Revised Estimates for Public Services

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( €15.00 ) List of Ministerial Vote Groups Vote No. Page No.

Agriculture, Food and the Marine …. …. …. …. 30 133 Business Enterprise and Innovation …. …. …. …. 32 152 Children and Youth Affairs …. …. …. …. 40 207 Communications, Climate Action and Environment …. …. …. …. 29 122 Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht …. …. …. …. 33 159 Defence …. …. …. …. 36 176 Army Pensions …. …. …. …. 35 174 Employment Affairs and Social Protection …. …. …. …. 37 180 Education and Skills …. …. …. …. 26 103 Finance …. …. …. …. 7 42 Tax Appeals Commission …. …. …. …. 10 50 Comptroller and Auditor General …. …. …. …. 8 45 Revenue Commissioners …. …. …. …. 9 47 Foreign Affairs and Trade …. …. …. …. 28 115 International Co-operation …. …. …. …. 27 111 Health …. …. …. …. 38 189 Housing, Planning and Local Government …. …. …. …. 34 166 Property Registration Authority …. …. …. …. 23 88 Valuation Office …. …. …. …. 16 63 Justice and Equality …. …. …. …. 24 91 Courts Service …. …. …. …. 22 84 Data Protection Commission …. …. …. …. 44 221 Garda Síochána …. …. …. …. 20 78 Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission …. …. …. …. 25 101 Policing Authority …. …. …. …. 41 213 Prisons …. …. …. …. 21 81 Public Expenditure and Reform …. …. …. …. 11 52 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer …. …. …. …. 43 219 Office of Government Procurement …. …. …. …. 39 205 Office of Public Works …. …. …. …. 13 57 Ombudsman …. …. …. …. 19 74 Public Appointments Service …. …. …. …. 17 66 Secret Service …. …. …. …. 15 62 National Shared Services Office …. …. …. …. 18 69 State Laboratory …. …. …. …. 14 60 Superannuation and Retired Allowances …. …. …. …. 12 55 Rural and Community Development …. …. …. …. 42 215 Taoiseach …. …. …. …. 2 32 Attorney General …. …. …. …. 3 34 Central Statistics Office …. …. …. …. 4 36 Chief State Solicitor's Office …. …. …. …. 6 40 Director of Public Prosecutions …. …. …. …. 5 38 President's Establishment …. …. …. …. 1 30 Transport, Tourism and Sport …. …. …. …. 31 143 TABLE OF CONTENTS

Page No.

General Note 1

Summary Analysis of Expenditure 3

Summary Tables 9

Summary of Gross Expenditure (by Ministerial Vote Group) 11 Table 1 Abstract of 2019 Estimates for Supply Services 12 Table 2 Summary of Voted Supply Services - Gross Estimate 14 Table 3 Summary of Voted Current Services - Gross Estimates 15 Table 4 Summary of Voted Capital Services - Gross Estimates 16 Table 5 Exchequer Pay Bill - Gross Estimates 17 Table 6 Exchequer Pensions Bill - Gross Estimates 18 Table 7 Functional Classification of Gross Current Expenditure 19 Table 8 Gross Voted Current Expenditure expressed as a percentage of Gross National Product 20

Summary of Net Expenditure (by Ministerial Vote Group) 21 Table 1A Summary of Voted Supply Services - Net Estimate 22 Table 2A Summary of Voted Current Services - Net Estimates 23 Table 3A Summary of Voted Capital Services - Net Estimates 24 Table 4A Exchequer Pay Bill - Net Estimates 25 Table 5A Exchequer Pensions Bill - Net Estimates 26 Table 6A Functional Classification of Net Voted Current Expenditure 27 Table 7A Summary of net amounts appropriated by Dáil Eireann in 2019 28

2020 Estimates for Supply Services (Index of Votes) 29

Information on Non-Commercial State Agencies 224

Appendices 1 National Lottery Funding 255 2 Estimated EU Receipts in 2020 256 3 Science, Technology and Innovation Single Funding Stream 2020 259 4 Civil Service Running Costs By Vote 260 5 Civil Service Running Costs by Expenditure Category 261 6 Consultancy Expenditure 262 7 Multi-Annual Exchequer Capital Investment Framework 2020 to 2023 265 8 Public Capital Programme of Voted and Non-Voteed Estimates in 2020 266 9 Public Capital Expenditure by Sector 2020 276 10 Climate Related Expenditure 283 11 Carbon Tax Expenditure 285

General Note

The Revised Estimates Volume for Public Services 2020 (REV) provides additional details and information in relation to the allocations contained in the 2020 Estimates, as set out in the Expenditure Report 2020, published on 8 October 2019.

In accordance with the revised Budgetary timetable introduced as part of the “two pack”, the Estimates are required to be published prior to the end of 2019. This publication date of the REV allows for consideration of the Estimates by the relevant Dáil Select Committees at an early stage in 2020.

The Revised Estimates Volume compares the 2020 Estimates against the 2019 Estimates. The amounts included in respect of the 2019 Estimates include the Supplementary Estimates agreed by the Dáil during the year. The Summary Tables at the front of the Revised Estimates Volume also show some information on estimated 2019 Forecast Outturns.

The 2020 Estimates have been supplemented with key performance information regarding Programme outputs and impacts. This allows information about spending estimates to be seen in conjunction with relevant outputs and performance data. Further to this, a number of Departments also include indicators relating to equality objectives.

As is usual, there are a number of post Budget technical and policy adjustments included in the REV.

Technical and Adjustments Offset by Appropriations in Aid As outlined in Expenditure Report 2020, there are additional timing related cash costs arising in 2020 arising from 53 Social Welfare Payment dates for certain weekly Social Welfare payments and 27 pay periods for certain fortnightly paid staff in the Education and Justice Sectors. The Budget Estimates published in Expenditure Report 2020 included €169 million in relation to these costs. The final amount to be included in the REV is €178 million in relation to these timing related costs, reflecting additional costs of €9m in the Prison Service in 2020 that reverse in 2021.

The REV includes additional expenditure amounts funded from the Dormant Accounts Fund that do not impact on overall net voted expenditure. In aggregate, an amount of just over €15m in aggregate is provided at a gross level across the Justice, Defence, Social Protection, Transport and Communications Vote Groups, with this amount offset by appropriations in aid of an equivalent amount.

In Budget 2019 it was agreed that surplus funds from the Energy Efficiency National Fund would be used to fund commitments under the Climate Action Fund, in advance of the necessary legislation being enacted to facilitate the use of NORA levies for this purpose as proposed in the National Development Plan. However, the anticipated liabilities have not yet matured in 2019 and so the funds have not transferred into the Vote as originally envisaged. Instead, these liabilities are now expected to arise in 2020. This will result in an increase of €10m in the gross expenditure amount for the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment with this amount matched by an equivalent additional appropriation-in-aid.

Other Post Budget Adjustments There are also a number of adjustments to reflect certain changes since Budget day including policy adjustments.

The Government has agreed to provide an additional €10m in funding to broadcasting. This funding will come from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection in respect of free TV Licences. As this funding passes from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection to the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment, for technical reasons it gives rise to an increase of €20 million at gross level, but €10 million at net expenditure level.

Additional funding of €58 million is being provided in the REV to Health. The funding will be used to open additional hospital beds and provide transitional and residential nursing home support scheme spaces. Inclusive in this amount is funding for a package of health and wellbeing supports for former residents of certain institutions and also funding to provide further support for palliative care.

There are further increases of €33 million across a number of policy areas. The Department of Children and Youth Affairs has an additional €10 million for the Affordable Childcare Scheme. The National Shared Services Office (NSSO), which had a reduction of just over €3m in its allocation at Budget time, is to receive an additional €9 million to progress the Financial Management Shared Services project. An additional €6.7 million is to be allocated across the Department of Education including for pay and in respect of a technical adjustment to apprenticeship allowances. The Department of Housing is allocated an additional €4 million in respect of Irish Water capital investment. Across a number of Departments there are minor adjustments of €3.5m in aggregate reflecting certain post Budget adjustments including in relation to pay and the establishment of the Construction Sector Centre of Excellence.

In aggregate, these adjustments have a net voted expenditure impact of €92 million, with a further €9 million in expenditure being reflected on the National Training Fund and the Social Insurance Fund. This leaves an overall increase in net voted expenditure of €87 million versus the Estimates for 2020 published on Budget day, after taking into account additional receipts and excluding the additional cost of €9 million arising from the payroll related timing issue.

Establishment of New Votes The REV reflects the establishment of the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (DPC) and the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) as new Votes. There are transfers within the Votes of the Justice and Equality Vote Group in respect of the DPC and transfers across a number of Votes, but primarily from Vote-11 Public Expenditure and Reform in respect of the establishment of the OGCIO as a separate Vote.

Capital Carryover A sum of €215.4m in capital savings from 2019 is available for spending in 2020 under the multiannual capital envelopes carryover facility. These carryover amounts are provided in Part I of the relevant Votes and are identified in Part II of the Votes concerned. The spending of such money requires a Ministerial Order to be approved by the Dáil before 31 March 2020.


Gross voted current* and capital spending in 2020

- 2008 in comparison with 2007

*Includes voted expenditure and expenditure from the National Training Fund and from the Social Insurance Fund as it provides a more complete picture of overall Government Expenditure.

Gross Voted Current Spending where the overall €62.2 billion is going in 2020

Housing 3% Other Social 12% Agriculture Protection 2% 34% Social Protection Justice Health 4% Education Justice Education 17% Agriculture Housing Other

Health 28%

Gross Voted Capital Expenditure where the overall €8.1 billion is going in 2020 Other Transport 16% 24%

Agriculture 3% Transport Enterprise Housing 8% Education Health Enterprise Health Agriculture 10% Other

Housing Education 27% 11% 99 Gross Pay, Pensions & Non-Pay Split as a % of Gross Current Expenditure

26% 28%

Pay Pensions Social Welfare Other Non-Pay



Main Components of Gross Voted Expenditure 2020



15,000,000 m €



0 Pay & Pensions Social Welfare Other Programme Capital TOTAL OF ESTIMATES FOR SUPPLY SERVICES

2019 2020

Gross Estimates * €000 €000 %

Total 67,674,350 70,369,631 4.0%

Current Services 60,333,471 62,203,777 3.1%

Capital Services 7,340,879 8,165,854 11.2%

Net Estimates

Total 54,582,294 56,976,115 4.4%

Current Services 47,276,415 48,855,091 3.3%

Capital Services 7,305,879 8,121,024 11.2%

* Gross voted expenditure plus expenditure from the Social Insurance Fund and the National Training Fund.



by Ministerial Vote Group

2019 Forecast Increase/Decrease 2020 Estimate over Ministerial Vote Group 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Outturn 2019 Estimate

€000 €000 €000 €000 %

Taoiseach's Group (including Central Statistics Office) 196,588 189,099 206,341 9,753 5.0% Current 196,588 189,099 206,341 9,753 5.0% Capital - - - - - Finance Group 530,453 527,901 528,800 (1,653) -0.3% Current 503,504 500,952 506,800 3,296 0.7% Capital 26,949 26,949 22,000 (4,949) -18.4% Public Expenditure and Reform Group 1,254,633 1,233,434 1,333,622 78,989 6.3% Current 1,058,882 1,056,486 1,108,460 49,578 4.7% Capital 195,751 176,948 225,162 29,411 15.0% Justice Group (b) 2,839,554 2,851,633 2,990,922 151,368 5.3% Current 2,671,592 2,689,751 2,721,715 50,123 1.9% Capital 167,962 161,882 269,207 101,245 60.3% Housing, Planning and Local Government 4,059,222 4,004,367 4,307,945 248,723 6.1% Current 1,933,837 1,913,699 2,067,945 134,108 6.9% Capital 2,125,385 2,090,668 2,240,000 114,615 5.4% Education and Skills (b) 10,890,186 10,890,186 11,191,364 301,178 2.8% Current 9,949,186 9,949,186 10,269,364 320,178 3.2% Capital 941,000 941,000 922,000 (19,000) -2.0% Foreign Affairs and Trade Group 816,377 812,827 821,293 4,916 0.6% Current 795,377 794,759 808,293 12,916 1.6% Capital 21,000 18,068 13,000 (8,000) -38.1% Communications, Climate Action & Environment 664,702 589,495 790,652 125,950 18.9% Current 391,735 381,514 409,152 17,417 4.4% Capital 272,967 207,981 381,500 108,533 39.8% Agriculture, Food and the Marine 1,656,424 1,636,624 1,646,755 (9,669) -0.6% Current 1,373,329 1,373,329 1,372,755 (574) -0.0% Capital 283,095 263,295 274,000 (9,095) -3.2% Transport, Tourism and Sport 2,351,833 2,303,222 2,729,637 377,804 16.1% Current 765,808 765,808 786,902 21,094 2.8% Capital 1,586,025 1,537,414 1,942,735 356,710 22.5% Business, Enterprise and Innovation 950,238 907,088 970,908 20,670 2.2% Current 329,013 328,013 338,908 9,895 3.0% Capital 621,225 579,075 632,000 10,775 1.7% Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht 338,959 335,524 354,645 15,686 4.6% Current 265,159 265,159 273,645 8,486 3.2% Capital 73,800 70,365 81,000 7,200 9.8% Defence Group 1,009,081 1,007,181 1,040,181 31,100 3.1% Current 903,081 901,181 927,181 24,100 2.7% Capital 106,000 106,000 113,000 7,000 6.6% Employment Affairs and Social Protection (b) 20,809,270 20,808,083 21,204,370 395,100 1.9% Current 20,797,400 20,797,400 21,189,370 391,970 1.9% Capital 11,870 10,683 15,000 3,130 26.4% Health Group 17,490,315 17,460,315 18,330,884 840,569 4.8% Current 16,748,065 16,748,065 17,476,634 728,569 4.4% Capital 742,250 712,250 854,250 112,000 15.1% Children and Youth Affairs 1,525,313 1,525,313 1,613,065 87,752 5.8% Current 1,497,713 1,497,713 1,582,065 84,352 5.6% Capital 27,600 27,600 31,000 3,400 12.3% Rural and Community Development 291,202 291,202 308,247 17,045 5.9% Current 153,202 153,202 158,247 5,045 3.3% Capital 138,000 138,000 150,000 12,000 8.7% Total:- 67,674,350 67,373,494 70,369,631 2,695,281 4.0% Plus Capital Carryover 215,358 Total:- 67,674,350 67,588,852 70,369,631 2,695,281 4.0% Current:- 60,333,471 60,305,316 62,203,777 1,870,306 3.1% Capital:- 7,340,879 7,283,536 8,165,854 824,975 11.2%

(a) This table includes voted expenditure and expenditure from the National Training Fund and from the Social Insurance Fund as it provides a more complete picture of overall Government expenditure. Expenditure on Central Fund services (mainly debt servicing) is not included. (b) Adjusted to include additional expenditure in 2020 in relation to timing related cash costs - Employment Affairs and Social Protection €95 million, Department of Education and Skills €57 million, Garda Síochána €17 million and Prisons €9 million. TABLE 1 ABSTRACT OF 2020 ESTIMATES FOR SUPPLY SERVICES

2019 Forecast Outturn

Vote No. SERVICE Appropriations Gross Net in Aid

€000 €000 €000

1 President's Establishment 3,530 78 3,452 2 Department of the Taoiseach 33,248 920 32,328 3 Office of the Attorney General 15,123 585 14,538 4 Central Statistics Office 54,863 2,284 52,579 5 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 42,394 1,004 41,390 6 Chief State Solicitor's Office 39,941 964 38,977 7 Office of the Minister for Finance 62,128 1,212 60,916 8 Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General 14,032 6,999 7,033 9 Office of the Revenue Commissioners 449,558 68,387 381,171 10 Tax Appeals Commission 2,183 71 2,112 11 Public Expenditure and Reform 60,684 2,470 58,214 12 Superannuation and Retired Allowances 614,901 304,567 310,334 13 Office of Public Works 453,809 22,159 431,650 14 State Laboratory 10,815 1,630 9,185 15 Secret Service 1,134 - 1,134 16 Valuation Office 10,072 1,385 8,687 17 Public Appointments Service 15,353 175 15,178 18 Shared Services 49,793 5,774 44,019 19 Office of the Ombudsman 11,000 455 10,545 20 Garda Síochána 1,792,455 120,147 1,672,308 21 Prisons 357,993 10,130 347,863 22 Courts Service 136,994 47,031 89,963 23 Property Registration Authority 29,972 634 29,338 24 Justice and Equality 555,148 98,134 457,014 25 Irish Human Rights & Equality Commission 6,151 105 6,046 26 Education and Skills 10,381,046 512,038 9,869,008 26 National Training Fund 509,140 509,140 - 27 International Co-operation 542,626 1,204 541,422 28 Foreign Affairs and Trade 270,201 58,951 211,250 29 Communications, Climate Action and Environment 589,495 237,430 352,065 30 Agriculture, Food and the Marine 1,636,624 377,317 1,259,307 31 Transport, Tourism and Sport 2,303,222 24,964 2,278,258 32 Business, Enterprise and Innovation 907,088 54,800 852,288 33 Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht 335,524 3,764 331,760 34 Housing, Planning and Local Government 3,964,323 61,175 3,903,148 35 Army Pensions 251,033 5,000 246,033 36 Defence 756,148 32,325 723,823 37 Employment Affairs and Social Protection 10,916,286 217,700 10,698,586 37 Social Insurance Fund 9,891,797 9,891,797 - 38 Health 17,460,315 460,000 17,000,315 39 Office of Government Procurement 15,945 483 15,462 40 Children and Youth Affairs 1,525,313 27,637 1,497,676 41 Policing Authority 2,892 68 2,824 42 Rural and Community Development 291,202 30,520 260,682 43 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer - - - 44 Data Protection Commissioner - - - Total :- 67,373,494 13,203,613 54,169,881 Plus Capital Carryover 215,358 - 215,358 Total Including Capital Carryover:- 67,588,852 13,203,613 54,385,239


Net Estimates 2020 compared with the 2020 Estimate Net 2019 Forecast Outturn

Vote No.

Gross Appropriations in Aid Net Increase Decrease

€000 €000 €000 €000 €000

4,574 74 4,500 1,048 1 34,868 855 34,013 1,685 2 16,885 705 16,180 1,642 3 67,010 1,320 65,690 13,111 4 44,813 845 43,968 2,578 5 38,191 810 37,381 (1,596) 6 39,883 1,310 38,573 (22,343) 7 15,147 6,031 9,116 2,083 8 470,462 66,487 403,975 22,804 9 3,308 75 3,233 1,121 10 44,929 2,184 42,745 (15,469) 11 640,117 264,600 375,517 65,183 12 505,427 22,000 483,427 51,777 13 11,317 1,046 10,271 1,086 14 2,000 - 2,000 866 15 17,637 1,283 16,354 7,667 16 15,567 154 15,413 235 17 61,405 6,005 55,400 11,381 18 12,321 482 11,839 1,294 19 1,879,447 95,988 1,783,459 111,151 20 392,363 9,152 383,211 35,348 21 156,378 50,133 106,245 16,282 22 32,319 531 31,788 2,450 23 535,591 74,546 461,045 4,031 24 6,814 81 6,733 687 25 10,568,591 435,373 10,133,218 264,210 26 622,773 605,641 - - - 26 550,732 1,030 549,702 8,280 27 270,561 44,701 225,860 14,610 28 790,652 262,371 528,281 176,216 29 1,646,755 354,255 1,292,500 33,193 30 2,729,637 31,891 2,697,746 419,488 31 970,908 52,724 918,184 65,896 32 354,645 3,409 351,236 19,476 33 4,257,989 56,105 4,201,884 298,736 34 259,150 5,000 254,150 8,117 35 781,031 24,070 756,961 33,138 36 11,031,836 218,190 10,813,646 115,060 37 10,172,534 10,136,834 - - - 37 18,330,884 430,221 17,900,663 900,348 38 18,710 358 18,352 2,890 39 1,613,065 27,045 1,586,020 88,344 40 3,413 47 3,366 542 41 308,247 44,367 263,880 3,198 42 21,829 125 21,704 21,704 43 16,916 230 16,686 16,686 44 70,369,631 13,340,684 56,976,115 2,845,642 (39,408) - - - - (215,358) 70,369,631 13,340,684 56,976,115 2,845,642 (254,766) TABLE 2


Vote 2019 Forecast Increase/Decrease 2020 Estimate Service 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate No Outturn (b) over 2019 Estimate

€000 €000 €000 €000 %

1 President's Establishment 4,516 3,530 4,574 58 1.3% 2 Department of the Taoiseach 35,266 33,248 34,868 (398) -1.1% 3 Office of the Attorney General 16,353 15,123 16,885 532 3.3% 4 Central Statistics Office 56,163 54,863 67,010 10,847 19.3% 5 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 43,719 42,394 44,813 1,094 2.5% 6 Chief State Solicitor's Office 40,571 39,941 38,191 (2,380) -5.9% 7 Office of the Minister for Finance 62,296 62,128 39,883 (22,413) -36.0% 8 Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General 14,638 14,032 15,147 509 3.5% 9 Office of the Revenue Commissioners 450,171 449,558 470,462 20,291 4.5% 10 Tax Appeals Commission 3,348 2,183 3,308 (40) -1.2% 11 Public Expenditure and Reform 61,456 60,684 44,929 (16,527) -26.9% 12 Superannuation and Retired Allowances 614,901 614,901 640,117 25,216 4.1% 13 Office of Public Works 463,943 453,809 505,427 41,484 8.9% 14 State Laboratory 10,861 10,815 11,317 456 4.2% 15 Secret Service 1,250 1,134 2,000 750 60.0% 16 Valuation Office 14,092 10,072 17,637 3,545 25.2% 17 Public Appointments Service 15,503 15,353 15,567 64 0.4% 18 National Shared Services Office 56,064 49,793 61,405 5,341 9.5% 19 Office of the Ombudsman 12,174 11,000 12,321 147 1.2% 20 Garda Síochána (b) 1,792,455 1,792,455 1,879,447 86,992 4.9% 21 Prisons (b) 359,012 357,993 392,363 33,351 9.3% 22 Courts Service 138,405 136,994 156,378 17,973 13.0% 23 Property Registration Authority 31,059 29,972 32,319 1,260 4.1% 24 Justice and Equality 555,148 555,148 535,591 (19,557) -3.5% 25 Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission 6,751 6,151 6,814 63 0.9% 26 Education and Skills (b) 10,381,046 10,381,046 10,568,591 187,545 1.8% 26 National Training Fund (a) 509,140 509,140 622,773 113,633 22.3% 27 International Co-operation 544,926 542,626 550,732 5,806 1.1% 28 Foreign Affairs and Trade 271,451 270,201 270,561 (890) -0.3% 29 Communications, Climate Action and Environment 664,702 589,495 790,652 125,950 18.9% 30 Agriculture, Food and the Marine 1,656,424 1,636,624 1,646,755 (9,669) -0.6% 31 Transport, Tourism and Sport 2,351,833 2,303,222 2,729,637 377,804 16.1% 32 Business, Enterprise and Innovation 950,238 907,088 970,908 20,670 2.2% 33 Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht 338,959 335,524 354,645 15,686 4.6% 34 Housing, Planning and Local Government 3,998,478 3,964,323 4,257,989 259,511 6.5% 35 Army Pensions 251,033 251,033 259,150 8,117 3.2% 36 Defence 758,048 756,148 781,031 22,983 3.0% 37 Employment Affairs and Social Protection (b) 10,917,473 10,916,286 11,031,836 114,363 1.0% 37 Social Insurance Fund (a) 9,891,797 9,891,797 10,172,534 280,737 2.8% 38 Health 17,490,315 17,460,315 18,330,884 840,569 4.8% 39 Office of Government Procurement 18,481 15,945 18,710 229 1.2% 40 Children and Youth Affairs 1,525,313 1,525,313 1,613,065 87,752 5.8% 41 Policing Authority 3,376 2,892 3,413 37 1.1% 42 Rural and Community Development 291,202 291,202 308,247 17,045 5.9% 43 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer - - 21,829 21,829 - 44 Data Protection Commission - - 16,916 16,916 -

Total:- 67,674,350 67,373,494 70,369,631 2,695,281 4.0% (a) This table includes voted expenditure and expenditure from the National Training Fund and from the Social Insurance Fund as it provides a more complete picture of overall Government expenditure. Expenditure on Central Fund services (mainly debt servicing) is not included. (b) Adjusted to include additional expenditure in 2020 in relation to timing-related cash costs - Employment Affairs and Social Protection €95 million, Department of Education and Skills €57 million, Garda Síochána €17 million and Prisons €9 million. TABLE 3


Vote 2019 Forecast Increase/Decrease 2020 Estimate Service 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate No Outturn over 2019 Estimates

€000 €000 €000 €000 %

1 President's Establishment 4,516 3,530 4,574 58 1.3% 2 Department of the Taoiseach 35,266 33,248 34,868 (398) -1.1% 3 Office of the Attorney General 16,353 15,123 16,885 532 3.3% 4 Central Statistics Office 56,163 54,863 67,010 10,847 19.3% 5 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 43,719 42,394 44,813 1,094 2.5% 6 Chief State Solicitor's Office 40,571 39,941 38,191 (2,380) -5.9% 7 Office of the Minister for Finance 61,806 61,638 38,883 (22,923) -37.1% 8 Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General 14,638 14,032 15,147 509 3.5% 9 Office of the Revenue Commissioners 423,712 423,099 449,462 25,750 6.1% 10 Tax Appeals Commission 3,348 2,183 3,308 (40) -1.2% 11 Public Expenditure and Reform 57,276 56,650 44,363 (12,913) -22.5% 12 Superannuation and Retired Allowances 614,901 614,901 640,117 25,216 4.1% 13 Office of Public Works 284,894 291,176 301,378 16,484 5.8% 14 State Laboratory 10,861 10,815 11,317 456 4.2% 15 Secret Service 1,250 1,134 2,000 750 60.0% 16 Valuation Office 13,842 10,054 15,022 1,180 8.5% 17 Public Appointments Service 13,803 13,803 13,567 (236) -1.7% 18 National Shared Services Office 45,829 41,559 47,055 1,226 2.7% 19 Office of the Ombudsman 12,174 11,000 12,321 147 1.2% 20 Garda Síochána (b) 1,709,375 1,709,375 1,762,947 53,572 3.1% 21 Prisons (b) 326,682 331,293 345,674 18,992 5.8% 22 Courts Service 86,888 86,912 90,361 3,473 4.0% 23 Property Registration Authority 30,499 29,412 31,319 820 2.7% 24 Justice and Equality 553,228 553,228 495,690 (57,538) -10.4% 25 Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission 6,651 6,051 6,714 63 0.9% 26 Education and Skills (b) 9,440,046 9,440,046 9,646,591 206,545 2.2% 26 National Training Fund (a) 509,140 509,140 622,773 113,633 22.3% 27 International Co-operation 542,426 541,808 548,232 5,806 1.1% 28 Foreign Affairs and Trade 252,951 252,951 260,061 7,110 2.8% 29 Communications, Climate Action and Environment 391,735 381,514 409,152 17,417 4.4% 30 Agriculture, Food and the Marine (b) 1,373,329 1,373,329 1,372,755 (574) 0.0% 31 Transport, Tourism and Sport 765,808 765,808 786,902 21,094 2.8% 32 Business, Enterprise and Innovation (b) 329,013 328,013 338,908 9,895 3.0% 33 Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht 265,159 265,159 273,645 8,486 3.2% 34 Housing, Planning and Local Government 1,874,888 1,874,233 2,021,604 146,716 7.8% 35 Army Pensions 251,033 251,033 259,150 8,117 3.2% 36 Defence 652,048 650,148 668,031 15,983 2.5% 37 Employment Affairs and Social Protection (b) 10,905,603 10,905,603 11,016,836 111,233 1.0% 37 Social Insurance Fund (a) 9,891,797 9,891,797 10,172,534 280,737 2.8% 38 Health 16,748,065 16,748,065 17,476,634 728,569 4.4% 39 Office of Government Procurement 17,894 15,448 18,123 229 1.3% 40 Children and Youth Affairs 1,497,713 1,497,713 1,582,065 84,352 5.6% 41 Policing Authority 3,376 2,892 3,413 37 1.1% 42 Rural and Community Development 153,202 153,202 158,247 5,045 3.3% 43 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer - - 18,219 18,219 - 44 Data Protection Commission - - 16,916 16,916 - Total:- 60,333,471 60,305,316 62,203,777 1,870,306 3.1%

(a) This table includes voted expenditure and expenditure from the National Training Fund and from the Social Insurance Fund as it provides a more complete picture of overall Government expenditure. Expenditure on Central Fund services (mainly debt servicing) is not included.

