Speaker , Chairman of the Management Council, has announced the Council will meet:

January 4, 2016 Jonah Business Center, Room L-54 1:00 p.m. January 5, 2016 Liquor Commission 6601 Campstool Road 8:00 a.m.


The purpose of the meeting is to receive an update on the Capitol Renovation Project and committee actions on issues assigned at the last Council meeting. The Council will review a report and suggested legislation from the Title 25 subcommittee, receive updates on Jonah building items, review various Management Council policy changes previously requested and receive information on the budget bill process and LSO operations. The Council will also review legislation including the legislative “feed bill,” revisor’s bill, initiative review process, legislators’ participation in state benefit plans and legislative requests for Attorney General opinions. The Council will also approve a calendar for the budget session, and take up other budget session and administrative matters. An agenda will be posted on the legislative website at www.wyoleg.gov.

Please direct questions about this meeting to Legislative Service Office staff Dave Gruver at: (307) 777- 7881. Individuals who plan to provide materials to the Council during the meeting should provide the materials in electronic format to LSO staff and provide sufficient hard copies for members of the Council, LSO staff and interested members of the audience. Hard copies should be on three hole paper.

All materials provided to the Council in written form will be part of the official record of the Council's meeting and will be on file at the Legislative Service Office. Hard copies of materials provided to the Council should be on three hole punched paper. Minutes of the meeting will be available on the legislative Web site at: www.wyoleg.gov.

Persons with disabilities requiring special accommodations to attend this meeting should contact the Legislative Service Office at: (307) 777-7881, or by e-mail at: [email protected], for assistance.

Members of the Management Council: Senators: , , Floyd Esquibel, John Hastert, , , Representatives: Kermit Brown, Rosie Berger, John Freeman, Mike Greear, Tim Stubson, Mary Throne

WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 213 State Capitol • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 TELEPHONE (307)777-7881 • FAX (307)777-5466 • E-MAIL [email protected] • WEB SITE www.wyoleg.gov