OSTEOBIOGRAPHY of VICAR RUNGIUS Analyses of the Bones and Tissues of the Mummy of an Early 17Th-Century Northern Finnish Clergyman Using Radiology and Stable Isotopes

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OSTEOBIOGRAPHY of VICAR RUNGIUS Analyses of the Bones and Tissues of the Mummy of an Early 17Th-Century Northern Finnish Clergyman Using Radiology and Stable Isotopes B 150 OULU 2017 B 150 UNIVERSITY OF OULU P.O. Box 8000 FI-90014 UNIVERSITY OF OULU FINLAND ACTA UNIVERSITATIS OULUENSIS ACTA UNIVERSITATIS OULUENSIS ACTA HUMANIORAB Tiina Väre Tiina Väre University Lecturer Tuomo Glumoff OSTEOBIOGRAPHY OF University Lecturer Santeri Palviainen VICAR RUNGIUS Postdoctoral research fellow Sanna Taskila ANALYSES OF THE BONES AND TISSUES OF THE MUMMY OF AN EARLY 17TH-CENTURY NORTHERN FINNISH CLERGYMAN USING Professor Olli Vuolteenaho RADIOLOGY AND STABLE ISOTOPES University Lecturer Veli-Matti Ulvinen Planning Director Pertti Tikkanen Professor Jari Juga University Lecturer Anu Soikkeli Professor Olli Vuolteenaho UNIVERSITY OF OULU GRADUATE SCHOOL; UNIVERSITY OF OULU, FACULTY OF HUMANITIES, Publications Editor Kirsti Nurkkala ARCHAEOLOGY ISBN 978-952-62-1524-2 (Paperback) ISBN 978-952-62-1525-9 (PDF) ISSN 0355-3205 (Print) ISSN 1796-2218 (Online) ACTA UNIVERSITATIS OULUENSIS B Humaniora 150 TIINA VÄRE OSTEOBIOGRAPHY OF VICAR RUNGIUS Analyses of the bones and tissues of the mummy of an early 17th-century Northern Finnish clergyman using radiology and stable isotopes Academic dissertation to be presented with the assent of the Doctoral Training Committee of Human Sciences of the University of Oulu for public defence in Keckmaninsali (HU106), Linnanmaa, on 28 April 2017, at 12 noon UNIVERSITY OF OULU, OULU 2017 Copyright © 2017 Acta Univ. Oul. B 150, 2017 Supervised by Docent Markku Niskanen Docent Juho-Antti Junno Reviewed by Professor Andrew Chamberlain Docent Heikki S. Vuorinen Opponent Docent Heikki S. Vuorinen ISBN 978-952-62-1524-2 (Paperback) ISBN 978-952-62-1525-9 (PDF) ISSN 0355-3205 (Printed) ISSN 1796-2218 (Online) Cover Design Raimo Ahonen JUVENES PRINT TAMPERE 2017 Väre, Tiina, Osteobiography of Vicar Rungius. Analyses of the bones and tissues of the mummy of an early 17-th century Northern Finnish clergyman using radiology and stable isotopes University of Oulu Graduate School; University of Oulu, Faculty of Humanities, Archaeology Acta Univ. Oul. B 150, 2017 University of Oulu, P.O. Box 8000, FI-90014 University of Oulu, Finland Abstract This dissertation is a pioneering effort in a project to document, preserve and study the human remains found beneath old Northern Finnish churches. These remains have spontaneously mummified as a result of the early modern elite’s practice of burying under church floors. The main subject of the study is an early 17th-century Vicar of the Kemi parish, Nikolaus Rungius, and his mummified remains. His mummy that still is an important tourist attraction and a popular character in local lore, has a unique history as it has been exhibited since the 18th-century. The computed tomography scanning performed on the mummy revealed pathological findings suggesting that the Vicar suffered from obesity-related conditions. The most convincing of these was the manifestation of DISH in his thoracic spine. There were also indications of tuberculosis, such as a probable Pott’s spine, as well as calcifications, for example, in subareolar regions. The latter may also represent gynaecomastia, which currently is a rather common finding in elderly men. The scans also provided information concerning the preservation. In addition to the right forearm that was lost by the mid-19th-century, six cervical vertebrae are missing. The head still appears to be attached through a continuous band of soft tissue, and has likely belonged to the same person as the rest of the body. Both the Vicar’s dental health examined through the scans, and the results of the stable isotope analyses (δ13C, δ15N) of his nail keratin, along with the obesity-related findings, indicated a rather heavy diet rich in protein. This is in line with what is known about the early modern Northern Finnish diets. They were mainly based on foodstuffs acquired by hunting, fishing and animal husbandry. These interpretations also comport with the Vicar’s status, and assumed wealth. Typically, the clergy could maintain abundant diets. Even manifestations of DISH are rather commonly found in remains from monastery sites. The Vicar’s δ15N value was elevated in comparison to the values of the control group comprised of other early modern human remains in Northern Finnish churches. This discrepancy may be due to a stronger input of dietary protein sourced from top aquatic predators, such as the seal. Another plausible explanation could be the connection between the elevated δ15N value and DISH previously found by several authors. Keywords: church archaeology, computed tomography, mummification, Northern Finland, paleopathology, stable isotopes Väre, Tiina, Kirkkoherra Rungiuksen osteobiografia. 