Pretargeted Molecular Imaging and Radioimmunotherapy David M

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Pretargeted Molecular Imaging and Radioimmunotherapy David M Theranostics 2012, 2(5) 523 Ivyspring International Publisher Theranostics 2012; 2(5):523-540. doi: 10.7150/thno.3582 Review Pretargeted Molecular Imaging and Radioimmunotherapy David M. Goldenberg, Chien-Hsing Chang, Edmund A. Rossi, William J. McBride, and Robert M. Sharkey Center for Molecular Medicine and Immunology/Garden State Cancer Center, Morris Plains, NJ; Immunomedics, Inc., Morris Plains, NJ; IBC Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Morris Plains, NJ, USA. Corresponding author: DM Goldenberg, CMMI/GSCC, 300 American Road, Morris Plains, NJ 07950; Phone: 973-844-7000; Fax: 973-844-7020; E-mail: [email protected]. © Ivyspring International Publisher. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons License ( licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Reproduction is permitted for personal, noncommercial use, provided that the article is in whole, unmodified, and properly cited. Received: 2011.10.02; Accepted: 2011.10.31; Published: 2012.05.17 Abstract Pretargeting is a multi-step process that first has an unlabeled bispecific antibody (bsMAb) localize within a tumor by virtue of its anti-tumor binding site(s) before administering a small, fast-clearing radiolabeled compound that then attaches to the other portion of the bsMAb. The compound’s rapid clearance significantly reduces radiation exposure outside of the tumor and its small size permits speedy delivery to the tumor, creating excellent tumor/nontumor ratios in less than 1 hour. Haptens that bind to an anti-hapten antibody, biotin that binds to streptavidin, or an oligonucleotide binding to a complementary oligonucleotide sequence have all been radiolabeled for use by pretargeting. This review will focus on a highly flexible an- ti-hapten bsMAb platform that has been used to target a variety of radionuclides to image (SPECT and PET) as well as treat tumors. Key words: bispecific antibody, cancer detection, pretargeting, radioimmunodetection, radioim- munotherapy. Introduction The exquisite specificity afforded by antibodies channels, to enter the tumor’s vascular supply. The has long been recognized for their ability to serve as imperfect vascular supply of a tumor creates an en- carriers of other substances. Studies in the 1950’s were vironment that is more permissive for macromole- the first to show that radiolabeled antibodies directed cules to enter their extravascular space than most against tissue antigens could specifically localize in normal tissues [6-9]. Thus, even a non-specific IgG these tissues, and shortly thereafter, selective tumor and other macromolecules have an increased accre- targeting was demonstrated [1, 2]. It was not until the tion in tumor compared to most normal tissues [10, early 1970’s that suitable human tumor-associated 11]. Because tumors lack lymphatic drainage, back- antigens were identified that could be used for tar- pressure inside builds, creating a physiological barrier geting radionuclides for tumor visualization and later that impedes a macromolecule’s diffusion into the for therapy [3-5]. Thus, radiolabeled antibodies were tumor; however, smaller molecules permeate better. the first “theranostic” agents, capable of both detec- As the antibody molecules leave the blood and en- tion and therapy. counters antigen on tumor cells in the extravascular Antibodies do not have any selective ability to compartment, they will be retained for variable home to tumors, but need to come into contact with lengths of time, dictated mainly by their affinity and cancer cells after being distributed through the fluid valency (avidity), while the remaining antibody mol- highways of the body, the blood and lymphatic ecules in the body eventually clear by normal physi- Theranostics 2012, 2(5) 524 ological mechanisms that remove proteins and for- coupled to an antibody’s tyrosine residues, and when eign substances [12]. The selective binding actually catabolized, iodotyrosine is released from the cells, impedes the antibody from migrating too far from the which is quickly and efficiently removed from the perivascular space where it first encounters the anti- body with some retention by the thyroid [22-26]. 123I, gen, with antibodies that have a lower binding affinity 131I, 125I, and 124I all have been used for imaging being released more quickly and better able to con- and/or therapy, and since they can all be coupled to tinue penetrating deeper into the tumor than those antibodies with the same procedure, radioiodine is with a higher affinity [13]. often an attractive radionuclide for theranostic appli- Since antibodies are designed to be retained in cations. Nevertheless, there are many more radionu- the serum, their re-circulation aids in building the clides of interest for imaging and therapy, particularly concentration in the tumor to a maximum level over radiometals. 