(b) Adjusted to include additional expenditure in 2020 in relation to timing-related cash costs - Employment Affairs and Social Protection €95 million, Department of Education and Skills €57 million, Garda Síochána €17 million and Prisons €9 million. TABLE 4


2019 Vote Increase/Decrease 2020 Estimate Service 2019 Estimate of which 2020 Estimate No over 2019 Estimate Forecast Outturn Carryover into 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

7 Office of the Minister for Finance 490 490 1,000 510 104.1% 9 Office of the Revenue Commissioners 26,459 26,459 21,000 (5,459) -20.6% 11 Public Expenditure and Reform 4,180 4,180 146 566 (3,614) - 13 Office of Public Works 179,049 170,633 8,000 204,049 25,000 14.0% 16 Valuation Office 250 18 2,615 - - 17 Public Appoints Service 1,700 1,700 150 2,000 300 - 18 National Shared Services Office 10,235 9,258 1,024 14,350 4,115 40.2% 20 Garda Síochána 83,080 83,080 116,500 33,420 40.2% 21 Prisons 32,330 26,700 46,689 14,359 44.4% 22 Courts Service 51,517 50,082 66,017 14,500 28.1% 23 Property Registration Authority 560 560 1,000 440 78.6% 24 Justice and Equality 1,920 1,920 39,901 37,981 - 25 Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission 100 100 100 - - 26 Education and Skills 941,000 941,000 922,000 (19,000) -2.0% 27 International Co-operation 2,500 818 2,500 - - 28 Foreign Affairs and Trade 18,500 17,250 10,500 (8,000) -43.2% 29 Communications, Climate Action and Environment 272,967 235,277 27,296 381,500 108,533 39.8% 30 Agriculture, Food and the Marine 283,095 283,095 19,800 274,000 (9,095) -3.2% 31 Transport, Tourism and Sport 1,586,025 1,586,025 48,611 1,942,735 356,710 22.5% 32 Business, Enterprise and Innovation 621,225 621,225 42,150 632,000 10,775 1.7% 33 Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht 73,800 73,800 3,435 81,000 7,200 9.8% 34 Housing, Planning and Local Government 2,123,590 2,123,590 33,500 2,236,385 112,795 5.3% 36 Defence 106,000 106,000 113,000 7,000 6.6% 37 Employment Affairs and Social Protection 11,870 11,870 1,187 15,000 3,130 26.4% 38 Health 742,250 742,250 30,000 854,250 112,000 15.1% 39 Office of Government Procurement 587 497 587 - - 40 Children and Youth Affairs 27,600 27,600 31,000 3,400 12.3% 42 Rural and Community Development 138,000 138,000 150,000 12,000 8.7% 43 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer - 59 59 3,610 3,610 - 44 Data Protecton Commission - - - - -

Total:- 7,340,879 7,283,536 215,358 8,165,854 824,975 11% TABLE 5


Vote 2019 Forecast Increase/Decrease 2020 Estimate Service 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate No Outturn over 2019 Estimate

€000 €000 €000 €000 % 1 President's Establishment 1,832 1,708 1,858 26 1.4% 2 Department of the Taoiseach 19,029 19,029 19,935 906 4.8% 3 Office of the Attorney General 13,224 12,224 13,461 237 1.8% 4 Central Statistics Office 41,884 40,684 47,548 5,664 13.5% 5 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 15,538 15,075 16,132 594 3.8% 6 Chief State Solicitor's Office 18,113 17,739 19,233 1,120 6.2% 7 Office of the Minister for Finance 19,044 19,044 20,610 1,566 8.2% 8 Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General 11,527 11,126 12,156 629 5.5% 9 Office of the Revenue Commissioners 322,967 320,244 339,862 16,895 5.2% 10 Tax Appeals Commission 2,648 1,621 2,541 (107) -4.0% 11 Public Expenditure and Reform 31,766 31,100 27,944 (3,822) -12.0% 13 Office of Public Works 102,673 104,713 108,895 6,222 6.1% 14 State Laboratory 6,131 5,615 6,237 106 1.7% 16 Valuation Office 8,610 7,424 8,740 130 1.5% 17 Public Appointments Service 8,303 8,303 8,395 92 1.1% 18 National Shared Services Office 35,133 31,472 32,561 (2,572) -7.3% 19 Office of the Ombudsman 9,029 8,100 9,176 147 1.6% 20 Garda Síochána (b) 1,162,453 1,162,453 1,223,221 60,768 5.2% 21 Prisons (b) 256,124 254,800 270,110 13,986 5.5% 22 Courts Service 56,694 54,494 57,967 1,273 2.2% 23 Property Registration Authority 25,895 25,477 26,575 680 2.6% 24 Justice and Equality 167,416 167,416 170,998 3,582 2.1% 25 Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission 3,658 3,058 3,721 63 1.7% 26 Education and Skills (b) 6,290,060 6,290,060 6,432,503 142,443 2.3% 26 National Training Fund 130,595 130,595 250,333 119,738 91.7% 27 International Co-operation 17,929 17,576 19,735 1,806 10.1% 28 Foreign Affairs and Trade 100,723 100,723 106,623 5,900 5.9% 29 Communications, Climate Action and Environment 67,075 65,575 70,969 3,894 5.8% 30 Agriculture, Food and the Marine 267,968 256,571 292,474 24,506 9.1% 31 Transport, Tourism and Sport 104,689 104,689 112,006 7,317 7.0% 32 Business, Enterprise and Innovation 169,124 168,124 177,307 8,183 4.8% 33 Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht 87,940 87,616 92,172 4,232 4.8% 34 Housing, Planning and Local Government (a) 75,079 75,079 81,526 6,447 8.6% 35 Army Pensions 70 70 70 - - 36 Defence 528,820 526,920 544,622 15,802 3.0% 37 Employment Affairs and Social Protection (b) 302,674 302,674 305,568 2,894 1.0% 38 Health 8,055,294 8,055,294 8,403,423 348,129 4.3% 39 Office of Government Procurement 14,685 12,672 14,914 229 1.6% 40 Children and Youth Affairs 330,505 330,427 342,798 12,293 3.7% 41 Policing Authority 2,176 1,962 2,213 37 1.7% 42 Rural and Community Development 12,725 12,325 13,844 1,119 8.8% 43 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer - - 5,445 5,445 - 44 Data Protection Commission - - 10,552 10,552 -

Total :- 18,897,822 18,861,871 19,726,973 829,151 4.4% (a) These figures do not include Local Authority pay costs, which are not Exchequer funded. (b) Adjusted to include additional expenditure in 2020 in relation to timing-related cash costs. Employment Affairs and Social Protection €95 million, Department of Education and Skills €57 million, Garda Síochána €17 million and Prisons €9 million. TABLE 6


Vote 2019 Forecast Increase/Decrease 2020 Estimate Service 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate No Outturn over 2019 Estimate

€000 €000 €000 €000 % 3 Office of the Attorney General 68 68 68 - - 11 Public Expenditure and Reform 504 550 454 (50) -10% 12 Superannuation and Retired Allowances 614,475 614,540 639,723 25,248 4% 20 Garda Síochána 346,261 346,261 355,761 9,500 3% 22 Courts Service 111 111 111 - - 24 Justice and Equality 735 735 735 - - 26 Education and Skills 1,354,277 1,354,277 1,435,514 81,237 6% 29 Communications, Climate Action and Environment 7,238 7,238 7,325 87 1% 30 Agriculture, Food and the Marine 51,932 52,132 52,957 1,025 2% 31 Transport, Tourism and Sport 10,886 10,886 11,036 150 1% 32 Business, Enterprise and Innovation 49,974 49,974 52,347 2,373 5% 33 Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht 8,317 8,288 8,287 (30) - 34 Housing, Planning and Local Government (a) 5,642 5,642 6,615 973 17% 35 Army Pensions 250,913 250,913 258,980 8,067 3% 37 Employment Affairs and Social Protection 1,213 1,562 1,121 (92) -8% 38 Health 515,360 515,360 563,891 48,531 9% 40 Children and Youth Affairs 12,196 12,274 12,722 526 4% 42 Rural and Community Development 38 38 38 - - Total :- 3,230,140 3,230,849 3,407,685 177,545 5.5%

(a) These figures do not include Local Authority pension costs, which are not Exchequer funded. TABLE 7 FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF GROSS CURRENT EXPENDITURE (a) 2015 - 2019

Change 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate over 2019

€m €m €m €m %

Economic Services Industry and Labour 586 630 656 683 735 7.7% Agriculture 824 972 1,022 1,068 1,063 -0.4% Fisheries and Forestry 97 114 121 130 137 5.5% Tourism 114 116 125 145 140 -3.8% Subtotal 1,621 1,832 1,924 2,026 2,075 2%

Social Services Health 14,048 14,879 16,051 17,331 18,122 4.6% Education 8,155 8,586 9,099 9,461 9,703 2.6% Social Protection 19,749 19,909 20,272 20,744 21,135 1.9% Housing 432 612 870 1,121 1,202 7.2% Subsidies 250 263 286 286 287 0% Subtotal 42,634 44,249 46,578 48,943 50,449 3.1%

Security Defence 806 860 874 904 929 2.7% Garda 1,483 1,586 1,671 1,715 1,769 3.1% Legal, etc. 405 429 471 511 495 -3.2% Prisons 362 374 396 394 420 6.8% Subtotal 3,056 3,249 3,412 3,525 3,612 2.5%

Other 4,465 4,976 5,346 5,532 5,680 2.7%

Gross Voted Current Expenditure 51,776 54,306 57,260 60,026 61,817 3.0%

Exchequer pay and pensions included above 18,569 19,650 21,051 22,093 23,135 4.7%

(a) Includes gross expenditure on Departmental estimates which are voted by the Dáil, expenditure from the Social Insurance Fund and expenditure from the National Training Fund. Expenditure on Central Fund Services (mainly debt servicing) is not included.


Functional Classification 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Economic Services Industry and Labour 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.2% 0.2% Agriculture 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% Fisheries and Forestry 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Tourism 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% Subtotal 0.7% 0.8% 0.8% 0.7% 0.7%

Social Services Education (including NTF expenditure) 6.3% 6.3% 6.4% 5.8% 6.3% Health 3.7% 3.7% 3.6% 3.4% 3.5% Housing 8.8% 8.5% 8.1% 7.5% 7.6% Social Protection (including SIF expenditure) 0.2% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.4% Subsidies 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% Subtotal 19.1% 18.9% 18.6% 17.1% 17.9%

Security Defence 0.4% 0.4% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% Garda 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% 0.6% 0.6% Prisons 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% Legal, etc. 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% Subtotal 1.4% 1.4% 1.4% 1.2% 1.3%

Other 2.0% 2.1% 2.1% 2.0% 2.1%

Gross Current Expenditure on Services 23.2% 23.0% 22.8% 22.7% 23.1% Less Appropriations-in-Aid (including SIF and NTF expenditure) 5.2% 5.1% 5.1% 4.9% 5.0% Net Current Voted Expenditure 17.9% 17.9% 17.7% 17.8% 18.1%

Exchequer pay and pensions (a) Net 7.6% 7.5% 7.5% 7.4% 7.7% included in above Gross 8.1% 7.9% 7.9% 7.9% 8.1% GNP Figures* (€m) 223,314 234,645 250,009 265,275 269,425

* 2016 - 2018 GNP figures as per the CSO. 2019 and 2020 are Department of Finance Budget 2019 estimates. SUMMARY OF NET EXPENDITURE (CAPITAL AND CURRENT)

by Ministerial Vote Group

2019 Forecast Increase/Decrease 2020 Estimate over Ministerial Vote Group 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Outturn 2019 Estimate €000 €000 €000 €000 %

Taoiseach's Group (including Legal Votes) 191,502 183,264 201,732 10,230 5.3% Current 191,502 183,264 201,732 10,230 5.3% Capital - - - - - Finance Group 455,465 451,232 454,897 (568) -0.1% Current 428,516 424,283 432,897 4,381 1.0% Capital 26,949 26,949 22,000 (4,949) -18.4% Public Expenditure and Reform Group 976,475 895,721 1,036,668 60,193 6.2% Current 780,724 718,773 811,506 30,782 3.9% Capital 195,751 176,948 225,162 29,411 15.0% Justice Group (a) 2,563,875 2,576,018 2,760,745 196,870 7.7% Current 2,395,913 2,414,136 2,491,538 95,625 4.0% Capital 167,962 161,882 269,207 101,245 60.3% Housing, Planning and Local Government 3,996,075 3,941,173 4,250,026 253,951 6.4% Current 1,872,690 1,852,505 2,012,648 139,958 7.5% Capital 2,123,385 2,088,668 2,237,378 113,993 5.4% Education and Skills (a) 9,868,656 9,869,008 10,133,218 264,562 2.7% Current 8,928,156 8,928,508 9,211,718 283,562 3.2% Capital 940,500 940,500 921,500 (19,000) -2.0% Foreign Affairs and Trade Group 756,326 752,672 775,562 19,236 2.5% Current 735,326 734,604 762,562 27,236 3.7% Capital 21,000 18,068 13,000 (8,000) -38.1% Communications, Climate Action and Environment 421,990 352,065 528,281 106,291 25.2% Current 149,024 144,084 156,781 7,757 5.2% Capital 272,967 207,981 371,500 98,533 36.1% Agriculture, Food and the Marine 1,323,107 1,259,307 1,292,500 (30,607) -2.3% Current 1,040,012 996,012 1,018,500 (21,512) -2.1% Capital 283,095 263,295 274,000 (9,095) -3.2% Transport, Tourism and Sport 2,326,869 2,278,258 2,697,746 370,877 15.9% Current 741,844 741,844 755,511 13,667 1.8% Capital 1,585,025 1,536,414 1,942,235 357,210 22.5% Business, Enterprise and Innovation 896,966 852,288 918,184 21,218 2.4% Current 278,241 275,713 288,592 10,351 3.7% Capital 618,725 576,575 629,592 10,867 1.8% Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht 335,195 331,760 351,236 16,041 4.8% Current 261,395 261,395 270,236 8,841 3.4% Capital 73,800 70,365 81,000 7,200 9.8% Defence Group 981,346 969,856 1,011,111 29,765 3.0% Current 876,596 865,106 898,761 22,165 2.5% Capital 104,750 104,750 112,350 7,600 7.3% Employment Affairs and Social Protection (a) 10,699,773 10,698,586 10,813,646 113,873 1.1% Current 10,687,903 10,687,903 10,798,646 110,743 1.0% Capital 11,870 10,683 15,000 3,130 26.4% Health Group 17,030,315 17,000,315 17,900,663 870,348 5.1% Current 16,298,315 16,298,315 17,046,663 748,348 4.6% Capital 732,000 702,000 854,000 122,000 16.7% Children and Youth Affairs 1,497,676 1,497,676 1,586,020 88,344 5.9% Current 1,470,076 1,470,076 1,555,020 84,944 5.8% Capital 27,600 27,600 31,000 3,400 12.3% Rural and Community Development 260,682 260,682 263,880 3,198 1.2% Current 140,182 140,182 141,780 1,598 1.1% Capital 120,500 120,500 122,100 1,600- 1.3% Total:- 54,582,293 54,169,881 56,976,115 2,393,822 4.4% Plus Capital Carryover 215,358 Total including Capital Carryover :- 54,582,293 54,385,239 56,976,115 2,393,822 4.4% Current:- 47,276,415 47,136,703 48,855,091 1,578,676 3.3% Capital:- 7,305,879 7,248,536 8,121,024 815,145 11.2% (a) Adjusted to include additional expenditure in 2020 in relation to timing related cash costs. Employment Affairs and Social Protection €95 million. Department of Education and skills €57 million, Garda Síochána €17 million and Prisons €9 million. TABLE 1A


Vote 2019 Forecast Increase/Decrease 2020 Estimate Service 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate No Outturn over 2019 Estimate

€000 €000 €000 €000 % 1 President's Establishment 4,434 3,452 4,500 66 1.5% 2 Department of the Taoiseach 34,337 32,328 34,013 (324) -0.9% 3 Office of the Attorney General 15,592 14,538 16,180 588 3.8% 4 Central Statistics Office 54,714 52,579 65,690 10,976 20.1% 5 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 42,809 41,390 43,968 1,159 2.7% 6 Chief State Solicitor's Office 39,616 38,977 37,381 (2,235) -5.6% 7 Office of the Minister for Finance 60,916 60,916 38,573 (22,343) -36.7% 8 Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General 8,657 7,033 9,116 459 5.3% 9 Office of the Revenue Commissioners 382,684 381,171 403,975 21,291 5.6% 10 Tax Appeals Commission 3,208 2,112 3,233 25 0.8% 11 Public Expenditure and Reform 58,993 58,214 42,745 (16,248) -27.5% 12 Superannuation and Retired Allowances 371,298 310,334 375,517 4,219 1.1% 13 Office of Public Works 439,738 431,650 483,427 43,689 9.9% 14 State Laboratory 9,795 9,185 10,271 476 4.9% 15 Secret Service 1,250 1,134 2,000 750 60.0% 16 Valuation Office 12,730 8,687 16,354 3,624 28.5% 17 Public Appointments Service 15,328 15,178 15,413 85 0.6% 18 National Shared Services Office 50,324 44,019 55,400 5,076 10.1% 19 Office of the Ombudsman 11,718 10,545 11,839 121 1.0% 20 Garda Síochána (a) 1,672,308 1,672,308 1,783,459 111,151 6.6% 21 Prisons (a) 349,536 347,863 383,211 33,675 9.6% 22 Courts Service 90,624 89,963 106,245 15,621 17.2% 23 Property Registration Authority 30,449 29,338 31,788 1,339 4.4% 24 Justice and Equality 457,014 457,014 461,045 4,031 0.9% 25 Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission 6,662 6,046 6,733 71 1.1% 26 Education and Skills (a) 9,868,656 9,869,008 10,133,218 264,562 2.7% 27 International Co-operation 543,826 541,422 549,702 5,876 1.1% 28 Foreign Affairs and Trade 212,500 211,250 225,860 13,360 6.3% 29 Communications, Climate Action and Environment 421,991 352,065 528,281 106,290 25.2% 30 Agriculture, Food and the Marine 1,323,107 1,259,307 1,292,500 (30,607) -2.3% 31 Transport, Tourism and Sport 2,326,869 2,278,258 2,697,746 370,877 15.9% 32 Business, Enterprise and Innovation 896,966 852,288 918,184 21,218 2.4% 33 Culture, Heritage, and the Gaeltacht 335,195 331,760 351,236 16,041 4.8% 34 Housing ,Planning and Local Government 3,937,303 3,903,148 4,201,884 264,581 6.7% 35 Army Pensions 246,033 246,033 254,150 8,117 3.3% 36 Defence 735,313 723,823 756,961 21,648 2.9% 37 Employment Affairs and Social Protection (a) 10,699,773 10,698,586 10,813,646 113,873 1.1% 38 Health 17,030,315 17,000,315 17,900,663 870,348 5.1% 39 Office of Government Procurement 18,031 15,462 18,352 321 1.8% 40 Children and Youth Affairs 1,497,676 1,497,676 1,586,020 88,344 5.9% 41 Policing Authority 3,324 2,824 3,366 42 1.3% 42 Rural and Community Development 260,682 260,682 263,880 3,198 1.2% 43 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer - - 21,704 21,704 - 44 Data Protection Commission - - 16,686 16,686 - Total:- 54,582,294 54,169,881 56,976,115 2,393,821 4.4%

(a) Adjusted to include additional expenditure in 2020 in relation to timing-related cash costs. Employment Affairs and Social Protection €95 million, Department of Education and Skills €57 million, Garda Síochána €17 million and Prisons €9 million. TABLE 2A


Vote 2019 Forecast Increase/Decrease 2020 Service 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate No Outturn Estimate over 2019 Estimates

€000 €000 €000 €000 %

1 President's Establishment 4,434 3,452 4,500 66 1.5% 2 Department of the Taoiseach 34,337 32,328 34,013 (324) -0.9% 3 Office of the Attorney General 15,592 14,538 16,180 588 3.8% 4 Central Statistics Office 54,714 52,579 65,690 10,976 20.1% 5 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 42,809 41,390 43,968 1,159 2.7% 6 Chief State Solicitor's Office 39,616 38,977 37,381 (2,235) -5.6% 7 Office of the Minister for Finance 60,426 60,426 37,573 (22,853) -37.8% 8 Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General 8,657 7,033 9,116 459 5.3% 9 Office of the Revenue Commissioners 356,225 354,712 382,975 26,750 7.5% 10 Tax Appeals Commission 3,208 2,112 3,233 25 0.8% 11 Public Expenditure and Reform 54,813 54,180 42,179 (12,634) -23.0% 12 Superannuation and Retired Allowances 371,298 310,334 375,517 4,219 1.1% 13 Office of Public Works 260,689 269,017 279,378 18,689 7.2% 14 State Laboratory 9,795 9,185 10,271 476 4.9% 15 Secret Service 1,250 1,134 2,000 750 60.0% 16 Valuation Office 12,480 8,669 13,739 1,259 10.1% 17 Public Appointments Service 13,628 13,628 13,413 (215) -1.6% 18 National Shared Services Office 40,089 35,785 41,050 961 2.4% 19 Office of the Ombudsman 11,718 10,545 11,839 121 1.0% 20 Garda Síochána (a) 1,589,228 1,589,228 1,666,959 77,731 4.9% 21 Prisons (a) 317,206 321,163 336,522 19,316 6.1% 22 Courts Service 39,107 39,881 40,228 1,121 2.9% 23 Property Registration Authority 29,889 28,778 30,788 899 3.0% 24 Justice and Equality 455,094 455,094 421,144 (33,950) -7.5% 25 Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission 6,562 5,946 6,633 71 1.1% 26 Education and Skills (a) 8,928,156 8,928,508 9,211,718 283,562 3.2% 27 International Co-operation 541,326 540,604 547,202 5,876 1.1% 28 Foreign Affairs and Trade 194,000 194,000 215,360 21,360 11.0% 29 Communications, Climate Action and Environment 149,024 144,084 156,781 7,757 5.2% 30 Agriculture, Food and the Marine 1,040,012 996,012 1,018,500 (21,512) -2.1% 31 Transport, Tourism and Sport 741,844 741,844 755,511 13,667 1.8% 32 Business, Enterprise and Innovation 278,241 275,713 288,592 10,351 3.7% 33 Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht 261,395 261,395 270,236 8,841 3.4% 34 Housing, Planning and Local Government 1,815,713 1,815,058 1,968,121 152,408 8.4% 35 Army Pensions 246,033 246,033 254,150 8,117 3.3% 36 Defence 630,563 619,073 644,611 14,048 2.2% 37 Employment Affairs and Social Protection (a) 10,687,903 10,687,903 10,798,646 110,743 1.0% 38 Health 16,298,315 16,298,315 17,046,663 748,348 4.6% 39 Office of Government Procurement 17,444 14,965 17,765 321 1.8% 40 Children and Youth Affairs 1,470,076 1,470,076 1,555,020 84,944 5.8% 41 Policing Authority 3,324 2,824 3,366 42 1.3% 42 Rural and Community Development 140,182 140,182 141,780 1,598 1.1% 43 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer - - 18,094 18,094 - 44 Data Protection Commission - - 16,686 16,686 - Total:- 47,276,415 47,136,703 48,855,091 1,578,676 3.3%

(a) Adjusted to include additional expenditure in 2020 in relation to timing-related cash costs. Employment Affairs and Social Protection €95 million, Department of Education and Skills €57 million, Garda Síochána €17 million and Prisons €9 million. TABLE 3A


2019 Vote Increase/Decrease 2020 Estimate Service 2019 Estimate of which 2020 Estimate No Forecast Outturn Carryover into over 2019 Estimates 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

7 Office of the Minister for Finance 490 490 1,000 510 104.1% 9 Office of the Revenue Commissioners 26,459 26,459 21,000 (5,459) -20.6% 11 Public Expenditure and Reform 4,180 4,180 146 566 (3,614) - 13 Office of Public Works 179,049 170,633 8,000 204,049 25,000 14.0% 16 Valuation Office 250 18 2,615 2,365 - 17 Public Appointments Service 1,700 1,700 150 2,000 300 - 18 National Shared Services Office 10,235 9,258 1,024 14,350 4,115 40.2% 20 Garda Síochána 83,080 83,080 116,500 33,420 40.2% 21 Prisons 32,330 26,700 46,689 14,359 44.4% 22 Courts Service 51,517 50,082 66,017 14,500 28.1% 23 Property Registration Authority 560 560 1,000 440 78.6% 24 Justice and Equality 1,920 1,920 39,901 37,981 - 25 Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission 100 100 100 - - 26 Education and Skills 940,500 940,500 921,500 (19,000) -2.0% 27 International Co-operation 2,500 818 2,500 - - 28 Foreign Affairs and Trade 18,500 17,250 10,500 (8,000) -43.2% 29 Communications, Climate Action and Enviornment 272,967 235,277 27,296 371,500 98,533 36.1% 30 Agriculture, Food and the Marine 283,095 283,095 19,800 274,000 (9,095) -3.2% 31 Transport, Tourism and Sport 1,585,025 1,585,025 48,611 1,942,235 357,210 22.5% 32 Business, Enterprise and Innovation 618,725 618,725 42,150 629,592 10,867 1.8% 33 Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht 73,800 73,800 3,435 81,000 7,200 9.8% 34 Housing, Planning and Local Government 2,121,590 2,121,590 33,500 2,233,763 112,173 5.3% 36 Defence 104,750 104,750 112,350 7,600 7.3% 37 Employment Affairs and Social Protection 11,870 11,870 1,187 15,000 3,130 26.4% 38 Health 732,000 732,000 30,000 854,000 122,000 16.7% 39 Office of Government Procurement 587 556 59 587 - - 40 Children and Youth Affairs 27,600 27,600 31,000 3,400 12.3% 42 Rural and Community Development 120,500 120,500 122,100 1,600 1.3% 43 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer - - 3,610 3,610 - Total:- 7,305,879 7,248,536 215,358 8,121,024 815,145 11.2% TABLE 4A


Vote 2019 Forecast Increase/Decrease 2020 Estimate Service 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate No Outturn over 2019 Estimates

€000 €000 €000 €000 % 1 President's Establishment 1,757 1,637 1,791 34 1.9% 2 Department of the Taoiseach 18,159 18,159 19,138 979 5.4% 3 Office of the Attorney General 12,471 11,642 12,764 293 2.3% 4 Central Statistics Office 40,635 39,420 46,408 5,773 14.2% 5 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 14,756 14,272 15,415 659 4.5% 6 Chief State Solicitor's Office 17,358 17,022 18,623 1,265 7.3% 7 Office of the Minister for Finance 18,164 18,332 19,610 1,446 8.0% 8 Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General 10,946 10,710 11,644 698 6.4% 9 Office of the Revenue Commissioners 286,138 283,415 304,120 17,982 6.3% 10 Tax Appeals Commission 2,508 1,550 2,466 (42) -1.7% 11 Public Expenditure and Reform 30,153 29,300 26,584 (3,569) -11.8% 13 Office of Public Works 98,748 102,440 106,508 7,760 7.9% 14 State Laboratory 5,915 5,425 6,041 126 2.1% 16 Valuation Office 8,333 7,173 8,482 149 1.8% 17 Public Appointments Service 8,153 8,153 8,266 113 1.4% 18 National Shared Services Office 34,593 30,967 32,011 (2,582) -7.5% 19 Office of the Ombudsman 8,665 7,735 8,786 121 1.4% 20 Garda Síochána (a) 1,120,004 1,120,004 1,188,839 68,835 6.1% 21 Prisons (a) 247,153 245,300 261,489 14,336 5.8% 22 Courts Service 55,048 52,848 56,469 1,421 2.6% 23 Property Registration Authority 25,285 24,843 26,044 759 3.0% 24 Justice and Equality 162,913 162,913 167,573 4,660 2.9% 25 Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission 3,569 2,953 3,640 71 2.0% 26 Education and Skills (a) 5,974,724 5,974,724 6,171,796 197,072 3.3% 27 International Co-operation 17,279 16,948 19,155 1,876 10.9% 28 Foreign Affairs and Trade 98,071 98,071 104,222 6,151 6.3% 29 Communications, Climate Action and Environment 63,494 62,575 67,915 4,421 7.0% 30 Agriculture, Food and the Marine 256,571 256,571 280,280 23,709 9.2% 31 Transport, Tourism and Sport 101,469 101,469 108,226 6,757 6.7% 32 Business, Enterprise and Innovation 163,021 161,624 170,687 7,666 4.7% 33 Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht 85,631 85,307 90,218 4,587 5.4% 34 Housing, Planning and Local Government 32,509 32,509 44,282 11,773 36.2% 35 Army Pensions 67 67 67 - - 36 Defence 513,747 506,347 529,314 15,567 3.0% 37 Employment Affairs and Social Protection (a) 295,264 302,674 299,568 4,304 1.5% 38 Health 8,051,379 8,051,379 8,399,508 348,129 4.3% 39 Office of Government Procurement 14,235 12,189 14,606 371 2.6% 40 Children and Youth Affairs 322,104 322,026 335,458 13,354 4.1% 41 Policing Authority 2,124 1,894 2,166 42 2.0% 42 Rural and Community Development 12,325 11,925 13,497 1,172 9.5% 43 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer - - 5,330 5,330 - 44 Data Protection Commission - - 10,332 10,332 - Total:- 18,235,438 18,214,512 19,019,338 783,900 4% (a) Adjusted to include additional expenditure in 2020 in relation to timing-related cash costs. Employment Affairs and Social Protection €95 million, Department of Education and Skills €57 million, Garda Síochána €17 million and Prisons €9 million. TABLE 5A


Vote 2019 Forecast Increase/Decrease 2020 Estimate Service 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate No Outturn over 2019 Estimates

€000 €000 €000 €000 % 3 Office of the Attorney General 68 68 68 - - 11 Public Expenditure and Reform 504 550 454 (50) - 12 Superannuation and Retired Allowances 370,872 309,973 375,123 4,251 1.1% 20 Garda Síochána 311,681 311,681 322,955 11,274 3.6% 22 Courts Service 111 111 111 - - 24 Justice and Equality 735 735 735 - - 26 Education and Skills 1,181,898 1,182,250 1,274,387 92,489 7.8% 29 Communications, Climate Action and Environment 6,506 6,668 6,593 87 1.3% 30 Agriculture, Food and the Marine 51,932 52,132 52,957 1,025 2.0% 31 Transport, Tourism and Sport 10,123 10,123 10,132 9 0.1% 32 Business, Enterprise and Innovation 44,860 45,174 47,634 2,774 6.2% 33 Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht 7,512 7,483 7,482 (30) -0.4% 34 Housing, Planning and Local Government 5,278 5,278 6,217 939 17.8% 35 Army Pensions 245,916 245,916 253,983 8,067 3.3% 37 Employment Affairs and Social Protection 613 -6,448 521 (92) -15.0% 38 Health 515,360 515,360 563,891 48,531 9.4% 40 Children and Youth Affairs 2,712 2,790 3,198 486 17.9% 42 Rural and Community Development -12 -12 -12 - - Total:- 2,756,669 2,689,832 2,926,429 169,760 6.2% TABLE 6A FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF NET VOTED CURRENT EXPENDITURE 2016 - 2020 Change 2019 2020 2020 2016 2017 2018 Estimate Estimate over 2019 €m €m €m €m €m %

Economic Services Industry and Labour 236 239 253 284 291 2.7% Agriculture 374 638 543 766 735 -4.0% Fisheries and Forestry 92 79 90 99 111 12.3% Tourism 114 118 126 145 140 #DIV/0!-3.8% Subtotal 816 1,074 1,013 1,293 1,277 -1.3%

Social Services Health 13,574 14,347 15,568 16,864 17,618 4.5% Education 7,642 7,682 8,537 8,955 9,206 2.8% Social Protection 10,863 10,701 10,595 10,585 10,724 1.3% Housing 432 613 805 1,121 1,203 7.4% Subsidies 250 262 278 286 287 #DIV/0!0.2% Subtotal 32,761 33,605 35,783 37,812 39,038 3.2%

Security Defence 769 791 814 878 901 2.7% Garda 1,359 1,460 1,506 1,595 1,673 4.9% Legal, etc. 289 310 343 385 386 0.2% Prisons #REF!348 #REF!355 #REF! 380 384 411 #REF!7.0% Subtotal 2,765 2,916 3,044 3,242 3,371 4.0%

Other 3,742 3,662 4,309 -42,347 -43,669 3.1%

Net Voted Current Expenditure 40,084 41,257 44,149 0 17 -

Exchequer pay and pensions included above 17,667 18,668 18,668 20,057 20,830 3.9% * Rounding may affect totals. TABLE 7A SUMMARY OF NET AMOUNTS (CURRENT AND CAPITAL) APPROPRIATED BY DÁIL ÉIREANN

(1) (2) (3) Vote 2019 2019 Total Service No. Revised Supplementary (1) + (2) Estimates Estimates €000 €000 €000

1 President's Establishment 4,434 - 4,434 2 Department of the Taoiseach 34,337 - 34,337 3 Office of the Attorney General 15,592 - 15,592 4 Central Statistics Office 54,714 - 54,714 5 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 42,809 - 42,809 6 Chief State Solicitor's Office 34,616 5,000 39,616 7 Office of the Minister for Finance 39,716 21,200 60,916 8 Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General 8,657 - 8,657 9 Office of the Revenue Commissioners 378,580 4,104 382,684 10 Tax Appeals Commission 3,208 - 3,208 11 Public Expenditure and Reform 58,993 - 58,993 12 Superannuation and Retired Allowances 371,297 1 371,298 13 Office of Public Works 439,738 - 439,738 14 State Laboratory 9,795 - 9,795 15 Secret Service 1,250 - 1,250 16 Valuation Office 12,730 - 12,730 17 Public Appointments Service 14,858 470 15,328 18 National Shared Services Office 50,324 - 50,324 19 Office of the Ombudsman 11,718 - 11,718 20 Garda Síochána 1,654,808 17,500 1,672,308 21 Prisons 349,536 - 349,536 22 Courts Service 90,624 - 90,624 23 Property Registration Authority 30,449 - 30,449 24 Justice and Equality 423,714 33,300 457,014 25 Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission 6,662 - 6,662 26 Education and Skills 9,800,656 68,000 9,868,656 27 International Co-operation 543,826 - 543,826 28 Foreign Affairs & Trade 212,499 1 212,500 29 Communications, Climate Action and Environment 421,990 1 421,991 30 Agriculture, Food and the Marine 1,303,683 19,424 1,323,107 31 Transport, Tourism and Sport 2,316,869 10,000 2,326,869 32 Business, Enterprise and Innovation 896,965 1 896,966 33 Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht 335,195 - 335,195 34 Housing, Planning and Local Government 3,937,303 - 3,937,303 35 Army Pensions 244,133 1,900 246,033 36 Defence Group 735,313 - 735,313 37 Employment Affairs and Social Protection 10,599,773 100,000 10,699,773 38 Health 16,692,260 338,055 17,030,315 39 Office of Government Procurement 18,031 - 18,031 40 Children & Youth Affairs 1,482,676 15,000 1,497,676 41 Policing Authority 3,324 - 3,324 42 Rural and Community Development 260,682 - 260,682

Total:- 53,948,337 633,957 54,582,294 2020 Estimates for Public Services (Index of Votes) Vote :- Page No. 1 President's Establishment …. …. …. …. 30 2 Taoiseach …. …. …. …. 32 3 Attorney General …. …. …. …. 34 4 Central Statistics Office …. …. …. …. 36 5 Director of Public Prosecutions …. …. …. …. 38 6 Chief State Solicitor's Office …. …. …. …. 40 7 Finance …. …. …. …. 42 8 Comptroller and Auditor General …. …. …. …. 45 9 Revenue Commissioners …. …. …. …. 47 10 Tax Appeals Commission …. …. …. …. 50 11 Public Expenditure and Reform …. …. …. …. 52 12 Superannuation and Retired Allowances …. …. …. …. 55 13 Office of Public Works …. …. …. …. 57 14 State Laboratory …. …. …. …. 60 15 Secret Service …. …. …. …. 62 16 Valuation Office …. …. …. …. 63 17 Public Appointments Service …. …. …. …. 66 18 National Shared Services Office …. …. …. …. 69 19 Ombudsman …. …. …. …. 74 20 Garda Síochána …. …. …. …. 78 21 Prisons …. …. …. …. 81 22 Courts Service …. …. …. …. 84 23 Property Registration Authority …. …. …. …. 88 24 Justice and Equality …. …. …. …. 91 25 Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission …. …. …. …. 101 26 Education and Skills …. …. …. …. 103 27 International Co-operation …. …. …. …. 111 28 Foreign Affairs and Trade …. …. …. …. 115 29 Communications,Climate Action and the Environment …. …. …. …. 122 30 Agriculture, Food and the Marine …. …. …. …. 133 31 Transport, Tourism and Sport …. …. …. …. 143 32 Business, Enterprise and Innovation …. …. …. …. 152 33 Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht …. …. …. …. 159 34 Housing, Planning and Local Government …. …. …. …. 166 35 Army Pensions …. …. …. …. 174 36 Defence …. …. …. …. 176 37 Employment Affairs and Social Protection …. …. …. …. 180 38 Health …. …. …. …. 189 39 Office of Government Procurement …. …. …. …. 205 40 Children and Youth Affairs …. …. …. …. 207 41 Policing Authority …. …. …. …. 213 42 Rural and Community Development …. …. …. …. 215 43 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer …. …. …. …. 219 44 Data Protection Commission …. …. …. …. 221 [1] President's Establishment [1] 1 PRESIDENT'S ESTABLISHMENT I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Secretary General to the President, for certain other expenses of the President's Establishment and for certain grants. Four million, five hundred thousand euro (€4,500,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Department of the Taoiseach.

