' . ■ ; V ■ - / VMS I • ^ FRIDAY, OCTOBEHl The Weather ■jM|ffl ijponoB ff Manchester Evening Herald ATcrage Daily Circulation Foraeaat o< U. 8. WOathar B For the Moatli ot Soptember, IMS Ctesw and cooler tmdafit. Son- A daughter was bom Oct. 18 l^t day fair with moderate tempera- St. Francis hospital to Mr. and 8,988 ture. A bout Town Mrs. Chester T. Kocinaki of 49 Ed­ Bfgniber ot tiw Audit ward street, B w cM ot OtrcnlntloBS Manche»ter—“A City of Village Charm tm d Mi*. D*Tid G. W eit Robert R. Bteams, of 142 El- „__ ____Ir two chJMren ot Camillft, dridge street, has returned home PRlCiB rUREB CENI after 18 months’ service over.sctis MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20,1945 ' ■ Qtaw » » ‘'•y* qa Pm * M ) ICf*. W w fa p*r«nU, Mr. and Mra. to receive his discharge under the VOL. LXV., NO. 18 ■BL- BlteaT W . MacAlplne of 103 Hen- point system with a total of 9r. Fashion Features 11 IT Captain West who has points. Mr. Steams entered the |h stationed at Fort Riley, Kan- Army in December of 1912 and rer Motorman's Legs'Amputated After Crash ■U. **** lecelved an honorable dia- ceived his training at Fort Jack Nearly HaK '•liait* trw n the Army, hnd he and son, S. C., and Camp Wheeler. Va., W ar T ria ls Ilia family will mahe their home before sailing for England in 3,000 Guests Left tak Oanllla, G*. March, 1913. As a corporal in the Weekend Shoppers Of Soldiers InfantiT he served , in Englai d, Dttusfatara of Liberty, No. U5, France and Germany and after L. L O v A;,_are requested to meet VE-Day was in Czechoslovakia Without Services Come Home this asrskiinf at X=30 at Main and with the Army of Occupation. He W ith in 6 0 W oodbrld^ streets, from whence has four battle stars on the E.T.O. they will proceed to the Holmes ribbon and holds the Combat In­ at HALEYS Funenl Hortiq, In tribute to Mrs. fantryman’s Badge and the Good Barring Unexpected De* Sarah J. Tedford who was a char­ Conduct Medal. Mrs. Stearns Is At Chicago Hotel velopments War De­ ter member and' past mistress of the former Minne MacLachlan and they have two children, Linda 500 Suspects Hel i the todire. partment Expects to Louise and Robert Jr. Palmer House Employ­ Ml*. George F. Borst. of Cam- Cuts in T ax Make Good on Goal hrldge street, attended \the board es Go on Strike at Chi­ More of 2,000 Son| meeting of the Hartford. County New York Lodge Washington, Oct. 20—(O —Five O ffer Made Yankee Air^ League of Women Voters in Hart­ cago; Called Without Bill Jumped months end one week after V-E Being Arrested Dail ford today. Here OA Nov. 3rtl Warning; All Services day, the job o f getting American F o r c e Top Prospects for Miss Amelia K. Farr, daughter soldiers home from the Atlantic T o Mediate inal List Make It Lik^ o f Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Farf^ With Exception of By Senators an<V Pacific is nearing the half­ 618 Main street, has been pledged The Royal Arch Purple Degree ! Telephones Tied Up way mark. F or ^World! ly Total Will Doubl to Delta Gamma Sorority at Syra­ will be worked in Orange Hall un­ Two Revolts A - V Barring unexpected develop­ I cuse University. MUs Farr is en- der the sponsorship of Washington h r- Finance Committee In ■ I—1 - Present Figure; loUed as a freshman in the Col­ Lodge,^ 117, Loyal Orange Lodge By The Associated Press ments the War department ex­ lege of Fine Arts preparing to on Saturday, Nov. 3, at 8 p. m. More than 3.000 guests creases Reductions by pects-to make good on the target Greater Perhaps Thm pen ter Well Satisfic it has set Itself, which Is: United States Willing major In Illustration. She is a A degre^'team from George Wash­ registered at the Palmer With Progress Ma^ graduate of Manchester high ington Lodge, L, O. L., of N.'W $279,000,000 More; All soldiers In Europe home by To Participate in Set' Aerial Strength of All school. "Vork City xlvill come to Manches­ house in Chicago were virtu­ next February m cept those need ter to put on the ceremonial. ally without any services to­ Senate to Get Bill ed In the Army of Occupation and tling Indo-China and Other Italians Com-] Tokyo, Oct. 20.