i....x . '5;r--sr^-T'-r CW?--frK.-«iKB.'-

St S:,';,"•""»"" «•'«• •I.ib.arj Conn l!)51. I'agi" " 5-4 r.A.ST IIAVF-N NKtt'.S. ThnrMlny, Hill, Dove Wll.wn, rianl< ami Tom On Monday nt- 8 p.m. i"inn the HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Hnnloni', Charles Cianeiii. Boh | ors wbo nltcnded the meeting last An Independent Rahy Al Hotncii I own hall bnspnionl, the prfllhiln*- Tolhot, .Terry Crtcchi; Geiuge. Bas- Next Tuesday Bianford will in­ Hy ADItlRNNK EM.IOTT week wcvc Albert K. Davison, Fre­ my s"lHnK up of Ihc progrnni sing, Rohert Burwill, Beverly Mc- vade East Haven inslend of vice- Onr Telephone Numbers Pnul D, Cnnii'r, ci) - iKreclor nf derick V. Klein. Miss Zitn Mnt- will bo lfliinclif'(^. EoprcsenlnlU'es l.ee.se. Bill Cinpp, ntid Dave Wn- versa. . Ihp Division or Insli'ucUonol Sorv- tbews. Mrs. William Grave.'^. -Ins- of ciic'h nf \hv Kpnnsors nl'CUrgprl t rouR. Weekly Ncw.spaper Business: Alwalcr 8-1661 to (ittcntl In (irrlnl- to nsHlRl in the? Incs of I he Sun I! Board of Eilu- The buslne.s."; committee of tlie epb AdaniM, Mrs. AKMn P. Sanford, otillrtn, vlsilcrt the Iligh School ptnnnint;. Three Inacher.s. Joined Dave Varsity Show would like to e-x- Mrs. Henry S. Crosl)y, Mrs. UoberL Editorial: HOharl 7-5811 Tuesrtny. IIo cnlled on U. Vornon NpttlB To Sliirt "Minor M'flRM'^" prcss Its appreciation lo the East ©l|f mst Watt'oUK in • a lilMr? '•cond>o." Di- Young. Mr.-;. Donald Bcekwlth, Itays supL'flnlen'lent. of schools, A "ftilnni- Ir-nguo'* progi'nm which ledor Myron Gotten ijhjyed the Haven merchants whti have sup- nnrt Ciiii Gnrvin,' principal of the .fames E. Wheeler. Mrs. Dwight will bo nHsOf^intcd Avttli ihp mnln lilano; William Kost, the drums, liorted tills student activity by Hi«h School. FollowinR n tour Koeler, and Mrs. Oliver .Johnston, K.VST ll.WKX. CONNl'XTIcrT, TlU'l.'Sn.W, KKHHr.MiV IS, 1!I,V| li'.iiiuc. bill wlilch will bo Kupporl- and, Franl( Cnlislio, the trumpet. Inking advertisements for their G Cciils A Copy — $2.f30 A Vcar IhroUBh the, huilillnB, Mr. Collier •senior nurse. *(| tin llio bnsls of public conlrl- Dave pinyed u xylophone. The program which will bo read by hnit lunch In tho cnfeterin with liitilons. (ilono, will alKO niocd to perrnj'niance niailc n liig lilt with npproximnlely 2,000 people. niomhor.s nf tho school faculty. To>vn Meeting To It'* set up. Mo.ssinH' .snlfl he wlshtjil Ihe sludents. . . to "iMnphiisIzc" tlitft-portion of the Ml.'^.q Doi'olhy Keofc, • rtcnn of HraRTPNiNG NEWS" FOR MEM AND n-cti'filion progrom. Tho Pllrio?' Tho newly formed Spanish Club Mrs. Waller Husscll Act On Bonding b'iicur', be KJilti, win have n much girls In the High School, was the WOMEN WHO SUTFER FROM Garbage Control Law Imncr pnrtlclpnllnn of lircn boy.s KUOKI ppenlier at Union School under Ihe'dlrection of Mr. Kost, Resigns As Head ()!• Issue For Schools lint wili be conducted on (1 Icsf FrlHny, In her talk to Ihe mnm- elected the following officers: AdHlNG JOINTS Viili'i'.'i imil tnx pii.vpis will nrt fninijil nrul lliorofyro Icjm expen­ hcrs of the Snfely Council, .she Dick Annus, president; Robert Ua- (111 II $I,1W,000 .school liiinil Issue sive bn^is. Bave thciii Inrormoilon they could Well Child Confer. nehy, •vl(*e pi'osident; Lois -lodge, LIMB CRAMPS nt 0 town mpcllni; nl R o'cUn'l; u.«c In proparlnR foi* the-courses The resignnilon of Mrs. Walter Messina said that conlrlbuilonB secretary, and Milce Peliigrlno, tdiilKltt I" tho Town llnll. Seen As Bringing New In hlsh school. finin ihn [lublit; nl large arc hood-1 treasurer. BuKsell ns chairnian of the Well TIRED FEET 'I'hc net inn will como us llw rll- f(| in order lo ninUe Mils program | * * % * * .. The members were recently en- ChiM Confei'enne.s wns onnnynced nin.N of- liuit'i; tlinn six months' a suecess. ' Under the BUpprv;|Kion of Miss terlnlned and "educated" hy two ul. the monthly meeting of the NUMBNESS prcimrnlion nnrt plnnnlni; for thi. Th',' I.eiigue chnirninn nnnounC" Yota Bou/oucos, the seniors pre­ movies of colorful Mexico. consU'VIOiion of two ll-t'ooiu olp- Public Health. Nursmg Assnein- and , e<| Misr) that the Annex /Lltllo sented nn Intei-estinR and varied t i» „j <: i, menlaiw schools and n Ihccc-clnss- I,<'ii,;ue, which is nindi! up of teams proRrani of entertftlnnien't today. Ilnving votert foi- fellow elass- tlon by President Amert^H. Dav­ I'ooiii nd iitjoh 10 the MoinnitKtiin Problems For Future of lioys between Ihe ngej of 8 and Tho slurtent lender for the ncllvlly mntes'to reiiresent tliem In plan­ ison. POOR CIRCULATION School. A KoncrnI intt'posc I'ooni 1'.!, has licen granlod .permission wns Winnie Venus« .John Ksiiosito ning the .lunkn' I'rcmi. tiie class Mrs. .Bussell lias served in tliis will be pnri of cncli of the three lo extend lis ncllviUes Into nil of announced the a.ssenihly while Do­ elected tho following pupils: Nell eapaoity for s-evern! yours and has WANT ItELIEl'"? sepnrnte pieces of construt-lloh. I (Clancy Lists 3 Knsi Haven south of the rnilroad rothy Klngsford ac(!Onipanlod Itio Russo. Carol Velardi. Tei'l Sullivan. been very netive la tills pulille llEnns GOOD HOUSEKEEPING The honrilni; tntnl Inchiile.s, In b. H. Can t IJe included In L. - . ^ ti-ack.s. All boys of thW age In porfor-nioi-s. The following pupils Barbara Bjinkhnm, Tonmiy Mnut- -•^erviee. .She is erodilod by local -•iEAt OF uppnovat , addition to the cost of'conslruc- IAlleinatives ror ihls part of East Ilavon are Invll- participated: ,Tim Grignnno, Nancy te, Barbara Brown, Frances I.oni- PUNA leaders with malting tlu- liOK and farnlshiof; the new fnell- '•d lo pailk'iptifo in the youiiger • Harrington, Dolly .Johns, Alice burdi, Roliert Standisii, ,ludy Cross servlee "an efficient and valuable fni liiforill.lliilll, Wiitt In Ities, nn iinioiint of .«inn.onn for Erosion Bill, Says Bush I'-iifpie wbk'b Is sponsored by the Mntl(?i, Elaine Mullnowsl biiliy" ^Irl itf Mr. ini nd Mrs, Ki-i-il .li'i-ohnitii r)( I I Klin S(., is ilciiiiK proliiliillng the Importntlon • of. Tryouls for lln^ Varsity Show in 'the conferences. liencli areas liainngiiil by storm for ri^buildinif benches was curbeil well and now trying to eateli MM with her twin hrothrr, DnuKhis lOdwaril, Who (m(\v('Inlil< hiT liy NA.MK garbage,! Ihe nonril of .Solol^lnion rniitni(-li-(l ilotthlf luii'ii- were iiehl Tuosdny. Many stueients The local nursing association and erosion. U. .S. Senntor Proscott ilurlng the war and Immedinlo several poinidK, Debbe who was horn wKli her brother bisf November II State FHA Week Observed paid tribute lo the memory of tlie AlinUK.SS Hush In a recent Idler Infonned post-war years, hns llirce nitermitive aclloiia monin shortly nflerward atul was given IIMIe elia nee lo Nnrvlve. Ijrnt nionlh afler » prolonged Mtiiy disjilnyed their Inlenls. into Mrs. William S. Chidsey. one Bagnolt Family Slate Repre.senlnllves Adelherl C. which 'ftcmi poncjer regarding ilie bf (he lUiNpilnl llelibe, who IN Nhnwn InoUing iil. her mother, WOH iiblti: to join he brother nt lioine. CITV - , -- Lncnl Ileaiilies Daiiiiiged * * * ' * of Us founders and first presidents. Mnultp and lOilznbolli Crnnniey curren(,'Oiiiiiih*'i' one prolilenv of The twins* lirotber Toinniy, Ihree, watehes the painera. In Momauguin, shifts in eui'- 'i'here luis bi-en a change in I.Iie Members of the bnnrd of direct­ Recovers Quickly thai a hill providing aid for this the Town. 'I'hls'j Is the-, \>|ew:, pf By Local Student Chapter area was a iiossiblllty in Ihe fu- rents iuivti wroughl havoc In se- high .school bnslcethnil .schedule. Prank Claiic,v/.vvho asflrfil-i^oloci-, gates al Ihe national conventions tiire, however. vernl places, washing away the Stall! "FlIA Week" Is being ob­ bench and threatening to under- man, bgiir.s the bl'unl,of;(hq:drfti-. , Jield In Columbus, Ohio, and be­ From Gas Fumes Aecoriiing to Senator Bush, a •J'otalR 27 2!1 M Local Bull Player served by tlio Eii-st, Haven High minetlie hoini'S themselve-s. Most citltles. •:, • .' '• ^'-. ~:i,':!v"?,;.^'^V' • fore that In Knn-sns City, Mo, It .survey I'oporl on fills area has Miissan* Ends lAMAN MALI 'I'lianliK lo prompt action by seriously affected wert^ a inimber The •fil'st fioleotrtliui (llR>lii5'0(j.. a'"" School ciinpler of tho Future holies 10 bo nlile to -senil delcgntes not lioon eonipli'led by llie U, K, Gels Trial WiU. police and by Mrs. Dorolliy of homes In the vicliilty of Cnnl- draft on nn nrrllnnnco wlilclfj w;ilh llomeninkcrs of America, The Se­ to a regional convention ' to be Army. Englrieers.; llnlll 11. In, no va (leilney, of the Public Ilealili bridge Court. sevornr sn'iall';cliangesi.',folliJV^»-the Scoring Slump To Bercier, f held next summer at the Univers­ action can he talien. Under .Seimlo ven dny.s, Februni-y K through 12, wording of n ' now-defHriofeTown Krol, f • : in Boston Red Sox ity of New llnnipshire In Diirhnm, Kursing A.ssociatloii, no pei'mnii- mil, 2670 Inlrndaced Jointly by The sitiinllon bncame so urgent 2 law, docliifed Invnlld lit tliii'.'Court . Howlnnd, c A 2n-year-old East Ilnven ath­ liave been set aside In the state In N. H. • ent 111 effecls iinve been .suffered ,Senalors Bush and Wl|llani Pur- that the liniisshoidei'S connerneil Beat Lyman Hall Bonk, c 5 ' recognition of'the role played by obtained a meeting wllh llio Board of Goinnlon Picas'lii!ciU|»eilt^WpH. lete hns lieen sele{'leii to worit Crndimlly Crowing by a locii] family whicli iiiid lioen lell,' aid will hn grnnted to ero­ Tcaiy Massnrl ended a scoring Musso, g 0 this nallon-wlde organization of of Selectmen and iiassod a resolu­ pas.sed iiy a town^,n)eclli)gjlhs(euij,, nut with tile Boston-Hod .Sox this It Is gradually expanding its overcome liy coal gas. sion - stricken areas lietwoen New FOntanolia, p , 3 . high school girls who are dqdlcnt- tion urging thai Board to Investi­ of hy tlie seletlmcli. ',->.: ,•.:^' .slump Friday wlien he .scored a Spring to test his (|unllflcnllons membership and now has a total Mrs. Stella Bngnoli, .'in, of "la llavcn Harbor and the llousaloiiic NRz,,R 0 Ing themselves lo lni|irovlng fn'- gate the problem and take aclloti lolol of 31 imlnls lo lead East for n future horlh with that club, enroiinient ot 35 girls.' Besides River. Pns.slng Ihl.s, Or snnielhlnB ll|t tlrsl,tsB|(!pl>:', ' 'Score by periods; (East Ilnven-' bers from Mawnii and Puerto Ri­ man feels lie Is, cnufilll'v(i{'i:,(.li)6'': . year, but 'hoped t:he^'pnrallel ho- Cnmhrldge, Mass-, area scout for len Keiscyj .reporter, and Betsy an liour or- two al. St; Raphael's IteiiKW Appeal Text of Senator Bush's leiler, Lyman Hail); 23 -' 10, '17 - 3-1, co. Several national meetings have middle, because there.-arp'.VfJi'lllcs'- tween llib • two 'seasons sjould end that club. Coeliran, song lender. hospital wiiere Ihey had been ' The Repub'lichri slate fejiresen- which wns read to the reporter G't - '13, 83 - '05. been held in which pract^icaliy 011 the oilier side,\Vhouro bppoiied •- right: there, '(Tho tyi-jian linllcrs liitlves renewed their iippeiil lo over the phone, wns ns follows; Mniinney cbaraclerlBid I lie five- every state In the Union wns re­ A regional nieotlng of the FHA taken. , - to the enaclmont Of such niij.nrcil- . up.HOl the EnstlB'cJnlm io' "the ICast Haven residents [ to write Deal' Friends: toot nliie and one - halt inch ath-. presented. Last summer, 2,000 will be held In the High School Tiiey niiide a'inounlnin out of- nance, lie says lio liiiK ,irpi>i{lvcd . Class-M lourhnmenl'tille); '' Congress, regarding (lie nceil for. leto as an "excellent fiehler, good girls participated in nnational con­ auditorium on March 17 when the a molehill," she .said about earlier your lellnr of January 2llllilins nuiiieroiis phono cnils,niu).(lei'spnfil,: •• -In Fi'ldify'stgniriei .which was' Outclassed aid. .Siicli letters can'help Ihom fielding cnlclier and hunter, wll.li vention lield in Columbus, Ohio, local chapter will bo hostess lo been I'eciilvcil la regni'd to possible coninionts „o|ij)ORlri|!' rp-|)a8sii|{(i (it, •pinyed In WnlllnBtprd, the Ornngo,- reports. • Mr.s.' Bagnoll iidniilled, win help, for this .urea,' MiuitIo a Ipt of siioed," lie said that al­ The Ea.st Haven cbapter, which members of the Seymour chapter Inclitslon -of East Haven In our tlie ordlnnnce.. Some of ' thos'p' mcn; proved to lie' inoi'o 'scrappy iioweVi'r, • tiiiil niero was UKlo said, pointing out (hat ICa.st Haven though he thought the Ibcal young­ Is considered one ot tho best in and representatives from Bullarlil.":-«ny .sucli'ibn ~ thnn'dui'lngtholr^.first encounter Yields Easily doubt that; '.the situation could lieachos have suffol'ed extensively ster wns ;'wenk im hilling" because the state, hns several of Us nieni- Havens Technical School of Bridge­ .report Qii Ai'ea' number ,'three, orillnancn would: Inkt;,..nway'l'''' > Svlth East .Haven,' here Jnsl month. TENDER, JUICY, FINE EATING have: becqtno serious if. • prompt froni storm ,anil e^'baloir danitjge..,. he wns. "spotty," he considered him bors holding offices In the .stale port, fropi i.NcSy: Haven linrbor to- tho Ih'Oljhpoil, • of ,.;,Pns(iualc -MijIlllOi':.., : Thanks'-tO'.Pnur Wismltillti; who I.iicas Studio . 'While. federal; pltj - hns been llm-. For 2iid Defeat "one of. my fastest in'ospects I've organization. These officers In­ asslslancc? lind not been given. Housiitonlc '.lllyer Was completed iiiKKury:ov^iieiv\vlitto',trnn»|iori,rriK'Ji ;:- turned ill n hioritprlous jperfor- At this meeting the campaign or ROAST : Menihcrs of lln' (iai|.Killer'I'rio. who will he amimi; the many ciiiitcstnnts lippeariii];- in the l'>'('liaani. Cliili Ahiateur Show ai'\l Tluirsday Hod' 111 the past in .publlo' inches, ever run into." "He has groat po­ clude Nancy Cnllnhnn and Vice Top Round Siie,said' she was griileful to tiio last; yoni' and sent lb Congrtss on •6f ,Kari)(iKp i'^'tlio'iniilniargdl, •'•':' ' mahco .Qt^.^snatching and to.sshig East Ilnven knocked Derby High and election of slate song leader •bv.eninii are sht.'HVii ri'lieai-sinif their act. The trio nf .>'minfi accordiuoists is coiupnscil of Miss Kaii;Iit. wlio comes Irohi lOisI Ilnven; .Ilidy Maiitto''. said,-' 11 ^ Is; ifiofjsiblo:''tliat tentials, lie lilts the .right attitude President Sybil Provost, whllo Ca-1 FROM YOUNG, TENDER, CORN-FED WESTERN STEER BEEF police and to. Mi's.'i qedney'. ..• July 0, 'aOriS;' On: 1 Im ,• liasls, of .'tills , Tlnmi(ni!,bp|iRllV'pVf(iuiiibi;!i' f(-wpvln- \:-X i,f| ' In-rebounds,' the Ensiles, were able down from Its .500 rating In the will be conducted as well as tho ilofrlcliler, also of ICnsI- llavcn; and .'Murilyn N'lr/zti, of Ilraiifoi- scout doolared. chapter, is now serving as a mem­ lhe';end of "tl\6''''fti;st''period. ;; ' Inliiing Its own unbeaten xecord in the post of state president- Miss Face Rump Roast pons, Anl^iiony T ,Tr-, 13, NIcliolHs, propiu'ty is afnicled. In ariiilUon;' ;(xrtdiieqrt;,_S.ip7flU-o,a«ihorl7-o com-, "ance of Ihiivtynojiomandoa J'rhls . ber of the'national finance com­ I plollon pt this projdcl, - would not Klld'hOil,Plharaoi Inn ' • pbspite,n good-showing -by Er­ and out of Iho circuit by scoring O'Nell, who is employed by a Walsh iilans to be a candidate for If, and Prank, 8, were the vlc- ho-..snid, If redevelopment of. the mittee- • • '• EXTRA LEAN - FRESHLY GROUKiGROL D PURE BEEF It .would bo IrapoBvlble In in- This bi'liiga m iillernrtllvc hu'm- nie'Herclor, Uymnn Hull tailed;tltc^ nn^ easy Gl - 30 win over thai sports iiaper (iff season. Is a grad­ this ofllee. Eva Aldricb wili bo I ihis of coal - ga-s which emanated Shore area should ovoi' become,d icluh Tiie.sdny night. The local chapter of the FHA Zoning Appeals Board School Board Appoints Two cludeludoe Enst Ilnven In S.2fl7(S.2fl7Ci be­be- her Ihrtllirtec : which niirlii inii,, ii,..,„ . ent|l'cl'-coiite.st thi'ouehout with the uate of St. Ba'sil's in Slamtoi'd. He a candidate for the post of stale reality, provi.sioii Avoiild llui-1 have hns opened Its ncllyllles aimed nt from llio - open. door of a bn.so- cause the report on Aron Niiinbcr Blu'e'vn'nd' .Gbld 'wVdflhllig lis' liiiVi'-' hns lieen piuying'guard with tho song leader. Chopped Beef been mijde for fotfel:ai; aid to. re-: form of u llniltllllon on llie I'/nys Tony Mas.snrl led the scoring for Improving community lite by pre- nient furnncC. The mother, awoke nine Aylilch/cdvors youi' part;/of Bliif'tliPbufeli :ihe 'UilW '•(iimrtcfc: Iii Branford Mh) - Wn.vs basliotball Besides a business meeting the build tlie Town boacli ai'oa whiclj, 01' hotii'8 of irahsporliltlon of gnr- East Ilnvon .ngnlu.st the Doi.'hy parlng, and delivering Chrlstnin-s a little afler 8 a.m. .Tuesday ac­ the-'shorellne hii.s nol been receiv­ bagro into Hie Town. One pf the lhe*fourth porlpd.the priirtgerhen' tenm-flurlng the past few seasons. meeting will include a program of Elementary School Teachers unttcr present plans,' would 116 ex­ team, which, failed to duiillcnte 1|.'