
Advances in Social , Education and Humanities Research, volume 575 Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social and Humanities. ( of Human as the Core of Interdisciplinary Research) (ICCESSH 2021)

A Study of the Deep Differences Between Eastern and Western in Ideological and Political Education Yulian Xu1,* Ailin Xie2

1 Nanchang University College of Science and Technology, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China 2 Nanchang Jiaotong Institute, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

ABSTRACT and are of great value to education management, and they still have a profound impact on education management, education system, teaching methods, education content, education practice, and education reform and so on. We should study and compare the root, theory and effect of the Eastern philosophy and the Western philosophy, absorb them in reference, merge them in optimization and develop them in sublation. In the ideological and political education, we should pay attention to the combination and fully consider the consistency brought by Chinese and Western philosophy. There are deep-seated differences between Chinese and Western education, but there is no right and wrong. China's education has bred 5000 years of excellent cultural heritage, while Western education has ignited the light of modern science and technology. It's like a piece of white paper with both sides. With different painting styles, you can draw masterpieces of extraordinary craftsmanship. Only when we understand the differences and know ourselves and the other can we make education always new. On the other hand, even though the huge cultural differences between China and the West result in many differences in education, Chinese and Western education still have similarities. That is, no matter what kind of value standards or education methods, the ultimate goal of education is to guide the learners to self-awareness and self-motivation, master the basic of the system, form the transferable skills such as creative ability and critical thinking, and form the spirit of lifelong learning and pursuing their own excellence.

Keywords: Eastern philosophies, Western philosophies, Ideological and political education, Deep differences.

1. INTRODUCTION exchanges and mutual learning among philosophical circles. [1]To achieve this kind of Fan Wenli (2020) that in the vision of exchange and mutual learning, we need to building a community of shared future for mankind understand philosophical research from the in the new era, the mission of "Oriental philosophy" perspective of transcending geography and cross- research is to achieve dialogue and understanding cultural tradition through comparative philosophy between oriental cultural traditions and between or integrated philosophy, and carry out eastern and Western cultural traditions through philosophical dialogue on the scale of human civilization. Wang Xiangyuan (2021) believes that *Fund: Research on the provincial project of teaching "Oriental philosophy" is the highest level of reform in Colleges and universities of Jiangxi Province "Oriental" regional identity. [2]The confirmation of "Research on the promotion of Ideological and political affinity under the 'positioning method' and 'relationship method' — "Oriental philosophy" plays a leading role in the Taking the course 'Introduction' of a university as an example" theoretical construction of Orientalism. Despite the (subject number: JXJG-20-35-3); project of Jiangxi education fact that education has been an activity since the science "13th five year plan" in 2020 "Research on the development track and intervention of children's self-supporting beginning of the human race and that many places behavior in the change of family structure" (20YB357). and people are still content with educational

Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL. This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. 285 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 575

