19/1 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated PARISH COUNCIL

MINUTES OF THE MEETING of the Parish Council held at Audley Pensioners Hall on Thursday 17th January 2019 at 7pm Present: Chair: Mrs V Pearson Councillors: Mr N Crisp, Mrs C Richardson, Mr D Jervis, Mr M Whitmore, Mr R Garlick, Mr C Cooper, Miss A Borowski, Mr N Hayes, Mr R Kinnersley, Mr M Joynson Clerk – Mrs C. Withington There were no members of the public present. 1. To receive apologies – Cllr Proctor, Revd Taylor, Mr D Butler, Miss N Mayer, STBH school rep 2. To consider approving and signing the minutes of Full Parish Council meeting on 20 December 2018 RESOLVED subject to the amendments to include Mr Hayes in the attendance and Mrs Richardson’s apologies (deleting attendance) the minutes were signed as a true and accurate record. 3. Decl aration of Disclosable Pecuniary interest in any item on the agenda Mr Kinnersley noted that he was a member of the Audley Bowling Club. 4. Public Participation: No issues raised. 5. State of the Parish Roads in particular Halmer End – Cllr Beech Cllr Beech attended to update the Parish Council regarding the repairs to the High Street Halmer End. It was noted that a few years ago a site meeting had been held with the Highways Officer and Parish Council to look at the poor condition. Although at that time it was suggested it would be included in the 2 – 5-year capital programme, there had been a number of severe budget cuts to the Highways funding since. Therefore the position has changed. It is now hoped to include the repairs (although not a full resurface) in the next year’s programme (19/20) which will see a different type of treatment used. The full resurface would cost up to 2/3rds of the annual budget for the whole county.

With regards to footways, it was considered by Highways that there were other pavements elsewhere in the County/Moorlands that were considered to be a greater priority. Mr Joynson reported to accidents that had occurred due to the poor quality road and pavement – one relating to a wheelchair that tipped over and another relating to a cyclist who fell off after hitting a pothole.

Cllr Beech noted that there were minimal staff available at the County due to early retirement, sick leave and redundancies. The Clerk asked if there was any truth in the rumours that parishes may be expected to pay for their own ABeech pothole repairs. Cllr Beech stated this had not been discussed to her knowledge, but she would also ask. Cllr Beech asked for all other highway defects to be sent to her for her to follow ALL them up.

Mr Whitmore asked why other areas such as Knutton, had received large amounts of funding to resurface the roads. Cllr Beech stated this was due to the ABeech volume of traffic. Mr Whitmore asked that there is a traffic survey carried out to study the volume of traffic now using Alsagers Bank, which includes monitors at Scot Hay, Black Bank, bottom of High Street Halmer End (school/Shraley Brook) to accurately reflect the figures. Previous surveys did not capture traffic at Scot Hay or Shraley Brook – so did not provide a true picture. Cllr Beech agreed to look at this. The Clerk was asked to send over the suggestions for the Divisional Highways Clerk Programme. Cllr Beech will also attend the Traffic sub group, when arranged by JT Rev Taylor. Cllr Beech also stated that there may be a u-turn on the lollipop and suggested Clerk that a petition would be very helpful. Clerk to query it with Miss Mayer who N Mayer 1

19/2 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated raised the issue with the Parish Council. 6. To receive an update from the Audley Millennium Green Trust – Mr P Sargent Mr Sargent attended the meeting to update the Parish Council with the new arrangements for the management of the Green both in respect of the charity and the day to day management. They have a number of projects which they are looking at including disabled access. It was suggested that they consider bidding for Lottery Awards for All funding, or considering using Community Payback for projects. Additionally it was suggested that they use the Lyme Lottery and Red Industries to raise funds, approaching KMF to manufacturer equipment. Mr Sargent was thanked for his attendance and left the meeting.

