play miaslon of the. church, says the mass was usually said for ,the Cross work and others took war Society. Greetings for Th.ankagiv- „ PUBU811ED BT THE ,s the Herald in a letuling editorial known and more of ijit^allzing A.ksUBsiii' hv Sliuw tractively framed and displaying Two of Zion’s'men received P*ir- SuDdaya and Holldaya. ^Entered at the yvaffe's fuel, oil and able intei.ccn- with all nnembera participating. dressed by her with the aid of our tqr pilots, Arnold said. It als-> tiiok l.ssiie with General Marahall, sense of what life sMuld be if it \ ‘the cniblcm of the International plc Heart medals for wounds suf­ It Office at Manchealer. Conn., aa voters. xt III. XI..>1- ' . — VI . II September 5. General MacArthiir's of $330. The Service C3ub also Special aervice.s were also, held pastor’s wife, Mrs. Esrl H. Fergu­ fered in service and one member DIAL RftlO ~ M.3 MAIN ST. Olid Claaa Mall Matter. helped dispo.se of the .lap \'r pv xl lllu Alartln “ Youth for the Kingilom , / , ■ ■ . ( In last week’s Installment Cf Walther Leagtie organization, was son and Mrs. Leonard-Burt. What is reflected in this report chief of staff qf^the United States is to be civlIizetU^^^in convinced . . ... aouin lor niiiKiiuin words of hi.s significarst speech at ...... - se-X did work tor the American Red presented to the church by the on V-E and V-J Days. of the congregation has been in Fore)#, which suft'ered too from I'le A ” ^^''■■feuturea writer on Sunday evening, at < :30, at the time of the Jananei*? surrender the Manehetser in the War se SUBSCRIPTION RATES fixim the grass roots It a healthy Army, in one of the best consld- that, w lih ou t/tte gadgets, they ries, the part o^played by a l^ o s s . Ladies' Aid Society. A larger roll Although the parish was small. Many of these went overseas the Navy 25' years. bypa.saing of planes and pilrils on New York, Oct. 20. iiRi - Irwin! tlic Army and Navy Ciqb Assetii- . vvere quoted: "We have had our 1941 about 12 members of 60 young people are serving in the and the rest to all pai-ts of this [O n t Tear by M ail ...... * ® L".' trend in party thinking. If this rem ote Islands ami th e N.tvnI ered and /most tolerant editorial knew moi;r'ajimiit true happines.s number of local chiirihea was ' Hn of honor, made of fine ..walnut An attractive b(ue neon bor­ er month ^>y Mall — ...... * .“^haw, brilliHnt young author „ f ' bly Room, and on Monday evening .last chance . . . Thai problem U in n it the>Woman's Auxiliary in St. armed forces in the different Country. Mo.st of the cakes anivc-1 dered church bulletin board was bloekade o^ supply lines iitterarmes I liave seen anywhere than (ynl realized it in fuller tle»erib<*d. Today’s Inslullinent wood to provide for the growing "ilInKla Copy ■■■;■■■■■...... | healthy trend could also extend It­ ^ , , , , ' at 1:30 at the Cnmniimity build- h-i-sienllvba.>!irally Isis thcologicaf and in­ Mary'sNprganlzed a Red Cross .branche.*!. The Honor Roll in­ in fine condition and were much sops IDcIlTered One Scar ...... * short storie.s .ind .such plays 'a-i | -silver I.nne Homes, Drive A. dej.fribe« the war-time spiritu­ list of seiyiccmen, was donated oy given by tlVC parents of tw o' self to the party leadership in ■laps' Im potent at Kiul in a /long time. .Mr. Olmstead deg^-Ae. volves a spiritual reanitiesccnie sewing gsqup to meet weekly In cludes 28 in the Army; 26 in the enjoyed by the recipients. Oflr la­ in service. One of the mothers of rWeatern State# and APO ...... "Bury the Dead'' and "The Gentle will beipresenled ns a publie .ler- al ininlatratlonK of other local the Sunday School. ATTENTION! Washington, the party would de­ The .Tap.s became so impotent at ; (.[p; accepts the authoritative ps niy greatly admired ■ and improvement of hieman chare rhurrhea and rellgloiie groups.) the parish npuse. Others came in Consistent effort was made by Navy; four in the Marines; one in dies aUso donated liberally to the the congregation has five sons in ■ ME.MBER OF the end. the general eontinu. d. Peopie," found his newest play-in f ' ’ice to the community. "Yoiiih to help. At the time of writing the Merchant Marine; one in the National Clolhihg' Campaign last Borvicp. tv^xi..qf__\yh(H)) #Ce con­ : THE a s s o c ia t e d . PRESS serve, and would have, a clean iility of General MarshaJFS after that vvill synchronize with the local congregation in coopera- j m that Oen. Carl SpaatZ didn't botti- d Olmstead is taking a bit loo | for tile Kingdom." a movie. spring as well as helping to sort e.f w>a Asaoclated Preaa la exclualvely his war experience. our almost maclhlefs advance In St. James’stPgaillCS B ChurchX laeaea-aa this %.aaa»^ ^ group gr of Wbrkera areax . begin- tion with more than 5.000 oth'»r i W ACs. firmed nieinbefs of Ihc church; chance at Victory in 1948. tiiiiking, aw almost everyboij.v'nas for granted when he as-1 Four of these have given their New Home Owners and Builderr pVienmled to the uae of repiibltcatlop -of ci .sending fighter i-srort with he "The Assa.ssin," which opened ,“ Youth for the Kingdom." wns .•»cience, art.literature aaaci ail ma­ congregations. 4,000 pastors to and pack. Like all Method! d i all itewa diapatchea credited to it or not B-29 which diopped the fir.'; come to do, but because on lives for Democracy and President sunie.s that there is no doubt at on Wedne.sday at the National, produced under the direction of terial and cultural developments diiction of RedRe'd Cross'''aupplie8.cS'pplies^^ A^ provide Tor the .spiritual and so­ churches we have participated >n I am resuming mv business of landscaping, Grading, Tree Mot- Fotherwlae credited in nhia paper am atomic bomb on Hiroshima. the L, U. Ii. and at It.a cost, defi­ James's /Church gave 818 of its Roo.sevelt's “ Four Freedoms". "The Crusade for Christ" and alao the local newa publlahed here. •part insists on ■ his all that the atomic bomb is sure grew out of' .seven mon.ths Pfc. of the past t'.vo thousarsd years. It St. Mary’s Group collec^d about cial welfare of men and women Ing, Pruning. Jap beetle grub elimination. Drlvewa.va constr- ‘ * Indian Summer Editorial Aa for the Germans, Arnold^aii.I nitely also in the spirit of Chris­ nienibc/s to the service and nearly lO.QOO pounds of used clothing for in the ser\-ice under the general Our hero dead are: Edward have helped in Red Cross and oth­ til thinking he flnd.s-himself a^mdi-ls to de.stroy everything and every­ Shaw of the Signal Corps spent in must be of the spirit if we arc to one-third of the total number of .Stonewall and Dry 'Well Const ruction a Specialty, We will j All right# of repiibllcation of apeclal The Indian Summer editorial they held a terrible threatyti) the tian citizenship. The L.utherin save the flesh." the'JJnited Nations RehabllitaUon guidance of the Army and Navy Gozdz, Edward Jaglinskl. Stanley er relief work. advise you on any of your yard or garden problems. diapatche# herein, are alao reaened. At- At. F. Flying FortresAes and with the ghle^/^cif staff oMbne im­ Africa and Arabia Hduring the Laymen's League, St. Louis, Mo., meu^who made the supreme sacrl- c a l l body iinlesa we are Intelligent and Kellef Administration In Up Commission of the Church at large. KulpinskI and Stanley Lia*. ■V-J Dav arriving while our »ie'e editor was go­ Jet planes but failed u ( m ake tne theran Hour, "Bringing Christ to this parish. ir lives if) service. 235 chap- TELEPHONE 7585 — E. A. BERN A iisefulpeM of g r j « military j have no uae for Baaed on the murder of Admi­ the Kingdom” sound-film as a R6v. William, J_ Duan_ IS pastor St. Mary's church was Kept Owing to the removal of Dr. on his vacation, we held no special Publlahera .Repreaehtativea: The ing about his weighty contempla­ of I the Nations." now compiising over open and a' comfortable tem­ lairta, vt'erc on duty. The Missouri victory seiv’Ice, but In every ;iei- 6588 Jullua Mathew# Spl'Cial Agency—.New "’"wvU le a repoVthat one q.T- for Ai^ca in view great military machine simply be- ral Darlan, it pleads the case for 700 stations in the U. S. and for­ public service, .it has fouraJ by its of Sf. James’s'church and he la as­ Earl H. Furgeaon as pastor of the Consultations By Appointment tion of world affairs quite as usual the freedom of France by drama­ perature practically every day Synod\malntained a detailed mail­ North Methodist church on Feb. 1. vice held in our church during Tork Chicago. Detroit and Boaton. man pilot in one J/t plane was a hie id^e appearancpit*^n the scene. can.se there w-otild be nothing and eign territories. The League re­ pastor particularly, Th'at -men "and sisted by Rev. Edmund Barrett ing listXif all of its mernbera in tizing the determined under­ and Rev. Frederick McLean, regu­ throughout the war. Many peo 1945, the records of the sciwlce these trying times prayers have BUREAU OF when there gradually settled down to knock down. to 20 of u)f1 the cently entered the field of visual women in leading positions of sef-vice, onbsOf the most up-to-date (EMBER AUDIT nobody left to defend.' ground that fought for her in Al­ pie came In for private prayer or folk of our church la probably not been offered for all qiir loved ones ATIONS. around his desk an atmosphere of [ Fortresses st/on e time,” A rhcld \ ■ J ' , education, in response to a meet­ business and infiuence is MAnches-. | lar assistants and on week ends in the cm in ^ , mailed publica­ CITY t —G en er^ T d a rsh a ll in turn has giers. and Holy Days Rev. Thomas Stack meditation. Special services of fully complete nor strictly gCcu- serving their country^. lethargy. .Startled to find .Irl.s own oorpTnittee Anyhow I'm stringing along ing called in the interest of the ter. promptly and seriously sensed note were held on the days of the tions to service-people and a large i The Hkaald-PrlftUog Company. Inc,, "If thc^ermans Itadyebneeniia-I recenUjf^madc it Clear ttjat he is A bit of recent history 'with its of Hartford assist." in the offices rato. but we have had about 80 It grieves ))s that there are' with the doubting Thomases on welfare of youth, to discu.ss the seriousness of the situation whjvh invasion of Europe, victory over staff of volunleK workers kejit three gold star names on our hon­ ' aaauniea no^lnanclal reaponalblllly for energy at low ebb, ye editor threw political and social overtones. prevalent youth problem and seea was not . new to them, and tfteir of the church. people connected in some wav I typograpWeaParrora appearing In ted on p^duelng hundfeds of the.se I'ponyfnced that this country can that point. Maybe, it's stupid; but Germany, and victory over Japan. the service addresses in proper.or­ with our church w ho have served or roll, Orville H. Whitney, Errol * vertlaementa I n ^ e Maneheater Eva- open the window and discovered Inste^of msny,e^her things it | "The Assassin" Is an ambitious ai me solutioi'i as to what might be general interest and support' was Town's Ijirgeat Parish der. Courteous antLSafe woultrhave b.ajn^niighty tough tor •...... * ,,, • _ then, I'm probably getting more plqy, But this Carly Wharton and St. Bridget’s CXiureh their country during the war and Burton and Gordon Wells, and FIRE INSURANCE - j ning Herald. that a- balmy, somnolent air had done to curb the present trend to­ mo. t>rop Bl has received previous i drowsy but me'ttijr^ y id affectlon- days. The weather, o f course, has cn were | munion services, which were con- 187 Gardner Street TAKECAREOF YOUR FURNACE] Police Commission, so perhaps the *■ ' 'TViat rkaro>l/TV a nrt««ihilifv h#*- ; ‘ \ it is a general condition, which of the Manchester Herald which TThe service flag of the church Prayers for Peace were includ­ 29 Pearl Street That paradox is a possibility be- i •heeled a f-; wondering about irrelevant ed in all of the masses said during bandsmen. These and the other (i tinned until many of the workers TELEPHONE 2-0465 Or It same proposal should be started and calculaUlig fellow, who emotes cause there wes a vital flaw' in Yet perhaps I may be permit-1 on trailers, little, two w should arouse citizens as a whole. appeared on June 18. entitled "The increased- in number of minis things-such, as hnw the flats were Vanishing Home" cannot but help. the war and a high mass was cele­ members were written to continu­ I became too weary to take advan­ Tel. 6566 all over again. < by rote, Ahd who starts counting the 1945 session’s pretense at le-1 ted to point out that while most ; fairs, from which they are uriload- painted to get that worn stucco J. Edgar Hoover, of the FBI has trnnts in service from a few men ally by the bandsmen and bands- tage of them. Our pastor himself, reported .tragic fsets and figures It is worth general diatribution. brated monthly for the welfare of WOhPT TAKE CARE OF