practices, as George F Naylor points out: "those 3. who do not think in terms of philosophy are necessarily superficial." Without the guidance of "Philosophy" is a social that studies philosophy, people's understanding of education human thought and cognition of , everything be confined to the narrow and superficial and the universe. Pay Attention to enlightenment of , thus the education of the wisdom, cause people's thinking on the overall self-standard, process, substance and sublimation. The West pays attention to the method feel at a loss. In fact, in the history of practice, therefore has produced the modern mankind, any era with a clear theoretical physics, and has been walking in the world front understanding of education is closely related to the row. China pays attention to the thought, therefore development of philosophy in this era. has had the unique Chinese philosophy. In ancient China, , , 2. legalism and Mohism were the main philosophical schools, especially confucianism, Taoism and We can say that ancient India was the earliest Mohism. The introduction and development of and most developed country in the world, a country Western philosophy in modern times also had a of , a country of philosophy, a country of great impact, among which the poetry; however, people usually equate Indian was designated as the official ideology of the philosophy with Buddhism, and think that there is Chinese Communist Party in mainland China, and nothing but Buddhism in Indian philosophy. In fact, scholars represented by Neo Confucianism, it tries Buddhism can be regarded as the peak of Indian hard to let the Chinese traditional philosophy be thought, but it is not enough to generalize the whole able to innovate and develop. In the aspect of of Indian thought. Besides Buddhism, there are also Chinese , the and Daojia as the a variety of philosophical theories, such as Vedas representatives of ethical social outlook are the philosophy, Jingxing calligraphy philosophy, Confucianism and Taoism, which complement each Upanishad philosophy and various schools of other and are venerated by the rulers and the philosophy. These theories are very popular among confucianists of all dynasties. great powers. Among them, the UPANISHADS' profound and mysterious observations on the Confucianism, which originated from the universe of human life have won the admiration of doctrine of and , has a long modern Western philosophers such as Sherrin and history in the development of . It Arthur Schopenhauer. Indian philosophy has has a profound influence on the general of always made the ideal of the unity of thought and the Chinese people and on the values and values of life, and very little of it arises from purely scientific Chinese culture. It has become a or philosophical interests themselves. Indian subconscious of the Chinese nation. Confucian thought is full of practice, especially religion, and values influenced most public occasions in ancient its religion is based on philosophy, so philosophy China with Confucian values as the preferred and religion are always connected, inseparable, to criterion. Therefore, it can be said that the value achieve the ideal life, can not be observed outside orientation of Confucianism in general represents the search, you can only use VIPASSANA, or the basic value priority of Chinese traditional meditation, or Yoga, which is the real way to find culture. Confucianism pays attention to self- the . The view of the self or the mind as the cultivation and ethics, the central idea is FULCRUM and channel for the observation of the "benevolence and ", that is, people should universe is the position of the UPANISHADS pay attention to the harmonious relationship. [3] which permeates all the systems of thought in India, Taoism advocates the way of getting along with even in Buddhism, which flaunts the doctrine of nature. If we take as the way and act in non-egoism; it can be said that, the ultimate goal of accordance with it, we can eliminate disasters. The Indian philosophy is the realization of the true self. reason why the difficult problems in human society So in India, theory and practice, religion and cannot be solved is because of the excessive philosophy have always been one and the same, intervention, so we should advocate the behavior of without religion, and without philosophy. doing nothing to achieve the rest. Taoism also yearns for the simple society of returning to simplicity, and thinks that human can get rid of the disputes and troubles by not adding any

