Swimming, Surfing and Underwater Diving in Early Modern Atlantic Africa and the African Diaspora1
Swimming, Surfing and Underwater Diving in Early Modern Atlantic Africa and the African Diaspora1 Kevin Dawson Long before the Portuguese ventured down the West African coast, many Af- ricans had become skilled swimmers, divers and surfers. In one of their first recorded encounters, the Portuguese were amazed by the swimming and un- derwater diving abilities of the Africans. The Portuguese navigator João Gon- çalves Zarco noted that his men had considerable difficulty capturing Senegambian canoemen after they leaped into the water to avoid capture, say- ing “our men had very great toil in the capture of those who were swimming, for they dived like cormorants, so that they could not get hold of them.”2 Slaves’ expertise in underwater diving, moreover, was one of the first African skills that New World slaveholders exploited, in the process generating consid- erable profit. At the turn of the seventeenth century Pieter de Marees explained that Venezuelan slaveholders sought Gold Coast Africans to employ as pearl divers, noting: [t]hey are very fast swimmers and can keep themselves un- derwater for a long time. They can dive amazingly far, no less deep, and can see underwater. Because they are so good at swimming and diving, they are specially kept for that pur- pose in many Countries and employed in this capacity where there is a need for them, such as the Island of St. Margaret in the West Indies, where Pearls are found and brought up from the bottom by Divers.3 1Atlantic Africa refers to the region of coastal, littoral and interior Africa that came to be oriented towards the Atlantic world through political, commercial, military and cultural developments.
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