YOU!! •^era la one thing fairly cer­ OR hisAnnual Indian Summer edt- gality. Tha't flaw was deliberately | oLus have accepted without 'm uch, ed or loaded again with not too look. In 1941 to 818 to date and the Gold women not called to the ser\’icc. i to help out the war effort finally to the nation and regarding the The pastor of Zion used this edi- Star list numbers 32 to date. those In the service. A requiem All types Hot Ajr Furnaces cleaned and reset. Eaves-I tain. Sooner or later Manchester torigi as soon as he gets Labor introduced by Senate Clerk John gupgUon rh* thesis that the d e -' much effort. Now and then one The company is large enough to high mass was celebrated for all One of the bandsmen stationed took a part time position and so L. Sullivan, When he refused to ^ cast a musical though not quite as nation, In an AP dispatch which I tprisLln a parent-teachers St. Mary’s Eplseopal Church some of the membera of our Wom­ troughs and conductors replaced. Copper or gaivsnixedx la going to erect such aafety la-' y oiit of the way. He can count Rtructlon of civilization and all its sees a boat on th* roof of a car appeared in The Manchester Her­ Ing 'fcnd In sever^ other church In World War II St. Mary's of the men of the parish who were in the South Pacific for thrce,years, affix hia official signature to the beautiful. However, for glamor, made a special request for his cor­ an’s S6ciety of Chri.stian Service. o Cr ^s p e c ia l t y — lands in Main atreet, both to coik in it to fill up as much space as, components must inevitably re­ and the other day an automobile ald on Wednesday, October 17, he I meetings. With the'eombined and church acquired an interesting killed In action. official Journal. there is Lesley Woods of radio, The Novena exercises, held net and some music that he might Mrs. LeVorne '’Holmes. Mrs. say, this pi'esent eilitorial will is quoted as aa.ving he fe.irs organized efforts of all citizen's distinction. Although there are Semi Air Condition^ Beating Units Installed. fine automobile traffic and to Ordinarily, xve hrve It from sult from any new world conflict passed up the road with' a boat playing the part of a soldier’s every Monday night, were offered play in the Chapel Services. This Charles Hill, Mrs. Howard Chap­ what w e ronalder wise legal America may be in for a "rather and organization, much can be other parishes in the Episcopal man. .Mrs. Arthur Starkweather. pedestrians a safe chance of ofbsa- take, and he has- no Intention of in which the atom bomb may fig­ lashed to its rear, the atern some­ widow who falls in love with the serious crime wave.;. . I think up for the safe return of those I request was granted, and he re- opinion, the couria In testing young man o f de.*ltiny, the assas­ done in a common fight. The final church in Connecticut with a Mrs. Ralph Persson, Mrs. Welis MANCHESTER Ing the street. The only jjtiestlon losing it. ure- and that it will surely be how resting on the baggage com- there will be an increase in extor­ answer, we agree with Mac- greater total membership, the lo­ in the service and a high maRR of ' ceivert the same in pood condition. the legality ot such a amalon sin. It is hot Miss VVood's fault Thanksgiving was celebrated on One of the interesting observa- Wetherell. Mrs. James Sloan snd is that of how many^edestrlan From Oct, 1st pn he is let and would not go beyond .-the offi­ the reliance of aggressors in the partment and the bow reaching j gmut spend mnch of the tion and other crimes which are Arthur, ahd. it will be understood, cal parish had more of its mem- Mrs. Griswold Chappell, took over already reflected in the crime both V-E and V-J Days. Num­ tion.v is that pot one of the mem­ SHEET METAL WORKS fatalities we^miist h ^ ^ before we ready on the mark, and when the cial face of the legialature’a next -w'ar, we really do not know well up into the air. No under- time doing a lot of arbitrary pos- we always held, is in the spiritual bera in the armed forces than any the task of addressing the pan.- FRANK I^ACCHETTI, PROP trends of the country." He further other single Episcopal church unit erous prayers were offered in all bers of the Army in Manchester, 21 Years Experience Is Your Gulrgntee! act. It would be sensible public weather bureau announces the ex­ proceedings. If, for Instance, for certain whether that conclu-1 pa.sses In that chap's itinerary. ing. realm, the Word of God. i phlets which the church wss send­ went on to say: ‘"the largest num­ The two ahowlngs of “Youth for In the state. The 309 persona, con­ societies and their activities for either in the first World war or Harold Scoville — Harris Gibsod -, istence of a western heat wave he the (leneral Assembly’s records Sundstrom is a sort of Lawrence this present conflict, were wound­ ing to Ita (icople in the service, ' policy not Just wait for these Sion can be Justified by demon­ On-Looker ber of arrests in any age group the Kingdom." will be presented sisting of 294 men and 15 women, the welfare of those in the service. checking often with parents ov ITAUAN FOODS OUR SPECIALTY were complete and officially ! Olivier type. His Swedish accent The Red Cross Nursing courses ed or killed. However, several did 228 CENTER STREET - 46 TU RN BU LL^ADI new fatalitles/^ut to do our best efficiently has his Indian , Sum­ strable facts. I wonder if the represents youngsters 17 years of without any charge or obligation who entered the aervicea from St.- relatives for changes of addre.ss. satisfactory In pretending that Per.xonally all I do about seal- i is slightly modified to serve as a age. These youngsters engage in were held In the church ba.iement. receive meritorious recognition j PHONE 5413______PH0NE^®Mi| mer editorial put in type, held for the session had rniiductrd all Sunday evening, 7:30, Oct. 21st, Mary*!, represented 19.8 per cent They are still doing this work -vod LEGAL BEVERAGES to prevent /them . problem has been correctly posed French one and he is Intense the major types of crimes. . . . I and special Citations. { Its business In the legislative loping is occasionally to w^tch the at the Army and Navy Club As- (or nearly one-fifth) of the Com­ Second Congregational will continue to do so for those ------automatic release the first day the According to the documenta­ enough to make his melancholy do not look upon this situation municant strength of the local A committee of seven members day of ilune 6th, then the courts departure of the more enterprising role wnvinclng. seihly Room, Main and Forest S(. John’s Polish National Ctothollc / ‘Vandenberg Up thermometer touches 80. tion that the whole Christian- simply as a Juvenile delinquency pariah (1555). from the Second Congregational - • Church —: I would not ordinarily be disposed —and more able bodied—adven­ Hariod Huber Is a properly sin problem; I think It is more prop­ streets, and Monday evening. If You Enjoy Good Food A heat wave la no Indian Sum­ to go behind that official rec­ Jewish world has been taught to Eight members of St. Mary’s church undertook to keep In touch Although St. John's Parish ia , I - A survey conducted foij the “ turers, or their wearied return. A Ister policeman whose loyalty can erly described as adult delinquen­ 7:30, Oct. 22nd, the Community mer at all, and true Indian Sum- ord. building. Silver Lgne Homes, church died In their country’s ser­ with the members of the church one of the town’s smallest, and its , —end who doesn’t— drive out to Villa Louisa. f)rder any one WE HAVE A LARGE DISPLAY accept, God, for their sins and in bushel of scallops, thev tell me, ‘>* a prlce: Clay Clement cy, the failure of the mother and serving In the armed forces. Boxes pari.shioners of the poorest class of ■ 1 ^ipublican,” official organ of meiv generatea itself in the placid In such a case, every, one would is an interestingly cynical Fsench Drive A. vice. They are remembered in the SIMONIZINC of 25 delicious, expertly prepared Italian style dishes. profound disgiist at their conchirt; pans out about two and a-half father to properly csUblish a home prayers of the congregation regu­ were prepared and sent overseas people, yet its members have tried , OF national Republican party oi^an- conditions of its own locale. Com­ know that the courts were wink­ officer; and take care of their children." ' Paul G. Prokopy. once decided to drown all biA one quarts of the edible adductor mua- larly, beiog represente'd by the and to men and women In the to do their full share in the war The Body Shop Method Once ymi’ v-r dinevi at Villa Louisa you’ll Im* back again ami n fsatlon, among local Republican ing ^ the clpck-stopping process, “ The Red Mill’’ Revived In March .of thia year, the Man­ pared to true Indian Summer, a but fne courts themselves would extremely small branch of the eight gold stars embroidered on SU tA, Christmas boxes were sent; effort of the past four years and again to see Frank I'acchettl. Readers throughout the coiuitry, clcs of which each individual scal­ Everything else has been reviv­ chester Herald, headlining another the sendee flag which hangs in birthday cards, church publications to combat, in every way possible SOLIMENE & FLAGG. Inc. western heat wave la aa artificial at least have th^ defense that the human race. Doubtless It worked, FINISHED reveals sn Interesting and healthy lop contains but one and which Is ed so it is natural .that it occurred AP dispatch "Crime Record Leaps AIJUE OOFRAN the nave.aa an aid to such prayers. and personal mall was sent. in the fight against totalitarian- 8.54 Center SL Tel 8101 Drive out to Villa Louisa this week-end. as the editorial which celebrates it. fiction they were approving was as planned, but the plan was per- Upward—Jdore Rapes and As­ (Known An Qnecn Alice) change in party sentiment. Action in legalized form. the only part of the mollusk that to Hunt Stromberg, Jr., to revive 'Those who gave their lives were The names, acldressea and birth­ advance, even since 1939 to the i But these are modern days, and haps leiii scientific than divine, Victor Herbert’s "'liie Red Mill." saults in 1944 Than in Any Previ­ Seventh Dnughter ol n Seventh Sna William Anderson. Ernest Edward day dates were published in the That Republican who has most When Senate Cltrk Sullivan Jax. most folk's have,ever seen. Open­ present. Parties, Outings up to 200 a specialty. such thing! matter not. ‘ W e will It seems Just as natural to have ous year” quoted the dispatch as Born With n Veil Bartley, Frederick Collings, Jr., church calendar, corrected weekly, Being descendants of the Polish MONUMENTS gained in support from these local fused to affix his signature to the for there just must have been ing the several hundred shellfish follows: "While the battlefronts Bentflags Dnily, Indodlna Sundn.v, have our Indian Summer editorial General Aasembly proceedings, Fred Stone, one of the Orlginai Arthur Davis, William Charles so that the church membera could 1 Nation, these people tried to do and Republican chieftains during the something leas than universal de-|ihat make up a bushel, la, If you stars, contribute two daughters to erupt in violence, the home front B A. M to B P. BL Or By Appoint­ Henry, Joseph Lennon Jr., VWl- write to the boys and girls in ser- I all they could for their brethern here and now, elae we might lose however, he made thia a different structlon of humanity—some odds ment. In the Service of the Peo­ past year is Senator Arthur H. kind of case. The courts, when ask me, one hell of a job and as the reincarnation. Fred himself erupts in violence, the home front 11am Miller, and George Hutchin­ vic6x * overseas when Poland was over- ; Woodland Street it altogether. It is hot and there and ends of hldden-awny tribes, was on hand opening night, clap­ on the upswing. The F.B.I. gives ple tor so Venn. son Rich. Mrs. Millard Park of Wood- 'Vandenberg' of Michigan. His rat­ they examine the official records messy a piece of biiainesa aa even SPIRITUAL MEDIUM run by the hated Nazis, laying' is a haze on the horizon, and this for Noah and hia sons and their ping for the same old tunes and this report of what.ia happing eve­ Establish Veterans Fund bridge street was chairman of this waste to that once happy land. MARKERS ing went up 40 per cent on for­ of the 1945 General Assembly, are a seafood addict Is likely to allow 168 Church Street, Hnrtfnrd, Conn. Barber Shop particular cigaret tastes like burn­ going to find hia signature mias- for his Dorothy and Paula. ry 24 hours: 24 felonious killings; In the spring of 1945, with final committee. It was well organized In 1941, when war was declared ^ wives can hardly be credited with his belly to tempi him into per­ Phone S-SOS4 and carried out its work satisfac­ FOR YOUR SELECTION eign Issues, and up 13 per cent on ing leaves. How the mellow mists irig, which will constitute an ir­ The books and lyrics— concern­ S') rapes, 150 aggravated assaults, viefbry near at hand, the people on the-Axis partners, the members ! Open Every Night all the increase in l,he world’s forming. 