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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 12 (2015 8) 2891-2900 ~ ~ ~

УДК 81.33

Translating – Translating Cultures

Evgeniya D. Malenova* Omsk State University n.a. F.M. Dostoyevsky 55a Mira, Omsk, 644077,

Received 05.10.2015, received in revised form 29.10.2015, accepted 18.11.2015 The paper focuses upon the problem of trans-cultural transfer in subtitling as a type of audiovisual . The methodology of the involves analysis of the key procedures used for translating culture-specific concepts taking into consideration the principles of dynamic equivalence and the restrictions, applied to the text and the translator in the course of subtitling. The author defines these restrictions and argues their nature. Special attention is payed to the challenges of the audiovisual translation determined by specificity of trans-cultural transfer. As the result, the author brings to light the key strategies of subtitling audiovisual products containing culture-specific concepts and historically marked culture-specific slang Considering that audiovisual content is a polycode text. The results can be used in applied and theoretical translation practice, as a guide in subtitling practice, as a tool for teaching audiovisual translation. Keywords: AV-translation, subtitling, culture-specific concept, source language, target language, trans-cultural transfer, dynamic equivalence. DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-2015-8-12-2891-2900. Research area: philology.

Introduction coding was considered a part of a literary or has been a major issue simultaneous translation (Козуляев, 2014). for the last two decades; now we face a dramatic Thus, the strategies of literary translation were increase of the amount of research connected with unsuccessfully applied to an audiovisual content; different issues of translation. What has triggered that resulted in major quality deterioration. Now such an upsurge? Here is a simple explanation – most foreign and some Russian linguists argue it has actually been an upswing of demand for that AVT is a separate type of translation with its translation services, accompanied with a decrease own rules, peculiarities and restrictions. in the overall quality of translation. The area of AVT is usually divided into two major translation suffering the most is an Audiovisual fields: and subtitling. Dubbing is an Translation (AVT). According to Alexei oral presentation of the translated script, though Kozulyaev, for a long time translation of , subtitling involves superimposing of the translated TV-programs and computer games being blends text onto the screen. Both types of AVT are very of verbal and non-verbal systems of interesting and having their own issues, although

© Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected] – 2891 – Evgeniya D. Malenova. Translating Subtitles – Translating Cultures in the auspices of the present research I would restrictions connected with AVT overall and like to focus on subtitling. subtitling in particular. Jorge Diaz Cintas and Aline Remael define subtitling as “a translation practice that Basic restrictions of subtitling consists of presenting a written text, generally We have already mentioned that the AVT on the lower part of the screen, that endeavors imposes on a translator certain restrictions, to recount the original dialogue of the speakers, which are not typical for other fields of translation as well as the discursive elements that appear in practice. The list of restrictions may differ the image (letters, inserts, graffiti, inscriptions, according to different kinds of AVT; here we will placards, and the like), and the information that focus upon the restrictions to be considered in the is contained on the soundtrack (songs, voices off) subtitling process. There are four main types of (Diaz Cintas, Remael, 2007). Such a complicity above said restrictions: of subtitles imposes a lot of restrictions upon 1. Normative restrictions; a translator; on the other hand subtitles should 2. Social restrictions; trigger a target audience’s reaction similar to 3. Personality restrictions; the one of the source audience. That is why the 4. Physiological restrictions problem of subtitling is a vexed one; besides Normative restrictions are based upon there is a great amount of the so-called «fan determining the type of equivalence to be subtitling», which jeopardizes the quality of achieved during translation. In case of AVT, subtitling on a global scale. That is why there it will be useful to take into consideration the is quite a number of works discussing different classification of equivalence types determined issues of subtitling. Translation of subtitles is by Nida and Taber. They define two major types researched in different aspects. Some works of equivalence as follows: formal equivalence focus upon perception of the subtitles and (formal correspondence) and dynamic tracking the eyes movement during watching an equivalence. Formal equivalence is understood AV-content with subtitles (Schotter & Rayner, as a formal correspondence between an item in 2012), (Dwyer, 2015), other researchers highlight the target language and definite word or phrase in the problems of AVT connected with conveying the source language. In the auspices of the formal the meaning of the culture-specific concepts and equivalence, a translator tends to preserve fidelity peculiarities of trans-cultural transfer during of separate words or even phrases, grammatical the process of translating subtitles (Gottlieb, and syntactical structures trying to convey the 1997; Tailor, 2000), a lot of attention is payed to meaning of the words by means of the the didactic of AVT and teaching the essential target text resources. In other words, we can say techniques of subtitling process (Sponholz, that the formal equivalence is a kind of “word-to- 2003; Diaz Cintas, Remael, 2008). Finnish word” translation or “text-oriented translation”. researcher Tiina Holopainen from University Dynamic equivalence can be reached by of Turku presents her own model of subtitles providing the definite influence upon the target translation strategy (Holopainen, 2010). The text addressee and getting the definite response, present research will focus upon the problems which will tend to be the same as the response of translation of culture-specific concepts and of the source text addressee. The translated text tools of trans-cultural transfer in the process of should trigger the same impact upon the target subtitling. First, it is crucial to mention major text audience as the source text was meant to. This – 2892 – Evgeniya D. Malenova. Translating Subtitles – Translating Cultures type of equivalence is culture-oriented and can of the world. These ideas became very popular provide an adequate response of the addressees. in the XX century and effected a lot of research In can be called a “sense-to-sense” translation or concerning linguistic identity of a nation. There “meaning-oriented” one. Dynamic equivalence is is no doubt that AVT is an act of individual an extremely important concept for AVT, because creativity, so the translator’s personal picture of our main goal is to provoke a reaction, a response the world overlaps the national-specific picture of to the translated AV-product, which will correlate the world of the nation he belongs to. This may with the response to the source AV-product. lead to both choosing some unique variants of We need to perform the so-called user-oriented translation, and to making crucial mistakes. translation whereas “the message is preserved The last, but not the least group of restrictions and the translation is faithful” (Nida and Taber, is connected with the form of subtitles presentation. 1982). On the other hand, many AV-products tend These restrictions sometimes become major to be not only emotionally oriented, they often ones and oppress the process of translation and include a lot of cognitive information, which decision-making. They root in the physiology should be translated without any omissions or of human perception and peculiarities of mental distortions, so this is where formal equivalence cognitive processes connected with reception and comes in handy. comprehension of different types of information. Social restrictions underline the necessity Some of these restrictions have been defined to take into consideration cultural, moral, ethic, by experiment, others result from subtitling religious and other values of a society in question. practice. Some of these restrictions emerge from During translation of AV-products we also have the code of subtitling, endorsed by the European to consider culture-specific concepts, which Association for Studies in Screen Translation. can be difficult for target language audience to According to their requirements, in the course understand, so there should be developed an of subtitling, we should use simple syntactic appropriate approach towards translating such units, each subtitle should be syntactically self- phenomena. Sometimes these restrictions compel contained, and we do need to subtitle repeated or the translator to transform the original text obvious names, common comprehensible phrases dramatically, especially when the differences in (Carrol and Ivarisson, 1998). All mentioned and target audience’s perception of AV-context occur the other subtitling rules make the views be able due to some definite background knowledge, to read each subtitle, because the average speed of which is a part of a source culture and can reading is estimated to be about 15 symbols per be understood by default. This also concerns second. That is why each subtitle should consist intertextuality in all of its forms: allusions, of not more than 80 symbols for cinemas and citation, , etc. not more than 72 symbols for TV. It means that Personal restrictions of AVT emerge due to the subtitle becomes a kind of squeezed . peculiarities of linguistic identity of a translator We have to omit some words and syntactical and his picture of the world, because each person structure in order to scale the meaning to fit into sees the world through his own unique prism the restricted amount of symbols. of worldview. It was a German scientist and More physiological restrictions set the philosopher Wilhelm von Humboldt who argued translator of subtitles into a very limited that a definite language engenders a definite environment. The viewer needs some time to “worldview”, which influences our perception correlate the subtitle with the image on the – 2893 – Evgeniya D. Malenova. Translating Subtitles – Translating