! ho.xos lo the iinllenls In convales­ FROM YOUNG, TENDER, SOFT MEATED LAMBS Grants 5 Petitions For cording to Police Officer Waller ed from' Ilia flnlci. I am working "k/cks" nijaiiisi Mellllo /invo -kBPt 'pnbe With tile Eiii-sl-les"bul, He had n Irlni.udtlv.tlio New York entortnlnment and rotrcshnienls. tended for n considerable distance. portqrmnnce In nn earlier encottn-_ cent hhspltids in East Ilavon. It 'i'he appointment of Mrs. Wil­ wllh the Ariny Engineers and hope been claims lliil( his trucks IIBVO woriTAunnblo lo.do much ' miiri; ynnkces but fnileri lo rciporl for Ml.ss Provost will preside, and Miss Porterhouse Steak I-Ieck, felt nauseous and dialed ^1 ,tor'; last .montb. This time the' was- represenl.(;d by its own dole- liam A- Gelinas, of 22 Ciiid-sey Maulle pointed out thal^ .East Ihht action on this report may bo consliliiled a Jia:ttii'd to .•school l^hafr^a little VhllUlhg -oh the 23 a li'alnlng stint.In Cnnnda. ' Alberta Toothaker, of tho local Lamb Legs OVEN READY U 67C LB 59c tho opcratCT' lo asic for help. .EnstleJ, .^who started ;cautiously, WELL TRIMMED - FLAVORFUL Town Hall, Stores Ilnven as a whole suffered, In compleled by the Department and children. point! lead- tlie Inllci' eohimarided. Mahoney said lie "spoiled" the llonieniuking deiiai'tment, and Ave-, as a lenclier in the eighth Mrs. Godney responded to the coiriplolely outclassed titp up-stoio TENDER KING OF THE BEEF STEAKS Non-Conforming Usage Icrnis of a reduced properly if in Il be sent In the Congress prompt­ : Mds.sltrl,'; who-..scored.: -12 .field 175 - pound player last .sumiiier Ml.ss EI|-/.nhotb Breton, of the Sey- LB 79 grade, and Mrs. Ernest McVcy, Only "AKcrnallvn" I'tcahi./.which laid almost lupsot the FLAVORFUL 33c To Close Mon. For emergency call and had the fam­ no other way, when erosion des­ ly so Hint we cnn produce leglsln- Boajs,', nnd/jSoven ioUl shots, wnij wlien he was iilnylng with the ninur High School teaching staff, Lamb Fores THRIFTY TRIMMED - TENDER FLAVORFUVORFULL '; Five i-ccc-nl politions boforo the Bo sure, tlio first seleclraan lolri ,Biud 'nnsl jGold In.st lline^ of 18 Pelham Ave., Ilaniden, as a ily moved from tlie home and troyed liomos nhcl land. Hon similar to S.2n7« in behalf of backed;Ufi.ln llie .scoring by Wls- Slitorsky semi-pros In Brldge|iort. Norden Team Wins will serve as advisors. ETAuoMii'kuf-AW WELL TRIMMED .„ •Z6n\ug Board oT Appeals foi" non- tills leporler, to make 11 plain . Bncidng nil Massarl, who scored teacher in llie .seventh grade al dispatched the mother and the The Arniy Knglneer Corps has your area. I shall keep you iidvis- inlivVUI,; who ' lotnlod -M iiolnts, •young O'-Neii is engaged lb Ml.ss 65c , conforming or po.s.sibly non-oqn- G.W. Birthday tiiat tlie.se arc only altornullvos eight 1 fl,eld.goals and nine .^ free 'I'on East Haven girls will re­ Sirloin Steak «79c lieen In this area several llnie-s, edof tile progress of tiie matter. Dorothy Bunnell, of Monis Cove. Local Theatre To Higliland School, was voted Friday IVIfiiiday IH Oeorge Wiishlng- three hoys to the hospital. Two which the selectmen can, consider, .TetlvSulilvnii, also with l-l polnls,' l.bi;ow.s;',for a total ot 25 jmlnts, Second Ril'le Match ceive tlie .lunior Homeniaker de­ rorequarter LAMFRBY CHOPOR BROIS L ^^ . formlnK usages of properly have LB by the Board of Education. fon's birthday. A national, holi­ other members of the family, but. lias never made any report With very good wislies I am, He pnlnlcd out Hint he had nol nhd':'Jloni'y,::'lIerfernnn,, wllli • 1\ .Was Ted. Hefternan, a tall hoy gree and six will be awarded the 2I/.-3V1 LB AVG 39c been granted by thai board, ac­ day, il will he niiserved liy mem­ ,lolmny, 6, and Peter, li) months as a result of its activities. .Shore sincerely yottr.s, etc. had a chance In di.scuss allernnllve points.-' -.''u, '•.!.,:, Who has .served as n handy man. chapter Ilomenuiking degree.' 55c cording lo an announcement by Give finernascopc Mrs. Gelinas replsces Mrs. Elea­ Over IjCgionUnil FresCLEANEh ChickenD ALL WASTs E REMOVED LB 53c Pork Roast UP TO! LBS LB bers of the Town llull.htufr, tho nuniher Iwo Willi .Seleelmeir Dom­ Suifimpry;:-; <;-::'v.vC.-.v lie vs'hs the only other player to Miss Walsh stated her belief Cb'iiirninn John McMnhon today. nor Stricl6 High School old, were only sllghUy affected Riverside V.F.D. A I'lflo team sponsored by Nor­ Town 0>iirl. and ttie ]iaguiuuit inic Ferritru oi' Frank Bnrlior. • EAST IIAVEN ' " bit In the double figures. Meffer- that tlie local organization will Finast Bologna & SMALL LB 55c '. '. Cumia. (jarnjje teaching post, ^^ls. SIriekland, by Hie fumes and did not need den Iii.struments, of Milford, won ShowingOfRobe" Memorial l..ihr»r.v. ,% f^ • _ • \'- PC 1'' T jian scored five antl two for a tp- continue to* grow In size and Ini- FtlESH FRUITiAfVEGEtABLlES " Of'lhe five >|iotHions only two has been granted a leave of ab­ special attention. Doadiino foi' an uppoiil of: Uie tlie Second In n series of'thi'oo Massarl, ir -12 7 31 InV of 0.2 polnls. / To Sponsor 4tli poriance as a member ot the ge­ Skinless Frankfurts CELLO 53c wore opposed in heai'ings held by cinemascope, the now diinen.sion- sence due to Illness. Mer .succes.sor, The father of the family, An­ Gartland Hails Supreme Ct. decision by Judge Raymond J. rifle matches.last week when' they With many of (lie town mer­ Bowden, f ' . ,. , ._ ,1 0 2 neral program of sciiool activities. FLORIDA - VITAMIN C MILDLY the appeiil.s board this month. Per­ al photographic projection tech­ who has been filling the po.st as a Devlin to the Supieme Coiixt- of Billy'Ciiforoi wdiose sharp sbool- bested the Harry It. Bartletl Post, LB chants hicUidiiiK: at least Ke.veral thony BagnoU Sh, told iioUce CMara,, £ ' fi i i i i,o; (I (i JUICY SWEET 5-LB BAG 35c Smoked Butts CURED 85c mission was granted I o James J. substiule, tenclier since December Errors is tomorrow (Friilay), but irig alniost sjillled tlie Eastles last Babe Ruth Team Senior Rifle team by a clo.se mar­ ORANGES nique, thpl does not require use down-town food Ktores bulicat- loter he had found the furnace LuzzI, t 0 5 5 Legion Second District -Cnnna, of 255 Short Beach Rd., tc first, has a.skod, and was granted, Ing Iioliilay plans, most of Defeat Of Redistricting II was aimnsl completely out pf time, was top scorer for his te.nni, Riverside Fire Department lias gin; of eight polnls.The iiiatch of fipecial glasses by spoctator.s, is door open when he checked. It at ' Wlsminlttl, c 5 '1 11 Grapefruit FLORrOA - SUN RIPENED 4 ''^'^ 23c BREAKFAST SUCSGESTIONS bullri- n GS by 26 fool crrtder-.biock retroactive pay lo last January 4. all the Nliopping center will Im the (|iiestlon,now. Only Ihe pro.se- netting only seven' goals and a joined as the fourth sponsor of a toQk place In New Haven, tho Awards Post Citations 7:20 a.m. and had closed it. With­ -Sullivan, g 6 2 11 gaj-ago on properly belweenVpond being installed hi: the Capitol Tlie- The .salary Is $2,500 per annum. closed .also in obser\'ancc of the Jamos F. Garllnnd, Democratic both parties in the future (lOrai, cullng allorhoy of the Common Jdngle free throw. ' * Babe Kuih League • iip-sebiill team Norden'team scoring 943 to the A meeting of the Second Dis TEMPLE FLORIDA Save with First National Ilcifei-nnn, g ' 3 5 11 Oranges 3 LBS 25c :St.' and Short beach Rd. Th.e. atre. The now systeoiof projection Mrs. Gelinas taught. 11 years in iioliday, uetiordhig lo Klwood out sensing that anything was town cliairman and Slate Com­ the Deniocnilc chieftain said he pleas court ran flic for an ap­ Domlnal* Thre*^ Prriodt> in the East Shore circuit, Frank local Anidrlcan Legion post's 940. Irlct of the State Dciiartment of FINE COFFEES mitteeman from the Twelfth Dl.s- lliouglil il would. peal. The prosi'cullon has Indicat­ aboard, In granting the permission, will be used for the premiere Momnugiiln and wns, during the Scohie, president of the Chamber 'wrong, he had left for work. Frajik'Crlsafl^K boys, monopoliz­ Meshuna, pre-sldent ot the League, . The first of the fcrles was also tho American Legion was con­ READY TO EAT 3 LBS 39c Irict, this week hailed a slate .Su­ ed, according In reports, llial no D'Anjou Pears added the .stipulation that oil past tliree of those years, princi­ of Connijere win bi? aiisenibled froiiv boys, ages month. Refreshments were served Merldon. District Coiiidr.. George KybO LB BAG trlctlng Act, Tho decision was an­ In such a crucial session, that the ,,*Canna, In his'petition, explained Tlie local theatre la ine first tute list since she terminated her seliofllehihlren throiigliout the Clancy said,, however, that able to uoaiu the lust pwiod, with after the Now Haven inatch in F. Mulligan iiresidod. IDopait- FLORIDA 29c nounced Monday evening. Republicans managed lo pass a bill 13 through 1S._ In the Eo.si Ilnv- EscaroJe suburban movie house in this area work as a regular teaciier. Town, aettordiiig- f» the office'of yielding lu tlii' demands of one u Jlioe-t; of ivUbatltutt'B laldng: over. the local Legion iiost quarters. niont ciltttlons and awards wore Copley LB CAN ;tov;the board that the .site of his Foxon Park Croup filiilipii^^ en-Annex-Morris.Cove urea are: WESTERN - FRESH CRISP CELLO PKG jQc to install Cinoninscope and the . Mrs. McVey, whose salary is $.3,- the Superintendent of Stdiools. The town chairman, wii'' was redlstrlcling the Senate scats willi- group for a now ordlnanre wns 'J'lir ivln represented Eaiii lla- Mrs. Walter Link, Mrs. WllUnm ,presented to various iiosts in the FINAST . EXTRA LARGE •proposed building, which would Mel-eair Drug Store. Central Clean- Carrots 000, will conipleie the year al one of many Democratic lenders nol a simple solution. He polnlod V'MI'K lyth win of the BeaBOu.iind Maker and Mrs. Alfred lla'/nrd : be-;,\viihout windows as an assui,*- new stereophonic -sound system, The Kast Ibiven News office .On 'New' Ordinance out making any changes In the iTH, .and VroUj Brothers* Senice distrii'l to ropresetitatives from Highland School where the out that Iho Town's own gurlmgc ji>; i.ev,pnlh jiolid win . Inside t:lve were hpslessos. Cabbage/ NEW TEXAS - SOLID Ht-ADS .. LB 5C Prunes ,nnce that it might ndl bo used for thus affording an exclusive show­ will he closed for the day. wlio denounced and opposed the representation In the lower house Station. these iiosls. seventh, grade has been divided in­ The fighl of r'oxon Park con­ jirobionis were also Involved. Eust JI<»',i!-at.tink- S^eague. Second jilacc flNAST • SECTIONS rarij'thing other, than storage of ing of. "Tlie Robe," according lo Republican - sponsored act as a Democrats have long denounced With the jsecurlng of sponsors, HD 33c to two sections. She taught for 12 tinues as First Selectman Frank Haven garbage Is now lukon oul jn ibe 3eag-ue Is now^ held by .Sey­ Cauliflower SNOWY V/HITE - HEALTW UL '.' .construction equipment, was al­ Manager Ernie Dorau. "gerrymander" said the decision tho long stonding system of allo­ now t.sk«n ^care of, the setting up years in Windsfir Locks and Hart­ S. Clancy pledged to Irate cltl'zens by a Norlli Haven contractor. mour which commands a record pi Orange &Crapefruit most-.solid granite and useles.s as The picture, itself, is one tliat Conn. Education confirmed the position which his cating t^v^o reprosenlntlvoh lo each of a iJrogram, coachc-s and direc- Broccoli WESTERN - FRESH GARDEI^ GREEN >• BCH 19c ford Public High Schools. tiiat a public hearing will bo held Olher towns lire watcliing Eoal sj.x win* and two lusseh in liie asite foi' a dwelling. lias enjoyed great popularity wher­ party had Inken. "I think that It municipality regardless of sl/o ns f jorg i-s the next jiha-se in the os- Tji uiui ui uim ui unji ui ui ui m ui o Routine ItllKiiless litis week on the subject of gar­ Haven to see What It will do and circuit. : Sfivoral residenlK and property ever shown in the United Slates- Assoc. Mead Talks was a very fair decision," he said, the "rotlcn borough," Under litis labllshinenl of ihe 'local Junior LBS lOc Orange Marmalade LB In a short regular session tiie bage importation Into llie Town of may be guided accordingly, he Summary: il Yellow Onions M'LD 3 ,6\s'ner.s hod registered their op- Based on a best-selilng novel of adding lhat,"Of .course, there will filan, the small towns, tradUlonally baseball circuit, the lA'agne pres­ SclVooi'Board dealt with a num­ East Haven. The Board of Select­ said. Lloyd Douglas, tho -sloi'y of Ihe On Teacher Problems Republican, have retained control KA,ST riAVE.S' ident declared. ; ip6.'"P»»" I'elliioii thestate Board of Education lo Raymond ,1. Devlin In the New limlnaiy cslilnale of "bolwcon 2 CANS 69< mils the sound.s to come directly, of Ihe^ administrative offices of Dl.strlct. He said he credited both sides P^erriiiKsion was granted to Pns- from tile image on the screen- "acquaint us with .some' of ^ the Haven Court of Common Pleas on wllh doing n "good*Job" In pre- '57.'),O0n and $1000,000" as the prob­ I'O Cake Mkes 2I7-OZPKG5J63C the Connecticut Education As.soc- CltanccK I(edti<;ed . FRANCO-AMERICAN qitate^ Pompann, of 37 Charter Hence. If the phoiograpiied per- state Inw.s on ejlucallon." v : February 5 by his ruling that the .scnting thc'pi'o and con orgumenls. able cost of an Incliieralor plant BRONZED BABY SHOES Moccla. r . 1 DURKEt'S - SHREDDED iaiinn in Hartford wa.s Ihegye.st Gartland, In his comment, ogroed callable of liuiulllng lite Town's 15'/i-OZ Oak. Aye., for the construction of .son Is off 10 one side of the -ligreon 2. Had a lelter read from the .speaker. lie. reviewed the housing, Board of Seleclmen has Ihe sole He was referring to Attorney Wil­ " IT'S A FA.WLV TRADlflUN " Saldcmarco, f ,. 1 that chances of electing a Demo­ refuse. This would noi IncltJde ' s'oZ CELLO 29c a two-car cinder block garage his voice win apiiear to come from Eleinontary' School Building Com­ financial and salary-problems of authority to adopt an ordinance liam S. Cordon, Jr., of Wolhers- Lnngo, f 3 CANS cratic senator froni the 12th, In cost of collection of refuse nnd Cocoanut> 3 41< onej'friot from the building lliie. thai. side. Tlie Illusion Js created mittee requesting the board to teaching units . throughout the prohibiting' Importation of garbage. fleld, wlio presented the Demo­ Cafaro,, c - .: 7 paghetti Its present dcliniliatlon, were re­ oporution of the Incinerator, Nothing you can buy ol ony • ' 7-OZ CAN,49C Pofiipano had pleaded a ctise of by using differently jocated-speali- itemize furniture in !'teii)porai-y" state. Town 'Prosecutor Roliert M. Tay­ cratic claim contesting the act, DoFelIco, g FORTIFIiID WITH VITAMIN D duced under the GOP redlstrlclin^ price can matcli llie lasting Reddi-Wip' hardship owing lo tho location oT ers woriiing off four sound tracks classrooms, Its allocation, and how lor, Jr., had directed local police and Attorney General William I.. (Compared Willi un ostlmnted Mailjlc, g TALL I'ho nexl,regular meeting of (he the Twelfth would hove been re­ BEl/y OF BARGAINS at otlJerTconsitruction in the vicinity. on the film instead of tho cuslo- much it wi-shed to transfer to tiie to niaks ariesls of "each and ev­ Beers, representing tho slate In de­ figure of a nillUon dollars for an thrill of baby's first steps EVANGELINE association will be held March 8 designated the Fourtecnlh DIslilct •k' You can now have REAL CANS 'I'he; Zoning Board df Appeals, mnry single iracli- now school buildings. The coinmil- ery violator" ot the ordinance fense of Iho act. Incinerator In . Ilamdon, a town beautifully and usefully Totals ' 15 , C 3G Your Elcctric.il Dealer's 4 49< in Union School, The teaoher.s of and would have lost Humrien. The .^CERAMIC TILE in-i wlilt'lt made lis final decisions in lee said it would be very glad to starling Oclobpr 29, and In sul)- about four times the sl/e of East Non-,scorlng suhstUules: - (East '"' ' BETTY ALDEN ^ that school will lie ho.stes.se.s at .solid Republican •majorities that Haven, llto figure died appeared _ bronied' forever In solid Money savers. Time saver.s. Trouble savers. executive session,, acted favorably meet Willi tile iioard al either soquenl court iiclion Pa-squalo Me- Haven) Bowden, Cnstelloni,Narra- stalled at the samei TEA TIME FAVORITES Town. Chairman Addresses th(-' meeting. lown has been able to deliver have GOP Women To Meet lo be .somewhat on the low Ma. metal." $3.50. to $15.00' ontVvo pettlons for wiileh hear- group's regular sessions or at a Illlo of 192 Mill Rock Road, Ham- el and Davison, (Derby) •Fi'o.scono, Kilowatt servants which are yours to own and 100% Whole Wheat Bread Lincoln Day Dinner always helped to elect a Repub­ —Ed.) prices - and oven lo'wer OLD FASHIONED STONE MILLED FLOUR AND IngS had been held Wedne-sdiiy special meeting to work out the den, was found guilty of thirteen Next .Thur». Evening Haydcn. • ' lican senator In recent years. than Imitation tiles, enjoy for i few dollars a month; Whether you PURE BtE'S HONEY GIVE IT A DiSJMCItVE Nabisco Oreo Cream ni^llt.:. Mathew Anastasio, Republican mailer. Supl. H. Vernon Hays dls- Auxilary Police To violallons of the law. Judge Dev­ -The regular meeting of the East 'Tlio East Haven garbage . con- Score by periods' epli Ruii- Derby); 14 - 4, 23 -11, 49 - 13, : 'Wo will tile the average! buy a range, dishwasher, TV, or laundry. One Stale Corinpiroller Fi-eii R. Zeller, niture. These were referred to Hie teenth, was one of two districts will be held at the home of Mrs, glcio of Noi-lh •Havon, has until BRON /SHOE R'lg Pfico Sic SOCIAL 22 OZ HOAF \^-C 7'/>-oinc Il^'granted the application . of IIere*« u ehance to get rid of Melillo's appeal. 