120 robberies, 55 auto thefts, 749 of St. Mary’s sought a practical torily. The work of the committee domestic issues. meander through the meadow! regularity signifying that the of­ ed with a couple of Americans .n of St. John’s Parish were buying Except Thursday ficial record is not complete. population In the • post-Noachian Holland—have been .changed a lit burglaries, 2,176 larcenies . . . w'ay to give thanks to Almighty was financed by gifts from the va­ war bonds to support the war— i OPEN DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAYS The Republican who made the How the blue haze billows below Most people want .their BL.CUIUUa| scallops r------c-» — rious church organizations and When they note thia irregulari­ millenium. Of all the males and females ar­ God and likewise show their grati­ and have rallied,, to their adopted 4:30 to 6:30 P. M. second greatest gain of the year the Bolton bulge! How sumptuous rested in 1944 the 17-year-olds led tude towards those members who from individuals. nations’ cause since. Some put all ty, the courts are likely to ^ c o m e a And so perhaps It may be thht, Special church-sponsored activi­ Open On Saturday as& sssiem ssgs with these local party leaders was the sumac! curious. Nothing that the official they are adorable that way. But it with a certain air of Irrevocable all the rest. Here are some of< had risked their lives to protect of their life savings into bonds and OUR MEMORIALS ARE BUILT WITH no matter how carefully the de­ ties included Red Cross First Aid former Governor Harold E. Stas- record is Incomplete, they will is egsy to overeat, as scallops are innocence and there is nothing the other offenses, which increas­ 'us. They decided to establish tlie being intensely patriotic, have re­ 8 A. M. to 8 P. .M. This is the editorial. We’ll have struction may be planned, a few St. Mary’s Veterans’ Fund, wWch courMB. promotion of War Fund MAnCHESTER 6315 EVERLASTING PRIDE sen of Minnesota. His rating went have to ask .Clerk Sullivan why rich food in their own right and about its humor that would neces­ ed. according to FBI records: frained from disposing of them Indian Summer later. ravellngs of humanity may escape sitate it being approached cau­ White slavery—this was particu­ is a loan fund for. veterans who drives, annual gifts to the Red since, even though in some in­ he did not sign the record. When fried are ^specially so. They are Cross, organization of a ^nteen up 14 per cent on foreign issues, tiously by people of delicate sen­ larly true in the crowded areas are membera^of the parish'. Contri­ stances they have been In dira that fearless gentleman responds the Grand Blowup. And perhaps, unit, and unit* supplied for the 24 per cent on domestic Issues. Senate la Generous with a blunt statement of the almost aa milel) of a dalicacji made sibilities. Eddie Foy, Jr., and Mi;r . . . auto thefts—There were I,- butions to the fund have been made need of money. too, the survivors may prove'to be into a milk atew, like oysters,'and 393,655 niajor crimes in 1944." J. by t^e gift of both War Bonds and clothing collection. / Responded to Gnlla Senator Vandenberg's phenome­ fact that he did not sign the rec­ cbael O’Shea are all over the place •Special church observances in­ L. A N D R. When the new 'tax reduction ord because the clocks had been sufficient for the repopulatlbn of Keeping everybody happy. Edgar Hoover stated that crime cash; ’^ e Veterans’ Fund is a Membera gave generously to the Manchester Memorial CoJ nal rise in the field of foreign- pol­ far easier to get av&ay with. Only WATKINS; Thafik^Offering[/Ol on the part of the cluded three special services for stopped, the cat will be officially the earth. Heaven knows there But you may want to see “ The costa $28,500 a minute, and $!,• Community War Fund and to the The Army dnd Navy Club, icy can be traced directly to his bill went to the. Senate, first Indl-. they should be boiled for a few b r o t h e r s . INC. peoples of St. Mary's. Any V|fteran Intercession, two memorial servic­ LOCKSMITHS Harrison Street — Manchester out of the bag and the courts will are plenty of us who- could bg Red Mill" Just because of its ly- 710,000 every hour. He said: "With Red O oss drives. own personal abandonment o f the cations were that the Senate P'l- minutes In a very little water be­ who/is a member of the parish es for m em ^rs kHled/ in action. When a campaign was begun to Opposite East Cemetery Telephone 5207 or 7787 I have to take Judicial notice of the .spared. And It's Just possible ripjpl echoes from the past: "Isle the war placing a. serious strain FUNERAL maw apply to the Rector of St. Sergeant Rudolph Nelson and Pfc. LOCKS AND SAFES Incorporated cause of isolationism, which took nance Committee, under the able clocks were stopped, fore being added to the hot milk. of fDreahis,’’ “Every Day Is La­ upon our democratic society it is collect old clothes for the destitute .that those whom the atomic M ale's in time of need and be William Chamberla^ and three OPENED AND REPAIRED place shortly before the Yalta and- Conservative leadership o f , And only, if this fact could some- /Some folks eat them raw and dles Day with Me," "Because more, imperative now than ever S ERVICE of their homeland and other Euro­ granted a loan from this fund if Victory and Peace iervlces. pean countries, every member gave Keys 51ade While You Walt. eonferenre. and >ihich then con­ Senator George, might attempt Lo how be politely avoided would the; bombs faij to eliminate may turn swear by them. You’re You," and “ In Old New before that our boys and girls re­ his need is shown to be valid. He A total of 118 members o f the tinued with his leadership a.s . a lestraiii the careless, generosity courts have an; easy time of find-. „ „ t to be a rather better bunch -- - —^ York.” ceive in their formative years in­ Ortnahd J. West will be charged no interest, and church were called! to the servicer. Auto Keys blade By Number. ing the biisinesis of-the 1945 pen*; ti,gg those who have disappeared, struction'in the principles of re­ D ir e c t o r there is no stated time limit on The Army claimed 88, the NaVy Door Checks Repaired. delegate at San Franci.sco "and his ' which had dominated action on eral Assembly all in good legal: Winged Epicure ligions and right-living." In a Also there might be less worry siiWTbahs. So. while giving thanks 22r the Marines two, the WACc Saws ^ t and Filed. subsequent leader.xhip in Senate the bill in the House. We say I order. letter written in ’ September Cap­ FAMILY GROUP Speaking of things to eat, sea­ But One Section to God for the end of hostilities, three, the Waves one and two WE SHARPEN ANYTHING! ratification of the United Nation.^ "careles-s’’ because there has been - The poHsitiility la; then, that afbout the anticipated sudden end tain. Eddie Rickenbacker, a great, the people of the parish are, now Nurses. Of this number 16 were M G O gulls have a apeciaJ point of view Shears — Lawnmowers and still Is no slightest assurance' this particular over-time aea- of the story of .mankind if It were honored, and loved American hero and in the future, expressing their officers. Eleven members of the HOSPITALIZATION Charter. Knivea — Etc. Good News For alon ran be found to have been signed, sealed and deUvered that as to what is edible. The other day Left in referred to America getting "back 1 appreciation to their, sejrvice men parish received the Purple Heart But that, the practical politi­ of the economies which should be illegal, and that the key to such Quick Servloe! in case there were any aui;yivora, as we were standing down on the on its religious foundation, . . and women in a realistic and prac­ Medal for suffering wounds in ac­ Every S^t.yNight'At 8:30 Sharp! cians of the Repttfclican parf.v, so made if these tax reductions are I a finding would be the fart that, the moral and spiritual regenera'’ ' tical way. INSURANCE ^ Reasonable Prices! none of them would be Japs., little bathing, beach watching the tion. All Work Gnarontaed! many of whom, only a year ago, to be sound hn.sincsa for us. ' thanks to the, Intranslgeanre of A recheck made of the* aouttar tfon pf America' which most . For these veterans know ■now Pfc. William Chamberlain, a Clerk Siilllvaii, It didn’t rover tide come in, with my wife mourn­ A New Family J*ollcy were complacently offering men If the Senate Committee start- ‘ Perhaps Improvement east, southwest and northwest sec­ ^oughtful people realize is the that, whenever In the future the member of the church, was killed REAR 893 MAIN STREET Incimling Sweepstakes Manchester Motorists up Its mvn tracks, neatly ing the passing of Uie swimming Tht itign ot a "going is hard,” their church will ln,"actlon Match 21. 1945 In Ger­ like Danaher and Fish to the elec- e(| out in such an apparent htmoa-j Anyhow, if there should be, de­ tions of town yesterday which was hope we ha^^. The religion Now Availabfe. Manchester enough. The moral,. we would season, we saw a big gull alight made during the present week of tddgy is the patriotism of to­ WORTHY SERVICf stand behind them through. .the many. torate, should now join with the j Phere, it has flni.shed up In a com -; gather. Is that legislatures spite the lethal horrors of the St. Mary's Veterans’ Fund. , rhiireh of the Nazarene At Low Group Rates Tel. 8804 9 A. M. to $ P. M. in an anchored skiff boat. He had completed the cleanup of those morrow.” Nights: Admission SI.00 '4 'outside public in rating-Vamien-1 pirtrly opposite direction and, should lie careful that the cloth atom bomb and Its- effects, any sections and leaves but the north­ In a thought-provdking editorial . In November of 1943 a group The war activii iea of the Church they fabrirate is Indeed whole, spotted something lying on the 142 East Center Street of people began to assemble every For Men, Women A g n 18 to 60; Call WUIImantie 21SS-J2 berg highly is caneciallj' good 1 mood. Early talk may have been fractional -nucleus left remaining east section to be taken care of. in the Manchester Herald of of the Nazarene have not been nu­ Children to A f* 17 Inclusive. _ - ____I____ ' Imttom of the boat and picked it Manchester Wednesday noon in the nave of We Have ! news. The curse of the Republi- moderation, but the final result for the repopulation of the globe, 'This will be covered on Monday. merous nor ot great volun'e. 4>ut Older Age Group 60-80 up. It disappeared down hts throat Thia section takes In all of the the church for intercessory pray­ her contribution can be meas"'ed '•iVcan party irf the past, and its j "hows that the Senate committee it seems to me rather pointless Pays for: Police Sifting before we could see what It was. territory east of Main street and er on behalf of their relatives and by her devotion to the simple task T>. curse toda.v, is its habit of playing j not going to be out-done by the to fret about the so-called - ’’de­ north of East Onter street as far friends in the armed- forces. This of ministering in spiritual needs. Sickness or accident expenses But sn Instant later he found a when cohllned |n any hospital down the leader.s who seem-gait-1 Ho»*c when it comes to currying struction'of civilization." The nu-^ east as the Bolton and Vernon ’’service of intercession," condiict- Scarcely a meeting has passed that Strange Tale second similar object and this SHVIONIZINr# anywhere In the U. S. A. or ; ed to today and tomorrow a.nd! favor with the voters. Both for cleiia might quite reasonably be | town lines and qorth to . South eed each week by one of the prayer was not made for those of time he held on to it long enough Windsof and Vernon town lines. clei-gy of the parish, became a Canada. Room and board ex- depended on to.erect another clvi- ! The Body Shop Method If You .Want To the armed forces'. LILLIAN GERTRUDE GRANT ’- J^Blying leader.ship and preference, indiviiliial.s and for business, the regular service. It is now helil^ The Service Flag o f . the church pehsea up to $6.00 per day for (Continued from Page One) for us to learn that It was a star- first SO dsya’ oonflhement— $8.00 • r to the apostles of ycBterday, like tiiial decisions of the Senate com- lization. In the place o f , the one| every Wednesday, summer and^ of 30 blue stars and one gold star I fish, that five-fingered- enemy of SOUMENE & FLAGG. Inc. per day for next 90 days’ con­ lYramalitf* R'Ag*ifaliut »nri TpilrhoP of RxDP0SSlOn ;5f Senator Taft. ; niittee grant larger' reductions supposed' to vanish. And- I don’t USE Buy Or Sell winter, and will probal)ly continue and the church Roll of Honor, both Dramatic Recitalist and Tcfichcr of Expression A good slock of all sizes, especially 6 . 