Cultures screen; there should be some natural internal Subtitling rhythm in a subtitle, so it will be comfortable as a trans-cultural transfer to read it. Sometimes one sentence can be split The Director of the Humanities Center at into several lines or even several subtitles, so the Harvard University Homi K. Bhabha called culture translator has to follow the meaning of the whole a strategy for survival and said that it is “both phrase and the images appearing on the screen. transnational and translational” (Bhabha, 1994). All these restrictions inevitably lead to some type The development of media and cinema industry of semantic compression of the source text that makes cultures – as sources of different values, is why we often omit interjections, repetitions experiences, customs or traditions – translate all or sometimes utterances, which are decided to these mental attitudes transnationally. Here by be semantically excessive. The translator has to translation Bhabha meant not literary translation generalize meaning, paraphrase the source text to from one language to another, but translation squeeze it into required 72 symbols. Moreover, of issues which culture signifies and which are we need to remember, “all important written signified by culture. Although we may state that, information in the images (signs, notices, etc.) the most important tool of translation culture should be translated and incorporated wherever values and peculiarities on the global scale is possible” (Carrol and Ivarisson, 1998). It means translation from source into target language. that some symbols in a subtitle can be also “stolen” In the course of subtitling cultural differences, by the inserts, including the written source text, become an issue, because of globalization of appearing on the screen. It may include some cinema market and availability of diverse AV- information about the person speaking, names of content via the Internet. Showing films and TV- companies, streets, , etc., appearing programs in a source language accompanied in the AV-content in a written form. Nowadays with subtitles gradually becomes a worldwide it is very fashionable to incorporate into a shot practice, and the major task for a translator now some verbal images (SMS texts, email, chats, is to prevent a communicative failure, which may etc.). They make the more fun to watch and occur during watching an AV-content made by the more difficult to subtitle. representatives of another cultures. Sometimes If the translator fails to observe all these the discrepancy between the values of the source restrictions, the result of his or her work may be culture and attitudes of the target culture cause a poor. During last decade there appeared hundreds king of cognitive dissonance. This is especially of poorly subtitled films and TV-series, because, true for comedy movies. Very often, the comic on one hand, the overall quality of translation effect of verbal and nonverbal humor requires is quite low; on the other hand, amateurs, who some background knowledge of , culture, do not even know about the above-mentioned customs and traditions. German researchers restrictions, subtitle a lot of content. However Hennig-Thurau, Walsh and Bode argue the fact even the experienced audiovisual translators that humor becomes a substantial barrier for sometimes are stuck, when they face some importing Hollywood movies to . They difficulties in a source text, connected with linguo- reasonably say that dubbing and subtitling reduce cultural aspects of language. Here we will discuss a movie’s level of humor and, consequently, its some ways to perform a trans-cultural transfer attractiveness to movie audiences. “Accordingly, during subtitling, taking into consideration all American movie comedies which refer to the the restrictions, described above. specific American cultural referencing system – 2894 – Evgeniya D. Malenova. Translating Subtitles – Translating Cultures of humor and are shown in a dubbed format of The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission can be expected to perform less successful in for Combating Counter-Revolution, Speculation, Germany than in the US” (Hennig-Thurau, Walsh and Sabotage, are trying to stop Nazi’s invasion and Bode, 2004). On the other hand, experts of the USSR. Foreign critics called it a fantasy notice that is gradually becoming a gold socialist realist film, an example of a Sots-Art, mine for Hollywood, because of globalization full of Communism mythology, culture-specific of Chinese cinemagoers’ mentality and their humor and mimicking the Soviet past. It is full thirst for western lifestyle. That is why China is of allusions to the things, places and events that considered now a “fertile ground for resuscitating are hard to understand by the foreign viewers. “Hollywood flops” that fail to impress in the U.S. We will analyze the most difficult parts of the and European markets, citing the “unique tastes” movie script and the translator’s decisions made of Chinese audiences” (Yang, 2015). in the course of subtitling. The subtitles have The same rules work in case of subtitling been proofread and approved by the editor, so we Russian movies into English. Our “mysterious may consider them as a reliable material for the Russian soul” becomes even more mysterious, research. when our movies are subtitled into English without taking into consideration the rules and Subtitling culture-specific concepts the restrictions of subtitling. Russian cultural Culture-specific concepts usually express environment differs from the national cultures concepts, which are totally unknown in the target of the western world and our cinematograph is culture. They may belong to material culture or not an exception. Nancy Condee, a well-known social culture may include names of different specialist in contemporary Russian cinema, says institutions, political, religious and artistic that to be Russian is to be universal. Our culture concepts and so on. Translating these concepts is full of paradoxes, reflected in our movies: “to may become a challenge for a translator. It can be poor in this world is to be rich in the other be even more challenging in terms of subtitling, world; to be humble is to be great; to suffer is because culture-specific concepts impose even to be blessed” (Condee, 2009). The unique fate more restrictions. Different scientists devoted of our country has always been very interesting their work to categorization of culture-specific but incomprehensible for foreign viewers. concepts and to finding the most effective That is why they are interested both in movies translation strategies. The most complete list showing the history of imperial Russia, and in of translation strategies, used for dealing with movies about contemporary Russia. In addition, culture-specific concepts, was proposed by Peter the task of translator is to make these pieces Newmark and includes the following procedures: understandable. transference (transcription or ), Further, we will discuss the principles of naturalization (adaptation of the source language trans-cultural transfer in subtitling based on world), cultural equivalent (replacing a cultural analysis of the movie “The Spy”, the adaptation word in the source language with an equivalent of the Boris Akunin’s novel “The Spy Novel” in the target language, though the translation (Шпионский роман). The movie is set in the may be inaccurate), functional equivalent (using USSR in the year 1941 just prior to the beginning of a culture-neutral word), descriptive equivalent of the Great Patriotic War. The main character, (explanation of the culture-specific concept’s Egor Dorin, and his chief Oktyabrsky, a Major meaning), componential analysis (finding a – 2895 – Evgeniya D. Malenova. Translating Subtitles – Translating Cultures target language word with a similar meaning