i....x . '5;r--sr^-T'-r CW?--frK.-«iKB.'- St S:,';,"•""»"" «•'«• •I.ib.arj Conn l!)51. I'agi" " 5-4 r.A.ST IIAVF-N NKtt'.S. ThnrMlny, Hill, Dove Wll.wn, rianl< ami Tom On Monday nt- 8 p.m. i"inn the HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Hnnloni', Charles Cianeiii. Boh | ors wbo nltcnded the meeting last An Independent Rahy Al Hotncii I own hall bnspnionl, the prfllhiln*- Tolhot, .Terry Crtcchi; Geiuge. Bas- Next Tuesday Bianford will in­ Hy ADItlRNNK EM.IOTT week wcvc Albert K. Davison, Fre­ my s"lHnK up of Ihc progrnni sing, Rohert Burwill, Beverly Mc- vade East Haven inslend of vice- Onr Telephone Numbers Pnul D, Cnnii'r, ci) - iKreclor nf derick V. Klein. Miss Zitn Mnt- will bo lfliinclif'(^. EoprcsenlnlU'es l.ee.se. Bill Cinpp, ntid Dave Wn- versa. Ihp Division or Insli'ucUonol Sorv- tbews. Mrs. William Grave.'^. -Ins- of ciic'h nf \hv Kpnnsors nl'CUrgprl t rouR. Weekly Ncw.spaper Business: Alwalcr 8-1661 to (ittcntl In (irrlnl- to nsHlRl in the? Incs of I he Sun I! Board of Eilu- The buslne.s."; committee of tlie epb AdaniM, Mrs. AKMn P. Sanford, otillrtn, vlsilcrt the Iligh School ptnnnint;. Three Inacher.s. Joined Dave Varsity Show would like to e-x- Mrs. Henry S. Crosl)y, Mrs. UoberL Editorial: HOharl 7-5811 Tuesrtny. IIo cnlled on U. Vornon NpttlB To Sliirt "Minor M'flRM'^" prcss Its appreciation lo the East ©l|f mst Watt'oUK in • a lilMr? '•cond>o." Di- Young. Mr.-;. Donald Bcekwlth, Itays supL'flnlen'lent. of schools, A "ftilnni- Ir-nguo'* progi'nm which ledor Myron Gotten ijhjyed the Haven merchants whti have sup- nnrt Ciiii Gnrvin,' principal of the .fames E. Wheeler. Mrs. Dwight will bo nHsOf^intcd Avttli ihp mnln lilano; William Kost, the drums, liorted tills student activity by Hi«h School. FollowinR n tour Koeler, and Mrs. Oliver .Johnston, K.VST ll.WKX. CONNl'XTIcrT, TlU'l.'Sn.W, KKHHr.MiV IS, 1!I,V| li'.iiiuc. bill wlilch will bo Kupporl- and, Franl( Cnlislio, the trumpet. Inking advertisements for their G Cciils A Copy — $2.f30 A Vcar IhroUBh the, huilillnB, Mr. Collier •senior nurse. *(| tin llio bnsls of public conlrl- Dave pinyed u xylophone. The program which will bo read by hnit lunch In tho cnfeterin with liitilons. (ilono, will alKO niocd to perrnj'niance niailc n liig lilt with npproximnlely 2,000 people. niomhor.s nf tho school faculty. To>vn Meeting To It'* set up. Mo.ssinH' .snlfl he wlshtjil Ihe sludents. to "iMnphiisIzc" tlitft-portion of the Ml.'^.q Doi'olhy Keofc, • rtcnn of HraRTPNiNG NEWS" FOR MEM AND n-cti'filion progrom. Tho Pllrio?' Tho newly formed Spanish Club Mrs. Waller Husscll Act On Bonding b'iicur', be KJilti, win have n much girls In the High School, was the WOMEN WHO SUTFER FROM Garbage Control Law Imncr pnrtlclpnllnn of lircn boy.s KUOKI ppenlier at Union School under Ihe'dlrection of Mr. Kost, Resigns As Head ()!• Issue For Schools lint wili be conducted on (1 Icsf FrlHny, In her talk to Ihe mnm- elected the following officers: AdHlNG JOINTS Viili'i'.'i imil tnx pii.vpis will nrt fninijil nrul lliorofyro Icjm expen­ hcrs of the Snfely Council, .she Dick Annus, president; Robert Ua- (111 II $I,1W,000 .school liiinil Issue sive bn^is. Bave thciii Inrormoilon they could Well Child Confer. nehy, •vl(*e pi'osident; Lois -lodge, LIMB CRAMPS nt 0 town mpcllni; nl R o'cUn'l; u.