Elizabethtown - Kitley Agenda Regular Council Meeting Monday, November 13, 2017 @ 7:00 PM Council Chambers


Public Meeting

(i) Notice of Public Meeting Concerning a Proposed Amendment to Zoning By-law 4 - 6 130-21, as Amended - 5077 County Road 29, Part Lot 26, Concession 5, Geographic Elizabethtown CouncilAgenda.NoticeofPublicMtg.Z.03.17

Regular Meeting of Council

1. Call to Order

2. Adoption of Agenda

3. Disclosure of Interest

4. Adoption of Minutes

4.1. Regular Council meeting minutes dated October 23, 2017. 7 - 11 Regular Council - 23 Oct 2017 - Minutes

5. Delegations

5.1. John McAllister, Upper Canada District School Board Trustee, Dave Corney, Principal Meadowview Public School and Teresa Polite, Lyn Public School Re: Public Education in Elizabethtown-Kitley - Introductions of the Principals

6. Accounts/Financial Matters

6.1. Accounts Payable Summary October 2017

7. Staff Report

7.1. Report No. A-17-62: Development Charge Review 12 - 85 17-62Development Charge Report draft report - Development Charges Study

7.2. Report No. A-17-63: Council Conference Expenses 86 - 89 17-63 Council Conference Expenses Draft Council Conference Remuneration Policy

7.3. Report No. A-17-64: 2017 Holiday Office Hours 90 17-64 Holiday Office Hours

7.4. Report No. P-17-25: Potential Review of the Township's Dog/Kennel By-law 91 02-23, as Amended P-17-25 Dog Kennel Bylaw Review

8. Committee Reports

8.1. Heritage Elizabethtown-Kitley Committee meeting minutes dated October 26, 92 - 94 2017 Page 1 of 125

10.26.17 Heritage

8.2. Economic Development Committee meeting minutes dated October 11, 2017 95 - 102 10.11.17 EDC Minutes

8.3. Committee of Adjustment meeting minutes dated October 26, 2017 103 - 112 10.26.17 COA

9. By-laws

9.1. First and Second Reading 113 - 115 By-law No. 17-42: A By-law to Appoint a Township Representative to the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority By-law No. 17-44: A by-law to Stop up, Close and Sell Portions of the Unopened Road Allowance Set Out in Registered Plan 78, Specifically Water Street, Geographic Township of Kitley. 17-42 Appointment to CRCA 17- 44 Stopping Up Closing and Sale Carpenter Water Street Frankville

9.2. Third Reading 116 By-law No. 17-39: A By-law to Rename a Roadway Within the Township o f Elizabethtown-Kitley Specifically Kitley Bastard and South Burgess Townline Road By-law No. 17-42: As Above 17-39 Renaming Kitley Bastard and South Burgess Townline Road to Kitley Bastard Road

10. Correspondence

10.1. Ron Gautreau Re: Neighbourhood Watch Program (Receive and File) 117 11.13.17 10.1 Gautreau Re Neighbourhood Watch

10.2. AMO Re: Estimated Fiscal Impacts of Bill 148 (Receive and File) 118 - 119 11.13.17 10.2 AMO Re Bill 148

10.3. Town of Lakeshore Re: Provincial Flood Insurance Program (Receive and 120 - 121 Support) 11.13.17 10.3 Lakeshore Re Flood Insurance

10.4. The Royal Canadian Legion Re: Military Service Recognition Book (Receive 122 - 123 and File) 11.13.17 10.4 Legion Re Military Service Recognition Book

10.5. Murray Rule Re: ATVs on Road (Receive and Refer to Staff) 124 11.13.17 10.5 Murray Rule re ATVs

11. Informational Items

12. Unfinished Business

13. Motions and Notices of Motion

14. Public Question Period

15. Closed Meeting

15.1. Section 8 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, specifically by-law enforcement issue

15.2. Section (2)(b) personal matter about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees, specifically a tax issue Page 2 of 125

15.3. Reporting Out

16. Adjournment

16.1. By-law No. 17-45: To confirm the proceedings of Council for the month of 125 October 2017 17-45 CONFIRMING

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M I N U T E S The Corporation of the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley Regular Council Meeting

- October 23, 2017 -

Members Present: Mayor Jim Pickard, Councillors Jim Miller, Jason Barlow, Earl Brayton, Robert Smith, Christina Eady and Dan Downey


Staff Present: Administrator-Clerk Yvonne Robert, Director of Finance/ Treasurer Diane Gordon and Deputy Clerk Betty Gibson

This meeting of Council was held at the New Dublin Council Chambers, 6544 New Dublin Road.


Call to Order: Mayor Pickard called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Adoption of Agenda: RES. NO. 269-17 Moved by J. Miller Seconded by R. Smith That the Regular Council agenda dated October 23, 2017 be adopted. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried

Disclosure of Interest: There were no disclosures of interest stated.

Adoption of Minutes: RES. NO. 270-17 Moved by R. Smith Seconded by J. Miller That the Regular Council meeting minutes dated October 10, 2017 be adopted as circulated. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried

Delegations: Mike Chicone, Federation of All Terrain Vehicles (OFATV) and Rick Gilfillen, Rideau Lakes ATV Club (RLATV) Re: Request for ATV Use in Elizabethtown-Kitley Mike Chicone made a Power Point presentation outlining the OFATV organization which includes the RLATV club. He noted that, while ATV's are not permitted on some roadways, it does happen because riders are looking for trails. Mr. Gilfillen advised that ATV riders must purchase a trail pass to travel on the trails and require insurance to

Regular Council meeting minutes dated October 23, 2017. Page 7 of 125 AGENDA ITEM #4.1. Regular Council Meeting Minutes Corporation of the October 23, 2017 Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley

do this. He also advised that RLATV has a land use agreement with a private property owner and for County Road 8 and County Road 5. It was noted that the Club and Federation are responsible for maintenance and the correction of any damage that may be done.

The group is seeking approvals in order to join other trails in the area covering . Elizabethtown-Kitley is, essentially a crossing point between the north/south routes and the future east-west link.

A verbal motion moved by Councillor R. Smith and seconded by Councillor J. Barlow that Elizabethtown-Kitley develop a by-law to regulate the operation of all terrain vehicles within the jurisdiction of the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley, included within the by-law shall be the following definitions: Provincial Highways Act, Use of County and Boundary Roads, Private Roads, Unopened and Unmaintained Roads, Limitation on Time of Use, Recreational Trails, Enforcement, License, Insurance and Safety.

Councillor Eady requested a recorded vote:

Mayor/Councillors For Against Pickard x Smith x Miller x Downey x Eady x Brayton x Barlow x

Staff was directed to prepare a draft by-law for further discussion at a Public Works Committee of the Whole meeting in December.

