U4-Reproductive BS+NS DEC 2016 FNF, approved by: DR.manoj

Blood supply to internal female genitalia:

artery origin distribution Anastamoses? Course Sup. large branch: Medially in base of broad Yes, cranially with Internal iliac , inf. Small ligament to junction between ovarian, caudally uterine artery branch: cervix+ sup. cervix and uterus, run above with vaginal Vagina ureter, ascend to anastamose

Middle +inferior part Yes, ant+post azygos Descand to vagina after Uterine of vagina along with arteries of vagina branching at junction between Vaginal artery pudendal artery with uterine artery uterus + cervix

Yes, with uterine Descend along post. abdominal artery (collateral Ovarian Abdominal wall, at pelvic prim cross Ovary+ uterine tube circulation between artery aorta external iliac> enter suspensory abdominal +pelvic ligament source)

Drainage Anastamoses? Course Vaginal >vaginal vein> anastamose with uterine venous plexus Yes, vaginal plexus with Sides of vagina Vaginal >uterovaginal venous plexus>uterine uterine plexus


uterine venous plexus >uterovaginal Yes, vaginal plexus with Uterine venous plexus>uterine vein>internal iliac Pass in broad ligament uterine plexus vein

Pampiniform plexus of >ovarian vein Plexus in broad ligament Ovarian Rt:IVC - , in

suspensory ligament Lt:LRV


-tubal veins drain in ovarian veins+ uterovaginal venous plexus

-uterine vessels pass in cardinal ligament

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U4-Reproductive BS+NS DEC 2016 FNF, approved by: DR.manoj

Blood supply to external female genitalia:

artery origin distribution Course Perineum Leave through greater sciatic foramen hook Internal Internal iliac artery +external around ischial spine then enter through lesser pudendal genitalia sciatic foramen. Pass through pudendal canal

Superficial perineal Perineal Internal pudendal In superfiscial pouch beneath perineal membrane muscles


Posterior Superficial Labia majora Subcutaneous tissue of labia majora labial perineal branch +minora

Deep perineal Peirce perineal membrane, pass through Dorsal Internal pudendal pouch + suspensory ligament of clitoris clitoris

mons pubis external femoral artery +ant. Labia ant. To urogenital triangle pudendal majora


-pudendal artery, ,vein->pass in pudendal canal

-labial vein-> Internal pudendal vein

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U4-Reproductive BS+NS DEC 2016 FNF, approved by: DR.manoj

Blood supply to internal male genitalia:

artery origin distribution Anastamoses? Course Retroperitoneally->cross over Yes, with artery Testis+ ureters+ external iliac artery, Testicular Aorta of ductus epididymis pass through inguinal canal+ deferens finally in spermatic cord

Artery of Inferior vesical Ductus deferens, Yes, with Run subperitoneally, in ductus artery ejaculatory duct testicular artery spermatic cord deferens

Inf. Vesical artery+ middle Prostatic rectal artery +seminal On sides of prostate artery branches of vesicle -

internal iliac artery

vein Drainage Anastamoses? Course From testis+epididymis >pampiniform venous plexus Pass in spermatic >testicular vein 8-12 anastamosing veins Testicular cord Rt:IVC


Between prostatic Sup: vesical venous plexus capsule (true Prostatic Post: internal vertebral venous fibrous venous Internal iliac artery plexus(that’s why metastasis to capsule)+prostatic plexus vertebrae, skull,bone and pelvis) sheath(facial


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U4-Reproductive BS+NS DEC 2016 FNF, approved by: DR.manoj

Blood supply to external male genitalia:

artery origin distribution Course Leave pelvis through greater sciatic foramen hook around ischial spine Perineum +external Internal pudendal Internal iliac artery then enter through lesser sciatic genitalia foramen. Pass through pudendal


Superficial perineal muscle Perineal Internal pudendal Inf. To perineal membrane +scrotum

Superficial perineal Subcutaneous of post. Scrotum Posterior scrotal Scrotum branch (dartos facia?)

Corpus Pass through suspensory ligament Dorsal artery of spongiosum+spongy Internal pudendal of penis ,in dorsum of penis, on penis urethra+skin+connective sides of deep dorsal vein tissue of penis

Deep artery of Within corpura cavernosa, pierce Internal pudendal Most erectile tissue penis perineal membrane

External Ant. Scrotal branch supply Femoral artery Ant. Urogenital triangle pudendal ant. Scrotum, root of penis

Cremasteric Inferior epigastric Run in spermatic cord artery artery Scrotum

vein Drainage Course Scrotal vein External pudendal -

Deep dorsal vein of penis(drain Prostatic venous plexus- Between arcuate pubic ligament+ corpura cavernosa) >internal iliac vein transverse perineal ligament

Superficial external pudendal superficial dorsal vein(superficial vein->greater saphenous- cover of penis) - >femoral vein

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U4-Reproductive BS+NS DEC 2016 FNF, approved by: DR.manoj

nerve supply to external male genitalia:

nerve origin Distribution Pass in deep pouch , sup. To Dorsal nerve of Sacral splanchnic S2-S4 from perineal membrane, spply glans penis(sympathetic) pudendal nerve of penis+ somatic innervations to spongy urethra

Cavernous Pelvic splanchnicS2-S4-> nerve(parasympathetic) prostatic Helicine arteries(erection)

Genitofemoral nerve[L1-L2] Anterolateral scrotum genital branch

Ant. Scrotal Ilioinguinal [L1] ant. Scrotum

perineal branch of pudendal post. Scrotal post. Scrotum nerve

post. Cutaneous femoral perineal branch inf. Scrotum nerve[S2-S3]

nerve supply to external female genitalia:

nerve origin Distribution Give rise to inf. Rectal, perineal,dorsal nerve of pudendal nerve S2-S4 clitoris (actually its main nerve of perineum)

Deep branch->perineal muscles Perineal Pudendal nerve Superficial post. Labial branch->labia majora

Dorsal nerve of clitoris Pudendal nerve Glans + prepuce

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U4-Reproductive BS+NS DEC 2016 FNF, approved by: DR.manoj

NS to internal genitalia:

 Testicular nerve plexus: T10(T11) visceral afferent + sympathetic fibers surround testicular artery  Prostatic plexus: S2-S4 pelvic splanchnic(parasympathetic), S2-S4 sacral splanchnic (sympathetic)  Ovarian plexus  Lower vagina+perineum=sensory +motor somatic fibers of pudendal nerveS2-S4  Lower uerus+cevix+upper vagina= sensory +motor parasympathetic pelvic splanchnic nerve S2-S4  Uterine body+ fundus = sensory +motor sympathetic fibers T11-L1 (lesser+least splanchnic) hypogastric plexus  Uterovaginal nerve plexus= S2-S4 pelvic splanchnic(parasympathetic), S2-S4 sacral splanchnic (sympathetic)

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