OF NAMES and SUBJECTS* Absolutism 204 Apodictic Abstraction 112–113, 116, 123 Justification 15 Adorno, Theodor W
INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS* absolutism 204 apodictic abstraction 112–113, 116, 123 justification 15 Adorno, Theodor W. 280 apoha (denial, negation, exclusion, etc.) aesthetics/aesthetic 170, 183, 191, 280 199, 205, 208–209, 215 Africana philosophy (African, Appiah, Anthony 184, 195 Afro-Caribbean, and African American Aquinas 175 philosophy) 183–196 Argumentation 179, 193 Aitken, Robert 236 Aristotle/Aristotelianism 156, 175, 292 Allan, Sarah 262n Ariyaratne, J.K.P. 221 Althusser, Louis 166, 167 Armstrong, David 167 Ames, Roger 213n, 277, 277n, 279n Augustine 175 Analects 《論語 》 (Lun Yü) 154, 155 Austin, John L. 71, 79–80, 81, 168, analytic/analysis 244n analysis (versus synthesis), 153 Averroes 209n -continental divide, passim. method/methodological approach Bachelard, Gaston 125, 127, 129, 132, 133, passim. 135, 136, 143, 166 methodological guiding principle Baker, G.P. 77 (guiding-principle method) Bargh, J. 243 151–152, 156 Bashō, Matsuo 236 methodological instrument Bauman, Zygmunt 275n (instrumental method) 151, Bechara, Antoine 234–6, 246–247n 153–154 Bedeutung 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51 methodological perspective Benjamin, Walter 284–285 (perspective method) 151–157 Bennett, M.R. 81, 83, 86 analytic (as a generic type) Bergson, Henri 189, 236 153–154 Bernasconi, Robert 191 “continental” (as a generic type) Beyer, Christian 11–31 154–155 becoming (versus being) 153–155, 154n statements (versus synthetic See also being (versus becoming) statements) 153 Being, see also existence, non-being, philosophy (analytic style/orientation of you 有 and wu 無 doing philosophy) passim. as existence 290–1 contemporary/post-Kantian 2, 156 as non-existence 292n in other (culture-associated) (versus becoming) 153–155, 154n traditions than the Western issue of 289–318 tradition 147–319 non- 292n, 310 in the Western tradition (analytic Bhagavad Gītā 175 tradition in Western philosophy) Blyden, Edwin 187 7–144, 156 Bodhisattva 92 Anscombe, G.E.M.
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