2018 USAW TWC SLAMBOREE Wrestling Tournament! When & Where Saturday, January 5th, 2018 Tallassee High School 502 Barnett Blvd, Tallassee, AL 36078 $15 Pre-Registration ▪ The pre-registration deadline will be 8:00 PM on Friday night. ▪ Pre-registration will not re-open after the deadline. ▪ Walk-ins will be welcome until 8:30 AM Saturday morning for $20. ▪ Beginner Schoolboy and Schoolboy will be combined for this tournament. ▪ Wrestlers can wrestle UP a weight class or age group from their own in order to get more mat time (max 2 weight classes total). ▪ Wrestlers may not wrestle in the weight below what they weigh-in at. Actual weight rounds UP to select a weight class (not the closest weight) during registration. ▪ Per Team Alabama policy, if there are 3 or less wrestlers in a bracket, weight classes may be combined to obtain maximum amount of mat time. ▪ We recommend all wrestlers arrive at least 1 hour before wrestling begins. PRE-REGISTER HERE Weigh-Ins 77 lb. weight class added to the Bantam Division Satellite Weigh-Ins for all age groups! Coaches must write weight on each wrestler's arm. 2 lb. Weight Allowance! (Ex: 75 lbs. maximum weight is now 77 lbs!) TOURNAMENT CONTACTS Tournament Director: David Nelson | 334-707-6454 Youth Director/Track Wrestling: Tanner Moon |
[email protected] | 205-862-9009 Wrestling ▪ PeeWee, Bantam, Intermediate: Start at 9 AM. ALL requested changes must be made before 8:45 AM Saturday morning. (Random weight class will be selected for weight check!) ▪ Novice, Beginner Novice, Schoolboy, Beginner Schoolboy: Start at 1 PM.