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artificial function to things and returning to the to the "West" in the region, but also referring to the original simple, ignorant and carefree . "West" in the culture with "speculative" characteristics. advocated "learning from Huanglao", linking "reason" and "" together, that "Tao" is Although the philosophy of Ancient Greece is to become the law of the operation of all things. based on myths and legends, the Gods and the The combination of Confucian Benevolence and heroes of demigods in myths and legends are the and legalist governance resulted in projections of modern people. Some scholars, the rule of Huang and Lao in the Early Han referring to the character of the gods in the Ancient Dynasty. Greek mythology, have pointed out that the gods of most nations claim to have created the world, while "Zhongxuan" was a very influential ideological the gods of Olympus do not claim to have done so. trend in the Jin, Sui and Tang dynasties. She is a All they did was conquer the world. That's the kind of pure philosophical thinking, not belonging beauty of the Ancient Greek mythology, which is a to which school or school, but being integrated and mythological reflection of the positive and applied by Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. enterprising attitude of the ancient Greeks. "Taoism emphasizes ", "Laoxue emphasizes metaphysics" and "Taoism emphasizes Ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, which metaphysics" have their meanings covered each can be broadly divided into three stages: other, but they can not be regarded as a whole, it The 7th to 6th centuries BC, philosophers pay should be said that as the different denotation of the attention to the study of the origin of the universe, "profound way", there are its basis. this stage of philosophy known as the natural Zhongxuanxue inherited the lao-zhuang school in philosophy. As a result of different answers to the the pre-qin and Han dynasties and the metaphysics original world, philosophers live in different areas, in the Wei and Jin dynasties, and through careful the formation of the , the school of and rigorous theoretical analysis, chinese , the Pythagorean School, the , and so philosophy established the first complete on. 25th century BC, the philosophical system of , ontology, shifted its focus from nature to humans. The wise , self-cultivation, mind nature, and man of the time did not believe in real existence meaning, it achieved the third stage development of and objective truth; the Protagoras believed that Daojia's study, which is equivalent to the study of everything was equally true, right and wrong, good lao-zhuang in the pre-Qin and Han dynasties and and evil, relative to human perception; and the metaphysics in the Wei and Jin dynasties. [4] Gorgias believed that everything was equally false. In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, Wang , who called himself the ' lover' , Yangming inherited 's theory of mind argued that there is objective truth and that it is and up the theory of Yangming, which is the possible to know truth; that true knowledge is to key to . seek universal definitions of from specific moral acts; and that the way to seek definitions is to 4. WESTERN PHILOSOPHY argue and question them. In 4th century BC, the Ancient Greek philosophy entered a systematic The definition of Western Philosophy is phase, represented by and . Plato put equivocal. In the American philosopher Tilly's A forward the theory of ideas, that the real, History of Western Philosophy, though it mentions perceptible world is not real, there is an eternal, real Marxism's former socialist philosophers like Owen, world of ideas beyond it. The idea is the 'model' of but not a word about Marxism. (Tilly's A History of the individual thing; the individual thing is the Western Philosophy is about Ancient Greek imperfect 'shadow' or 'copy' of the perfect thing; the philosophy to American , including feeling of taking the individual thing as the object Marxism.). Although Marxism is mentioned in cannot be the source of true knowledge, and true Russell's A History of Western Philosophy, he says knowledge is the 'memory' of the immortal soul of he speaks of Marxism because Marxism was a the idea. Aristotle disagrees with Plato's theory of philosopher who had a great influence on Western ideas, which he calls 'forms', and argues that 'forms' philosophy. And the phase of cannot exist independently of individual things, and Western philosophy often includes a group of Arab that forms are the essence of things and exist within philosophers. Therefore, "West" in Western things. philosophy is widely regarded as not only referring

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In the Middle Ages, the Catholic church absolute idea, and the whole world returns to the dominated the secular life and the spiritual life, and absolute idea itself. the philosophy became the Servant of the theology. A philosophical system that has a certain The 5th-10th century was the early period of influence in the history of the development of , during which the focus of world philosophy, there is also , philosophical research was on the relationship , Pakistani Philosophy, Sri between the universal and the individual. From the Lankan philosophy, , beginning of the 14th century to the middle of the , Arab philosophy, Russian 15th century, due to the decline of the church and philosophy and other regional philosophy. They are the development of the natural sciences, the more or less influenced by the three philosophical Orthodox Scholasticism gradually declined, traditions, but they have their own characteristics of philosophy became more and more divorced from philosophical thinking. In the Middle Ages, Arabic theology, the thought of individual freedom began philosophy played the role of the medium to spread to germinate, and medieval philosophy gradually Aristotle philosophy to Western Europe, and it also transitioned to . developed Aristotle philosophy and became an The early 15th to 17th centuries was the first important link in the history of world philosophy. stage of modern Western philosophy. At the center [5] of this period were man and nature, forming the and the , which were 5. EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY interrelated but somewhat distinct. The humanism advocates a people centered, all for the benefit of , is the discipline of people, against the immortality of the soul and studying the basic problems of education with . From the beginning of the 17th century certain philosophical viewpoints and methods. The to the end of the 18th century is the second stage of ancient thinkers discussed the basic problems of modern Western philosophy. At this stage, the education according to their own philosophical attention of philosophy is focused on the thoughts. The term philosophy of education was relationship between the cognitive subject and the first used by the City University of New York at the cognitive object, forming two schools of 1832 to train public school teachers to give lectures and . In the name of F. on the philosophy of education. In 1848, the empiricism, represented by Bacon and German philosopher Karl Rosenkranz (1805-1879) Roch, holds that acquired feelings about the outside wrote the system of pedagogy, which was world are sources of knowledge, and feelings are translated into English in 1886 by the American reliable. Take Descartes and G. W. The educationist Blackett (1836-1911) and named theory, represented by Leibnitz, holds that only on philosophy of education, making it a discipline and the basis of a perfectly clear and unquestionable a work of . axiom, and through the capacity of reason to reason From the history of the emergence and clearly and accurately, to get real knowledge. From development of educational philosophy, it is a the philosophy of at the end of the relatively young discipline, so from the system to 18th century, the Western modern philosophy the content, it is still in the stage of different entered the third stage, which was called 'German opinions. From the point of view of educational classical philosophy' in the history of philosophy, philosophy works at home and abroad, it can be mainly represented by Immanuel Kant, J. G. Johann divided into two different systems: (1) Educational GOTTLIEB FICHTE, F. W. J. Sherrin, Hegel and Philosophy System which mainly studies the basic Ludwig Feuerbach. Their made problems of education, and (2) Educational the absolute idea itself evolve along the model of Philosophy system which mainly studies the Syllogism, so that it was externalized into the schools of education. The former is exemplified by natural world, the evolution of the natural world Dewey's and education, which covers gave rise to human beings and human society with 26 topics ranging from the nature and function of the ability of self-recognition. The understanding of education to textbooks, teaching methods, human beings gradually develops from the knowledge, and morality. The latter can be the understanding of the natural world to the contemporary American educational philosopher G. understanding of oneself and consciousness itself, F. NIL Ă 's introduction to the philosophy of and finally reaches the complete self-knowledge of education represents several major schools of educational philosophy, including ,