Staff Reports: Report No. A-17-54: Service Delivery Review - Recreation RES. NO. 271-17 Moved by R. Smith Seconded by D. Downey That Report No. A-17-54 be received;

And That the Recreation Service Delivery dated October 2, 2017 be received;

And That the Recreation Committee of the Whole be tasked with the investigation of the suggestions laid out within the document. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried

Regular Council meeting minutes dated October 23, 2017. Page 8 of 125 AGENDA ITEM #4.1. Regular Council Meeting Minutes Corporation of the October 23, 2017 Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley

Report No. A-17-57: 2018 Municipal Election - 'Lame Duck' Possibility RES. NO. 272-17 Moved by J. Miller Seconded by D. Downey That Report No. A-17-57 be received;

And That staff be instructed to draft a by-law for the delegation of power for the appointment/removal of any officer and the hiring/dismissal of any employee of the municipality for the period covering July 27, 2018 to the inaugural meeting of the new Council. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried

Report No. A-17-58: Township Email Address RES. NO. 273-17 Moved by R. Smith Seconded by J. Miller That Report No. A-17-58 be received;

And That staff be instructed to proceed with the domain name change on condition that the current domain (Elizabethtown- kitley.on.ca) remains active for at least one year. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried

Report No. A-17-59: CRCA Township Representative Appointment RES. NO. 274-17 Moved by D. Downey Seconded by J. Miller That Report No. A-17-59 be received. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried

Report No. B-09-17: September 2017 Building Activity Report RES. NO. 275-17 Moved by R. Smith Seconded by D. Downey That Report No. B-09-17 be received. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried

Report No. F-17-12: Council Directive for 2018 Budget

RES. NO. 276-17 Moved by J. Miller Seconded by D. Downey That Report F-17-12 be received for Council's consideration;

And That Council direct staff and committees to draft 2018 budgets so that increases do not exceed a.5% over the previous year's budget. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried

Regular Council meeting minutes dated October 23, 2017. Page 9 of 125 AGENDA ITEM #4.1. Regular Council Meeting Minutes Corporation of the October 23, 2017 Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley

Report No. A-17-60: Kitley Bastard and South Burgess Townline Road Renaming Follow-Up Council voted by a show of hands to proceed with third reading of the by-law to rename the road as recommended in Report No. A-17-60. RES. NO. 277-17 Moved by R. Smith Seconded by J. Miller That Report No. A-17-60 be received. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried

Committee Reports: Bellamy Park Management Board RES. NO. 278-17 Moved by J. Barlow Seconded by E. Brayton That the Bellamy Park Management Board meeting minutes dated September 7, 2017 and October 5, 2017 be received and filed. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried

Recreation Committee of the Whole RES. NO. 279-17 Moved by C. Eady Seconded by J. Barlow That the Recreation Committee of the Whole meeting minutes dated September 18, 2017 be received and filed. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried

Heritage Elizabethtown-Kitley Committee RES. NO. 280-17 Moved by E. Brayton Seconded by C. Eady That the Heritage Elizabethtown-Kitley Committee meeting minutes dated September 28, 2017 be received and filed. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried

Committee of Adjustment RES. NO. 281-17 Moved by J. Barlow Seconded by E. Brayton That the Committee of Adjustment meeting minutes dated October 12, 2017 be received and filed. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried

Informational Items: Mayor Pickard advised of the United Way Leeds & Grenville's annual campaign event, a breakfast at the Chartwell Wedgewood Retirement Residence in Brockville on November 13 from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. which Gord Brown and Steve Clark will be hosting to help raise funds. Area municipalities are asked to co-host and mayors will be

Regular Council meeting minutes dated October 23, 2017. Page 10 of 125 AGENDA ITEM #4.1. Regular Council Meeting Minutes Corporation of the October 23, 2017 Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley

serving breakfast. Breakfast will be $10 per person and all funds raised will stay in our community. Gord Brown and Steve Clark will also be contributing $250 each to the event and challenged each municipality to match their contribution.

Councillor Smith congratulated those who received a Canada 150 award.

Public Question Period: There were no questions from the public in attendance.

Closed Meeting: RES. NO. 282-17 Moved by C. Eady Seconded by J. Barlow That Council adjourn to a closed meeting at 8:19 p.m. under Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as specified below, to facilitate discussion with respect to: 2(b) personal matter about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees Specifically: Property Taxation and Staffing Update 2(c)) Proposed or pending disposition of land by the municipality Specifically: Business Park DISPOSITION: Motion Carried

Reporting Out The Mayor reported out that with respect to Item 15.1 information was received from staff and Item 15.2 information was received and direction given to staff.

Adjournment: RES. NO. 283-17 Moved by E. Brayton That Council adjourned at 8:50 p.m. to meet again on Monday November 13, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the New Dublin Council Chambers. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried



Regular Council meeting minutes dated October 23, 2017. Page 11 of 125 AGENDA ITEM #7.1. Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley

Main Administration Office 6544 New Dublin Road Tel: (613) 345-7480 or RR #2 1-800-492-3175 Addison, Ontario Fax: (613) 345-7235 K0E 1A0 Email: [email protected]


To: Mayor Pickard and Members of Council

From: Yvonne L. Robert, Administrator-Clerk

Date: November 13, 2017

Re: REPORT NO. A-17-62: Development Charge Report ______

Further to Report A-17-33, Morehouse and Associates have completed the Development Charge Review. A copy is attached for Council’s convenience.

In accordance with the Development Charges Act, 1977, as amended, staff have posted the report on the website and provided notice in the Spotlight on Elizabethtown-Kitley advising that the report is ready and that there will be a public meeting on January 8th, 2018 to hear any comments they may wish to make prior to Council’s consideration of the report.

Following the public meeting staff will provide a report summarizing the comments received and Council will be asked to provide direction to staff on the following: a) Whether or not Council wishes to continue to levy a development charge. b) If so, the amount that Council will levy based on the recommendations set out in the report.

Recommendation: THAT Report No. A-17-62 be received.


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30-Oct-17 Factor DISCOUNT RATE 2.0%


Annual Rate Progerty GROWTH RATE of Growth Tax Credit

Population 0.50%

Non-Residential 0.50%

ASSET SHARING Residential Non-Residential

Assessment Value (1) $933.8 $69.5

Assessment Base 93%

7% AGENDA ITEM #7.1.

Culture & Recreation 100% 0%

NOTES: (1) Provided by MPAC, 2017 ($O00,000s) (Excludes farms and managed forests ) Page 53 of 125

Morehouse Associates Input Table — Page 1 of 1 Report No. A-17-62: Development Charge Review Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley TABLE 1 TABLE 1 LEVELS OF SERVICE CALCULATIONS (2017 $'s) 30-Oct-17

UNITS OF AVERAGE PER UNIT METHOD or SERVICE MEASURE 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 I 2016 LEVEL VALUE CALCULATION ?ag: DEMOGRAPHICS Population- Total I # I 9,631 I 9,631 9,631 9,631 I 9,631 9,674 9,718 9,762 9,808 9,854 9,697 Households - Total I # I 3,980 | 4,003 4,011 4,017 I 4,023 4,037 4,047 4,055 4,063 4,072 4,031 Persons Per Household I # _I 2.42 | 2.41 2.40 2.40 I 2.39 2.40 2.40 2.41 2.41 2.42 2.41