111 - 3f>. batlirooni oomploto with| andwich was the principal spt'aker at the. Committee on Buildings. the Democrats felt tliey hud a Alvln L, Thompson, 32 Second next SoplomUcr 30 to lun. It siir- CELLO i.J'' DohiinicF. Cresenzi of the.Trfinsit those old newspapers und help a Hear To Listen at a time or all together. Tell your dealer you, Old Lyme Voung Republican an- chance of gaining under tho rcdls- Ave., next 'I'hursilay at 8 p,ni, rounrilng towns also began cm- accessories; for only Auto Wheel Alignment company, .1, Announced a eliarge nf S5 worthy organi/utian. Tiu; Auxili­ Clancy told the group at Thurs­ JOAN CAROL > ^eri'e wtl/t - - -liuai 'dinner nieeling and Lincoln trictlng while losing a number of Mrs. Thompson, president, will liloylng restrictions on garbage want, your home to be all electric. And ask him forjjermissloii to use his premises to PTA gi'oups using the High ary Police u'lll coiidiict a paper day's meeting that It was not a PLAIN ;.'SUGARED.OR CINNAMON - IIPECIAL Day celebration, ,,. . others. ,.' conduct the business moeling. Hos­ on the SaltonstaU Parkway .for School cafetei'ia, the amount lo drive throughout tlie Town on public hearing, hut "we are here removal, Easl Iluvcn may sudden­ tesses for the evening will he Mrs. BRING THEM "iMtbDAYr: $135.00 to show you what genuine bargains Kilowatt DonUtS REG'f'ICE 2Sc PKG'01=^12 2|c the sale of used cars. The permit The.meeting wa-s held.on Satur­ pay cafeleria lielp. Sunday, Donald Tiiomas, prenU to- listen to you." An opportunity "We're right book where we ly find itsolt with a sanitary jjrpt)- . Homeland Tea day al Colton'.s Reslaurant. Old Alfred Bowden, Mi's. Norman Hull RCGUUR PRICE a9c - SPECIAL. contained a stipulation, that the 4,: Heard one request from the dent of the auxiliary. UHU* that, was given to all iiresenl lo air started," said Cortland. Asked If Icni of mammoth proportions, ac- , servants are — both to buy and to use. Soon. CTNOF Lyme. - - and Mrs, E, B. Eberth, The moot­ ;property must observe all town Old Stone Church Drama Guild if the weather Is good, resideiifs Ihfiir viiSwB Individually, followed II might Incrpa.iB chonccs of the cording lo the first seloctmap'. P^an-O-Fucfge Cake EAA:HV39C 16 BAGS IJC 40 BAGS 4J' Anastaslo's topic wa-i "Lincoln ing Is open lo any Interes-led wo­ R/SODEL TILE •and state laws regulating the dis- foj* use of the nigh School audi- place their bundles of piiper on by an impassioned plea by Ally. slate legislature enacting a redls- "If we put this ordinance Into (iutf(lmH;7 men. LUCAS STUDIO THE UNITED ILLUMINATING And The Republican Parly," (Contlnued On PIIBO TWO) the curb for fJoUccllbm * • • Irlcllng bill more' acceptable to (CunllnuoU On I'uKo I'wo) SELL IT THRU THE COMPANY (juo tfiiUti twoJ.J panunu63) (CanUnufedOn Vage Six) 260 Main St. • Eatit Haven 05 Bonmann Road ^^^^i^^^s COMPANY .Tel. HO 7-3939 WANfADS ' East Haven • HO 7-8440 ^ ISS^I^ tl III UIUIUIUI I'l UIUI l]I UI11 HI UI11 T^^'SSS Ifl-, EAST ^A^^i:N NF.W.S. Thprsdny, Ffthnini'.v 1R, IDBI. Pnup i Harbor Coimiiillee Momauguin Exchange Ainaleur Show On EAST IIAVKN NKWS, •lluirmlii.v, TVIn'imry (8, I«M: 'IVKC .1 i I Planning For Supper Av*-i:/^i*t»«i| Break Do>vii The "2,200" Head To Address Mr. ond Mrs. Thomas Gagliardi Town PROTECT AND BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME Auxiliary dfflcers arc: Angela ^]i IHaril Ilauru Nfuia ll wniiUl n])p('nr lliiit tin niitioiitil Adniiii and son Thomas of Cosey Beach WITH CUSTOM-BUILT & CALIFORNIA STYLE Commeree Chambers AIVIVETS Post 14, Meoll, prcsldcntjkatliorine Vetro- islialinn has gnt itsilf out on an einbainis Stage Here Next Thursday Rood left yesterday by plane for j ne, senior vice presideni j Peggy rt'iiMsiiri) x'vniM TIHIIISIDAY Arthur Gosiin. cholrmon of the nit; limb with ill olaim Ihal '2,200 tedenil I'Inns nri! beini; cOmpli'lBit for WCLI. These popular entertainers Miami Beach for a vocation. Topics Colnvoliie, Junior viro president; Horhor Development Study Com­ nv th(j third annual Amnlour Show will serve ns judges for. the local •Auxiliary Install Louise Datlllo,. recording secreta­ iiiililoveiH ha\e been delaihpil lloni seiMfi mission of the New Haven Cham­ of the Ensl Iloven 13x(;hnnKC Club contest along with Mr.>i. ,Iohn ry;, Ann Mllnno, corresponding s(?- as "seeiiiil,\ iisks" A leiiisal lo'*bi(nk down ber of Commerce, will bo the Hoppy birthdoy to Mrs, Irving . We've done It again. Our fir.s^, warn S'lasss ipii:j©M(ei'N'U''u®iii3» which Is 10 lie priwcnted next Strandberg, mu.sic In.siruclor ol ALUMIKUM cretnry; Mnliel Ilanlcy, treasurer; guest speaker at 0 joiat meeting Koppier of Hobson St. who is ob­ .selectman, Frank Cloncy, was . New Officers Ann Melllln, .^icrgennt al arms; and INCOIM'OIIATKI) the nunibir iiilo ii elansifualinii ol Hie MII Thui'mliiy evening at 8 p.m.' In the the High .School. of the Eo.sl Iloven and Bronford serving the onniversory today. Identified as "First Selectman ,Iane 'Burgey, doleBOte to execu­ inns hpes of cases has peiniilteil a lloi k nl MiKh School auditorium. I'rniiiineiit Clvln Orou)r * • » * • Ni'wly ch'clcd officers of Al\1- 31111 DlwvHI A\, llahiiliM, roiiii Chambers of Commerce scheduled Frank Barker" in a picture cut- tive comnillt(>e. ( \lia\iiuiiiil elaiiiiM iibmil llu nlinilid ol dis More than 100 ncis have been Since Its Inception In 19.50, the St. Clare's Guild will hold Its viri'.s Post M and Auxiliary were JONATHAN tongue .suh.slituting • NO MAINTENANCE PROBLEMS Mlllon Anderson, ,Ir., retired as IlimliKss 'lihphaiii Alivalir K mill towns. The speaker is Connecticut toiidcd Ibe insinuation ceremonies .Inmon F. Mllono, general chnlr- a fire prevention po»t(!r ond es­ 0(10 name for the other have been post coniniiinder, and Belly Wal­ wliiili llu\ bad beeli appoiiilul In piiMoiis vice president of the National Ri­ IneUided; Frank S. Clancy, first iniin,.)inld todoy that the produc­ say contest, and the hoys' and HIGH SCHOOL NOTES credited to Congre.ssmon Al Cre- ;i ,1 I II 1 I ,t ters as llie bend of the local aux­ iidiiiiniKtrarni)i,s ver and Harbors Congress nnd Is seloctinani Ernest Penibert'on, nl- SimSCKirilON: %ir>n pii var, piiVMlili< In ailvniici) tion this year will very likely lop girls' "State" program whlcii Is tella. Highway Commissioner G. iliary. chairman of the Connecticut Port liy ADRIENNE ELLIOTT lendlng as n repiMMenlnlivci bf Ihi; Now llnit nfin nils lime (Oiiseiitid In le the prevlouH shows presented ' by Is conducted each year at the Un­ Albert Hill; and others. More re­ Survey Commi-ssion. The .second meeting of the Fu­ cently Deputy. Chief Jo.seph Folio Ainorican l.ogion; FrancisT. Flood, .siNOMO (;oi'v Ik Idisi a pal I nil bieidtdown on tin siiiinh the local Exchange Club. Me based iversity of Connecticut.. Stone. Church Service The Jiiint meeting, on nnnuol ture Business Leaders of America 'was guilty of this sin. AMVK'l'S Nallonnl executive com- iisUs' lepniled In siM'liil depai tiiiiiils, tin hlfl cstlinnlo on the "excellence of As a general .service lo the affair, will open with a cocktail ***** nillleman; nnd Mary VVelcli, Aux­ Men's Committee Hold Elilcipil as RPiniiil rlnss mnllni nn May I'i IT),', I he inlent that has been signed for town, Ihe Club recently installed was colled to order by Presideni "J JH) ' tiKiiie Ijoffilis In lake on llie liiicidil hour at 7 p.m. with dinner fol­ Constantly, •while writing about iliary national executive commit- nl. Now Ilnvdii, Omiiocdcul, maler lla? ni'l, nf Mnrcli this yeai".if contest." 'I'he chairman a drinking fountain on the East Dorotliy Klngsford al 9 o'clock, Dessert Card Parly piopoiliniis nf Sdialoi Metailln's oiiprinal lowing at 8 o'clo(;k. Members of either of the two "Frank.s" we li'Winiinn; and the Uev. l.ouls Pe- reported ' that ticket sales have Haven Qreen. This was done not The Service Men'.s Comnilltce of 3, 387!), both Chambers and their guests Tuesday morning. •hove to be on guard against this losl. of SI. Vincent do I'nul Cluirch. elaini ol 207 ininnniinsls in Hie Mali Di been very good, bul that In Ihe only as a service for townspeople i.iio Old .Stone Church.will i^lve a arc invited lo bring their wives. The question of dues was brought erroneous sub.stltutlon. although ,los(>pb llennlclt, department vice laii'liiKnil week remaining before the show, but as a .safely measure to make Desserl Card Parly 'I'liesday, up and adi.scu.s.sion followed. Fifty the !iubconsclous motive for such coiumnmier, conducted t.lie Insinl- tickets reserving good seats could il unneces.snry for children using In East Haven, Chomber mem­ March 2, al 8 |i.ni. in the Parisli mixing of monickers escopes us. lalltni roi-eniony niui served as of- Man Our Walclilowcrs Onl ol a total ol ">ll "soeniil^ iisks" be obtained from Club membcn's. Ihe iilayground to cross the busy bers are advised to moke their re- cents a year was decided upon. CUSTOM BUllT PAIIOS DOOR AND WINDOW House, .servatlons with Herman Schnrt at Probably It has somethjng to do rii'iT of llie day. For the Auxiliary, s(|iiialed lioiii Hie Stall Dipaitnidil jun The tickets will also be sold nl the ..IK el to get 0 drink. ' , The following committee members Hcservallons may be made with An iipiiiil lilt II l< In iliinni wiiipliiiKi of door the night of the show HO 7-'l.'i.1G. Elwood Scoble, at HO with their intense rivalry, sprung Peggy Colnvolpe, department pre- mil dniiiiK llie last vein oiil\ 11 Wdi' Funds for the Club's acts of ci­ were chosen: fund raising conunit- THOMPSON & BURNAKA, INC. any nf the foliowlnB committee Dlsplny IVIzi^ffc 7-022.1, or Don Bartlett, HO 7-1437. up .since their first campaign en­ .•ildcnt. Installed the new auxiliary tliB yoviil llinoii iipiin ilii' (oiilMitnl ol llu vic betterment ore limited to the lee, Sybil Provost, Sliluey L'Heu- niemliers: Mrs., Clinrlos Larson, ailiialh idiuived as lioiia fiili 'linnll} The charge will he $2 per person. counter In 1949. 1000 state St., Near Edwards St. • New Haven otnccrs. Emily Cranula of West Unilnd Sliids m iiii IMI pnsinl |iiissiliilit\ George .Miller, publicity chair Iiroceeds of the annual amateur reux, Raylene Hill, ann Adelaide, chnirinon, 110 7-1M5; Mrs. .lames disis" or lliisc Jl, SIX will nlieaih on Hun ***** Ihivi'ii was officer of Ihe doy. Mns- \Sucli liii iilliii l(, (1111 iiiilioiiil mil sliili liiiil niiin,' has arranged a display of (how. For that reason tlie support Chlcarlili; program committee, Wnery, 110 7-2210; Mrs. .lolm Al­ Way Old. under aiitioii slai'teil. by llu; Trnnnin the grand prizes In the window of townspeople Is respectfully re- Rosemarie Ryen, Eva Aidrich. Ja­ Frank, Clancy that is, grumbled l<>r itf ccrenuniles was Al, Forte, len, '110 7-7n.').1. and Mrs. Diuiald IMH fuel, IM llllllklh Ulll ll ll (lid (OllK II EHHS Stiidenls To one day that he was thinking of imsl (lepnrlnicnt comiunnder. adinnnslialinn In tin TidisiiH ni'|iai liiidil, of Towne .Tewolers store, at 218 (luested. net DeSola, and Joy ZabskI; char­ Chidsey, MO 7-ll7.'M. changing his first name to put an ui m ui ui ui ui ui ui ui.. .i ui ui w m New Of fleers woiilil linci IIS all (|iiilr iin|ii(piii((l Main St., and pictures of some of Members of. committees who ore ter committee, Elaine MallnowskI, nl III niislms, oiil.v loin weie nn 'bnidU Collect Heart Fund end to this confusion. The ii(>w,officers who wore iii- the contestants ore to be posted assisting in this.year's production George Palmer, Joe Criscuolo, In tile fil^i ol siitli (1 IciiiliU possiliilil\, Kiolinds ' ;-*»•••*. slalied were as rollowsl .Iose|)ii in the windows of'the now vacant are as follows; Paul Doane and Francis Wilson, and Michael Cer­ Under the pressure of the gar­ Colavolpe, commanderi Henry Ilu- linwevei iiiiioh il nun w i in nl llic IIKHIII ill, 'I'lie Ibnnbiniiiil tdin 'suiinh iisk" «loi'6 at the corner of KIrkbani Thomas Ceelan. tickets; Sal Lon- Contributions Fri. rlto. bage ordinance issue, Clancy has n;i'y, firsi vioe-commandcr; Alheil In ni>!<;l<>i'l In pimnli fin il wniilil IK iiiiii • mils II ninllilmli nl sins, lileialh Uiii ol and Main .Sts. gulmrdl, in charge of door lick- Tmnorrow is High School Heart had little time to deal with other LllCMS SllMlitt (Ilordano, second vice - comniand- jnni An iimMllinKinfis iiv oiii Imili'm In KIIIII lalere.sl in the civic club's an­ els; Pas(|Uule !!amnpann, Arthur Day. Student volunteers from the The guest speaker for the meet­ matters. A meeting of the Park­ Ihnsi sins linn In iHiisnn, siinh bill I'r; Charles Swnitzwi'lder, ndju- nual contest has grown steadily ISIccio, Antljony Cerrlto, Lyman High School will be stationed ing was William Kosl, who dis­ ing A\ithorily has been postponed Tlip .Innliir (iuih! of C'lirisl Kpiscoiml Chiirrli Nvill hold a spuKtii'tti sup per on TiicNiIuy, March 1(». Mrs. \V. OHMI Parlu'r (crtilrr), prcsiilcnt ol 'jjq]l|*H||^ESt SERVICE till- MonniiMiiss nl llu sllniilion Inis piiniilli(l the iilliei'N inelndo (IriinkH, libnin.se.Mials, gos lanl; .In.scph .Siclnl)i>rR. finance of- eacli year. The contests them.selvos Harrington ond Miclmel Cuomo, along Main St. from 3 p.m. until cussed the use of language for a^aln. Now, Bertel Kiockars is lilt' uriHip. s phiiis fnr Iho afruir with Mrs. I'ctcr l..tK>iis (TIKIIU clialriiuui of llic suppor I'oniiiiitli't' and iMrs. IIiilli Si-ttlilr, \ic>i> chnir- llli' pcopk' nl I Ins lonniM In he liillid ijilo ricci-; nnd Vic Haffonc. pnivo.sl sips and olliii iniHliabli iieisniis as will as have provided ninny talenled production; Chorle.s Copelund, Jo­ 9 p.m. carrying the characteristic business students. This was follow­ iemporarily Immobilized with a niiin. marshal. ll fiilsc siiiSL nl siciiiiU 'dislinal ' 01 "siiliMisni' l\pis iiKainsI y(ningsters with an opporlunily to seph Folio and Peter Lucas as­ red heart-shaped containers for ed by an original skit by Dorothy ihjee ailment, while one or two gel .started In the entertainment sisting Miller on publicity; Sidney donations nnd Heart Fund pins. 'Klngsford, Elaine MallnowskI, other members of ihe authority wliniii nollimg has liiiii jnoMd bill who iiii, 'riiu annual observance is cun- 0(l(ll,y llli' Ki'iii'i'il fu'ling lliiil He liiivi field, Sanson, Peter Llmoncelll and .To- The local drive Is under the di­ George Palmer, and Mary Lou may not be able to attend a meet­ lie(|iiiiil|-\ llli good K iihoiis, mull I snspiiion Legion Senior Kille untiling to loin nininiMiliii ih in llu \\ti\ ol This year the winners will be seph Ilaiioljl, stage Work and de- rection of the Student Council. A McLeese. ing in the near future because of Friends Of Music ducli^i under Ihe spnn.sorship of ll has IKIII liinled Ihal Nonn pLisuiiiiil coialions; Henry DeVlto, John iifi noiml iitltuk OMSIS HIIIC lis siiU Milh llii given nn opportunity lo appear on special committee, headed by Al- • * * * other commitments or plans. Ihe East Haven Kxchange Club. nlluiiils bini grille so liii as lo dig mil 111 Walt and lEmniy Lou NIelson's Esposito, George Miller, Dom Fer- Ijhonse Amomporo, has been nam­ A representative from Kathe- .;.*••** Hold Musical Team Wins Third oll-opiPRsi'd luliol lliiil open (iiiilliil lii- rara, John Kmetzo,. Ernest Crls- TV program, "The Yankee Ped ed to assist In the campaign. Mem­ rine Gibbs visited the high school on the matter of appointing two llu disi nl piisnii.s MIU) lime In di liiins cuolo, Matty Anastaslo and Mlclt- iween tlic llnili'il binds iiinl its maim V" dier.s," and also on Ihe radio pro­ bers of the committee Include Joan Wednesday. Mrs., Dole spoke to men to the Joint Airport 'Zoning Get-Togellier Match In Series leilid III liiiM iisigiiid loi pcileelh b gil ey Acelo, program. teiiliiil eiiciii), SoMCI liiissia ii ipiili liluh gram by Bud rincli nn .Station Bockman, Robert Talbot, Fraaces tlioso interested in the .school and Commi.sslon. the flr.st selectman TIH' Fobi'uury inec'ting of -'.f l-.'lie.Sonioi^^Wfkv.Teanr of the soilip poopli say iiiPMtiililc iiiiali and linnoiabb iinsniis, iinsnbsliinlnil Quinlan, Shirley Wordle, 'Gerroine acquainted them Willi the oppor- sold that this would wait until I>Iew Ftit'iuis of Music wus conduetcil Harry .•R.'