0 0 - K wife's tbmple and pull the trigger. ' the oyster wbich might aa well be 884 (>nt«r St Tel 8101 finement. •see why It shouldn’t be quite as as long as there is interest Ip served to remind thi worshippers Senator Taft showed iij) exact-i than even the House had voted, The girl related that Desrosiers You owe It to your family to '5 : 3 0 - 1 7 , 4 :7 5 x 1 9 and 5 : 5 0 x 1 8 forced her to drive to the po'nt built o f minute pebbles, fastened such a service. to pray fpr the absent ones. (Sixtciriith 5'i*«r) ly nowhere ia this pi-esent .survey] As we have said so many times, good aa the one which for some In 1943 the facilities of the par­ provide this security and pro­ where the ear became mired. He together with rubber cement, for However, the church as a whole tection in an emergency and |. of Republican prospects. That is'. “ '1 this thoughtflil generosity of mysterious reason we seem t o ish house were set' aside for the was not without Ita practical aid sought help from three Aurora all. Indicatlphs It gives that even 666 REAL time of need. . .-\nnounces a Local Class for .Adults exactly . where he belongs. But, ! our politicians toward the . lowly consider such a triumph of wis­ use'of the Red Crosg Blood Bank, to the war effort, for at the out­ residents who; were, unable to ex­ an ostrich could swallow It, let COLD PREPARATIONS JEI.EITRIC MOIDKS A Family llospltaliza;tion rj'pevertheles% it has been Senator I taxpayer is individually very tricate the, car.- N on e^ f the resi­ dom and culture. UQU1D. TABLETS. SALVE, which continued to make regular break of the conflict a Red Croas alone getting any nutriment from Visits until April of 1944, when it Group Policy as low as $.01 a Interested in , ALSO A GOOD STOCK OF BATTERIES dents noticed the body, the girl NOME DROPS Repairing Rewinding Aid class was forrhed ■ and over Day for a Family of Three; ’Taft who ha*. during the past (Pleasant. Wi( should be much Doubtless it would be a civili­ was moved to another location. added. it. The gull, however, seemed quite " *^SE ONLY AS nniECTED All Work Gnaranleed ESTATE twenty njembers took the course. Larger Families Slightly High­ |i '.3 5'e^ , b^en posing as the mouth-. more grateful to them, however, zation without. automobiles, air­ Service Club Still others volunteered for civil­ Desrosiers then placed ncr, pleated with himself. He found a er. ,, piece of his party in the Senate, ;>f they could show us-a balanced planes, electric vcfrigeratori. vac­ Ace Electric Motor Repairs At Shortly after the beginning of ian defense, and the church bultd- Voice, Diction and the partly clothed, in a taxlcgb, and third starfish In the boat and bolt­ 221 pi. Main St.. Opp. Depot Come In and Investigate this unpicfiaanL ji;.yjjta. for the j to justify such U x reduc- warned her not to tell authoritiws uum cleaners or washing machines the war a group of relatives and Ing was offered In readiness for policy which la designed for fam-* Have your baltcry put in shape for wini ed . ,thaL.. tODx- ..ii'TeifirtMune - 'frisnds--dl--'--.pariahJpnars.>,JB.A«lbe!. ovhatever emergency might arise. , party’s prestigp. H i^ n iy strength/tionT"^ ... uirMUaUf. W V ie 'iiiiiarbmnedfs': f-with’otit gadgets of any "RlhA 'TOt' lly proteettnn as a unit. . ately to the police. i partetl, S'AilIlng. Fair Trices ^ armed 'toroes organized the St,■^'•'''The church letter td-those In .the -has been the ass'uqtption' that he \shat of that? Piricles never ' e . Ttervtce TUa Related Speecth^^^ ^ M .e.. Desrosiers aijd' hia wife, an ; / M. M. ■ Mary's Service Qub. . .The organ­ serviced written by the pastor, and did speak, aa the mouthpiece for ■Army; nurse, met at Eldmonton. heard of any of them. .Nor, for BURGER ization continued throughout the with the aid of the Nazarene . Niantic River Road, Friday Evenings Beginning October 26 tthe Republican party organiza- lit 'Alberta; They were transferred that matter dieV.' the pioneering c;a n -. war under the leadership of Mrs. Young People’s Society, was also Waterford, Conn. in the a frequent reminder that the home The Allen Ition. If he can now.be called iip- together to. White Horae, Yukon pedple who dug this nation out of Catherine, Snhytht.' Their princl- •- Advance Registrations Netcssary Smaller Raise territory, and were married 'ast Oil Burners ■■ai function was to maintain the church had not forgotten. Every Really Coni|miiy j CO 'to realize that .the grass roots January in Fan Antonio. a wilderness ever hear of most of Wm. F. Johns**n .T.itii'.'t between the parish '’arid three months the mall bag was lea d ers of his parties show no en- the things that so many of us re­ BASKET s niernbers'who had gofte to war. opened and news from the fronts and i*-.* 4 - Phone: Manchester 3160 or Hartford 32-6300 ' Builder — Real Ratale M I^Oiusiaam over’ his _8howln^~buT (Continued tram I*age One) Automotive Hint gards as the symbblisra of a ! Special attention ;waa given by was presented In the N. Y. P. 8. to TAKE OUT Furnaces meeUng. The N. Y. P. 8. did iU V AN ^S I^Tio Iffttm, Instead, to the progressive civillziiUon vastly superior to FOR RANGE OIL the Service Club*' membera to The Allen Insurance “MEND YOtrR SPEECH A I4TTLE, LEST IT MAV .MAR VOI’R creasing prices," the union leader’s Worn main bearings, that per­ A Few 'stilt Arallable. Johnson-Built Homes Christmas packages for eervlce- further part In. sending Christmas WhA poaitive appeal of men like theirs. j DELIVERY Agency, Ine. brief stated: . mit the crahkshaft to drop slightly men. In ... the— "peak" ,------year of - 1944.------lioxes and occasional letters and KORTI*NF.S.’’— SH.AKF.SPEARE 42? Hartford R o a d Tel. Vandenberg and Staasen, perhap.e Business “is exceptionally well below the proper position, in the CALL 2-01.32 about 27.5 of these packages-were -eacdx to the men of the church. 9.58 Main Ht... Manchrxfer *1- Po«alhl.v Happier MEEK & ROUI/ET HANSEN'S RAfKI.IFFE Oil t.'O HKOAI) STRKK't •will have sense enough to - re- heeled as a result of wartime o p -1 motor, nlay account for tmlsy lira rel Hartlord I 6191 mailed before Chi’istmas to par-i The • of Uhiirch ..iof then.. Nazarene Tel. 5105 eratlons and But they gained more ’ of wis­ Rockland Road Next to the Armory^ lEi.EIMiONiE 742ft ^ ta from the party's Icgialative generous' cunti sct i Ing gcari, The bearings should be BBA^MnpIc Anmne - UnrttorB iahionara in the service at a coatldoea not feel that her W'ork hts settlemesta." i taken uo to remove this dIsy. dom, strength of body and char- j ...... - . . ' X >1 i - •- , MANCHESiEF EVENING HERALD,'MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1948 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHMTER. CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20,1948 PAGE m o H f turn Monday of most of 'Uta 316,- evening will be given by Rev. Wil­ collapse was made, therefore the 000 soft coal miners after a month liam ,Iud8on Stetiter, Baptist min­ Labor Party of idlenesis, the national total Is Local Group town Is liable for damages for 22.5 Attend Weddings ister” of Manchester, N. H„ and a 'own Is Liable only two tanks, the latter two de- expected to be, around ‘ 200,000 lifelong friend of the Incoming the lowest In several weeks. Open Season stfoyoil by the unusual pressure grand chancellor, Lester Smith. Out to Build Passes Give East created In the mains on these Church Party At 6:30 a chicken supper will be Terms accepted by the Michigan Sport Slants In Civil Suit dates. served in the banquet hall of the Utility union leaders were for 13 The Cosmopolitan Club met Andisio-Otlone cents an hour wage increase, the The IV, S. C. S. .of the South Mis* Vera Eleanore Ottone, Masonic Temple by Chef Urbano New Society yesterday efternoen at Center By Earl W. Yost Osano of this town. Fully 200 amount previously recommended church and \%'cre entertained i)V Methodist church held a nio.st en­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ignazio by a special mediation panel and Sports Editor [«1d Responsible fo r joyable Mother-Laughter banquet Paul Ottone, of 23 Middle Turn­ Knights of Pythias and Pythian (Continned from Page One) ^ Mrs. Theodore Dltt of Hamdc:i, About Town Sisters throughout the state will rejected by 17 of the 22 locals. The last evening with 225 niotheis and pike West, and Raymond Ixmis union had demanded a 30 cents an Conn. Glue Fingered End Al ; Damages in C ollapse be in attendance. It is also ex- After a short inlrodiv-tion bv - A Note From Rohbln* members but getting them out to daughters pre.seht. Andisio, son of Mr. and Mrs. John i , j ,u . .u will be put up for immediate short hour hike however. A statement bowl is another Story. Football at Mt. Nebo kndi.sio of Oin Main street, were ! ‘ ^at .t.lSP officers of the Mrs. W P. Rlo’.’cr, 'Ii’S Pitt „cr> Charlie Robbins, the outstand­ iO f Water Tanks Memorial Mas* Tlie Glenriers group, under the term reliefs which, however excel­ of clarification was added.' Th(s Tommy plans to have at least An anniversary ms.ss is to be Grand Teny*le, IfytHlftn Sisters, plained her method.s.o' produ.ing ing marathon runner in the coun­ .direction of Mrs. Kthel Tomm. united in m.Trriage this morning lent in themselves, will prevent included the new scale effective un­ a four team league organized com­ ' •------■ said at St. James’s church Tues-, who were elected and installed at music from glas.ses. There wer^j try and a former Slunchcster High ! Zinchuk Scores Twici decorated the lalilc.s with autumn ii St. Jnme.s's ctiureh. The double progress being made with our til next March 1 unless the nation­ posed of membem only. pro­ ” Deputy Judge Herman \ules. day morning at 7:30 for the late 28 glasses arranged on ,nmall runner took time off recently af­ ”1116 leaves, green and yellow 'tapelvs, ring ceremqny was performed *t l main plan. al wage pattern had changed, war­ posed league will bowl Friday eve­ rfttinff In the civil suit brought by Pfc. Robert C. Claughsey who was ' ■! >ok ■' i wek, will also be pre- platforms, goblets partially filled ter winning the combined National f .Charles Shaver, of lt8 Princeton and made orange and gfeen nap­ •■We are seeking by carefully ranting further study by a special and New England 20 kilometers nings at the West Side Rec alley,*. Brown Passes 20 Yards killed in an auto accident In Ha­ kin ring.s for favors, with gayly Tho bridal attendants were Miss ; Friedman of thought-out reforms to make the mediation commission. ■ with water regulating the tone. Local SportyChatter ' 'ireet, against the Town of Man- Mll.ircd Avoglia of Union C i t y . . Colchester the new grand chief, event to drop this corner a fe.’ Ther? Is nothing definite on the Rockville Eleven Host waii, October 14, 1044. decorated napkins and progriims machinery of Parliament more cf- They are played by 'nibbing the Summary . fleeter to recover damages, for N. .1,, as maJd of honor, and Rob- , succeeding Mrs. Mercyll Pcckham ■ Trouble Reported at Houston hand.s over the tops of the glasses, ' lines. move. If the interest is shown, a To Tedford Whri Runs at each plate. flclent without excluding just Semi-pro football will be on thcAstrAlght setback after . opening 3ie collapse of four copper hot- Mr and Mrs, Abram Matchettof ert Vonnart of Campfield road as | "t this town. Aa AFL longshoremen officials the hands first dipped in a weak Writes Charlie: '■'I am in a go.Kl league will be formed. Last night V t e r tanks Installed In the plain- The invocation, was given by Mrs. rlaims of opposition to criticise streak right now, seems to occur, the first practice session o f inter- menu tomorrow afternoon when th a win. 40 Yards for Locals’ East BorffoM (1$) Mai street have returned Ralph Pierce. b..t ^ p ^ proved to be at 9:45 by.Officer Arthur Seymour of Ages, In the Garden, Silent 15 weeks will take place. has been .absent for several years, ford’* touchdowns and added an Manchester ...... 