XLIII Encontro da ANPAD - EnANPAD 2019 São Paulo/SP - 02 a 05 de outubro International entrepreneurship of family businesses with home-country formal institutions support through geographical indication Autoria Jefferson Marlon Monticelli -
[email protected] Pós-Doutorado em Administração de Empresas/FGV/EAESP - Fundação Getulio Vargas/Esc de Admin de Empresas de São Paulo Programa de Pós-Graduação/Universidade Unilasalle Fábio Dal-Soto -
[email protected] Curso de Administração/Universidade de Cruz Alta - Unicruz outro/outro Resumo This study examines the influence of home-country institutions on international entrepreneurship of family businesses. We considered the country-of-origin can be viewed as a resource and the geographical indication as an institution because is shaped by formal and informal rules and may generate recognizing and legitimacy of internationalized products as the wine. We developed a case study in the Brazilian wine industry, and, through a framework and propositions, we focus on the international entrepreneurship of family business regarding the relevance of the branding and the geographical indication, mainly to the international markets. In this sense, this study contributes because we analyze the international entrepreneurship with the support of home-country formal institutions, creating an opportunity to understand the context of an emerging economy because the use of institutional theory in entrepreneurship research can advance the knowledge about cross-border entrepreneurship behavior. Moreover, the family business brand with the name is a relevant factor to the continuity of the family business because it is not only an income source but also an extension of the family and their reputation in the community, as well to give support to the youngsters and other family members.