(A) Adrenal Gland Inferior Vena Cava Iliac Crest Ureter Urinary Bladder

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(A) Adrenal Gland Inferior Vena Cava Iliac Crest Ureter Urinary Bladder Hepatic veins (cut) Inferior vena cava Adrenal gland Renal artery Renal hilum Aorta Renal vein Kidney Iliac crest Ureter Rectum (cut) Uterus (part of female Urinary reproductive bladder system) Urethra (a) © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. 1 12th rib (b) © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. 2 Renal cortex Renal column Major calyx Minor calyx Renal pyramid (a) © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. 3 Cortical radiate vein Cortical radiate artery Renal cortex Arcuate vein Arcuate artery Renal column Interlobar vein Interlobar artery Segmental arteries Renal vein Renal artery Minor calyx Renal pelvis Major calyx Renal Ureter pyramid Fibrous capsule (b) © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. 4 Cortical nephron Fibrous capsule Renal cortex Collecting duct Renal medulla Renal Proximal Renal pelvis cortex convoluted tubule Glomerulus Juxtamedullary Ureter Distal convoluted tubule nephron Nephron loop Renal medulla (a) © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. 5 Proximal convoluted Peritubular tubule (PCT) Glomerular capillaries capillaries Distal convoluted tubule Glomerular (DCT) (Bowman’s) capsule Efferent arteriole Afferent arteriole Cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus Cortical radiate artery Arcuate artery Arcuate vein Cortical radiate vein Collecting duct Nephron loop (b) © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. 6 Glomerular PCT capsular space Glomerular capillary covered by podocytes Efferent arteriole Afferent arteriole (c) © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. 7 Filtration slits Podocyte cell body Foot processes (d) © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. 8 Afferent arteriole Glomerular capillaries Efferent Cortical arteriole radiate artery Glomerular 1 capsule Three major renal processes: Rest of renal tubule 11 Glomerular filtration: Water and solutes containing smaller than proteins are forced through the filtrate capillary walls and pores of the glomerular capsule into the renal tubule. Peritubular 2 capillary 2 Tubular reabsorption: Water, glucose, amino acids, and needed ions are 3 transported out of the filtrate into the tubule cells and then enter the capillary blood. To cortical 1 1 radiate vein 3 Tubular secretion: H , K , creatinine, and drugs are removed from the peritubular blood and secreted by the tubule cells into the Urine filtrate. © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. 9 Proximal tubule Distal tubule Glomerular − HCO3 Glucose and capsule NaCl amino acids NaCl H2O Blood Some drugs H+ K+ and some Collecting Filtrate and poisons drugs duct Cortex H2O Salts (NaCl, etc.) Medulla − HCO3 (bicarbonate) + H H2O Nephron Urea NaCl Glucose; amino acids loop Some drugs NaCl H2O Reabsorption K+ Active transport Passive transport Urea Secretion NaCl H2O (active transport) Urine (to renal pelvis) © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. 10 Urinary bladder Ureter Ureteral orifice Internal urethral Trigone orifice External urethral Internal urethral sphincter sphincter Urogenital diaphragm Urethra © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. 11 Umbilicus Superior wall of distended bladder Superior wall of empty bladder Pubic symphysis © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. 12 Total body water Volume = 40 L 60% body weight Plasma Volume = Interstitial 3 L, 20% of ECF Intracellular fluid (ICF) fluid (IF) Volume = 25 L Volume = 12 L 40% body weight 80% of ECF Extracellular fluid (ECF) Volume = 15 L 20% body weight © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. 13 Lungs Gastrointestinal Kidneys tract Blood O2 CO2 Nutrients H2O, H2O, Nitrogenous plasma Ions Ions wastes Interstitial O2 CO2 Nutrients H2O Ions Nitrogenous fluid wastes Intracellular fluid in tissue cells © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. 14 Metabolism 100 ml FeCes 4% 10% 250 ml Sweat 8% 200 ml Insensible Foods losses via 30% 750 ml 700 ml skin and ml lungs 28% 2500 Beverages 1500 ml 1500 ml Urine 60% 60% Average intake Average output per day per day © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. 15.
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