0 6 9 fl \)cstlon of his property and that i prize will he donated by Pn.st very steady,' says Robbins. Kelly when the All Rockville eleven be up against one of the .state's Scoring; an efficienttoastmistress called for after the officer had responded to Night, and The Old Rugged Cr'oas. The league w’puld serVe as a football, extra point on r bit of nifty twist­ 4f Middle tuniplkc, enst;^ p**’®;; | Noble Grand Evelyn Swonls. Much Interest was shown by the is the' veteran marathoner who "farm system” for the Rec league plays host to All Torrington at crack clubs. Middletown has ing and squirming after -recover­ Touchdowns: Zinchuk (2), of the water I the oldest mother pre.scnt and Mrs. a complaint made by a resident of Junta Tightens Bill Jumped feg and opening members after the program, when whipped *** the Patriot’s as well as other leagues that the Mt. Nebo at 2:30. come up with one of its beM teams ing a bad pa.ss from center on ford: extra point: Zinchuk (ruab)| ta in s In the vicinity, caused the • A son. Timothy Hawley, was Mary Matchett arose. The newest 16 Edward atreet. who notified po­ The East ,3id«, and West Side all were invited to try their skill. Day Boston marathon ^ ("un last Kaceys may place a team In, Last week these two teams Recreatiosi buildings, are sched­ in modern history. Upsets do what was intended to be a tr." Substitutions:, Mancheoter, Far *^ter to drain from the mains, re- born last night ‘at the Hartford mothers were Mrs. Chester Feiris, lice that a man was seen peeping Venezuela Grasp spring. tangled in Torrington with the happen and we certainly hope so Harmin, Scheiber, Lewia, Coughlii In the windows o f the house at By Senators Mrs. Herbert W. Robb an­ Tommy needs the cooperation of uled to ..open Monday evening' for from placemen’;. .4uUing In the creation of vac- hoepital to Captain Charles S. Mrs. Nell Patterson. The young­ nounced that the speaker for the Two more races reniaiii on tlie Rockville eleven scoring a 13 to 0 Fish—Game Thursday night. Mfd-Siiimiier Weather Jackson. Klemer, Talarski,. Kekr lumatlc pressure, which allegedly est daughters: Susan McKinney, the comer of Edward and North fellow- members. So let’s turn out boys’ activities under supervision. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson, the Nov. 2 meeting will be Mrs. Clara marathon lalferidar for the local win. However since this game, The I’ontest was n!a>rd in mid Johnson. Longtin; East Hartfor •aused the . collapse ’ of four hot- Donna Madden. Mrs. E. M. Sand­ School street. (Continued from Page One) Friday night at 7:30 at the Rec Additional information may- be se­ former Mi.ss Evelyn Hawley. Cap­ (Continued from Page One) Boss of Hartford who will give a lad. First comes thir New Eng­ alleys and- have an exclusive the visitors have acquired several cured by dropping Into the .B*c The locals haven't gained 100 August' weather with *he cro’A’d, Guatachio, Mabaron. . jVater tanka. ;• tain John.son is at present In New berg was present with three daugh­ When the officer reported, at land cross-country race at Frank­ former Bristol West Ends for the Notes yards in foilr games on the many of them in shirtsleeves, per Referee, Carrigan; u m p i r 4 * As a result of this alleged cro- ters and many were there with the scene. Tyler’s car disappeared talk on “Trends In Winter Styles.” Knights of Columbus leagiie. buildings. Director H. Lehn Delhi. India, and hopes to return Captain Cardonarson and nephew, Treasury slide-rule boys say the Mrs. N. J. Thresher and Mrs, lin Park in Baston. The second Sabbath contest and will present ground. Practically all the spiring from excitement pot 'O 'stein ;; lineman. Perry; time, 4hr4| vtion of vacuumatlc pressure, four two daughters. and later was seen or# Oakland Top Game of the Day Sheppard is expected to arrive the by Chrislpias The baby is the first rt .spoctively, of the late Delgado reductions under the Senate bill Harry Straw gave interesting re­ and'Ttnal race ia the famed .Na­ a considerable stronger starting ] tackles arc around the neck Some forget both teams. j 10 min. periods. fopper tanks collapsed, it was Three generations present were: i atreet, when It, passed the police Chalbaud. , who spent many years The top football game in the latter part of the month. grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ will be identical with those voted ports of the County meeting held tional Marathon run at 'Yonkers, team. of the regulars have vet to make The previously winless East - irought out in the decision. T'm Mrs. Ross Lewis, Mrs. Edward cruiser, going in the' opposite di­ in prison during the dictatorshi;-) | j,y House. state this afternoon will be played lard F. Hawley of Benton street, in Hartford last week. New York. lAst year Charlie cap­ at Stores when the University of Omar Pollick, passing star of What's wrong with Manches­ a clean* tackle In four games Hartford eleven under Coach John- Statistics E. H. 1 Irst -tank collapsed on May 28, and Rev. and Mrs. Charles S. Macauley, and Nancy: Mrs. Hincks. rection. Tyler was overhauled of the late .lunn Vincente Gomez The benefits would be mixed for tured both events to gain the the West Ends as well as bucker .940, the second In November, Mrs. Francis Barlow, and Alice: The Laurel Garden Club has In­ Connecticut Huskies face the Uni­ ter High’s footbalUteam was the After a fair start, the 1945 edi­ ly McGrath completely outplayed First downs ...... 11 Johnson of Rockville. Rev. Johnson in the vicinity of Henry atreet, on greatest of the Ar.dinos: Luis Belt- the remaining 4,000,000. The top­ award aa the nation's best long Andy York have joined the Tor­ *.941; the third on Aug. 12, 1943. .Mrs. Clarence Smith, Mi-s. .I»nn1ne vited the* Cosmopolitan (jlub mem­ versity of Maine at 2 o’clock. topic of conversation last night tion of footb.’illera have taken long and outfought Manchester Passes corTrpleted ...... 7 who Is a chaplain in the Army, is summit atreet, by Officer Seymour rnn Prieto; Dr. Gonzalo Barrios; i most brackets would get more re­ distant running star. rington squad for the game. Pol­ strides backwards. throughout the entire four periods. Passes Incomplete .... 6 ind the fourth on Aug. 1. 1944. Maddetvand Donna: Mrs. Karl Dr. Raul Leonl and Dr. Edmundo bers to attend a meeting at the In addition to the football game after the locals suffered their third at present home from France on a and he was arrested ' on the lief under the House bill; the rest it will be Homecoming Day at the lick has been around for a number The locals were able to rack up Pa.sses intercepted by . 3 Payment was made to Mr. Sha- Marks! Mrs. Kenneth Beer,, and charge of breach of the peace. Fernandez. Avery Memorial, Monday evening, Kwey Bowling I.«ague of seasons in semi-pro and pro for the second tank collapsed short leave. would gain by the Senate formula. Stores college, the first such event only two first downs during the Kick* ...... ; .. 3 Judith; Mrs. James Wilson, Mrs. Officer Seymour told the court (Advices from Bogota said Oct. 29. Bert Harwell, an expert Tommy Morrissey is a pluggcr. ranks and is the most widely her­ •n November, 1941, but the depart- AVllllam Glenney, and Pamela; Mrs. since 194 L The Huskies under game. Of the two. none were re­ Kicks blocked ...... 0 that Tyler waa picked up on May Romulos Gallegos, noted author, on bird life, will speak on the The Knights of CoIumbuA organi­ alded member-of the visitors who nent refused to pay for the three The Girls’ 4-H Club Harvest Sup­ Mary. Matchett, Mrs. Lillian Tcd- Mrs. R. L. Andlslo ’Music of the Out of Doors.” Any­ Coach J. O. Christian have always Hunters Galore corded in the first half and one in Fumbles ...... 2 per waa held last night at the Man­ 26, last, at the same house and on was considered the junta's likely zation are fortunate In having a are coached by Joe Maro former Uconn Huskies Vither tanks collapsed, and the suit foid, and Elaine and Shirley. Great- choice for provisional president.) To Alleiul Parley one interested in this meeting is played creditable football a'nd At 6:30 this morning, the Tat- the third and fourth sUnzas, made Opp. fumbles recovered 2 chester Green school with 32 mem­ poring to a point ,oVcr the hands. the same type of complaint, and m man of hla type in their group. have enjoyed .more than fair suc‘ Bristol High three sport star. ' “Penolttes . .-5 - vas. brought. Judge W. S. Hyde grandmothera proaent wA-e Mrs. promised the officers at that time (Bogota dispatches said the asked to contact Mrs. Ernest cottville Flats waa fined with cars up the total ippeared for the town and Attcr- bers present. During the fall and Her finge.r-tip veil of illusion vV.iS Tommy, chairman of the Kaceys cess Tm the gridiron. Coach Ralph Gilroy of the Rock­ .Manchester's running attack in Proctor and Mrs. Shtlth. attached to a Juliet cap of white to stgy away from the vicinity. Caracas radio stations returned to Bantly or Mrs. Wallace Payne. ville combine will,rely upon the ley Jay Rubinow for the plalntitf, winter months meetings will be The program arrnnged by Miss Of Soropliniists athletic committee, is anxious to With Yale idle this week, thous­ filled with hunters a'M'atting dawn four game* have gained less than satin and her bridal bouquht was John C. Campbell o f 296 Main the air and announced 'that the The hostess for the afternoon organize a bowling league among same team that opened thair sea­ Maine at Home Today ol the air on the goal line and fe • Charles Shaver. held Saturday afternoons at Hazel Drigga of the Epworth Cir­ ands are expected to take in the and the opening of open .season on too yards from the line o f scrim­ over for what, proved to be Manchester Green school. 'The of white roses with orchid "center. atreet, Hartford, was found guilty junta would maintain permanent was Mrs. Raymond St. Laurent. the members. It is no small task. top game of the day in state c.ir- son last week with a win. The ; 4 In hts decision handed counsel cle Included a talk by the guest relations with all countries, pheasants,, grouse, woodcock and mage on the gfound. winning score. Zinchuk also or both Interests today. Judge first meeting Is scheduled for Oc­ The maid of honor wore wine- of non-support of hi.* child and ^flss Leta Webster, president of The Knights have the available clea at Storrs. power laden backfield is headed by speaker. Miss Mary Barber, ele- especiall.v the United' States, Bri­ Bob Tedford Shine* tered the seventh point when fules ruled thgt the town water tober 27. colored velvet and fuchsia taffeta. was ordered by the court to pay the Soropttmist, local classification Prutty Majewski of the North gray squirrel. At the first sign oi Homecoming Day to Be nientnry aupcr\’lsor of East Hart­ tain, the Soviet union and Latin Bijf I.eaKue Display Bob Tedford wa* all over .the raced through the left aide of th| jfopartment was liable lor the The fitted bodice of the velvet and S7.00 a week and pay two months club, Ml.ss Marion Tinker and Mrs. Public Records End and Gunner Rick, 200 pound dawn they swarmed out of the T-5 Joseph Kllmck, of 72 Wells ford schools, who gave a splendid hack payments under threat of a American powers.) W. J. Taylor, pa.st president and for an average of 12.5 per at­ field on the defense for the locaU. Manchester line. , layment of damage for the sec- address on "The Relatlonahlp of the skirt of taffeta With headdre.is pipnging fullback. Majewski cap­ cars and spread out through the j Observed; Christian to street, waa discharged yesterday of wine feathers. She carried an past secretary respectively, will tempt. Among his four touch­ East • Hartford High’s well Playing his beat game of the year. Manchester received the kickh nd, third and fourth collapse of Mothers artd Daughters,” stressing 30-day jail sentence, execution of Eagles-’Skiiis tured the hearts of the fans who fields and woods. All kinds of dogs I from the U. S. Army at Fort arm bouquet of yellow roses. \yhich Judge. Yules suspended. represent the club at the tenth an­ downs is a 69-yard sprint, the witnessed this three year veteran Shake Lineup; Game organized and drilloil band and Tedford made tackle Softer tackle. and Beauregard carried to .•tot water tanks due to the fact the Importance of . the Christian longest touchdown jaunt this year. were u.scd. Pointers, setters. | Myer, Virginia. The bride’s mother wore a black Campbell atated that he waa Kiwaiiis to Hear nual New England Regional con­ Warrantee Deeds of the European theater of war completely outfitted gave .