Change 2020 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate* over Current Current 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 %

A - PRESIDENT'S ESTABLISHMENT .... 3,044 3,030 - B - CENTENARIANS' BOUNTY .... 1,472 1,544 5% Gross Total :- 4,516 4,574 1%

Deduct :- C. - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 82 74 -10% Net Total :- 4,434 4,500 1%

Net Increase (€000) 66

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 1,757 1,791 2%

Associated Public Service employees .... 27 27 -

Change 2020 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate* over ADMINISTRATION Current Current 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 %


* The 2020 Estimate reflects a Budget Transfer of €39,000 to the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer. [1] President's Establishment [1] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To meet current and future need for high quality, timely support services to the President in the execution of his constitutional, legal and representational duties and responsibilities

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 26 26 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 1,788 - 1,788 1,813 - 1,813 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,256 - 1,256 1,217 - 1,217 Programme Total:- 3,044 - 3,044 3,030 - 3,030

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities The President’s Establishment supports the President in the execution of his duties.


High Level Goal: To provide payment of the Centenarian Bounty in a timely and expeditious manner

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 1 1 B.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 44 - 44 45 - 45 B.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 15 - 15 15 - 15 Subtotal :- 59 - 59 60 - 60

B.3 - CENTENARIANS' BOUNTY .... 1,413 - 1,413 1,484 - 1,484 Programme Total:- 1,472 - 1,472 1,544 - 1,544

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Centenarian % of eligible applicants to receive the Bounty in a 100% 100% 100% Bounty timely manner (100%)

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Number of correct centenarian payments made by due date. 417 412 431 2- Number of Centenarian Medals issued 604 602 574

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

C - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 75 - 75 67 - 67 2. Miscellaneous .... 7 - 7 7 - 7 Total :- 82 - 82 74 - 74 [2] Department of the Taoiseach [2] 2

DEPARTMENT OF THE TAOISEACH I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Department of the Taoiseach, including certain services administered by the Department and for payment of grants.

Thirty-four million and thirteen thousand euro (€34,013,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Department of the Taoiseach.

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - SUPPORTING THE WORK OF THE TAOISEACH AND GOVERNMENT .... 35,266 - 35,266 34,868 - 34,868 -1% Gross Total :- 35,266 - 35,266 34,868 - 34,868 -1% Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 929 - 929 855 - 855 -8% Net Total :- 34,337 - 34,337 34,013 - 34,013 -1%

Net Decrease (€000) -324

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 18,159 19,138 5% Associated Public Service employees .... 256 268 5%

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 16,046 - 16,046 16,907 - 16,907 5% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 730 - 730 730 - 730 - (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 3,590 - 3,590 2,826 - 2,826 -21% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 360 - 360 360 - 360 - (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 1,410 - 1,410 1,060 - 1,060 -25% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 366 - 366 376 - 376 3% (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 18 - 18 18 - 18 - Gross Total :- 22,520 - 22,520 22,277 - 22,277 -1% [2] Department of the Taoiseach [2] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To help the Taoiseach and the Government to develop a sustainable economy and a successful society, to pursue Ireland’s interests abroad, to implement the Government’s Programme and to build a better future for Ireland and all her citizens.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 223 235 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 16,046 - 16,046 16,907 - 16,907 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 6,474 - 6,474 5,370 - 5,370 18 18 A.3 - NATIONAL ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL .... 2,072 - 2,072 2,099 - 2,099 1 1 A.4 - TRIBUNALS OF INQUIRY …. 4,309 - 4,309 4,209 - 4,209 7 7 A.5 - COMMISSIONS OF INVESTIGATION …. 4,515 - 4,515 4,424 - 4,424 7 7 A.6 - CITIZENS' ASSEMBLY …. 1,850 - 1,850 1,859 - 1,859 Programme Total:- 35,266 - 35,266 34,868 - 34,868 256 268 of which pay:- 19,029 - 19,029 19,935 - 19,935

Context and Impact indicators

2016 2017 2018 1- Growth \ Debt (a) Economic Growth (GDP & GNP) (a) +5.1% / +9.6% (a) +7.8% / +6.6% (a) 8.2% / +6.5% (b) General Government Debt (%GDP) (b) 72.8% (b) 68.4% (b) 63.5% (c) General Government Deficit (%GDP) (c) -0.7% (c) 3.0% (c) 0.1%

2- Employment (a) Rate of unemployment (CSO – LFS seasonally adjusted)* (a) 7.1% (a) 6.4% (a) 5.4% (b) Employment Rate (CSO – LFS)* (b) 65.6% (b) 68.3% (b) 62.2%

3- Income \ Poverty levels (a) Average annual equivalised disposable income (nominal 2014 2015 2016 income) (a) €22,396 (a) €23,301 (a) €23,852 (b) Consistent Poverty Rate (CSO SILC) (b) 8.8% (b) 8.7% (b) 8.3% 4- Ireland’s International Standing Ireland’s world competitiveness score (rank) (World Economic 75.7** 5.1 (24th) 5.2 (23rd) Forum Global Competitiveness Index) (23rd)

5- Ireland's International Reputation Ranking in annual country reputation survey 9 10 11 (Reputation Institute Country RepTrak annual survey) *The Labour Force Survey (LFS) replaced the Quarterly National Household Survey (QNHS) in Q3 2017 **Change to scoring system in 2018

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000


1 Appropriations-in-Aid …. 59 - 59 58 - 58 2 Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 870 - 870 797 - 797 Total :- 929 - 929 855 - 855 [3] Office of the Attorney General [3] 3

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Attorney General, including a grant. Sixteen million, one hundred and eighty thousand euro (€16,180,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Attorney General.

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - DELIVERY OF PROFESSIONAL LEGAL SERVICES TO GOVERNMENT, DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES …. 16,353 - 16,353 16,885 - 16,885 3% Gross Total :- 16,353 - 16,353 16,885 - 16,885 3% Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 761 - 761 705 - 705 -7% Net Total :- 15,592 - 15,592 16,180 - 16,180 4%

Net Increase (€000) 588

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 12,471 12,764 2% Associated Public Service employees .... 161 162 1%

Exchequer pensions included in above net total .... 68 68 - Associated Public Service pensioners .... 2 2 -

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 11,894 - 11,894 12,107 - 12,107 2% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 210 - 210 310 - 310 48% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 640 - 640 640 - 640 - (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 63 - 63 63 - 63 - (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 590 - 590 665 - 665 13% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 160 - 160 160 - 160 - (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 43 - 43 43 - 43 - (viii) CONTRACT LEGAL EXPERTISE …. 280 - 280 280 - 280 - Gross Total :- 13,880 - 13,880 14,268 - 14,268 3% [3] Office of the Attorney General [3] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To provide the highest standard of professional legal services to Government, Departments and Offices as economically and efficiently as possible and to support adherence to the rule of law.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 139 140 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 11,894 - 11,894 12,107 - 12,107 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,986 - 1,986 2,161 - 2,161 A.3 - CONTRIBUTIONS TO INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS .... 39 - 39 45 - 45 22 22 A.4 - LAW REFORM COMMISSION 2,295 - 2,295 2,439 - 2,439 A.5 - GENERAL LAW EXPENSES .... 139 - 139 133 - 133 Programme Total:- 16,353 - 16,353 16,885 - 16,885 161 162 of which pay:- 13,224 - 13,224 13,461 - 13,461

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities Key High Level Metrics*

*Due to the unpredictability of demand for legal services, the nature, frequency and volume of requests for legal services cannot be anticipated in advance and therefore quantitative targets have not been set for this programme.

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018

1- General correspondence received 16,206 16,137 17,501

2- Advisory/Litigation files created 3,017 3,201 3,318

3- Requests for advice 7,346 7,260 7,372

4- Bills - files created 40 49 51

5- Bills enacted 22 40 44

6- Total number of Sections 399 1,200 1,160

7- Total number of Amendments 1,674 3,166 3,622

8- Statutory Instruments/Orders files created 318 335 327

9- Statutory Instruments/Orders made 270 234 204

III. Details of Appropriations-in-Aid 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Miscellaneous .... 8 - 8 8 - 8 2. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 753 - 753 697 - 697 Total :- 761 - 761 705 - 705 [4] Central Statistics Office [4] 4

CENTRAL STATISTICS OFFICE I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Central Statistics Office. Sixty-five million, six hundred and ninety thousand euro (€65,690,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Central Statistics Office.

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - DELIVERY OF ANNUAL STATISTICAL PROGRAMME …. 56,163 - 56,163 67,010 - 67,010 19% Gross Total :- 56,163 - 56,163 67,010 - 67,010 19% Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 1,449 - 1,449 1,320 - 1,320 -9% Net Total :- 54,714 - 54,714 65,690 - 65,690 20%

Net Increase (€000) 10,976

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 40,635 46,408 14% Associated Public Service employees .... 825 970 18%

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % (i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 41,884 - 41,884 47,548 - 47,548 14% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 1,370 - 1,370 1,222 - 1,222 -11% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 1,150 - 1,150 1,315 - 1,315 14% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 800 - 800 1,623 - 1,623 - (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 7,373 - 7,373 11,922 - 11,922 62% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 1,525 - 1,525 1,009 - 1,009 -34% (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 170 - 170 55 - 55 -68% (viii) COLLECTION OF STATISTICS .... 1,891 - 1,891 2,316 - 2,316 22% Gross Total :- 56,163 - 56,163 67,010 - 67,010 19% [4] Central Statistics Office [4] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: Provide high quality information, both for evidence-based decision-making and to support accountability

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 825 970 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 41,884 - 41,884 47,548 - 47,548 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 14,279 - 14,279 19,462 - 19,462 Programme Total:- 56,163 - 56,163 67,010 - 67,010

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target)

No. of core statistical outputs delivered in electronic 342 342 345 format online (332)

No. of supervisory field staff recruited for Census. New Metric New Metric 520

No.of Census forms printed. New Metric New Metric 2.3m

Census of Agriculture - No. of farms surveyed New Metric New Metric 140,000

Household Budget Survey (to include a wealth module) - 10,000 No. of Households surveyed New Metric New Metric

A field test for the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) – No. of New Metric New Metric 3,000 persons interviewed

2018 Output Outturn Publish Documents 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Pre-Release Access Register, Annual and Pre-Release Access Register, Annual and Weekly Pre-Release Access Register, Annual and Weekly Weekly statistical release calendars on statistical release calendars on www.cso.ie statistical release calendars on www.cso.ie www.cso.ie

Context and Impact indicators* 2016 2017 2018 Research Microdata Files (RMF) usage approved: (a) 143 (a) 131 (a) Number of research projects 1- N/A (b) 50 (b) 54 (b) Number of research institutions using RMF (c) 419 (c) 455 (c) Number of CSO approved researchers

2- Infographics: Creation of visual representation of statistics N/A 67 80

Website usage: (a) 1,989,672 (a) 2,468,207 (a) 1,861,348 (a) Number of CSO website visits (b) 11,131,092 (b) 13,385,407 (b) 12,469,048 3- (b) Number of CSO website page views (c) 927,175 (c) 2,003,758 (c) 1,571,532 (c) Number of CSO website Statbank table accesses (d) 15,000 (d) 19,300 (d) 21,512 (d) Number of social media followers (at year end)

* Some indicators may vary from year to year because of changes in the web measurement processes.

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. European Union Receipts .... 130 - 130 130 - 130 2. Miscellaneous .... 70 - 70 70 - 70 3. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 1,249 - 1,249 1,120 - 1,120 Total :- 1,449 - 1,449 1,320 - 1,320 [5] Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions [5] 5

OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. Forty three million, nine hundred and sixty-eight thousand euro (€43,968,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - PROVISION OF PROSECUTION SERVICE …. 43,719 - 43,719 44,813 - 44,813 3% Gross Total :- 43,719 - 43,719 44,813 - 44,813 3% Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 910 - 910 845 - 845 -7% Net Total :- 42,809 - 42,809 43,968 - 43,968 3%

Net Increase (€000) 1,159

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 14,756 15,415 4% Associated Public Service employees .... 210 220 5%

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 15,538 - 15,538 16,132 - 16,132 4% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 176 - 176 186 - 186 6% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 1,145 - 1,145 1,165 - 1,165 2% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 240 - 240 210 - 210 -13% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 791 - 791 831 - 831 5% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 948 - 948 908 - 908 -4% (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 37 - 37 37 - 37 - Gross Total :- 18,875 - 18,875 19,469 - 19,469 3% [5] Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions [5] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources



High Level Goal: To provide on behalf of the People of Ireland a prosecution service which is independent, fair and effective

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 210 220 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 15,538 - 15,538 16,132 - 16,132 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 3,337 - 3,337 3,337 - 3,337 A.3 - FEES TO COUNSEL .... 14,528 - 14,528 16,528 - 16,528 A.4 - GENERAL LAW EXPENSES .... 2,946 - 2,946 1,446 - 1,446 A.5 - LOCAL STATE SOLICITOR SERVICE .... 7,370 - 7,370 7,370 - 7,370 Programme Total:- 43,719 - 43,719 44,813 - 44,813

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities

2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target)

Provision of Legal No. of suspects to issue directions to 12,675 12,500 - 13,500 12,500 - 13,500 Services (12,500 - 13,500)

No. of new court proceedings to deal with 3,625 3,500 - 4,000 3,500 - 4,000 (3,500 – 4,000)

No. of Dublin District Court prosecution 1,118 1,000 - 1,300 1,000 - 1,300 files to deal with (1,000 – 1,300)

No. of Dublin District Court appeal files to 2,947 2,500 - 3,500 2,500 - 3,500 deal with (2,000 - 2,500)

No. of bail applications to deal with 1,559 1,200 - 1,700 1,200 - 1,700 (1,000 - 1,500)

No. of new Judicial Review cases 172 150-200 150-200 (200-250)

Requests from victims for reason for 621 500 – 750 500 – 750 decision not to prosecute (500 – 750)

Requests from victims for review of 203 150 – 250 150 – 250 decision not to prosecute (150 – 250)

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Average time within which directions per suspect are issued on 2 weeks –51% 2 weeks –49% 2 weeks –56% prosecution files received. 4 weeks -68% 4 weeks -66% 4 weeks -71% 3 months - 90% 3 months - 88% 3 months - 89% 2- Fees Paid to Counsel (% change over previous year) €14.86m €16.41m €17.39m (+6.0%) (+10.4%) (+6.0%)

3- Law Costs awarded against the DPP's Office €2.57m €1.88m €1.68m (% change over previous year) (+10.8%) (-26.8%) (-10.6%)

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Miscellaneous .... 128 - 128 128 - 128 2. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 782 - 782 717 - 717 Total :- 910 - 910 845 - 845 [6] Office of the Chief State Solicitor [6] 6

OFFICE OF THE CHIEF STATE SOLICITOR I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Chief State Solicitor. Thirty-seven million, three hundred and eighty-one thousand euro (€37,381,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Chief State Solicitor.

Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - PROVISION OF LEGAL SERVICES …. 40,571 - 40,571 38,191 - 38,191 -6% Gross Total :- 40,571 - 40,571 38,191 - 38,191 -6% Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 955 - 955 810 - 810 -15% Net Total :- 39,616 - 39,616 37,381 - 37,381 -6%

Net Decrease (€000) -2,235

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 17,358 18,623 7% Associated Public Service employees .... 275 290 5%

Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 18,113 - 18,113 19,233 - 19,233 6% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 70 - 70 90 - 90 29% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 983 - 983 1,038 - 1,038 6% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 330 - 330 310 - 310 -6% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 750 - 750 750 - 750 - (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 275 - 275 250 - 250 -9% (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 50 - 50 100 - 100 100% Gross Total :- 20,571 - 20,571 21,771 - 21,771 6%

* The 2019 Estimate includes a Supplementary Estimate of €5,000,000 [6] Office of the Chief State Solicitor [6] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: Our mission is to provide the highest standard of professional legal services to the Government Departments and Offices as economically and efficiently as possible and to support adherence to the rule of law.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 275 290 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 18,113 - 18,113 19,233 - 19,233 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 2,458 - 2,458 2,538 - 2,538 A.3 - EXTERNAL LEGAL SERVICES .... 200 - 200 220 - 220 A.4 - FEES TO COUNSEL .... 18,500 - 18,500 15,000 - 15,000 A.5 - GENERAL LAW EXPENSES .... 1,300 - 1,300 1,200 - 1,200 Programme Total:- 40,571 - 40,571 38,191 - 38,191

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Provide legal services on issues Administrative Law 945 600-800 600-800 referred to the Office by - No. of new cases (600-800) Government Departments and 957 Offices - No. of cases closed 850-1,000 850-1,000 (850-1000) 6,286 - No. of cases in progress 6,000-7,000 6,000-7,000 (6,000-7,000) Advisory, Commercial & 871 Employment 700-900 700-900 (700-900) - No. of new cases 749 - No. of cases closed 600-800 600-800 (600-800) 3,634 - No. of cases in progress 3,500-3,800 3,500-3,800 (3,500-3,800) Constitutional & State 535 Litigation 550-650 550-650 (550-650) - No. of new cases 827 - No. of cases closed 750-900 750-900 (750-900) 4,807 - No. of cases in progress 5,000-5,500 5,000-5,500 (5,000-5,500) Justice 1,316 750-1000 750-1,000 - No. of new cases (750-1,000) 1,304 - No. of cases closed 800-1,000 800-1,000 (800-1,000) 6,568 - No. of cases in progress 5,000-5,500 5,000-5,500 (5,000-5,500) State Property 1,004 850-950 850-950 - No. of new cases (850-950) 1,049 - No. of cases closed 800-1,000 800-1,000 (800-1000) 7,641 - No. of cases in progress 8,000-8,500 8,000-8,500 (8,000-8,500)

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Expenditure in Counsel Fees payments (% change year on year) €12.137m €13.627m €13.971m (+0.4%) (+12.3%) (+2.5%) 2- Legal Costs Recovered €0.274m €0.245m €0.368m

3- Expenditure in General Law payments (% change year on year) €1.100m €0.971m €1.025m (-3.4%) (-11.7%) (+5.7%)

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Costs and fees received by the Office of the Chief State Solicitor .... 200 - 200 200 - 200 2. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 755 - 755 610 - 610 Total :- 955 - 955 810 - 810 [7] Office of the Minister for Finance [7]

7 OFFICE OF THE MINISTER FOR FINANCE I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Minister for Finance, including the Paymaster-General's Office, for certain services administered by the Office of the Minister and for payment of certain grants. Thirty-eight million, five hundred and seventy-three thousand euro (€38,573,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Finance.

Change 2019 Estimate * 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - ECONOMIC AND FISCAL POLICY …. 46,694 245 46,939 24,569 500 25,069 -47% B - BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES POLICY …. 15,112 245 15,357 14,314 500 14,814 -4% Gross Total :- 61,806 490 62,296 38,883 1,000 39,883 -36% Deduct :- C - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 1,380 - 1,380 1,310 - 1,310 -5% Net Total :- 60,426 490 60,916 37,573 1,000 38,573 -37%

Net Decrease (€000) (22,343)

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 18,164 19,610 8% Associated Public Service employees .... 329 345 5%

Change 2019 Estimate * 2020 Estimate 2020 ADMINISTRATION over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in the above 2019 Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES …. 19,044 - 19,044 20,610 - 20,610 8% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 905 - 905 901 - 901 - (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 1,410 - 1,410 1,700 - 1,700 21% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 393 - 393 292 - 292 -26% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 772 250 1,022 675 300 975 -5% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 410 240 650 382 700 1,082 66% (vii) CONSULTANCY AND OTHER SERVICES …. 20 - 20 20 - 20 - Gross Total :- 22,954 490 23,444 24,580 1,000 25,580 9%

* The 2019 Estimate includes a technical Supplementary Estimate of €21,200,000 [7] Office of the Minister for Finance [7] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To advise the Minister and Government on EU, Fiscal and Economic policies to support a sustainable macroeconomic environment and sound public finance.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 161 181 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 9,141 - 9,141 10,820 - 10,820 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,933 245 2,178 2,259 500 2,759 A.3 - COMMITTEE AND COMMISSIONS …. 370 - 370 370 - 370 A.4 - CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES …. 24,750 - 24,750 620 - 620 A.5 - FUEL GRANT …. 10,500 - 10,500 10,500 - 10,500 Programme Total:- 46,694 245 46,939 24,569 500 25,069 161 181 of which pay:- 9,141 9,141 10,820 10,820

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities

2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Legislation

- Finance Bill 2018 - Finance Bill 2019 - Finance Bill 2020 - Taxation and certain other matters (International Mutual Assistance) - Finance (Tax Appeals and Prospectus Regulation) Bill - Finance (Local Property Tax) (Amendment) Bill Bill 2018 2019 2020 - Taxation and certain other matters (International - Taxation and certain other matters (International Mutual Assistance) Bill 2019 Mutual Assistance) Bill 2019 - Regulations on the Tax Dispute Resolution Mechanisms Directive

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Stability Programme Update 2018 - Stability Programme Update 2019 - Stability Programme Update 2020 - Summer Economic Statement 2018 - Summer Economic Statement 2019 - Summer Economic Statement 2020 - Budget 2019 with related policy papers - Budget 2020 with related policy papers - Budget 2021 with related policy papers - Fiscal Monitor - Fiscal Monitor - Fiscal Monitor - Multi annual Budgetary and economic forecasts - Multi annual Budgetary and economic forecasts - Multi annual Budgetary and economic forecasts - Annual Report on Public Debt 2018 - Annual Report on Public Debt 2019 - Annual Report on Public Debt 2020 - Annual Taxation Report 2018 - Addressing Fiscal Vulnerabilities report - Annual Taxation Report 2020 - Tax Strategy Group 2018 Papers - Annual Taxation Report 2019 - Annual Finance Accounts 2019 - Report on Vacant Residential Property Tax - Annual Finance Accounts 2018 - National Economic Dialogue Chair and - Review of Stamp Duty on Shares - National Economic Dialogue Chair and Rapporteur’s Rapporteur’s report 2020 - Discussion Outcomes from National Economic Dialogue 2018 report 2019 - Exports paper - Annual Finance Accounts 2017 - The Balance of Payments in Ireland: Two Decades in - Forecasting methodologies paper EMU - Follow on work on revised Entrepreneurial Relief - Private Sector Debt Paper - Report on Tax Expenditures incorporating - Joint ESRI Brexit study outcomes of certain Tax Expenditure & Tax related - Tax Strategy Group 2019 papers reviews published with Budget 2021 documentation - Review of Local Property Tax - The report of the - Tax Strategy Group 2020 papers Interdepartmental Group - Report on Tax Expenditures incorporating outcomes of certain Tax Expenditure & Tax related reviews published with Budget 2020 documentation - Review of section 604B relief for farm restructuring - Revised CGT Entrepreneurial Relief - Corporation Tax Roadmap published - Review of the Special Assignee Relief Programme - Review of Foreign Earnings Deduction - Review of Home Carer Tax Credit - Report of the Working Group on the Amalgamation of USC/PRSI

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- GDP growth y-o-y 5.0% 7.2% 8.2%

2- Tax yield (€bn) and variance from Estimate (%) €47.9bn (+1.4%) €50.7bn (+0.2%) €55.6bn (+1.1%)

3- General Government Debt as a % of GDP 73.4% 68.4% 63.6%

4- Underlying General Government Deficit as % of GDP 0.5% 0.2% 0.1%

5- Exchequer borrowing requirement €1.0bn -€1.9bn €0.106bn

6 - Compensation per employee growth y-o-y* 2.3% 2.0%** 1.8%

7 - Employment growth y-o-y 3.6% 2.9% 2.9%

8 - Total employment (‘000)*** 2,130 2,195 2,260 * non-agricultural weekly earnings ** revised from figure reported in REV 2019 *** nearest 5,000 [7] Office of the Minister for Finance [7] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goals: To advise the Minister and Government on the appropriate policy and legislative frameworks required to deliver a restructured, vibrant, secure and well- regulated financial sector, supporting a balanced and equitable economy.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 168 164 B.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 9,903 - 9,903 9,790 - 9,790 B.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,977 245 2,222 1,711 500 2,211 B.3 - COMMITTEE AND COMMISSIONS …. 30 - 30 30 - 30 B.4 - CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES …. 2,252 - 2,252 2,015 - 2,015 B.5 - OFFICE OF THE FINANCIAL SERVICES OMBUDSMAN …. 950 - 950 768 - 768 168 164 Programme Total:- 15,112 245 15,357 14,314 500 14,814 of which pay:- 9,903 - 9,903 9,790 - 9,790

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - National Surplus (Reserve Fund for Exceptional Contingencies) Bill - European Union (Prospectus) Regulations 2019 - Credit Union Interest on Loans Bill 2019 - Investment Limited Partnership Act 1994 & Irish Collective Asset- - Investment Limited Partnership Act 1994 & Irish Collective - Restrictive Measures (including International Financial management Vehicle Amendment Bill Asset-Management Vehicle Amendment Bill Sanctions) S.I.'s - Markets in Financial Instruments (MiFID) Bill - SI European Union (Insurance Distribution) Amendment) - The Central Bank (Amendment) Bill to address the - Insurance Act 1964 Amendment Bill Regulations 2019 Central Bank’s Report on Banking Culture - National Claims Information Database Bill - Part 8 of the Brexit Omnibus Act 2019 (Insurance Contract - Consumer Protection (Regulation of Retail Credit Firms) - African Development Bank Bill Continuity) Bill - Home Building Finance Ireland Bill - National Surplus Reserve (Exceptional Contingencies) Fund - State Claims Agency Bill - Green Climate Fund Bill Act 2019 - Bretton Woods Agreements (Amendment) Bill - Fossil Fuel Divestment Act 2018 - African Development Bank Bill (alternatively entitled IMF New Arrangements to Borrow Bill)

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - SME Credit Demand Survey - NAMA Section 227 Review 2019 - Final Report of the Anglo Irish Bank Assessor - SME Newsletter - Report of the Anglo Irish Bank Assessor - Feedback statement to the Public Consultation on Climate - Review of Equity Finance for SMEs - Agreement of SME growth markets (equity finance) text Change and Insurance - The Investigation of Local Public Banking in Ireland - AML (Anti-Money Laundering) – Review of National Risk - Key Information Report on EL/PL Insurance - Report on Employer and Public Liability Insurance Assessment (NRA) and Risk Assessment for Legal Persons - Irish Sovereign Green Bond Allocation and Impact - Discussion Paper: Virtual Currencies and Blockchain Technology - Public Consultation on Climate Change and Insurance as Report Year End 2019 - Review of Ireland Strategic Investment Fund Investment Strategy part of the Climate Action Plan - Moneylending Policy Options Paper - Report on Benchmarking of Ireland’s Payments Industry - Cost of Insurance Working Group bi-annual update reports - SME Credit Demand Surveys - Post Enactment Scrutiny Reports for NCID and Insurance - Report on SME Investment patterns (with ESRI) Amendment Act - Ireland for Finance Action Plan 2020 - Interdepartmental Pensions Reform & Tax Group Report - Ireland for Finance Quarterly Progress Reports - Post Enactment Scrutiny Report on Markets in Financial - Ireland’s participation in the IMF and the World Bank, Instruments Act 2018 Annual Report 2019 - Irish Sovereign Green Bond Allocation Report Year End 2018 - Public Consultation on the Member State discretions contained in the Risk Reduction Measures Package - External Evaluation - Community Banking and the Local Provision of Banking and Financial Services in Ireland - SME Credit Demand Surveys - Report on SME Investment patterns (with ESRI) - Ireland for Finance Strategy and Action Plan 2019 and Progress Reports


Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 AIB 19.0% AIB 20.8% AIB 21.1% Monitor banks performance to ensure that taxpayer investment is protected (measured by CET1* and 1- BOI 14.2% BOI 15.8% BOI 15.0% profit). Core Tier 1 Ratio to at least meet minimum regulatory requirements on a bank-by-bank basis. PTSB 7.2% PTSB 17.1% PTSB 17.0%

2- State disposals €1.6bn €3.4bn €0.00

4- EIB** €825m €1.225bn €677m

* CET1 ratios are on a transitional basis and are at 31 December for all years ** reflects number of signatures

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

D - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Recoupment of certain expenses in relation to the stabilisation of the banking sector …. 400 - 400 150 - 150 2. Miscellaneous .... 100 - 100 160 - 160 3. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 880 - 880 1,000 - 1,000 Total :- 1,380 - 1,380 1,310 - 1,310 [8] Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General [8] 8 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General. Nine million, one hundred and sixteen thousand euro (€9,116,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General. Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate* 2020 over Current Current 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 %

A - AUDIT AND REPORTING .... 14,638 15,147 3%

Gross Total :- 14,638 15,147 3%

Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 5,981 6,031 1% Net Total :- 8,657 9,116 5%

Net Increase (€000) 459

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 10,946 11,644 6% Associated Public Service employees .... 178 187 5%

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate* 2020 over ADMINISTRATION Current Current 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 % (i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 11,527 12,156 5% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 546 546 - (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 340 365 7% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 100 100 - (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 693 473 -32% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 217 217 - (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 50 125 - (viii) LEGAL FEES .... 45 45 - (ix) CONTRACT AUDIT AND EXAMINATION SERVICES .... 1,120 1,120 - Gross Total :- 14,638 15,147 3%

* The 2020 Estimate reflects a Budget Transfer of €220,000 to the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer. [8] Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General [8] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goals: To carry out high quality audits efficiently, in a timely manner, and in accordance with International Standards on Auditing, to produce reports that facilitate scrutiny of audited bodies by the Oireachtas and which contribute to better public administration

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 178 187 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 11,527 - 11,527 12,156 - 12,156 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 3,111 - 3,111 2,991 - 2,991 Programme Total:- 14,638 - 14,638 15,147 - 15,147

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Financial Audit of No. of accounts to be certified in the 292 272 275 Public Bodies year (275) % of current year accounts certified by 60% 30 September (measured by number) 70% 70% (70%)

% of current year accounts certified by 97% 30 September (measured by turnover) 95% 95% (95%)

Control of issues % of requests for credit to respond to 100% from Central Fund before credit period commences 100% 100% (100%)

Reporting to Dáil No. of examinations to complete 29 25 25 Éireann (25)

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Number of current year accounts subject to Audit 291 287 289 2- Number of Public Accounts Committee meetings attended 18 37 35 in the year 3- Number of accounts in arrears at year end 16 12 8 4- Number of matters raised with management in post audit 799 945 824 correspondence 5- Number of opportunities for improved performance and instances of transferable good practice identified in reports 46 42 47

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Audit fees, etc. .... 5,400 - 5,400 5,519 - 5,519 2. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 581 - 581 512 - 512 Total :- 5,981 - 5,981 6,031 - 6,031 [9] Office of the Revenue Commissioners [9] 9 OFFICE OF THE REVENUE COMMISSIONERS I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Revenue Commissioners, including certain other services administered by that Office. Four hundred and three million, nine hundred and seventy-five thousand euro (€403,975,000)

II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Revenue Commissioners.

Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate ** 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION OF TAXES AND DUTIES, AND FRONTIER MANAGEMENT …. 423,712 26,459 450,171 449,462 21,000 470,462 5% Gross Total :- 423,712 26,459 450,171 449,462 21,000 470,462 5%

Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 67,487 - 67,487 66,487 - 66,487 -1% Net Total:- 356,225 26,459 382,684 382,975 21,000 403,975 6%

Net Increase (€000) 21,291

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 286,138 304,120 6% Associated Public Service employees .... 6,384 6,714 5%

Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate ** 2020 ADMINISTRATION over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above 2019 Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 322,967 - 322,967 339,862 - 339,862 5% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 5,100 - 5,100 6,100 - 6,100 20% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND OTHER DAY-TO-DAY EXPENSES .... 25,450 - 25,450 25,900 - 25,900 2% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 11,100 - 11,100 10,600 - 10,600 -5% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 39,800 19,000 58,800 47,200 15,800 63,000 7% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 5,845 5,959 11,804 5,190 2,700 7,890 -33% (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 50 - 50 60 - 60 20% (viii) MOTOR VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE .... 1,600 1,500 3,100 1,450 2,500 3,950 27% (ix) LAW CHARGES .... 11,300 - 11,300 12,300 - 12,300 9% (x) COMPENSATION AND LOSSES .... 500 - 500 800 - 800 60% Gross Total :- 423,712 26,459 450,171 449,462 21,000 470,462 5%

* The 2019 Estimate includes a Supplementary Estimate of €4,104,000 ** Adjusted to include no-deal Brexit expenditure in 2020 of €18 million [9] Office of the Revenue Commissioners [9] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goals: A more tax and customs compliant society and a Revenue administration that fosters economic recovery and development

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 2019 2020 6,384 6,714 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 322,967 - 322,967 339,862 - 339,862 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 100,745 26,459 127,204 109,600 21,000 130,600 Programme Total:- 423,712 26,459 450,171 449,462 21,000 470,462

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Key High Level Metrics (2018 Output Target) Collect taxes and Revenue collected (Revenue Net Receipts) in line €55,200m €57,475m €60,600m manage tax debts with budget targets (€54,560m) Effective compliance Compliance rate at due month (large cases) 96% 97% >96% management (97%) % of total payments remitted electronically 94% >86% >94% (>86%) Value for money Administration costs as % of gross collection 0.77% < 1% < 1% (<1%) High levels of Share of customers satisfied with Revenue service 92% >90% >90% customer satisfaction (taxpayer surveys) (>90%)

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Provide high quality - Prepared Finance Bill 2018 and associated - Prepare 3 Bills: Finance Bill 2019, the - Prepare Finance Bill 2020 and policy advice and statutory instruments Withdrawal of the United Kingdom associated statutory instruments legislation - Prepared 2 major Statutory Instruments necessary from the European Union - Prepare Local Property Tax for the implementation of PAYE Modernisation, (Consequential Provisions) Bill and the (Amendment) Bill Income Tax (Employments) Regulations (SI No Finance (Tax Appeals and Prospectus - Prepare amendments to Part 30 of the 345 of 2018) and Universal Social Charge Regulation) Bill 2019 Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 relating Regulations (SI No 510 of 2018) - Prepare tax related amendments for to pension scheme approval and - Prepared amending legislation on section 917K the Social Welfare Bill 2019 and the authorisation for inclusion in Pension Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 regarding the use of Parents Leave and Benefit Bill 2019 Authorisation legislation to be ROS digital certs by other Government bodies) for relating to the introduction of two new developed by the Pensions Authority inclusion in Data Sharing and Governance Bill payments by the Department of - Prepare taxation measures relating to (enacted in 2019) Employment Affairs and Social the Migration of Participating Securities - Completed implementation of tax re- Protection, namely, Jobseeker’s Benefit Bill (yet to be officially named) categorisation of commercial versus private (Self-Employed) and Parents Benefit - Complete introduction of second vehicles (Finance Act 2017, section 53) - Implemented Finance Act 2018 component (nitrogen oxides) of Vehicle - Implemented Sugar Sweetened Drinks Tax requirement in respect of vehicle Registration Tax - Contributed to new alcohol licensing legislation leasing (ECJ C-552/15 ruling - Transposition of new EU directives on introduced by Department of Justice September 2017; Finance Act 2018, (i) general excise rules (ii) alcohol section 41(1)) products tax - Implemented the new EU traceability - Implement new Betting Duty relief regime for tobacco products - Provide draft primary and secondary legislation to deal with Brexit risks - Coordinate the Revenue response to an EU audit on ‘Geo verification’ for Irish Whiskey and Poitín products

International 1 Convention ratified – Multilateral Convention to 1 Tax Treaty – Netherlands 3 Tax Treaties – Kenya, Kosovo, Ghana. Agreements Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to 1 Protocol – Switzerland 4 Protocols – Guernsey, Isle of Man, prevent Base Erosion Profit Shifting (BEPS ) (step Jersey, Germany. 2 Finance Bill 2018)

Publish 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Revenue website (including 223 ebriefs) - Revenue website (including over 200 - Revenue website (including over 200 - Budget 2019 Ready Reckoner ebriefs) ebriefs) - Evaluation of Budget 2017 compliance measures - Budget 2020 Ready Reckoner - Budget 2021 Ready Reckoner - Analysis of Corporation Tax Receipts in 2017 - Evaluation of Budget 2018 - Evaluation of Budget 2019 compliance compliance measures measures -Analysis of Corporation Tax Receipts - Analysis of Corporation Tax Receipts in 2018 in 2019 [9] Office of the Revenue Commissioners [9] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 Revenue collected (gross receipts) including as a collection agent for other 1- €65,591m €70,957m €77,269m Departments 2- Debt (arrears of tax) for collection (as % of total gross receipts) 1.15% 1.35% 1.34%

3- Confronting non-compliance: number of published tax defaulters and total 341 289 265 settlement value (€65.94m) (€53.13m) (€43.98m)

4- Amount collected through Revenue’s compliance interventions €555.6m €491.9m €580.8m 5- Percentage of tax returns filed within one month of due date -

Large sized cases 99% 99% 99%

Medium sized cases 98% 98% 98% Other cases 87% 89% 88%

6- % Correspondence processed within 30 working days 90% 86% 86% 7- % Business Telephone calls answered within 5 mins 91% 88% 86% 8- World Bank Ease of Paying Taxes ranking: placing among EU countries 1st 1st 1st

9- World Economic Forum ranking of Lowest Burden of Customs Procedures 2nd lowest in EU Top 10% Top 10%

10- % of Total Registrations made online 29% 66% 66.3%

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Receipts for services relating to the Pay-Related Social Insurance Scheme …. 37,437 - 37,437 37,437 - 37,437 2. Fines, forfeitures, law costs recovered .... 3,000 - 3,000 2,700 - 2,700 3. Cherished Numbers .... 150 - 150 150 - 150 4. Receipts in respect of Environmental Levy Collection .... 400 - 400 400 - 400 5. Share of SASP collection cost (Single Authorisation for Simplified Procedures) …. 15,600 - 15,600 15,900 - 15,900 6. Miscellaneous .... 1,700 - 1,700 1,787 - 1,787 7. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 9,200 - 9,200 8,113 - 8,113 Total :- 67,487 - 67,487 66,487 - 66,487 [10] Tax Appeals Commission [10] 10 TAX APPEALS COMMISSION I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Tax Appeals Commission. Three million, two hundred and thirty-three thousand euro (€3,233,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Tax Appeals Commission.

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Current 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 %

A - FACILITATION OF HEARING OF TAX APPEALS .... 3,348 3,308 -1% Gross Total :- 3,348 3,308 -1%

Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 140 75 -46% Net Total :- 3,208 3,233 1%

Net Increase (€000) 25

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 2,508 2,466 -2% Associated Public Service employees .... 33 33 -

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over ADMINISTRATION Current Current 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 % (i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 2,648 2,541 -4% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 40 20 -50% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 100 104 4% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 20 14 -30% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 420 384 -9% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 50 35 -30% (vii) CONSULTANCY AND OTHER SERVICES …. 70 210 - Gross Total :- 3,348 3,308 -1% [10] Tax Appeals Commission [10] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To fulfil the obligations of the Tax Appeals Commission under the Finance (Tax Appeals) Act 2015, the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 and related legislation, thereby ensuring that all taxpayers may exercise, if necessary, their right of appeal to an independent body against decisions of the Revenue Commissioners that affect them.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 33 33 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 2,648 - 2,648 2,541 - 2,541 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 700 - 700 767 - 767 Programme Total:- 3,348 - 3,348 3,308 - 3,308

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics (2018 Output Target) 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Processing Tax Appeals 1,440 Number of tax appeals closed 1,500 1,500 (New Metric) 42 Number of determinations issued (9) 60 70

3,455 Number of appeals on hand at year-end 3,450 3,200 (New Metric) 167 Number of hearings scheduled 221 250 (New Metric) €4,000 million Quantum of appeals on hand €3,700 million €3,500 million (New Metric)

Organisational 19 Number of staff members at the Commission 33 33 Capacity (19)

Context and Impact Indicators 2016 2017 2018

Establishing finality and certainty for Appellants and Respondents in respect of tax 1- 200 693 1,440 disputes – (Metric: Number of appeals closed)

Establishing certainty for the exchequer and PAC in respect of the quantum of tax 2- €11m €241m €567m due – (Metric: Quantum of taxes in respect of appeals closed)

Providing clarity on the interpretation of Irish Tax Law and assisting in its 3- 26 24 42 refinement and effectiveness – (Metric: Number of determinations issued)

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 140 - 140 75 - 75 Total :- 140 - 140 75 - 75 [11] Public Expenditure and Reform [11]

11 PUBLIC EXPENDITURE AND REFORM I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, for certain services administered by the Office of the Minister and for payment of certain grants. (a) by way of current year provision Forty-two million, seven hundred and forty-five thousand euro (€42,745,000) (b) by way of the application for capital supply services of unspent appropriations, the surrender of which may be deferred under Section 91 of the Finance Act 2004. One hundred and forty-six thousand euro (€146,000)

II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform. Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - PUBLIC EXPENDITURE & SECTORAL POLICY …. 18,656 88 18,744 20,080 25 20,105 7% B - PUBLIC SERVICE MANAGEMENT AND REFORM* …. 38,620 4,092 42,712 24,283 541 24,824 -42% Gross Total :- 57,276 4,180 61,456 44,363 566 44,929 -27%

Deduct :- C - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 2,463 - 2,463 2,184 - 2,184 -11% Net Total :- 54,813 4,180 58,993 42,179 566 42,745 -28%

Net Decrease (€000) (16,248)

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 30,153 26,584 -12% Associated Public Service employees .... 514 449 -13%

Exchequer pensions included in above net total .... 504 454 -10%

Associated Public Service pensioners .... 7 8 14%

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 ADMINISTRATION over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in the above 2019 Programme allocations €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES …. 28,043 - 28,043 24,551 - 24,551 -12% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 360 - 360 308 - 308 -14% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 997 - 997 950 - 950 -5% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 295 - 295 6 - 6 -98% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 1,332 280 1,612 73 36 109 -93% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 390 15 405 362 15 377 -7% (vii) CONSULTANCY AND OTHER SERVICES …. 30 - 30 30 - 30 - Gross Total :- 31,447 295 31,742 26,280 51 26,331 -17%

Subheads under which it is intended to apply the amount of €146,000 in unspent 2019 appropriations to capital supply services.

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Change 2019 Application of Deferred Surrender over 2020


* The Department has established a separate Vote for The Office Of the Government Chief Information Officer (Vote 43). €18.4 million was transferred from Vote 11 to Vote 43 as part of the establishment process. This accounts for the decline in the administrative estimates and Programme B estimates between 2019 and 2020 in the Department's estimate. [11] Public Expenditure and Reform [11] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To manage public expenditure at more sustainable levels in a planned, rational and balanced manner in support of Ireland’s economic development and social progress.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 153 159 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 9,412 - 9,412 10,333 - 10,333 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 942 88 1,030 713 25 738 A.3 - ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE - ADMINISTRATION AND GENERAL EXPENSES .... 2,775 - 2,775 2,775 - 2,775 12 12 A.4 - STRUCTURAL FUNDS TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE & OTHER COSTS …. 1,116 - 1,116 1,295 - 1,295 A.5 - TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COSTS OF REGIONAL ASSEMBLIES .... 650 - 650 650 - 650 57 57 A.6 - SPECIAL EU PROGRAMMES BODY AND NORTH SOUTH PROGRAMMES .... 2,300 - 2,300 2,380 - 2,380 A.7 - IRELAND/WALES AND TRANSNATIONAL INTERREG …. 220 - 220 195 - 195 A.8 - CONSULTANCY & OTHER SERVICES …. 396 - 396 421 - 421 A9 - FUNDING OF PENSIONS FOR BODIES UNDER THE AEGIS OF THE DEPARTMENT …. 500 - 500 450 - 450 A.10 - IRISH GOVERNMENT ECONOMIIC AND EVALUATION SERVICE …. 345 - 345 368 - 368 A.11 - CONSTRUCTION INNOVATION SUPPORT …. - - - 500 - 500 Programme Total:- 18,656 88 18,744 20,080 25 20,105 222 228 of which pay:- 11,769 - 11,769 12,365 - 12,365

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Manage expenditure policy 19.5%* within the prescribed Fiscal Gross Voted expenditure as % of GDP 19.5% 19.9% (19.5%**) constraints. Manage and optimise EU funded programmes €72.4m Manage European Regional Development Fund Operational Programmes €57.2m €58.8m (€56m)

Manage and optimise EU funded programmes 120* Number of projects supported under the INTERREG VA and PEACE IV programmes. 127 128 (120**)

* Outturn for 2018 ** Revised Target following REV 2018

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Appropriation Act 2018 - Appropriation Bill 2019 - Appropriation Bill 2020

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target . - Revised Estimates for Public Services 2019 - Revised Estimates for Public Services 2020 - Revised Estimates for Public Services 2021 - Expenditure Report 2019 - Expenditure Report 2020 - Expenditure Report 2021 - National Development Plan 2018-2027 - Spending Review Papers. - Spending Review Papers - Spending Review Papers - Public Service Performance Report - Public Service Performance Report - Public Service Performance Report - Updated Public Spending Code - Project Ireland 2040 Annual Report - Investment Projects and Programmes Tracker - Capital Investment Tracker 2020 - Project Ireland 2040 Annual Report. - Build 2020 - Build 2019

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 €0.1bn €0.03bn €1.11bn 1- Variance of Gross Current Expenditure Outturn from REV (0.2%) (0.1%) (2.0%)

€0.24bn €0.06bn €0.10bn 2- Variance of Gross Capital Expenditure Outturn from REV (6.2%) (1.3%) (1.8%)

3- Public Service Numbers at end-year 306,578 320,578 330,576

4- International Competitiveness Ranking: Global Competitiveness Report, World Economic Forum 23 24 23

5- Broad composition of Current Expenditure (Pay & Pensions: Social Welfare: Other) 36:38:26 36:37:27 37:35:28

6- Broad composition of Capital Expenditure (Economic: Social) 63:37 59:41 61:39 [11] Public Expenditure and Reform [11] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To have public management and governance structures that are effective and responsive to the citizen, transparent and accountable, and which thereby improve the effectiveness of public expenditure.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 272 201 B.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 18,631 - 18,631 14,218 - 14,218 B.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 2,462 207 2,669 1,016 26 1,042 B.3 - INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION …. 2,725 - 2,725 2,725 - 2,725 B.4 - CIVIL SERVICE ARBITRATION & APPEALS PROCEDURE … 40 - 40 42 - 42 B.5 - CONSULTANCY & OTHER SERVICES …. 582 - 582 506 - 506 B.6 - PUBLIC SERVICE INNOVATION FUND …. - - - 1,000 - 1,000 B.7 - REFORM AGENDA …. 1,600 - 1,600 1,190 - 1,190 20 20 B.8 - EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE OFFICER SHARED SERVICE …. 1,461 - 1,461 1,451 - 1,451 B.9 - PUBLIC PAY DETERMINATION SUPPORT …. 360 - 360 190 - 190 B.10 - CIVIL SERVICE LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME …. 439 515 954 485 515 1,000 B.11 - SINGLE PUBLIC SERVICE PENSION ADMINISTRATION PROJECT …. 290 - 290 290 - 290 B.12 - IMPLEMENTATION OF PROTECTED DISCLOSURE ACT …. 220 - 220 220 - 220 B.13 - NON-PROFIT SECTOR DATA PROJECT …. 950 - 950 950 - 950 - OFFICE OF THE GOVERNMENT CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER …. 8,860 3,370 12,230 - - - Programme Total:- 38,620 4,092 42,712 24,283 541 24,824 292 221 of which pay:- 19,997 - 19,997 15,579 - 15,579

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities

2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Public Service pay and €17.8bn (€31.1%) Gross Public Service Pay Bill (as % of Gross Current Expenditure) €18.68bn (31.5%) €19.64bn (31.7%) pensions (€17.4bn (31%)) €3.3bn (5.8%) €3.2bn €3.37bn Gross Public Service Pension Bill (as % of Gross Current Expenditure) (€3.1bn (5.6%)) (5.4%) (5.4%) Civil Service Employee Number of Employee Assistance Cases 4,851 Assistance Service 4,540 Outturn 4,900 Civil Service Chief Medical Total Referrals from Departments to CSCMO Officer 7,262 Outturn 7,500 7,600

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Political Reform and - Amendment to the Civil Service Regulation Act 1956 (as amended) and the Public Service - Amendment to the Civil Service Regulation Act - Civil Service Regulation (Amendment) Bill Reform of Human Management Act 1997 1956 (as amended) and the Public Service Resources Management Act 1997 Public Service Management and Reform

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Political Reform and - Review of Protected Disclosures Act. - Line Managers' Guide - New Civil Service Renewal Plan Reform of Human - First Annual Report on HR in the Civil Service Resources Public Service Reform - 2018 Progress Report on the Implementation of the Civil Service Renewal Plan - Progress Report on Implementation of the Open - Progress Report on Implementation of the Open Data Strategy Data Strategy. - Civil Service Business Customer Survey. - 4th Progress Report on the Civil Service Renewal Plan Public Service - Public Service Pay Commission: Recruitment and Retention Module 1 - Public Service Pay Commission: Recruitment and Management and Reform - Pensions Report on the Accrued Liability of Public Service Pensions Retention Module 2 and 3

Office of the Government - Public Service Data Strategy Chief Information Officer

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- World Bank Aggregate Indicator of Government Effectiveness (percentile rank) 88.46% 87.02% 89.90%

2- IPA Quality of Public Administration Score (Out of 10) (Rank in EU-28) 7.06 (5th) 6.80 (6th) 6.66 (7th)

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

C - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. EU Programmes …. 729 - 729 708 - 708 2. Pension Cashflow Surpluses …. 56 - 56 56 - 56 3. Miscellaneous .... 65 - 65 60 - 60 4. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 1,613 - 1,613 1,360 - 1,360 2,463 - 2,463 2,184 - 2,184 [12] Superannuation and Retired Allowances [12]

12 SUPERANNUATION AND RETIRED ALLOWANCES I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for pensions, superannuation, occupational injuries, and additional and other allowances and gratuities under the Superannuation Acts 1834 to 2004 and sundry other statutes; extra-statutory pensions, allowances and gratuities awarded by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, fees to medical referees and occasional fees to doctors; compensation and other payments in respect of personal injuries; fees to Pensions Authority and other professional fees, miscellaneous payments, etc. Three hundred and seventy-five million, five hundred and seventeen thousand euro (€375,517,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform. Change 2019 Estimate * 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Current 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 %


Gross Total :- 614,901 640,117 4% Deduct :- B. - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID 243,603 264,600 9% Net Total :- 371,298 375,517 1%

Net Increase (€000) 4,219

Exchequer pensions included in above net total .... 370,872 375,123 1%

Associated Public Service pensioners .... 27,466 28,436 4%

* The 2019 Estimate includes a technical Supplementary Estimate of €1,000. [12] Superannuation and Retired Allowances [12] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To provide an effective and efficient pension processing and advisory service


Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) 2,783 Estimated no. of pension cases processed in year 2,900 3,100 (2,800)

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Pensions in Payment (31st December)* 22,856 23,915 25,190 * Pensions in Payment at 31 December from one year to another does not reflect throughput activity which will always be higher.

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Receipt from the Social Welfare Consolidation Act 1993 (No. 38 of 1993) in respect of pension liability of staff .... 28,000 - 28,000 28,000 - 28,000 2. Receipt in respect of pension liability of staff on loan, etc. .... 1,703 - 1,703 1,300 - 1,300 3. Contributions to Spouses' and Children's Pension Scheme for Civil Servants and others .... 18,200 - 18,200 18,200 - 18,200 4. Receipts in respect of the Contributory Scheme introduced for established Civil Servants who were appointed on and after 6 April 1995 (Circular 6/95) .... 29,900 - 29,900 31,200 - 31,200 5. Repayment of Gratuities, etc. .... 700 - 700 800 - 800 6. Purchase of notional service .... 5,000 - 5,000 5,000 - 5,000 7. Single Scheme Contributions …. 160,000 - 160,000 180,000 - 180,000 8. Miscellaneous .... 100 - 100 100 - 100 Total :- 243,603 - 243,603 264,600 - 264,600 [13] Office of Public Works [13] 13 OFFICE OF PUBLIC WORKS I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of Public Works, for services administered by that Office and for payment of certain grants and for the recoupment of certain expenditure. (a) by way of current year provision Four hundred and eighty-three million, four hundred and twenty-seven thousand euro (€483,427,000) (b) by way of the application for capital supply services of unspent appropriations, the surrender of which may be deferred under Section 91 of the Finance Act 2004. Eight million euro (€8,000,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of Public Works. Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE A - FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT .... 35,509 73,262 108,771 38,225 87,994 126,219 16% CB - NATIONALESTATE MANAGEMENT PROCUREMENT .... SERVICE(a) …. 249,385 105,787- 355,172- 263,153- 116,055- 379,208- #DIV/0!7% Gross total :- * 284,894 179,049 463,943 301,378 204,049 505,427 9%

Deduct :- C - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID.... 24,205 - 24,205 22,000 - 22,000 -9% Net total :- * 260,689 179,049 439,738 279,378 204,049 483,427 10%

Net Increase (€000) 43,689

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 98,748 106,508 8% Associated Public Service employees .... 2,000 2,105 5%

* The above programmes include significant administrative and support costs for the provision of Agency Services funded by and on behalf of other Departments.

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 ADMINISTRATION over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above 2019 Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES …. 41,429 - 41,429 44,840 - 44,840 8% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 1,911 - 1,911 2,310 - 2,310 21% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 1,187 - 1,187 1,300 - 1,300 10% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 1,532 - 1,532 1,800 - 1,800 17% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 2,080 3,170 5,250 2,880 3,502 6,382 22% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 1,079 - 1,079 1,279 - 1,279 19% (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 266 - 266 266 - 266 - (viii) GOVERNMENT PUBLICATION SERVICES …. 170 - 170 170 - 170 - Gross Total :- 49,654 3,170 52,824 54,845 3,502 58,347 10%

Subheads under which it is intended to apply the amount of €8 million in unspent 2019 appropriations to capital supply services.

2019 2020 Change Application of Deferred Surrender 2019 over €000 €000 2020 %

B - ESTATE MANAGEMENT …. - 8,000 -

- 8,000 - [13] Office of the Public Works [13] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMMES


High Level Goals: To minimise the extent of coastal and river flooding and its social, economic and environmental impacts through the implementation of effective protection and mitigation measures for at-risk areas, the provision of flood risk guidance and advice in the area of sustainable planning, and assisting the development of resilient communities.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 2019 2020 200 229 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 10,898 - 10,898 11,796 - 11,796 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON PAY …. 2,103 143 2,246 2,567 158 2,725 A.3 - PURCHASE OF PLANT AND MACHINERY (Subhead G) …. - 4,150 4,150 - 6,470 6,470 11 14 A.4 - HYDROMETRIC & HYDROLOGICAL INVESTIGATION & MONITORING (Subhead H.1) …. 1,255 - 1,255 1,264 - 1,264 A.5 - FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT (Subhead H.2) …. 4,158 68,969 73,127 4,500 81,366 85,866 268 267 A.6 - DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE (Subhead H.3) …. 17,095 - 17,095 18,098 - 18,098

Programme Total:- 35,509 73,262 108,771 38,225 87,994 126,219 479 510 of which Pay :- 25,855 - 25,855 27,507 - 27,507

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) No. of major Flood Relief Schemes substantially complete, and properties to benefit from these 2 schemes on completion (4) 4 5 1,192 2,436 347 (1,750)

No. of major Flood Relief Schemes to commence, 2 and properties to benefit from these schemes on (6) completion 6 4 1,235 964 343 (4,023) Distance and % of Arterial Drainage Channels to maintain 2,093km/18.2% 2,031km 2,075km (2,096km/18.2%) 17.7% 18.04km

Distance and % of Flood Defence Embankments to maintain and refurbish 117.2 km/14.7% 135.29km 133.35km (132.25km/16.5%) 16.9% 16.75%

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

- 29 Flood Risk Management Plans - Climate Change Sectoral Adaptation Plan for Flood Risk Management

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Number of major flood relief schemes completed 1 4 2 2- Number of major flood relief schemes commenced 6 2 2 Benefit of completed Flood Relief Schemes: 417 1,579 347 3- Number of Properties €317m €184m €37m Damage/Loss avoided (€) 4- Level of funding provided to Local Authorities (minor works) €2.98m €2.4m €1.816m 5- Number of Local Authority projects funded (minor works) 60 59 55 2,114 2,093 2,093 6- Kilometres and % of OPW arterial drainage channel maintained 18.4% 18.2% 18.2% 179 110.45 117.21 7- Kilometres and % of OPW embankments maintained 22.5% 13.9% 14.7% [13] Office of Public Works [13]

III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMMES


High Level Goals: To deliver the management, maintenance, design and sourcing services for the State Property Portfolio and Heritage Portfolio and to provide design excellence, construction, advisory and support services of the highest standard for the Government and State clients.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total

Numbers €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 2019 2020 600 624 B.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 30,531 - 30,531 33,044 - 33,044 B.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON PAY …. 6,122 3,027 9,149 7,438 3,344 10,782 2 19 B.3 - PRESIDENT'S HOUSEHOLD STAFF (Subhead B) …. 912 - 912 975 - 975 B.4 - GRANTS FOR REFURBISHMENT WORKS AND SERVICES …. 250 250 500 250 250 500 B.5 - PURCHASE OF SITES & BUILDINGS (Subhead D) …. - 3,480 3,480 - 4,480 4,480 B.6 - NEW WORKS, ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS (Subhead E) …. - 74,030 74,030 - 82,981 82,981 355 347 B.7 - PROPERTY MAINTENANCE AND SUPPLIES (Subhead F.1) …. 61,478 - 61,478 62,478 - 62,478 B.8 - RENTS (Subhead F3) …. 96,520 - 96,520 102,520 - 102,520 B.9 - SERVICE CHARGES AND UTILITIES (Subhead F.4) …. 11,043 - 11,043 11,043 - 11,043 B.10 - UNITARY PAYMENTS (Subhead F.6) …. - 25,000 25,000 - 25,000 25,000 564 605 B.11 - HERITAGE SERVICES (Subhead I) …. 42,529 - 42,529 45,405 - 45,405 Programme Total:- 249,385 105,787 355,172 263,153 116,055 379,208 1,521 1,595 of which Pay:- 76,818 - 76,818 81,388 - 81,388

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target)

(a) 73 Building projects in planning or under construction (38) (a) 58 (a) 64 (a) Major > €0.5m (b) Minor < €0.5m (b) 522 (b) 520 (b) 522 (510)

1,380 (1,300) Number and % of buildings maintained on a 1,300 1,300

planned basis (57%) (57%) 61% (57%) 8,700,000 (6,040,000) 8,800,000 8,500,000 Numbers of visitors, and income generated at staffed Heritage Service sites €16.94m (€16.3m) (€16m) (€14.3m)

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Annual Rental Outturn €87m €96.3m €90.8m 2- Number of leases held by the OPW 351 344 330 3- Office accommodation owned and leased by the OPW- sqm 855,665 871,772 877,847 Number of buildings managed by the OPW in terms of maintenance, 4- 2,270 2,270 2,270 minor works, universal access and mechanical and electrical works

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate

Current Capital Total Current Capital Total

C. - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

1. Rents, Licence Fees etc .... 3,150 - 3,150 3,150 - 3,150 2. Events and Facilities Management .... 3,500 - 3,500 3,500 - 3,500 3. Receipts for Government Publication Services …. 630 - 630 630 - 630 4. Sales at National Monuments and Historic Properties …. 2,300 - 2,300 2,300 - 2,300 5. Admission Charges at National Monuments and Historic Properties .... 10,500 - 10,500 9,433 - 9,433 6. Miscellaneous, including fees, interest and disposals etc .... 200 - 200 600 - 600 7. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 3,925 - 3,925 2,387 - 2,387 24,205 - 24,205 22,000 - 22,000 [14] State Laboratory [14] 14 STATE LABORATORY I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the State Laboratory. Ten million, two hundred and seventy-one thousand euro (€10,271,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the State Laboratory.

