Differential RAID: Rethinking RAID for SSD Reliability Asim Kadav Mahesh Balakrishnan University of Wisconsin Microsoft Research Silicon Valley Madison, WI Mountain View, CA
[email protected] [email protected] Vijayan Prabhakaran Dahlia Malkhi Microsoft Research Silicon Valley Microsoft Research Silicon Valley Mountain View, CA Mountain View, CA
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT sult, a write-intensive workload can wear out the SSD within Deployment of SSDs in enterprise settings is limited by the months. Also, this erasure limit continues to decrease as low erase cycles available on commodity devices. Redun- MLC devices increase in capacity and density. As a conse- dancy solutions such as RAID can potentially be used to pro- quence, the reliability of MLC devices remains a paramount tect against the high Bit Error Rate (BER) of aging SSDs. concern for its adoption in servers [4]. Unfortunately, such solutions wear out redundant devices at similar rates, inducing correlated failures as arrays age in In this paper, we explore the possibility of using device-level unison. We present Diff-RAID, a new RAID variant that redundancy to mask the effects of aging on SSDs. Clustering distributes parity unevenly across SSDs to create age dispari- options such as RAID can potentially be used to tolerate the ties within arrays. By doing so, Diff-RAID balances the high higher BERs exhibited by worn out SSDs. However, these BER of old SSDs against the low BER of young SSDs. Diff- techniques do not automatically provide adequate protec- RAID provides much greater reliability for SSDs compared tion for aging SSDs; by balancing write load across devices, to RAID-4 and RAID-5 for the same space overhead, and solutions such as RAID-5 cause all SSDs to wear out at ap- offers a trade-off curve between throughput and reliability.