.'lBartisit Post 8S), Am- nniliinil 111 thin iim sligiilnr libs so lliiit Jackson, and George Wagner. "lunities offered there. Hoven appointed its two. Town WHY USE « 41 « * 4. by Miss Joscpliine Long, vice pre- orlcon Legion, won the la.st of a In times ol onuiKoniv Ilii AiniiKaii piili Hie ' suiinih' iisk" la„' nii(,lil be applnil Chamber of Comaierce; and John The. students' campaign is olso Councel Jtlcliard Reilly Ls keeping series of three .shoots with the .The oratorical contest took place .sidenl, in the lingnmon Memoiitil Joan Poiricr Wins MoPartlnnd, head' of the, Eaglisli being assisted by the High School an eye on New Haven's move, In Norden Instruments .Rifle 'I'eam, SUBSTITUTES? lie bLiiliMiiK III ll><> nislnniiiij \\n^ nl ilinim Some ol lliesi p( npic lia\i. bun tiaiisleiiid yesterday in the auditorium. The Library lasl. week. deimrtmiinl at the High School. P.T.A. which is supervising the en- addition to being kept busy by the Who Can Fill These Shoes? of lyiilford,'last'week, in Mllford. i,nii be lalliil upon In iimlce am mi advantages of our conslitutlon miles In nihil di pailnii Ills iiiul an slill winking lirii operation. gnrbag^' bon issue nnd a number After the busine.s.s meeting llic The Bartll'tt .'learn won by a mar­ Members of the faculty who were discussed by Joan Poirier, PHSiin siiuiilli'e lint III nniinii I" ilnllml ni Im the gineiiiiiu 111, lieiansi, appaiinlU, Legion Oratorical The committee in charge issued of other things. following musical progrmti was gin ' of 25-.point* Or fl55 to 930. assisted la arraaging the contest Dorothy Ann Klngsford, John Es­ llie (tuiiiii'iils nl nun pnliiilialih iiml il is a brief plea to llie public for sup­ You guessed it — the one and only presented under the (iircction of lliiie IS nn iiisl iiiiisi Idi llu 11 sipaialinii and screening the final contest­ posito. Kenniston Lord, and Nancy ***** The Norden iijam had previously port: "When yon think of the I-Iom'e resting from n bod case Reddy Kilowatt, your Electric Servant. Ml.s.s Betty Taylor, program clmlr- (JIIILUIJ IffnniI'll 11 mil lediial sii MI ( Conlcsl For EiL ants were 'Mark Florello and Freemaa. taken • the-. rirs\ two matches In many lives that con be saved by of the grippe Is Superintendent man; tlie series. Tli'e. Norden team serv­ Joon Poirier 17, of 417 Foxon Josepli Hawtln. And only Reddy can fill them. He lights Win II Aiiieiiia was Kiihiini/i il inio iiilinii ('nngiissnian I Viiiigbai,i fliin puis llu Heart Fund research, you will ***** of Schools R. Veinon Hays. Owing Piano solo — "At llie Spring" ed refresHmenis after the match. lUi., w/is the iiiiiIKi r|fiil( libnill) 111 Insddiiiind loi inoii winner ycslordiiy Legion . officials in charge of certainly give generously. Let's Many students wore 'entertained to the pressure of business, how­ .your home, cooks your food, does your ILlszt) — Marian'Munro. .. .Ir. Rifle Teiini Meets oil the KiiiUldi allii'k In I'lail llinlioi llieii all open our hearts lo the Heart and informed today. The Journal­ Chorai singing — "Flow Gently. 111I01 iinilnm ' Tin 11 is a ilil li 11 iiu , In of lli(! annual liifih school ora-i the contest are headed by George ever, he has kept In touch with his laundry, entertains your family, and so Tlie Bartlett Post Junior Uifle WHS, iiieiuriill>, a pi nnd nl linn in uliicli In JVlachnick, chairman of the ora­ Fund." ism doss, under the direction of office and, this morning, come In Sweet Afton" (Burns - Spillman^- Team will meet at 6:30 p.m. Tues­ Nolhliig you can buy at any sins, 'bilyidi 11 niiiii lidiig an abolniln, lorlcui contest sponsored by the pri'puie niiisiKns 'Indin, in Hie iijfe nl torical contest committee. Yesterday a similar drive was Miss Keefe, put out another splen­ for a few hours to handle what many- other things, at the flip of a 13eth Taylor, accompanist; and — day in the Legion Building tor price cun nialcli Iho lasllnQ wdiieli ijS a'disease, and being n (,'oniiiiiiiiisl, Harry Enrtlolt Post 89, American did Comet, due to be distributed, "Locii Lomond" (Old..Scotch Air). ulumie wailnie, lime will IK iin sin li iliiinep Winner of the local contest will conducted in New Haven by stu­ he could. switch. Reddy Kilowatt "works effort­ bus t'ransilortatloh to the New •k Yon can now have REAL liuill of buby's first tlepi wineli IS 11 liiiilm I dn mil wiiiil In iillaili Legion. As the winner of the lo- dents of the Ilillhouse and Wilbur today. **).** Piano ,-solo — "Venetian Boat I-iayen.. Armory • whore they will A blow stiiiiU lioiH llie nil, wlnii il mines, engage in successively wider con­ Cross high schools. Song" (3yiendels.sobn) -^ Ilildur CERAMIC TILE in beautifully and usefully In lllise 2,200 pi npb the },illll nl liiiiig Inn cnl contest Miss Polrler'.s name Believe it or not but during the lessly, dependably, fast, for low wages. • fire. Chalrmar( Arne Helland urg­ ll it uonies, \MU IH II in.issue iilliinpl lo tests; (unless defeated) whicli of­ In the Iligli School library is a Svcnson. • lias been entered ns a contestant basketball game between East Ha­ es all raenihersto b'c prompt since stalled at the samc( bronzed forever in .solid loi-K lo the eoiml.ry.when it. is iint. I.,riie. All fer scholarships 'ranging from display of a variety of groph.s. Icnui k us ,uiil iilln^i 111! I ven and Branford Tuesday night Choral Singing — "Sea Fever" the bus will" leavi; 'at 6:45 "on I want lo do is to giw llii Aiiiuiuali |ieii|ile ill tlie Legion district contest. \ They were drawn by the seventh prices and even lower niolul. $3.50 lo $15.00 If son lo $-1,000. ... South End A.SSOC. the players were sliding around (IVIasefield - liadiey). Ihe dot." Miss Poll lei s oialion, whieh' grade of 'I'uttle. School under ;>the Vocal Duel — "Morning" than imitation tiles. Foiliiniililj, we uie iinl inmiiU lelv \MI1I- liie inloinialnni and I llinik llun'mi enlilled ' • ' '•." • • ' • ' • on a slippery floor'due to-pOor •! THE UNITED ILLUMINATING had us, It.s subj(;ql the Amorlcahi supervision of Mrs. Katherine (Speals(, (CLi.;.-.^ a:l2:'^ ' oiit 1)1 oU'lst(nil 'nniiiks lo n illinilii i- ol vol- In ll " Holding Dance Sal. . air conditioning In the gym. Tbo * We vvill tile tlie average Gon.sl llul Ipii, ..won for' her, a • .$215 Tlibma^s Shea Named Walsh. Some of them show the IVIorgaret Wnery, Marian Munro, Police Chief, Talks - cost of education, population in­ phenomenon was explained this m^m^^^m^^^ COMPANY lathroom oomploto with DRONr-SHOE iinleum v\bo liiixi bun diililnUv innnninn Piisuleiil lOisiiihnwei has i^piissed his cash' jirizo which was awarded acconipanisl. .,..., At Venezia' Club creases, accident rates and a com­ way. • With o lorge crowd, the On CririiiBvPrevention onl| obynviilioil imsls, 4liis niilinn lias soiin Pinno Solo — "Mymn To The aooessorios for only own emu em abiiiil pnlliiig Iho tuiilni lalicl her by Selectman Bomlnlc Pre^i^iem; or E. II. parison of the areas of tlie world. dir in the gym becomes extremely •The' observniipe. fif, .'Crime Pre­ An informal dance for members' UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI Sun" (Rim.sity - Korsakov)—Wil- ebiiiieB nl being xvamed IJnlil niii ((elini- (Ml all 2200, aiijl has ailinillid Ihal iiiosi an Ferrarn. She is a .senior in the ***** hiimid and moisture condenses on vention Week'\Vas"hig)ilighled to­ of the South End A.s.sociation and the- floor which is cooled by the heimina Strandberg. eians cab M)l\e Hie pinlilein nl seem my: iis iiol ''bniilli\ dis(s" III the line seiisi ol llu local High. School Rod and Gun Clul) day l)y a;'tn')k • by' Police Chief their; friends will be. held i|n Sat­ Dr. Haley of Grace-New-Haven underlying concrete. Vocal Duel — "Hark, llnrk Ihe Edwin B. Pfi'^.'"'<*'i the topic, "The $135.00 BRING THEM iN TODAY! finm llie lolal desliiii linn nl iilnniit altaek, Second prize, .TilO In .cash' was Thomas A. Shea, Jr., was elcclcd Moid Jlowuei, he has dniie MM lillle lo Community Ho.spltal vLsited the ***** Lark" (Shakespeare - Schubert) Greatest Crime," before an assem­ FULL 1 1/10 •' THICK PIANO HINGE DOOR awarded 16 John Esposito, of 121 and installed as president of the urday at 9 p.m. nt'the Venezia High Sciiool Thursdoy. She talked lliese posts must bi manned I hliiige Hie Ailiiatioii / . The condition represents a gen­ — Linian Lar.son and Helen IIas.se, bly of students dl the High Sciiool. MODEL TILE THE BEST COMB. ALUM. STORM & SCREEN DOORS George St., while third prize, $.'5 East Haven Rod and Gun Club, Club, on Laurel St. . about the requirements ond ad­ uine hazard to players who might IVtarian Munro, accompani.st. En­ vantages of the nursing jirofe.ssion. During tb_e-j\yt'^'?k, a movie pro­ A lin\ \nlnnleus i an I do il all With 'i'lii people ol tin Ibiilid Htiilis, and ol went lo Kenniston Lord Jr., .of Inc., at a meeting of the group The club, a' private one, is lo­ suffer serious iajury as a result core — "Five O'clock in the COMPANY LUCAS STUDIO last week. Other" officers who cated near the . Municipal Golf *****' NEW YEAR -1954 gram for e'd'tifdHt^B .'x'ouiigslers on out llio Hiipimil and appiei lalinii nl Hie jiiili tin woild, ail eiililbd lo Uiinw wliiil lliese 8 Jiinilcn Court of a spill on the hardwood floor. Morning." 05 Borrmann Road were Installed are: Maurice Rom- Course and was the locale of the Ihe problem (^/.iuvenile crime, was 'se(llllt^ iisk" iiises aie II lnoks\d\ inueli Other High School students We wish to express our appre- Choral Singing — "Oh! Whal A 205 Main St. • East Haven lie thou tl'lnils will lad 'I'lie IIIOIL that pal er, vice president; Pat Acampora, group's Harvest Bail. The admis­ ***** shown • ob'out the •3l.emenlary 'East Haven • HO 7-G4401 un?'i«i TheBranwinCo. ijialion to tho.se who so kindly East Haven's Buying Directory Beautiful .Morning" (Rodger.s-IIam- tieiimle, the liplilii lue Ibe biiiiUns llial as tlioiigh the inlonnation, when it is 11 who wore contestants were recording secretory; Bob Beauton, With almo.st 500 spectators schools by Deputy Chief Josepii Tol. HO 7-3930 sion fee Is $1.50 per person. Car­ donated their money nt the ba.s- merslein) — Beth Taylor,'accom­ llw I'llll 'till l''cent meeting of Girl Apparently frightened by traf­ or iMA 4-0068 loan In one visit. Come in or write. ized'telephone equip)nent. Here's another ex­ .Scout Trooi) 181 in the Moman- fic the horse.'a handsome white looks to be pretty much of a dead APPLIANCES guin School' new officers were one, trotted down the street. Its Issue. See Them Now On Display! ample of how your telephone company works to reins trailing stopping occasion­ .-***»* elected to serve for the remainder For Appointment Call "Authorized Dealer" provide service as free from errors, interrup­ of the year. ally, but always managing to A hydraulic ladder to replace evade Its pursuers. tions and delaysas is humanly possible. Carol Chopman was elected pre­ the 2C-year old ladder truck now HO 7-1854 International sident; Corol Dotlllo, vice presi­ * « « « * used by headquarters Is a fond • LOW DOWN PAYMENT dent; jMorIa Clearelll, secretory, Miss Shirley Joanne Mill, daugh­ A numb(>r of cars driving south, wish of Chief Hayes, who points and SoiVdro Auccnski, treasurer. ter of Mrs. Melvin W. Hill, of 61 spotted the chose, slowed down out thot It would make his smoll • EASY TERMS Trucks Henry Connol.v and Dnnald .Steiiham, I''irst-ela.ss Scoills and nunnbcrs of Troop Two elas|) bands liefiin* Seonlmiisler IJjirt Itiehards after being 2nd Floor • Woolworth BIdg. The girls enjoyed a Valentine Elm St., has become engoged to and then stopped so as not to e.x- force more efficient In fighting clte further the animal which was Open Evenings & Sat. Only SALES — SERVICE 109 CHURCH STREET awarded the "Ad Allure Oci" Crossiis. Tin- rr(iss('s, a gift from Archbishop O'lirlen, 'Wi'n' aw'ur(l(>(l lo lln' ideal boys as part of a group of Dl Liiarly arid plans tor 0 skating par­ Eric G. Witt, of Pacific Palisades, building, fires. New Haven, Conrt. THE SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND ty lie.xt Monday' and a hike on Calif. Mr, Witt Is the son ol Mr. finally halted near the Tyler Ave. A. G.F. ELECTRIC Phone: State 7-1181 suc«essriil location of in the first two periods; the Enst- mers will enter the nniuial Con- cfraet, we. cnhvin,t|i;l|mlSi:B .lot of that the Comniltiee nil .Buildings ies moved lo n Ifi-rj lend by thtvond Urniiforil necticul lilierschnlnslic Atliellle .,-- Two .Stni-mi a I'o.sl Office .sub - .slnllon at proiilpms fcr tlio Town", <;!IIIK'^ nii'el. to esuihilsh tt uillform p(dlcy of the first qunrtor. By hnlf-timr It F r Conference. Cnncli .Toscpli Melllio Sill 'I'lnnrl, of 02 iliutr SI,, lidd on the use of »c,h(1ol fncllllles. wbich slanipsand money orders snirt. Uc, said llml. i"e :^^"own's. inny be oblalned. Ihey had advanced thoir .seorliiR McGownn, i » 2 « expects Ihnt his lenm, which lins wcirni'o wns tlosely 'lied,111 • wlUi osUed perhilfislon lo c:«et n sirRlr- T). Heard ft report hy the Coni- infion tii n three-lo-one proposi­ Tlmiiutsnn, f 0 2 2 set nn excellent veeorri this year slory liulldlnK mennurlng nppmx- nilllee on Trnnsporiollon 'ond Patrons have a supply, of 20 n»y netloii Ihril. Ulit'soli'ftihon oi- tion. The half-wny mark .showed Sliintiui, r 'I 1 n for Us size school desplle several lllinlely "ID by 'in In nccomoiliile FInnnce recomiiiendlnB ihnt trnns- carts lo assist lliein In RallierbiR nny oilier otflolat .liojly,, mtiy inkc. the Ensiles leading .'Ui lo VX. As SIrdo.v. r '• 0 1 defeats, will niHlie a "good show- two rclnlj sioi'es, 'I'he luilldliiR Is porfnllon of youoK Implls lo Grade Ihoir own supplle.n from the the name progressed both t(Minis nnelier, t 1 II 2 InK"'. STARTS SATURDAY NIGHT Foi' Hint ronSart Hid e'litli'e liinUfi' shelvc.s.'Al the rear of the buHdlng to he erected on l.ols SO iind HI. four In llie Maple SI, aren . for jiieked up speed and points al- IMeslnilto. e 1 i 8 Suuunur.v might' to bc.slildlcd Very cnrefully, Is a loi'RS meal department,, 7-DAYS.7 ENTIRE WEEK on Wiilter St. ' . ' reaaoii of safely and nn ' ndjusl- thougli \\\v Itlnslio lead eonlinued Sniltll, e 1 1 . 3 inil yard lelny: CnstlEllone, ho Soiri,, liofoi'p aii;',ai:|inii is to.he, where 'meat orders arc filled. The .Sevrul piir.sons, Ineludini; one ment ofn iills plek-up at Lenox lo p,ro\v under, a varied assault Klinnis. V, I II 2 Gregory, .Tei-Rens (Gi. department features a larRe walk- FEBRUARY 20 lo 20 INCLUSIVE InUen, •.'.,, \'' ~'/' >;, .,, wornint who lived On .Wnllor ,5t,, .SI. ho left unchanged for Ihe time by Red O'Mnrn johiod 1)y ank l,ny.- Klunnnn, e II 1 'i\\\ .yard free style; Clapp (10111 In cooler at the rear. ' '.! nppenrert 16 oppose the pp'tlllon being, /i Ted Snllivnn, Unlph Castellon DniB". K t a fi l.st, Piiole (ri> 2ud, Slaei! (O) ard. The first selgctninn conceded Other refrlfjeratod foods are self- Inst nliiht. The|r niiiln concern np- 0. Voted, on reeomniendallori of and Henry Heffernan. 50 ynrd free style: LonRO (Oi Ihnt tho-Town fnceitlf)!:pli|eiiiB of service ami are displayed In open peiireil lo he I hat once slores were Ihe coninilllee, dial coniplalnis tolnls \\ 10 • 1st. Smith (15111 2nd, Gilson (V^IU refuse" dlRposnl,In 'ilil.-Jrfutilre ro- lefiiRcrnled cases. These Include pernilllod In' the ; area ollhers nhoiil school bus trnnfiportatlon he Desplie Konie ijood eolloKo irles Nnn-seorliiK sulwlituies: (Enst :iid. , Rimllcss ; or the iireiniit''rprpdlcii- dairy products, frozen fruits and would lot'iite tlii'ro. , directed llrsl In the siiperlntendenl by .lark McCoy, Richard Slnnlon lluven) Guslnfson;. (Urnnforil) inive: Howell (Gi Isl. T^KRCrs nleiit. 1 lowevor,; lis'snirt,: uiiy rush vei;elabl5.H, an lee cream and frnz- 'I'lnnrl explained thnt he wl.ihed so Ihnt ho may first make n suidy nnd .laeUMcGnwan, the Branford lioytlen mill Vlslnio. (n> 2nd, Wnlliu-e (RID .lid; uctloiis 111 tills I hue jiiliy: serve lo (?n tlellcacles (lepiu'tnienl, and a lo nac one of" the si ores for .sales of Ihe iSllundon before the hoard team was ovi»rwhelined by sii)iei'- Seore liv periods (l-Iast iiaveii- inn yard free slyle: Wallace (01 nURrnvnte tlicsp., proulBiiifl; refrlRernled vcROlable stand. and dl.spluy of electrloul equip- Is leaked lo consider nny action, ior power not only in the shool- lirnnfordi; Ifi-S, .'IH-I'J, .'•.ri--2-l, 78- isl, I'owel'i (1511) 2iid, Smith (EHl Thri\si:' \vlih' sjyVfl/Jn'iiir: 'sudclen mehl.:No speelfleduse for llie nlh- 7, Hoard a report from Ihe Two exit stall each ninnned by iint but in contfoUinK the hUiek- .'iS. Urd. urBencyiipnii thl? Town n» li result er slori.' was Kiven. Traiisporial.lon eomnilllee reKOrd- II clerk facllltale Ihe liilalhiR of boards, 100 yard iireasi stroke: Gregory biii use of Gi'nnnls SI. by school of n decision. In i.thu; New, lltiveii Tlnni'l told I he lieard and .siinie oi'ders and payment by customers., Wonderful values, lop selcclions in every department for every In the final poriod wtlh ViiHory (G) 1st, Hlllhernnn (.G) 2nd. AnRiis Court or.Comhidh I'lcHs, the Issue of Ilia opponents Hint a number of hn.^ea, 'J'lie coinhilltee sliiled thai |. The entrance anil exit doors are safely assured for Kasi Vlavon nnd Kaslics Lo,st^ To (Kill ard. of gnrbiiga regulntlpiT' Jiiis now peo|j|e who Imil sl(!lieil th |iellllon 'a recommended remedy Involved serairate. member of (he family. Shop as a family at Kcllcy's this week. out of Uranford's reach alIot:;ethtM', 300 ynrd iiack stroke; Keefe Inkeii lop prlorliy; iii the Kovern- prnleailnH Ids nppeal had "culled more hazards thnn Ihe |)r(?senl set­ .Meiuber of I'fiA siiiistiluies were ihrown in freely GnHMiwit'h ,36-29 (Ell) l.st, Castlsllone (G1 2nd, meut. dlyruptlni;'notion In olhor nu; lalcr and snid iliey were .sorry up and advised no change. The The store Is n meniber of the Special ilenionsl rations, special displays. Conic to Kellcys. on liolli sides. The inject ion of Clnpp (1511) ard, coninilllee will InvestlKate the fresh players inlo the t*ame nnve rIOItl'OKMANCK NCIIIODIH.H ^ nreiis of ndnilnlslrnllnn acllvlly. Ihey had SIIJIKMI It.'" ProRresslvc? Orocers Association, 111 Swimming Mcrl 200 yard relay: Gllsnn, O'hldy, mailer further. • il a shot in the arm nnii the .scor­ Sal, Night, at C:30 & 9:15 wbolesalbiR firm provld.nR special I^owell and Carlson (Ensl Haven). 