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progressivism, essentialism, eternalism, reformism, about students' grades. Grades are the lifeblood of , and . Some students, parents and schools. High scores are the educational philosophy works, both the above two only choice. College entrance examination is a life- systems of content, such as contemporary American long test. It's not uncommon for students who only Education Philosopher J. S. Brubacher, the look at their grades but don't ask about their philosophy of modern education. Both Eastern and abilities. Western philosophies have had a significant impact on education. In China, the ancient thinkers 6.2 Differences in Family Education Confucius, , Mencius, Xunzi, etc., all from their respective philosophical, political, moral, Western parents cultivate and exercise their human nature, and other aspects, children's sense of independence and ability to live discussed the issue of education. In Europe, independently from an early age. We should attach Ancient Greek Philosophy Socrates, Plato, importance to children's self-training and their free Aristotle, etc., have also used their philosophical development, and strive to cultivate children into views on education. social people who can adapt to various environments and have independent survival 6. THE DEEP DIFFERENCES ability. Chinese parents, in addition to life, are most BETWEEN CHINESE AND concerned about their children's academic WESTERN IDEOLOGICAL AND performance. [7] It seems that learning well is omnipotent, but little or no attention is paid to POLITICAL EDUCATION children's independent living ability, social adaptability, mental health, moral sentiment and 6.1 The of School Education Is civic awareness. From birth to adulthood, parents the Essential Difference Between the have almost everything for their children, such as Two cooking, washing clothes, cleaning, saving money for their children to go to university, go abroad, get Western education is a kind of trial education, married, raise children, etc. What foreign parents which let students try first, accumulate experience value is exactly what Chinese parents ignore. and draw conclusions, and get the results of their own research. Western education attaches 6.3 The Origin of Independent importance to people-oriented, which is conducive to the cultivation of students' innovative ability. Development of Education Chinese education is a kind of indoctrinated Since the , a hundred examination oriented education, which directly tells schools of thought have been singing together, and the students of adult experience, so that they can Confucianism has gradually risen. After remember and accept it. Results the students lack of "dethroning a hundred schools of thought and innovative thinking. The difference of teachers' role respecting Confucianism alone" in the Han in the classroom Western education is based on Dynasty, it has become the most important school [6] humanistic thought. It cultivates people's practical of thought in Chinese traditional culture. The and analytical ability, encourages the freedom of influence of Confucianism on Chinese people is not thought, and is responsible for their own words and only deeply imprinted in Chinese life, but also deeds. The teacher's role, mainly as a guide, affects Chinese education. Confucianism advocates protects the root of human creativity — the the spirit of "actively entering the WTO". freedom and autonomy of thought. In China, the Therefore, the purpose of children and students classroom belongs to the teacher. The teacher talks receiving education is to integrate into the society incessantly on the platform. The students listen and benefit the society with the knowledge they carefully and take notes. They believe in the have learned. The so-called "cultivating one's answers of the textbook and the teacher. It is a kind morality, regulating one's family, governing the of tendentious indoctrination education. The lack of country and balancing the world" embodies the close communication between students and teachers value orientation of Chinese traditional literati results in students' passive acceptance of incisively and vividly. Different from traditional knowledge. It is more objective and fair for Chinese culture, Western education pays more Western education to evaluate students' attention to self-liberation, truth exploration and performance comprehensively. The score is only a breakthrough. Especially after the baptism of the reference value. Chinese education cares too much enlightenment and the Renaissance, the Western

