Frederick Chopin Semper® Scientific Publishers University of Warsaw The Frederick Chopin University of Music Anna Brożek & Jacek Jadacki Frederick Chopin SOCIAL bacKGRound — pERSONALITy — woRLDVIEw — ARTISTIC PRINCIPLES Warsaw 2011 © Graphic design: Jarosław Zuzga, Semper® Graphic Studio Cover photography: ©, Angelika Zöllner © 2011 Anna Brożek, Jacek Jadacki and Semper® Scientific Publishers ISBN: 978–83–7507–107–8 Semper® Scientific Publishers Office and Graphic Studio: Mariensztat Street 8 00–302 Warsaw, Poland tel./fax: (+48 +22) 538 92 03 e–mail:
[email protected] Sales Department: Bednarska Street 20A 00–321 Warsaw, Poland tel./fax: (+48 +22) 828 49 73 e–mail:
[email protected] Printed in Poland Table of contents Katarzyna Chałasińska–Macukow: Preface. 13 Andrzej Jasiński: Preface. 14 Stanisław Moryto: Preface. .15 Introduction. 17 paRT I. SociaL ENVIRonmENT Chapter I. Home. .23 1. Father. .23 2. Mother. 26 3. Siblings. 27 3.1. Ludwika. .27 3.2. Izabela. .29 3.3. Emilia. .30 Chapter II. City. 31 1. Teachers and scholars. 32 1.1. Musicians. 32 1.1.1. Wojciech Żywny. 32 1.1.2. Józef Elsner. 33 1.1.3. Wenzel Wilhelm Würfel . .33 1.2. Philologists, historians, and theoreticians of literature and art. .34 1.2.1. Chrystian Piotr Aigner . 34 1.2.2. Samuel Bogumił Linde . 34 1.2.3. Feliks Bentkowski. .34 1.2.4. Kazimierz Brodziński. 35 1.2.5. Józef Jakub Tatarkiewicz. .36 1.3. Biologists, economists, physicians. .36 1.3.1. Feliks Paweł Jarocki . .36 1.3.2. Fryderyk Skarbek . 36 1.3.3. Ferdynand Dworzaczek.