8. Received n, brief repiu'l from ing proceeded even faster under l>.V Uill Webster "ADULTS 740 Mrs. .lohn Sullivan, cluilrmnn of a dlscolnts to Its mi.iihers. riic pro­ the onslaught of these benehors. The Enst ilnven swlniniiiiR lenin C'ON'I'INIIOIIS SIINDAY All I'erfdrnninivs "HOIIIO" nl 2:0(1 - 1:1(1 - 1:111 - !l;Bn special conmiltlee Imiulrlng Into prietor claims Hint the store Is The Snniniary wiiu liefented liy Oreenwloli IIIKII Stale Teacliers Library Clilldien AduilltiMl W'm-f.m.yM'j.'i Ihe possibility of future school llio larRcst food market between Kust Ilnveii Sclinol 'I'ue.'idny liy n seore of ;1G-;.'!1 Opened Sunday "ROBE" at 7:00 & 0:35 surveys, on a nieethiR between New Haven and Norwich on Iloule I! In n meet nl Greenwieli. Mr, IDnvId Ollfl, IJ.veeutlve Soe- herself, .Supt. Hnys, niid Lawrence retnry of the Ainei'ieuu Library SUNDAY 25c WIOKK DAYS (MON. thru V\\\. 80, Miissiiri. r II IK 'I'he ICnslles enpUired lliree iMA'I'INKK Mom'e, of Technical PlannbiK A.s- Assoelntlon, will be Ihe iiitdn At opcnhiR day filfis of flowers riinlillo. n 1 events In one of \viii(-h l*'rniiU sriciales. ^; speaker nl ecrenionles markliiR the THE WAY TO PAY from friends and businessmen In (rMnrn. 1 I t) Ivoefe liroko the seliool's IflO-ynrd fprinni openhiR, of Ihe New Haven ANNOYING ANO EMBARRASSING BILU !). Acted on a nuniher of bills the Foxon Pnrk area toi^elher with Varriu'ci, r I 8 l)iiekslroUe reeord liy lurnlnK In Get Results In A Hurry submilted hy the viirhnis ctmiinll- WIsiulnill. e 8 18 a lime of one inliuite elylil mid .Stnie Teneheis ColleRe library on inessaRcs of Rood lunk were re­ Sunday nfiernoon, from two tti A Simple, Efficient and Oalhor your overduo and cuff«nt bllli tn lees includbiK "Scjinols and Alh- ceived hy the jiroprielor. An ear­ Itiivvdeii. e '.i 2 eiijlil-lenllis .seeonds. Low In Cost — High In Readership Cotivenlpnt Way to Pay Dills Icllcs" headed, by" Miss lOllznbelh ;?.oI(l, c II t iJesUles this (Irst. pluee hy Ki^efe, 1 PLACE: iMt offtee... lier opiMihiR date had been an- No maUtr Itow much w« icirn Chniikrivlidi. noimced, but bad weather hod de- and how will w« lava, mod pay litem off wtlK lit Ad,|ounied Ms reijular ses­ . ..1 •^.i.t..^t^.i:i. of ui uctumuldlo blMi. CoupUd 1 LOAN i macio by ui , . . layed the installation of plUmbhiK ww.'.ww::: r'. Amount owod |o>ath lAr*. Foxon General Kric Muhsou Is Rimernl numuRer k,iELi;E.Y:^fl;ilt^i;5yv^3MI»^^ Iniuranco promlumi you of the store. .lolin 'i'rncanna, a havs to mill. recently returned veteran from Taxfli you have lo pay* Store Opens In Sulonco ow«d on furnllur«( Korea, Is In charRe cif llie meal Fancy Northwesfern. Oven Ready, Hens t«l«v|iton lot, radio and deportnient. fn addition lo lliem, Itomi bought on llmi. Aulomobllt ripalri, llret» New Biiildini!: the estiibllsbnienl Is Klaffed h.v bcillary, three clerks. Unpaid doctor, dontlil ond o • Cliootc tInipoynionOliotfllt yourijockal-booli hoipitol blllt. Official openlni! of I lie Foxon Orlnndo, Who first enlcred the 10-12 lbs. And any other bllli. Amount Amouiii of Monlhlv 1 uytTlePlll for: Ri'Ocery Inislno.ss when he opened of LOAN l?MO. 15 MO- 30 MO. General SI ore In Its new and o.\- Bring thli llil (o our offIco. a Rciierni store at his former lo­ If a loan cctii be made ... % SO i 5.07 - piuilled <|imi'lera on Route Sn 100 10.OS % 0.38 AVERAGE we'll find a way to make U^ ^72 cation seven nicnillis ago, wns for­ Orange ink© 4 ^•°^^^'^^ 49' 300 29.27 24.25 across frcmi lis former location 19.25 merly a llbrai'lan at Lho Veteran's Wo'll put thit loan on n monthly 500 rt7.41 39.04 30,69 on Ho.se St., place Inst Thnr.s- rcpoyniBnl boili you can moat Hospital at NewdURlon. A veteran llii'M' rilinl.il.-xil |r|iiiuil>'lll iMrllKti! nil (lllli)(<-l. fliiy, with t'l'oprletor Peter Orlan­ conv«nl«ntly out of your Incomo. Thf-y air li.i'-'a i.ii |>r.iiii|>l miirillilv |tiiyiiii-iil^. nf six years service In lho'Army, Sugar Cured do plaVhiR host to ,nuiny vtsliors Nulive — Fresh Frozen — Oven Iteady •'J'he masonry of the new hulld- nnri well - wishers. 1ns-waa done by Joseph Genllle Grape Juice 2 CA^NS 35^ riNANCE The new hulhllnR, which Is of and company. Carpenti'y work wn.'S Brisket Corned Beet ^^ %% Robart Farms Turkeys CO;, INC. chuhM' block, measures approxi­ done, by Clement Cutalann lind mately .1(1 feel broad by 50 feel iis.soelntes. The Connecticut Wall Strictly Fresh — Up (o 6 I,1)S. 1192 nl»«lll Ave.. Iloiim 201. 2»il rionr llamilmi. Ttlflllimic MAIil 1 5HI. deep, and has a floor space of HENS c tB TOMS 0|i(ii Moil. • Tliiiti. 9:30 lo 5:3(1 ;mil Filil.iv 11:30 lo « — Cloud 5alii.il.iy. Tile company Installed the tile, Peaches 2^PKGS43« two, thousand sliunre , feet. The floorloR. UefrlRerntlon Inslallatlpn Rib Pork Roasts LP 57c 75 65' '• store has a coulral front entrance LOANS MADE TO IIESIDENTS OF ALL SUnROUNDINO TOWNS and service was by Al .lenklns l.ucus Ktuditi with two lio'Ke' display windows llefrl^^eratlon Service in Foxon, Dick Siatilan, ol" Urjihlcn-d IHKII. winces as I'mil Wismnulli iiihs in iniitlli.('r t;nnr lor thl' Eii.sticH on elllier sUU;. . , Keady-To-Kut in 'I'lM'sdiiy nii^lit's ;:;itn)c on tin- local cdtu'l. 'i'lii* liniil score was also very pi'inlnl lor Itratiford: Strawberries Sliced Beef Liver L" 35= 7H-I1K ill lavor of Kasi Iliivrn. Smoked Hams 12-OI t >', Freshly Groiiiid. ' PKGS 57 JL PK.GS I ^^ l! wf.s lliLVLM.sl slraiKlit win for Wisnilnilli lapped in ihe whniinK if Ch6|)pecl Beef LB 39, SHANK 636' LB BUn 15c c Li Branford Fa.i{s the Bluo and Gold which i.s now t^oal. , \i\IASHmaTON'S BIRTHDAY FOOD CELEBRATION .•^af.dy headed foi' Ihr- Cla.si^, M A liglil zonal defenxo employed stale 'loiitnamcnl tilh-. ' 1>.V Ihe Crisafinieii nullified much HOLIDAY CLOSING NOTICE I To I)() It Again, i'la.\ini; in Ih.-ii' own rourl • of Branfqrd's shoolinH which liad » ALL FIRST NATIONAL STORES WILL BE wliere I hey could woi-k clo.st.-ly to come lnrj;rei- for Ihe yanie with his loful Cloverdale Margarine TRINT" '»21c ,'^,, 20c I..ueky lf-('af Sour TOP QUAI.lXy YOR GARDEN FROZEN FOOD SALE! I.OWUST I'lUCES Green Beans REGULAR OR fRENCH CUf 3 lOOZPKGS 59c X-Pert Cake Mixes TZ^^Jlk ^^-o^^^^ 19* Pitted Cherries Sweet, Juicy, Ex.'i'ra Large, Temple Chopped Broccoli 3 1007. PKGS 49c Angel Soft Facial Tissues 2 OF^?0^0 39c 20 Dz : FOR Cut Corn ^""^^ TENDER 3 lOOZPKGS 49c 25 Evangeline Milk NUTRITIOUS 4 uv, oz 49c Oranges SELF SERVICE Lima Beans ^ABV OR roRonooK 3 looi^pKGs 67c CANS Cor. Dodge^ SALE ENDS FEB. 20th '82 Hemingway Ave. Mixed Vegetables 2 120ZPKG5 39c Cherry Preserve MIRADEL LB JAR 3 |C ,»ffy Extra Large, Extra Fancy, Danjou CHOICE BONELESS Sweet Peas LUSCIOUS 4 10-OZPKG5 57c Pie Crust iEAT DEPT. 1\ Chunklet Tuna TIMBERLAKE 601 CAN 29c FOR MINUTE MAID Spinach CHOPPED OR LEAF 3 HOZPKGS 49c ;ir, VKAItS l;.Vl>HKIKXCt: protects your hnyin;; L 9 Oi Pears tlnlliir. Tr.v our choice cuts miee and you will ORANGE JUICE l.i'Vi-r he sulislied with any thiliR less a;;ain. EVISCERATED - YOUNG TENDER PLUMP FULL-BREASTED FRUiltS & VEGETABLES^ 10 2 CANS FOR 27' Make a Pie Ton'tghl with New Crop, Idaho Baking, Cello uag .m'KltliV .v.- UAK.N't.S BIRDS EYE PEAS ch Finast .Ilffy Mix IB 49' TurkeysSf.' ~ SUGAR 47c COFFEE 89c lbs. FRANKS 2 FOR 35^ PINEAPPLE PIE 5 lb. bas' 1 lb. bag- Corn Muffin 'otafoes I', s. t'lioit:!'; FRIINCH FRIED Beltsville Eviscerated Turkeys ^ttu LB 65C IB 53' SWEET JUICY OUR OWN RIB ROAST POTATOES PLUMP TENDER EACH 8'/i Oz Eviscerated Ducks ^^^Jv^oTuTFLAVORFUL ^ ^B 55C FINE EATING PGA. TOMATO JUICE ^^TI 25c Double Sfalk — Pascal Sweet — Tender — iiloisl I.KAN' ,I1!U V 2 FOR 29 19 10 Crisp — Green — Florida FRYERS or BROILERS ITALIAN SADSAGE lb. 79c CHUCK ROAST IB 47' Celery 21= HOLIDAY OLIO Fresh Chickens ''I^.^A^T^'2'A-3HLB AV G ^B 39 FLORIDA - SUN RIPENED JL PKGS Corn 3'° 2b Escarole 31^^29^ .si'uiNt: MisArv CLEANED ALL V/ASTE REMOVED LB 53c 25 P.G.A. PURPLE PLUMS ^S! 25c Cello Wrap On The Coij 2 IBS 43'^. BEEF LIVER . lb. 39c Jiffy LEG O' LAMB IB 59' Grapefruit 4FOKZ3C \* • - SEALTEST CHEESE LARGE, MILK-FED LB 41c I-Ui:Sll (lltDl Nl) Plump Fowl TEMPLE - A DISTINCTIVE FLAVOR BAKERY SPECIALSI Biscuit Mix IB 39 2 IB. LOAF 79' CLEANED AIL WASTE REMOVED IB 5 5c Roesslers Lean Bacon lb. 79c LAVA HAMBURG Oranges 3LBS25C &^^ 7-INCH CUT • FROM HEAVY LB 65c WE GIVE E^ GREEN TRADING STAMPS Rib Roast WESTERN CORN-FED STEERS D'ANJOU - READY TO EAT OLD FASHIONED BREAD VEAL or Wm STEW 4 lbs. 99c ELF SEIMIOI B ~>t.l« I nM<> TENDER, SOFT-T-MEATE/ D SOAP fi'llo IMik". — LB 69c LB 61c Pears 3^85 3 9c REG PRICE 19c ^.^ ^"la'oZLOAF 17* Fnrin Fresh - Extra Larg'O Italinii. Kitchen Grated FBEEI! Ried. size FAB wiih SiANT Laint) Legs OVEN READY Campbell's tOt', Oz. Katies Sauerkraut... 2 LBS 33= SPECIAL LB 33c NEW - SOLID HEADS 2 BARS 21c Ffi® lioihfor 65c .lIUrlliT's 8 OI. Lamb Fores fLAvoRFui, FINE EATING Cabbage ^B 5C EGGS 67cChees e 23c Onion Soup Spring bulbs planted LB 65c CHERRY ^i«D LOAF CAKE doz. 2 0?., jnr. in individual "green­ Oal. 1.98 SNOW WHITE MARSHMALLOW FLUFF jar 21c Macaroni-Spaghetti... 2'- 25= houses." Add water mmXA OIL Forequarter Lamb Chops REG PRICE 31c i *"*='*^ACH 29c BUMBLE-BEE ARMOUR'S BAKER'S and Ihey burst into LB 19c Cauliflower HD35C 2° 33= lireallitaking blossoms. 12 Gaits 1.00 Lamb Flanks for Stew RED SOCKEYE CORN BEEP MY-T-FINE ATRAni TO?MTO PASTE MILDLY CURE6 WESTERN - FRESH CRISP QT. BOTTLE LB 49c HOLIDAY BAKERY SPECIAL! ALASKA Pure Vanilla PUDDING Ivory Snow TO PERFECTION HASH FLAVOR 'FOOft;. TULIPS 6 Cans 49c Smoked Picnics Carrots CELLOIPKG IQc All Flavors GLOROX HYACINTHS SUPER VALUE OQg FOOa LB 55c Jfaan Carol SALMON LARGE STORES YELLOW - MILD 1 lb. Cranberry iliii DAFFODILS Bologna ••^'^^^ °^ ^'^^^^ 1 lb. SIZE 29c 3 Tall Cans 39c SANDWICH LB 55c CHIIIRY PIE TIN 69c .Tin 29c 35c Sauce SHURFIS^E Wm FAVORITE Onions 3LBS10C 3 pkgs. 20c tOc Finast Liverwurst FILLED \t/ITH BRIGHT RED Ui'liii 14 OI. Iblni C SWIFTS FEAf^lJT BUTTER 12 0z.Jar 29c Escarole. 3LBS29C Strawberries Mustard . ... 10c Pickles ..25 0z 35-: ROUTE 80 AT ROSE STREET t. •, M EAST HAVEN RITIGRAGKERS Lg. Box 29& 10 Oz 29 299 E. Main St., East Havei PLENTY OF FREE PARKING EAST ^A^^*;N NEWS. Tlmrsilny, Ffibninry 1«, t»Bl. Pii(?« 6 He participated In intensive flghl- DoparlD'nnl of Finance nnd Con­ the Town nnd cannot be used as .At 7:,10 the senior group will Join j EAST IIA\'EN NEWS. TliiiPSiIhy, t'eliriinry Id, IDM.tPiiHe 1 Ing during the war, especially In trol. a aubstltule for .such old,- In part with the Young Adult Group In n panel discussion on Inter-plane­ BEHER GRADES the law would go Into effect. He the Kumhwa area and "Outpost or In whole. On short. It will mean cirrulnllon in said District, and hereby Riven thai, snid Court, hnili Announcement of the new aid tary travel, using as a source no­ Clancy — Harry" and wears the Combat Me­ more relief ' aid for families In lelurn make to this Couri of the llintted nnd _npi>oltilert six rhhnths added that should 15 per cei.l (or, was made following a confer­ dal, whch Is awarded only to Ihoso ted authorities on the subject. The ON HOMEWORK notice given. : from the dnte herpo(,(or.lhe creil. ' (Oo.ntlmieil Ifrom Vago Oiin) nearly lOOO) voters object to the need. who have been In action. ence, attended by First Select­ worship service will be in charge When you do it with By Ihe Court: iloi's o( I be .snid deciniXed to bring .loseph Koletsky. Loon Bcnudln, ordinance, a rcierendum v/ould he He entered the Army on Octo­ man Frank Clancy and Mrs. of Joan Degnali. Kecreatlon will Jiresldem ot the Foxon Pork C'vlc Flora K, Goldsinith, Clork.. in their elnlms.against'sald estnle. neceasary. ber 1.1. 19!J2, and took his basic iMary Sabo, jsupervlsor of wel­ be directed by Henry Graver, .Tr., a typewriter 1 Neater . . . Those who neglect to exhibit their Assoolntlon, naked Hint "this bp iGirl Scout Variety ncfcrrlng to a query liy .Insudo- training,In the use of heavy wea­ fare; In the offices of the De­ who win al.so be in charge of re­ Easier . . . Quicker claims within snid time will he ilc- liioilghl ,10 n heart hefol-e Sum- pons at Camp Brcckcnrldgc, Ky. wich concerning the "cooker," At­ partment of Finance nnd Control freshments. I^ISTIilCT OF BRANFORD, bnrrcd. , '. 'inertirtie." lie chnrged Ihnl Mellllo There he trained with the Slflth Show Friday Eve. Al Dependable Service ty. Koletsky reminded the group The regular monthly meetinB STATE OF CONNICCTICUT, .w, All poi'.snnR Inrtehlod to snid E.s- ia vlolntlng Slate low In "dumping Airborne Infantry Regiment., lie In Hartford on Tuesday. Since 1916 thai an appeal Is pending uL pre' of the Friendly Circle will be held PROBATE COURT, Vebrunry 1. tnte nre requested to innke ilnrao- gnrba^e In iin A Jonp" nnd In not sent In which Mellllo seeka revers­ was sent to Korea In March, 1953. The conference was arranged Old Stone Church RENT on BUY A dhite iinyment'to In the church parlors, with Mrs. lliill. i'l-ederiek Houde. .hul(ie of niul rocuriied nnd that letters ti\s- itors of tln' snid deceased to iiring 11)54. burying It. , \ al of the Zoning Board of Appeals' A graduate of Hlllhouse High after the stale, for the fir.sl time, Albert L. Ward, Executor A Girl Scout VarU.ty Show will George Owen presiding, llostes-ses tlie Court of Probate for the Dis­ tnmentnry may lie granted on snid ill tlieir olaiius ncainst said estate. Kslale of PE'I'ER PAUK lute ot „^ Dlsplnylng the liowlldei'ment of refusal to allow construction of School and of New Haven Stale became a participant in the U.S. TYPEWRITER Lc{;al be presented tomorrow (Vrldny) will be Mrs. Benjamin Goodman, I O.ST: CONNECTICUT SAVING.S trict of Branftird, notice is tiereby estate, as per niiplionlion on file 'I'hose who neglect to cNhiblt their Branford, in snid DIslrlcl, de- c/o Mncgregor.Kllpntrick, many ot the townspeoplo, Caslmlr such a unit In a residence zone. Teachers College, he was employ­ CUSTO.M MADE DRAPES AND Department of Agriculture pro­ at 7;.'30 p.m. In the parish House Mrs. Edgar I.Ind, nnd Mr.s. How­ BANK BOOK Nn, , 5n7B, Spring given that .said Court hatli limited more fully aiipears, II Is thero- clnims wiihiii .sahl time will lie dc- ceasiul, Attorney nt Law . Jasuilowlch mentioned the August It had been stated previously that ed as a teacher In the New Haven TO-DAY BED SPREADS. Call CII 8-6675. DISTRICT OF UHANFORD. ss. 11 i gram for the disposal ot surplus of the Old Stone Church. The first ard Eldridge. Gk'ti Br;iticli. Pnyineiit .stoppeci. and appointed six montiis frmn fnre Imrred, in jivirsuance of an order of i7;i Montowese Street (pwii.mcellngnDd aaked, "What the garbage cooker Is not abao- school system, prior to his entry PROBATE COURT, .Innunry 28. ifoods. It was called by .lames B. part of the .show will be devoted On Wednesday, the Adult Bible Ketvifn lo li.Tnk. the date hereof for the creditors Ordered — That the foregoing All persons indeiiled to snid Es- Hon. Frederick R. Houde, Judge Brantord, Connecticut. jiappenedl, Why wflsn't- It legal7 luteiy es.sentlaf to op?ralon of a Into the Army. His parents, Mr. For nomcwork and HELP WANTED 1954. Devlin, of the slate Purchasing to singing, dancing nnd other ex­ Cia.ss will be conducted In the D—I of the said deceosed to bring in Ine nre requested to make imined- of the Court of Probnte (or the Whq.ne faiiitlji HI' Are Wo a bunch piggery, but a protection against and Mr.s. .lesse C. .Inqua live at Commercial Students Estate of .TOllN ALVIN KAY nppliealion he heard and detcrin- pressions of nrtiatic talent. The Pastor's studj'. A sack" lunch nnd LOST: PASSBOOK No. l.WGG. If their claims against said estate. ialL- payo^ent to District of Branford, notice is ill fools In East Haven?", Clancy Indemnity under State law. is Mansion St., New llnvifn. Division., ,, IMMEDIATE INCOME. Average Inte of Branford. in said District, Itied at the Probate Ofrle^> In second part of the show will be fellowship hour will follow from found i-eljtfn lo Bninforti Savings Those who neglect to exlilblt their .lohn A. Birch, iieri'by given that snid Court hath I;est6i*ed order by/reminding tht Under the slate program, II will •SI.50 |)cr hour showing Maisonette deceased. The meeting adjourned after a "Girl .Scout" program, featuring 115 CROWN ST. Dnnk. claims within snd time will be do- Urnnford, In said District, on the . Adminlslrnlor limlled and nppoinled six monlh.s ttudlonce thai .tjiei' "vvorcn't there only he necessary for the Town 12 lo 1 o'clock. At 7:.10 p.m.. the TEL. ST 7-2738 Flocks. No delivery, collecting, or Clancy's promise of prompt aciion In pursuance »i nn order of bnrreH. IStli day of Februni-v J954 at 2 5 Wellington Rd., from the dnte hereof (or the cred- io call names," but to discuss the songs and investiture. The produc­ Evening Bible Cia.ss will ho con­ j LOST: CONNECTICUT SAVINGS Investment required. For Inter­ In calling a pulilic bearing. As to certify families In need and Hon. Frdereick