restrictions – we already have 32 symbols in a and demonstrating first their common and then line. On the other hand, the image on the screen their differing sense components), synonymy does not change for some time; we can see the (finding the closest equivalent in the target coach and the boxer quite clear. It gives the language), through-translation (calque or loan translator a unique possibility to add an extra line translation), shifts or transpositions (changing the and give a limiting word “badge”. As the result, grammar), modulation (using dissimilar terms of the subtitle looks like this: “Once you win | the the source and target languages in conformity Moscow Championship,| you’ll get the Master of with the current norms of the target language), Sports | badge easily”. We see four lines (the end recognized translation (using of official or the of line is marked with a | sign), each line does not generally accepted translation), compensation (in exceed 36 symbols; the subtitle corresponds with case of loss of meaning in one part of a sentence the image on the screen. In this case, we were it is compensated in another part), paraphrase able to use a descriptive equivalent to make the (explaining the meaning of the culture-specific subtitle more comprehensible. concept, the explanation is much more detailed When we meet in the source text the culture- than that of descriptive equivalent), couplets specific concepts, connected with measures, sizes, combining two different procedures) and etc. we follow the procedure of finding a culture notes (additional information in a translation) equivalent. In the movie, the protagonist, Egor, (Newmark, 1988). During analysis, we will use becomes a secret service agent and his chief asks this list of procedures and see, which methods of a very experienced warehouseman to find a set translation do work in subtitling. of uniform for the newcomer. The warehouseman The movie is full of culture-specific concept, does not need to measure Egor, he just looks at namely the concepts representing the lifestyle him and says “Фигура стандартная, сорок of the Soviet people. For example, in the very восьмой размер, третий рост. Нога у тебя, beginning of the movie we see the protagonist, парень, сорок три?”. We obviously cannot use Egor Dorin, boxing on a ring. He is showing Russian sizes and measures in subtitles, so we off, missing the blows and waiting for a chance need to transfer them into the measures, used for an effective attack. His coach tries to make in the target culture. Fortunately, in subtitles we him fight tooth and nail and says “Берешь may use figures, instead of the numbers чемпионат Москвы – все, считай, ты уже in words. By doing this, we may save some мастер спорта”. Here we have a culture- symbols and make our viewer read faster and specific concept“мастер спорта”, which has no understand better. The translator proposed the equivalent in the English-speaking culture. The following variant, approved by the proofreader dictionary gives us two variants of translation: a “Quite a standard man.| Size L, waist 33. | What’s recognized variant “Master of Sports”, which is your shoes size? 9?” a calque from Russian, and a cultural equivalent The work of translator becomes more “certificate of mastery”. The last variant may seem difficult, when he or she encounters the culture- a good decision, but even after a short search we specific concepts connected with culture, history may see, that it is not connected with sports. We of folklore. Here we need to use our creativity can get the certificate of mastery in economics, and find out the way to balance between different education, etc. We cannot use the paraphrase or restrictions. In the movie we see the following descriptive equivalent, because of physiological scene – the protagonist and his chief with a – 2896 – Evgeniya D. Malenova. Translating Subtitles – Translating Cultures couple of other people are on a mission, they have the receptors can hear the original soundtrack, to astray a German spy, who is going to be air where the protagonist is obviously singing. dropped in some forest outside Moscow. They One more challenge of the subtitling come to some little suburban train station to track process, connected with “The Spy” movie, down the residents, who are going to meet this spy. is translation of sovetisms – culture-specific The protagonist Egor Dorin and his boss Major concepts that were actual in the time of the Oktyabrsky are lying in ambush, Oktyabrsky USSR. They sometimes include such variants as sees three German residents, coming into the “председатель колхоза”-“the head of collective station building, and sings: “Три фашиста, farm”, “клуб железнодорожников” – “local три веселых друга, экипаж машины боевой. Community Center”, and others. The above- А третий кто?” Here we see the allusion to a mentioned sovetisms have already been included famous Russian song about three tankmen, but into the dictionaries, though it will be not always here we may observe a strategy of contamination – easy for the representatives of the target culture the word “танкиста” (tankmen) is changed to understand them. That is why in some cases to “фашиста” (Nazis). These two words do we need to change the meaning or, to be more rhyme, but the meaning changes dramatically. exact, to generalize it, to ease the process of The problem is that this song is a good example subtitles comprehension. Here are the examples: of the culture specific intertextual inclusion, the protagonist, Egor Dorin, has a fight with a which is very well known in a source culture, but street gang and saves a nice girl, Nadya. She is is unknown for the representatives of the target very unusual young woman – she tries to help a culture. Moreover, contamination creates a comic gangster with a broken arm, though he has just effect, which can be easily lost during translation. tried to stab Egor with a knife, she does not go The translator has two different variants: either to the local club to watch a movie or to dance. In to neutralize the comic effect and translate the fact, she is coming from church having an Easter song literary, or to find an appropriate variant cake in her arms. Egor is astonished by Nadya of a cultural equivalent. Here we should ask and starts asking some questions, for example: ourselves a question: “Which part of the song is “А чего это вы – комсомолка, и в церковь the most important?” The only way to understand ходите?” The main problem here is the sovetism it is to match the subtitle to the AV-context. On “комсомолка”, which has no functional or the screen, we see three people entering the cultural equivalent in the target language. If we station, so the key word here is “three”. Then use a variant “Komsomol member”, we will spend we need to find a song or a rhyme in the target six precious symbols for the word “member”, but culture, which includes the word “three” and it will be still a question for the viewer: Who is a can be squeezed into 36 symbols in a line. The Komsomol member and why can’t she go to the translator has chosen an English nursery rhyme church? The only way here is to generalize and to about three blind mice: “Three blind mice, three use an equivalent “Communist”, which will put Nazi mice | See how they run, | who’s the third everything straight. Therefore, we get a rather one?” This rhyme is also contaminated, because nice subtitle “And why do you go to church? | in the second line the word “blind” is changed Communists never do that.” into “Nazi”, so the meaning remains intact. The One more example of generalization is rhyme in the third and fourth lines (run – one) using the abbreviation KGB with an evident helps to create the impression of a song, because meaning instead of less known abbreviation – 2897 – Evgeniya D. Malenova. Translating Subtitles – Translating Cultures

