Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1944-08-24
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ST 23. 1941 ~ uno,. "ALINlIAa "~A.TII. f.I•••••• " .... All u..... ~ :1:1, AI. lI$, C5, .5"N 1u ••flalteI1j paoelSlBD fOOD ...... ",-p, Cooler AI ,..".,~ 2, ••• A5 w,•• ~ 1'6 ........0. kin 8UGU. _p. 38. tl ... P u.. ;... for II.... POA". ",.dlall.lr; ..cat stamp tI, ••d for fI,. IOWA: Fair and cool Poa .... of <nail!. ''',.... ,eap Fe..... .". "u:l 7 ...· QASOi.iN. A-12 onpoa., •••• Iilrn,iI Bopt. rta:i. DAILY IOWAN n; THE On. Plrl.. • .ad 5 ...11.... ,.. d 11Ir •• ,. S.pl. 38. li... pe"o.... e •••••• Da ....... 8Bo18. a.-riline Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ,talllp. ODe aDd t ........ ' •••flnlte), . t1VE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY. AVGUST 24. 194( VOLUME XIJV NUMBER 280 Allies Occupy Nab Nazi General IMarseille, Grenoble At a Glance- Russian Offensive NAVY SECRETARY VISITS 'IKE' Fall to Invaders Deepens 6O-Mile Ousts Premier Freed 'Paris Of Southern France Today's Drive in Romania Ion Antonescu Reds Beat Off Tighten· Noose Two Allied Forces ·1..Iowdn King Mihai Broadcasts Frequent German About Germans Within 240 Miles Capitulation; Troops * * * Counterattacks In Seine Basin Of Each Other Romania abandons axis powers. Begin Fighting Nazis announced she b joining alJies. LONDON. Thursday (AP)-The IJONDON, Thllrsday (AP) ROME (AP) - Mil- r s e .i lIe, Itwo-fisted Soviel offensive that J.lONDO I, Thursday (A P) Paris-freed yesterday by its France's second cit.y lind greatest FreDeh Second armored division, knocked Romania out ot the war Romania, Adolf Hitler's most own people-wlls reported to seaport. fell to the swift onslaught some Arne ric a n troops enter Iroared throulh Its fourth day yes- u eflll satellite, abandoned him. have been occupied early today of French infantry and armor yes Paris, newly liberated by itJ I terday, capturing Vaslui, 140 miles la . t night and annonnc d . he by the Recond Pren('h armOl'cd terday as American forces swept northeast of the Ploesti oil cen own people. wa!l joining the alii in the war Ilnd 140 miles Inland from the Medi ~ers, and topplil1l the two big division some Amel'ican I againRt the axis- a turnubont units ordercd into the city by terranean Bnd captured Grenoble Bessarabian bastions of Ti.hina to within less than 240 miles of a Allies press Germans into Seine and Cetatea-Alba on the west suggesting the imminent col Lient. 0('0. Omar N. Bradley to lap e of the whole blood-bllthed NI'II/ tht" pAtriots' "ietm·y. junction with General Eisenhow- basin lrap. bonk of the Dnestr, and more than er's legions below liberated Paris. 40 other towns. Nazi empire. 'rhm'(' slill WIlf; no commf'n t Only eight days otter the land- Disregarding developments on Mos ow imm('diat Iy ofter hom I!UPl'C'IUC Illli('d h nclqnal" ings in southern France the in- Marseille. Orenoble captured by the political front, at least tor the GEN. DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (left) In a happy mood followl..,. ward l'eportrd that fighting had lers on the Iibel'alion of the spired Poilus bottered their way Ametican. French In southern present, the Second and Third Uk- a conference with James V. Forrestal (rlrht) secretary of the navy. brokon Oll t brtw('en German llnd French capital, but from Paris, into the heart of MarsellJe against Prance. rainian armies deeperied to as IThey met at the nneral's advance headquarters In Normandy. Romanian troop'! on th eastorn CBS' l't'porter Charles Colling· slight Nazi resistance and last much as 60 miles the holes they France. Also partictpatinr tn the meetlnr were Gen. Charles De GauUe front, with many Romanians wood broadcast that General night were cleaning out pockets hove ripped in the German's Ro- or the French army and Lieut. Gen. A. E. Koenlf, leader 01 the French of last-ditch defenders. Rlain by Nazi secllrity forcc.q as Brailley df'cided to act when an ( ..._ Supplle& manlan detense& and advanced Ire~lstance movement. U. S. slJtllt cor)l$ radio telephoto. they sought to retreat before the armistice negotiated by the Ger Allied Troops Push within 167 miles ot the capital city gig anti c Red Ilrmy onslaught mans with the French forces of the The unexpectedly easy capture or Buchllrest. I I through Bessllrabla lind northeast Interior expired yesterday. WEARING A botTOwed American of the great port. insures the Sev- RomaniB still was garrlsoncd , Navy Reports- enth army of Mal . Gen. Alexander Along New Front with thou., ands of German troops, I Du les ' Hull DISCUSS ern Romania towards Ploesti and Pattlots liberated the capHal helmet and rldinr an American IM. Patch nn adequllte flow of sup the Danube. tram four years of bondage by tank, Lieu!. Gen. Carl Spanr. 