Guerrero Bares Reelection Plan by Rafael H

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Guerrero Bares Reelection Plan by Rafael H UNIVERSITY OF }..U~W.i.W USf-?ARY arianas %riet~~ Micronesia~s Leading Newspaper Since 1972 b&) evvs Guerrero bares reelection plan By Rafael H. Arroyo Duringthe ribbon-cutting cer­ said his decision to seek reelec­ emonies for a water project in tion would be anchored on how GOVERNORLorenzofGuerrero MarpilastweekCommonwealth thepeoplehaveseenhiscommit­ announced yesterday he would Utilities Corporation Executive menttoprovidethebestqualityof seek November. Director Ramon S. Guerrerode­ life to citizens of the Common­ "I have consulted my family clared the candidacyof the gov­ wealth. andhavereachedadecision.Yes, ernor and Lieutenant Governor Theyear1993 isthelastyearof I amseeking reelection," Guerrero BenjaminT.Manglona, askedfor Guerrero's initialfour yearterm. saidin a press. conference. comment at that time Guerrero UndertheConstitution, Guerrero The governor's disclosureyes­ said nothingwas definite yet and is allowed a reelection bid for terday came 19 days earlier than that Ray Guerrero's statements anotherfour-year term. promised. Hesaidearlierhewould wereonlyindicativeofthelatter's "Looking back at what we officially declarehisplansonJan. supportthe governor. promised during our campaign 25, his birthday. The CUC executive director trailsin 1989, Imust say wehave "Okay,sinceyoumediaarevery was the governor's campaign delivered,"Guerrerosaid. insistenton knowing if 1am run­ managerduring the 1989 guber­ He mentionedhis accomplish­ ning or not, yes 1 am. But you natorialrace which h~ won over ments in utilities infrastructure, peopleshould be more interested Democratic standard bearer roads and buildings,health care, with the accomplishments of my FroilanTenorio. quality of education, welfare administration," he said. In earlierinterviews, Guerrero continued on page 2 Lorenzo I. Deleon Guerrero House grantsrnore Governor cites Chamorro Club GOVERNOR Lorenzo 1. ego. we help each other in our studies power to delegates Guerrero yesterday lauded the Theclub, whichwasformed three asidefromindulging incommunity CNMIChamorro Clubof SanDi­ months ago, helps patients being work," Cabrerasaid. ego,Californiaforassisting CNMI referred there for treatment, aside Guerrero, wholearned about the from territories residents going to thatpartof the frompromoting unity andcamara­ clubwhenhewenttoSanDiego late THEUSHouseofRepresenta- that in the event the delegates mainland. derieamongthegrowingChamorro lastyearfor an eyeoperation, said tives gave non-state represen- of residentcommissioner cast In anewsconference yesterday, and Carolinian population in that hewasimpressed athowthegroup tatives the power to vote on decidingvotes, a secondvote. Guerrero welcomed theofficers of partof California. managed to keep, the community mattersunderconsiderationby excluding them. will be cast. theclubandexhorted themtocon­ With a current membership of closer together. the whole House by a margin ResidentRepresentativeJuan tinue their service to theirfellow 78 and 30 prospective members, He said the spirit of harmony of 22 votesTuesday. Babauta has watched closely nativeislanders. the club is coordinating with the not just amongthe Chamorros of Previously. delegates from theworkof thenonstaterepre- "I amverypleasedtorecognize CNMlLiaisonofficetohelpCNMI the Commonwealth but OS territories and the District sentatives togainavote. "They yourefforts andsacrifices inkeep­ residents coming toorlivinginSan Chamorros in general has been ingthenative spiritaliveeveninfar of Columbia andthe resident did not get everything they Diego. made alive by the group. away San Diego. You're acting "I give you myfull supportand commissionerfromPuertoRico wanted,"henoted. "However. "Ourgoalistounify ourstudents likefuture leaders oftheCommon­ andcitizens tomakethemfeelmore be assuredof whateverassistance couldonlyvote in committees what they now have is an in- wealth," Guerrero told the club's at home in San Diego and help within my means. Keep up with . meeting outside the House creasedopportunityto partici- officers who cameuponthechief maintain our culture and heritage the spirit," he told the club offic­ .chamber. UnderTuesday'srule pate. That is worth fighting executive's invitation. through a stronger sense of com­ ers. change, these ·representatives for. AndI'msurethatthefight Present in yesterday's confer­ munity," Cabrera said. Theclub, accordingtoCabrera, will vote in the committee of will go on to add to the legis- encewereclubpresident James D. The clubalsocoordinates social is seeking to be chartered as a, the whole, which meets in the lative powers of the represen- Cabrera, secretary Carline B. events suchas sports activities for non-profit organization and is House and includes every tatives of US citizens living Sablan and treasurer Emmy Q. CN}11! citizens and a community looking forward to become a member. outsidethestates." Camacho. All three are students newsletter. lobbyistgroup topromote CNMI Toechangeis anotherstepin Even with the voting right .residing and studying in San Di- "Weat ~ clubalsosee to itthat interests. (RHA) the historical process of pro- watered down. Republicans viding a greater voice for US complained long and hard citizens living outside the 50 against letting the... non-state states. Itis a smaller step. representativesvoteonthefloor though, than th~ Democratic oftheHouse. 