Religion Vedanta Sutras 840:403 Location: Loree 131 Douglass Campus 6th period 5:35-6:55 PM. Instructor: Edwin Bryant. Tel: x 23289. E-mail: <
[email protected]>. Office Hours: 12-1.00 PM, Loree 108. Course Description and Objectives: The Vedanta, or Brahma, Sutras has emerged as the most important of the six schools of Indian philosophy, and, indeed, has almost become synonymous with Hindu philosophy. Written in order to clarify the sometimes abstruse statements of the Upanisads, the oldest philosophical texts in Hinduism, the cryptic nature of the Vedanta Sutras in turn produced a number of distinct streams of commentarial interpretation. This course will attempt an overview of the main schools of Vedantic thought up to the medieval period -- Sankara, Ramanuja, Madhva, Nimbarka, Vallabha and Baladeva. Attention will be paid to some of the prominent points of agreement as well as contestation amongst some of these schools. Course Prerequisites: None (but some prior knowledge of Hindu philosophy recommended). Course Requirement: Class attendance and participation (10% of the final grade); a mid term exam (25% of the final grade each); a final exam (25% of the final grade), an 8- 10 page paper (40% of the grade). A one page discussion paper is due each week for each Gita chapter responding to a given question on that chapter reflecting a thorough reading of the material (late papers will be penalized). In addition to this, students will be assigned class presentations on the readings, and their attendance record and overall performance in class along with the response papers will factor into the remaining 10% of the grade.