1600-luvulla eläneen pohjoissuomalaisen kirkonmiehen luiden ja muumioituneiden kudosten radio- loginen ja stabiiliisotooppeihin perustuva analyysi Oulun yliopiston tutkijakoulu; Oulun yliopisto, Humanistinen tiedekunta, Arkeologia Acta Univ. Oul. B 150, 2017 Oulun yliopisto, PL 8000, 90014 Oulun yliopisto Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöstutkimus on osa projektia, jonka päämääränä on vanhojen pohjoissuomalaisten kirk- kojen alla lepäävien muumioituneiden vainajien dokumentointi, säilyttäminen ja tutkimus. Muu- mioitumisen taustalla on varhaisen uuden ajan eliitin tapa haudata kirkkojen lattioidenalaisiin tiloihin. Tutkimuksen pääkohteena on 1600-luvun alun Kemin seurakunnan kirkkoherran, Niko- laus Rungiuksen hyvin säilynyt ruumis. Kirkkoherran muumiolla on ainutlaatuinen historia, sil- lä se on ollut nähtävillä 1700-luvulta lähtien. Tämä paikallistaruston hyvin tuntema hahmo on edelleenkin tärkeä turistikohde. Muumion tietokonetomografinen kuvantaminen paljasti useita patologisia löydöksiä. Osa niistä vihjaa kirkkoherran kärsineen tiloista, joilla on yhteys ylipainoon. Kaikista vakuuttavim- min siihen viittaisi hänen rintarangassaan havaittu diffuusin idiopaattisen skeletaalisen hyperos- toosin (DISH) aiheuttama leesio. Myös tuberkuloosista havaittiin viitteitä, kuten mahdollinen Pottin tauti, sekä subareolaariset kalkkeumat. Jälkimmäiset voivat tosin olla gynekomastiankin aiheuttamat. Kuvantaminen tarjosi tietoa myös muumion säilyneisyydestä. Pitkään kadoksissa olleen oikean kyynärvarren lisäksi kuusi kaulanikamaa puuttuivat. Pää ja torso näyttäisivät kuitenkin edelleen yhdistyvän toisiinsa niskassa, mikä tarkoittaisi molempien osien kuuluneen samalle yksilölle. Sekä kirkkoherran hammasterveys, että kynnen keratiinin isotooppianalyysit (δ15N, δ13C) indikoivat, että hänen ruokavalionsa lienee ollut raskas ja proteiinirikas. Rintarangan DISH-lee- sio tukee tätä päätelmää, joka sopii yhteen myös aiempien pohjoissuomalaista varhaisen uuden- ajan ruokavaliota koskevien tietojen kanssa. Ravinto hankittiin lähinnä metsästämällä, kalasta- malla ja karjanhoidolla. Tulokset yhtenevät kirkkoherran sosiaalisen statuksen ja oletetun vau- rauden kanssa: papisto kykeni tyypillisesti nauttimaan runsaasta ruokavaliosta. Jopa ylipainoon yhdistetty DISH on erityisen tyypillinen löydös nimenomaan luostarikaivauksien vainajissa. Stabiili-isotooppianalyysit paljastivat kirkkoherran typpiarvon merkittävästi muista pohjois- suomalaisista muumioista koostuvan verrokkiaineiston arvoja korkeammaksi. Ero selittynee ravinnon suuremmalla määrällä vesistöjen huippusaalistajien, kuten hylkeiden proteiinia. Toi- nen mahdollinen selitys voi liittyä kohonneiden typpiarvojen ja DISHin väliltä aiemmin löydet- tyyn yhteyteen. Asiasanat: kirkkoarkeologia, muumioituminen, paleopatologia, Pohjois-Suomi, stabiili- isotoopit, tietokonetomografia …så sannt denna arm och hela min kropp efter min död icke skall förvandlas till stoft och aska, utan förblifva hel till domedagen, förbarmar sig vår Herre öfver oss och fuktar jorden före solens nedgång, om edra böner äro 1 allvarliga och i förenen dem med mina. 1 Nikolaus Rungius according to Jacob Fellman (1906, 324) 8 Acknowledgements In 2011, after the computed tomography imaging of Vicar Rungius’s mummified remains, I began working on his life story. Already during the same year, the initial imaging results were published in the Festschrift in honour of PhD Kirsti Paavola. In fact, her research on church graves is what inspired us to study the remains found in Finnish churches, and me to continue working with this dissertation study. What is more, her work offered important guidance during its completion. Over the past six years, I have received help from many sources. To begin with, I want to express my gratitude to my supervisors, Doc. Juho-Antti Junno and Doc. Markku Niskanen, who have guided me along my way towards the doctoral degree. In addition, I am grateful to Prof. Em. Milton Núñez, who, as my unofficial mentor, has encouraged and supported me in finding the needed insight. During the course of my work, I also participated in a mentoring program organized by my graduate school. What I took with me from that experience is a new and clearer perspective in regard to my future career. For that I thank my appointed mentor Prof. Katja Porvari. I also want to thank my dissertation committee, Doc. Anna-Kaisa Salmi and Prof. Petri Lehenkari, and my preliminary reviewers, Prof. Andrew Chamberlain and MD, Doc. Heikki S. Vuorinen. Additionally, I am in gratitude to my fellow researches PhD, M.Sc. (econ.) Titta Kallio-Seppä, PhD Sirpa Niinimäki, PhD Sanna Lipkin, MA Rosa Vilkama, Doc. Timo Ylimaunu, Prof. Juha Tuukkanen, BA Saara Tuovinen, MSci Matti Heino, MA Annemari Tranberg, PhD Heli Maijanen, and many others who have worked by my side sharing ideas. I would especially like to thank Prof. Jaakko Niinimäki for his aid and assistance
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