-i He was the only Reef and White East Hartford 40 for d first doe •4iat the defendant •‘did not notify home, and the understanding of re beagles and .spaniels, springers; To Start at 2 p. m. the first by the locals In the gan dre.ss and hat with aqua trim and unable, to obtain work and had ference In Worcester, which opens John C. and Marie A.' Flynn to Top Pro Game Baugh has completed 32 out of last week. A fast, shifty runner, and cockers. i marching exhibition at half­ player who actually played heada- 5 he plaintiff ahead of time that lationship of mothera and daugh­ William Strimlke artd Amelia F. 53 tosses including three payoff Beauregard fumbled and Four Mr. and Mrs. Allan S. Taylor, of aqua gloves, and the mother of the been unable to keep up the pay­ Noted Speaker this evening with a banquet at the the team’s offense is centered It’s a good thing that every shot I time yesterday equal to that up football 'on the losing .side of VUi mains would be shut off or ters. Group singing was led by bridegroom wa.s also attired in Hotel Sheraton, that city. Llss, property located, on Bran­ passes. Storrs, Oct. 20—The University recovered on the 34. After faillnl * h a t an excessive volume of, wa 56 Henry atreet, have returned Mrs. Herbert McKinney, with Fred ments ordered when he ahd his around the ex-GI did not bring down a bird for' , .. .u __ seen at college games. the ledger. from a trip through the Lltchfl'ld black with fuchsia trim and blajk wife separated two years ago. The guest speaker at the after­ ford street. In another outstanding clash, Pat Murdock , another former ! The locals received s break on tp gain Threlfall punted to MoII^ • er would be taken, causing a ce- Rogers at the piano. Three Unbeaten Teams there would riot be any left. N ev-! m Th% band played both school who w-aa brought down on the Hills, and a visit with friends in accessories. Both mothers wore Ka’ph H. Fletcher of 273 Adams Charles Jorddn. of West Hart’- noon meeting tomorrow will be Thomas F. Collins to Raymond ^ I the unbeaten Boston Yanks. East- serviceman and French, Richards . tion for the University of Connec- and college foothnll songs and , thu opening kickoff when a pour 5.iuctlu- Villa Louisa, Bolton, this after- schedulcd/to pay an official visit the American Federation. Mrs. Plav at Green Bav Ucka. M ur^ck does the passing . a L oc^s- ! Homecoming Day in four locals 46. Failing to gain, an ex­ With the ball deep In their ov •lers the defendant liable for con- rendered the following numbers fective brakes and waa fined $20. Seward S. Tyler et al to John S. era, 1944 league champions, who ceived a fine ovation frotri the Ise, who have been spending noon at 1 o’clock, the couple will , pietcher was nrre.sted yesterday to the^ltanchostcr Kiwania Club Katherine M. Steele of the Worces­ Gibbs et al. property located on are .still nettled, over their first and was laed chiefly aa the block- , ^ years. The game will start at change^ of punts between Norm territory, Elait Hartford gambU *^ equent damages. with fine effect: "Serenade” by Jean spectators. It added much^Jo,. w-eek here. left today for their leave for a njotor trip of undis­ on Center Street at noon by Off! Monday noon. Infomied President ter club, regional director, will pre­ Jansen street. New York, Oct. 20—(JP)— Three defeat at the hands of the Cleve­ p. ni. at the Gardner Dow Memor­ iicauregard and Bill Hhrclfall and lost. Fournier attempted In connection with the collapse Brnnska, "In a Luxembourg Gar­ side. The Sprln^eld and Worces­ °***” *^r A .11 year to make this , season a good the Manchester-East Hartford home In Framingham. Maas. closed destination. F of traveling, cer Winfield Martin. J. G. ^Elder this tnoming, that,he ' teams land Rams last Sunday. The City of Looms forward wall season. ial Field. found the latter, a left-footed klcl'.-. pass and Talarski intercepted « epartroent employe that the wa- will meet Monday evening at the and black accessories. with him Rev. Ray Marcus Miller Blue-Joy Com Plosteti 111)* .tomorrow, but the prize game ability. Pockett a transplanted ! when Franklin and Maii^all capi­ Manchester'10. A bad pass from ^ Brovyn passed to Fogarty to the Strings,” directefl by Mrs. Helen was convicted on a chatge of in­ ifivolves the once-beaten Philadel­ field stars to throw at the Pack­ a trap shooting field. This was er was going to be shut off, on home of Mrs. George Johnson, 22 The bride is a graduate of Em- toxication ’Wednesday night- og of the Center Congregational ers,- who once again display sterl­ fullback will be at one of the talized on several breaks to earn center pushed the team back as gnj Bedford sliced off Uckle for | “ gay 27, 1940, Judge Yules-^ound Page Skinner, was very well re­ Jap War Trials phia Eagles and Washington Red­ much in evidence this morning. a 19-0 win. Connecticut outscored CnmpTield road. ceived. The cast waa aa follow.s; er.son High School. Union City, Main street and fined $10. A church of Mcrideu. Rev. Miller has iVOU/CS TWO WAVS ing as the loop's tackle slots. Pete Cordera and Mario Colon Tests the period ended. East Hartford I • hat the plaintiff should have ta,k N. J„ and w.as formerly employed a reputation of being a first class skins. The aim of most of the hunters the Presidents in first dowms, I I started a drive from the 36 to the Hildegarde Cummings. Margaret comnlaint hn

ajj, Vi 'ivA' LtiijM 4 > MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANUHES1BR, W NH., BA-mKUAT, OCTTOBER 20, 1945 PAGE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONM, ^SATURDAY, OCTOBER i o , 194» BY FONTAINE FO] 1 and stood gaping at me open rU U N E RVlLLE EOLKS/ Busine.s.s Services Offered 13 Roofing— ^Repairing 17-A Poultry and Supplies 43 Household Goods 51 mouthed. M y h’usband was horri­ Announcements Itu.sines.s Services Offered 13 fied, and the groom brought an A L L .MAKK.S of washing ma­ R E PA IR S ON washers, vacuums, A BACK to p/e-war roofing, sid­ EGGS—Strictly fresh, delivered GLASS. C AN D LE sticks, per pr, action for damages for ''assault and battery,” which o f t&qrae had Sense and Nonsense W IL L Board a child at my home. chines repaired. 10 .venr.s’ exper­ beaters, irons or What have you. ing, Insulation, new ceilings, direct from farm to consumer. $1; occasional chair, walnut fin­ Classified ESMEsB^Sire > Qassified to be paid. There was consider­ 18 Drive D, Silver Lane Momc.s. ience. Call A. Brewer, 2-0549. Pick-up and deliver. The Friendly paperhanging, • painting, etc. Phone 2-1430. I. ish arms, tapestry covering $8; F ix -It, Shop, 718 North Maim "Large savings, time payments, antiques, wooden Ice skates able gossip about the petty, stupid Examine things with an open Druggist (to his new clerk)— EDITOR, rewriter, offers criti­ BOOKKKEPI.Nt. and Accounting Telephone 4777, W. Burnett. free- estimates. Tel. 7014. The FOR S A LE — Forty. 3',4 months old $1.25; solid walnut wardrobe with AdvertiseiL,nts 1 ^ ^ X , affair, and aome of my husband's Advertiseiiients barred -cross pullets, $1.25 each. friends said—I quote Leslie — mind. The average person, "instiad One thing to remember la to try cism. revieion, mnmiscript.<*. records 'tept weekly Ba.anced Apex Home Remodeling Corp. plate glass mirror in door $20; to get the cusbomcr to buy aome- W A LTE R .S(THIll,TZ, 8’/ Congress 310 Woodland street. Tel. 2-0565. “What can you expect from a of uprooting his prejudices, whlte- poems, play.s, ica.sonablc, Farn-. monthly for tnenme ta_x purposes, Woblln rugs all kinds $1 to $20; For Rent F o l - ^ m I** th to .- If he aska for something 5 ^ *^ Af 1^**“ Ilf If*® !^or R e n t F or Sale street. Asi.es ar.c rubbish remov­ ROOFING, A3BESTf)S sidewalls, gypsy?" WBshc.s them and' presents them ham Biireuii, 6 Rcacon street, cohfljentlal notary public. Phone Rekreator electric 'reducer $50; back to my husband and was the that we haven’t got, promise him ed I,.oca. rrgckirig. Tel 2-1.588. eavestrot gh , conductors. Nu- FOR SALE-Fat Turkeys, live or _ T o fluy My Marriage Doesn’t Take , This decided me, for with all as principles. T o SeU Suite 70."). Bo.slon. .Ma.*.*!. 3627 days or evenings. Men’s overcoats $1; studio couch T o Sell cause of ona hell of a row, *n that we’ll get It for Him, If he T o B u y -vood ceilings and Interior walls dressed. Tel. Manchester 7733 Chapter XIV i the unplcaiwntncss I'd had more maple arms and back $22; maple which he told me 1 was ruining doesn't want to wait, try to get ■^VE HAVE the genuine Aor-o-so WANTKD-t A LL k i n d s elec­ n U A R A N TE E D RADIO Servlc.e, Wood shin,.ling, -general repair­ after 6 p. m. I was soon plunged up to my than enough and honestly felt I Definitions child's erfb 26 by 52 $12; suit­ his career. him to buy something else In the DDT Bomb a.s made by Bridge­ tric wiling and repairing. , Any "(-•onipletp cleaning and eheck-up ing Free e.'ttimate 75me pay­ eyebrows in English society, in would be doing him a favor to Heaven: A place where you can BROILERS arid Fryers Ready to cases $1; walking canes, plain same line. Do you understand? port Braa.s for the armed serv- size lob given prompt attention- of vour radio $3 00, All make.« ments Louts l.,avigne. Manches­ which i felt like the proverbial; leave him. I told -him exactly stay in bed all day without get­ cook 4.3c lb. Also I ' i lb. squab and carved 25c, $1; por‘ 3blc oil New Clerk— Yes, sir. - icc,>i. Ilold.4 enough solution to rail 397.5 before 7 p. m rn.llos repaired Expert service. ter toofing Call 7-142». Rooms Without Board 59 fish out of water. ! As weeks went by, I saw less how I felt about our altuation; ting hungry. Lost and Found 1 broilers $1 each. Place ordjr now heater $2; coal and wood circu­ A short time later a customer do lOn average room.s. Kill.s tlle.s, Military tra'inlng Phone 4.553. I found out that my husband and less of my husband. He was a also that, as a married woman, I Economic Security: It Is not Wed. and Sat. deliveries. Phone lating heaters, medium size $25; FU RN ISH ED room to rent. Near club man and liked the society of was legally of age and therefore employcra who give Jobs to men, came in asking for a particular I ' ! [jOST—Square brown leather zip- moequitoe.s, gnnt.s. ants. cock­ .a s h e s a n d RUBBLS'H removed. PICTURE Fp..'MING Have that placed his career above everything Millinery— Dre.ssmaking 19 2-0617. Converted oil heater, black $12; bus line. Inquire 21 (Thurch else. He had a splendid record other men. Unfortunately we had Intended leaving at once for it Is the consumers who buy the brand of cold creaiil. U ’^ r billfold between Weldon's roaches. fleas ami moths. S3.98. Also light trucking. Call 5008. special picture framed Special New Clerk— I’ m sorry, but we Glenwood oak coal heater $15; street. from the World W ar and intended nothing at all In common besides Buenos Aires to fulfill my contract product. , D ru f atore and Bidweir*. Re-' Manchester Plumbing Soppily. rat ' for.mirttary .subjects. Work DRESSM AKING and alterations. j-FOR S A LE — Four, year old Jersey on burner water heating unit don’t seem to have any cold OIL BUR.NEKS serviced and re­ entering the diplomatic or intelli­ hunting, and It was very dull for with Camlllo Bonettl. Conservative: A man who re­ *ward. Call 8217. Cq.. 877 -Vtaln street. Tel. U?fr. called for and delivered. Call Monday to Friday, 9 a. m.‘ to 4 cow. good familv cow, tested and $10; mirrors all sizes 25c to $1; (T o Be Continued) cream. But we have some awfully placed. Warm air furnaces re­ gence service, since his left arm me. I missed my work and did not members when baking powder Mar Chester 7671. .. p. m. Evenings by appointment. I bred $100! (^tall 5722, 4 poster bed.s, twin or full size. Apartments, Flats, fine varieties, o f cold.soda pop. I I iOST— Black and tan police doR. paired and replaced For frril in­ had been badly shattered when know what to do with myself. out-sold face powder and leg- 5!adcline ■ Freeman, 71 South Ivory finish $10;' mahogany sleigh Tenements 63 So what vvlth one thing and an­ t 3 Answers to Captain. Reward 38 Automobiles for Sale 1 formation call Van Onrhp Bros. E X PE R T I,;(n(lHcaping. grading., FOR -SALE —Saddle horse, must he wa.s wounded In France. He 9 makc-up. Main street. Phone 8885. bed with box springs $25; 3 pcs. other, I began to suspect ouf mar­ Am erican' Diplomat; A person We are still puzzled about how i -Wells street -15 years’ experience! Tel. 5244 tree removing-and .shrub prun­ sell for bam room. 22 Depot 4 ROOMS’ and bath in Bolton, had had several unsuccessful op­ 1934_ HUDSON; rumble, ae.