7. GDPR (standing item) • Data breaches/Subject Access requests/Information Security – All were reminded. Clerk to circulate presentation again following training. Clerk • Information Breach Policy – see Appendix A – RESOLVED that this be adopted. Clerk • Information Security Incident Policy and procedure – see Appendix A – RESOLVED that this be adopted. Clerk Acceptable user policy (All to sign) – see Appendix A . It was agreed that all needed to ensure they were familiar with the policy and that this would be agreed in principle subject to final sign off at the next meeting. All will be Next required to sign a sheet to confirm they accept the principles. agenda 8. Planning - To consider any planning applications received, including:- Retention of garage 17 Edward Street Newcastle Under Lyme ST7 8QA Ref. No: 18/00996/FUL (Village env/delegated) – RESOLVED to support this application. Erection of an oak framed garden room. Monkey Tree Cottage Heighley Lane Knowle Bank Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire CW3 9AZ Ref. No: 18/00986/FUL (Green Belt/Delegated) RESOLVED that this be supported provided that it is in proportion with the original building footprint and meets planning policy. Detached dormer bungalow with detached double garage. Land Adj 2 Co Operative Lane Halmerend Staffordshire Ref. No: 18/00975/FUL RESOLVED to support this application, and to request that in the event that a contribution is agreed (and affordable) it is used to the benefit of the local residents at Halmer End Play Area. 18/01012/FUL | Proposed conversion of commercial premises to a four bedroom dwelling | House The Drive Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST5 6BW – Green Belt/Delegated RESOLVED to OBJECT to this development on the grounds of it not being an appropriate design for the immediate area and the Green Belt, and that it will affect the setting of a listed building.

18/00733/FUL | Retention of stable block, tack room, manege and change of use of land to equestrian use | Crackley Gates Farm Leycett Lane Silverdale Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST5 6AW (revised to major development and submission of Mining Risk assessment , previously unsupported in Oct 18) Green Belt/Committee – RESOLVED to continue to NOT SUPPORT the application for the reasons given in October 2018. 9. Standing item - CCTV – To consider a cost for CCTV in the Village for the prevention and detection of crime – Cllr Proctor The Clerk reported that a meeting was held with Eon, the Police, Contractor, Chair and Clerk to agree a scheme. It would cost in the region of £7k to install additional cameras, as agreed with the Police. The Clerk was asked to write to all local business along Church Street to ask if they would like to go into Clerk partnership with the Parish Council. Failing that the Clerk will submit an application to the Police and Crime Commissioner in March. It was also agreed Clerk that a public consultation would be needed in view of the impact on privacy. 2

19/3 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated To approve alterations to the other CCTV cameras to be detailed RESOLVED to appoint DBS to make the alterations as agreed to a value of Clerk £400 plus VAT. 10. To approve the Budget for 2019/20 (and to consider any public comments) Bus subsidy, Lollipop person service, reserves, CCTV – See Appendix B The final precept was due to be set at the January 2019 meeting, however the outcome of the County Council’s lollipop crossing patrol funding has held up this Next decision. If the funding is withdrawn by the County Council, it is likely that the agenda precept will increase by £7.83 per year (15p per week) for a Band D council tax property. If the funding is not withdrawn, then the precept will be increased by £5.10 per year (10p per week) for a Band D Council tax property. RESOLVED to agree this in principle, with the final outcome approved at the next meeting. 11. Playing Fields/Wildlife Areas inc: • To note Play Area Monthly Inspection for January and approval of any action required or taken under Delegated Authority including removal of wheelie bins (fire) Alsager Road (4th Jan), replacement cradle seat Halmer End This was noted and approved. The cradle seat at Halmer End will be monitored. To consider whether to repaint the damaged bin at Alsager Road Audley Clerk RESOLVED to repaint the bin at a cost of £55. 12. Correspondence and circulars -To review other items received and consider for next agenda Request to consider funding a noticeboard at Audley Football Club – memorial garden for Dan Hughes It was RESOLVED that due to the large number of Parish noticeboards which Clerk needed to be maintained/replaced, and the other clubs within the Parish, the request could not be supported. 13. To consider a replacement noticeboard for Halmer End RESOLVED to approve the replacement cost of up to £550 plus VAT, and to seek a local contractor if possible. Clerk 14. To receive an update from Audley LAP and Police / Parish Liaison Committee – Cllr Proctor Cllr Proctor provided a written report. Cllr Proctor had not been able to attend the police surgery due to illness. Cllr Proctor carried out a litter pick with the LAP – attended by 4 residents at Bignall End and 5 at Audley. 17 bags of litter were collected including a car battery, push chair and metal. The Parish Council thanked those who helped. The Clerk was asked to request the missing bin is replaced by Safex House with Clerk the Borough Council. 15. To note the valuation of the Audley Bowling Club at £125k RESOLVED that the reinstatement value be noted, for insurance purposes. 16. Clerks Update – (Appendix C) - Articles for the next Audley Community News (Deadline 21st Jan) RESOLVED that the Clerk includes an article on the CCTV cameras. 17. Councillor Reports (for information only/further actions and decisions must be included on next agenda) Mr Garlick reported that water is running down the pavement at Bignall Bank, Clerk which freezes in winter. Clerk to report to Cllr Beech, along with the white rails. 18. 1. To approve the schedule of payments (Appendix D) RESOLVED to Clerk approve the payments as per the attached schedule. 2. To appoint an internal auditor for the year ending March 2019 Clerk RESOLVED to appoint Mrs Heelis. 3. To approve the NALC salary scales from 1st April 2019 for the Clerk RESOLVED to approve and adopt. Clerk 4. To renew the National Allotment Society subs at a cost of £66 (annual) RESOLVED to approve the subscription. 19. TO RESOLVE UNDER THE 1960 PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS ACT) TO EXCLUDE THE PRESS AND PUBLIC DUE TO THE CONFIDENTIAL NATURE OF THE MEETING TO BE DISCUSSED: 3