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Current 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 %

A - GOVERNMENT ANALYTICAL LABORATORY AND ADVISORY SERVICE …. 10,861 11,317 4% Gross Total :- 10,861 11,317 4% Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 1,066 1,046 -2% Net Total :- 9,795 10,271 5%

Net Increase (€000) 476

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 5,915 6,041 2% Associated Public Service employees .... 102 102 -

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over ADMINISTRATION Current Current 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 6,131 6,237 2% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 40 45 13% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 290 325 12% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 60 60 - (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 2,777 3,127 13% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 1,458 1,458 - (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 105 65 -38% Gross Total :- 10,861 11,317 4% [14] State Laboratory [14] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goals: To provide an accredited, high quality and timely chemical analysis and scientific advisory service to Government Departments and Offices that supports implementation of their policies, regulatory programmes and strategic objectives, particularly in the areas of food and feed safety, revenue collection, fraud prevention, and public health and environment protection and to provide centralised human and veterinary toxicology services to the public sector.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 102 102 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 6,131 - 6,131 6,237 - 6,237 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 4,730 - 4,730 5,080 - 5,080 Programme Total:- 10,861 - 10,861 11,317 - 11,317

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Provision of High No. of tests for analytes 595,562 520,000 550,000 Quality and Timely (480,000) Laboratory Service No. of samples to analyse 13,781 14,000 14,000 (12,800)

% of samples to meet agreed turn- 80% 100% 100% around time for (100%) Provision of Expert No. of statements to assist the Courts, 4,353 Advisory Service including coroners, to issue 4,800 4,400 (4,200)

No. of incidences to provide advice in 474 500 500 (500)

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Customer satisfaction with quality of service provided 100% 100% 100%

2- Customer satisfaction with timeliness of service provided 81% 77% 97%

3- Customer satisfaction with quality of scientific advice given 98% 93% 100% 4- Number of test methods (analytes) accredited to ISO 17025 46 (488) 46 (488) 50 (501)

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Receipts for various analyses, examinations, tests, etc. .... 850 - 850 850 - 850 2. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 216 - 216 196 - 196 3. Miscellaneous Receipts …. ------Total :- 1,066 - 1,066 1,046 - 1,046 [15] Secret Service [15] 15 SECRET SERVICE I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for Secret Service. Two million euro (€2,000,000) II. Head under which this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform. Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Current 2019 €000 €000 %

SECRET SERVICE .... 1,250 2,000 60%

Increase (€000) 750 [16] Valuation Office [16]

16 VALUATION OFFICE I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Valuation Office and certain minor services.

Sixteen million, three hundred and fifty-four thousand euro (€16,354,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Valuation Office. Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - PROVISION OF A STATE VALUATION SERVICE ... 12,743 - 12,743 13,923 2,365 16,288 28% B - ADMINISTRATION SERVICES FOR THE VALUATION TRIBUNAL ... 1,099 250 1,349 1,099 250 1,349 - Gross Total :- 13,842 250 14,092 15,022 2,615 17,637 25%

Deduct :- C - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 1,362 - 1,362 1,283 - 1,283 #DIV/0!-6% Net Total :- 12,480 250 12,730 13,739 2,615 16,354 28%

Net Increase (€000) 3,624

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 8,333 8,482 2% Associated Public Service employees .... 160 150 -6%

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over ADMINISTRATION Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES ... 8,610 - 8,610 8,740 - 8,740 2% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE ... 271 - 271 271 - 271 - (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 885 - 885 885 - 885 - (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES ... 105 - 105 105 - 105 - (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 527 250 777 627 2,615 3,242 - (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 161 - 161 161 - 161 - (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 60 - 60 60 - 60 - Gross Total :- 10,619 250 10,869 10,849 2,615 13,464 24% [16] Valuation Office [16] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To provide high-quality sustainable valuations for our customers on time and within allocated resources

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 150 145 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 8,221 - 8,221 8,351 - 8,351 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,299 - 1,299 1,399 2,365 3,764 A.3 - FEES TO COUNSEL AND OTHER LEGAL EXPENSES …. 73 - 73 73 - 73 A.4 - NATIONAL REVALUATION PROJECTS …. 3,150 - 3,150 4,100 - 4,100 Programme Total:- 12,743 - 12,743 13,923 2,365 16,288

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) 9,672 Number of Revision Cases completed (12,000) (9,000) (7,000)

Number of Revaluation Cases Completed N/A 34,033* 5,100**

*These cases reflect the REVAL 2019 phase of the National Revaluation for which work was completed in 2018 and 2019 **Second Revaluation of DunLaoghaire-Rathdown

Context [THEME]and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Extent of first National Revaluation completed 35% 54% 56% 2- Extent of first National Revaluation in train 15% 20% 23% 3- Revision applications completed 3,297 4,871 9,672 Net additional income generated for Local Authorities due to 4- €16.258m €25.328m €35.46m Revision programme 6- Annual Cost Recovery 12% 12% 18% [16] Valuation Office [16] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: Provision of administration services to facilitate the efficient and effective operation of the Valuation Tribunal within its statutory remit

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 10 5 B.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 389 - 389 389 - 389 B.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 710 - 250 960 710 250 960 Programme Total:- 1,099 250 1,349 1,099 250 1,349

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target)

Number of Revision Appeal cases determined 61 70 80

Number of Revaluation Appeal cases determined 200 250 250

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Revision Appeals agreed or conceded 45 69 21

2- Revision Appeals withdrawn or struck out 9 39 14

3- Revision Appeals which went to a full hearing 18 38 26

4- Revaluation Appeals agreed or conceded 209 51 71

5- Revaluation Appeals withdrawn or struck out 21 21 38

6- Revaluation Appeals which went to a full hearing 39 53 91

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 C - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Valuation Tribunal appeal fees .... 100 - 100 40 - 40 2. Valuation certificates .... 120 - 120 120 - 120 3. Valuation revision fees .... 800 - 800 800 - 800 4. Miscellaneous receipts .... 65 - 65 65 - 65 5. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on - - Public Service Remuneration …. 277 - 277 258 - 258 Total :- 1,362 - 1,362 1,283 - 1,283 [17] Public Appointments Service [17] 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS SERVICE I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Public Appointments Service.

(a) by way of current year provision Fifteen million, four hundred and thirteen thousand euro (€15,413,000) (b) by way of the application for capital supply services of unspent appropriations, the surrender of which may be deferred under Section 91 of the Finance Act 2004. One hundred and fifty thousand euro (€150,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Public Appointments Service.

Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate** 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 % PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE

A - CIVIL AND PUBLIC SERVICE - REDEPLOYMENT / RECRUITMENT / SELECTION …. 13,803 1,700 15,503 13,567 2,000 15,567 - Gross Total :- 13,803 1,700 15,503 13,567 2,000 15,567 -

Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 175 - 175 154 - 154 -12% Net Total :- 13,628 1,700 15,328 13,413 2,000 15,413 1%

Net Increase (€000) 85

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 8,153 8,266 1% Associated Public Service employees .... 198 201 2%

Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate** 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 ADMINISTRATION €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations.

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 8,303 - 8,303 8,395 - 8,395 1% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 45 - 45 32 - 32 -29% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 325 - 325 322 - 322 -1% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 100 - 100 107 - 107 7% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 1,260 200 1,460 1,330 20 1,350 -8% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 270 1,500 1,770 299 1,980 2,279 29% (vii) RECRUITMENT COSTS - RESEARCH AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE …. 45 - 45 30 - 30 -33% (viii) RECRUITMENT COSTS - ADVERTISING AND TESTING …. 1,385 - 1,385 997 - 997 -28% (ix) RECRUITMENT COSTS - INTERVIEW BOARDS …. 2,070 - 2,070 2,055 - 2,055 -1% Gross Total :- 13,803 1,700 15,503 13,567 2,000 15,567 -

Subheads under which it is intended to apply the amount of €150,000 in unspent 2019 appropriations of capital supply services.

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate** Change 2019 over 2020 Application of Deferred Surrender €000 €000 A.2 -- ADMINISTRATION NON-PAY …. - 150 - - 150 -

* The 2019 Estimate includes a Supplementary Estimate of €470,000 ** The 2020 Estimate reflects a Budget Transfer of €28,000 to the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer. [17] Public Appointments Service [17] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE A - CIVIL AND PUBLIC SERVICE RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION High Level Goal: To source the highest quality candidates for positions in the civil and public service; and to manage the attraction and assessment of candidates for appointment to State Boards in line with the agreed Guidelines. Financial & Human Resource Inputs

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 198 201 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 8,303 - 8,303 8,395 - 8,395 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 5,500 1,700 7,200 5,172 2,000 7,172 Programme Total:- 13,803 1,700 15,503 13,567 2,000 15,567

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Source high quality No. of full recruitment campaigns initiated 435 400 400 applicants for the (400) Civil and Public Number of interviews held 13,921 15,000 15,100 Service (17,000) Number of assignments made to fill 8,952 9,500 8,150 vacancies (10,500) Number of PAS qualified Garda Trainees New Metric 950 950 sent to An Garda Síochána % of Senior Executive campaigns 88% 90% 90% completed within 12 weeks (90%) % of all Professional and Technical roles in the Civil Service and Local Authorities New Metric 95% 95% filled for clients Assignment from general service panels New Metric 90% 90% made within 6 weeks* % increase in the active users of 11% 10% 10% publicjobs.ie (10%) Source high quality Number of State Board campaigns 73 70 60 applicants for initiated (70) appointments to % of campaigns with names sent to 72% State Boards Minister within 10 weeks of advertisement 90% 90% (90%) for State Boards

*Where there is no additional security clearance required outside of PAS

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Published [17] Public Appointments Service [17] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1. Client satisfaction with the quality of new entrants 90% 100% 90% 2. Client satisfaction with the service provided by PAS 95% 95% 84% 3. Candidate satisfaction with service provided by PAS 91% 91% 86% 4. Client satisfaction with the quality of service for State Board New Metric New Metric 92% appointments 5. Client satisfaction with the quality of appointments to State New Metric New Metric 81% Boards

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Miscellaneous .... 25 - 25 25 - 25 2. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 150 - 150 129 - 129 Total :- 175 - 175 154 - 154 [18] National Shared Services Office [18]

18 NATIONAL SHARED SERVICES OFFICE I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the National Shared Services Office. (a) by way of current year provision Fifty-five million, four hundred thousand euro (€55,400,000)

(b) by way of the application for capital supply services of unspent appropriations, the surrender of which may be deferred under Section 91 of the Finance ActOne 2004. million and twenty-four thousand euro (€1,024,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the National Shared Services Office. Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate* 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - NSSO FUNCTION …. 16,602 10,135 26,737 21,390 14,350 35,740 34% B - HR SHARED SERVICES …. 10,314 100 10,414 10,180 - 10,180 -2% C - PAYROLL SHARED SERVICES …. 12,029 - 12,029 12,482 - 12,482 4% D - FINANCE SHARED SERVICES …. 6,884 - 6,884 3,003 - 3,003 -56% Gross Total :- 45,829 10,235 56,064 47,055 14,350 61,405 10%

Deduct :- E - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 5,740 - 5,740 6,005 - 6,005 5% Net Total :- 40,089 10,235 50,324 41,050 14,350 55,400 10%

Net Increase (€000) 5,076

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 34,593 32,011 -7% Associated Public Service employees .... 865 790 -9%

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate* 2020 ADMINISTRATION over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in the above Programme 2019 allocations €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES …. 32,866 - 32,866 30,586 - 30,586 -7% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 324 - 324 312 - 312 -4% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 1,474 - 1,474 1,569 - 1,569 6% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 1,546 - 1,546 995 - 995 -36% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 5,516 1,844 7,360 6,681 2,500 9,181 25% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 700 135 835 812 - 812 -3% Gross Total :- 42,426 1,979 44,405 40,955 2,500 43,455 -2%

Subheads under which it is intended to apply the amount of €1.024 million in unspent 2019 appropriations to capital supply services.

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Change 2020 Application of Deferred Surrender over 2019 €000 €000


* The 2020 Estimate reflects a Budget Transfer of €350,000 to the Office of the Government Chief Information officer. [18] National Shared Services Office [18] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: The aim of this programme is to provide a support function for the running of the Office. This includes the following cost centres: Corporate (including HR, Corporate Business Services, Finance, Facilities and Internal Audit), ICT and Customer Support Services. This also includes the financial management shared services project. Under this programme, the 2020 allocation will allow the National Shared Services Office to function on a day-to-day basis, providing support for the operations centres and the project.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 34 171 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 8,324 - 8,324 8,018 - 8,018 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 4,875 1,879 6,754 7,272 2,500 9,772 47 30 A.3 - FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SHARED SERVICES PROJECT …. 3,403 8,256 11,659 6,100 11,850 17,950 Programme Total:- 16,602 10,135 26,737 21,390 14,350 35,740 81 201 of which pay:- 10,591 - 10,591 9,993 - 9,993

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) High level stakeholder meetings relating to Financial Management Shared Services 145 (FMSS) to ensure continuing engagement with Public Service Bodies (PSBs) and 150 170 (150) deliver the correct product for end users

Number of stakeholder engagements related to NSSO (HR Shared Services and 83 115 130 Payroll Shared Services) service delivery (New Metric)

11 Internal audits undertaken by NSSO Function 7 10 (New Metric) 1,721 Training days facilitated by NSSO Function 2,500 2,600 (New Metric) 9 Processes automated by robotics 17 25 (New Metric)

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018

1 - Number of Shared Services programmes underway and being supported 5 5 4 [18] National Shared Services Office [18]

III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: The aim of this programme is to provide HR Shared Services to Government Departments and other Public Service Bodies (PSBs). Under this programme, the 2020 allocation will allow the National Shared Services Office to provide HR Shared Services to 42 PSBs.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 361 275 B.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 9,887 - 9,887 10,046 - 10,046 B.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 427 100 527 134 - 134 Programme Total:- 10,314 100 10,414 10,180 - 10,180 361 275 of which pay:- 9,887 - 9,887 10,046 - 10,046

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities Key High Level Metrics 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target)

36,500 Number of civil service employees in receipt of services from HR 37,800 39,700 Shared Services (New Metric)

88,207 Number of calls received to HR Shared Services contact centre 77,500 81,300 (New Metric)

249,414 Number of transacted cases completed by HR Shared Services 261,000 274,000 (New Metric)

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Number of PSBs to migrate to HR Shared Services 6 1 1

2- Number of end year PSBs in receipt of services from HR Shared Services 39 40 41 [18] National Shared Services Office [18]

III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: The aim of this programme is to provide Payroll Shared Services to Government Departments and other PSBs. Under this programme, the 2020 allocation will allow the National Shared Services Office to provide Payroll Shared Services to 54 PSBs.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 296 288 C.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 10,890 - 10,890 11,304 - 11,304 C.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,139 - 1,139 1,178 - 1,178 Programme Total:- 12,029 - 12,029 12,482 - 12,482 296 288 of which pay:- 10,890 - 10,890 11,304 - 11,304

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) 82,102 Number of calls received to Payroll Shared Services contact centre 79,200 83,100 (New Metric) 3.9 million Number of payments completed by Payroll Shared Services 4.4 million 5.1 million (New Metric)

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018

1- Number of organisations to migrate to Payroll Shared Services 6 10 1

2- Number of payees in receipt of services from Payroll Shared Services 103,000 120,000 127,700 [18] National Shared Services Office [18]

III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: This is a new programme. The aim of this programme is to provide Finance Shared Services to Government Departments and other PSBs. Under this programme, the 2020 allocation will allow the National Shared Services Office to begin the process on a phased basis of providing Finance Shared Services to 48 PSBs.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers 2018 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 140 101 D.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 3,765 - 3,765 1,218 - 1,218 D.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 3,119 - 3,119 1,785 - 1,785 Programme Total:- 6,884 - 6,884 3,003 - 3,003 140 101 of which pay:- 3,765 - 3,765 1,218 - 1,218

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities Key High Level Metrics 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) There are no metrics available for this programme as it is under development

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 E. - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID:

1 - HR Shared Services Levy …. 5,030 - 5,030 5,275 - 5,275 2 - Miscellaneous …. 170 - 170 180 - 180 3 - Receipts from Pension Related Deductions on Public Service Remuneration …. 540 - 540 550 - 550 Total :- 5,740 - 5,740 6,005 - 6,005 [19] Office of the Ombudsman [19] 19 OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Ombudsman, the Office of the Commission for Public Service Appointments, the Standards in Public Office Commission, the Office of the Information Commissioner and the Office of the Commissioner for Environmental Information. Eleven million, eight hundred and thirty-nine thousand euro (€11,839,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Ombudsman.

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Current 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 %


Gross Total :- 12,174 12,321 1% Deduct :- D - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 456 482 6% Net Total :- 11,718 11,839 1%

Net Increase (€000) 121

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 8,665 8,786 1% Associated Public Service employees .... 139 145 4%

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over ADMINISTRATION Current Current 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 9,029 9,176 2% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 61 74 21% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 398 378 -5% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 42 40 -5% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 1,044 1,455 - (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 406 411 1% (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 434 20 -95% (viii) LEGAL FEES .... 750 757 1% (ix) REFERENDUM COMMISSION …. 10- 10- - Gross Total :- 12,174 12,321 1% [19] Office of the Ombudsman [19] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goals: Ombudsman - Through examining complaints the Office will improve standards in public administration and promote the principles of openness, fairness, accountability and effectiveness.

Commission for Public Service Appointments – The Office of the CPSA endeavours to safeguard the integrity of the recruitment, selection and appointment of people to publicly funded positions and, by continually improving standards, to engender widespread confidence in the ability of those appointed to contribute to the delivery of public services.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 85 91 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 5,388 - 5,388 5,689 - 5,689 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,260 - 1,260 1,400 - 1,400 Programme Total:- 6,648 - 6,648 7,089 - 7,089 Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Key High Level Metrics (2018 Output Target) 1,255 Ombudsman - No. of enquiries handled 2,250* ** (n/a)

Ombudsman - Number of cases in which assistance was 682 818* ** provided (577)

3,228 Ombudsman – Number of cases in which decisions issued 2,970 * ** (n/a)

Ombudsman – Number of investigations/systemic reports 3 1* ** completed (4) CPSA - Total no. of audits/reviews reports issued under section 0 13 of the Public Service Management (Recruitment and 1* ** (3) Appointments) Act 2004

CPSA – Total no. of complaint reports issued under section 8 of 36 20* ** the Code of Practice (50)

*Total to end Oct **Demand driven so targets not appropriate

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - 1 Investigation Report - 1 Commentary Report - 1 Systemic Investigation Report - 2 Progress Reports - 1 Direct Provision Update - 5 Ombudsman Casebooks - 6 Ombudsman Casebooks - 5 Ombudsman Casebooks - 1 Direct Provision Update - 1 Annual Report - 1 Annual Report - 1 Annual Report

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Ombudsman - Number of complaints received 3,067 3,021 3,364 2- Ombudsman - Number of invalid complaints received 1,434 850 1,124 3- Ombudsman - Number of complaints on hand at end of year 648 609 714 4- Ombudsman - Number of outreach events held including Rural/Regional 40 39 events, Citizen Information Centre clinics, over 50’s exhibitions, Direct New Metric 25 (Direct Provision visits) 26 (Direct Provision vists) Provision visits, etc.

5- CPSA - Maximum time for complaint to remain with CPSA New Metric 15 months 11 months

6- CPSA – No. of complaints outstanding at year end New Metric 1 3 7- CPSA – Total no. of Excluding Orders issued New Metric New Metric 71 [19] Office of the Ombudsman [19] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goals: An ethical public administration, representation based on public interest, and a Secretariat with appropriate skills, resources and processes to deliver on the Commission’s priorities.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 22 22 B.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 1,450 - 1,450 1,193 - 1,193 B.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 784 - 784 700 - 700

Programme Total:- 2,234 - 2,234 1,893 - 1,893

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Key High Level Metrics (2018 Output Target) No. of annual donation statement returns processed, 249 examined and reported on from Members of the Oireachtas 231 252 (229) & MEPs and from political parties No. of annual returns processed and examined from the 42 Parliamentary Activities Allowance formerly 41 42 (32) Party Leader’s Allowance Total no. of candidate returns processed and examined for 15 Dáil/Seanad general elections/bye-elections/Presidential 46* (New Metric) 59 elections and European elections No. of annual returns processed and examined from political 252 parties, third parties, Political Party Accounting Units and 235** 239** (205) corporate donors Number of Tax Clearance Certificates processed 257 150** 100** (250) Number of new lobbying registrants processed 246 100** 150** (50) Number of new lobbying returns processed 9,818 10,000** 10,000** (10,000)

No. of investigations completed 86*** 16 15 No. of cases prosecuted under the Regulation of Lobbying 0 1 1 Act (N/A) No. of fixed payment penalties levied under Regulation of 522 300 250 Lobbying Act

*This figure expected to increase significantly if general election called in 2020 **These figures are estimates of what is anticipated, however these services are demand driven. ***Exceptional volume due to late tax clearance notifications

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Submission to second review of Regulation of Lobbying Act. Submission to departmental consultation on establishment of electoral commission

[THEME] Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - 6 Investigation Reports - 5 Investigation Reports - 5 Investigation Reports - Regulation of Lobbying Act Code of Conduct - Report on European Elections - Report on Dáil and Seanad bye-elections - Statutory Report: Political Parties Statements of Accounts - Statutory Report: Political Parties November 2019 2017 Statements of Accounts 2018 - Report on Dáil General Election (if held) - Statutory Report: Donations to TDs, Senators and MEPs 2017 - Statutory Report: Donations to TDs, - Statutory Report: Political Parties - Statutory Report: Donations to Political Parties 2017 Senators and MEPs 2018 Statements of Accounts 2019 - Statutory Report: Expenditure of Exchequer Funding by - Statutory Report: Donations to Political - Statutory Report: Donations to TDs, Political Parties 2017 Parties 2018 Senators and MEPs 2019 - Statutory Report: Expenditure of Parliamentary Activities - Statutory Report: Expenditure of - Statutory Report: Donations to political Allowance 2017 Exchequer Funding by Political Parties parties 2019 - Investigation Reports: planned release of 4 new reports under 2018 - Statutory Report: Expenditure of Ethics Acts - Statutory Report: Expenditure of Exchequer Funding by political parties - Regulation of Lobbying Code of Conduct Parliamentary Activities Allowance 2018 2019 - Report on Seanad Bye-elections 27 April 2018 - Statutory Report: Expenditure of Parliamentary Activities Allowance 2019

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Number of investigations ongoing at year end 1 5 10 2- Number of complaints received under Ethics legislation 26 50 33

3- No. of investigations ongoing at year end (Lobbying Act) New Metric 3 13 [19] Office of the Ombudsman [19] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goals: To make fair decisions in line with the legislation applicable to Freedom on Information and Environmental Information

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate

Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 32 32 C.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 2,191 - 2,191 2,294 - 2,294 C.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,101 - - 1,101 1,045 - 1,045 Programme Total:- 3,292 - 3,292 3,339 - 3,339

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Key High Level Metrics (2018 Output Target) OIC - % of cases closed within four months 64% 65% 65% (60%)

OIC- No. of reviews processed 443 450 450 (400) OCEI – Number of appeals completed 54 45 45 (40)

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018

1- OIC - Applications for review received 577 577 543

2- OIC - Number of applications for review on hand at end of year 132 125 115

3- OIC - Number of applications accepted for review 440 497 431

4- OIC - Number of review decisions appealed to the Superior Courts 3 7 7

5- OIC - Number of Superior Court Cases completed 2 3 5

6- OCEI – Number of appeals received 51 52 49

7- OCEI – Number of appeals accepted 35 48 44

8- OCEI – Number of appeals on hand at end of year 29 34 28

9- OCEI – Number of decisions appealed to the Superior Courts 1 1 6

APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

D - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Miscellaneous .... 20 - 20 20 - 20 2. Fixed Payment Fines under section 21 of the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 …. 72 - 72 72 - 72 3. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 364 - 364 390 - 390 Total :- 456 - 456 482 - 482 [20] Garda Síochána [20] 20

GARDA SÍOCHÁNA I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020, for the salaries and expenses of the Garda Síochána, including pensions, etc.; for the payment of certain witnesses' expenses, and for payment of certain grants.

One thousand, seven hundred and eighty-three million, four hundred and fifty-nine thousand euro (€1,783,459,000)

II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by An Garda Síochána.

Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - WORKING WITH COMMUNITIES TO PROTECT AND SERVE …. 1,709,375 83,080 1,792,455 1,762,947 116,500 1,879,447 5% Gross Total :- 1,709,375 83,080 1,792,455 1,762,947 116,500 1,879,447 5% Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 120,147 - 120,147 95,988 - 95,988 -20% Net Total :- 1,589,228 83,080 1,672,308 1,666,959 116,500 1,783,459 7%

Net Increase (€000) 111,151

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 1,120,004 1,188,839 6% Associated Public Service employees .... 17,700 18,653 5% Exchequer pensions included in above net total .... 311,681 322,955 4% Associated Public Service pensioners .... 10,849 10,952 1%

Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 1,138,481 - 1,138,481 1,197,221 - 1,197,221 5% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 20,658 - 20,658 17,019 - 17,019 -18% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 23,771 - 23,771 15,227 - 15,227 -36% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 49,710 - 49,710 40,447 - 40,447 -19% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 2,437 56,107 58,544 4,754 73,799 78,553 34% (vi) MAINTENANCE OF GARDA PREMISES .... 1,062 - 1,062 2,642 - 2,642 - (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 935 - 935 261 - 261 -72% (viii) STATION SERVICES .... 22,694 - 22,694 20,301 - 20,301 -11% (ix) GARDA RESERVE …. 165 - 165 1,395 - 1,395 - Gross Total :- 1,259,913 56,107 1,316,020 1,299,267 73,799 1,373,066 4%

* The 2019 Estimate includes a Supplementtary Estimate of €17,500,000 [20] Garda Síochána [20] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: Working with Communities to Protect and Serve

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 17,700 18,653 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 1,138,481 - 1,138,481 1,197,221 - 1,197,221 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 121,432 56,107 177,539 102,046 73,799 175,845 A.3 - CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES .... 4,110 - 4,110 6,263 - 6,263 A.4 - ST. PAUL'S GARDA MEDICAL AID SOCIETY .... 124 - 124 124 - 124 A.5 - TRANSPORT .... 18,898 11,000 29,898 19,554 9,000 28,554 A.6 - COMMUNICATIONS AND OTHER EQUIPMENT .... 26,823 3,284 30,107 24,940 1,500 26,440 A.7 - AIRCRAFT .... 1,563 - 1,563 1,350 - 1,350 10,849 10,952 A.8 - SUPERANNUATION, ETC. .... 346,261 - 346,261 355,761 - 355,761 A.9 - WITNESSES' EXPENSES .... 2,272 - 2,272 1,805 - 1,805 A.10 - COMPENSATION .... 16,620 - 16,620 16,620 - 16,620 A.11 - WITNESS SECURITY PROGRAMME .... 120 - 120 1,198 - 1,198 A.12 - CAPITAL BUILDING PROGRAMME …. - 12,687 12,687 - 32,200 32,200 A.13 GARDA COLLEGE …. 32,671 2 32,673 36,065 1 36,066 28,549 29,605 Programme Total:- 1,709,375 83,080 1,792,455 1,762,947 116,500 1,879,447

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Key High Level Metrics (2018 Output Target) Community Policing Implementing our new Community Policing framework in 6 Divisions New Metric New Metric 6

Protecting People Establishing and commencing operation of satellite cyber- 0 2 3 crime hubs (2)

Intelligence entries created by Roads Policing personnel New Metric New Metric +5%

Connecting Ireland to Schengen Information System New Metric New Metric 1

4 National Rollout of Divisional Protective Services Units 21 19 (4)

In-person contact within 7 days to victims of Domestic Baseline 17% 40% 60% Abuse

Victim Assessments completed within 3 days Baseline 78% 85% 85%

Enhancing governance of missing person investigations: Reducing the number of incidents with overdue reviews to New Metric 60 60 60 per month nationally

Mandatory Intoxication Test Breath Tests conducted N/A N/A 348,864

Average number of contacts per victim of crime New Metric 2.7 2.7

Our People – Our % of AGS members engaging in PALF (Performance and Greatest Resource Accountability Learning Framework) process New Target 40% 60%

Transforming Our Implementing Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Garda Síochána Service Operating Model on a phased basis in a number of New Metric 5 5 Divisions

Deploying Enterprise Content Management in New Metric 72 14 Divisions/HQ/Specialist Sections

Allocation of policing enabled mobile devices New Metric 700* 4,000

* 700 devices to be issued in 2019 and a further 4,000 in 2020 [20] Garda Síochána [20]

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 Public Attitudes Proportion of respondents who state AGS is well managed Survey Impact 45% 38% 39% Indicators Proportion of victims who are quite satisfied or very 62% 55% 61% satisfied with how AGS handled their case

Proportion of respondents for whom fear of crime has no 63% 68% 64% impact on quality of life

Proportion of respondents who perceive AGS as effective in 53% 55% 57% tackling crime

Proportion of respondents who perceive crime as a serious 18% 19% 19% or very serious problem locally

Proportion of respondents who are aware of Garda patrols 36% 36% 38%

Proportion of respondents who perceive AGS as community 66% 65% 65% focused

Proportion of respondents who state Gardaí in the area treat New Metric New Metric 64% everyone fairly regardless of who they are Crime and Roads Burglary Policing Indicators** 18,478 19,182 16,969

Robbery 2,098 2,186 2,432

Assaults 16,640 18,925 19,955

Number of Road Fatalities 184 156 142

Number of Sexual Assaults 2,520 2,884 3,182

** The data presented in relation to the number of reported crime incidents is taken from the CSO/ICCS. CSO data is liable to change over time due to the re-classification of incidents during the course of an investigation or as circumstances change

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Contributions to the Garda Síochána Spouses' and Children's Pension Scheme .... 11,768 - 11,768 11,278 - 11,278 2. Contributions to the Garda Síochána Pensions Scheme .... 22,812 - 22,812 21,528 - 21,528 3. Miscellaneous Receipts (repayable advances, sale of old stores, contributions to quarters, fees for reports, etc.,) .... 17,069 - 17,069 11,000 - 11,000 4. Garda College Receipts .... 988 - 988 600 - 600 5. Firearms Fees .... 10,400 - 10,400 3,000 - 3,000 6. Safety Cameras - Certain Receipts from Fixed Charges .... 14,661 - 14,661 14,200 - 14,200 7. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 42,449 - 42,449 34,382 - 34,382 Total :- 120,147 - 120,147 95,988 - 95,988 [21] Prisons [21] 21

PRISONS I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Prison Service, and other expenses in connection with prisons, including places of detention, and for payment of certain grants.