R. Houde, Judge All persons indebted lo said Es­ o'clock In the afternoon nnd tliat Met rick, N. Y. itois o( the snid ,deeensed to bring (nailer qujetly In an effort to find TownNowEligiblc tion ia under the direction of Mrs. ducted In the Educutionni Build­ I BANK BOOK, SprinK Glen, view'write Maisonette Frocks, P. Selectman Clancy, Fcrrara and to file their requirements with of the Court of Probate tor the tate are requi'sted In make imme- public notice be given of ihe i)en- in their claims ngnlnst snid estate. (1 solution. Mi's. Eric Munson re­ Delmor Dover, Girl Seoul leader. ing. Free Press Publications Want Ads j Brunch No. 25.')5. Pnymciil ."ilup- O. Box 7, Bridgeport 1, Conn. Barker retired to ponder over the the slate office. The .surplus District ol Branford , notice I.s diale liayment lo dency of snid appUentlon. and the Those who neglect lo exhibit their viewed the , troubloR that have On Snlurdny at 12-Ari p.m. the I pcd. Return to bnnk. IlilietUul llf-ilxminl rn"raHtm ever - recurring proiiiem, disheart­ For Surplus Food commodillos will then be given lo COMPETENT STENOGRAPMER- hereby given that said Court hath Clarence B. Guernsey, Ihue ami place of iiearlng there- DIS'l'RICT OF BRANFORD ss., clninis within .said time will bo ile- plagued Foxonltea for Rome 20 Pastor's class for eighth graders USE FREE PRESS ened Poxonlles relumed to the Get Results In A Hurry •ITPIST. Small office in Hamden Umltod and appointed .six months Executor o.n, by {lublishing the snme two PROBATE COIIRI'. Fehiunry 13, Connecticut may. move : up one the Town in monthly ailolmonls. preparing for church membersiiip AtlTO.'MOIlILKS I''Oll .SALE II—1 bnrrtjd. yenr|) asMellllo's piggery has ex 'umbic of garbage trucks and snt- WANT ADS near Town Hall has good opening from the date liereof for the cred­ 231 West Main St. times In some newspnpcf having a 19.54. or more pinees-ln populntlon rank For Relief Aid The Town will distribute the aid wilt he held. pnnded. • ; lafied grunts from the pigs. Clievrnlet 194D s'.yle dixc. spec. for conscientious dependable work­ itors ot the said deeensed to bring Meriden, Conn. clrculntion In snid District, It Is Estate of All persons Indebted to said Es­ among the .stales It present trends to the families. Al the 9:45 a.m. worship service East Haven will now bo able $•{ SAVE NOW $$ er desiring permanent position. in theirdninis against said estate. ^further Ordered, that n copy of PORTER BLI.SS THOMP.SON tate are reiitiested lo make imme. cimtlnue. Between-census esti­ to obtain surplus commodities to The first selectman said that on Sunday, Mrs. William Hnsse, dime iinynietit lo mates made by the U. S. Bureau , William Scoflold aputlerod, "It .'54 CHEV. BEL AIRS Phone New Haven Cllestniit Those who neglect to exhibit their sniri order be mailed to those ns In of Branford in snid .District, minor the program was drawn up In ilr., Mrs. Charles Larson and Miss Peter •.!. Pnuk of the Census . place Connecticut looks like we're the ones on trial,' Warren G. Juqua, .supplement relief aid given to lo­ 54 CHEV. 210 -l-DR. 8-4473 or write P. O. Box 31, Mt. claims witliin said lime will be DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, ss. snUi application named. The Gunrdinn of the estnto linv- very broad terms and Included Dorothy Evnrts, trio, will present, Carmel Branch, New Haven 18, PROBAtTE COURT, Februai'y 4, By the Court: .loliii Coolnc ahead o( MlssUsippi, whlcli led Id which Clancy replied, "This ii cal families In need. The com­ FULLY GUARANTEED WITH debarred. liig made appllcntliin for an or­ a progrnm of music. They will be Frnnk .ludon this sift'.o by tnoru than 100,000 in not a tinai . ubllo hearing. We In Korea, Ccls modities, which will consist of obtaining relief for families af­ For "Early-Bird" OR WITHOUT FACTORY Conn. 1954. Flora K. Goldsmith, Clerlj. Joined liy the .Senior Choir nl the All persona indebted lo snid der nuthorlzliig and emi)owurlng Executors. the 1950 Census, have agreed tp. listen to you poo- surplus daii'y products such ns fected by emergencies other tlian EQUIPMENT Estate of ALBERT C. HESSEL, 11 o'clock service. DEPENDABLE USED CARS ADDRESS & MAIL Postals at Estate are-requested lo make Im­ tier to sell iind convey certain real Todds Hill ple.fand .vye'rc .willing to sll here Corporal Rank butter, dried niilk, and cheese lo.sa of income. Clancy said that Inte of Borough of Manhnllan, The .lunior Pilgrim Feilow.ship i; 39.'53 Clievrolct 210 series, no miles. iiome. Make .f50. wk. Send .'SI for mediate pnynient to Pri.scllla Kay DI.STRICT OF BRANFORD, estate belonging to snid estoto, n.s Brnnford. Conn. The Connc<'tlcul Development all nigiil." For a few minulos It nnd canned iieef nnd gravy, will the commodities are to supple­ will meet at 4:.'in p.m.: tlie Seni{ir finSS Chevrolet liiO .scries, no.miles. Instructions Chlricostn, Box 305, Smith, E.xecutrix, Clly, County and Stat? of New- STATE OF CONNECTICUT, ss. per apiilication on fllemoeo full.v Credit Corporation, whleh will ho looked ns. though they might, un­ ment the [iresent aid granterl by • ' i. be olilalnahle from the slate Pilgrim Fellowship, nl 7 o'clock. USED CAR VALUES... { 1351 Ford Conv. Coupe, R&M N. Y. 19, N. Y. 53 Elliot Street, Brattlehoro, York owning propertv in sni-J Dis­ PROBATE COURT ^anunrv 25, nppenrs, it \s finnlly nrga'nl-/cd tor liuslncss this til Ally. Joseph Kolel.sky poured 1950 Ford 2-dr. Custom VS. Vermont. trict, decenso.. 1954. • Ordered - -.That said applica­ DISTRICT OF BRANFORD,- month. Is expected lii nld indus­ c)ll on troubled waters. 1949 Oldsmohlle "88" -I-dr. sedan. JOB WANTED tion be heard nnd determined nt iVViVn-. OF CONNEC'I'ICUT, ss, trial development in llint state by Hugh Cox cited-the cffecl the D—2 UiJon the nppllcatioi, oi Albert Estate of LAILA G. UIRCH Hyd. C Ihe Probate Office in Brnnforil, in PROBATE COURT, Februnry IB, providiiiR now sources for' credit piggery had on property vnlues, L. Ward, praying that a duly au­ late "f Brnn';:rd, In said Dist.-ie(, 1954. |!."ig48 Ponllnc 4-dr. sed. Hyd. EXPERIENCED COMPTO.METER DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, said District, on the 23r(l dny of needed by new cxpnhding Indus­ and reported thai nreii rosldoniK STATE OF CONNECTICUT, ss. deceased. ?/l948 Ford 2 door sedan, OPERA'l'OR and typist with own thenticated nnd exemplified copy February 1954, at 10 o'clock in Estnle ot ALBERT C. llESSEL tries^ All funds used nre pro­ "merely wanted to eliminate the PROBATE COURT, February 5, In pursuance ct in order of 1917 Ford 2 door sedan. equipment desires payroll, tax re­ of the last will and testament of the forenoon, and this Court di­ late of New- York aty. New York, vided by private enterprise rn- garbage''. "If Mellllu wnnis In turn, and book keeping to do 1954. ON THE ROAD If • VISEL AUTO SALES said deceased and ri the record of Hon, Frederick It. lloxiiie, .ludge rects Flora K. Gold.smltli In give owning pi-operty In snid Dislrlct, tiler llinn by governinenl, , , keep pigs, that's his bustnes.s," he evenings, part time or In home Estate of LEORA B. GUERN­ deceased. 2475 Wliitiicy Ave. of the Court of Probate tor the public notice to nil persons Inter­ ajgued. "Wo don't wont garbage office. Will call tor nnd deliver. SEY a/u/a LEORA BIGELOW the proceedings ot me S_r-ogatc's In piirsuanee of an order o( AT 8-091)6 District ot Branford, notice is ested In said estate to iippenr If Annual consump'tlon o( ico biought Into the Town of East Excellent references. CH 8-4930. GUERNSEY late ol Branford, in Court, tor t:ie County of Kings, hereiiy given that .snid Court hntli they see cnuse to be h'.xrd tliere- Hon. Freilerlek H. Houde, .Judge cream In Connecticut amounts lo Haven. The smell, the .stink nnd .said District, deceased. SATURDAY ? Buick 1946 Ii;275 Stale of New York, proving and limiied and nppoinled six inonths 011, ii.v publishing tills order one of tlie Court of Pi'obale (or the moi-e tlian three gallons for every In inirsunnce of an order of Hie files arc toirlfli!." 1946 Plymouth 4 dr sodnn A. .$375 AIORTOAOE MONEY E—2 establishing the .same may lie tiled from the dnte hereof (or the cred­ time in some nevvsjinper having n 13istrlet o( Branford, notice is man, woman and child. Censnreri Haniden You May Hit the J,ackpot... 1947 Chevrolet Coupe .'iM45 After thanking the Board of 1949 Studebaker 4 dr Champ 5695 FIRST MORTGAGES BOUGHT .Selectmen for the "nlarrlty" with 1D5U Studebaker 4 dr. Champ 5845 AND SOLD. Loans. Refinanc­ which they had uclcd on I he mai­ Prizes Await, Lucky Drivers Many Others ing. New Loans. Longbotham. • ''•»™BI|i«'M»»'ll"M'l"i..w,i|ii<.iii • .1. ,.y,..»...... -,.. -.„...»,.^.,,„...,„,...-M..|.||.»yH.»...jT.^ ....|.yii.f Mf'!•• •Tf'«r''«l'l'«''l''»'V,S*'Ti'HV''t'^^y'r''HV\HV'JMV''^JM|tW ler, Atty. Kolelsky leniarked, "I ELIASON MTRS., INC. 207 Orange St. Tel. LO 2-4815. don't Ihink I would Jiave the |)n- Tuned to 1051 Dlxwell Ave. llence to lake the smell of gar­ Tel. UN 5-0891 bage foi fifteen oi Iwenty years." DrVNCiiNa IN.SlltllCTIONS F—9 Contrasting llnmden's piipulallon BU.SrNESS SEUVICE O—1 MLSS JUDY'S PROF. School ot of 3S,00n ns compaied to East Ha­ Wiirron CI. ,in<|ua. hiisbniifi the Dance. Ballet, toe, modern ven's IS.OOO, he ceii.suii'd Hamden Mrs. Murilyn Kllinll .Ttuiiin til" TJO ROADSHOW RUB&ISII REMOVAL and tap, character, acrobatic, for "contributing $.'50,000 knowing­ Coscy Bench Avo. Jirid ii tonchor Try our special service 38.00 per classic, Spanish, castanets. Spe­ ly and with the riistlnci nnd avow­ in the Gurrl.sh Ave. SchodI, wiis year. cial classes boys nnd adults, be­ ed purpose of I'avlng It (garbage) proniolcti rt.'cr'iilly lo thi' ranit Jlamden and North Ilnven only ginners, intermediate. Advanced deposited In this town", of corpoi'nl while sorvinj; with Iht? 4 hours of fun Trial period 1 month .50c and professional students. 1944 Hoferilng to Cox's statement of 151.h Uoyimonl, Third Infantry S. A. MARCOTTE CII 8-1945 Slate St. (Cor. Ridge Rd.) Ham­ the "tleleteiinus" effect on proper­ Division, In Korea. den. Studio Tel. LO 2-6854. YOU GET THE SAFEST BUYS AT WILSON AUTO SALES FLOOR SANDER AND EDGER ty values, Koletsky shouted, Reuldence AT 8-0259. J^L^lJ. NEW HAV.EN SAVIN Cpl. Jaqua is a siiiuul leader of 2-6PM FOR RENT. Fahulon and Minwa.\ "That's a good aigumcnt! But n nioi'lar Ki'oiip in Company "ID." floor finishes now availnhle. MEF­ OS BANIC theie's II health hn/aid, too. Do r r' im.l, flll.I.KN M.V. We have some one owner cars tradetl-in o n tlie beautiful 1964 FORD. Priced to FERT LUMBER COMPANY, N. OOOn TIirNOS TO EAT II—28 tte have to wall for the possibility Mr. Money-in-the-Bank sayst move. See for your.sclf why we .sell our u.s ed cars almost as fast lis the brand new IV^nin Street, Branford. of a polln epidemic In East Ha­ models. WARIONI'S ven '/" FRENETTE'S LAWN MOWER Delicious Ice Cream Cnkes Admitting that an appeal could Shop, 2704 Dixvirell Ave. It It cuts Mousses and Puddings • be filed on .Judge Devlin's decision, grass, we sell and servlco II. Tel. Fancy Individual Forms For All he slated thai litigation could con­ SANDER May We Suggest You Test Drive These Cars. cn 8-5214. Occasions You1l tinue for nnothei year and a half, Telephone .STate 7-4909 and aaked for iiiompl action on a CARPENTRY SERVICES—Cabln- The Home Of Fancy Ice Cream new ordinance to take the place FOR RENT ' els, Lookcuses, _ storage V.'alls, 840 pixwi^ll Ave. Hamden, Conn. of laws enacted In l^-i'i and 11153. •playrooms, attics fiiiislied, arid He cited slmllai action, taken In general building. Free estimates. IIOIISEIIOLI) (JOOHS 11—31) Wolcolt on garbage importation MEFFERT CALL BILL WILSON 1 CH 8-G.170. feel right wheie thmjudge had ruled thai AITlMA'l'K WILSON AUTO SALES A ROOMS FURNITURE —$18!). the ownor"'wasn't being logl.slnled LUMBER CO. TREES REMOVED Berlroom, living room, kitchen. nut of existence," and slated that 147 MONTOWESE STREET BRANFORD Used hut in good siiape. Easy N. Main St. » Branfortl TRIMMING "Instend of Mellllo's losing his FEEDING, CABLING . terms. See it day or nigiit. Pliono shirt, ail he's got to do is lo.so LAND CLEARANCE. nil! UN 5-74S2. after G P. M. a little i)f his piofits oiid feed Tree and Lawn Spraying LO 2-7262. 'at home^'^ I'oi'n to the pjgs." POPE TREE EXPERT SERVICE A—L—B—E—R—T—S \ • Will • Sue, Himself (Complete insurance coverage) 187-189 George St. New Ilnvcn. I-otlIng out a "se(Tet,"'Koletsky 1 Call CEdar 9-0581. THEY SAY WO.MEN ALWAYS Informed I lie gioup, "1 intend to rccognl/.o n bargain. Here' goes. sue Mellllo' piyseit foi the nuis­ CARPENTER WORK, PAINTING Brand new combination steam and ance be Is creating — ii'nd the WNHC AND CHANNEL and jobbing. Call Earl R. Oppel electric iron. Good for all fabrics. when yoy IIU 8-0412. damage If.necesaaiy, rii:sue the 'I^vo irons in one. Yours for^lLOS Town of Hamden. Polluting an­ SATURDAY SUNDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY BUSINESS Ol'P C—32 plus the smallest Bible in , the other town -- that's not friendli­ world as a gift. Tiionipson & Bur- OADXO TEU£VI8ION ness," bo barked. Asking the Board .UA^UIO TEIJEV1810N UAIIIO TELEVISION RADIO TKI.KVISION UADIO TEI.ICVISION RADIO TEIJBVISIO^ RAUIO TELEVISION $401) MONTHLY .Sl'AUE TIME naka, ST 7-.3n71. 1000 Stale Stiwt. WNIIO 11140 k WNIIO - TV »\Nin I!i40 k WNHO-TV 111 "give some leliet and .surcea.se" U'KAIO IMO k WNUO-IT IVNllO 1S40 k WNIIO-T WNUO 1S40 k WNHO-TV WNHC WNno-TV WNHO 1S40 b WNHO-TV Refilling and collecting money to Ihdse 'people he warned, "If from our five cent -High Grade bank riANO TUNING H—37 you tion't, we shall have to take KIWI Today Wake Up And Sulla 4cwi tews News Nut machines in this area. No Sel- Clock Wilcho With News Clock Watcher Clock Watchal Clock Watcher >ou to task. This Is not a threat, CiDCk Wll.llH jllngi To qualify for work you PIANO •! LINING—Pianos tuned, but w« Intend to use Ii, and 1 must have car, references, $640 repaired, rebuilt. Woth over­ am going to do It." &M' .Uor!; n*w% Roundup World News Roundup World NewT Roundup C|.|ct VJatcher World News RouniluD cash, secured by inventory. Devot­ hauling. II. M. Bllger, 294 Clock Watchf Wotthlp llatir In answer to Ileniy Warmlng- Clock Watcliir eteakllsl ulth Stan Clack Walchtf World News Roundup Clock Watcher ing 6 hours a week to busiioss, I : Howdy Oiotfy Show Augur St., Hamden. Tel MA bam's questioning. Town COunsv'i 8 •tyoui end on percentage collections 4-1718. nearby. •• KIchard ,Kellly slated it would ri- •'^wiil net up to $400 monthly with Ttst Pattern World N««i Rounduf Nature 01 Things Rytlim ll.iticli Yanhtt fcdiltirt Rylhm Rotmilup ^ YankM Ptddltn Rythnt Ranch Yankee Peddler* YanliK Peddlers Yankee Pfeddlen quire five days nflei pubileailon Ftin Wllh Food rh'Utian Scltnca What's your Troutir lyery good possibilities of taking of a legal notice of u boarinH, - Dionc LucBi ShQw Epbtrl^^ Mr. Wliard Music Frontiers of Falt^ .^^Ujver full time. Income increasing WANTED '10 BUY II—14 Momlni Niwi Rota Maalclin Roto Magician plus nn (uldlllonul ihlity days fol­ 9 Mornlns Himt Ralo Magician \nccordingly. For interview. Include Johnny Jupiter WANTED TO BUY used bedroom OIno Dong SchOt.1 Wilcomi TriVtlin Oini Dong School Breakfast This Is The life Welcome Traielcn Ding Dong School Welcome Travelirs Olna Onns Sschoo) ajihone in application. Write Box lowing adoption of tiie ordinonc Wtltoriii Vsvclltit Welcome Travelers OIng Dong SchotI sets, sewing machmes, refrigera­ by tiie Board of Selectmen• liefore Window Shoptwr ~ Tops tn Tune Smilln' McConnell Cavlain Midnight Bob Hope Window Shopoir a02. Free Press Publications, Ham- linn tIniiK Window StiDvim Bob Hope Dob Hooe Wfodow' Shopper Cab Hope at 10 tors, rugs, all tiousehold items. 10 Every. Dav Clinton Keyboard Enery Oav rKpry Oay Window Shappar ifden, Conn. Phone LO 2-3374. Strlkl II nich Hawkint Filk ' Wy S>cnl Starr Space Patrd MUSK Super Circus Hawkins Fails Hawkins Fails Strlkt 11 nith Itawklns Falls Strike It "'th Hawkins FaJli Tliee Sl»|ii Three SUpt Thrtora door Niwi You asked For It lUUAJ Sportscopa World News Today News sioimi models of NIAGARA are in rlaily use lit Ilos- •U U turn. Jnat rill* |U.