PUBLIC WORKS ' Roads: -F Gravel I_ km 230 230 230 230 230 I 230_I 202 202 202 202 219.0 $94,415 cost/km $20,673,108 Surface Treated km __ 53 41 41 41 41 I 41 27 27 27 27 36.4 $110,493 cost/km $4,026,365 Asphalt km 81 93 93 93 93 93 135 135 135 135 108.7 $346,185 cost/km $37,637,233 Total Length km _I_364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 I 364 364.1 $171,198 wg_tdcostlkn-1'7:$62,336,707 Level Railway Crossings # 0.0 $50,000 cost/unit $0 Bridges # 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.0 $610,000 cost/unit $1,220,000 Culverts I—# I 0.0 $60,000 cost/unit $0 Buildings:

1 Depot/Fuel Centre sq. ft. 8,450 8,450 8,450 8,450 8,450 I 8,450 8,450 8,450 8,450 8,450 8,450.0 $120 cost/unit $1,014,000 Storage sq. ft. ' 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80.0 $90 cost/unit $7,200 __ Salt/Sand Shed sq. ft. 5,625 5,625 5,625 5,625 5,625 5,625 5,625 5,625 5,625 5,625 5,625.0 $90 cost/unit $506,250 Total Buildings __I sq. ft. 14,155 14,155 14,155 14,155 I___14,15514,155 14,155 14,155 14,155 14,155 14,155.0 $108 wggicost/unit $1,527,450 Rolling Stock: SingleAxle Truck Plow/Sander # 7 6 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.8 $90,000 cost/unit $432,000 A I Tandem Axle Truck # Plow/Sande-I___I 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4.2 I $240,000 _ cost/unit $1,008,000 Pickup Truck # 2 2 2 1 1 1 *1 1 1 1 1.3 I $35,000 cost/unit $45,500 Truck- 3/4 _I # 1 1 1 2 2 2 I 2 2 2 2 1.7 I $40,000 cost/unit $68,000 Chipper # 2 2 2 J 2 2 2 I 2 2 2 2 2.0 I $16,000 cost/unit $32,000 Steamer # 2 1 1 1 __ 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1.1 I $17,000 cost/unit $18,700 Truck with Bucket # 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 1.0 | $48,000 cost/unit $48,000 Shoulder Retriever # 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 | 1 1 1 1 1.0 | $8,800 cosuunit T" $8,800 Scraper # 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.0 I $3,100 cos?unit $6,200 Water Tanks w. pumps # 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.0 $8,200 cost/unit $16,400 Float # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.8 $8,000 cost/unit $6,400 AGENDA ITEM #7.1. Miscellaneous Equipment # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 $241,200 cost/unit $241,200 Backhoe/Loader # 2 __I 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.0 $80,000 cost/unit $160,000 ? Mower # 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 $5,000 cost/unit $15,000 Tractor # 1 1 1 I_1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1.0 $21,000 cost/unit $21,000 Grader # 3 3 I 3 3 3 3 | 3 3 3 3 3.0 $237,000 cost/unit $711,000 Total Rolling Stock I # 32 31 32 32 32 32 I 32 32 32 32 31.9 $88,972 wgtd costlunit $2,838,200 Page 54 of 125

MorehouseAssociates Table 1 - Page 1 of 2 Report No. A-17-62: Development Charge Review Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley TABLE 1 TABLE 1 LEVELS OF SERVICE CALCULATIONS (2017 $'s) 30-Oct-17 uNITs OF AVERAGE PER UNIT METHOD OF SERVICE MEASURE 2007 zoos 2009 2010 2011 g I 2013 I 2014 I 2015 I 2016 LEVEL VALUE CALCULATION 1:; FIRE PROTECTION Buildings: Fire Hall # 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 I 3 I 3 3 3.0 $449,764 cost/unit $1,349,292 Stoge # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1.0 $50,000____ cost/unit $50,000 Communications # I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I: 1 1.0 $75,000 cost/unit $75,000 Water Reservoirs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1.0 $50,000 cost/unit $50,000 Total Buildings # 5 _I" 5 I 5 5 6 5 6 I 6 I 6 6 6 $245,715 wgtd costlunit $1,474,292

Rolling_§tock: Pumper # 4 4 4 __I_4 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 4.0 $300,000 cost/unit $1,200,000 Tanker # 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.0 $250,000 cost/unit $1,000,000 Rescue Van # 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3.8 $200,000 cost/unit g $760,000 Pick-ups # 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1.9 $40,000 costlunit __ $76,000 I?eneralEquipment # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 $917,900 __ cost/unit $917,900 Bunker Suits w. Breathing # 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46.0 __ $4,500 cost/unit $207,000 Total Rolling Stock __I# 59 60 61 61 61 61 61 __I 61 61 61 __I 60.7 $68,549 wgtd costlunit $4,160,900

RECREATION Concession Booth # I 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 $51,900 cost/unit $155,700 Storage # 6 __ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6.0 $10,250 __ cost/unit $61,500 Outdoor Rink # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 $33,000 costlunit $33,000 IPicnicShelter, Lyn # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 $29,000 cost/unit $29,000 Rec Shelter # 1 ‘I1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 $35,000 cost/unit $35,000 Well House # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 $7,000 cost/unit $7,000 Gate House # 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 $16,000 cost/unit $16,000 Change Room # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 $9,000 cost/unit $9,000 IPlaygroundEquipment # 2 I_ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.0 $42,000 cost/unit $84,000 Horse Barns # 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.0 $140,000 cost/unit $280,000 CommunityHall # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 —I1.0 $180,000 cost/unit $180,000 Washroom # 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.0 $25,000 cost/unit $50,000 Bicy_clePath # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 $115,000 cost/unit $115,000 Tractor # 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.0 $21,150 cost/unit $42,300

+' AGENDA ITEM #7.1. IPlaying__l-jelds # 5 ‘I 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 __ 5.0 $50,000 cost/unit __§_250,000 Lights # 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.0 $45,000 cost/unit $90,000 Ifield 1 BattingCage/Pitchirg # 1 1 1 1 I__1 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 $7,300 costlunit __ $7,300 Rollerblade Rink # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 $94,000 cost/unit $94,000 A Lawn Mowers # 2 2 2 2 2 I’2 2 2 2 2 2.0 $700 cost/unit $1,400 Docks Floating # 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 $4,000 cost/unit $4,000 Misc Contents & Equip # 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 $36,900 cost/unit $36,900 Total Infrastructure :I # 38.0 38.0 38.0 38.0 38.0 I 38.0 38.0 38.0 38.0 38.0 38.0 $37,829 wgtd costlunit $1,437,500

Page 55 of 125 LIBRARY Branches I # 3 3 3 I 3 3 I 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 $176,000 cost/unit $528,000 Holdings (Library Contents) I $ "I47,624 47,624 I4-7,624I 47,624 47,624 I47,624 47,624 47,624 47,624 47,624 47,624 $35 cost/unit $1,666,840

Morehouse Associates Table 1 — Page 2 of 2 ._.o<<:m:_co?m=~mcm::o<<:-x_.=m< >mm_.m.:moo_»_mm on _<_m>mc_»m_smza mxommm >om mm_»<_omm w>mm o>_u>0_._.< _.mroo

Imm umoamodoz wsaéw oom?_um_,Iocmmsoa $8 moszemaox oom._Um_.Iocmm_._o_a m4.8»