Three hundred and eighty-three million, two hundred and eleven thousand euro (€383,211,000)

II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Justice and Equality. Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate* 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - ADMINISTRATION AND PROVISION OF SAFE, SECURE, HUMANE AND REHABILITATIVE CUSTODY FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE SENT TO PRISON …. 326,682 32,330 359,012 345,674 46,689 392,363 9% Gross Total :- 326,682 32,330 359,012 345,674 46,689 392,363 9% Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 9,476 9,476 9,152 - 9,152 -3% Net Total :- 317,206 32,330 349,536 336,522 46,689 383,211 10%

Net Increase (€000) 33,675

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 247,153 261,489 6% Associated Public Service employees .... 3,350 3,389 1%

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate* 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 256,124 - 256,124 270,110 - 270,110 5% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 1,816 - 1,816 1,816 - 1,816 - (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 3,860 - 3,860 3,860 - 3,860 - (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 1,800 - 1,800 1,800 - 1,800 - (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 4,600 1,480 6,080 5,580 1,000 6,580 8% (vi) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 100 - 100 100 - 100 - Gross Total :- 268,300 1,480 269,780 283,266 1,000 284,266 5%

* The 2020 Estimate reflects a Budget Transfer of €19,500 to the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer. [21] Prisons [21] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To provide safe and secure custody, dignity of care and rehabilitation to prisoners for safer communities

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 3,350 3,389 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 256,124 - 256,124 270,110 - 270,110 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 12,176 1,480 13,656 13,156 1,000 14,156 A.3 - BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT .... 20,088 29,500 49,588 23,088 45,189 68,277 A.4 - PRISONER SERVICES .... 27,906 - 27,906 28,906 - 28,906 A.5 - OPERATIONAL SERVICES …. 4,050 1,350 5,400 4,050 500 4,550 A.6 - EDUCATIONAL SERVICES .... 1,265 - 1,265 1,265 - 1,265 A.7 - COMPENSATION .... 4,873 - 4,873 4,873 - 4,873 A.8 - SOCIAL DISADVANTAGE MEASURES (DORMANT ACCOUNTS FUNDED) …. 200 - 200 226 - 226 Programme Total:- 326,682 32,330 359,012 345,674 46,689 392,363

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Key High Level Metrics (2018 Output Target) Management of persons 4,244 Management of persons committed to prison - Prison 4,269 4,269 committed to prisons capacity (4,273) (all subheads) % of prisoners on temporary release (excluding fines) who are on structured temporary release programme 85% 90% 90% (Community Return Scheme, Community Support (90%) Scheme) Humane custody and Quantitative Indicator on Overcrowding - Average cell 92% 92% 90% rehabilitative services Occupancy (90%) (Prisoner Services Average attendance as a % of work training capacity 66% 75% 75% subhead) (75%) Average opening of prison workshops 72% 75% 75% (75%) % of prisoners on enhanced regimes 49.65% <50% <50% (<50%) Number of prisoners availing of psychology services 1,195 850 850 (800) Number of prisoners with access to drug counselling 2,149 services 2,750 2,750 (2,750)

Percentage of total Prison population attending prison 38.4% 36% 38% education centres (41.2%) Number of Referrals to IASIO GATE 934 650 650 (Training and Employment) service (610) Buildings and Number of prisoners without 24 hour access to in-cell 56 58 50 Equipment Subhead sanitation (50)

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Amendment to Prison Rule for revised Prisoner Complaints procedure

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Joint Probation Service/Irish Prison Service - Independent Review of Incentivised Regimes - A Health Needs Assessment Report for the Irish Strategy 2018 - 2020 Policy 2019 Prison Service 2020 - Gallagher, O. (2018). Psychologically informed -Irish Prison Service Strategic Plan 2019 - 2022 - IPS Social Enterprise Strategy support for staff working in forensic settings - Joint IPS/ETBI Education strategy 2019 - 2022 (symposium summary). Forensic Update, 128, 22- - Hepatitis C Research paper – ‘Evaluating peer- 23. ISSN: 2050-7348 (Online) supported mass screening as a Hepatitis C case - O’Sullivan, D., O’Sullivan, M., O’Connell, B. D., finding model in prisoners’ 2019 O’Reilly, K. & Sarma, K. M (2018). Attributional - Gallagher, O. (2019). Addressing serious violence style and depressive symptoms in a male prison in the Irish prison service: Exploring the experiences sample. PLoS ONE, 13(2), 1 – 14. doi: https://doi. of prisoners and prison officers. The International org/10.1371/journal.pone.0190394 Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology Newsletter, 50 (4), 1 – 4 - Flynn, A., Spain, E. & Black, E. (2019). Managing life in prison: An exploration of the sentence management of people serving life sentences in the Irish prison service. Poster presented at the British Psychological Society Division of Forensic Psychology Annual Conference, Liverpool, UK. In: Forensic Update, 131, 40. ISSN: 2050-7348 (Online) [21] Prisons [21]

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- No. of Committals 15,099 9,287 8,071

2- Average no. of Prisoners in Custody 3,718 3,680 3,893

3- No. of Bed Nights 1,358,000 1,344,120 1,421,918

4- Average no. of Prisoners on Temporary Release 374 233 202

5- No. of Prisoners who participated in Community Return 301 221 218

6- No. of Prisoners who participated in Community Support 439 541 631

7- No. of Prisoners by Incentivised Regimes banding

- Enhanced 1,550 1,620 1,921

- Standard 1,640 1,562 1,570

- Basic 242 306 378

8- No. of prisoner who received opiate substitute treatment 1,793 1,773 2,128

9- No. of addiction counselling sessions provided 11,212 12,358 15,521

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1 Miscellaneous .... 305 - 305 305 - 305 2 Dormant Accounts Receipts .... 200 - 200 226 - 226 3 Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 8,971 - 8,971 8,621 - 8,621

Total :- 9,476 - 9,476 9,152 - 9,152 [22] Courts Service [22] 22

COURTS SERVICE I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for such of the salaries and expenses of the Courts Service and of the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal, the High Court, the Special Criminal Court, the Circuit Court and the District Court and of certain other minor services as are not charged to the Central Fund. One hundred and six million, two hundred and forty-five thousand euro (€106,245,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Courts Service. Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - MANAGE THE COURTS AND SUPPORT THE JUDICIARY …. 86,888 51,517 138,405 90,361 66,017 156,378 13% Gross Total :- 86,888 51,517 138,405 90,361 66,017 156,378 13% Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 47,781 - 47,781 50,133 - 50,133 5% Net Total :- 39,107 51,517 90,624 40,228 66,017 106,245 17%

Net Increase (€000) 15,621

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 55,048 56,469 3% Associated Public Service employees .... 1,090 1,090 -

Exchequer pensions included in above net total .... 111 111 - Associated Public Service pensioners .... 1 1 -

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 56,805 - 56,805 58,078 - 58,078 2% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 3,013 - 3,013 3,013 - 3,013 - (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 6,291 - 6,291 7,491 - 7,491 19% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 2,003 - 2,003 2,003 - 2,003 - (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 600 8,920 9,520 600 12,920 13,520 42% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 18,076 - 18,076 19,076 - 19,076 6% (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR - MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 100 - 100 100 - 100 - Gross Total :- 86,888 8,920 95,808 90,361 12,920 103,281 8% [22] Courts Service [22] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: Manage the courts and support the judiciary

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 1,090 1,090 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 56,805 - 56,805 58,078 - 58,078 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 30,083 8,920 39,003 32,283 12,920 45,203 A.3 - COURTHOUSES (CAPITAL WORKS) .... - 4,880 4,880 - 15,380 15,380 A.4 - PPP COSTS .... - 37,717 37,717 - 37,717 37,717 Programme Total:- 86,888 51,517 138,405 90,361 66,017 156,378

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Supporting the No. of sittings supported for High 4,482 4,700 4,700 Judiciary Court (4,700) No. of sittings supported for 367 320 420* Court of Appeal* (311) No. of sittings supported for 1,240 Special Criminal Court and 1,274 1,274 (1,274) Central Criminal Court

No. of sittings supported for 17,464 19,000 19,000 Circuit and District Courts (19,000) Video Video Conferencing/Evidence 53 Conferencing (No. Display 55 61 (49) of Court rooms) 31 Evidence Display only 33 33 (31)

Target is based on the maximum possible number of court sitting days and a full complement of judges being available * The appeals list in the Court of Appeal is fixed in advance, there may be a requirement for additional sittings to be convened as the need arises. The number of court sittings is based on the number of sitting days per the legal calendar year. There may be fluctuations in the number of sitting days from year to year depending on the date certain terms commence. The appointment of additional judges in late 2019 will allow for the convening of a second division of the court with a view to increasing the number of cases disposed of. Additional sittings commenced in mid-November 2019 and thus further efficiencies should be identified, impacting on the target output in the future.

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

- Organisation Capability Review - Long-term Strategic Vision 2030 Annual Report 2019 Report - Annual Report 2017 - Annual Report 2018 [22] Courts Service [22] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Number of Offences: 413,817 (311,933) 427,101 (341,518) 426,919 (361,031) - Criminal– Incoming (Resolved) Criminal by Jurisdictions – Incoming (Resolved): 382,325 (284,678) 391,207 (290,567) 391,296 (296,971) • District Courts Crime 28,387 (25,344) 32,787 (47,716) 33,096 (60,556) • Circuit Court Crime 60 (67) 54 (50) 51 (74) • Special Criminal 1,946 (734) 1,761 (2,098) 1,202 (1,941) • Central Criminal 1,099 (1,110) 1 1,281 (1,078) 1,266 (1,472) • Court of Appeal (Criminal) Criminal Offences and Appeals 413,817 (311,933) 427,101 (341,518) 426,919 (361,031) • Offences 398,586 (294,718) 406,996 (307,021) 407,571 (315,033) • Appeals 15,231 (17,215) 1 20,105 (34,497) 19,348 (45,998) 2- Number of Cases: 235,949 (179,823) 228,122 (185,830) 226,772 (178,046) - Civil – Incoming (Resolved) Civil by Jurisdictions – Incoming (Resolved): 133,724 (105,177) 133,823 (121,075) 137,493 (106,698) • District Courts Civil 53,287 (37,723) 53,795 (36,612) 49,253 (39,606) • Circuit Court Civil 48,132 (35,964) 39,659 (27,398) 39,219 (30,982) • High Court (includes the Commercial Courts) 594 (591) 611 (470) 499 (475) • Court of Appeal (Civil) 5 234 (275) 308 (285) • Supreme Court 212 (368) Family Law – Incoming (Resolved)2 53,837 (42,100) 6 57,949 (58,806) 62,271 (48,312) Personal Injury Incoming (Resolved)3 1,158 (595) 1,011 (527) 967 (454) • District Court 12,230 (4,672) 12,497 (7,609) 12,193 (7,015) • Circuit Court 8,510 (4,549) 8,909 (3,910) 8,889 (4,493) • High Court Commercial Courts Incoming (Resolved)4 157 (115) 193 (123) 161 (79) 3- Civil - Non Litigious (Resolved) including: - Probate: Grants of Representation 17,112 (15,952) 16,604 (16,080) 18,154 (19,451) - Enduring Power of Attorney 766 (738) 928 (750) 974 (985) - Persons declared Wards of Court 368 (325) 425 (357) 431 (358) Licensing – Incoming (Resolved) 47,556 (47,556) 46,746 (46,746) 41,701 (41,701) 4- Other Operational Data: Value of Fines Imposed €21.67m €22.06m €21.18m Value of Fines Paid €9.00m €8.08m €7.06m Online services (On Line Fines) 36% 38% 37% % of Fines paid on line Ratio of Fee Income as a % of Gross Current Expenditure 41% 35% 35% 5- Staffing: No of Staff (FTE) 976 1,025 1,049 Ratio of Staff to Judges 5.9 6.4 6.56 No of Training days 1,511 1,782 2,083 6- Locations: Locations with dedicated vulnerable court user suites 1 1 8 7- Services to Court Users: Agreements reached through Family mediation service 439 359 365

Language requests met (interpretation services) 8,015 7,797 9,070

Visits to Web Site 2.7m 2.9m 3m 8- Transparency: REPs Completed 249 287 339 PQs Completed 190 262 259 FOIs Completed 153 168 219 9- Supreme Court: Waiting Times - a) Applications for leave to appeal - Time from the filing of 3 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks complete documentation to the determination of the application

b) New Jurisdiction Appeals - Time from the determination 38 weeks 54 weeks 68 weeks of the leave application to the hearing of the appeal

c) Legacy (not including priority) appeals - Time from the Legacy backlog has been cleared. All cases filing of complete documentation to the hearing of the 41 months 44 months have been heard or are in process of being appeal heard

10- Court of Appeal - Criminal: Waiting Times - Time from when an appeal is entered into the court list to the date of hearing 4 months 5 months 5 months a) Appeals 1 month (or less) 1 month (or less) 1 month (or less) b) Article 40/Habeas Corpus Appeals Within the current legal term Within the current legal term Within the current legal term c) European Arrest Warrant / Judicial Review Appeals 11- Court of Appeal – Civil: Waiting Times - Time from when an Appeal is entered into 8 the Court List to the Date of Hearing 18 months8 18 months8 20 months 9 a) Appeals 9 months9 9 months9 9 months b) Fast tracked short appeals [22] Courts Service [22] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources 12- Special Criminal Court: Waiting Times - The time from when a charge sheet is 12 months 15 months 12 months received to the trial date (Special Criminal Court 1 & 2)

13 High Court – Criminal (Central Criminal Court): a) Murder and rape trials - The time from the first listing of a case before the Central Criminal Court on return for trial from the District Court, to the trial date (a) 13 months (a) 12.5 months (a) 11 months10 b) Bail applications - The date from the issue of a notice of (b) Date immediately available (b) Date immediately available (b) Date immediately available motion to the date the matter is first listed before the High Court 14- High Court – Family: Urgent applications Within 3 weeks Within 3 weeks Within 2 weeks Non-contested cases Within 3 months Within 3 months Within 2 weeks Contested cases Within 3 months Within 3 months Within 2 months Applications under Hague Luxembourg Convention Case must be dealt with within 6 weeks Case must be dealt with within 6 weeks Case must be dealt with within 6 weeks Appeals from Circuit Court Within 3 months Within 3 months Within 2 months

Probate Principle Probate Office - Nature of application - 15- Waiting times:

Solicitor Applications 20 weeks 17 weeks 5 weeks

Personal Applications 28 weeks 48 weeks 13 weeks

1. This excludes pending cases, e.g. those on hand at the start of the year 2. Family Law is included within the Civil figures 3. Personal Injury is included within the Civil figures 4. Commercial Court is included in High Courts Civil figures 5. Matters resolved include matters pending at the start of the year 6. Includes guardianship/custody & access, divorce and judicial separation 7. Facility for solicitors commenced in four counties in 2018 8. Appeals requiring more than two hours 9. Depends on time available 10. Earlier dates are made available for trials involving child and other vulnerable witnesses

Waiting time for the Circuit & District vary from venue to venue based on geographical location and case volume. These are available in the Courts Service 2017 Annual Report.

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Fees .... 44,693 - 44,693 41,693 - 41,693 2. Miscellaneous .... 1,442 - 1,442 1,442 - 1,442 3. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 1,646 - 1,646 1,498 - 1,498 4 Dormant Courts Fund (Fund of Suitors) …. - - - 5,500 - 5,500

Total :- 47,781 - 47,781 50,133 - 50,133 [23] Property Registration Authority [23] 23

PROPERTY REGISTRATION AUTHORITY I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Property Registration Authority.

Thirty one million, seven hundred and eighty-eight thousand euro (€31,788,000)

II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Property Registration Authority.

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - MANAGE THE LAND REGISTRY AND THE REGISTRY OF DEEDS …. 30,499 560 31,059 31,319 1,000 32,319 4% Gross Total :- 30,499 560 31,059 31,319 1,000 32,319 4% Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 610 - 610 531 - 531 -13% Net Total :- 29,889 560 30,449 30,788 1,000 31,788 4%

Net Increase (€000) 1,339

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 25,285 26,044 3% Associated Public Service employees .... 518 525 1%

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 25,895 - 25,895 26,575 - 26,575 3% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 110 - 110 110 - 110 - (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 1,500 - 1,500 1,570 - 1,570 5% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 900 - 900 900 - 900 - (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 1,557 560 2,117 1,627 1,000 2,627 24% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 512 - 512 512 - 512 - (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 25 - 25 25 - 25 - Gross Total :- 30,499 560 31,059 31,319 1,000 32,319 4% [23] Property Registration Authority [23] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goals: Manage and control the Land Registry and the Registry of Deeds and to promote and extend the registration of ownership of land. A properly functioning system of land registration underpins an efficient property market.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 518 525 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 25,895 - 25,895 26,575 - 26,575 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 4,604 560 5,164 4,744 1,000 5,744 Programme Total:- 30,499 560 31,059 31,319 1,000 32,319

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Key High Level Metrics (2018 Output Target) Applications No. of applications for registration on the 236,932 220,000 230,000 land register completed (210,000) % of transfer applications, in order for 82% registration, completed within 10 working 78% 75% (75%) days No. of First Registrations completed 14,314 16,000 16,000 (15,000) No. of applications for title plans processed 129,602 120,000 120,000 (120,000) % of applications pre-lodged electronically 75% 80% 85% (80%)

% of all PRA fees received electronically 30% 70% 90% (40%) Spatial Data Requests generated and issued 1,084 1,000 1,000 electronically (900) No. of applications for registration submitted 34,522 and processed electronically 35,000 40,000 (34,000)

Number of Folios inspected online 977,131 1,000,000 1,000,000 (850,000)

35,531 Number of Registry of Deeds Applications 35,000 35,000 Completed (35,000)

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Estimated Number and Value of Residential Property Sales in the 47,399 54,171 57,000 State (Source myhome.ie) (€11.6 Billion) (€14.8 Billion) (€17.3 Billion)

2- Number and Value of all Residential Mortgage Loans issued in 29,498 34,798 40,203 the State (Source: Banking and Payments Federation of Ireland) (€5.6 Billion) (€7.3 Billion) (€8.7 Billion) 3- Overall number of titles registered on the Land Register 2,193,770 2,226,133 2,263,109

4- % of all land registered on the Land Register (Estimate only) 93% 93% 93%

5- % of all Titles registered on the Land Register 85% 86% 87% [23] Property Registration Authority [23] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 610 - 610 531 - 531 Total :- 610 - 610 531 - 531 [24] Justice and Equality [24] 24 JUSTICE AND EQUALITY I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Minister for Justice and Equality, Probation Service staff and of certain other services including payments under cash-limited schemes administered by that Office, and payment of certain grants.

Four hundred and sixty-one million and forty five thousand euro (€461,045,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Justice and Equality.

Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate** 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - LEADERSHIP IN AND OVERSIGHT OF JUSTICE AND EQUALITY POLICY AND DELIVERY (CIVIL JUSTICE AND EQUALITY AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE PILLARS) …. 57,907 126 58,033 54,839 121 54,960 -5% B - A SAFE, SECURE IRELAND (CRIMINAL JUSTICE PILLAR) .... 183,640 1,674 185,314 190,207 39,656 229,863 24% C - ACCESS TO JUSTICE FOR ALL (CIVIL JUSTICE AND EQUALITY AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE PILLARS) .... 57,535 3 57,538 55,674 5 55,679 -3% D - AN EQUAL AND INCLUSIVE SOCIETY (CIVIL JUSTICE AND EQUALITY PILLAR) .... 28,452 8 28,460 34,632 5 34,637 22% E - AN EFFICIENT RESPONSIVE AND FAIR IMMIGRATION ASYLUM AND CITIZENSHIP SYSTEM (CIVIL JUSTICE AND EQUALITY PILLAR) …. 225,694 109 225,803 160,338 114 160,452 -29% Gross Total :- 553,228 1,920 555,148 495,690 39,901 535,591 -4% Deduct :- F - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 98,134 - 98,134 74,546 - 74,546 -24% Net Total :- 455,094 1,920 457,014 421,144 39,901 461,045 1%

Net Increase (€000) 4,031

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 162,913 167,573 3% Associated Public Service employees .... 3,066 3,055 - Exchequer pensions included in above net total .... 735 735 - Associated Public Service pensioners .... 62 62 -

Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate** 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 26,381 - 26,381 70,019 - 70,019 - (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 338 - 338 1,055 - 1,055 - (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 6,867 - 6,867 10,377 - 10,377 51% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 2,085 - 2,085 2,146 - 2,146 3% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 8,894 291 9,185 12,775 291 13,066 42% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 1,933 - 1,933 3,949 - 3,949 - (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 73 - 73 73 - 73 - (viii) RESEARCH .... 282 - 282 1,336 - 1,336 - (ix) FINANCIAL SHARED SERVICES …. 6,101 59 6,160 6,586 59 6,645 8% (x) JUSTICE AND POLICING TRANSFORMATION PROGRAMME …. 7,000 - 7,000 10,000 - 10,000 43%

Gross Total :- 59,954 350 60,304 118,316 350 118,666 97% * The 2019 Estimate includes a Supplementary Estimate of €33,300,000. ** The 2020 estimate figures are not directly comparable with the 2019 equivalents in the administration subheads. This has arisen as a result of the Department’s Transformation Programme, where a number of expenditure areas have been restructured as core Departmental functions, thus giving a more comprehensive reflection of the overall administration costs of the Department. The 2020 Estimate also reflects a Budget Transfer of €82,000 to the Office of the Chief Government Information Officer. [24] Justice and Equality [24] III Details of Programme - Objectives, Outputs and Context and Impact Indicators PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: Leadership in and oversight of Justice and Equality Policy and Delivery

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers* Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 199 223 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 9,972 - 9,972 11,411 - 11,411 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 13,732 126 13,858 16,515 121 16,636 8 11 A.3 - PRISONS INSPECTORATE …. 496 - 496 1,200 - 1,200 121 126 A.4 - GARDA OMBUDSMAN COMMISSION …. 10,658 - 10,658 11,181 - 11,181 13 13 A.5 - OFFICE OF THE GARDA INSPECTORATE …. 1,295 - 1,295 1,306 - 1,306 180 - A.6 - OFFICE OF THE DATA PROTECTION COMMISSIONER** …. 10,780 - 10,780 - - - 6 6 A.7 - IRISH FILM CLASSIFICATION OFFICE …. 646 - 646 702 - 702 A.8 - CENTRAL AUTHORITY …. 135 - 135 135 - 135 A.9 - LEGAL SERVICES REGULATORY AUTHORITY …. 1,001 - 1,001 1,001 - 1,001 32 32 A.10 - PROPERTY SERVICES REGULATORY AUTHORITY …. 2,250 - 2,250 2,276 - 2,276 78 78 A.11 - INSOLVENCY SERVICE IRELAND …. 6,640 - 6,640 7,510 - 7,510 4 4 A.12 - JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS COMMISSION …. 51 - 51 251 - 251 4 4 A.13 - JUDICIAL COUNCIL …. 251 - 251 1,251 - 1,251 - - A.14 - GAMBLING REGULATORY AUTHORITY …. - - - 100 - 100

Programme Total:- 57,907 126 58,033 54,839 121 54,960 645 497 of which pay:- 32,202 32,202 29,495 29,495

* The breakdown of staffing numbers are indicative only and may change. ** The Data Protection Commission is a separate Vote with effect from 1 Jan 2020

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Office of the No. of Visiting Committee Annual Reports submitted 12 12 12 Inspector of to the Minister (14) Prisons No. of Thematic and/or Focused Reports Submitted 0 1 2 to Minister (2) 0 No. of Full Inspection Reports Conducted 1 1 (3) Legal Services Regulatory Barristers Registered on Roll of Practising Barristers n/a 2,750 2,800 Authority Complaints Processed in respect of Legal n/a 200 800 Practitioners

Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) entered onto n/a 100 1,000 Register of LLPs

Property Compliance Investigations of licensees under the 370 Services Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist 200 200 (200) Regulatory Financing) Act 2010 Authority Compliance Audit Investigations of licensees under 448 200 200 the Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011 (200)

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Prisons - Office of the Inspector of Prisons: - Office of the Inspector of Prisons: - Office of the Inspector of Prisons: Investigate Inspectorate 14 Investigation Reports into the Investigation reports into the deaths of all deaths in custody and within one month circumstances surrounding deaths in prisoners in custody or while on temporary following release from custody custody were published by the Minister release - Finalise all ongoing investigations into deaths (10 reports were in respect of deaths in custody which occurred during 2017 and four were - The above is in addition to the two Thematic in respect of 2018 deaths in custody) and Focused Reports and one Inspection Report

Garda Garda Inspectorate - Reports: - Garda Inspectorate - Inspections: Garda Inspectorate - Inspections: Inspectorate 1) Responding to Child Sexual Abuse Public Order Practices in the Garda Síochána 1. Countering the risk of corruption within the January 2018 Garda Síochána 2) Policing in Local Communities 2. Custody arrangements in the Garda Síochána December 2018 3. The Garda Síochána response to the policing Advice Paper: A Review of Entry Routes of Ireland’s ports into An Garda Síochána Legal Services - Legal Services Regulatory Authority: - Legal Services Regulatory Regulatory Publication of Roll of Practising Barristers Authority: Ongoing publication of Roll of Authority (Q2 2019) Practising Barristers - Publication of Register of Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) - Submission of Section 73 Report on Complaints Statistics (April and October each year) Property Services Property Services Regulatory Authority: Property Services Regulatory Authority: Property Services Regulatory Authority: Regulatory • Seven Guidance documents new or • Revise Communications Policy • Letters of Engagement (Revised & Updated) Authority revised/updated. • Revise Audit Guide • Publish 3 “PSRA News” newsletters • Revised and updated Letters of • Publish 4 “PSRA News” newsletters Engagement (Property Service Agreements) • 4 “PSRA News” newsletters issued

Context and Impact indicators

2016 2017 2018 1- Office of the Inspector of Prisons - Requested by the Minister under relevant section of the Prisons Act 2007

(i) Death in Custody Investigation reports published - section (i)14 (i) 13 (i) 14 31 (2) (ii) 2 (ii) 3 (ii) Nil (ii) Other reports published Inspection/Thematic reports – section 32(2)

2- Garda Ombudsman Commission – Complaints Received 1,758 1,949 1,921

3- Garda Ombudsman Commission – Complaints Closed 1,704 1,702 1,897

4- Irish Film Classification Office – Theatrical Films and Trailers Certified 829 1,072 1,147 5- Irish Film Classification Office – DVD/Video Works Certified 3,830 3,089 2,621 6- Irish Film Classification Office – Video Retail Licences issued 1,043 1,016 1,046 7- Property Services Regulatory Authority – Licensed Property Services Providers 5,779 5,805 5,860 8- Property Services Regulatory Authority – • Leases published on the Commercial Lease Register 9,757 9,623 9,399 • Website visits to the Commercial Lease Register 23,182 28,916 29,511* 9- Property Services Regulatory Authority – • Properties listed on the Property Price Register 49,765 54,842 57,156 • Website visits to the Property Price Register 1,565,514 1,836,580 1,449,077* 10- Property Services Regulatory Authority – Website visits to the Register Information Page which hosts 18,383 13,740 10,376* the Licensed Property Services Providers Register 11- Property Services Regulatory Authority – Complaints received against Property Services Providers 285 329 274

12- Insolvency Service of Ireland – Number of new insolvency applications set up on ISI system 3,329 4,626 3,503

13- Insolvency Service of Ireland – Number of Protective Certificates issued 1,786 2,198 1,958

14- Insolvency Service of Ireland – Number of arrangements approved 1,289 1,115 1,312

15- Insolvency Service of Ireland – Number of bankruptcy adjudications 526 473 397

The Department is currently in the process of developing key performance indicators (KPIs) for the newly-established functions created through the recent Transformation Programme. The areas in scope are: Policy, Legislation, Governance, Transparency, Operations and Service Delivery (including Immigration Service Delivery). At present, KPI’s are currently in the process of being identified and validated with a view to baseline, establish targets, and commence measurement. The KPIs identified can be broadly grouped under a number of headings: Performance, Quality, Customer, Evaluation and Efficiency. It is anticipated that a number of these KPI’s will be included as high level metrics and context and impact indicators for REV 2021. * This figure represents 9 months Jan – Sept. Due to an update to the website in the final quarter of 2018, the metrics were not captured for this period [24] Justice and Equality [24] III Details of Programme - Objectives, Outputs and Context and Impact Indicators PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: A Safe, Secure Ireland

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate*** Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers* 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 168 226 B.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 9,512 - 9,512 11,774 - 11,774 B.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 7,335 104 7,439 7,660 105 7,765 93 93 B.3 - …. 9,853 - 9,853 9,090 - 9,090 380 380 B.4 - PROBATION SERVICE - SALARIES, WAGES & ALLOWANCES …. 21,205 - 21,205 24,234 - 24,234 B.5 - PROBATION SERVICE - OPERATING EXPENSES …. 4,075 - 4,075 4,125 - 4,125 B.6 - PROBATION SERVICE - SERVICES TO OFFENDERS …. 16,732 - 16,732 17,532 - 17,532 42 46 B.7 - COMMUNITY SERVICE ORDER SCHEME …. 2,302 - 2,302 3,045 - 3,045 10 - B.8 - YOUTH JUSTICE INTERVENTIONS …. 13,169 - 13,169 12,604 - 12,604 B.9 - FUNDING FOR SERVICES TO VICTIMS OF CRIME .... 1,712 - 1,712 1,892 - 1,892 2 - B.10 - MENTAL HEALTH (CRIMINAL LAW) REVIEW BOARD .... 401 - 401 288 - 288 4 - B.11 - COMPENSATION FOR PERSONAL INJURIES CRIMINALLY INFLICTED ** .... 4,282 - 4,282 4,016 - 4,016 B.12 - LEGAL AID (CRIMINAL) …. 67,802 - 67,802 65,302 - 65,302 B.13 - LEGAL AID - CUSTODY ISSUES …. 3,000 - 3,000 3,000 - 3,000 8 - B.14 - PAROLE BOARD …. 577 - 577 157 - 157 B.15 - CRIME PREVENTION MEASURES …. 697 - 697 1,197 - 1,197 45 46 B.16 - PRIVATE SECURITY AUTHORITY …. 3,258 - 3,258 3,799 - 3,799 8 - B.17 - FUNDING FOR PREVENTION OF DOMESTIC, SEXUAL AND GENDER BASED VIOLENCE …. 2,438 - 2,438 2,069 - 2,069 139 193 B.18 - FORENSIC SCIENCE IRELAND …. 13,915 1,570 15,485 17,440 39,551 56,991 7 8 B.19 - STATE PATHOLOGY …. 1,375 - 1,375 983 - 983

906 992 Programme Total:- 183,640 1,674 185,314 190,207 39,656 229,863 of which pay:- 53,878 53,878 61,423 61,423 * The breakdown of staffing numbers are indicative only, and may change. ** Cash Limited Scheme *** The 2020 estimate figures are not directly comparable with the 2019 equivalents in certain subheads. This has arisen as a result of the Department’s Transformation Programme, where a number of expenditure areas have been restructured as core Departmental functions, thus giving a more comprehensive reflection of the overall administration costs of the Department.