—(/P)— Wij , for disposal of surplus Army prop­ Chapman Court, Order o f Ama­ A supper will be served at 8 New day when the AFL Miscella­ East Indies Unrest binedt Arnold Says trials for the first of 2,( ranth, will observe past matrons’ o’clock by Osano in the banquet neous Hotel and Restaurant Washington, O ct 20—(fl>)—Ap­ erty. Japanese on charges _ inclu(| and patrons’ night at iU meeting hall which will be followed by the proval of the Senate Finance com­ All soldiers In the Pacific home in the Masonic Temple, this eve­ degree work at 8 p. tn. Employes union went on by next June eitcept those needed New York. Oct. 20— (8’i —The Washington, Oct. 20—i/Pi—The ing sickening- atrocities ning. Mrs. Astrid Dougan will mittee was stamped today on a for occupation in Japan and Ko­ Members of outside lodges wish­ / strike at the hotel. Union of-* United States offered today to United States today has the expected to begin within serve as royal matron and Louis ing to make reservations for the bill cutting taxes a total , of $5,- rea, to man outposts such as RAYON ficials were not immediately participate In attempts to settle world’s most powerful Air Force, next 60 days, “ Approximaf Vanderbrook as royal patron. Sup- Guam and the Philippines, and to supper are advised to contact W’ll- | available for comment 629,000,000 and giving indiridual r will be served at 6:30 in the 11am J. Stratton, 35 Garden street, taxpayers alone a |2,648,0oD,0O0 dispose of sucplus property. peacefully the rebellion oKnatlves greater perhaps than the aerial ly 500 suspects now are Knquet hall by Mrs. Rollin Hitt Booked to Capacity break next year. War department figures show strength of all other nations com­ custody,” said Col. Alva at once. 100% The Palmer house and other In French Indo-Chlna and \ the and her committee. / Corporations would benefit even that Uncle Sam had in the Euro­ bined. Carpenter, Fort Wayne, Chicago- Loop, neighborhood and more, by $2,841,000,000. pean^ theater on V-E day 3,059,000 Dutch East Indiek corporation lawyer, who is dir Members of Lady Roberts DRESSES suburban hotels have been booked The use tax on automobiles and nien; In the Mediterranean 498,- John O rter Vincent, director of The estimate is Oen. H. H. .Ar­ ing preparations for one of WOOL nold’s. And in making It to a Sen­ Lodge, Daughters of S^ Geor.ge, SIMONIZING lo~C*piKtty" boats would be repealed next July 000,. in North Africa and the Mid­ the Stale department’s Office of lory’s greatest criminal trials.j who plan to attend the "school Of cases wMks—In advance. The af­ 1, for a revenue loss of $140,000,- dle East 32,000 and In the Per­ Far Eastern Affairs, made ^the ate Military subcommittee the Could Start Within Three We Instruction, Tuesday, Oct. 23, at The Body Shop Slethod .. Softly contoured— devine- fected guests at the Palmer house 000 in the last half bf 1946. sian gulf 18,000, a grand total of offer in a speech before the For­ boss of the Army Air Forces said "More are being taken in were faced with the prospect of New Haven, ape requested to ly detailed. Each fluid body The social security payroll tax 3^607.000 for the Gqrjman end of Arrow points to- Motorman L.“ O. Simmons as he lies pinned In eign Policy ssaociatton forum In the A. A. F. should have equal No, we will not wait until all boaid the 10:15 bus for New Ha­ SOLIMENE & FLAGG. Ine. line with a purpose— each using the stairways to their rooms would be frozen at 1 per cent on the war. which he also: status With the War and Navy de­ arrested to start the trials, ven, at Ann and Asylum streets, or remaining Inside without any the wreckage of his Pacific Electric train after it crashed during a 384 Center St. Xel. 5101 SPORT employers and employes again Large Percentage Likely to Stay heavy fog into a freight train In Los Angeles. A surgeon la am­ (1) Asserted that the United partments in a proposed merger of could start with Class Three < ■ Hartford Rose of New England arresting details to accentu­ services or food. ne :t year. Of this number 1,718,000 bad putating both legs and Simmons, although given several injections of States, recognizing Russia’s in­ the services. within three weeks. ’ Lodge will be hostesses. ate your charm. Glamour in F, R. Ueweller, assistant mana­ Would Get Special BeneSta been returned home on Oct. 15. morphine, is fully conscious. Thirty-five of his passengers were In­ terests .In the Far East, expects Arnold based his appraisal of Class Three jcases are thoes all its glory—elegant but not ger" of the hotel, said the strike Veterans would receive special U. S. air supremacy in part on tl.e Of the 1,889,000 remaining, a large jured, five seriously.
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