- xo>om mwauomm momqmmag wagmmm Oom?_om?Iocwmsoa fmumm

_ucw:o éomxm - wc__.u_zom mmocismza m:__Q_:um Oom._um_.Iocmmjoa $3 mezzomaox oom?_um1._ocmm:oa $3» mmomm>:oz wgasmmmmn:__o3m2 oom._um4Omuzm aim

_n_W_N>_~< ws_%am now” U9, omga mi Ioaaom now..09 omga aim AGENDA ITEM #7.1. Page 56 of 125 Report No. A-17-62: Development Charge Review

Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley TABLE 2 EXISTING CAPACITY AND FUTURE MUNICIPAL EXPENDITURES That Qualify as Growth-RelatedUnder the Development Charges Act (2017 $0005) 30-Oct-17 Expend. GROSS NET 10% % Due to Eligible Residential Non-Residential GENERAL GOVERNMENT Year Cost Cost Discount Growth Dev. Chg % $ % $ G Development Charges Study 2017 $8 $8 $7 100% $7 93% $7 7% $0 G Development Charges Study 2022 $12 $12 $11 100% $11 93% $10 7% $1 Subtotal $20 $20 $18 $18 $17 $1

Expend. GROSS NET No % Due to Eligible Residential Non-Residential FIRE PROTECTION Year Cost Cost Discount Growth Dev. Chg % $ % $ h F RESCUE 2021 $40 $40 $40 8% $3 93% $3 7% $0 F TANKER 2021 $420 $420 $420 8% $34 93% $31 7% $2 F CHIEF TRUCK 2022 $45 $45 $45 8% $4 93% $3 7%_ $0 F PUMPER 2023 $400 $400 $400 8% $32 93% $30 7% $2 F DEPUTY TRUCK 2023 $46 $46 $46 8% $4TI 93% $3 7% $0 F RESCUE 2025 $375 $375 $375 8% $30 93% $28 7% $2 F CHIEF TRUCK 2026 $49 $49 $49 8% $4 93% $4 7% $0 Subtotal $1,375 $1,375 $1,375 $110 $102 $8

PUBLIC WORKS Expend. GROSS NET No % Due to Eligible Residential Non-Residential - ROADS Year Cost Cost Discount Growth Dev. Chg % $ % S R LINE8 RD 2017 $192 $192 $192 8% $15 93% $14 7% $1 R VICTORIA ST 2017 $4 $4 $4 8% $0 93% $0 7% $0 R ROCK LANE 2017 $4 $4 $4 8% $0 93% $0 7% $0 R BAY ST 2017 $4 $4 $4 8% $0 93% $0 7% $0 R BOWERY ST 2017 $7 $7 $7 8% $1 93% $1A 7"/:1 $0 R ELGIN ST 2017 $17 $17 $17 8% $1 93% $1 7% $0 R JASPER ST 2017 $28 $28 $28 8% $2 93% $2 7% $0 R MILLST 2017 $33 $33 $33 8% $3 93% $2 7% $0 R JESSIE ST 2017 $33 $33 $33 8% $3 93% $2 7% $0 R MYRTLS PLACE 2017 $33 $33 $33 8% $3 93% $2 7% $0 R LINE 3 RD 2017 $39 $39 $39 8% $3 93% $3 7% $0 R EDITHRD 2017 $67 $67 $67 8% $5 93% $5 7% $0 R WANDA DR 2017 $120 $120 $120 8% $10 93% $9 7% $1 R LINE3 RD 2017 $208 $208 $208 8% $17 93% $15 7% $1 R MURRAY RD 2018 $41 $41 $41 8% $3 93% $3 7% $0 R LINE 3 RD 2018 $55 $55 $55 8% $4 93% $4 7% $0 A

R LINE3 RD 2018 $75 $75 $75 8% $6 93% $6 7% $0 AGENDA ITEM #7.1. R KITELY/S ELMSLEY RD 2018 $77 $77 $77 8% $6 93% $6 7% $0 R LINE 3 RD 2018 $81 $81 $81 8% $6 93% $6 7% $0 R LINE8 RD 2018 $150 $150 $150 8% $12 93% $11 7%‘ $1 R LINE 8 RD 2019 $204 $204 $204 8% $16 93% $15 7% $1 R LINE 8 RD 2018 $192 $192 $192 8% $15 93% $14 7%. $1 R LINE 3 RD 2018 $245 $245 $245 8% $20 93% $18 7% $1 R MURRAY RD 2019 $3 $3 $3 8% $0 93% $0 7% $0 R BOWERY ST 2019 $4 $4 $4 8% $0 93% $0 7% $0 R CHURCH ST 2019 $4 $4 $4 8% $0 93% $0 7% $0 Page 57 of 125 R PEARL ST 2019 $5 $5 $5 8% $0 93% $0 7% $0 R BILLINGSCRES 2019 $6 $6 $6 8% $1 93% $0 7% $0 R HAYES DR 2019 $6 $6 $6 8% $1 93% $0 7% $0 R CROSS AVE 2019 $6 $6 $6 8% $1 93% $0 7% $0 R JAMES ST JAMES ST 2019 $6 $6 $6 8% $1 93% $0 7% $0

Morehouse Associates Table 2 - Page I of 4 Report No. A-17-62: Development Charge Review

Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley TABLE 2 EXISTING CAPACITY AND FUTURE MUNICIPAL EXPENDITURES That Qualify as Growth~Re1atedUnder the Development Charges Act (2017 $00O's) 30-Oct-17 PUBLIC WORKS Expend. GROSS NET No % Due to Eligible Residential Non-Residential - ROADS (CONTINUED) Year Cost Cost Discount Growth Dev. Chg % $ °/o $ R CORNEL CRES 2019 $6 $6 $6 8% $1 93% $0 7% $0 R SHARPES IANE 2019 $13 $13 $13 8% $1 93% $1 7% $0 R LYN HEIGHTS DR 2019 $16 $16 $16 8% $1 93% $1 7% $0 __R_CUMMINGSRD 2019 $22 $22 $22 8% $2 93% $2 7% $0 R SHARPES LANE 2019 $25 _ $25 $25 8% $2 93% $2 7% $0 R SHARPES LANE 2019 $25 $25 $25 8% $2 93% $2 7% $0 _I_l_G|LROYCRES 2019 $27 $27 $27 8% $2 93% $2 7% $0 R 2ND CONCESSION RD 2019 $29 $29 $29 8% $2 93% $2 7% $0 R BLAIRRD 2019 $30 $30 $30 8% $2 93% $2 7% $0 R KINCHST 2019 $32 $32 $32 8% $3 93% $2 7% $0 R LAKEELOIDARD 2019 $51 $51 $51 8% $4 93% $4 7% $0 R 2ND CONCESSION RD 2019 $54 $54 $54 8% $4 93% $4 7% $0 R LAKEELOIDARD 2019 $57 $57 $57 8% $5 93% $4 7% $0 R MURRAY RD 2019 $57 $57 $57 8% $5 93% $4 7% $0 R FAIRFIELDRD 2019 $78 $78 $78 8% $6 93% $6 7% $0 R GRAHAMLAKERD 2019 $98 $98 $98 8% $8 93% $7 7% $1 R SUSAN DR 2019 $55 $55 $55 8% $4 93% $4 7% $0 R NEW DUBLINRD 2020 $82 $82 $82 8% $7 93% $6 7% $0 R SHARPES LANE 2020 $100 $100 $100 8% $8 93% $7 7% $1 R MAPLEWOOD DR 2020 $163 $163 $163 8% $13 93% $12 7% $1 R LINE8 RD 2020 $534 $534 $534 8% $43 93% $40 7% $3 R RIVER ACRES LANE 2021 $41 $41 $41 8% $3 93% $3 7% $0 R PEARKDALEAVE W 2021 $82 $82 $82 8% $7 93% $6 7% $0 R ROWSOME RD E 2021 $82 $82 $82 8% $7 93% $6 7% $0 R KITELYLINE9 RD 2021 $203 $203 $203 8% $16 93% $15 7% $1 R NEW DUBLINRD 2021 $213 $213 $213 8% $17 93% $16 7% $1 R KITELYLINE9 RD 2021 $258 $258 $258 8% $21 93% $19 7% $1 R APPLE WOOD CRES 2022 $11 $11 $11 8% $1 93% $1 7% $0 R IAKE ELOIDARD 2022 $13 $13 $13 8% $1 93% $1 ‘ 7% $0 R DRUMMONDRD 2022 $16 $16 $16 8% $1 93% $1 7% $0 R RIVERVIEWLANE 2022 $21 $21 $21 8% $2 93% $2 7% $0 R LINE8 RD 2022 $29 $29 $29A 8% $2 93% $2 7% $0 R DRUMMONDRD 2022 $316 $316 $316 $% $25 93% $24 7% $2