19/4 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated - Update in relation to the car park Butchers Arms lease It was noted that the Conservation Officer had stated that the wall repairs required planning permission and the input from the Conservation Working Party – which may see a higher quality spec than envisaged. Feedback is awaited. Next The Clerk was asked to find out the status of the footpath which runs to the left agenda of the car park. - Update in relation to the Church Car Park Church Street Audley lease and to consider a quote for temporary repairs (to be agreed with the church under licence) It was agreed to hold off the temporary repairs as it did not represent value for money. It was agreed to fund the legal costs of the Audley Church expected to Clerk be around £250 plus VAT. - To approve a quote for Miles Green play area hedge laying A site meeting had been held earlier in the day and a quote was awaited. Next - To agree a quote to resolve the low risk items on the Annual Play agenda Inspections The Clerk tabled the quote and it was agreed to seek further quotes and also on Next the basis of a play area at a time, rather than piecemeal. agenda - To consider the tree report and quote for Albert Street Next This was tabled and it was agreed to seek a further 2 quotes if possible. agenda

Meeting closed at 9.05pm

Approved Payments schedule – January 2019

TOTAL INVOICE Chq/Bacs TO WHOM PAID DETAILS INC VAT VAS signs, batteries x 2 and 12 month bacs 116 Swarco extended warranty 7112.84 Staffordshire County bacs 157 Council Legal fees Butchers Arms Nov 34.20 National Association of bacs 158 Allotment Gardens Annual Subs 2019 66.00 bacs 159 Rory Mack Valuation of Bowling Club Audley 150.00 bacs 160 Zurich Insurance additional premium 115.45 bacs 161 Mrs C Withington Salary Jan 1459.60 bacs 162 Mrs C Withington Expenses Jan 95.00 Staffordshire Pension bacs 163 scheme Pension Jan 556.79 bacs 164 HMRC Tax and NI Jan 513.51 bacs 165 D&G Bus Services Bus subsidy Dec 2092.85 bacs 166 Mr S Hough ON 8 Christmas tree and lights collection 20.00 ON 70 Rubbish bin Leddys 11/12, 17/12, bacs 166 Mr S Hough 24/12, 31/12, 7/1 100.00 bacs 166 Mr S Hough ON 6 Wood lane NBrd locks replacement 10.00 bacs 166 Mr S Hough ON 2 CCTV signs 38.00 bacs 166 Mr S Hough ON 3 Broken glass ASB Bignall End 15.00 bacs 166 Mr S Hough ON 5 Wetpour repair Alsager Road ASB fire 200.00 ON 4 Leddys branch cut and removal of bacs 166 Mr S Hough benches 60.00 AM Inspection report and removal of leaves bacs 166 Mr S Hough at Leddys 232.00 bacs 166 Mr S Hough ON 91 Liferings repairs Leddys ASB 96.00 bacs 167 Fresh Air Fitness End cap for Queen Street fitness equip 26.40 bacs 168 Sutcliffe play Basket swing replacement chains and cover 140.57 bacs 169 SPCA Training invoice 20.00 Monthly total 13154.21 4