'IbeRepublicans Caucusof the House agreedto characterized thenewrule as a in December.' At that time the "power grab" becausethe del- caucus decided to .give the egates.andresident commis- delega~and resident ,COm- sioneraieallDemocrats.'Ibeii· missionerthe rlghttovote iri·fivenoteSof(8etthegainofttIi thecommittee of the whole:·.: ... ·-vOtesJ}YI:louseRep'~~I~cans~;: •. That detisio~ broughfcriti:. ....• .t1leNOYetnberelec~()n;·.'Like: ci~·.fu the.natio~.·pt~san(f,,: ..·a.d¢ad.~9k~i:~lon.aInoonli@t. fjoI.D~Pllblicans:.'~inleet ..,.;::'~g1l~~~iii4':Tl19m~alil¢Y;~~~ .·ingbefore·.·.thene:w!.CQngreSsJ;:·.:·¥a);yit1l<lt1lsl)inesan~sti~:;··.: .apene(f-!OrbusmeS~·':~t::n~;,:.::::c·i~~t.Jl~cratifi·eounte,l"ed:.: ·· pt · ,tOday,ihe. oemocratstltlen~\· ..·.··",,~~yp1g·'Rep\l~lican: their- ..·earlier'·'actiori;··.. :·The;';·>~orjo/;Qf,Guam·s.~eiJ.ate.::.} • 1 •• '1'" ."", ,:;'1 ~.... ,amendment.' which·was,later:,'.,. ~Democrats also ·said .that. , "-~ ',~opiedbythe full HousePn·a,·,·,; ...siglpl~justice'~§uif~.thatV§:· GOVERNOR Loriinzo I. Guerrero with officers of the €NMI Chamorro Club of San Diego (from left): Emmy Q. I,-V9~:f?f.·221:·to: J99.p;r,9;vi.~.;}>i:::>,'!:: .. :':~~J·~~Qct·~O'~~,~:;· Camacho, treesureriJemesD. Cabrera, president;and Carline B. $ablan, secretary, duringyesterday'S press conference. THURSDAY, JANUARY 7,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-THURSDAY-JANUARY 7,1993 Villagomez urges DPS Flores supports IGtax audit By Rafael H. Arroyo Generalto get hold of local indi­ from federal scrutiny. to enforce local law vidual incometax return and tax '''The government stillmaintains thatthefederal govemment should registration feesmandatedby the REPRESENTATIVE Francisco returnrecords for the audit. By Rafael H. Arroyo 28,butthishasnot beenpossible The decision was promptly notauditlocalrevenues. Wehave as it cannot meet the provision new law would be temporarily A. Floresyesterdaysaid the pro­ posed audit of local tax records appealed by the CNMI gov­ a local public auditor, constitu­ SPEAKER Thomas P. that the bureau also weigh the suspended pending the procure­ mentof the scales. being insisted on by the Depart­ ernment with the Ninth Circuit tionally mandated toperformsuch Villagomez yesterday asked the vehicles bytheuseofappropriate Court, saying it will transgress a task,"Brucesaidin atelephone Department of Public Safety to scales. This means all heavy vehicles mentof Interior's InspectorGen­ registered or renewed after the eralshouldbeallowedtoproceed. the self-government guaran­ interview. exhaust all means to enforce a Camacho toldthegovernor that tees provided to the CNMI To submitto theplanned audit recently-approved local law the lawcouldnot be enforcedby effective dateofthenewlawhave "Withduerespecttotheposition beingtakenby ourgovernment, I under the Covenant. is a violationof the internalself­ which imposes an.additional fee the department because if does temporary registrations andmust feelweshouldbealotmoreopen­ After briefs and counter­ government guarantees of the forheavyequipmentandvehicles. nothavetheappropriate scales to be registered again once the ap­ propriate scales are put into use. mindedtothisauditin theinterest brief's have been filed, a Covenant, not to mentionthat in­ In a letterto Public SafetyDi­ weighthevehiclesandthat there dividual taxrecordsareprotected Villagomez, however, was of a more transparent and more hearing for oral arguments has rector Gregorio M. wereno funds for thepurpose. " /',. rI beenscheduledforJanuary 14. by tax confidentiality laws of the "Withoutfrrstdeterrnining what adamant thatallpossibleavenues opengovernment," Floressaidin ,· .' Camacho,Villagomez expressed interview. T'irn Bruce, Governor Commonwealth, Bruce said; scalesaretobe utilizedto comply be explored to enforcethe law. an ...I-r .,: disappointment over the failure AccordingtotheSusupe/Chalan Lorenzo 1. Guerrero's special The Commonwealth is ex­ of the department to implement withthisnewlaw, we cannotre­ For instance, the weight of Kanoalawmaker, theauditwould Flores Bruce legal counsel, said yesterday pected to be represented in the SaipanLocalLaw 8-~.. sponsibly
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