1-2 days. However, even with delayed blood clear- Radiometals are usually coupled to antibodies ance, only a very small fraction of the injected dose through an intermediate, a chelating agent. Chelating will localize to the tumor. The slow blood clearance agents often have differing affinities for various met- maintains background activity at high levels, and thus als, and thus the in vivo stability of one radiometal tumor discrimination can require several days. Re- bound to a particular antibody-chelate conjugate ducing the molecular size or removing/altering the might not be the same as another radiometal bound to neonatal receptor-binding site, which is responsible the same conjugate. Radiometals that are brought into for sustained IgG levels in the blood (by enzymatic cells by an antibody are retained for long periods, digestion or molecular engineering), can accelerate because cells tend to retain metals, but metals held by blood clearance, but this reduces re-circulation, lead- chelates also are inhibited from being expelled [27-29]. ing to decreased tumor accretion [14-18]. Because op- Thus, radiometal-labeled antibodies will have signif- timal targeting is a combination of high specific up- icantly higher uptake in the liver and kidneys for IgG take and low retention in normal tissues, often the or smaller fragments, respectively. This retention also gains made in hastening clearance are offset by lower will occur in the tumor, with radiometal-labeled an- tumor uptake, and thus the net effect can be modest. tibody accretion in tumor gradually increasing over This is particularly problematic for an agent that is time, reflecting the cumulative deposition of the ra- intended for both imaging and therapy, where certain diometal in the cells, particularly for antibodies that modifications that might improve imaging properties readily internalize. Although radiometals become can compromise or place certain restrictions on the trapped in the liver, elevated uptake in the liver has therapeutic application. For example, molecular en- not been problematic for directly-radiolabeled IgG, gineering has created a wide variety of antibody since dose-limiting hematologic toxicity occurs well forms with different valencies and molecular sizes. At before radiation doses to the liver approach critical a molecular size of ~25 kD, the smallest antibody levels. When using smaller antibody fragments that fragment from an IgG, a scFv, has monovalent bind- clear through the kidneys in an attempt to reduce red ing and clears exceptionally fast from the blood and marrow exposure, renal uptake then can far exceed tissues, creating much higher tumor/nontumor ratios that of the tumor. Since kidneys have an upper much more quickly than an IgG (160 kD). This anti- threshold of tolerance of perhaps ~2500 cGy, while body form, and its divalent variant, a diabody, could solid tumors may be eradicated by external beam ir- be used for imaging, but tumor uptake and retention radiation with ~5000 cGy [30], it is difficult to envision is reduced so significantly for both that they have a successful radiotherapeutic when renal exposure is virtually no therapeutic value as directly-labeled ra- so much higher than tumor. One way to circumvent dioconjugates, at least for systemic applications. Oth- these problems has been to explore compartmental er larger divalent forms, such as minibodies and treatment strategies, such as direct injection into sur- (scFv)2-Fc constructs, have somewhat slower blood gical cavities in the cerebrum for brain cancers or the clearance with higher tumor retention, enhancing peritoneum for carcinomatosis [31]. In these exam- their use for imaging, but studies have suggested their ples, a larger fraction of the injected product will re- therapeutic application would likely be restricted to main in the local compartment, which reduces the radioiodinated forms [16, 19-21]. potential exposure of other tissues. Indeed, one of the major issues facing investi- Thus, for optimal targeting, systemical- gators seeking radioconjugates for therapeutic use is ly-administered, directly-radiolabeled antibodies isotope selection, which is often dictated by the might need to use 2 different forms, e.g., a fragment pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of the direct- for imaging and an IgG for therapy. However, imag- ly-radiolabeled antibody. Radioiodine is commonly ing is rarely performed solely for the purpose of con- Theranostics 2012, 2(5) 525 firming uptake in known tumor sites, but instead to one of the most widely studied tumor antigens for derive dosimetry estimates for the therapeutic or to pretargeting. Besides
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