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culture pursues more individuality, and at the same inquiry", which gives birth to science and time, it also forms the atmosphere of deeply technology and promotes the great leap of human exploring the laws of the universe. [8] Even today society. 3) Mode of thinking. For the sake of in the 21st century, with the increasing "educational value", Chinese education will pay globalization, the huge differences between more attention to "skill education" for students. We Chinese and Western traditional culture still have a will first consider what majors or abilities the significant impact on education. society needs, and then set up corresponding courses to cultivate students' corresponding 6.4 The Embodiment of the Deep abilities. This kind of education mode has become Differences in Education the mainstream mode in today's universities. [11] In today's dynamic Chinese society, countless new the differences between Chinese and Western opportunities provide the young generation with a education are not superficial differences in teaching broad stage to show themselves, and everyone has methods, but based on different "cores", which the space to play their own creativity. The Western drive education to develop in different directions. traditional education lays more emphasis on "liberal Specifically, this difference is reflected in the heart education", which is what we call "quality of education, value standards and thinking mode. 1) education" today. It focuses on cultivating students' The essence of education. Since childhood, the comprehensive development ability of teacher told us to be a useful person to the society. understanding, thinking and creation. Today, some In the eyes of the Chinese, this kind of thought colleges and universities in China begin to set up seems to be taken for granted. Because both the "liberal education", such as Xinya College of traditional Confucianism and the trend of thought in Tsinghua University and Liberal Arts College of the new era are telling us that we should learn for Sun Yat sen University. However, the education the collective interest and become talents for still belongs to the category of elite education and building a better world.[9]In such a cultural has not reached the level of popularization. background, the essence of education is to let students establish a sense of collective honor and a 7. CONCLUSION value system of striving to become talents for the sake of the collective. In Western countries, Philosophy is the knowledge of wisdom, education is not a means, because it is an end in thinking about the ultimate problem of human itself. The significance of education is to guide beings, to affect the future fate of human education learners to learn and think, and to explore the has a profound significance. Compared with the mystery and truth of the world. The reason why influence of Western philosophy on education, modern science was born in Europe has a lot to do eastern philosophy lays more emphasis on the with the nature of education. 2) Value standard. following concepts: Since the purpose of Chinese education is to serve First, the aim of education is to realize the the country and society, it is necessary to carry out harmony between human beings and nature. It sufficient moral teaching in the process of emphasizes observing nature and understanding education. Therefore, students also need to nature through walking and pilgrimage. It believes understand the value standards conveyed by various that the study of nature helps in self-reflection and moral stories. Up to now, "cultivating emphasizes the inner life. It is supreme to acquire through education" has become the orientation of wisdom, to achieve enlightenment and to achieve national education, and moral education has transcendence. All methods have been used to become an important part of education, which once achieve this and to derive from wisdom moral, again shows the essence of Chinese cultural proper means of livelihood, correct social and thoughts and values. Because of the strong sense of political behaviour. collective honor, we are willing to contribute, we have strong cohesion, and our education and Second, there is more diversity in education learning become more practical. The Western methods. Hinduism emphasizes traditional oral civilization always has a strong "sense of instruction and reading of Religious ; exploration", and their education emphasizes Yoga can free the mind from the fetters of the body, and , which is the inexhaustible motive surmount the material world that can be felt, and force for them to continuously explore the achieve inner freedom; Zen Meditation, Heart Seal, mysteries of all things in the world. [10] Therefore, Zen can make people achieve insight, meditation. the essence of Western education lies in "dialectical

