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APPENDIX E Land and Water Use Report FEBRUARY 2, 2018 LAND AND WATER USE REPORT 32ND STREET AND INDIAN SCHOOL ROAD SITE EAST CENTRAL PHOENIX WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE REVOLVING FUND SITE PHOENIX, ARIZONA Prepared For: Arizona Department of Environmental Quality 1110 West Washington Street Phoenix, Arizona 85007 HARGIS + ASSOCIATES, INC. HYDROGEOLOGY ENGINEERING HARGIS + ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND AND WATER USE REPORT 32ND STREET AND INDIAN SCHOOL ROAD SITE EAST CENTRAL PHOENIX WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE REVOLVING FUND SITE PHOENIX, ARIZONA TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................... iv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................... ES-1 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 PROCESS OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................... 1 1.2 LAND AND WATER USE REPORT ..................................................................................... 1 1.3 SITE BACKGROUND........................................................................................................... 2 1.4 GENERAL GROUNDWATER QUALITY .............................................................................. 4 2.0 USE EVALUATION ....................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 LAND AND WATER USE QUESTIONNAIRES .................................................................... 6 2.2 LAND USE ........................................................................................................................... 6 2.2.1 Current Site-Specific Land Use .............................................................................. 10 2.2.2 Current Regional Land Use .................................................................................... 11 2.2.3 Future Land Use ..................................................................................................... 11 2.3 GROUNDWATER USE ...................................................................................................... 11 2.3.1 Municipality and Utility Groundwater Use ............................................................... 12 Current City of Phoenix Needs ................................................................ 12 Future City of Phoenix Needs .................................................................. 13 Current Salt River Project Needs ............................................................. 15 Future Salt River Project Needs .............................................................. 17 2.3.2 Private Groundwater Use ....................................................................................... 17 2.4 SURFACE WATER USE .................................................................................................... 18 3.0 SUMMARY OF USES ................................................................................................................. 19 3.1 LAND USE ......................................................................................................................... 19 3.2 GROUNDWATER USE ...................................................................................................... 19 3.3 SURFACE WATER USE .................................................................................................... 19 4.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 20 Land and Water Use Report – 32&IS Site i FEBRUARY 2018 HARGIS + ASSOCIATES, INC. TABLES TABLE F-1 WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA EAST CENTRAL PHOENIX 32ND STREET AND INDIAN SCHOOL ROAD WQARF SITE TABLE F-2 CITY OF PHOENIX ZONING DISTRICTS WITH BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS TABLE F-3 GROUNDWATER WITHDRAWAL WELLS WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE ESTIMATED TETRACHLOROETHERE PLUME FIGURES FIGURE F-1 SITE MAP FIGURE F-2 CITY OF PHOENIX VILLAGE PLANNERS MAP FIGURE F-3A CAMELBACK EAST VILLAGE GENERAL PLAN MAP FIGURE F-3B ENCANTO VILLAGE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE FIGURE F-3C CENTRAL CITY VILLAGE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE FIGURE F-4A CAMELBACK EAST VILLAGE PLUME AREA ZONING MAP FIGURE F-4B ENCANTO VILLAGE PLUME AREA ZONING MAP FIGURE F-4C CENTRAL CITY VILLAGE PLUME AREA ZONING MAP FIGURE F-5 ADWR AMA LOCATION MAP FIGURE F-6 REGISTERED WITHDRAWAL WELLS WITHIN ONE MILE OF ESTIMATED PCE PLUME FIGURE F-7 AUGUST 2016 GW ELEVATION AND TETRACHLOROETHENE CONCENTRATION, 24TH ST/GRAND CANAL AND 32ND ST/INDIAN SCHOOL ROAD FIGURE F-8 CITY OF PHOENIX RECHARGE AND RECOVERY SITES FIGURE F-9 CITY OF PHOENIX DEFICIT SCENARIOS FIGURE F-10 SALT RIVER PROJECT CANALS Land and Water Use Report – 32&IS Site ii FEBRUARY 2018 HARGIS + ASSOCIATES, INC. APPENDICES APPENDIX A LAND AND WATER USE STUDY QUESTIONNAIRES APPENDIX B ADWR WELL REGISTRATION RECORDS Land and Water Use Report – 32&IS Site iii FEBRUARY 2018 HARGIS + ASSOCIATES, INC. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS A.A.C. Arizona Administrative Code ADEQ Arizona Department of Environmental Quality ADWR Arizona Department of Water Resources AF Acre feet AMA Active Management Area A.R.S. Arizona Revised Statutes AWQS Aquifer Water Quality Standard bgs Below Ground Surface bls Below Land Surface BTEX Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes cis-1,2-DCE cis-1,2-Dichloroethene CAP Central Arizona Project CCV Central City Village CEV Camelback East Village COC Contaminant of Concern COP City of Phoenix Earth Tech Earth Technology Corporation ECP East Central Phoenix ERAs Early Response Actions EVPC Encanto Village Planning Committee GPL Groundwater protection levels H+A Hargis + Associates, Inc. mg/L Milligrams Per Liter MCL Maximum Contaminant Level MGD Million Gallons Per Day PCE Tetrachloroethene Plan Water Resource Plan RI Remedial Investigation RO Remedial Objectives Land and Water Use Report – 32&IS Site iv FEBRUARY 2018 HARGIS + ASSOCIATES, INC. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (continued) the Site 32nd Street and Indian School Road SRP Salt River Project SVE Soil Vapor Extraction TCA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane TCE Trichloroethene TDS Total Dissolved Solids µg/L Micrograms Per Liter UST Underground Storage Tank VOCs Volatile Organic Compounds WQARF Water Quality Assurance Revolving Fund Land and Water Use Report – 32&IS Site v FEBRUARY 2018 HARGIS + ASSOCIATES, INC. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The East Central Phoenix (ECP) Water Quality Assurance Revolving Fund (WQARF) Site – 32nd Street and Indian School Road (the Site) is the areal projection of two sources of dry cleaning chemicals that have contaminated groundwater in the area of 32nd Street and Indian School Road in Phoenix, Arizona. The Site is approximately bounded by Monterosa Street to the north, Interstate 10 to the south, 32nd Place to the east and 1st Street to the west (Figure F-1). The sources of the dry cleaning chemicals are Maroney’s Cleaners and the Former Viking Cleaners dry cleaning operations located at the northwest and southeast corners of 32nd Street and Indian School Road, respectively. The contaminant of concern (COC) for the Site is tetrachloroethene (PCE). The land and water use study is required in accordance with Arizona Administrative Code (A.A.C.) R18-16-406(A)(3), which states that the remedial investigation (RI) shall identify current and reasonably foreseeable uses of land and waters of the state. As specified in A.A.C. R18-16-406(D), reasonably foreseeable uses of water are those likely to occur within 100 years. In order to obtain consistent land and water use information from specified stakeholders, a standardized land and water use study questionnaire was prepared and mailed by ADEQ and ADEQ’s consultant Hargis + Associates, Inc. (H+A) to municipalities and utilities in the Site area. Questionnaires were completed and returned to ADEQ/H+A by the City of Phoenix (COP) and Salt River Project (SRP). The questionnaires requested specific information in the following areas: Property information On-site wells Water use Waste streams Based on the land and water use study questionnaires and the answers returned to ADEQ, very limited, if any significant change to respondent properties would be expected to occur in the near future. Land and Water Use Report – 32&IS Site ES-1 FEBRUARY 2018 HARGIS + ASSOCIATES, INC. The entire Site is located within the COP. Arizona State law requires each city to have a General Plan that establishes policy for the city's physical development (Arizona Revised Statutes [A.R.S.] 9-461.05). The COP General Plan includes goals, policies, and recommendations to guide land use and neighborhood development for the next 10 to 20 years and beyond. Thus, most of the discussion of land use centers on the COP General Plan, most recently updated in March 2015. The COP is comprised of 15 "urban villages". The estimated PCE plume is located in four different areas consisting of three villages and one historic feature: 1) Camelback East Village (CEV). CEV has two primary cores: the 24th Street and Camelback Road core and the 44th Street and Van Buren Street core. The primary land use within the CEV and the Site is single family residential followed by multiple family residential and commercial (COP, 2017a). 2) Encanto Village Planning Committee (EVPC). The core of Encanto Village is the Park Central Shopping Center and surrounding