ChK (or Cheka). The protagonist tells his contradicts with the word “bro”, used mostly girlfriend the truth that he is an agent of by modern surfers or skaters. That is why the Soviet secret service called The All-Russian variant “dude” as the most neutral word which Extraordinary Commission for Combating can be associated with the last century and does Counter-Revolution, Speculation, and not inflict any other additional connotations Sabotage. It is impossible to use the full name and associations. The same work is to be done of the organization because it is too long and while subtitling the phrases like “Какая краля, hard to understand. That is why we change it пацаны” – “What a chick, guys!”, “Кранты into KGB. On the one hand, it is historically тебе, падла” – “Your ass is grass, bustard”. inappropriate, because KGB was founded only Sometimes we need to neutralize slang to in 1954, and the movie is set in 1941. On the make sure we do not use banned words and to other hand, this abbreviation is very famous ensure the viewers understand their meaning. and provokes a definite associative reaction That is why we neutralize for example the of the target audience. That is why the best word “флакон” so it becomes just “a bottle”, variant of the subtitle is as follows: “– Я, “кутузка” – “prison”, etc. Надюша, сотрудник органов. – Ты чекист?” “I work for the State Security. | Are you a KGB Conclusions agent?” Culture-specific concept, being an issue The last thing to be mentioned here is in course of the literary translation, becomes cultural-specific slang, used by the characters of a challenge for an audiovisual translator. All “The Spy” movie very often. As was said earlier problems connected with differences of the source the movie is set in the USSR in the year 1941 and the target cultures are enhanced by different just prior to the beginning of the Great Patriotic restrictions, connected with peculiarities of War. The main character, Egor Dorin, is trying subtitling. It is up to an AV-translator to decide to help a girl, who is attacked by the members of which procedure should be used in order to subtitle the little suburban gang. One of the ruffians says an AV-content, containing different allusions to to Egor “Иди, покури, браток”, because he is historical events, customs and traditions, values relaxed and has no intention to start a fight. The and mental attitudes due to abundant cultural first variant to translate a word “браток” is an diversity. Taking into consideration the fact that English word “brother”. However, in the context AV-text is always a multi-coded one, containing of a movie the word can be understood differently. not only a verbal channel, but also some nonverbal The word “brother” has a positive connotation, channels, including an image, music, different it’s a man close to you, friend, “a person who sounds and noises, it is always necessary to make you are stuck being related to until the day you a coherent unity of all these information channels die through good or bad” (Urban Dictionary). in order to create a viewer-friendly product. We The word has an obvious positive connotation, should try to get an adequate response of the target although the situation on the screen suggests an audience, which will be close to the intention of opposite situation. The second variant to choose the author of the movie and to the reaction of can be a slang word “bro” and it may be quite the source audience. In case of subtitling, we a good variant, but here we come into conflict have to squeeze all this into a definite amount of with the dynamic equivalence restriction. White symbols, to ensure that our viewer will be able to ruffian, dressed in the “Soviet 40s” style simply read them. – 2898 – Evgeniya D. Malenova. Translating Subtitles – Translating Cultures

