GDPS / Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform Qualification Test GDPSÒ / Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1500/F1500 & 5000 series Qualification Test Alain Beauregard Independent Hitachi Storage Consultant
[email protected] Łukasz Drózda Managing IT Consultant
[email protected] Ken Matsuda Engineering Manager of Block Storage System
[email protected] GDPS / Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform Qualification Test GDPS GDPS can work with IBM as well as other Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) disk vendors, as long as the vendor meets the required Metro Mirror functions. Hitachi, Ltd. has implemented these functions in its Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform™ (VSP) and this document describes the GDPS Metro Single Leg and Dual Leg qualification testing performed in the IBM GDPS Solution Test lab. Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform™ 5000 series were used for GDPS Metro Single Leg and G1500/F1500 for GDPS Metro Dual Leg. Additionally, this paper describes the GDPS Metro with HUR controlled by BCM test results. Dec 9th, 2020 Disclaimer IBMÒ does not make any representations or warranties of any kind regarding the Hitachi products and is not liable for such products or any claim made regarding such products. The fact that the listed Hitachi products passed the enumerated IBM tests does not imply that the products will operate properly in any particular customer environment. Hitachi retains sole responsibility for its products, the performance of such products and all claims relating to such products, including without limitation its products’ compliance to product specifications, safety requirements, regulatory agencies requirements and industry standards. 1 GDPS / Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform Qualification Test GDPS Table of Contents Executive Summary .....................................................................