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Third, the position of teachers is more they still have a profound impact on education important. All eastern philosophies emphasize the management, education system, teaching methods, dignity of the teacher and the crucial role that the education content, education practice, education student plays in gaining new knowledge and insight reform and so on. We should study, study and into life. compare the root, theory and effect of the Eastern philosophy and the Western philosophy, absorb Fourth, the eastern philosophy emphasizes the them in reference, merge them in optimization and traditional consciousness, the rule consciousness develop them in sublation. and the system consciousness. Therefore, in the ideological and political The Eastern and Western philosophies have education, we should pay attention to the profoundly influenced such fundamental issues as combination and fully consider the consistency the nature of education, the teleology of education, brought by Chinese and Western philosophy. There the value of education and the methodology of are deep-seated differences between Chinese and education, it has also influenced the educational Western education, but there is no right and wrong. problems of ethics, ethics, , mentalism, China's education has bred 5000 years of excellent theory of knowledge, theory of morality, sociology, cultural heritage, while Western education has etc. In a word, although the systems are different, ignited the light of modern science and technology. generally speaking, one is to discuss the It's like a piece of white paper with both sides. With educational problems from the philosophical different painting styles, you can draw masterpieces system, and the other is to make philosophical of extraordinary craftsmanship. [12] Only when we analysis from the basic problems of education. understand the differences and know ourselves and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant, Johann the other can we make education always new. On Gottlieb Fichte, Johann Friedrich Herbart, the other hand, even though the huge cultural Schelmacher, Homburg, Nitze, The Yale Report, differences between China and the West result in Newman, Weiber, Durkheim, Alfred North many differences in education, Chinese and Whitehead, Dilthey, Tappan, Elliott, Bretchenka, Western education still have similarities. That is, no Jürgen Habermas, Confucius, matter what kind of value standards or education Oigo, Han Feizi, Vedas, neolution, Upanishad and methods, the ultimate goal of education is to guide the schools of philosophy, has had a major impact the learners to self-awareness and self-motivation, on education. master the basic knowledge of the system, form the transferable skills such as creative ability and The trend of thought in education in the West is critical thinking, and form the spirit of lifelong a Kawa Nonagare Noyoni process. Germanic learning and pursuing their own excellence. Sun peoples's pedagogy and Anglo Educational Science Litian and others (2021) believe that only under the are the two of Western educational guidance of Marxist practical concept, fully thought. The European New Education Movement, understand the similarities and differences between the Progressive Education, the reformist education, the rational spirit of Western philosophy and the has formed the modern education ideological trend. moral spirit of traditional Chinese philosophy, can The trend of education of essentialism and the trend we creatively complete the philosophical system of education of eternalism have formed a new trend with Chinese characteristics. [13] of traditional education. New in education, Analytical Philosophy of Education, existentialism in education, phenomenology in AUTHORS' CONTRIBUTIONS education, in education, pedagogy in Yulian Xu and Ailin Xie jointly selected the spiritual science, empiricism in education, criticism theme, put forward the central idea and the main in education, liberation in education, humanism in structure of the article. In their writing, they education, constructivism in education, in respectively wrote the Chinese and Western education, complexity in education, postmodernism philosophy parts of the article, discussed the in education, lifelong education, education for all in representative views and main similarities and education, inclusive education, etc. all are differences between Eastern philosophy and influenced by the Eastern and Western educational Western philosophy, analyzed the educational philosophy. problems of Eastern and Western philosophy, and So, Eastern philosophy and Western philosophy analyzed the references. They jointly wrote the first are of great value to education management, and draft of the article. After the completion of the

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