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities

2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target)

Criminal Asset No. of Criminal Asset Bureau (CAB) cases (a) (a) 30 (15) (a) 25 (a) 25 Bureau initiated (b) finalised (b) 22 (7) (b) 10 (b) 10 Probation No. of New Court referrals 9,546 Service 9,000 9,500 (8,400)

No. of Offenders who will be dealt with under the J- 130 150 150 ARC pilot scheme (151) Community No. of Offenders who will be dealt with in the 15,777 Service Order 15,000 15,500 community (14,000) Scheme No. of Community return completions 197 250 250 (250)

Irish Youth No. of Young people engaged in Youth Diversion 3,575 Justice Services 3,900 3,900 Projects (4,100) Funding to No. of victims of crime helped by funded services for organisations 20,334 20,500 21,000 victims of crime (20,500)

Private Security No. of Contractors licensed to provide private Authority security services by the Private Security Authority 1,356 1,450 1,480 (1,400)

Individuals licensed to provide private security services by the Private Security Authority 33,699 32,000 33,500 (31,000) [24] Justice and Equality [24] III Details of Programme - Objectives, Outputs and Context and Impact Indicators

COSC Domestic Violence - Men who were assessed for 248 –Domestic, 310 352 programmes (381) Sexual and Gender based Domestic Violence - Men who commenced 125 204 218 Violence programmes (233)

Domestic Violence – Men who completed 84 142 145 programmes (128)

Domestic Violence - partners / ex-partners who were 132 162 136 supported by partner contact services (152) Forensic Science Technical Bureau Cases or Match Requests Assisted Ireland by FSI Staff (GNTB Merger) New Metric ≥ 50 ≥ 1,000

Complex drug/tox cases Reported 4,845 5,000 5,500 (Chemical Analysis) (4,500)

Missing Persons Case Investigations or Body 4 20 50 Identifications (DNA) (4)

Member States with Active Prüm Connectivity & New Metric 4 6 Exchange (DNA)

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

Probation Service - Probation Service: 2019 Recidivism Study - Probation Service: 2020 Recidivism Study - Funding of Services for Victims of Crime: - 2020-2026 Youth Justice Strategy Funding of Revised and updated Victims of Crime Charter - Criminal Legal Aid: new Scheme Provisions Services for and Guidance Documents for ad-hoc Schemes Victims of Crime

Private Security - Revised Standard for Access Control - PSA Licensing Requirements for Electronic Authority - PSA Requirements for Training - Standard for Powered Gates Security – Powered Gates Providers - Management Standard for Electronic Security - PSA Licensing Requirements for Safes - PSA Training Requirements for - Standard for Security Consultants - PSA Licensing Requirements for Security Monitoring Centre Employees Consultants

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018

1- Youth engagement levels in Youth Diversion Programmes 4,081 3,900 3,575

2- Number of reported trafficking cases 75 75 64 Number of criminal legal aid certificates granted in the 3- 55,617 64,181 72,674 District Court Legal Aid - Custody Issues Scheme (non-bail): claims 4- 198 216 144 authorised

5- Legal Aid - Custody Issues Scheme (bail): claims authorised 2,234 2,386 4,644

Garda Station Legal Advice Revised Scheme 6- 4,260 4,130 4,310 Total claims authorised 7- Parole Board – Cases Referred by Minister 64 66 63

8- Parole Board – Total Caseload 344 346 343

9- Parole Board – Recommendations made to the Minister 98 114 111

Post-mortem examinations performed by the Office of the 10- 240 261 286 State Pathologist [24] Justice and Equality [24] III Details of Programme - Objectives, Outputs and Context and Impact Indicators PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: Access to Justice for All

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate**

Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers* 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

4 10 C.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 231 - 231 552 - 552 C.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 180 3 183 359 5 364 3 - C.3 - MAGDALEN FUND .... 5,860 - 5,860 3,308 - 3,308 5 11 C.4 - COMMISSIONS AND SPECIAL INQUIRIES .... 6,556 - 6,556 6,316 - 6,316 435 440 C.5 - LEGAL AID BOARD …. 40,796 - 40,796 42,207 - 42,207 C.6 - FREE LEGAL ADVICE CENTRES .... 98 - 98 98 - 98 18 21 C.7 - CORONER SERVICE .... 3,814 - 3,814 2,834 - 2,834

Programme Total:- 57,535 3 57,538 55,674 5 55,679 465 482 of which pay:- 23,227 23,227 23,579 23,579

* The breakdown of staffing numbers are indicative only, and may change. ** The 2020 estimate figures are not directly comparable with the 2019 equivalents in certain subheads. This has arisen as a result of the Department’s Transformation Programme, where a number of expenditure areas have been restructured as core Departmental functions, thus giving a more comprehensive reflection of the overall administration costs of the Department.

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities

2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Civil Legal Aid No. of New Cases Processed: (a) Total (a)15,011 / (New Metric) (a) New Metric (a) 17,800 (b) Processed in law centres (b) 6,221 / (7,300) (b) 7,300 (b) 7,300 (c) Referred to private solicitors (c) 8,790 / (New metric) (c) New Metric (c) 10,500

1,754 Legal Services waiting list 1,200 1,200 (1,600)

Mediation Cases completed New Metric 2,200 2,200

Mediation Sessions given New Metric 10,650 10,650

No. of full written Mediated Agreements New Metric 1,300 1,300

2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Publish Documents

Legal Aid Board Commissions and Special Inquiries:- Commissions and Special Inquiries reports:- a) Final report of S.42 Inquiry (Kelly) a) S.41 Inquiry (Nugent) b) Final report of S.42 Inquiry (Clancy) b) S.42 Inquiry (Mulcahy) c) Final Report of MacLochlainn c) S.42 Inquiry (Tuohey) Commission of Investigation d) Disclosures Tribunal d) Third Interim Report of Disclosures Tribunal e) Report on the Future of Policing in Ireland

Context and Impact indicators

2016 2017 2018 1- Legal Aid Board – General Applicants 15,490 15,561 16,169 2- Legal Aid Board – Asylum related Applicants 1,658 1,489 2,079 [24] Justice and Equality [24] III Details of Programme - Objectives, Outputs and Context and Impact Indicators PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: An Equal and Inclusive Society

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate** Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers* 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

13 12 D.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 737 - 737 601 - 601 D.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 569 8 577 391 5 396 35 35 D.3 - NATIONAL DISABILITY AUTHORITY .... 4,611 - 4,611 4,844 - 4,844 26 - D.4 - REFUGEE AND MIGRANT INTEGRATION …. 3,145 - 3,145 7,055 - 7,055 D.5 - SOCIAL DISADVANTAGE MEASURES (DORMANT ACCOUNTS FUNDED) …. 7,000 - 7,000 8,000 - 8,000 D.6 - GRANTS TO NATIONAL WOMEN'S ORGANISATIONS .... 525 - 525 525 - 525 D.7 - TRAVELLER AND ROMA INITIATIVES …. 3,880 - 3,880 3,880 - 3,880 D.8 - POSITIVE ACTION FOR GENDER EQUALITY …. 5,085 - 5,085 4,905 - 4,905 D.9 - EQUALITY AND LGBTI INITIATIVES …. 200 - 200 931 - 931 D.10 - DECISION SUPPORT SERVICE …. 2,700 - 2,700 3,500 - 3,500 Programme Total:- 28,452 8 28,460 34,632 5 34,637 74 47 of which pay:- 4,354 4,354 4,233 4,233

* The breakdown of staffing numbers are indicative only, and may change. ** The 2020 estimate figures are not directly comparable with the 2019 equivalents in certain subheads. This has arisen as a result of the Department’s Transformation Programme, where a number of expenditure areas have been restructured as core Departmental functions, thus giving a more comprehensive reflection of the overall administration costs of the Department.

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities

2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Refugee and 338 Migrant Programme refugees resettled 600 300 (370) Integration Programme refugees accommodated in integration 843 interventions 600 300 (715)

No. of Bodies funded to support and facilitate the 111 integration of legally-resident immigrants into Irish 20 25 (11) Society1 No. of Bodies funded, under the Communities Integration Fund, to support migrant integration in New Metric 100 120 local communities Traveller and No. of projects to support integration of the Traveller 15 Roma 20 35 Initiatives community (35)

1 The 2018 figure included only project solely funded through national funds. The 2019 and 2020 figures include both Exchequer funded projects and projects supported by the Asylum Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020.

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Migrant Integration Strategy Interim Report to - Mid-term review of the National Strategy for Government Women and Girls - Review of National Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy - Review of National Disability Inclusion Strategy - Interim Report of Anti-Racism Committee [24] Justice and Equality [24] EQUALITY BUDGETING OBJECTIVES & PERFORMANCE INDICATORS

High Level Goal: To increase women’s overall participation in the labour market, while offering women increased economic independence; to decrease their risk of poverty in older years, associated with detachment from the labour market; and to foster the achievement of the female employment target in Europe 2020 and meet the objectives of EU Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan 1 .

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities Key High Level Metrics 2018 Outturn 2019 Outturn 2020 Target (2018 Target) (2019 Target)

No. of women detached from labour market who participate in a New Metric 1,000 1,000 Women Returning to the Workforce training course.

No. of women progressing into employment 6 months after New Metric 100 100 completing a Women Returning to the Workforce training course.

No. of women who participate in a training course on New Metric 174 200 entrepreneurship.

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 Gender gap2 in ILO labour market participation rate (15 and 1- 13.3 pps 12.9 pps 12.2 pps over)3 Female ILO labour market participation rate (20-24 years)3 2- 76.1% 74.0% 70.9%

Female ILO labour market participation rate (55-59 years)3 3- 61.1% 61.4% 62.3%

4 4- Female employment rate (20-64 years) 65.4% 67.0% 68.1%

5 5- Female early stage entrepreneurship rate 7.3% 6.3% 7.5% Gender gap in early stage entrepreneurship rates 6- 7.2 pps 5.4 pps 3.4 pps

Gender gap in at-risk-of-poverty rates6 7- -0.7 pps -1.4 pps -1.9 pps

Proportion of State Boards meeting the 40% gender balance 8- 43.0% 47.0% 47.6% target in respect of their membership Proportion of people with disabilities employed across the 9- 3.50% 3.50% 3.30% Public Sector 2 All gender gaps measured as male rate less female rate. 3 International Labour Organisation (ILO) labour market participation rates, LFS, data shown for Q2 each year, table QLF18, www.cso.ie. 4 Eurostat, employment rate (20-64), table t2020_10, https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ 5 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor reports, Ireland, published annually, www.enterprise-ireland.com 6 SILC, table SIA12, male at-risk-of-poverty rate less female rate, www.cso.ie [24] Justice and Equality [24] III Details of Programme - Objectives, Outputs and Context and Impact Indicators PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: An efficient, responsive and fair immigration asylum and citizenship system.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate**

Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers* 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

177 1059 E.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 9,985 - 9,985 50,222 - 50,222 E.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 7,701 109 7,810 18,831 114 18,945 E.3 - ASYLUM MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION FUND …. 2,500 - 2,500 1,769 - 1,769 870 49 E.4 - IMMIGRATION AND INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION PROGRAMMES …. 74,888 - 74,888 8,896 - 8,896 E.5 - INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION SEEKERS ACCOMMODATION …. 130,620 - 130,620 80,620 - 80,620 Programme Total:- 225,694 109 225,803 160,338 114 160,452 1047 1108 of which pay:- 53,755 53,755 52,268 52,268

* The breakdown of staffing numbers are indicative only, and may change. ** The 2020 estimate figures are not directly comparable with the 2019 equivalents in certain subheads. This has arisen as a result of the Department’s Transformation Programme, where a number of expenditure areas have been restructured as core Departmental functions, thus giving a more comprehensive reflection of the overall administration costs of the Department.

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities

2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Immigration The number of foreign nationals registered in 138,411 and Ireland 165,000 (120,000) 185,000 International Protection Protection applications to be dealt with under the Programmes Single Application Procedure following 3,039 3,500 4,250 commencement of the International Protection (2,500) Act

10,997 No. of citizenship applications concluded 9,000 12,000 (10,000)

No. of Atypical Worker Permission Applications 3,102 3,000 3,000 (3,000) Applications processed under Immigration 466 Investor and Start-up Entrepreneurs Programmes 450 500 (300)

Context and Impact indicators

2016 2017 2018 International Protection Appeals Tribunal Appeals Received 1- New Metric New Metric 2,151

2- International Protection Appeals Tribunal Appeals Completed New Metric New Metric 1,342

3- Number of asylum seekers in accommodation at end of year 4,420 5,096 6,115 [24] Justice and Equality [24] EQUALITY BUDGETING OBJECTIVES & PERFORMANCE INDICATORS High Level Goal: To evaluate the effectiveness of the Irish Refugee Protection Programme – Humanitarian Admission Programme 7 (IHAP) in providing a new humanitarian pathway for certain groups that are currently underrepresented in terms of seeking international protection in Ireland, such as: women, minor children, older persons, and vulnerable close family members of refugees/citizens.

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities

2019 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics (2019 Output Target)

Number of people from the top 10 major countries of refugees in the world 8 approved to join their families in Ireland under IHAP 530

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Applications for international protections from Women and Girls as a percentage of overall applications 20.2% 38.1% 36.1%

2- IHAP Beneficiaries approved n/a n/a 171

3- Breakdown of IHAP approvals by: i Female Gender n/a n/a 103 ii. Minor children (aged < 18) n/a n/a 29 iii. Older persons (aged > 55) n/a n/a 52 iv. Vulnerable close family member n/a n/a 79 4- Group as a proportion of total number of IHAP beneficiaries i Female Gender n/a n/a 60% ii. Minor children (aged < 18) n/a n/a 17% iii. Older persons (aged > 55) n/a n/a 30% iv. Vulnerable close family member n/a n/a 46% 7 IHAP is a 2-year time-limited programme, commenced in 2018. The programme aims to have issued approval in principle letters to applicants in respect of 530 beneficiaries in total by its conclusion at end December 2019. The 2019 Output Target is therefore a cumulative target. The IHAP does not set specific targets for approvals in respect of beneficiaries who are male/female, of any particular age or disability status. 8 The Top 10 refugee producing countries in the world as set out in the latest UNHCR Global Trends Reports

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

F. - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Film Censorship Fees .... 1,503 - 1,503 1,503 - 1,503 2. Data Protection Fees .... ------3. EU Receipts .... 22,800 - 22,800 13,000 - 13,000 4. Miscellaneous receipts .... 583 - 583 573 - 573 5. Immigration Registration Fees …… 41,000 - 41,000 28,000 - 28,000 6. Visa Fees … 10,000 - 10,000 6,000 - 6,000 7. Dormant Accounts Receipts …. 7,000 - 7,000 8,000 - 8,000 8. Private Security Authority Fees …. 2,564 - 2,564 2,564 - 2,564 9. Nationality and Citizenship Certificates Fees …. 5,200 - 5,200 8,500 - 8,500 10. Legal Services Regulatory Authority - Levy on Professional Bodies … 1 - 1 1 - 1 11. Property Services Regulatory Authority Fees …. 2,300 - 2,300 2,300 - 2,300 12. Insolvency Service Ireland Fees …. 680 - 680 680 - 680 13. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 4,503 - 4,503 3,425 - 3,425

Total :- 98,134 - 98,134 74,546 - 74,546 [25] Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission [25] 25

IRISH HUMAN RIGHTS AND EQUALITY COMMISSION I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission and for payment of certain grants. Six million, seven hundred and thirty-three thousand euro (€6,733,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission.

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % A - IRISH HUMAN RIGHTS AND EQUALITY COMMISSION FUNCTION .... 6,651 100 6,751 6,714 100 6,814 1% 6,651 100 6,751 6,714 100 6,814 1% Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 89 - 89 81 - 81 -9% 6,562 100 6,662 6,633 100 6,733 1%

Net Increase (€000) 71

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 3,569 3,640 2% Associated Public Service employees .... 64 65 2%

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 3,658 - 3,658 3,721 - 3,721 2% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 80 - 80 63 - 63 -21% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 1,927 - 1,927 1,856 - 1,856 -4% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 122 - 122 50 - 50 -59% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES …. 100 65 165 260 45 305 85% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 465 35 500 465 55 520 4% (vIi) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEW …. 299 - 299 299 - 299 - Gross Total :- 6,651 100 6,751 6,714 100 6,814 1% [25] Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission [25] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To protect and promote human rights and equality

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 64 65 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 3,658 - 3,658 3,721 - 3,721 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 2,993 100 3,093 2,993 100 3,093 Programme Total:- 6,651 100 6,751 6,714 100 6,814

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target* 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target)* Number of “Your Rights” queries handled 1,711 n/a 1,750

Number of Applicants granted legal assistance 102 n/a 70 (Sec 40) Number of Organisations provided with support for projects under the Irish Human Rights and 30 n/a 30 Equality Grants Scheme

*No target available for 2018 or 2019 Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Shadow Report in relation to United - Shadow Report in relation to United Nations - Shadow Report in relation to United Nations Nations Convention on the Elimination Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of of All Forms of Discrimination Discrimination (CERD) Discrimination (CRPD) (CERD)** - Parallel report in relation to the Universal - Decent Work Monitoring Framework Report - Parallel report in relation to the Periodic Review Housing Rights Monitoring Framework Report European Social Charter - Research Report on Evolving Justice - Study on second generation minority ethnic - Research Report Examining Attitudes Arrangements post-Brexit young people to Diversity in Ireland*** - Research Report on Hidden Versus Revealed - Research Report on discrimination in access - Research Report Monitoring Prejudice*** to housing Awareness and Attitudes to Human - Research Report on Unpaid Care & Work Rights and Equality*** Contribution of Women and Men*** - Research Report on Housing - Research Report on Socio Economic Rights Inequalities*** - Research Report on Disability and Discrimination*** - Research Report on Ethnicity and Nationality in the Irish Labour Market*** - Research Report on the Economic and Social Exclusion of Lone Parents***

**UN Report due for publication in 2018 delayed until 2019 ***Conducted in conjunction with the ESRI

Context and Impact Indicators 2016 2017 2018 Increased public awareness of the Irish Human Rights and Equality New Metric New Metric 40% Commission (source : annual poll)

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 89 - 89 81 - 81 Total :- 89 - 89 81 - 81 [26] Education and Skills [26]

26 EDUCATION AND SKILLS I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Minister for Education and Skills, for certain services administered by that Office, and for the payments of certain grants.

Ten thousand, one hundred and thirty-three million, two hundred and eighteen thousand euro (€10,133,218,000)

II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Education and Skills. Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - FIRST, SECOND AND EARLY YEARS' EDUCATION** …. 7,293,695 764,055 8,057,750 7,489,501 747,933 8,237,434 2% B - SKILLS DEVELOPMENT *** …. 566,765 13,204 579,969 570,934 18,238 589,172 2% C - HIGHER EDUCATION *** …. 1,579,586 163,741 1,743,327 1,586,156 155,829 1,741,985 - Gross Total :- 9,440,046 941,000 10,381,046 9,646,591 922,000 10,568,591 2%

Deduct :- D - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 511,890 500 512,390 434,873 500 435,373 -15% Net Total :- 8,928,156 940,500 9,868,656 9,211,718 921,500 10,133,218 3%

Net Increase (€000) 264,562

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 5,945,534 6,171,796 4% Associated Public Service employees .... 110,207 113,325 3%

Exchequer pensions included in above net total .... 1,223,598 1,274,387 4% Associated Public Service pensioners .... 48,869 50,424 3%

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 ADMINISTRATION over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in the above 2019 Programme allocations €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES …. 66,973 - 66,973 68,332 - 68,332 2% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 1,850 - 1,850 1,880 - 1,880 2% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 1,742 - 1,742 1,742 - 1,742 - (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 2,200 - 2,200 2,200 - 2,200 - (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 4,829 3,000 7,829 5,829 3,500 9,329 19% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 1,601 - 1,601 1,601 - 1,601 - (vii) CONSULTANCY AND OTHER SERVICES …. 131 - 131 131 - 131 - (viii) NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICE …. 20,756 - 20,756 21,717 - 21,717 5% Gross Total :- 100,082 3,000 103,082 103,432 3,500 106,932 4%

* The 2019 Estimate includes a Supplementary Estimate of €68,000,000 ** Allocation includes additional €57 million for a timing related adjustment for pay in the sector in 2020 *** Allocations for Programme B - Skills Development and Programme C- Higher Education, are affected by the reallocation of programmes between the National Training Fund and the Vote, as recommended by the independent review of the NTF. When the Voted and National Training Fund expenditure are both taken into account the increases in total expenditure for 2020 over 2019 is 3.1% for Skills Development and 4.9% for Higher Education programmes. [26] Education and Skills [26] Details of Programme - Objectives, Outputs and Context and Impact Indicators PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: Provide a quality inclusive school and early year’s education system, with improved learning outcomes.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 1,260 1,333 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 76,799 - 76,799 78,926 - 78,926 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 12,706 2,600 15,306 13,609 3,033 16,642 37,406 37,372 A.3 - SALARIES, WAGES & ALLOWANCES (INCLUDING INCIDENTAL PAYMENTS OF PRIMARY TEACHERS …. 2,515,302 - 2,515,302 2,539,195 - 2,539,195 19,787 20,054 A.4 - SALARIES, WAGES & ALLOWANCES (INCLUDING INCIDENTAL PAYMENTS) OF SECONDARY, COMPREHENSIVE & COMMUNITY SCHOOL TEACHERS …. 1,330,762 - 1,330,762 1,401,619 - 1,401,619 9,492 9,840 A.5 - GRANTS TO EDUCATION TRAINING BOARDS IN RESPECT OF ETB TEACHERS' SALARIES …. 594,818 - 594,818 596,489 - 596,489 15,955 17,019 A.6 - SALARIES AND WAGES (INCLUDING INCIDENTAL PAYMENTS) OF SPECIAL NEEDS ASSISTANTS IN PRIMARY AND POST PRIMARY SCHOOLS …. 564,229 - 564,229 602,054 - 602,054 2,631 2,631 A.7 - SALARIES AND WAGES (INCLUDING INCIDENTAL PAYMENTS) OF NON-TEACHING STAFF IN THE PRIMARY AND POST PRIMARY SECTORS (EXCLUDING SPECIAL NEEDS ASSISTSANTS) …. 111,338 - 111,338 113,518 - 113,518 A.8 - SUPERANNUATION ETC. IN RESPECT OF TEACHING AND NON-TEACHING STAFF …. 1,201,435 - 1,201,435 1,239,288 - 1,239,288 A.9 - SCHOOL TRANSPORT SERVICES …. 218,641 - 218,641 224,669 - 224,669 26 26 A.10 - GRANTS (INCLUDING CAPITATION) PAYABLE TO PRIMARY AND POST PRIMARY SCHOOLS, EDUCATION TRAINING BOARDS AND OTHER EDUCATIONAL ORGANISATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS … 456,495 - 456,495 470,512 - 470,512 340 370 A.11 - GRANTS TO EDUCATION BODIES WORKING IN THE PRIMARY AND POST PRIMARY SECTORS 106,386 - 106,386 107,078 - 107,078 A.12 - TEACHER EDUCATION …. 33,238 - 33,238 31,424 - 31,424 8 8 A.13 - PAYMENTS IN RESPECT OF RESIDENTIAL INSTITUTIONS REDRESS AND COSTS ASSCOIATED WITH THE CHILD ABUSE COMMISSION …. 1,221 500 1,721 2,829 500 3,329 13 13 A.14 - MISCELLANEOUS GRANTS AND SERVICES …. 43,325 54,900 98,225 49,291 53,400 102,691 A.15 - PRIMARY AND POST PRIMARY INFRASTRUCTURE …. 27,000 622,000 649,000 19,000 620,000 639,000 A.16 - PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP COSTS …. - 84,055 84,055 - 71,000 71,000 Programme Total:- 7,293,695 764,055 8,057,750 7,489,501 747,933 8,237,434 86,918 88,666 of which pay:- 5,262,664 - 5,262,664 5,405,188 - 5,405,188

* Allocations for ETB PLC programmes along with further education and training co-operation hours pay have been reallocated from Subhead A.5 - ETB TEACHER SALARIES to Programme B Subhead B.5 - GRANTS TO SOLAS - FURTHER EDUCATION & TRAINING.

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities Key High Level Metrics 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

No. of pupils in Primary school 567,772 566,220* 559,822*

No. of pupils in Post-Primary school 362,889 369,673* 377,118*

Number of additional accommodation projects > €1m completed 49 44^ 55

Number of additional accommodation projects < €1m completed 126 110^ 130

Number of permanent additional and replacement student places from 16,720 17,000^ 23,000 projects completed in that year

School transport routes 6,856 7,280* 7,780*

Pupils on school transport 117,455 119,890* 120,600*

Special Education Needs (SEN) pupils on school transport 12,751 14,500* 15,300*

No. of students taking Leaving Certificate established programme 83,113 85,452* 86,528*

No. of students doing Transition Year 45,916 45,922* 45,983*

* Totals provided are based on projected figures and do not a represent a targeted value ^ Over 200 other projects that are currently at construction at end 2019 will, when completed, deliver circa 25,000 school places. [26] Education and Skills [26] Details of Programme - Objectives, Outputs and Context and Impact Indicators

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Education (Parent and Student Charter) Bill - Retention of Records Bill 2019 - Residential Institution Statutory Fund Board Dissolution Bill

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target -Action Plan for Education 2018 -Action Plan for Education 2019 - Action Plan for Education 2020 -Revised Code of Governance for Education and Training Boards -Professional award criteria and guidelines for initial - Data Strategy for the Department -New curriculum specification, History, Geography, Music, Home professional education in Early Childhood Education - Provide guidance for Naíonraí and Primary schools Economics, Mathematics and Care on the development of links between Naíonraí and -Digital Strategy Action Plan 2018 -Inspection report on Digital Learning Primary schools to include exemplars of good practice -Curriculum for Leaving Certificate Physical Education and Computer -Modern Foreign Languages, STEM curricular - Publish a series of good practice guides for subjects Science evaluation and whole-school type inspections in the Primary school curriculum -Framework for Senior Cycle Physical Education -Joint publication of a workforce plan with the - Publish “Looking at our Early years Education -New Primary Maths Curriculum for Junior Infants to Second Class Department of Children and Youth Affairs Settings” guide to self-evaluation -Guidelines for Level 1 NFQ Learning Programmes -DES Annual Report and Statement of Strategy - Publish a suite of data guidelines to assist the -Leaving Certificate Economics specification -Statistical Bulletin 2018 Department in the best use of data throughout each -Assessment guidelines for Junior Cycle Irish -Circulars for Primary and Post-Primary schools in stage of the Data Lifecycle relation to the next phase of the implementation of the - Projection of demand for enrolment in Primary and Gaeltacht School recognition Scheme and Guidelines Post-Primary 2020 – 2038 for Gaeltacht Primary and Post-Primary Schools - Interim Joint ERC / Inspectorate Composite Report(s) -Good practice indicators for Immersion Education on research and evaluation findings of the -Specification for Phase 5 Junior Cycle subjects implementation of the Gaeltacht School Recognition (Technology subjects, Religious Education, Jewish Scheme and delivery of the Scheme Studies and Classics) - Develop guidelines around Quality Assurance of -Report on 2018 Lifeskills survey materials to promote ESD in the curriculum -Draft overview of a redeveloped primary curriculum - Inspection reports to support quality assurance in -Primary Language Curriculum / Curaclam teanga na schools and other centres of learning Bunscoile for senior classes - Inspection findings and trends over a three year -Pilot Public Private Partnership (PPP) schools mid- period 2016 – 2019 term review - SSE Update 14 for Primary and Post-Primary schools - A report on the quality of education provision for children attending hospital schools - A report on the quality of education provision in special classes in mainstream schools for children with Specific Speech and Language Disorder and for children with Specific Learning Disorders - A report on the quality of provision for children with EAL needs in Primary and Post-Primary schools - Guide to Early years Education Inspection in Early Learning and Care Settings for children 0 – 6 years

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018

1- No. of pupils in Primary school 558,314 563,459 567,772

2- No. of Primary schools 3,250 3,246 3,240

3- No.of pupils in Post-Primary schools 352,257 357,408 362,889

4- No.of Post-Primary schools 711 715 722

5- Gap in retention rates – DEIS vs non-DEIS Post-Primary schools 8.5% 8.5% 8.7%

6- Total number of inspections of ECCE centres, Primary, Post-Primary and others 5,649 6,134 6,338

No. of large scale projected substantially completed in: (a) Primary (a) 32 (a) 35 (a) 29 7- (b) Post-Primary (b) 18 (b) 11 (b) 13

No.of devolved projects providing either additional accommodation or upgrading/maintaining facilities in: (a) 620 (a) 686 (a) 450 8- (a) Primary (b) 215 (b) 234 (b) 175 (b) Post-Primary

9- % of student who sit Leaving Certificate 91.2% 91.6% 91.5%

10- Number of multi/non denominated Primary and Post-Primary schools 448 458 468 [26] Education and Skills [26] Details of Programme - Objectives, Outputs and Context and Impact Indicators PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: Provide opportunities for Up-skilling and Re-skilling that meet the needs of individuals and the labour market.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 81 86 B.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 4,548 - 4,548 4,640 - 4,640 B.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 838 204 1,042 909 238 1,147 219 219 B.3 - GRANTS TO SOLAS IN RESPECT OF ADMINISTRATION AND GENERAL EXPENSES …. 23,818 500 24,318 24,100 500 24,600 B.4 - EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND (ESF) AND EUROPEAN GLOBALISATION FUND (EGF) SUPPORTS …. 525 - 525 525 - 525 4,152 4152 B.5 - GRANTS TO SOLAS IN RESPECT OF FURTHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING ACTIVITIES …. 499,457 12,500 511,957 502,276 17,500 519,776 76 84 B.6 - GRANT TO QUALITY AND QUALIFICATIONS IRELAND (QQI) …. 4,579 - 4,579 5,484 - 5,484 B.7 - SUPERANNUATION ETC. PAYABLE TO FORMER MEMBERS OF FÁS, SOLAS AND AN COMHAIRLE OILIUNA (ANCO) …. 33,000 - 33,000 33,000 - 33,000 4,528 4,541 Programme Total:- ** 566,765 13,204 579,969 570,934 18,238 589,172 of which pay:- 257,584 - 257,584 261,578 - 261,578 * Allocations for ETB PLC programmes along with further education and training co-operation hours pay have been reallocated from Programme A Subhead A.5 - ETB TEACHER SALARIES to Subhead B.5 - GRANTS TO SOLAS - FURTHER EDUCATION & TRAINING. ** In addition the programme B subhead allocations, €317.602m and €335.983m in National Training Funds is provided in 2019 and 2020 respectively to Skills Development

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Key High Level Metrics (2018 Output Target) Persons enrolled on apprenticeships 15,373 17,900 20,000

No. of Skillnets Learners 56,182 62,000 69,000

Of which up-skilling the unemployed 2,023 1,700 1,800

Legislation: 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Industrial Training Act (Amendment) Bill

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Review of Pathways to Participation in Apprenticeship - National Policy on recognition of Prior Learning - Develop a programme of Periodic Critical Reviews - FET Policy Framework on Employee Development - Assessment of Learning for FET, Higher Education for 2020 – 2021 in accordance with applicable - Mid Term evaluation of Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Training and English Language Education D/PER Codes, including D/PER’s 2016 Code of and Learning 2014 – 2020 (PEIL) - FET Services Plan 2019 Practice for the Governance of State Bodies - Entrepreneurship Education Policy - Develop agency specific scoping documents and - Youthreach Evaluation Report and SOLAS protocols for the delivery of a Periodic Critical findings Review in 2020 - Five year Further Education and Training Strategy - FET Services Plan 2020 - Review of VTOS and Specific Skills Scheme - FET Strategy 2020-2024 - Specialist training provider evaluation - Mid-term review of ETB progress in delivering on their strategic performance agreements - System report outlining performance of overall further education and training systems

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Percentage of labour force with qualifications at National Framework Qualifications levels (Quarterly National Household Survey, Q2) (a) Levels 1 to 3 (a) 18% (a) 17% 18% (b) Levels 4 to 6 (b) 39% (b) 38% 38% (c) Levels 7 to 10 (c) 43% (c) 45% 44% 2- SOLAS (FÁS) beneficiaries of training courses for those seeking employment 56,664 54,915 47,719

3- No. of Post Leaving Certificate students 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 32,453 30,873 28,913

4- No. of QQI registered FET providers 407 387 365


High Level Goal: To increase the attractiveness of the apprenticeship model to women through the promotion of apprenticeship opportunities to women and girls, increased awareness of incentives to employers to employ female apprentices and the expansion of the apprenticeship system into new sectors of the economy.

