Federal Register/Vol. 75, No. 122/Friday, June 25, 2010/Notices
36442 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 122 / Friday, June 25, 2010 / Notices DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR input through meetings and workshops, appeal within 30 days of publication of open houses, field trips, presentations, this Notice of Availability pursuant to Bureau of Land Management newsletters, public notices and 43 CFR part 4, subpart E. The appeal [CO–840–1610–DR] announcements, and a planning Web should state the specific route(s), as site. In addition, an 11-member identified on Map 5 of the Approved Notice of Availability of Record of Monument Advisory Committee was RMP, on which the decision is being Decision for the Canyons of the established in June 2003, and continues appealed. The appeal must be filed with Ancients National Monument Resource today as a Monument Sub-Group of the the Monument Manager at the above Management Plan/Environmental Southwest Resource Advisory Council, listed address. Please consult the Impact Statement to provide recommendations on appropriate regulations (43 CFR part 4, management of the Monument. The subpart E) for further appeal AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Plan is a result of a collaborative process requirements. Interior. that involved local, state, Federal and Authority: 40 CFR 1506.6. ACTION: Notice of availability. tribal interests. The plan provides a framework to guide subsequent Helen M. Hankins, SUMMARY: The Bureau of Land State Director. Management (BLM) announces the management decisions on [FR Doc. 2010–15363 Filed 6–24–10; 8:45 am] availability of the Record of Decision approximately 170,730 acres managed (ROD)/Approved Resource Management by the BLM. Within the Monument BILLING CODE 4310–JB–P Plan (RMP) for the Canyons of the boundary, there are approximately 400 Ancients National Monument located in acres of National Park Service lands Montezuma and Dolores counties in (Hovenweep National Monument) and 12,200 acres of private inholdings.
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