«c In proparlnR foi* the-courses The resignnilon of Mrs. Walter Messina said that conlrlbuilonB secretary, and Milce Peliigrlno, tdiilKltt I" tho Town llnll. Seen As Bringing New In hlsh school. finin ihn [lublit; nl large arc hood-1 treasurer. BuKsell ns chairnian of the Well TIRED FEET 'I'hc net inn will como us llw rll- f(| in order lo ninUe Mils program | * * % * * .. The members were recently en- ChiM Confei'enne.s wns onnnynced nin.N of- liuit'i; tlinn six months' a suecess. ' Under the BUpprv;|Kion of Miss terlnlned and "educated" hy two ul. the monthly meeting of the NUMBNESS prcimrnlion nnrt plnnnlni; for thi. Th',' I.eiigue chnirninn nnnounC" Yota Bou/oucos, the seniors pre­ movies of colorful Mexico. consU'VIOiion of two ll-t'ooiu olp- Public Health. Nursmg Assnein- and , e<| Misr) that the Annex /Lltllo sented nn Intei-estinR and varied t i» „j <: i, menlaiw schools and n Ihccc-clnss- I,<'ii,;ue, which is nindi! up of teams proRrani of entertftlnnien't today. Ilnving votert foi- fellow elass- tlon by President Amert^H. Dav­ I'ooiii nd iitjoh 10 the MoinnitKtiin Problems For Future of lioys between Ihe ngej of 8 and Tho slurtent lender for the ncllvlly mntes'to reiiresent tliem In plan­ ison. POOR CIRCULATION School. A KoncrnI intt'posc I'ooni 1'.!, has licen granlod .permission wns Winnie Venus« .John Ksiiosito ning the .lunkn' I'rcmi. tiie class Mrs. .Bussell lias served in tliis will be pnri of cncli of the three lo extend lis ncllviUes Into nil of announced the a.ssenihly while Do­ elected tho following pupils: Nell eapaoity for s-evern! yours and has WANT ItELIEl'"? sepnrnte pieces of construt-lloh. I (Clancy Lists 3 Knsi Haven south of the rnilroad rothy Klngsford ac(!Onipanlod Itio Russo. Carol Velardi. Tei'l Sullivan. been very netive la tills pulille llEnns GOOD HOUSEKEEPING The honrilni; tntnl Inchiile.s, In b. H. Can t IJe included In L. - . ^ ti-ack.s. All boys of thW age In porfor-nioi-s. The following pupils Barbara Bjinkhnm, Tonmiy Mnut- -•^erviee. .She is erodilod by local -•iEAt OF uppnovat , addition to the cost of'conslruc- IAlleinatives ror ihls part of East Ilavon are Invll- participated: ,Tim Grignnno, Nancy te, Barbara Brown, Frances I.oni- PUNA leaders with malting tlu- liOK and farnlshiof; the new fnell- '•d lo pailk'iptifo in the youiiger • Harrington, Dolly .Johns, Alice burdi, Roliert Standisii, ,ludy Cross servlee "an efficient and valuable fni FREE liiforill.lliilll, Wiitt In Ities, nn iinioiint of .«inn.onn for Erosion Bill, Says Bush I'-iifpie wbk'b Is sponsored by the Mntl(?i, Elaine Mullnowsl<l, Marlon and Bill lio.senquisl, We know one in our community.