« Man On The Go hun nil r.tt Sltlewaik ttittrilcwi Frrsntts., in News Theatic Royal Man On The Go liltals, Clinics, I'liy.siotlierapy centers, luid nlhletie Sports Daily ' Tills Is Your Lite Mnthcli-Minoney Man On the Go Answer Me Tills Ian On Go tor TCOlUatioo—llki • irlnd.ml -ittrmit In Diui Do II Youricll Pulse Ql' Clly Death Vallry Tornoriaw's Mils \\r Force iastitlltinns Moryati Statly Soorttman Club 4* Big Review. Man Behind Badge Tomoriow's Hils M's A Pleasure tit.'wt ,ll»aife frhilf Secretary - romorrow's |||ls Eddie fisher iiiLuri Ttitat/t Camel HiMi caraiaii tncoK News Caravan ToinoriOM's Hits Conn. Spotllghl •Cflll for Free Pemonslration • Camel Newi cararan 'Jicorc Ttitatu iiews Caravan THIS IS TOO IMPORTANT TO SHRUG OFF! Plnat) Shore T it a "voiTBit Your tilt Mami . Spike Jones Dinah Sliore Si/iatra •• ,\ . • QSil Si Ihl (OV* Halltnjd Hnnr Name Jthat Turn ilusie IP YOU SUFFER FROM — Six Shooter Ba Frank Arthur Codfni THE NEW HAVEII SAVINGS BANK Bnp Nopi ' RUSCO WINDOW CO. Dfagnel UI( St Riiiy Amateur. Barry Craig 8 Slat Playhouse Music You Want VotCk ot FIttitani '•luslc ACHING JOINTS - NUMBNESS - TIRED FEET Division of Hairls Faye - POOR CIRCULATION - SORE MUSCLES - TENSION famlm C.amtr Vlilis Thilt» Big Story Show Ot Shows Dragnet Sliow Business Bob & Ray ' Playho-jsa elephant Hour I Love Lucy Set Voeir Life strike Jt Rick r^ Nana That Tuna Sound 'stall u WRITE NOW! Bartlett Brainard Co. Swav;i! Ford Thcaltr' Old Criil SMayiee Music In (he Night Rtd Butloni fuioenu WEST HAVEN HAMDEN FAIR HAVEN NEW HAVEN 9 Stroke ol fate lig Mary WESTVILIE Established 1021 9 Little Margt Fop FREE infonnation All Am Sporlt Show Calvand* ol Sporti NIAGARA OF CONN. Foblipi Mtfiee tat. Night Danca Part ribhrr McGte 53T Campbell Avenue 1208 Dixweil Avenue 201 Grand Avenue 170 Orange.Street- 36 FountaJn Street Words In Thi Nt|ht tetterjo Loretti F|hh»r MrGir Fibber MtGee COO Orchard St. UN 5-4187 Can You Ton Can You Ton Tills tlui Ribbon B«utt Dept. E-218, 152 Teinplr! SI. Radio City Pravliwi Create*! FlBhto Can You Tap Thli PeeWee King ^ Hit Parade Futtan Lewis Can You Top Jam Plcktni Pro and COD In Sporli Mert The Press Whit's My Una New Haven, Conn. J. K. Newton, Mgr. 10 nnt NIghtii Litlte Show Report Qi w Housi Niwi Summary Sport Spot ^ewi Man Agalnit CrJma News Wrestling Assets over $110,000,000 A product of Ntwi Foreion intrisue News Hewi Name . Sacred Heart Proinui This Week In Sports News: Clifton Utliy ^undiy newt SMCU OoUQiat Falibankt Robl. Montoomery Aliforce Rtitrve Nallanal Guard Comedy Hour Music For Modcmi Film "Bollywood Palladlua • rireilde Theater The F. 0. Russell Co. Jaiz Ma*U Staj- Paradi Cclonel Flack Kfnlon Hysttry: Htm UrcnastjB'* Mldnliht Tbutat Stars From Paris Uui) Prama • Address . '^iiy *7V.% p«r annum, latait divldand EVERY DOLLAR OF YOUR SAVINGS GUARANTEED 11 News taunlthl N*<«i. SIM fmM«ws« ttl«n Of ^Unliltr Htmt. Sll« tHqgn nit 11 ««iwl»ht Niwft- aiBB ONaws! SIMI Ot >llr>nlali* N-*^, 11*^ nH«»w<< Call us tor fiec Entry Blank •••HaMHHB •z^ iucat i.iiven Hagamitn Mem. LibVarjr E,ist Hnveh, KAST HAVEN NKM'S. Tlmi'Sdny, rdininry 18, 1(151. I>a«o R O'Mara Retrieves Qoniio , 5-4 . R. -, E-l! Vietory Over An Independent Our Telephone Numbers Slrcuig Seymour 5 Weekly New.spaper Business: Alwater 8-1661 IMm Ti). Ihr. ri'siiundInK choeis of Editorial: HOhart 7-5811 RESTAURANT, Kasi lln\'en rnnmrn worrlfr; by n Nfttifs .m'vornl poln; :.«l< Sulattlplion S2.SI>. K.V.ST II.WUN. cON.VICCTlrr'l'. TlU"l!sn.\V, KK.r.Ur.MiV 'J:."I. lll.vl 6 Cents A Copy — !li2.ft0 A Vcav IfindinE Iho many Food Siii-'oialUo.s wo fonUin; for your cnjoyniei Wlldenls- In n final liorlod nilly SorvloB Cnniplc^lo Dliuiprn loKl Friday 'evening. Dully rroin ri::U) In U;;iU uxoopl Monday The victory clinched the llousn- Winninji; Smiles .Sunday from 12:00 to S;:iO 1'. M. Irniic I.eaiiue llllft for KnsI Hav­ East Haven High To Face Sign School Contracts DanoUiR Salui-dny Niics to llio Music of en, and Iho tontn loohed fnrwnrd FRANKIE DUllAZZO'S ORCHESTRA to a ley at tho Stale Chws M Clianiplonship from Iho vanlaRe point of ai si might vlotorie.'i, loiisatonic Valley Reg. l''t!alurliiK Monday; Hope To Start "Ciintliii^nlal. 'J'lililo NiBlit" Kvi-ry Tiicwlay Friday'..! name was plnyed at the i''riini n In 10 r.M. c.larl! Memorial Gyin In Seymour, All you can «at for .Sli.Bfl pnr piirann 'I'lie VVildCiitH, who were second- Mnlin RcHcrvatloiiii place ronlenilers in the nnusntonic [n CIAC Play-Down Mon. Constrnction At Once ) (!lrcull, turned In n smooth per­ East Haven High, boasting n formance. They bottled up Tony |rnling of l.ion, occupies the top IMan.s For Schools MaHsari, top-scorer for tlie hJasl- |of the Class M (|Uallflcallon heap Ins, so tliat he was linilledto tliroe for the C.l.A.C. (Connccllcut In- FircmcnlTerellavc Noil "Conformance Acceplod By Stale field i-onls. ter.scholasiic Athletic Conference) The concentration of defensive ba.skethall tourney to open next Highest Start Pay Application for granls-ln-aid 7\ From where I sit...^/ «Joe Marsh play on Massiiri, freed O'Marn for week. May Jeopardize for tw'o eleven-room elemeiilary shooting. The t'nil redhead aciiull- As.such, the Ea.stlcs will ho schools and an addition of three Icd lilnisolf admirably. Under his palreil oft against 13th ranking Work Most Hours classi'ooniH and an nll-purpo.so lead tho I,!^nstlos,were able to com­ Redevelopment llousotonlc Valley riet>lonnl High East Haven firemen have tin l')\n...-siv,. grants of variances room lo the Moinauguin School mand a 17-12 edge at the end of in a play-off next Monday night at Open Even When the first period. highest starting pay of men in lo the Town zoning codes to per- have boon aeceplcd hy Ihe Stale, '9:30 in the I'ayne-Whltney gjm. tills field in seven area towns, but It was reported ioday. If The second period was nip and After that. If the Crisafimen avc mil non-coni'ormhig u.sages of He's Closed lucli all the way, tlio Wildcnls-.iusl at the snnic lime, nre the only otus pi'operiy may .jeopardi'/e plans Next. Monday, provldinB there not up.sot, they will move on to to work a n3-hour week, accord­ OdjiinK the visitors to whittle "the the fpinrier flnhl.s, Ihe semi's,'and for the rutuiv redevelopment of ale no hitches, and nolle' are " .Uii.^t linvp ;|ipc". eleil nl Ihe \-iiturvnii! Ilie ollior nlBli'.i My l.'iuid wlicro I Hit, follis who his winning comhinalion headed /.iMiing Board, of Appeals this officials headed h,v First • Sclecl- trust llii'lr ni'i|;hi)nra ninliB tho The Seymour tonni, led by DIch five of the seven towns bad jiaid .ir.run ilry iH'ro'C 1 Huiiislit <'i Dnlin, lice, forward, boKan press­ 'Jibi his prize forward and shotler, fire departments while nil had vvei'k by D, Cliai'\es Bonusolell, mnn iFranlt Clancy are'scheduled .uoii at tlio liiis BnUKf. lull I man- world II hcllio- placo lo livi; In. I'm •^1 ony Ma.ssari. Assisting will be to meet with the conirncibrs to InKlani't, lidlhiff a friinid oxpriwH ing Tiast Haven bard, at ihe same paid police departments of varying I'xecullve director of tho local iiKC'ddicoiift Into 11 unrt Hinliaii— Henry Heffernan; I'nul Wismlnlti. stun the final consirucMon eon-./ llirt pi'lmmal prc.fiTtnCL.s, IH iino llnio'openlni; a .shoolinn harroKe size. Heili.velopnienl Agency. and riiitml.il cliisi'iU ctnlcr; "lied" O'Mara, who gen- Police patrolnien in Ilaniden way III' IruNtiilir your nolKhhor. of scoring; two points for every tracts, . ., , ', ' Wtll, i'lhquitlil my plmia wore one toted up by the Ensiles, The ,eially plays forward; Ted Sunl­ .start at .$3100 nnd can advance in lloausoleil staled Ihiil "Iho Soiili'liniiiH I prefer a teiiiperntu it van, Tom I3owden, Hank Luzzl, George I.ells, chnlf'iiiaii; ,ot the ' kiiiiml lor Buro'untU I noUcod lalior seemed suddenly to he salary to 153600. New Haven has i;ovoriiment has cautioned us (•liisH iif liocr iitlhc nvcnhiK liut ^hm Narraccl, Mike Paollllo ^and Building comniltlee, ' said .. he agiiBollnccimwitlinsign: "Tliis JInxed ns their .shots failed lo fall the hlRliest starting salary at $3303 that. If we don't uphold our, •/on- I'll nlwiiyH naif what you'd like tln'oUBh tho lioop. ' P^Boh Davidson. Also on the boiicli and Milford has tlie top maximum liii! laws to Ihe satisfaction of 'Mirip^rt", • Hint . the , conlrhcibrs : • Is omerBoncy iriia. .Tust lielp your- before J |io"r yoiii'.s. ^ [ will he Richard Ezold, Ralph Ca.s- cbuld .begin work on .(.hO'samb^^. uclf mid'lonvq.pil^ ciiii wltli $1.00. However, the nll-nrotind su- scale at .$3Sr)0.' llnnidon and Mil- till' director they mliilil withhold } tcllon, .loel Guslnfson, .laines ilay.'lie "said ll'mjght'ho 'pbaalblii :Tliniiki.^i;,'.-i'i'Vv • porloi.'ity of the East Haven team ford are the only area towns wlih Ii funds for redevelopment,'' He lohl Sliecto and Joe Mclillo. pay ihe full cost of police mil to Rive liienv'not ice to proceed , , ':Gol sllirloil, made the mocliiiB beghii to show, ns O'Mnru, joined Here is iiow tlie contenders In the NEWS he wa.s refei'i'lng lo by P«ul Wlshilnitti, look ovei' on forms while-Ihe City of New II i- lliimedinlelsv jvlth. tho ,wni'lV;j . ' , On tiniocahd had onouKli BUS to , this class stack up rating-wise. ven also engages in this poihv a teller from Iho national dl- cond'oillnR Iho backboards. The •Ratiniis recior of housing and home fi­ , Oh .; Wednesday , Town 'Counsel pair .sparked the En.sties lo a 17- with other towns paying only a Rlchnrcj L, Rellly mot .with the I. Kast Hnvea Vii-O) ':.:... i.ion percentage of the cost. . nance in the Slum Clearance and Copyiinlit, 195't, Unilcd Stains Iheivvrs Fotuulaiion polnt .'ipiirt, while holding the I.tuas Studio •i. ^Infield (11-2) archllecia,.. Schilling and Gold- .038 ITomden's starting pay for fire­ Ihhaa Redevelopment division. WUdeals lo a iiiero midillonal liccker, "foi''I he, purpose of draw­ four ilohits, in one of Ihe most ex­ 'I'heso youMK hiaves, iininliers of (lull I'acU r.,iitleadi.d llii.ir iimiiml "Itliie and Oohl Dinner" Monday lilirlit in the Iliuh .School — 1 • Cub Donald Karly (in unirorm) , 1 Wilcox .847 men Is $3,300 nnd the maximum The letter, he said, had been ro- J Oilbert (TJ-.I) . .831) ing uii Iho.: rinnl wnr NoGidKBtfl Mas.sarl, f : .'i 5 U Those arc jiPiiiinu' sniilrs di'('(»ratiiiu *!•'' iui'fs^^) t I'list Ilavi 'II Ilit^h (- nlu'h I'^i'iiiilt ( risuri luid his 'lltiill li'iini. T l.li' \)lln\v- $1,100,000 lit n special town, mebt-" 'I. Darlcii (11-1) . .707 the cost. New Haven pays 1^%, been granted by Ihe local Zoning > No Dreakablt O'Mara, f , , .,, 8 '1 20 .liidcets won thrir :Mlh imil final straif;Iit win Ti" cKtJii.v iiinht and iirt> n ow pri'parinj- for the <'.I.A.( louriiiinii'at i tliiyihnvcis nrvt wi'di. Lett liiR last Thursday evehlng. V', MochBilim in. Killhigly (13-S) .753 West Iloven pays .$100 and East Board of Appeals. Partlculni'ly, Wisnilnittl, c . 2 :i 7 ElcmcnlaryBaskclhall to rif;ht arc; (standini;) Coach Crtsari, Micliarl',J'aolilln , III •nry Lir/. 7.1, .IiiMii's Nai -nice!, 'I'hninitN ItoWdl'll lUMl IVd Sullivan; (UiM'clln^O > EaiySiih II. Windsor (13-7) .710 IlavoB pays .$40. East Haven's Fire after last week when the hoard •Work will begin on tho Foxon Tension Engineer'd lleffornan, 1; ... .,•.., 2 ;) 7 Ilcnr.V llt'lTcriian, .Itjscph "Ki'd" O'lNIara, Anth'oi KolMtrl Oil vKoit and I'lui ) WIsininlli. Removal U. Wiillingford (ll-r>) .080 Department worlcs R3 hours n announced approval of all five site, locnlud off Roulb 80, tho > Cin't Ralllo Sullivan, (! .. 2 0 4 Tourney To Open 11 llonsatonic Valley Kf week and all other four area fire -\" 'Triple-Slide * EicluilvQ pstontod petlllnns lot; non-coinformlnB (ierrlsh slie, Iqcatiid',: niiro.HSifronv,,, . "Slop'Frima*^ ionat (10-7) .038 departments work 56 hours a the presjiiil Otiri'lsh • Ave,, Schcibl,: STORM-SCREEN WINDOWS Totals 1,7 in 4!) Monday, Mar. I week. ITamden's annual vacation usages. II Goodwill Tech (7-(i) .5117 Maiiitc Favors Plant To Convert Garbago Ciles, Auditor's One of Iho potlllons graiilcd and" the' Momnuguln ,ftdillllon..lo .Seymour 15 Rnckville (11-10) .558 ranges from two to three weeks. PG F T The elenienlnry School Baskel- he on' tiicROuth .side ,or (ho pros-, III. Derby (0-0) .620 West Haven, Milford nnd New Ha­ was that of .lames J. Cnnno, of Dahn, f , n ,'1 n bnll Intra-Mural .son.son will open ven have two weeks vacation and •riS g)iorl.,.Bonch, Rd., lo build a ent, Bchopl as• Bob'n^ n's/linfislblc.y ; • Drummer, f „ Pairs Emergency Room 'Report To "Set . 1 ;) 5 on Monday, March 1, to contlnuo Here is how tlie tennis are poir^ East Haven has one week. New Into Fertilizer Is Suggested OS: by 28 ftiot clnijof bldck,garage Olson, a SP 7-3648 . !i 3 12 for five weeks until 'April 1. ,lo-- ed off for tlie play-downs which Haven has 15 days sick leave an State Rep. Adelben C. Ma^-tte to' sloro c'onstrucl.loii machinery. • DoRpKt!;n.;jjii^;j;-.mnn llUhck of Konnlck, c . 1 0 .2 ,Uiis ,wec»k went, on record as fuv- If East Haven is ever faced with operation of a",pig farm by Pas- Record Straight^' .scph Melillo; supervisor of the ele­ ^Jwill he held on Mondoy, Wednes- nually, Ilamden has 12, Milford At.;, a .D.i'.lor .ll'onrlnK., .Bqaijiiolqll, llotchkl.ss, B . 1 0 2 . has -uiilirnited - sick' Idave and tho brfh]?\'''tliV'"^ofdrabllRnmont of "an -,lli'-';, i|roblem ioi.*diiipp!iinBi of, ila. fluido (.^ellHoiSh ;^inl. area.. have c;rlilclsni%it|qj;|iiirtiqil|&5rj^ FOR Kit Ik, K , J|riay. Thursday and Friday of next ,,,',•''JvlB(.Ho:,Kel Hii;6;reii()l'd s^ app«ai'li|k fe •,» ?^rivnl,Q;ftlt.l'/.dii and . d 1 9 mentary phy.sicol fducnlion pi;o- awceit. ' , olhei- two towns Iinve no .set policy. "eniergpncy room" within the own gnriiaRO,' ji ' ililghl cttnsidCr' ^d'eSiti'lideaniiR "the' 'Board- of • fSe 13u\\'!l,l>l«4C9ijimVtJ(!b^^^^^^^ . • .- Town limit's for lh(? purpose of setting up n chemical treatment lectmen reohact ,llie law lo -mako Republican Sdieotmdn Prank fecr- as'. iT pi'opd'riy" oVheiv''iS'ptemcV of ilie. tolft'iO^ !ff!lG6S09.'K^nd''nu-^^^ Brnm, is In charge nC tlie toiirnsy. ? East Hnvea—Ilonsntnnlc Vidley jPoiice departments -in Hamdon, ker Ihls' week turned to thoi'e- Tolals '..: ,. :.., .IB n n\ prbvldlhg- treatmenl (or persons plant.-The suggestion Was advanc­ It valid. j ills oppn.iltl(5li 10 Cartnli's petition. tiiorlzntl6()^ lit i,.,d, bond Msiiui!'' fof • FREE Now England's Tho weok-by-wcek schedule In­ I Enfield — HfieUvillc Weal Haven, Brnnford, Milford cenily completed auditor's report Qrecil onQlnoerlng ek* Non-.seorln|r sulistitutes; (Eii.st Injured in aooldents, aiitn or other ed this week hy. Select man Frank He stated that the Towii 'had a cluding Indication of nienhs yaf I Wilcox —wiiiillwin and New, Haven worlt 40 hours a of Town finances to cite several that aniounl' ta'flhnnoe' cbh'strue- perionce brings ypu llnvon) Lu/zl, Pnollllo, Bowdon, means of.transportation is printed week , and departments in' North kinds.' A. Bai'ker, who said that nn es­ •/.nnjng inap lo i'ollow and, that tlon of two II - I'boht elonienlory DEMONSTRATION theofflclehcyandcon* i! Gilbert —Ki'tlijVgiy Elderly Woman In figures to suhslanllnte .some chlims Narraccl. bclovV. All games will start ht; 3. I IMaiin die — Durieii Haven' and East Haven wo'rk 48 timated cost of such a plant was It: . ought to adhere to II. Ho schools and tin nddltloii wore volbd vonlonco,;You'vQ al- Mautte said ho was "convinced around $50,000. , he had made In his own defense wayi wanted In ium* \:^A9 Score by periods: (Easi: Haven p.m. and will bo idayed in iho Ne\\liit,toii — Derb.v hours a week. Ilamden, Milford, of the, need of an emergency room painted out ,lhat a »new zoning unnnlniously, at h special Town' or stop in The Republican selectman totd Good (Jondilion last month. mer Insecl-froe ventila­ ~ Seymour): 17-12, 24-22, 32-37, High School gym. " :• \ Soiithnigtiiii — Walllilgford New Haven and West Haven have to handle local injuries" — now map was being prepared, under meeting of nppl'tixlhiately 100 per- , two^ week vacations. North Haven tho NEWS that a chemical and tion ond wlntqr storm 40-41, Sidiedlile * .Stoniiigton — Gootlwiii Teclr. totally deponden' on outside agen- The slatemenls wore made In nn behe.sl'' . of the, Redevolopnient s'ons last.ThurSclny: cvenhig. • at and cold protection. , Kirst Week: March 1— Momiui- has' 12 days. East Haven has one cie.s, and fnvoi-od Uio securing of heat treatment plant of this type Alter Fall Mon. answer to a "fl'enzlod financing" : The iinur' -. long meeting qon- week and Brnnford ims five days. would convert garbage into saie- Agency and that It was vitally Library To Be Closed guin vs. Tiiltle, Bus 1; March 3— foclliUes for this purposo Iff Ihe An elderly woman who Wits charge levied hy Fll'.'it Selectman trasled wIlHdtlleriTbwn meetlhgs Union vs. Highland, Bus 2, and (Editor's note: Since the' CJouncil ahle fertilizer,, the proceeds of Frank S. Clancy. Barker li.ssdrted Important that '/.onlng, prcsont John A. McLoughlin ,Tn\vn. , - injured In a tall on the upper In past months vyihen the Illifh All Day Next Monday March 4—Glllis vs. Gerrlsh, Bus .3. made its .survey the East Haven which might offset partially the then thaf a „clolm ,by; Cloncy that an.(l ftitui'e, he preserved foi' the School audltorltim was fairly well CO. The Republican legislatpr said cost' of operation.' .