RVMSDONALDRD 2022 $53 $53 $53 8% $4 93% $4 7% $0 AGENDA ITEM #7.1. R NEW DUBLINRD 2022 $56 $56 $56 8% $4 93% $4 7% $0 R NEW DUBLINRD 2022 $64 $64 $64 8% $5 93% $5 7% $0 R PARSLOW RD 2022 $70 $70 $70 8% $6 93% $5 7% $0 R SEELEY RD 2022 $82 $82 $82 8% $7 93% $6 7% $0 R SEELEY RD 2022 $259 $259 $259 8% $21 93% $19 7% $1 R APPLE WOOD CRES 2023 $20 $20 $20 8% $2 93% $1 7% $0 Page 58 of 125

MorehouseAssociates Table 2 - Page 2 of 4 Report No. A-17-62: Development Charge Review

Township of Elizabcthtown-Kitley TABLE 2 EXISTING CAPACITY AND FUTURE MUNICIPAL EXPENDITURES That Qualify as Growth-Related Under the Development Charges Act (2017 $000's) 30-Oct~17 PUBLIC WORKS Expend. GROSS NET No % Due to Eligible Residential Non-Residential - ROADS (CONTINUED) Year Cost Cost Discount Growth Dev. Chg % $ % 5 R BRONZE AVE 2023 $27 $27 $27 8% $2 93% $2 7% $0 R CALICO PLACE 2023 $30 $30 $30 8% $& 93% $2 7% $0 R COON‘S RD 2023 $82 $82 $82 8% $7 93% $6 7% $0 R 3% 2023 $108 $108 $108 8% $9 93% $8 7% $1 R CAMPBELLDR 2023 $155 $155 $155 8% $12 93% $12 7% $1 R LOCKWOODRD 2023 $191 $191A $191 k% $15 93% $14 7% $1 R KINCHST 2023 $420 $420 $420 8% $34 93% $31 7% $2 R GILBERT ST 2024 $27 . $27 $27 8% $2 93% $2 7% $0 R CRYSTAL RD 2024 $40 $40 $40 8% $3 93% $3 7% $0 R DAVIDDR 2024 $41 $41 $41 8% $3 93% $3 7% $0 R FERGUSON DR 2024 $82 $82 $82 8% $7 93% $6 7% $0 ‘ R GRANDVIEWTERRACE 2024 $109 $109 $109 8% $9 93% $8 7% $1 R DEBRUGE ST 2024 $111 $111 $111 8% $9 93% $8 7% $11 R ELEANOR FULFORDCRES 2024 $133 $133 $133 8% $11 93% $10 7% $1 R DRIVERRD 2024 $167 $167 $167 8% $13 93% $12 7% $1 R HALLECHSRD N 2024 $243 $243 $243 8% $19 93% $18 7% $1 R HALLECKSRD N 2025 $163 $163 $163 8% $13 93% $12 7% $1 R HALLECKSRD S 2025 $343 $343 $343 8% $27 93% $26 7% $2 R LEACOCKRD 2025 $591 $591 $591 8% $47 93% $44 7% $3 R HANNADR 2026 $41 $41 $41 8% $3 93% $3 7% $0 R HEALEYRD 2026 $54 $54 $54 8%1 $4 93% $4 7% $0 R HEATHER COURT 2026 $68 $68 $68 8% $5 93% $5 7% $0 A R HOWE RD 2026 $504 $504 $504 8% $40 93% $38 7% $3 R LEACOCK RD 2026 $629 $629 $629 8% $50 93% $47 7% $3 Subtotal $9,745 $9,745 $9,745 $780 $726 $54

PUBLIC WORKS Expend. GROSS NET No % Due to Eligible Residential Non-Residential - BUILDINGS & EQUIPMENT Year Cost Cost Discount Growth Dev. Chg % $ % $ W GRADER 2017 $350 $350 $350 :\\:% $28 93% $26 7% $2 A W PICK-UP 3/4 2017 $40 $40 $40 8% $3 93% $3 7% $0 W PLOW 2018 $200 $200 $200 8% $16 93% $15 7% $1 W DUMPTRUCK 2019 $90 $90 $90 8% $7 93% $7 7% $0 W PICK-UP 1/2 2021 $35 $35 $35 8% $3 93% $3 7% $0

W PICK-UP 3/4 2022 $42 $42 $42 8% $3 93% $3 7% $0 AGENDA ITEM #7.1. W RADIOSYSTEM 2022 $230 $230 $230 8% $18 93% $17 7% $1 W DUMP TRUCK 2022 $90 $90 $90 8% $7 93% $7 7% $0 W BACKHOE 2023 $100 $100 $100 8% $8 93% $7 7% $1 W PICK-UP 3/4 2023 $42 $42 $42 8% $3 93% $3 7% $0 W FLOAT 2024 $15 $15 $15 8% $1 93% $1 7% $0 W PLOW ~ 2025 $300 $300 $300 8% $24 93% $22 7% $2 W PLOW 2026 $100 $100 $100 8% $8 93% $7 7% $1 W PLOW 2026 $300 $300 $300 %% $24 93% $22 7°/ca $2 Subtotal $1,934 $1,934 $1,934 $155 $144 $11 Page 59 of 125

Expend. GROSS NET 10% % Due to Eligible Residential Non-Residential RECREATION Year Cost Cost Discount Growth Dev. Chg % $ % $ R $0 $0 0% $0 100% $0 0% $0 Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

MorehouseAssociates Table 2 - Page 3 of 4 Report No. A-17-62: Development Charge Review

Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley TABLE 2 EXISTING CAPACITY AND FUTURE MUNICIPAL EXPENDITURES That Qualify as Growth-Related Under the Development Charges Act (2017 $0005) 30-Oct-17 Expend. GROSS NET 10% % Due to Eligible Residential Non-Residential LIBRARY Year Cost Cost Discount Growth Dev. Chg % $ % $ R Holdings 2021 I $18 $18 $16 100% $16 100% $16 0% $0 Subtotal i $18 $18 $16 $16 $16 $0

Total I $13,091 $13,091 $13,087 $1,078 $1,005 $74 AGENDA ITEM #7.1. Page 60 of 125

MorehouseAssociates Table 2 ~ Page 4 of 4 Report No. A-17-62: Development Charge Review

Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley . TABLE 3 SCHEDULE OF AQUISITIONS BY YEAR That Qualify as Growth-Related (mwwmq


Growth Costs NPV Ex. B—aT[_Existing2018 | 2019 2020 1 2021 2022 2023 GenaalGovenunen $16 $0 $7 $0] $0 $0 $10 Fire Protection $75 $18 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3 Pub?cvvmks $755‘ $51 $88 $83 $75 $$5 $1o1| Recrea?on $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 | $0 $15 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $16[ $0 $01 $0| $0 $0 Total Growth Cos $860‘$69 $94 $83 $75 $65 | $118 1 $114 $121 1 $7_2] $130 N$0 1


[GrowthCosts Ratio NPV Ex. Bal. Existing 2018 2019 | 2020 2021 General Governmen 1.5% $1 ($0) $0 $0 $0 $0 Fire Protection 11.3% $8 $1 $0 $0 $0 $0 Public Works 87.2% $63 $6 $6 $5 I Recreation 0.0% $0 $0 $0 $0 Library 0.0% $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Growth _ Cost 100.0% $72 $6 $6 I $5 AGENDA ITEM #7.1. Page 61 of 125

Morehouse Associates Table 3 - Page 1 of 1 Report No. A-17-62: Development Charge Review

Township of E|izabethtown—Kitley TABLE 4 DEMOGRAPHIC FORECAST



2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

PogulationForecast ByYear 0.50% 9,854 9,903 10,003 10,053 10,103 10,153 10,204 10,255 10,353 er year growth 504 49 9,953}50 50 50 50 51 51 51 51 Persons QerHousehold 0.997 2.42 2.41 2.41l 2.40 2.39 2.33 2.33 2.37 2.35 2.30 Decrease in Persons per Household l -0.01] -0.011 -0.01 -0o1l. -0.01 -0.011 -0.01 -0.01 . . NPV Decrease- PersonsIHhld. -0.06

I Number of Households I 4,072 4,105 4,133 4,171 4,204 4,238 4,272 4,306 4,341 Annual Increase 339| 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 35 35 35 NPV Growth - Population 452 NPV Growth - Households 304

NON-RESIDENTIAL 1- 2017! 201§l_ 2019! 20201 2021 _ Total Sgace 1,653 1,661 1,669 1.678 AGENDA ITEM #7.1. Annual Growth 8 T22-322212 NPV Growth -Building Space Page 62 of 125

Morehouse Associates Table 4 - Page 1 of 1 Report No. A-17-62: Development Charge Review

Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley TABLE 5 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES CALCULATION Net Growth-Related Capital Cost (2017 $) 30-Oct-17


PERSONS PER UNIT Decrease 2017 2026 Factor Aorusted $860 ?? Population Growth Table4 452


Tax Credit evelopmenWater “- $4,467 a E EISIHEI AGENDA ITEM #7.1.


Net Present Value NPV Capital Cost (Table 3) $72 Page 63 of 125 NPV Growth In Space Table 4 74 Cost Per sq.m. GLA $0.97 Tax Credit $0.00 Development Charge Per Sq. ft. of Bldg. Space $0.97

Morehouse Associates Table 5 - Page 1 of 1 V ._._._mmom_uom>:oz O_u ._._.._m4o<mm.:.:.o<<< zssmmm._N- w<-_.><< <<_._.I ._.O ummmmm

> mmmumoa Report No. A-17-62: Development Charge Review

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Main Administration Office 6544 New Dublin Road Tel: (613) 345-7480 or RR #2 1-800-492-3175 Addison, Ontario Fax: (613) 345-7235 K0E 1A0 Email: [email protected]


To: Mayor Pickard and Members of Council

From: Yvonne L. Robert, Administrator-Clerk

Date: November 13, 2017

Re: REPORT NO. A-17-63: Council Conference Expenses ______Further to comments made by members of Council regarding the current Township policy regarding the coverage of Council member’s expenses while attending conferences, staff obtained a copy of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville policy for comparison and potential update.

The current Township policy being followed is the one established for employees where the municipality pays the conference registration fee plus a per diem of $275 which is meant to cover the cost of travel, accommodations and food. This per diem amount has not been increased in quite a while.

For Council based conferences such as AMO, OGRA and ROMA (the three most popular conferences), accommodation itself can be quite high as they take advantage of downtown Toronto or Ottawa hotels with per night rates well over the $200 rate. In addition, unlike the employee conferences (notably MFOA, OMTRA, AMCTO), food does not appear to be included in the registration with the exception of finger foods served sporadically throughout the conferences. In the past, members of Council have considered the most economical mode of transportation to conferences held in Toronto by taking the train.

Attached is a draft Council conference policy which states the following: 1. The Township will pay full registration for the member of Council. 2. The Township will pay for accommodations. 3. The member of Council will be paid $100.00 per day for the cost of meals. 4. Transportation will be chosen based on the best value and the member will be reimbursed.

Recommendation: THAT Report No. A-17-63 be received.


YLR Page

Report No. A-17-63: Council Conference Expenses Page 86 of 125 AGENDA ITEM #7.2.


POLICY: Council Conference/Training Expenses

Purpose: The Mayor and members of Council attend conferences and training opportunities throughout their term. In order to facilitate these opportunities, a policy addressing various costs associated to the aforementioned events will provide a guideline for Council and staff.

Procedure: Expenses related to the Mayor and members of Council’s attendance at conferences shall be as follows:

1. Accommodations: Staff will make reservations for accommodations where applicable, and will attempt to obtain the best value while taking into account the location of the conference and any special needs of the members of Council. The accommodations and parking will be covered 100% by the Township. Additional expenses charged to a room will be paid by the member of Council.

2. Registration Staff will register the Mayor and members of Council for conferences and these costs will be covered 100% by the Township. Costs will not be covered for banquet tickets, etc. that are an additional cost above the registration costs.

3. Expenses Per Diem The Mayor and members of Council shall receive $100.00 per day for expenses such as meals.

Any costs for the companions program shall be paid by the member of Council.

4. Travel Travel expenses shall be based on the actual costs pursuant to the following policies:

 The Mayor and members of Council may travel by any of the following means: i. Own vehicle ii. Rental vehicle iii. Train iv. Airplane v. Bus vi. Taxi


Report No. A-17-63: Council Conference Expenses Page 87 of 125 AGENDA ITEM #7.2.