*' NIIVGARA OF i:ONN- architects fees atul rclnted costs, Handling Problem Annex Voung lien's AsKoclaiion. l*niillo, Donas MciCennn. Haylene they will do theii' host to ninlte The retired ehnirman will be tlEPT- E-2U n contln);iincy fund, and .W7,.'ino Kiist llavcn and neigiiboring froni erosion along the Soiiml lias Uniler pressure by one Town 152 Tminle Street sliore areas cannot be Included in News I'hnto I lie prom a success. succeeded by Mrs. Robert Young, to retire notes for the purchase liciMi under fi'deriil study fur a grmtp, 1(1 ennct a new ordlnaneo who has been nn aetlvo parlleipant NEW HAVEN, COIIN- of land on the Ihree sites. a .Senate hill providing aid for number of years, but assistance Dehlile ICIIen, the *'nilnieb> biiliy" ^Irl itf Mr. ini nd Mrs, Ki-i-il .li'i-ohnitii r)( I I Klin S(., is ilciiiiK proliiliillng the Importntlon • of. Tryouls for lln^ Varsity Show in 'the conferences. liencli areas liainngiiil by storm for ri^buildinif benches was curbeil well and now trying to eateli MM with her twin hrothrr, DnuKhis lOdwaril, Who (m(\v('Inlil< hiT liy NA.MK garbage,! Ihe nonril of .Solol^lnion rniitni(-li-(l ilotthlf luii'ii- were iiehl Tuosdny. Many stueients The local nursing association and erosion. U. .S. Senntor Proscott ilurlng the war and Immedinlo several poinidK, Debbe who was horn wKli her brother bisf November II State FHA Week Observed paid tribute lo the memory of tlie AlinUK.SS Hush In a recent Idler Infonned post-war years, hns llirce nitermitive aclloiia monin shortly nflerward atul was given IIMIe elia nee lo Nnrvlve. Ijrnt nionlh afler » prolonged Mtiiy disjilnyed their Inlenls. into Mrs. William S. Chidsey. one Bagnolt Family Slate Repre.senlnllves Adelherl C. which 'ftcmi poncjer regarding ilie bf (he lUiNpilnl llelibe, who IN Nhnwn InoUing iil. her mother, WOH iiblti: to join he brother nt lioine. CITV - , -- Lncnl Ileaiilies Daiiiiiged * * * ' * of Us founders and first presidents. Mnultp and lOilznbolli Crnnniey curren(,'Oiiiiiih*'i' one prolilenv of The twins* lirotber Toinniy, Ihree, watehes the painera. In Momauguin, shifts in eui'- 'i'here luis bi-en a change in I.Iie Members of the bnnrd of direct­ Recovers Quickly thai a hill providing aid for this the Town. 'I'hls'j Is the-, \>|ew:, pf By Local Student Chapter area was a iiossiblllty in Ihe fu- rents iuivti wroughl havoc In se- high .school bnslcethnil .schedule. Prank Claiic,v/.vvho asflrfil-i^oloci-, gates al Ihe national conventions tiire, however. vernl places, washing away the Stall! "FlIA Week" Is being ob­ bench and threatening to under- man, bgiir.s the bl'unl,of;(hq:drfti-. , Jield In Columbus, Ohio, and be­ From Gas Fumes Aecoriiing to Senator Bush, a •J'otalR 27 2!1 M Local Bull Player served by tlio Eii-st, Haven High minetlie hoini'S themselve-s. Most citltles. •:, • .' '• ^'-. ~:i,':!v"?,;.^'^V' • fore that In Knn-sns City, Mo, It .survey I'oporl on fills area has Miissan* Ends lAMAN MALI 'I'lianliK lo prompt action by seriously affected wert^ a inimber The •fil'st fioleotrtliui (llR>lii5'0(j.. a'"" School ciinpler of tho Future holies 10 bo nlile to -senil delcgntes not lioon eonipli'led by llie U, K, Gels Trial WiU. police and by Mrs. Dorolliy of homes In the vicliilty of Cnnl- draft on nn nrrllnnnco wlilclfj w;ilh llomeninkcrs of America, The Se­ to a regional convention ' to be Army.
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