Minutes of the Council 10 October 2012
Manchester City Council Minutes Council 10 October 2012 Minutes of the Meeting of the City Council held on Wednesday 10 October 2012 Present: The Right Worshipful, The Lord Mayor Councillor Boyes – in the Chair Councillors: Adams, Akbar, A. Ali, N. Ali, Sameen Ali, Shaukat Ali, Amesbury, Andrews, Barrett, J. Battle, R. Battle, Carmody, Chamberlain, Chappel, Chohan, Clayton, Cookson, Cooper, Cowell, Craig, Curley, Davies, Di Mauro, Ellison, Evans, Fairweather, Fender, Fisher, Flanagan, Fletcher-Hackwood, Gillard, Green, Grimshaw, Hackett, Hassan, Hennigan, Hitchen, Hughes, Hyde, Judge, Kamal, Karney, Keegan, Khan, Kirkpatrick, Lanchbury, Leese, Lewis, Longsden, Loughman, Lone, Lyons, Midgley, N. Murphy, P. Murphy, S. Murphy, E. Newman, S. Newman, Ollerhead, Barbara O'Neil, Brian O’Neil, Paul, Peel, Priest, Pritchard, Rahman, Raikes, Rawlins, Razaq, Reeves, Reid, Richards, Royle, Siddiqi, Simcock, Shone, Smith, Smitheman, Stogia, Stone, Strong, Tavernor, Trotman, Watson and Wheale Honorary Aldermen of the City of Manchester- Gordon Conquest, Audrey Jones JP, Peter Morrison, Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw, and John Smith CC/12/73 Filming of the Proceedings The Council gave permission for the proceedings to be filmed. CC/12/74 Urgent Business The Lord Mayor informed the Council that she had consented to the minutes of the Constitutional and Nomination Committee held on 10 October 2012 being submitted for consideration as urgent business. CC/12/75 Councillor Tom O’Callaghan The Lord Mayor reported the death of Councillor Tom O’Callaghan. Council recalled that Tom O’Callaghan had been elected to represent the Ward of Ardwick in May 1996 and had offered distinguished service to the city and the Council since then.
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