-it walnut modem bedroom suite, erations on It which eventually riage had been a mistake but tried who thinks it easier to give In to Interpret a vacation post card Free inspections! ing. E. A. Bernard: Tel, 7585. street, Buckland. Adults only. Middle-aged pre­ Social Situations iST— Gold identiftcation brace- coupe, radio,ithd heater $19.5. Call twin bed. chifferobe and dressing to put up with It all to the best of have to give them all the lease- wo received this past kummer. It Moving—Trucking— ferred. Write Box AK, Herald. led to his being invalided out of Marietta Conrad. In vicinity Willimantfc 474W3. CARPE.''fTER work of all klnd-s. O IL BURNERS cleaned, serviced tabic $60;"twin spooj. beds $15; the army. He had many fine qual'' my ability. Then one day my old have a give them all the leauie reads: ■ Storage 20 "Wish you were here. Going to M ain street. Telephone 4614. General repairs. Kitchens re- and installed, Tel. 2-0461. George' Articles for Sale 45 .odd chairs of all kinds, 50c to FOR R E N T 4-room heated Ities, blit when ■ I married him, friend. Sergeant Major Carruth- The Situation: You feel you lend they want anyhow. FOB 'SALK 1911 .N'a.sh Amb. 8 $15; new mahogany chest on he seemed far older thaii his 26 ers from the guards’ barracks, must Insist on pajdng a check be­ leave In the .morning.” .modeled, ridditlons, painting. Fred McMullIn, 704 Parker street. LOCAL MOVING and trucking. apartment, ready No. 1st. Adults. lUND—Black leather tool kit -ffpecial deluxe sedan, radio, .heat­ chest $30; new mahogany dresser years, and his nerves had suf­ gave me a female bull puppy. To cause- your companion paid It the Laugh ' ^ Sleffcrt. Tcl. 2-0'253. , Inquire 28 Foley street. Phone W rite Box SM, Herald. Parker street. Call Hartford er artd other ncce-ssorle-s. 1,78';; o v e r h e a d garage door, fir With mirror $35. Large assort­ fered, like those of many other avoid arguments. I told Leslie 1 last time you were together, . Build yourself a strong box, Did Woman— M y poor' man, It REFRIGERATION SERVICE 6718. •4466. Spruce. Telephone OO-'iH. OLD FLOORS SANDED 8:8 X 9 feet, $20. Telephone 6023. ment china and glass pieces, men who had- been in war. Ho had bought the dog. Wrong W ay: Say, "It Is my Fashion each part with care; must be dreadful to be lame, btit Laying and finishing. Grunow. Coldspot. Crosley, was a stickler for punctuality and She was a big awkward crea turn. You paid the check last Fit It with hasp and padlock. thfnk how much worse It would be 1942 PLYM O U TH . deluxe .4edan, AU STIN A. CTHAMBLRS Com- CHRIST7VIAS Gifts of filet cmch«t books and novelties. Just arrived, Wanted to Rent 68 ■ J. E. -Jenseri, Westlnghouse, and all other makes decorum, and an cxccUcnt officer, ture and not house-broken, which Put all your troubles there. to be blind. heater; 1940 , Plymouth sedan: pany. Trailer van service. Local at moderate prices. For fine run­ too late for pricing, 8 pcs period __ Announcements Tel. Wllllmahtl,c 9928 evenings. CommercinI and Domestic. WANTED TO RENT -3-4 room hut he wanted everything done was an unfortunate, combination Right Way: Say. "’I’d like to Hide therein all your failures. Poor Man—Thaf's right, lady, I heater and, ,radio; 1940 Dodge moving, packing and atorage. ners and davenport sets. Call dining room suite,^ 4_ pcs, modern bedroom suite, 9x12 American unfurnished apartment by young with- military precision, and- 1 -with the pearl-gray carpets of pay the check, please.” Comment­ And each bitter cup you quaff. tried being blind, but they Were P Y O U R HOME is a Joy. a necessity sedan, heater. Cole Motor.*, 41fi( LANDSCAPE work, '.grading, SCIENTIFIC Dial 5187. . 6951 Lady Mary Burton’s apartment Oriental rug; 9x12 Axminster quiet couple looking for a place don’t think he could possibly haje ing on whooe turn it Is to pay a Lock all heartaches within It, always alipping me counterfeit f j to your family. It represents pruning and planting of all kinds REFRIGERATION CO. found anybody less adaptable than Tlie gallant captain (as I some- rug. bookcase, 3 burner ^enamel since June. Please calk 5740. check makes one sound very cal­ Then— money. years of aavings and effort; It is 1937 O.M.C. cab over engine Phone, Ddnuvan. 7210. FOR S A L E —8 H.P. LeRoi pump tlmca called my husband) simply 37 Oak St. Phone; 2-1226 gas range, 3 pcs. overstuffed llv- 1 was to his way of life. culating and money-conscious. Sit on the lid and laugh! worth protecting. McKinney ton steel body; 1927 Wllly.s Painting— Papering 21 and new dump cart, white enamel We. moved to a beautiful apart- could not be patient about her cOupe. Brunner’s. SO Oakland Pl.U.MBER. atenmfltter. pump ne RADIO REPArRING Pick-up coal and wood stove. Call 2-1500. ■ Ing-room suite with slip covers, Following actually happened at Brothers, real estate and insur- Houses for Sale 72 mcnt*lu Buckingham Gate, Just in shortcomings and hit her brutally Tell no one of its contents, .street. Open ’till 7 p. na. Phone rhanic. Carl Nygrcn. 15 Sou'l service Radios checked at the CONTRACTORS Interior and ex­ We buy and selj- used, household Strange Job OBJ) (Overseas Replacement De­ ance. Phone 6060 or 7432. terior painting, paper hanging. TOOL MAKER’S Gerstner t^I front of'-the guards’ barracks, several times. W e had a nasty Never its secrets share, pot) at Greensboro, North CarO' 5191 street rcl. 6497 home. Store open all day .Man- furniture. The Old Mill, Mason FOR SALE— Four room pre-war which Leslie had rented furnished row, and I told him that the best Specializing in spray painting, chest with tools $30. 257 Spruce Drop In your cares and worries. I ANTED— Ride to Colt’s. Hart- chestej Radio Service. 73 Birch strept. South' Coventry. single, large unfinished room up­ from Lady Mary Burton,- a rela­ way to get on the wrong side of One of the strangest Jobs In the )inc. X equipped to handle large spray­ street after 6 p. m. Keep them forever there. The Captain had onJy one com­ ford. Leave Manchester 6:30 a. FLOOR MACHINES street. Telephone 2-0840. stairs hot water heat,garage and me was to iiUcrfcre with my do^. world Is "the keeper of the look­ BENSON’S Feature the best in tive of his late mother's. Hide them from sight so com plaint with the new Sergeant In . m., return 3:30 p. m. Tel. 2-1188. Auto .-Xceessorics— Tires G ing contracLs. McKinney & Fenn. well landscaped lot. Call owner 1 used to gross'the--road from Ho stoniicd and sulked and that out of the, Cinque ports” in Eng­ FOR RENT ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION Telephone 2-0106. Manchc-ater. FOR S A L E —Loam $6.00 per load. good bedding. Cotton-felt mat- 2-1692. land. This personage scans the pletcly his office. USED PARTS for sale. Used parts the apartment to the guards’ rid­ evening got all dressed up In tails Tho world will never dream half. [ UCE CREAM to carry out. Pints of SERVICE Call -8570, 7 to- 9 a. m. or after 7 'tress'$15.95. Maple twin beds horizon daily for hostile ships and The Sergeant would not answer of-Model A Ford: 2 motors, radi­ Sanders and Polishers. PROPERTY Owners Attention. p. m. ing school and talk to the old ser­ and went out somewhere, not re­ Fasten the top down securely Treat's extra rich ice cream. No Servicing All Makes of Commercial complete S39.50. Best quality FOR S A L E —One 6-room single geant major about dogs and turning till after I had been asleep is paid $5.50 annually. the telephone. (Sherbet. Bidwell’s Soda Shop. ators and Rheli. transmission, Paperhanging and painting, in­ irnfittress and box spring outfit and one small 3-room house, Then— ' Captain I emphatically T — You McfHLL-CONVERSE. INC. and Domestic Refrigeratlmr U. 8. Army Pup tents. $3 95 each horses. He was a nice old soul for hours. S it- theJldLEitd.laugh. 1 527 Main street. pi.stons, shaft.*. Also 19.36 V-8 side or outside. Large savings. $69,50. Folding steel cots $19,05. water, lights and heat. 8 acres on. really must answer the telephone 645 Main St. Tel 6887 Franklin P. Llpp Wm. H Brandt Bninner’s. 80 Oakland street. and taught me a lot about horses The puppy 'who was sleeping Escape Drouth parts. Call 7010 after 7:30 p m. New block ceilings. Estimates Best In crib mattresses. Budget of land on highway —Bucking­ when it rings, sergeant. IW A N T E D — Ride- to State street. TELEPHONE 4762 Open ’till iO p. m. Tel. 5191. and their care. In the course of on my bed. heard him come in, A atore clerk joined the army SHEET .METAL WORK hot air 118 Keeney St. Manchester, Ct. furnished free! Phone Apex 7014. terms. ham. See Wm. Kanehl. Tel. 7773 these visits, I told him about tiic African lungflsh have the power Sergeant— Yes, sir, but It seems L , Hartford. 9-6 shift. Vicinity of and rcmemherlhg the blow he had and gravitated Into the supply de­ MtNutkl 9yii4l«*l*. Itt furnace repairing. New hot air circus and showed him some tricks given her. she flew al him and of filling their alrbladdcrs and Billy. Nine times but of ten it’s for 5 X North End. Telephone 5861. Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 P A IN T IN G ANT) f*aperhang1ng MR. BROW N wants odd pieces of FO R SA LE -r7 room single housa portment. Not being used to the and air conditioning fumacea In­ Fuel and Feed 49-A I could do on a horse. This got bit him thrqugh the wrist. Of burying themselves in mud. thus you. and wallpaper. John P. Sullivan. furniture, old glass, china, bric- in a nice location. Not new but in cxaclne.ss of reports req\ilred, he I *;W ANTED—2 riders, vicinity of stalled. Eave» trough and con­ Household Services course It had to be the one that escaping the effects oP prolonged Phone 4260. SEASONED Firewood, for stove, a-brac, toys, steins and antiques very good condition. A ll cohven-' got the dickens for not making ■ OsntCT o r We s t side. Arriving in FOR .SALE GIRL’S hlivele in- ductor repairing. Norman Bentz, Offered 13-A had been Injurieff' and had just drouth. BY EDGAR MARTIN furnace and fireplace. Aliin sea­ to be sold at auction. WHi buy ience* with many attraction* out a paper in minute detail. . No Hard Fe^Hfigs Hambrd 8 a. m. leaving 5 p. m. good condition. Call 84.51. 8966 PAINTING AND Paperhanging.- come out of the cast. The next BUUTS AND HER BUDDIES soned slabwood. Tel. 4225 or outright or sell on conmgnment. which make .It a very desirable rerslsfent Thieves Shortly after he had taken the CU RTAINS. Hand laundered, , Good work. Reasonable rates. morning he said , she had to go, WPCT.DOCSX Telephone 6457. i' FOR SALK 1937 Indian n>ief 8642.. Phone Windsor 14S1, reverse home. CJall Owner, 5733. balling out, a soldier came In: BtSV VM3W) VAfiWY AIR CONOITIONED UNITS called for and delivered, 24-hour Raymond Fiske. Phone 3384. and insisted upon knowing wh)?re Soldier— Yoii Ju.st Issued me a fW t ■'VS. WtVV ,AV!tS5?5 083L wax xo LI motorcycle, good crmditlon, ilriv- charges. The Hartshome, Okla., postof- OOR ’ PfM H W X S. f t^NTERESTrtip in Astrology? New - INSTALLED service. Write Box N. Herald. BONDS for had bought her—so I told him pair o f shoes and one lace is miss­ ? ( xv\sx leim D O V 3t- j i simplified co’srespondence' course. en only 22.(100 mile.*. Price $2.50, FOR SALE — SINGLE House- frankly that she was a present flce was robbed twice in 1934. The <3? AVvt .■XI FOR SALE-pCombination baby's ing. t»0 M- Individual instruction. For par- Can be ,‘ioen all day .Sunday at Hot Air Furnneea Installed Garden— Farm— Dairy Telephone 3734. from Sergeant Carruthers and postmaster finally act a bear trap Flor i st s— N u rse r i es 15 Private Instructions 28 high chaipxAlso some odd chairs. New Student of Army Red CKW L? ^ ,X X *t V ticulars (or Inquire) P. O. 867, - Maple Grocerj’ .Store. Route 44 and React. Products 50 tlioVICTOBS that I had no intention of giving for the thlevpB. They called again Tape—^Which one? Bolton, dr tel. 7010 . after 7;30 Tel. 36; VACANT 7 room single at No. 17 her back. That really started and took the trap. ■ eot Grand Central Anh^x, New 'Vork. Kave.strougha and Conductora. FOR SALE — Asparagus. Marv P R IV A T E LESSONS for children XWL . p. m. FOR S A LE — Yellow globe turnips. Spruce street. 4 bedrooms, hot something, tor he raved at me Washington, 35-$1.00. 100-$2 7^ in reading and arithmetic. XCRViXXCWt? All Types Sheet Metal Work. Inquire 472 Highland street. Tel. water heat with oil burner. Lava­ for my lack of respect for hla posi­ Thousands of perennials. 4-85c ELO C U TIO N — Speech problems ^O ^ S A LE —Maple bed and spiral 2-0267 tory on flrst floor. Fireplace, 2- tion in accepting a present from FUNNY BUSINESS MANCHESTER and up. Daphne, large plants* corrected—clear diction—articu­ / spring. Call 5902. FOR SALE- BOY^ Bicycle. In­ car garage. Good neighborhood. a "sergeant. i HIGH DOLLAR 85c. Evergreens. Chrysanthe­ lation. White Studio (Johnson K IE F F E R Pears for canning. quire 23 Apel Place. SHEET METAL WORKS For price and t^rms call McKin­ That afternoon I took my puppy mums. Chnter’^s double ^Jlolly- Block 1, 709 Main street. Phone a basket. Gilnack Farms, ^ u th 1 Cash Waiting for Business 21 Y-eara' Experience 2-1392. Machinery and Tools 52 ney Brothers. 505 Main street. and my belongings and went to hockfl. 3-50c. 12-$1 50, Free— Mrs. Main street. Phone 6121./ • Properties — City or Coun- Wanted Autos— PHONE .5413 OR 6414 Telephone 6060-5230-7432. a hotel near mother. This was 2 try Homes — RnildinR Ijots Lord Lothian Bell Shasta Daisy NEW GARDEN tractors, stanch­ one of many bad rows, and In the Motorcycles 12 E LE l'TR IC (ihd Acetylene weld­ with every $1 00 order of peren­ Help Wanted—Female 35 ions. water bowls, plows! Bar- FOR- S A LE — 4 room house, apace end I had to go back, 'for both —> Farms Summer Cot- ing. No lob too large or too nials. John Zapatka, 168 Wood­ Household ^Goods 51 my. motherland my father-in-law WAV TED--WE NEED iiaert car* rows, -sawrigs, milking machines. for 2 rooms upstairs, hot water J taRfcs — Woodlots. .small. All work guaranteed. land street. Telephone 8474. W A N T E D — Girls and young wom­ carried on to such an extent that and paj toft price* Caah talk* FOR SALE^—Electric range, maple Dublin Tractor Company. WIlll- heat and oil. nice lot, locatira. T .nM*».