58- plies II n d reinforcements for I and the Russian were likely to I f B" P rt" PI French Report I continue their Jlghlnll1l cumpaign The Dllily Express reported it year-old commander of the 26th speedy continuation of their thrust ,·e I- a Isan ans beating down the Nazi (arrison in of Pac,· German Opposition to drive the Nazis entirely out hlld recorded a German military street fighting as blooci¥ as any Nazi division leaves the battJe toward northern France. Prior to the country, regardless of what broadcast saying that the Ro the French revolution ever saw. t~ Fr 1 t r I the city's fall, other French troops Heavy at Bordeaux Romanian troops chose to do. scene near e enc I por 0 had cut the lasl escape route tor k Consider American manian Third army had already Immediate occupation had not Brest afLer his capture by ad· the German garrison along the The Romanians were attempting S· · Use of Force turned around and was fighting been in allied plans. It was sup vanelnr Ya.nks. coast to the west. JRUN, Spain (AP)-American to retreat, and fighting the Ger- , n ,n g5 posed to wait while the main mili and French forces. reinforced by mans In doing so, on early morn- To Maintain Peace alongside the Russillns. tary weight was hurled against The encircled and doomed Nazi Irlg' supplement to the Russian The Russian advance already force in Toulon, big naval base 27 troops landed Tuesday night from * * * Evreux to pin down as much of communique said. Already large WASHINGTON, (AP) - John miles east of MarseUle, stlll was the sea, were reported by French By TIlII A 0 IATED PilUS had broken through the last strong the German Seventh army as pos Justice Department numbers of Romanian otricers and Foster Dulles, foreign affairs ad hoiding out last night., but French authorities at Hendayt' to be pURh men have been slain by the Oer American bombers sank or dam Romanian defenses. The nation sible along the Seine northwest oC ing steadily toward Bordeaux visor to Republican presidential the capi tal. troops had fought their way mllns who are trying to bar their aged nine J apanese ships, Pacillc had been under a steady allied oil' Charges Anti-Trust within a few hundred yards of the from both sides last night. retirement, Moscow said, even as communiques reported lres t night, nominee Thomas E. Dewey. talked bombardment. General De Gaulle already had Frontline messllges said Amer conCerred with t.he allied supreme docks and the city's fall was ex the Soviet advance continued. boosting the da ily overage for peace plans for two and one-hair Kin, Broadcasl pected any hour. icans hod reached Libourne, on While this campaign was bear commander. Gen. Dwight D. Ei Railroad Violations Matching the French victory in the Dordogne river 16 miles north hours with Secretary oC Stat.e Hull Young Kina Mihal announced senhower. on possible immediate in, its first great fruits in Roman- August to more than tour Nip- its spectacular quality was the east of the grent Atlantic port of ian surrender, Russian forces in ponese vessel s destroyed every 24 yesterday ond told reporters after the capitulation and switch In a resumption of French. civil admin WASHINGTON, (AP)-In one dash 01 p'>merican forces into the Bor<leaux. which is the lost cen hours. word that they had made "very proclamatio~ bronocast hom Bu Istration, and liberation of the of the largest anti-trust suits In southern Poland lashed out west big industrial City ot Grenobl-a ter of Germer I'eslstanc;e in BoUth ward and seized Debiea, a lar,e Two navy LIberators found a considerable progress In exploring charest. capital lent emphasis to r~mors history, the justice deportment reckless drive lhat threatened to western France. thllt President ltooseveli and Prime yesterday charged a group of rail alrcralt -Industry center and com five-ship convoy near Chichi is- the possibilities of bi-partison co Indications were that Romania bisect France and trap every Ger French miHtary authorities at munlcatlons wint 114 miles east of Minister Churchill might hold roads, trade associations, invest land in the Bbhlns, 650 miles south operation." wouJd be D co-belligerent. like man soldier in the southern and Hendaye, French border town, KrakOW and 19 miles east of Tor their next meeting lhete soon. ment houses and rail executives western parts of the country. said 800 French commandos were Clf Toyko, ond sank two freighters. Dulles, who came here to worle Italy, rather than a Cull ally. and . from Saturday throulh Tues with conspiracy to rest.rain and now, next ~robable objective of Another was damaged. out with Hull a plan for insurlnf Triumphant American infantry among allied forces that landed the offensive. that her main offensIve inlenUons day, there came II mob battle sur monopolize trade in the trans Tuesday night south of Arcachon, Southwest Pacific bombers lelt and armor OCCUPied Salon, 25 The flowering new offensive llirge tires blazing in Davao, major dual porty support tor American were IIgainst Hungary in the hope ;lassing anything Paris has known portation of freight and passengers miles northwest of Ma.rseille, lind below Bordeaux.