CODE 166 CODE 196 CODE 228 CODE 243 CODE 251 CODE 294 CODE 427 CODE 490 CODE 590 CODE 666 CODE 01010 CODE 1260 CODE1447 CODE 1900 CODE 1975 CODE 2300 CODE 6000 CODE 144000 THE LAST YEAR OF CHAOS BEFORE ADAM – 3957 BC (Beginning 177 days – 6 Months before Adam) by Floyd R. Cox Revised 1-13-2016 If you Google for “date of creation”, you will receive 13 million hits from every nation under heaven. Far too many to read, and every person seems to have their own personal view on the subject. One says, “I think that, during the seven days of creation, God buried dinosaur bones just to test our faith in the King James Bible.” Another says, “I think the 7 days were 1000 years each or 7000 years each.” This would mean the plants created and blossomed in the third day did not have bees to pollinate them until the fifth day, 2,000 years or 14,000 years later. None of them seem able to take the seven days literally. Why is that? f-r-c
[email protected] The text says that “in the beginning” the heavens and earth were created and somehow became in need of light, and there was light on the first day. Then it speaks of creating a calendar on the fourth day. A calendar depends upon having the sun, moon and stars in certain positions, PARADIGM SHIFTS and it is likely that the moon, on the fourth day, was in conjunction (between the sun and earth) on the fourth day because Adam was created on the sixth day, when he could see the first slither Myths About of the moon on the first day of the seventh month, on Tishri 1).