*wr 4S8- f Whatever You Have To Sell Parker Weldlnt Co., 166 West en *ln all departments. Steady mantio. - ' Tel. 7043. there was nothing else to do. and We have It Stop and get our Middle run.,like. Te! .3920.' daybed, cojfee table, arm chair, offer Cole Motor#—4164. Job, good pay, pleasant surround­ rug 9x106, maple dinette, bed- 4 C A L L 8254^ Heattni;— r.liirohin}f 17 ings, Tober Baseball Manufac­ BY V. T. HAM I4H LIG H T rRUCKINO, ashes an«3 roony^t, 2 overstuffed chairs, Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 Lots for Sale 7S Then he went to a place called A LLE Y OOP Can’t Take It FURNADES, ALL sizes in stock turing, Elm street, Manchester. chest of drawers, cellarettr,' and rubbish removed reasonable, Tel. Tring, where Lord Rothschild’s w ll here t a m Business Services Offered 13 'LOCX' ISN’T THAT \ 9UT CjLIMPSE TNS A E . . Ij o n e s r e a l t y 3661. Ldw aj> $99, Devino Company W A N T E D — Woman to do house­ pther Items. Call 3734. " FOR S A LE — Brown Chesterfield DESIRABLE building lot on stag hounds hunted till late In the BACK AT TH’ ' ASHES AND RUBBIBH removed Poet Office Box 1007, or Water- j coat, size 16-18. Very, good con­ Strickland street 65'xl44’. All season. There we sBiyed with sonic 1 HOUSE.. BUf W A T E R M A N ’S Pensonal errand work three forenoons a week.^ FOR S A LE — Coal and gas com­ FRIEND. MR. ^ 115 Main street Attics, cellars and yanis cleaned burj 3-38.58, dition $22, 98 liValnut street. improvementa. TeL 2-0838. friends of Leslie’s at the hotel for .service, local package delivery. Box WB, Herald. bination range, 3 years old. Prac­ At-UEV— OUT ( HUBBA \ 6?tAT SECRET R. Camposeo. telephone .5848 o the last mecL My husband intoml- M hS j o / HUBBA, I SORROW.' Light trucking. Tel. Man. 2-0-7.52. tically new. Inquire 139 Glenwood FOR S A LE — 2 coats, white bunny cd to follow the hunt from point to 7487. RoofinR_.RepairinR 17-A HOUSEKEEPER wanted Jbr 2 Wanted—Real Estate 77 9RUSH/ ( Tick.TICK. people, lady invalid. No laundry, street. and gold fitted, size 14. Like new. point In the frlcnd.s'. car. W e were V S licked MASON WORK, chimneys cleaned Telephone 2-1354. having breakfast In ^ the coffee ALL CARPENTER work done. EXPERT R E PA IR S of shingles pleasant surroundings, good pay. CHICK.' J\ IjjI and rebuilt, outside firepl'aces. j T A P P AN White enamel gas stovp, IF YO U want quick reeulta in room with them, when 1 happened Repair Jpb.5 and porches.' Call slate, composition and tin roofs Box U, Herald." Telephone 2-0418. . L 4 burners left-hand side, oven GIRL'S Garbardine ski suit and selling your property, call The to look out of.tite window at the 8862., Rebuilding and repairing of. I and'broiler. Good condition. Rea- two winter coats, size 10. Also Cioodchildfl, Manchester 3898, be­ stable yard and saw a drunken WOOD tTlTPING, plowing, re­ chimneys and flashings. E. V W A N TE D — Woman for house­ FOR SALE r e p a i r i n g a n d Reflnishing pdhable. Call 3275. white Ice skates, size 4. Tel. 4333. tween 11 a. m. and 5 p. m., other groom, who was holding a horse moval of- trpeS, nls'j grading done. Coughlin. 390 Woodland street work. full or oart time. Small times Hartford 2-0779. (Jffice 15 V' chairs, caning, rush and read. family. Call 5052. by the bridle, close under its FIVE-ROOM SINGLE^ Edward E. Fish, 104 CTleetnul Atme Latulippe, 758 Vernon Phone 7707. WE HAVE the finest assortments Forest street. iriouth. striking the animal again street. Tel. 5()7'i Wanted— To Buy 38 Booms all on one floor. street. Tel. 3688. ONE SHIRT press operator.- One o f kitchen linoleums, also tUe and again with his clenched fist, ROOFtNC - SPECIAIJZTNQ in and wall coverings, Manchester Steam heat and garage. girl for wrapping bundles; New G ATH ER U P bundled paper, rags, W A N TE D — 6 room pre-war house full on the muzzle— the most sen­ R/VI!4QE BURNERS and power repairing roofs of all kinda, also Floor' Covering Center. 468 Hart­ Immediate occupancy. Lo­ burners of all makea and Kinds new roofs No Job too small or Mifdel Laundry, Summit street. metals for highest prices, (ball or In Manchester. Call 2-0384. sitive part of a horse. The animal -•«k_ ford road. CaU 5688 or 6759. was rearing aqd bleeding, and this 1020 cleaned and adjusteu 10 years’ large. Goon work, fair price Free write Wm. Ostrinsky, 182 Bissell cated on Eldridge street. was too much for me. I was out V' rJ REAL ESTATE experience. TeL 2-1731. 44 Main estimatCH Call Huwley. Manches­ FO R 9 A L E — White enamel coal street. Tel. 5879. PRICE ...... $7,200. Help Wanted— Male 36 Legal Notices of the dbor like a shot before any street. ter 5361. range, price $40. Inquire 301 Hil­ BY MERRILL BLUSiiEB WANTED TO Buy—Baby grand of them knew what was happen­ FKKrKl.KS AND H!S FRIENDS Wonderful Ride Will pay cash for your prop­ WANTED Experienced sheet liard street, 12 to 3 p. m. I.iq i’OB PKBMIT OBcisl Surf Ptoto TWO-FAMILY DUPLEX piano, Steinway preferred. Call Shoals the Sun. Lt. I jg) K. K. Ballard, ing, picked up an empty bucket, erly — anywhere in Man­ metal .worker. Steady year NOTICE OF APPLICATION and whanged the groom over the —Steam heat. Two-car ga­ GOOD USED furniture bought 6500. Tills Is to Rire notice that I. EDITH Naval alt* navigator, Carlsbad, N. I f '(ou'a (SO t h r o u o h w it h Th e VwAsiYnjiiNe" around^ work for Jobbing con­ in it ia t io n , WE LL. DESTROy ' THOSE TO DESTROY Those chester. Bolton. Vernon or and sold. We handle stoves, heat­ K. ORENON of U. 8. Route 8. An­ Mcx., in astra-dome of N.ivy bbmbcr head with it. The narrow rim of rage. Shed. Large lot. Ia>- tractor. Good wages. Call 8966. the bucket cut his head open, and SKLCMKISH PICTURES WE HAVE' PICTURES, B i# THIS South Windsors, No delay. ers. stove parts and pipes Open dover, have tiled an application dated did her part to whip the Nips. Victory nPF.::! cated on Woodbridge street. Rooms Without Board 39 October 13, 1945 with the Liqjior Con­ he started yelling blue murder. “ Not trophies-?-thcy’re for my weekend guests to use I” IS ALMOST TbO evenings. Jones' Furniture Store, Bonds will help her finish the job. PRICE ...... $7,650. SHORT ORDER cook,, experienc­ trol Commission (or a'Package Store- i', S-TrfJsury Vc/>jrfmcnt Everybody ran out of the hotel TIUm Howard R. Hustings ed. Apply at Tea Room, 883 Main 36 Oak street Tel. 2-1041. FOR RENT .— Furnished light Liquor Permit for the sale of alco­ street. housekeeping room, suitable for holic liquor on the premisee, U. 8. Real Estate Specialist VENE3T1AN blinds, regnilarly sold Route 6. next to Qrenon'a Gas Station, See 1. 109 Foster street. Phone 6388. BY GALBRAITH at $7.20, price $3.50 Installed. Andover. By Dick Turner SIDE GI.ANCES ^ 101 Phelps Road The business Is owned b y . EDITH CARNIVAL WANTED—TWO FIRST-CLASS Also window shades. W ill bring K. GRENON. of U. 8. Route 8. An­ , Stuart J. Wasley Phones 4842 or 2-1107 painters. , Raymond Fiske, 3384. samples. Phone Hartford 6-7018 FOR R E N T — Furnished room, dover, and' win be conducted by Real Estate and Inanrance Insurance Mortgages evenings. near Main street. Tel. 2-1677. EDITH K. GRENON. af U., 8. Route State Theater Building WANTED-. Reliable driver for 6. Andover, as permittee. EDITH K. OniENON. ' Telephone 6648 - 7146 range oil deliveries. Steady work, PLEASANT, comfortable, well Dated. October 13. 1945. good pay. Write Box MB, Herald. Knitted Socks heated single room in private Reatl Herald Advs. hoine. Gentleman preferred. Tele­ r lf'C 5V T h e p ^ ji. Agents Wanted 37-A phone 8183! All-Occasion 5773 ■COFR BYUgA SCBVlCt. T. M. Wtq 0- »• AG ENTS Sensational. Money­ REAL ESTATE MST1NGS / TO BE SOLD! maker! Solid aluminum cigarette Nabbed in KREl) HARMAN lighter, barrel awitch. Lifetime O f AO gypsa W*u>**d! RED RYDER A Lskrge Two-Family Dwelling in a Centra) Location. Each ■ ------jO S E -TH ’ sheriff.' gift item. Retails $5. Sample $2, Cssb Avail) [ RE~A3R5cfULLTi JOSE RE,’V>^C5 N KlS HlfrSOUT -“ ( E l JERIF-” \ \ I CATE IO arrestARRI TOO apartment has 6 roqms, bath and. imntry, targe open poaches, refundable. Mohawk, 152 W est warm air heat and there is a two-car garage. . >• '— —I r—-* V FOR IH' MUROEMURDER CMCeu 42nd, New York. JARVIS REALTY CO. 6ECAJSE KSA-AOtE. ...•^ t I I f c l '•^eekis.deesgrace! f Office 4112 ^ IUbhl*4M« 7278 _ ,'PAPA ASD StCetET- Here is a good J-Room Single of pre-war eonstructiuii. Colo- Weekdays sM Sandays ANiTAf 1 105E HOSEX nlal fireplace,p, semffairsemffalr condition heat with oil burner. Beautiful Dogs—Pets—Birds 41 ASD1 A"V ACCUSE FOR kitchen. Lot is well landsea|>ed. All rooms on flrst fltmr. Lo­ nuRDER UXU401 'DO' cated on West Side, convenient to bus line. FO R SALE — To clear .them' out, 9 weeks old coon hound puppies, $10 each. Call 8608. Will You Be Sorry ROBERT .1. SMITH, INC. Real Estate and Insurance DACHSHOUND, male, black, 1% 963 filAU^ STREET PHONE 3150 years old. 19 Lakewood Circle, When You Are Manchester. Telephone 8809. FOR SALE—Collie pups, 8 weeks Quoted A , old; cocker pups, scottle and fox terrier; 1 police pup. Zimmer­ man’s Kennels, Lake s tre e t Low Allowance le-zo .wisv»t*af»w€q_Ms» T N s«<1ks HOW ABOUT THAT NEW HOME WE WANT HOUSES Phone 6287. YES, we have cash customers for the following real prop­ On Your Car OUR BOAROIM. HOllSE MAJOR HOOPI.I YOU HAVE BEEN PLANNING? erty: — ------Live Stocks—Vehicles 42 OU’l OUR NV BRWN3 E)C£R.OS6 porated Into the several new homes we now have under construc­ Also a place with one or more acres in or'near town. duction bred stock. Your selec-. P IS L IK B \N(VLK.1N& in o n '' n TO OUT MIS-^H tion. Please call us It yon carp Ip take advantage of today’s mar- tlon. Reasonably priced. Fred You Realizi MMRTH PA EMPTY-HWvSDED.' \1 n keL W p baTe<4h«customers If yon havo the property. Miller’s Poultry Farm, North • - / -v-LET'S MOLL OVee. F&yJ XVCL^EEES OB (ARTICLES, , Coventry. Telephone Manchester Note I $ the Time JDEfAS FOR (A SIFTSOME- / ) OME JARVIS REALTY 8626. syaa cew>.wsSTN*«sssv)et.mc. T.M.)»*ftV.aew.0fF TlAiMG DEEPLV S i& t'ilf !C(AKiT, ) / Offleer 6 Dover Road Residence: ‘26 .Alexander St. ROBERT s m i t h , IN C . IMPRE&SWe.PEMiiOiUE. - ( \NtAPD VO LX E W S— ■ WOW J. Cash In iwe, “ I’m frantic! W ith plenty of meat, and gas rationing 'BOOT A , Phones 4112 pr 7275 —; Week Days and Sundays. 963 MAIN STREET PIIO.VE 3450 RlCrt LOOtClK^, HK5HLV FOR SALE—2 MILKING GOATS. ended, 1 can’t think of a single excuse to avoid a long) 'M iC E . F W ‘Money, money, money I Do you think it grows on trees UBEFO L A M D , Call 8259. visit from your fatlicr’s relatives!’* ’ COOK iM’ ^ : On A Higher Price iME'itPEhliSlYE. By Mrs. Anne Cabot (5 0 0 S E The handsome, vividly plaided IC&EY FIN N Success LANK LKUNAKD “Argyles” beloved by college and Phone 8-1818 Look Out, Easy BY LESLIE rURNER high school girls are easier to knit 8931 W A S H tU B B S than one-would think! Use a dark yB5,«MEBALBUWHlTO,VOU'eE T BUT^CAP' WELL, . WHAT THB BUTLEB WAS THEM SECRET PANELS' L— ------— f raoiA viAMgEf $» ABOUT RETIRED A FEW red* and yellow. J t sion frock ha* that new look that's •OSd® TO TBLL m e IT AND H O U R S A 6 0 J I'M , To obtain complete knitting In­ so popular—the comfortable deep- structions for the Argyie Socks ^Wiidpuyer' JMKXIT M I6S T1TE*S <50 TO P O S IT IV E , S I R ' '«t armhole, side buttoning and •teonrHBR - BCFbRE SLEEP,' (Pattern No. 5773) amalL medium graceful gored skirt. and large sizes Included, send 13 Pattern No. 8931 la designed for MB SAW Her STEP I ’L L C A L L . -VOUf ^ your name, addins and the ^ t- Sum 14, three quarter sleeve, needs BREAKFAST' tem number to Anne OaboL The 3 5-8 yards o f 39-iiich material. Manchester Herald, 1150 Sixth W ILL BR IN G For this pattern, send 20 centa avenue, New York 19, N. Y. in coins, your name, address, size It's one of the prettiest and desired, and the Patterh number to most satisfying Issues o f the Anne THE C A SH Sue Burnett, The Manchester Eve->' Cabot Album! You'll find every ning Herald, 1100 Sixth Aventw, pofsible sort of Christmas gift New York 19. N. Y. ■ WOO' R -E r ------suggestion In It—and some woji- Immediate Service The fall and winter 1945 iaitie IM B P ig E D * / v-3 » dorful’ free crochet Instructions. of Fashion is ready. Brimful. of The Album is now rosdy. Price 15 NoRetJlTdpe smart Ideas for homa sewers. 15 cents.

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