In the case of public transportation, the costs of parking at a station/airport and mileage to/from the station/airport shall be included. This could be a combination of modes of travel.

 The Mayor and members of Council should use the least expensive means of transportation except under the following conditions: i. During winter months when road conditions may be hazardous, ii. If timing is an issue iii. If travel includes other costs that may be expensed separately but together ensures value iv. Other extenuating circumstances as approved by the Mayor

 Own Vehicle i. Reimbursement shall be paid at the per kilometre rate established for staff. ii. The mileage rate shall be measured as a roundtrip from the Mayor and member of Council’s home to the conference site and return. iii. It is the responsibility of the Mayor and members of Council to cover all motor vehicle expenses related to maintenance, fuel, licensing, property insurance coverage and any and all other expenses incidental to the operation of the motor vehicle. iv. The Township shall not cover any expenses relating to the following:  Vehicle towing charges  Any fines or charges issued by police or any enforcement agency under any legislation, including parking violations. v. If the Mayor or members of Council are travelling together in one vehicle, mileage will only be paid to one person, presumably the owner of the vehicle. vi. Toll road charges such as the 407 ETR will be reimbursed upon submission of the receipt or invoice.

 Other means of travel: i. The Mayor and members of Council shall be required to submit invoices or proper vouchers for the cists of such travel. ii. The costs of cancellation insurance shall not be acceptable costs unless there is a high change the trip will be cancelled.

5. Conferences The Mayor and members of Council are permitted to attend their choice of two conferences or seminars held in the Province of Ontario annually.  Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) conference  Association of Ontario Counties and Regions (ACRO) conference  Ontario Good Roads (OGRA) conference  Association of Rural Municipalities of Ontario (ROMA)  Eastern Ontario Municipal Conference (EOMC)


Report No. A-17-63: Council Conference Expenses Page 88 of 125 AGENDA ITEM #7.2.

 Any other conference or seminar directly related to the services provided by the Township.

Council may authorize members to attend an additional conference or seminar related to a Township service.


Report No. A-17-63: Council Conference Expenses Page 89 of 125 Township AGENDA ITEM #7.3. of Elizabethtown -Kitley

Main Administration Office Tel: (613) 345-7480 6544 New Dublin Rd 1 800 492-3175 RR 2 Fax: (613) 345-7235 Addison, ON K0E 1A0 Email: [email protected]

R E P O R T To: Mayor Pickard and Members of Council From: Yvonne L. Robert, Administrator-Clerk Date: November 13, 2017 Re: REPORT NO. A-17-64: 2017 Holiday Office Hours

The New Dublin and Toledo office staff and the Fire Department staff have discussed the office hours for the upcoming holiday season and offer the following for Council’s consideration and approval.

December 25th, Christmas Day, closed December 26th, Boxing Day, closed December 27th,, Closed December 28th, Closed December 29th, Closed December 30th, Closed, Saturday December 31th, Closed, Sunday January 1st, New Year’s Day, closed January 2nd, Open

With the above noted schedule it is suggested that December 27th could be closed with staff using the traditional two half days (one full day) given by Council. December 28th and 29th closure will require staff to use either the Remembrance Day float, in-lieu time, vacation time or a combination of all three.

December/January: SUN. MON. TUES. WED. THURS. FRI. SAT. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Christmas Boxing Day 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 Closed Closed, New Open Open Open Open Closed Year’s

Recommendation: THAT Report A-17-64 be received; AND THAT Council approve the 2017 holiday office hours.

YLR Report No. A-17-64: 2017 Holiday Office Hours Page 90 of 125 ._.o<<:m_,:_u2 m=Nm_um:.:"o<<:.S:_m<

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E Page 91 of 125 AGENDA ITEM #8.1.


Committee: Heritage Elizabethtown-Kitley Committee Date: October 26, 2017

A. Recommendations Requiring Council Approval Nil.

B. Issues Referred to Council for Guidance Nil.

C. Matters of Interest for Council Nil

D. Motions Requiring Action D-1 For Treasurer: Reimburse J. McMullen for Car Rally Preparation expenses. -Mileage (Form submitted) D-2 For Treasuruer: Reimburse T. Gayda for Plaque unveiling expenses. -Refreshments (Form and receipt to be submitted)

E. Committee Minutes E–1 The October 26, 2017 draft minutes are attached for your review.

E–2 The next meeting of the Heritage Elizabethtown-Kitley Committee is scheduled for Thursday, November 23, 2017

Heritage Elizabethtown-Kitley Committee meeting minutes dated October 26, 2017 Page 92 of 125 AGENDA ITEM #8.1.

Heritage Elizabethtown-Kitley Minutes Thursday, October 26 2017. 5:00p.m. Township Hall, New Dublin Present: Mary-Anne Gibson, Jim McMullen, Councillor Christine Eady Blake McKim. Tracy Gayda Absent- None Approval of the Agenda- Approved by Blake McKim Seconded by Jim McMullen Conflict of Interest Declaration- nil Minutes of Previous meeting: approved by Mary-Anne Gibson, second by Blake McKim Correction from the October meeting- none. Correspondence: Township office Mailbox .  Our copy of Heritage Matters. Given to library  E-mail from J. Smith looking for information on his house. We don’t have much on it but will be looking into it.  We got information from B Fisk on her heritage property. It will be filed in the Heritage Resource room.  Information received for contact for Cole Shoal and OHT. Will forward to previous inquiry.

Business Arising from the Minutes:

Heritage signs. Working to complete catalog and recording them in the new year. Also will be editing some of the signs with more detail or current information.

2017 Car Rally. Rally was enjoyed by all who attended with a very lively debate as to the correct answers. Winners were A. Jones and L.Gonyou who donated back ½ of the prize money. Expenditures and time logged to complete the questionnaires was discussed. It was decided on review, that this will be the last rally for a while. The committee gains knowledge of the township’s history and built heritage but participant attendance has not increased. The committee acknowledged and thanked Tracy Gayda, Mary-Ann Gibson and Jim McMullen for all their hard work and time they put in to making it another educational and fun event. Financials to be sent to treasurer, Diane Gordon.

Motion: To reimburse Committee members for expenses related to the Rally with expense Report Moved: Blake McKim, Seconded; Mary-Anne Gibson. All in favour.

Registry Updates Mary-Ann Gibson is still reviewing computer files out of home. Committee members are reviewing paper copies.

Heritage Survey. we will be handing out hard copies as we do our file updating. The survey will remain available for the time being. Committee members will divide respondents to contact in the new year.

Heritage Elizabethtown-Kitley Committee meeting minutes dated October 26, 2017 Page 93 of 125 AGENDA ITEM #8.1.

Cole Shoal Plaque wrap up. The invoice has been forwarded to the Treasurer. There will be an article on the Plaque unveiling in the Fall edition of CHOnews.