As for translation strategies, connected equivalent or adapt the concept to the target with the problems of cultural specificity of the culture with a slight or considerable change source text, we cannot use such procedures as of the meaning. Taking into consideration explications or giving footnotes, so popular in the nonverbal AV-context, restrictions and literary translation practices. Sometimes we rules of subtitling process, peculiarities of the have to neutralize the culture-specific concept source and target cultures and using a bit of in order to follow the restrictions described imagination it is possible to create top-quality above. Sometimes it is possible to use a cultural subtitles.

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Перевод субтитров – перевод культур

Е.Д. Малёнова Омский государственный университет им. Ф.М. Достоевского Россия, 644077, Омск, пр. Мира, 55а

Статья посвящена проблеме транскультурного переноса в аспекте субтитрирования как разновидности аудиовизуального перевода. Методология исследования заключается в определении основных способов перевода культурно-маркированной лексики с учетом принципов динамической эквивалентности и ограничений, сопровождающих процесс перевода субтитров. В статье подробно рассматриваются основные ограничения, о которых необходимо помнить в процессе субтитрирования, а также раскрываются причины возникновения такого рода ограничений. Также автор обращает отдельное внимание на проблемы аудиовизуального перевода с точки зрения транскультурного переноса. В результате определяются основные стратегии субтитрирования кинопроизведений, содержащих реалии и исторически маркированную стилистически сниженную лексику в аспекте учета свойства поликодовости аудиовизуального контента. Результаты исследования могут применяться в переводческой практике в качестве руководства к действию при переводе субтитров, а также в практике обучения аудиовизуальному переводу. Ключевые слова: аудиовизуальный перевод, субтитрирование, реалия, язык оригинала, язык перевода, транскультурный перенос, динамическая эквивалентность. Научная специальность: 10.00.00 – филологические науки.