•. • ^HB S. Barry Jennings Tho Ilngamun Memorial' Library .Second Weidt: Muicb 8— Mo- JVew President Of police have gone from a 48 to a thai, he fell that facilltle.s might, lie part of • .Bradley «t. hear the "$7,000 worth of'chocks bouncing genei;nr Welfare of the Town. filled With protldrtonts and oppon­ will he closed all day Monday In 40-hour week.) provided under some suelT ar- Inany event, he said, wlion the upper "Laurel St. intersoction is around" was a ' "I'llaln untruth." ents, first oil. tho original Issue of observance oC Geor(,'o Wnsbing- niauguinvs. Hlghlnnd, Bus .1 & 2; a Aluniiniiin Seri!cii.s und CoinhliiaUoii WhulowH Marcli 10--Tultlo vs. Gerrl'sh, BOs Clenmoor As.soc. Ilamden has 12 days sick leave rangcmenl lis was sjjggeslod in an time comes for the 'I'bwn I'o lianci- "recovering nicely" aftef emer­ "There vvns $10,otiQ due I ho gene-, 0-3-3 vbr.tus B-"! systems, and later • SUmicHH Htc«l Cbmbliiutlon Uoorti « lUiUator ISncIoKuros lon's birthday, MLss Beth Taylor, annually, as does 'Milford, while Ic Its own disposal problejn, It is Text Of Building oh conflrmlilg the liresent building lilirarian announccih 1 & 2, and March 11—Union vs. eriilorial which appeared ' in an gency treatment at New Haven ral fund In a savings haiik,|' Bor- # ViMuUhin BUntls « ^rodomroUl Doors • \\^Mitliprstrll)piiif; Glllis, Bus 3. John A. McLouKlilin, Jr.. of 81 New Haven has 15 day.s-. West Issue of the NEWS last Decenihor unlikely that East - Haven can ker said ar that'lime, "and ap- Committee Report program nnd'turnliig u.side de­ Hook Sale . Haven and Brantord 10 days and Hospital, neighbors report. Glenmoor Dr., wus instnlled ns 10. The. editorial has suggested the, avoid increased costs in sucli dis­ proxlmalely $25,000 in other funds "The elementary School Build­ mands for ail nlteralloii'to provide 142 NASH ST. New Haven SP 7-3G48 On Saturday, Feb. 27, tho Uhrary Third Week: March 10—Moniau- North • Haven has unlimited sick posal. guln vs. GeiTlsh, Bus 1; March 17 Eyerything For presirlent uf Ihe Glenmoor Civic possihility of the Town.subsidizing Mrs. Minnie Potvin, 76, of Vik­ that were teni|iorarlly trans­ ing Committee Is hoppy to have more classrooms for Momauguln., will hold 11 discarded hooks sale in ' "As'^ocialjon in cGrcmonles opening leave while in East Haven, sick the establishment of a medical aid Barker, who, as former first se- ing St., received a severe cut come to a point In the East Hav­ Grlilqizeii Conimltl.cn ' the lecture hull. More than 200 —Glllis vs. ni|;hiand. Bus 2 .& 3, leave is at the descretlon of the ferable. nnd March 18—Tuttlo vs. Union, 1 ^a new year of activities la.st Wed- room in one of the looal convales­ lectmon, once hnd tO handle the over the rlglil eye wlien she had This week Barker pointed lothn en School Building Program where The attack was' hiunched hy books hehiB discarded will he sold noscla> Board of Public Safety. it can ask the Townspeople to vote to tho Kcneral public for prices be­ Bus 2 & 3. cent hospitals. It reasoned that the tlclcllsh prolileni now (.onfronting an accidentnl fall on Ihe pave- auditor's report.' 11 showed, he 'Walter Kaiie Of 12 Minor Rd„ a ing ., ' Hopn senlalive Thomas O'TopIe New Haven has the largest area Town could not nfford to huild Its the present Town administration, for the^approprlatlons neccssiiry to long - slahdlng'foe. of the School , tween five nnd 25 cents each. The I'-oiirlh Weelc March 22 — Mo- police force with 307 men. West nient. The jar of the fail knocked said, exactly $10,344.80 due tho iivof Massachusetts, a cousin to tho own facililies, and that, such an said be had obtained Information general fuml iind $20,803.78 In the proceed Vwith' the. construction of Committee. Ili. heaped criticism sale will take place startlnfi at niauguin vs. Glllis. Bus 1. & 3. ' ^)lew piesitlcnt, was gue.st speaker Haven is next with 55, Hamden her unconscious. 10 a. m. March 24—Gerrisli vs. Union, Bus airangoment might permit a 2'I- on such a plant and Its cost from capital fund on deposit as,of last the nt'W Gerrlsh ond Foxon Schools upon the heads bt the comntlttee^ u at the Installation held in Ihe Tl- has .53, Milford has 45, Branford houi' service for people in need of a New .Torsey firm. This wi\s in Neiglibors who found her. called nnd the Momnuguln School ttd- nieinbers, pnil^lptilarly wltli regard 1 & 3, and Mnrcii 25—Highland fe|\oli House in New Ilaven.i, Repi lias 14, .East Haven has 13 and September ,30. vs. Tuttlo, Bus 2. Enjoyable Time immediate medical attention. the course of a study'of the prob­ New Heaven police, who then The same reporl showed, Brirkor dltlons as aUthor|./.ed by vote of to a' )'efusal,'t>r'r'oqiie,sls .fbr' nddU l^jO'Toole pi'aised the local "firoup North Haven lias 12. The 347- lem of garbage disposal. Iho Town meeting of May 18,10,')3, Firtli Week: March 20 — Mo- The idcn'-^ of au emergency nollfied I'^ast Haven police at said, a, cash overdraft of $2,i)9,3'.44 tlonal rbom.4 tb tiinsc, nllolted for . i^^^aylng ''iuch civic organliiQlion.s as man New Haven Fire Department the Monmugulri School addition. niauguin vs. Union, Bus 1; March is also largest in the area followed room, since U. was advanced, Mas Tile .seiectniun said that lie would 1:44 p.m. Orrlcers'Walter Heck In chiK.!ks, in contrast .to tho $7,000 "At that tlnio the commlltec 1 '^videnced here nre proniol.lnH good brought, comnicnt only from a few defer any .statement of opinion was instructed lo plan for two Actually, rbfilBalio cliiihgo an ,31 -Gillls vs. Tuttle, Bus 3, and [''^go;.einMient and civic responslbll- hy Hamden with 58, Milford with and William Muhoney were des­ claimed by Ciiincy: Accounts re- Pinsbuirgh April 1 — Gerrlsh v.s. Hlghlund, 51. West Haven center with 32 locally. .Eai'lel Kloekars, and one reguriilng the iiroposeil repnssago ceivalile, he had estimated to be eleven room schools, plus all pur­ aulhorh/.ailorl ;or.llire'e, cliissroojns or two other meinbers of. Die of a garbage control ordinance un­ patched, and they helped neigh­ pose rooms for Cerrlsh and Fox­ and an ali-pui'iidse room to ihe Bus 2 f'l'y" . and East Haven with 14. bors inake^ the woman com-, lU'ound $18,000, .Biirker said, where­ 1 "*; Olliei officor.s who were instal­ Board of Public Safely', htttl ex- til after a public heading oh the as the. audUor's. reporl slihwed on and 'a threo-rpom addition and Momauguln : School wiiK_, the res­ SAflNHml pr(?s.sod int.ei'csi in the editorially forlahle until she could he moved l/led are Charles Fischer, vice pres- matter sclieduli'd for Monday., them to iK! $li),nBr>. Minus the $2,- all-imrpose room for the Momau- ponsibility Ijf the rprnU'r Board Use Free Press Want Ads Library To House C D advanced pnjpo.snl. However, no guln school. Accordingly thecom- 1-fldenl, William Withington, secre- Mnrcli i). tiy nmbulance. . 003.44 overdraft It , left a lialance of'Educatlon, Of the Building Com- action ,or: • discussion ever tool< mllteo accepted plans for those mittoe, only Lolls was a momber ''tiirv, and Alfon.se Carrano, treas- Medical Supplies .Sees I-'uture Problem The Police officers reported f $17,003.44. lie concluded. ("Uii-i The new pre.sldenl was prp- Use of the hasemenl of the Hag- place on' the mailer. If such an ordinance, [jrohiliiling that the woman had suffered buildings as designed hy the firm of that hoard.,\(ihlcli turned down The clalmf hy either side were of Shilling & Cpldbocker, nrchl- a request (dr. an.enlargement of seated with a gavel by the' out­ aman Memorial Library as a med­ Mathew Anastasio, operaloi" of the ininging in of garbage from fnmi lo^s of blood. (('(Midntied On Tago Two) the Linden Convale.sconl Jlospilni. Cects, These plans were put out to the addltlon.^i::'i\'' ' going piesldent, .lerome H. Grady. ical spplies center for Town Civil outside. Town ihnlts tor disposal jBeloie the in.stnllnilon the out­ reported after an hKiuiry over tho here, is enacted, hu .said, lie had b|d In IJecomber and January, Tho Kane also ci'lllclzecl the commit­ going officers, beaded by Grndy, Defense was approveil liy tho feasibility of such a project thai no doubt that it might evenlually bids for Gerrlsh and Foxon were tee on gonernl groutids expressing AUTOMOTIVE DEALERS ASSOC. weie honored at u dinner. They board. of# liiroctors at a meeting cerlnin technical and legal re- he followed by a situation in,\vhich Pupils Increased 50 PC. In opened and rood at a public meet­ his lack of trust.In Its ability and answers lo your crisis include Roeca D:Eugenlo, vice prc- this week, f|uirement.s oiist doubt upon 11. East Haven, unable to rid itself ing on Dec. ^29, 1953. The bids for Its Inlegrltyand called lt"hlaKed." slflent, and Peter Crocco, treasurer. of''garbage iiy outside contractor, MonittUguin 'were opened and read, "Told ; Vou So'' : • I The cJiirabU questions" this ycorl AND VISIT at a public meeting on ,lan. 19, . . . get them in CCE' THE NEW 1954 eEC THE.MODERN gLariy Fusco -and Thoma.s Pat­ will have to arrange for Its own At one. point,,' -Kane, asserted' satin finish dHH MODELS I dEC EQUIPMENT OUR EXPERTS I rick Henry acted ns weiconilng disijosul. Ten Years, Report Shows 105.1. that,"I could,hfi've starled'out Willi qimniiltee. Entertnininenl nnd re- Awarded Bronze I for wood and At piesenl the Town is under On October 0. last year, I here a net increase of 1,207 children has "After careful study of all bids, 'I' told you sol! but"'.! won't,"'He- X^eshments followed the short In- the lowest base bids, were revkiw- was possibly |',of(!rrlng,,ioh|!i state-, I xHe ^^(aca metal trim CimiSTUN SciF.NCF, a 521,400 contract wlih .losoph was a total of 3,077 chjldren in been recorded over a seven year Bt^allalion meeting. Edward Brunel- period. cd for possible further reductions. inenl at tlib.May. Ig 'town meet­ Jli and .Joseph Carton were in RuuKicio, of North Haven, for re- i'^ast Haven scliools, according to the annual report of the .Superin- During, the Increase In chroll- All practicable .adjustments were ing which aiithorjiicd the planning I if LOOR FINISI9 Cjinige of the evening's .social nc- iiio\:d of garhagi* and disposal of niude and u report was then suh- for two ll.Vi^room ^^ejomentory Ij '' Oitt and grime don t grind into non - organic refuse which Is dis- tcnd'ont of Schools which was filed menls from 1944 lo 1053, Ihe re­ You Mav Be llic Winner 01" ihc (Jrand Pri/.c Oi'lllrs port stated, eleven class rooms had mltled 10 the Board of FInonce schools anti tho-MohittUBuln addi­ Fabulon's hard, clcaf surface, Often referred to as "a po.'iri of at the Town dump.- 'I'lic recently wllh the office of Ihe That's why Fabuloned iloori Town Clerk for inclusion hi the been added lo the enlire school for approval. Three Joint meeflngs tion. "Is;o ,'5380,000 .will; build. an I newspaperman's news- l I . . Hint rod ends next September .'iO. of th',';;'.[' ^v!;,„' ,;.'>'.; .. -, ••'' 1%tt Fubuloned. !>• ill di.'.po.sing of its own refuse, rish, 358; Laurel, IGO; Highland, Recently,, a .'seventh grade at High­ "The school confttructlon costs, Order a special intro­ land was divided inlif doiihlei.ses­ cost o f equipment, contingency , Letis, asViBpokesniiin. for tho FIRST ADVANCE IN ductory subscription .On iMain St. Fri. I '1 lic proceeds from ferllll-/.er sales 322; Foxon, 139; South-48; , and Building Coiiimltlee, then', rose to I 50 YEAR5I •f, • ; iiii^'ht help to defray some of the Old Stone Church (rented by tho sions to,handle^the Increased In­ fund and the amount needed for today — 3 months for flux of sttidentii. 'It .was the sec­ Ihe rqllclng of notes drawn for ar- ro,nd ' a i'dpoiri bt the committee For walls, use Pittsburgh ^ValU VISIT ANY OP THESE MEMBER DEALERS OP THE ASSOCIATION hA local driver, who told polire '^--% I,,SI of operating the .suggested Town), 05. The total is 2,317 chil­ and to offei' aJ..i'csolution : which hide Rubberized Satin Finish .,, $3. You'll find the he had fallen asleep at the wheel dren 'In grades klndergui't en ond such division since hist fall chlloct fees and purchasing of 1 --^ c. I MONITOR "must" , phmt, he said. bringing, the number of double school land sites wore Incorporat­ confirmed iheipi'efiqhlriicmberahip {or trim, apply Satiiihlde Enamel, when the ear lie was drl\hig ! The .550,000 figure contrasts wllh through sovemh grade. of the hodyj • which authorized It Tliey go together! No worry reading and as necessary sessions to four. , ed In one budget for the proposed EKBLADE OLDSMOBILE, INC. . NEW HAVEN BUIOK CO. struck the roor of a parked i a $75,000 - $100,000 (misprlnfed as In the High School tho grade-hy-' .The report went on to comment bond Is.suc, 'rhe total proposed to spend tho ftpjiroprlated; money about mars, scufTs or stnins witli las your HOME TOWN grade breakdown was: VHI, 17C; IIEF(NISH YOUR FLOORS IN ONf DAYI 3505 ^^'^litlley Ave. S'JII WhuUcy Ave. velilcle early Friday morning, was > S75,000 - $1000,000 In last week's oh "a critical need for tenchorf for budget to he appropriated Is OK for the ncvf fiiShopls and addition, •TWIN OF Slip 1. PiontoiifniovcithcoM fiiiiili Satiuhlde ... it resists them nllt 1 PAPER. IX, 153; X. 153; Xf, 150; XH, 129 fAMOUS BOWLING ALLEY FINISH' booked on charges of violation of i isMu-i figure advanced by the pre- all grades' from •,, kindergarten follows;" with Ihe apfirb*al of; the Board or ' like inuKic. Easy to apply... quick-drying,,. ior a total of 760. ' Ooly I'ubulon ijivci lotis Utiing f l«p 2, Aiiply two coati of Ubulout ELIASON MOTORS, INC. SCANLON & PAGNAM motor vehicle laws. I ::fiil admlnl.sliatlon as n po.ssPile tlirough grade seven. In three Finance, artd 'to enter Into con­ 'POKIIRK iiUcy' brauiy It'i uimsuully - X-Kiwiaa iht iafric li^f. washnble ,, .nnd economical! fo.st of an incinerator. Li.sting enrollment totals for Thii report wonl on to. list the tracts lor buliding and equipping. icdiiAni to waier, ikuldiiiK, chinpiiiK Slop 3. lJs« your lluui) ibt itrj mxt 10.11 Disweli Ave. ^ IttlS nivwell Ave. |The driver was Edward J. years (ho shortages will extend •oil lUlnluu, No other fiuoh like it) Jay/ For eCDnomv, bcimr, I-:? years 1044 Ihrough 1953 the report cost figures for the .several cons- these schooVs. .',•;'<" ' . auubiliiy ... l'»bulon. , ginioni, 32, of B3 River St. Ills It was under Barker's adminis­ through the high .sehobr and will An enamel with pleasing Tho Christian Science Monilor BIEVER MOTOR CAR CO GILLMOR MOTOR CO., INC. WHALLEY MOTORS tration that a 'rown meeting pas­ showed that in the ten-yoor period continue critical at the elementary triiclion proJcclK. Briefly they ' 'H'itl(d<'n\v«"No" One. Norway St.. Oo$ton 15, Metis., U.S.A. • cai struck the rear of a cm- the number of children In the local sheen and special resistance lo 138 Wlmlloy. Ave. aau Wlialley Ave. 105 (ioffe St. I.t. Col. Harold I Uorritt Inubll of I i^t H IM n i.. < nntnlnlati d sed nn ordinance prohibiting the level." ".Working conditions and were: Mada by fhi mahari of MfiUtOY, Iht fabufaui R«iln *X: finhh. owned by Laura E. Onofrlo. .schools rose froin an 2,000 to lis V;.When the resoluUbn was put to. I wear and washing! Please ipnd mo on InlfOductory Moni­ ill Tokyo hy Cohiiiil Kd>\,iid \S. >i.iM.Mr. (oomi.ioibi of tin jniiaii bringing In of garbage. The. law salaries for teachers must Im­ $814,528 for the Gerrlsh and tor subscription—'JC isiue*. I cncloic Jl. GIMBEL MOTORS, INC. NEW HAVEN LINCOLN-MERCURY t./\(thich was parked on Main St., present figure or ja net increase of invoice vyoto'/KJine shouted his BROWN & THOMAS AUTO I'mcurenu'iit Alftnc.v, atlir receiving the liroMe Star Medal for was declared invalid hy Court of prove", the report said, "if a quali- Foxon Schools VNo!";ln a'.siH^ld vote ol opposi­ •-'111 Wluillcy Ave. 1 IS Wlialley ..\ve. . Hi Wlialluy Ave. f l!tt fiont of Tomm.v's Furniture 1,077 amounling.to more than 50 (led and competeht: staff is lo te MEFFERT LUMBER CO. meritorious service, lluritl, whosi. wife, I'lnri'ilcc. lives at 1.1 Tuttle Common Pleas because it was no*, per cent of the 3i)44 figure. ,,$176,GG5 for Ihe'inddlllon to tion. At this point Richard RelUy, EAST HAVEN (nomcl • ^ House Estimated doniage to I'l., KiLst Haven, Is (he son of .Mrs. W. H.. I'oanrll. of Short CeurliL passed by the Board of Selct>- maintained." tpwh counsel, ro.se to nsk that a LENAHAN & CLARE, INC. GEORGE B, WUESTEPELD 00. The reporl ll.s|ed enumeration Momaiigiiin school • • .COOLEY CHEVROLET CO. Supt! Hays concluded his report, N. MAIN STREET BRANFORD SJmonl's car amounted, to he- Now chief of the agency's Tokyo district office, th" colonel dis- men In accordance with Hie genor- count of hatids .be taken. He said ....:.. ,400 Crimn St. S50 Whulley Ave. totals for the frven yeur,s„ 194(i with a paragraph of iribule to ' (oddrciil l.'SS Wlialley Ave. Ween 5600 and $700 worth. tiiiKUished liiniself in Korea as coiniiifiiidcr of the llSd (iuar^ r- $3,000 fund lor rockiemo- that the.bondliig attorneys gener­ HARDWARE LORELLO MOTORS f al statutes. Foxon Park property through 1052 and showed for the tils, predecessor, William ,E. CIllLs, EFLAND MOTORS, INC. ^The accident was investigated mastcr IJahC Depot's reclamiUlon. and niaintenancc center from owners who have been unremit- vnl at Ihe Foxon ally required a cpunt of those'lor Free Press Publications Want Ads «3() raliipbell Ave. -laiiuary to Xovf.niher 19,1.3, In the Army since lt)l'.i, f'olon(.| Itiirrilt latter year a lolahof 4,0.'i9 children who retired liist August 31 after 3\9 Main Oor., Elm St icily) u'oncl . • ivVotci asa Howard Ave. at 2.25 a.m. by Police Officers ling in their efforts to reduce school site and against it bonding Issiie when arrived overseas, in January. 1003. —(IJ. S. Army I'holo) between the ages of three and 17. 23 year.s o( service in the local CConltuucil Dn Tags TwoX Get Results In A Hurry HO 7-2041 PS-IO Flank Konesky and Anthony whui tliey term nuisances ol the In 1910 Uie figure i was 2,7'12. Thus liyEtem, _ _ _ (CODtUuieO. On Page Twol • ^ascaicllo, ^ r. rl5". tPi-