Motion: To reimburse committee member T. Gayda for Expenses related to the Plaque Unveiling with submitted expense report. Moved by Mary-Ann Gibson. Seconded: Blake McKim All in favour

New Business

Tracy Gayda and Mary-Ann Gibson have been very busy traveling and learning about heritage in and around eastern Ontario. Smith Falls annul Heritage Symposium. The theme was the Rideau Cananl Heritage. K. Watson spoke of “the canal that wasn’t” referring to Marshall Creek, Irish Creek plan for the canal. House restoration, The Opinicon and a lunch tour to the lock gate repair shop was part of the day. They went to Cornwall hear a talk on slavery in Canada. Yes, we had slavery until 1833 here in Canada. They also went to Athens and the Joshua Bates Center for a plaque unveiling and presentation on the history of Joshua Bates from Glenn Lockwood.

Committee members were asked to think about ideas and budgeting for 2018 for the next meeting.

Date of next meeting: Thursday, November 23 2017. 5:00 pm

Adjournment: 06:30pm

Heritage Elizabethtown-Kitley Committee meeting minutes dated October 26, 2017 Page 94 of 125 HO<wm.:?o<

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No. Details Plgjectsloals

Status Participation at economic development forums, funding and Ongoing other organizations; Forwarded business Economic Share email distribution lists; contact list to the 1 Partner Booth at events to promote E—K; Chamber Engagement Create opportunities for business promotion; Farmers Market at Spring Valley Ongoing to 4 “mes Communication Newsbtter!“°'eaSed pe.ryéar’ October 2017 under 2 Website -— links from partner websites, Strategy develo pment Social media — Facebook, Linkedln, Twitter

Business — What to to FOCUSon Park do attractnewbusinesses;engage businesses; benefits of lighting project; road expansion; 3 Business current signage; telecommunications’ infrastructure access; investigate funding Engagement Investigating updated BR+E

Continue with annual award luncheon — consult with partners on

Business suitablecandidates; _ . recognize consistent growth, 4 Recognition recognize newbusinesses, Ongoing recognize individuals, AGENDA ITEM #8.2. engage the Chamber of Commerce; engage partners 5 401 Signs investigating E-K exit sign at County Rd. 2 on 401 Under Development Welcome 6 Purchased six signs which willbe installed this year Will be installed in 2017 Signs Page 96 of 125 _<:::3m

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Whereas in accordance with the Conservation Authorities Act, all appointments to the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority are for a three year term;

And Whereas the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley’s appointment to the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority was in January 2014;

Now Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Elizabethtown- Kitley enacts as follows:

1. That Al Hanes is appointed as the Township representative to the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority.

2. That this by-law will come into force and effect upon the final reading thereof.

Read a First and Second time this 13th day of November, 2017.

Read a Third time and finally Passed this 13th day of November , 2017.



First and Second Reading By-law No. 17-42: A By-law to Appoint a Township Representative to the Cata... Page 113 of 125 AGENDA ITEM #9.1.

The Corporation of the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley

By-law Number 17- 44

A By-Law To Stop Up, Close And Sell Portions Of The Unopened Road Allowance Set out in Registered Plan 78, Specifically Water Street, Geographic Township Of Kitley ************************************************************************** Whereas, Section 8 of the Municipal Act 2001, As Amended, states that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act;

And Whereas Section 35 of the same Act, provides that a municipality may pass by-laws removing or restricting the common law right of passage by the public over a highway and the common law right of access to the highway by an owner of land abutting a highway;

And Whereas notice of the proposed stopping up, closing and sale of a portion of the unopened road allowance was given to various agencies;

And Whereas potentially affected property owner abutting or close to the proposed area provided notice that they have been advised and offer no objection;

And Whereas, the part of the road allowances described in Schedule A to this by-law is deemed to be of no current use;

And Whereas, it is expedient and desirable that the said road allowance be stopped up, closed and sold;

And Whereas, Council has heard any person who has applied to be heard in person or by counsel, solicitor or agent upon the grounds that their land will be prejudicially affected by this by-law;

Now Therefore, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley enacts as follows: 1. THAT the part of the road allowance described in Schedule A to this by-law be and the same is hereby stopped-up and closed.

2. THAT Part 2 on Plan 28R-14871 be transferred to Roll Number *to be determined*.

3. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute Deeds for the said lands on behalf of the Corporation and to affix the Corporation’s seal thereto. 4. THAT this By-law will come into force and effect upon final passing thereof.

Read a First and Second time this 13th day of November , 2017. Read a Third time and finally Passed this day of , 2017.


______C CLERK

First and Second Reading By-law No. 17-42: A By-law to Appoint a Township Representative to the Cata... Page 114 of 125 AGENDA ITEM #9.1.

By-law No. 17-44: Township of A By-Law To Stop Up, Elizabethtown-Kitley Close and Sell Portions Of The Unopened Road Allowance

Schedule ‘A’

Part of the Road Allowance specifically described as:

Water Street, Registered Plan No. 78.

Being All of PIN 44139-0071(R)

First and Second Reading By-law No. 17-42: A By-law to Appoint a Township Representative to the Cata... Page 115 of 125 AGENDA ITEM #9.2.

The Corporation of the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley

By-law Number 17-39

A By-Law To Rename A Roadway Within The Township Of Elizabethtown-Kitley, Specifically Kitley Bastard and South Burgess Townline Road ******************************************************************************

Whereas Section 11 of the Municipal Act provides that municipalities have the right to pass by-laws respecting matters with regard to highways, including parking and traffic on highways;

And Whereas notice of public meeting was provided by advertisement in the local paper at least two weeks in advance of the meeting which was held on Monday January 27, 2014;

And Whereas it is deemed desirable that the name of a specific roadway be changed in order to facilitate improved emergency response;

Now Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Elizabethtown- Kitley enacts as follows:

1. That the section of Kitley Bastard and South Burgess Townline Road from Kitley Line 3/Newboyne Road to Riley Road be renamed Kitley Bastard Road.

2. That signs, including range numbers, identifying the roadway be erected.

3. Any By-laws or sections thereof, which are inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed.

Read a First and Second time this 10th day of October , 2017.

Read a Third time and finally Passed this day of , 2017.



Third Reading By-law No. 17-39: A By-law to Rename a Roadway Within the Township o f Elizabethtown-K... Page 116 of 125 mmnmmzomoo H

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The Royal Recognition Book - Volume IV of For supporting the Military Service recognition and support for Veterans in Ontario Canadian Legion Ontari 0 Command. Your participation. \ Thank you for your is sincerely appreciated. \%§h‘Mf Sharon McKeown

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The Corporation of the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley

By-law Number 17-45

Being a By-Law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council ******************************************************************************************* Whereas by Section 5(1) of the Municipal Act 2001, as amended, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council;

And Whereas by Section 5(3) of the Municipal Act 2001, as amended, a municipal power shall be exercised by by-law unless the municipality is specifically authorized to do otherwise;

And Whereas it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley be confirmed and adopted by By-law.

Now Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Elizabethtown- Kitley enacts as follows:

1. The action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley at its meetings held on October 10, 2017 and October 23, 2017 in respect of each recommendation contained in the reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley at its meeting is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law.

2. The Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley referred to in the preceding section hereof.

3. The Mayor and Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the seal of the Corporation of the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley.

Read a First and Second time this 13th day of November, 2017.

Read a Third time and finally Passed this 13th day of November, 2017.



By-law No. 17-45: To confirm the proceedings of Council for the month of October 2017 Page 125 of 125