19/5 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated Draft Budget 2019/20 – Approved in Principle

Draft Budget Total Expected at end Approved Budget Variance 2019/20 - TO BE HEADING of March 2018/19 (over/ -under) AGREED DECEMBER ADMIN Staff Costs / Chair £ 31,320.44 £ 20,000.00 £ 11,320.44 £ 31,000.00

ADMIN Office/other/Adverts £ 6,116.06 £ 8,500.00 -£ 2,383.94 £ 8,000.00

Playing Fields - maintenance £ 21,867.30 £ 17,000.00 £ 4,867.30 £ 17,000.00 Bus Subsidy £ 26,906.30 £ 31,753.00 -£ 4,846.70 £ 25,000.00

Playing fields - Capital (net of VAT) Alsager rd o/t payment plus Halmer End, CCTV x 2, fees Als Rd £ 109,954.78 £ 60,000.00 £ 49,954.78 £ -

Other projects - lollipop lady, car park resurfacing £ - £ - £ 47,000.00

Car parks x 2 legal fees £ 3,073.50 £ 3,500.00 -£ 426.50 £ 3,500.00

Bus shelters and Seats £ 1,865.20 £ 1,000.00 £ 865.20 £ 1,000.00 Footpaths £ - £ 100.00 -£ 100.00 £ 100.00 Bowling Greens £ 1,031.30 £ 2,000.00 -£ 968.70 £ 2,000.00

Wildlife Area (Leddys/Marg Garden) £ 3,268.56 £ 2,000.00 £ 1,268.56 £ 6,000.00 Misc. inc xmas lights/bunting/legal/VAS Safer rds grant £ 11,628.27 £ 2,100.00 £ 9,528.27 £ 1,000.00 Allotments £ 1,786.48 £ 1,500.00 £ 286.48 £ 1,500.00 Donations £ 2,053.00 £ 1,000.00 £ 1,053.00 £ 1,000.00 Comm activities £ - £ 1,000.00 -£ 1,000.00 £ 1,000.00 Capital £ - £ - £ - £ - Increasing Reserves £ - £ - £ £ 25,000.00

VAT TO BE RECLAIMED £ 10,340.37 £ - £ 10,340.37 £ - TOTAL £ 231,031.56 £ 151,453.00 £ 79,578.56 £ 170,100.00 RESERVES C/Fwd to Total Expected Spend to end of Required Income for Draft £90,863.97 £ 151,186.03 Band D Calc 18/19 year budget 19/20

Est reserves c/f to £105,566.30 Total Income (to date) £ 165,888.36 Precept reqd £ 162,593.00 £ 63.56 19/20 less overspend

Total reserves c/f to Expected Spend v's Actual Income to Section 136 £55.73 (2018/19) 19/20 including £118,748.72 date -£ 14,702.33 Funding (incs £ 2,510.00 band D per annum expected income (-Under/Over) 25% reduction) (£141000)

Council tax Increase of Unringfenced reserves £63,748.72 Budget 18-19 £ 151,453.00 support grant £ 4,397.00 £7.83 per year or (at RISK) 15p per week

Earmarked Albert St 55000 Expected Spend v's Budget Other income £55,000.00 -£ 266.97 £ 600.00 14% Increase (*£5k Bignall End Rd cctv) (-Under/Over) (Allot rent) annually

Total Income £ 170,100.00