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Outturn 2020 Output Target Key High Level Metrics (2018 Output Target) (2019 Output Target) Females registered on apprenticeship programmes 341 622 (as of 31 Oct) 1,000 (300) (600)

Context and Impact indicators 2017 2018 2019 1- Number of female apprentices 145 341 622 (as of 31 Oct) [26] Education and Skills [26] Details of Programme - Objectives, Outputs and Context and Impact Indicators PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE

C - HIGHER EDUCATION High Level Goal: Provide high quality learning, research and innovation opportunities in the higher education sector

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 78 83 C.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 4,382 - 4,382 4,471 - 4,471 C.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 809 196 1,005 877 229 1,106 72 86 C.3 - GRANT FOR GENERAL EXPENSES OF HIGHER EDUCATION AUTHORITY …. 7,021 - 7,021 9,347 - 9,347 18,189 19,501 C.4 - GENERAL CURRENT GRANTS TO UNIVERSITIES, INSTITUTES OF TECHNOLOGY AND OTHER DESIGNATED INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION (GRANT) …. 959,226 - 959,226 977,054 - 977,054 - - C.5 - TRAINING COLLEGES FOR PRIMARY TEACHERS - EXCLUDING THOSE FUNDED THROUGH THE HIGHER EDUCATION AUTHORITY …. 5,857 - 5,857 6,171 - 6,171 121 121 C.6 - DUBLIN DENTAL HOSPITAL (GRANT) …. 11,580 - 11,580 12,031 - 12,031 63 61 C.7 - DUBLIN INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES (GRANT) …. 6,828 - 6,828 7,091 - 7,091 56 60 C.8 - ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY OF MUSIC (GRANT) …. 3,216 - 3,216 3,282 - 3,282 C.9 - GRANTS TO CERTAIN THIRD LEVEL INSTITUTIONS …. 7,844 - 7,844 8,444 - 8,444 C.10 - SUPERANNUATION ETC.PAYABLE TO FORMER STAFF OF UNIVERSITIES AND INSTITUTES OF TECHNOLOGY …. 157,627 - 157,627 159,278 - 159,278 103 103 C.11 - STUDENT SUPPORT AND RELATED EXPENSES …. 404,450 - 404,450 375,564 - 375,564 C.12 - RESEARCH ACTIVITIES ... - 47,600 47,600 - 41,600 41,600 C.13 - EU, INTERNATIONAL AND NORTH SOUTH ACTIVITIES …. 7,489 - 7,489 7,489 - 7,489 12 26 C.14 - GRANGEGORMAN DEVELOPMENT AGENCY …. 3,157 - 3,157 3,179 - 3,179 C.15 - MISCELLANEOUS GRANTS AND SERVICES …. 100 - 100 300 - 300 C.16 - THIRD LEVEL INFRASTRUCTURE …. - 90,000 90,000 - 69,000 69,000 C.17 - PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP COSTS …. - 25,945 25,945 - 34,000 34,000 C.18 - SHARED SERVICES …. - - - 11,578 11,000 22,578 Programme Total:- ** 1,579,586 163,741 1,743,327 1,586,156 155,829 1,741,985 18,694 20,041 of which pay:- 740,622 - 740,622 765,737 - 765,737 * Allocations for Higher Education Pensions have been reallocated from C.4 - UNIVERSITIES, IOTs & OTHER (GRANT) to C.10 - SUPERANNUATION TO IOT AND UNIVERSITY STAFF. ** In addition the programme C subhead allocations, €191.538m and €286.79m in National Training Funds is provided in 2019 and 2020 respectively to Higher Education.

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities

Key High Level Metrics 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target)

Number of full-time higher education students - 186,890 191,324* 196,609* (a) of which are undergraduate (a) 162,334 (a) 165,857* (a) 170,103* (b) of which are postgraduate (b) 24,556 (b) 25,467* (b) 26,506*

Transition rates from Post-Primary to Higher Education 64% 64% Not yet available

Not yet available International students in Ireland (public and private) 42,000* 44,000 (40,000*)

International students as % of full-time Higher Education students 13* 14* 15*

Number of higher education building projects proceeding through 4 10 12 construction^ with DES support

* Totals provided are based on projected figures and do not a represent a targeted value ^ Proceeding through construction means any project on site during that year. This results in projects being counted in more than one year/column e.g. 2 projects are counted in each of the three years.

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Qualification and Quality Assurance (Amendment) - General Scheme of a Higher Education Bill Commission Bill

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Mid Term Review of National Access Plan to review progress - Eurostudent VI - Entrepreneurship Education Policy Statement against targets in National Action Plan - Review of the Recurrent General Allocation Model - Produce a report which assesses the degree of - Review of the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching for Higher Education balance in the higher education research system in and Learning in Higher Education - Governance Rolling review on Staff Compensation Ireland - Report on the System Performance of the Higher Education in Higher Education - Establish a National Training Fund evaluation Institutions - Review of the free Fees Scheme for Higher framework, including the metrics and approach to Education data gathering and publish performance criteria - Report on Progression Rates in Higher Education - Implement strands of the “National Plan for Equity - 2019 Student Grant Scheme and Regulations of Access to Higher Education 2015 – 2021” - Report of review on the measures in place to - 2020 Student Grant Scheme and Regulations support quality in Higher Education - Review the 2019 Pilot Support Scheme for those in - Policy, criteria and procedures for the inclusion of the Protection System awards in the National Framework of Qualifications - Finalise a report into first time mature student (NFQ) participation in Higher Education - Study on the role of qualifications by employers and - Progress initial operational review of PATH 3 The recruitment agencies Higher Education Access Fund - Progress report on implementation of quality - Progress implementation of the action plan for improvement plans in the ETB sector increasing Traveller participation in Higher - Annual Institutional Quality Report Education 2019 – 2021 - Code of practice and procedures for the International Education Mark (IEM) English language education authorisation for English language providers - Code of practice and procedures for the IEM higher education authorisation for higher education providers [26] Education and Skills [26] Details of Programme - Objectives, Outputs and Context and Impact Indicators

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- No. of full-time Higher Education students 180,610 183,642 186,890 2- Transition rates from Post-Primary to Higher Education 64.7% 64% 64%

3- International students as % of full-time Higher Education students 11.6% 12.5% 13%

4- Unemployment rate – third level as highest level of education 5.2% 3.4% 3.8%

5- No. of Springboard enrolments 5,102 6,564 5,025

6- Number of English Language students 119,119 129,290 121,462

7- Number of Postgraduate researchers (Full and part time, Masters and phD) 9,802 10,015 not yet available

8- Total Higher Education students studying on a flexible basis (part-time and/or remotely) 45,018 45,068 not yet available


High Level Goal: To accelerate gender balance all higher education institutions shall set short, medium and long term goals and actions at the institutional level.

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities

Key High Level Metrics 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Outturn 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) (2019 Output Target)

Number of state funded institutions that have achieved Athena Swan Bronze awards 8 10 (8) (9) 13

Context and Impact indicators 2017 2018 2019 1 Number of state funded institutions that have achieved Athena Swan Bronze awards 7 8 10

High Level Goal: The vision of the National Access Plan is to ensure that the student body entering into, participating in and completing higher education at all levels reflects the diversity and social mix of Ireland's population.

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities

Key High Level Metrics 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Outturn 2020 Output Target (2019 Output Target)

Students with disabilities as a % of all new entrants to higher education Metric not available 10% (11%) 11.5%

2019 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2020 Output Target (2019 Output Target)

Increase the number of females in senior academic roles within the higher education sector* Metric not available +15 (+15)

*A total of 15 SALI posts to be approved in December 2019, with appointments in place during 2020 following recruitment processes by HEIs. A further 15 posts will be approved in 2020, with appointments being made in 2021.

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000


1. Superannuation Contributions …. 172,379 - 172,379 161,127 - 161,127 2. Receipts in respect of the European Social Fund (ESF), European Globalisation Fund (EGF) and other miscellaneous EU receipts …. 74,172 - 74,172 35,025 - 35,025 3. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 258,617 - 258,617 231,999 - 231,999 4. Secondments/Overpayments …. 3,824 - 3,824 3,824 - 3,824 5. Miscellaneous …. 2,898 500 3,398 2,898 500 3,398 Total :- 511,890 500 512,390 434,873 500 435,373

Note: For a more detailed list of output targets for 2020 and later years, refer to the Action Plan for Education 2017-2020 - https//:www.education.ie/en/Publications/Corporate-Reports/Stragety-Statement/Department-of-Education-and-skills-Strategy-Statement-2017-2020.pdf [26] Education and Skills [26]

Estimate of Income and Expenditure of the National Training Fund

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Current 2019 €000 €000 % INCOME : National Training Fund Levy …. 684,824 823,000 20% European Social Fund …. 59,000 27,750 -53% Other Income …. - - - Investment Account Income ….. - - - Bank Interest Received ….. 222,8606 - 265,022 19%- Total Income :- 743,830 850,750 14%

EXPENDITURE Programmes for those in Employment Apprenticeship 163,273 172,373 6% Training Networks Programme …. 27,649 33,449 21% Traineeships …. 2,900 2,900 - Training Grants to Industry …. 6,500 6,500 - Community & Voluntary Organisations …. 600 900 50% Employee and Continuing Professional Development .... 14,250 20,550 44% Regional Skills Innovation …. 800 800 - Springboard+ …. 6,888 27,550 - Total 222,860 265,022 19%

Skills acquisition for the purposes of taking up Employment SOLAS Training People for Employment …. 126,956 130,189 3% Enterprise Focused Higher Education …. 120,100 148,352 24% Springboard+* …. 27,550 6,888 - Training Networks Programme …. 2,351 2,449 4% European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) …. 50 50 - Technical Employment Support Grant …. 2,800 2,500 -11% Community Employment Training …. 4,200 4,200 - Human Capital Initiative …. - 60,000 - Total 284,007 354,628 25%

Provision of Information on Skills Requirements

Provision of Information on Skills Requirements …. 2,223 3,073 38% Total 2,223 3,073 38%

Bank Charges and Interest 50 50 - Total Expenditure :- 509,140 622,773 #DIV/0!22%

Surplus/ (Deficit) for the year 234,690 227,977 -3%

Balance brought forward at 1st January 2019 473,364 - -

Surplus Carried Forward as at 31 December 2019 (Projected) 708,054 - - Surplus Carried Forward as at 31 December 2020 (Projected) - 936,031 -

* There was an adjustment under Springboard+ for 2020 to reflect the correct in employment / for employment allocation from 2019. [26] Education and Skills [26] APPENDIX Estimate of Income and Expenditure on the Residential Institutions Redress Scheme Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

Income: Exchequer (Subhead A. 13.1) …. 599 - 599 2,205 2,205 268% Total Income :- 599 - 599 2,205 - 2,205 268%

Expenditure: Costs of awards …. 199 - 199 1,200 1,200 503% Legal costs …. 400 - 400 200 200 -50% Administration cost …. - - - 805 -- 805 - Total Expenditure :- 599 - 599 2,205 - 2,205 268%

Excess of Expenditure over Income …. ------Excess of Income over Expenditure …. ------

Amount of Fund Surplus as at 31 December 2019 …. ------[27] International Co-operation [27] 27 INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for certain Official Development Assistance, including certain grants, and for contributions to certain International Organisations involved in Development Assistance and for salaries and expenses in connection therewith. Five hundred and forty-nine million, seven hundred and two thousand euro (€549,702,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade. Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % A - WORK ON POVERTY AND HUNGER REDUCTION …. 542,426 2,500 544,926 548,232 2,500 550,732 1% Gross Total :- 542,426 2,500 544,926 548,232 2,500 550,732 1% Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 1,100 - 1,100 1,030 - 1,030 -6% Net Total :- * 541,326 2,500 543,826 547,202 2,500 549,702 1%

Net Increase (€000) 5,876

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 17,279 19,155 11% Associated Public Service employees .... 280 296 6%

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % (i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 17,929 - 17,929 19,735 - 19,735 10% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 1,900 - 1,900 2,140 - 2,140 13% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 1,700 400 2,100 1,770 500 2,270 8% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 1,700 150 1,850 1,710 100 1,810 -2% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 1,400 150 1,550 1,415 100 1,515 -2% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 4,200 1,800 6,000 4,705 1,800 6,505 8% (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 500 - 500 500 - 500 - (viii) PROMOTIONAL SUPPORTS AND POSTINGS SUPPORTS …. 1,900 - 1,900 2,450 - 2,450 29% Gross Total :- 31,229 2,500 33,729 34,425 2,500 36,925 9%

* This allocation combined with expenditure of approximately €287 million, comprising allocations from other Government Departments and Ireland’s share of the EU Budget (Development Cooperation) constitutes total Official Development Assistance [27] International Co-operation [27] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: Contribute to the reduction of global poverty and hunger and build opportunity, with a particular focus on sub-Saharan Africa

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 280 296 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 17,929 - 17,929 19,735 - 19,735 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 13,300 2,500 15,800 14,690 2,500 17,190 A.3 - BILATERAL COOPERATION AND HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE …. 413,714 - 413,714 415,131 - 415,131 A.4 - CONTRIBUTIONS TO INTERNATIONAL FUNDS FOR THE BENEFIT OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES …. 56,831 - 56,831 56,724 - 56,724 A.5 - CONTRIBUTIONS TO UNITED NATIONS AND OTHER DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES .... 40,652 - 40,652 41,952 - 41,952

Programme Total:- 542,426 2,500 544,926 548,232 2,500 550,732 280 296 of which pay:- 17,929 17,929 19,735 19,735

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Key High Level Metrics (2018 Output Target) A Fairer World: No. of Irish Aid Key Partners Countries 9 Progress in eradicating integrating Climate Change into country 9 9 (9) poverty, hunger and strategies promoting inclusive % of Ireland’s bilateral Official Development economic growth 48% Assistance (ODA) targeted to Least Developed ≥50% 50% (≥50%) Countries* % of Ireland’s bilateral ODA to Sub Saharan 50% 50% 50% Africa* (60%) % of Ireland’s ODA untied (i.e. not conditional 100% on procurement of goods or services from 100% 100% (100%) Ireland) % of Ireland’s humanitarian expenditure on 88% 80% 80% forgotten and protracted crises (80%) A More Secure World: No. of projects funded under Stability Fund (Vote a stable and secure 27)** 47 rules-based 48 50 international (35) environment A More Sustainable % of Ireland’s humanitarian funding which is not World: New earmarked (facilitating greater flexibility and 54% 30% 35% framework for responsiveness in humanitarian response)*** (30%) sustainable development % of Ireland’s humanitarian funding which is addressing climate multi-annual to ensure stronger predictability of change, food security 22% funding, particularly for protracted crises*** 15% 20% and interconnected (20%) issues

Open and Accountable Participation in international transparency Department delivering initiatives - Activity files published to 4 4 4 best practice in International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) (4) governance Nos. participating in Irish Aid -organised and/or 38,400 45,000 25,000 –supported public outreach events (45,000) Development education learners reached New Metric New Metric 150,000

Number of visits to www.irishaid.ie /Number of 147,000 visits / 102,000 users 135,000 visits / 95,000 users 145,000 visits / 105,000 users unique users (135,000 visits / 95,000 users) * These figures do not represent the entirety of Ireland’s bilateral ODA. ** The Stability Fund was established by DFAT in 2005 with the goal of supporting conflict prevention and peacebuilding in developing countries. Areas prioritised for support include: conflict prevention; mediation and dialogue facilitation; civilian crisis management; disarmament; post-conflict stabilisation and activities contributing to the implementation of Ireland’s commitments under Women, Peace and Security (UNSCR 1325 and related resolutions) and Youth, Peace and Security (UNSCR 2250 and related resolutions) and sharing the Irish experience of the Northern Ireland peace process. *** Does not represent the entirety of Ireland’s humanitarian funding.

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

- Evaluation of Vietnam Country Strategy - Annual Report on Irish Aid programme - Evaluation of Malawi Country Strategy Programme 2011-2015 - Annual Report on - Annual Report on Irish Aid programme Official Development Assistance 2019 - Multilateral Operational Framework [27] International Co-operation [27] III. Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

Context and Impact Indicators 2016 2017 2018 Ireland’s spending on climate related development finance (target 1 New Indicator €51m €65m* €175m by 2020)

2 % of Ireland’s total ODA expenditure on humanitarian assistance 27% 24% 23%

3 ODA as a % of GNI 0.32% 0.32% 0.31%

4 % of total ODA which is given as core support to multilaterals 47% 41% 43% *DFAT only, Total €80m

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Appropriations-in-Aid …. 450 - 450 450 - 450 2. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 650 - 650 580 - 580 Total :- 1,100 - 1,100 1,030 - 1,030 [27] International Co-operation [27] APPENDIX Bilateral Co-operation and Humanitarian Assistance (Subhead A.3)* Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Current 2019 €000 €000 % Expenditure: 1. Bilateral Co-operation Programmes for Developing Countries: (i) Key Partner Countries …. 134,000 137,645 3% (ii) Other Programme Countries …. 26,350 19,245 -27% 2. Civil Society including Co-Financing with Non-Governmental Organisations: (i) Funding to Non Governmental Organisations Development Programme …. 70,308 70,308 - (ii) Development Education …. 4,330 4,720 9% (ii) In-Country Micro projects …. 410 500 22% (iv) Misean Cara …. 15,500 15,500 - 3 Humanitarian and Emergency Assistance (i) Rapid Response Initiative …. 3,500 3,600 3% (ii) Humanitarian Mine Action …. 2,000 2,000 - (ii) Gender and Protection in Humanitarian Situations …. 1,500 1,500 - (iv) Humanitarian Research - 150 - (v) Refugee Resettlement Programme …. 300 - -100% (vi) Crisis Specific Appeals …. 41,000 35,500 -13% (vii) Core Funding to UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) & Red Cross Movement …. 14,400 14,800 3% (viii) NGO Funding for Humanitarian Actions 20,700 20,700 - (iv) UN Central Emergency Response Fund and Sudden Onset … 8,000 12,000 50% 4 Human Development / Essential Services (i) Global Health Initiatives …. 7,970 6,720 -16% (ii) Global HIV and AIDS Initiatives …. 10,600 16,850 59% (ii) Global Education Initiatives …. 8,500 7,500 -12% 5. Resilience and Economic Inclusion (i) Support to Agriculture, Social Protection and Private Sector Engagement ... 7,000 7,050 1% (ii) Support to Climate Change and Environment ... 9,000 8,000 -11% (ii) Nutrition ... 3,800 2,800 -26% 6. Africa Strategy ... 4,356 2,738 -37% 7. Stability Fund ... 7,000 8,000 14% 8. Co financing with Multilateral Organisations and UN Trust Funds ... 700 3,430 390% 9. Governance Human Rights, Gender Equality and Protection … 4,000 2,295 -43% 10. Volunteer Related Programmes .... 1,180 1,030 -13% 11. Other Expenditure: (i) Policy Development and Aid effectiveness 1,430 1,970 38% (ii) Research and Support to Third Level Institutions …. 2,500 3,500 40% (iii) Public Information and Outreach .... 600 600 - (iv) Support to Development Studies and Fellowships etc. …. 2,000 3,150 58% (v) Miscellaneous Programmes Areas .... 780 580 -26% (vi) Support to Small Island Developing States ... - 750 - #DIV/0! Total Expenditure:- 413,714 415,131 -

* This appendix sets out the main areas of expenditure and reflect the current structure of the bilateral aid programme. [28] Foreign Affairs and Trade [28] 28 FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND TRADE I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, and for certain services administered by that Office, including grants and contributions to International Organisations. Two hundred and twenty-five million, eight hundred and sixty thousand euro (€225,860,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - TO SERVE OUR PEOPLE AT HOME AND ABROAD AND TO PROMOTE RECONCILIATION AND CO-OPERATION ("OUR PEOPLE") …. 77,655 5,500 83,155 81,184 4,000 85,184 2% B - TO PROTECT AND ADVANCE IRELAND'S INTERESTS AND VALUES IN EUROPE ("OUR PLACE IN EUROPE") …. 30,163 - 30,163 32,974 - 32,974 9% C - TO WORK FOR A FAIRER MORE JUST, SECURE AND SUSTAINABLE WORLD ("OUR VALUES") …. 64,636 - 64,636 54,944 - 54,944 -15% D - TO ADVANCE IRELAND'S PROSPERITY BY PROMOTING OUR ECONOMIC INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY ("OUR PROSPERITY") …. 35,853 4,000 39,853 42,541 2,200 44,741 12% E - TO STRENGHTEN OUR INFLUENCE AND CAPACITY TO DELIVER OUR GOALS ("OUR INFLUENCE") …. 44,644 9,000 53,644 48,418 4,300 52,718 -2% Gross Total :- 252,951 18,500 271,451 260,061 10,500 270,561 -0% Deduct :- F - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 58,951 - 58,951 44,701 - 44,701 -24% Net Total :- 194,000 18,500 212,500 215,360 10,500 225,860 6%

Net Increase (€000) 13,360

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 98,071 104,222 6% Associated Public Service employees .... 1,700 1,789 5%

Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 100,723 - 100,723 106,623 - 106,623 6% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 6,844 - 6,844 7,944 - 7,944 16% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 3,748 - 3,748 5,698 2,450 8,148 117% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 5,786 - 5,786 6,986 - 6,986 21% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 22,828 5,500 28,328 18,238 6,000 24,238 -14% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 24,319 13,000 37,319 30,569 2,050 32,619 -13% (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 100 - 100 100 - 100 - (viii) POSTINGS SUPPORTS …. 10,297 - 10,297 11,597 - 11,597 13% Gross Total :- 174,645 18,500 193,145 187,755 10,500 198,255 3%

* The 2019 Estimate includes a Supplementary estimate of €1,000 [28] Foreign Affairs and Trade [28] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To serve our people at home and abroad and promote reconciliation and cooperation

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 456 473 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 26,585 - 26,585 28,193 - 28,193 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 30,997 5,500 36,497 32,918 4,000 36,918 A.3 - FULBRIGHT COMMISSION …. 404 - 404 404 - 404 A.4 - EMERGENCY CONSULAR ASSISTANCE …. 79 - 79 79 - 79 A.5 - SUPPORT FOR IRISH EMIGRANT SERVICES …. 12,595 - 12,595 12,595 - 12,595 A.6 - NORTH-SOUTH AND ANGLO-IRISH CO-OPERATION …. 3,745 - 3,745 3,745 - 3,745 A.7 - INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR IRELAND …. 2,650 - 2,650 2,650 - 2,650 A.8 - DIASPORA AFFAIRS …. 600 - 600 600 - 600 Programme Total:- 77,655 5,500 83,155 81,184 4,000 85,184 of which pay:- 26,585 - 26,585 28,193 - 28,193

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Sustained peace and Value of targeted funding to support over 100 civil society enhanced reconciliation and community organisations working to support peace & €3.1m €3.7m €3.7m in Northern Ireland and reconciliation on the island of Ireland (€m) (€2.7m) increased North-South cooperation, mitigating any negative impacts of No. of meetings of North-South Ministerial Council 0 27* 27* the UK’s decision to (27)* leave the EU No. of Taoiseach, Tánaiste and Ministerial visits to 42 50 40 Northern Ireland (50) Value of targeted funding to support the administration and work of the International Fund for Ireland in its €150k €150k €2.65m programmes in Northern Ireland and the border counties of (€150k) Ireland Responsive and % of Foreign Birth Registration processed within published 88% 95% 85% strengthened passport processing time (95%) and consular services for % of Marriages Abroad applications processed within 95% our citizens published processing target for complete applications 95% 95% (95%) received % of paper based applications processed 30 working days New Metric 95% 95%

% of online applications processed 20 working days New Metric 95% 95%

Rate of complaints to number of passports issued New Metric 0.5% 0.3%

Overall customer satisfaction when using embassies abroad 77% (New metric) 90% (New metric) Overall customer satisfaction when using PPO or Consular 84% 90% 90% services (85%) Support for our No. of Organisations supported under the Emigrant Support 263 (New metric - no target set) >260 emigrants and mutually Programme (New Metric) beneficial engagement No. of Organisations supported under the Diaspora Affairs 7 with our diaspora 5 >5 Budget (formerly Local Diaspora Fund) (5)

*Achieving these targets will be dependent on the restoration of the NI Executive

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Brexit Research: to understand the likely demand for Irish - Brexit Research: Final report submitted July 2019 passports from citizens in the U.K.

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Total North-South Trade €6.29bn (Goods and Services) €6.968bn. (Goods and Services) 2018 due in December 2019 2- Passport Revenue €46.9m €50.2m €51.4m

3- No. of passports issued 733,060 781,375 862,415

Authentications €7.4m: €2,002,270.00; FBR 4- Consular Services Revenue €4.7m Authentications €1,932,695; FBR Marriages €215,290 €5,190,667; Marraiges €230,000

80,928: 81,839: Authentications Authentications 59,873; Consular services documents processed including: Letters of freedom to marry 60,379; 5- 71,521 FBR 18,711; Letters of Freedom abroad; Foreign Birth Registrations; documents authenticated FBR 17,414; 3,255 Letters of Freedom 3,135

6- Total No. of citizens in distress who receive consular assistance 2,762 2,597 2,343 [28] Foreign Affairs and Trade [28] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To protect and advance Ireland's interests and values in Europe

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 235 410 B.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 23,146 - 23,146 24,457 - 24,457 B.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 5,634 - 5,634 6,134 - 6,134 B.3 - ACTIONS CONSEQUENT ON TITLE V OF THE TREATY ON EUROPEAN UNION …. 418 - 418 418 - 418 B.4 - EU ENGAGEMENT …. 965 - 965 965 - 965 B.5 - IRISH PERSONNEL IN EU & INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS …. - - - 1,000 - 1,000 Programme Total:- 30,163 - 30,163 32,974 - 32,974 of which pay:- 23,146 - 23,146 24,457 - 24,457

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Ireland’s interests are No. of meetings at Ministerial level, or led by senior HQ safeguarded during officials, held with EU partners or EU institutions on negotiations on the 205 Ireland's priorities for the negotiations on the UK's 200 200 UK’s withdrawal from withdrawal from the EU (600) the EU and in a future EU-UK relationship Ireland plays a full part No. of EU (working group and above) meetings serviced by 6,000 6,000 6,000 in the future Perm Rep (6,000) development of the EU, No. of visits, incoming /outgoing, to European countries by 120 advancing and 90 100 protecting our interests Ministers and Senior officials (60) in the negotiation of EU Briefings for Taoiseach and Minister for European Council 15 15 15 legislation and other and General Affairs Council (15) decisions Briefings for Taoiseach and Minister for European 8 15 8 Parliament (8) Ministerial visits with EU counterparts by 17 (a) MFAT 16 (a) 10 (a) 10 (b) Minister for State (a) 10 (b) 15 (b) 15 (b) 15 No. of political and economic reports submitted by 2,600 2,900 3,000 European Missions (2,500) Strong contribution to No. of Future of Europe and Citizens Dialogue Events the implementation of the EU’s external 15 policies and to peace (15) 15 18 and security in Europe’s neighbourhood

No. of meetings of the Foreign Affairs Council at which 10 Ireland is represented (10) 10 10

No. of informal meetings of EU Foreign Affairs Ministers 2 (Gymnich) at which Ireland is represented (2) 2 2

No. of meetings of the Political and Security Committee at 100 which Ireland is represented (100) 100 100

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Consequential Provisions) Act 2019 – the ‘Brexit Omnibus Act’

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Report on the Citizens’ Dialogues on the Future of Europe - Ireland’s Strategy for France 2019-25: Together in (October 2018) Spirit and Action (August 2019)

- Ireland in Germany: A Wider and Deeper Footprint - National Statement on the European Union Ireland’s (April 2018) contribution to the European Union’s Strategic Agenda 2019 – 2024 (May 2019)

Context and Impact indicators

2016 2017 2018 1- GDP growth in the EU 1.9% 2.4% 2% 2- Employment growth in the EU 1.2% 1.0% 1.3% 3- Unemployment in the EU 8.6% 7.6% 6.6% 4- Number of infringement cases for transposition of EU measures into domestic law (EU average) (European Commission Internal Market Scoreboard) 19 24 22 [28] Foreign Affairs and Trade [28] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To work for a fairer, more just, secure and sustainable world

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 349 222 C.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 12,502 - 12,502 13,230 - 13,230 C.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 5,331 - 5,331 6,911 - 6,911 C.3 - CONTRIBUTIONS TO INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS …. 46,803 - 46,803 34,803 - 34,803 Programme Total:- 64,636 - 64,636 54,944 - 54,944 of which pay:- 12,502 - 12,502 13,230 - 13,230

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities

2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Key High Level Metrics (2018 Output Target) A More Just World: No. of Irish statements delivered at UN meetings on Human 148 150 160 Promotion and Rights (60) protection of human No. of times that civil society/human rights defenders is New Metriic New Metric 60 rights internationally raised by Ireland in UN meetings

No. of times that gender equality/the rights of LGBTI New Metric New Metric 55 persons is raised by Ireland in UN meetings 470,000 700,000 600,000 No. of impressions received by the DFAT Human Rights (700,000) and Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Twitter accounts 50 No. of organisations funded to promote women’s political 50 10 participation in post-conflict reconciliation (44) No. national statements on disarmament and non- proliferation and % of which contained a gender reference 19 20 75% (from 2020 on) No. of national statements on disarmament (15) that include a gender reference A More Secure World: No. of civilian experts deployed to Common Security and 14 15 20 A stable and secure Defence Policy missions (15) rules-based No. of meetings/events related to international security international New metric New Metric 10 policy attended or organised environment No. of personnel trained through programmes supported by New Metric New Metric 15 International Security Policy Unit (ISP) No. of international fora, serviced to represent Ireland's 70 [70] 20 position on disarmament, non-proliferation and arms (60) control (DNP) Number of export licences processed by the Disarmament, Non-Proliferation Section and % of export licences New Metric New Metric 600 requiring supplementary observations from DFAT (from 2020 on) 25 No. of projects funded to advance Ireland’s Common 20 20 Foreign Security Policy priorities (15) Number of bilateral Political Consultations held with other 14 10 12 countries (7) No. of taskforce/ oversight meetings on UN Security 9 8 8 Council Resolution 1325 attended (8)

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

- Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Bill

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Baseline Regulatory Assessment study pertaining to - Completion of Baseline Regulatory Assessment Study; - Convening the Business and Human Rights Forum; Business and Human Rights in Ireland formation of the implementation group two meetings of the Implementation Group; the - Final Evaluation of Ireland’s Second National Action Plan - Publication of the third National Action Plan on WPS establishment and functioning of three sub-groups on Women Peace and Security (WPS)

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Financial Contributions to International Organisations €42m €27m €21m

2- Total UN Regular Budget $2.7bn $2.7bn $2.7bn No. of countries with which we directly engage on Ireland’s policies on disarmament, 3- 100+ 100+ 100+ non-proliferation or arms control in calendar year No of times Ireland is listed on the UN biannual Honour Roll of countries who pay 4- 2 2 2 their assessed contributions to the UN on time and in full No of Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) agenda items on Middle East and North Africa 5- New indicator New indicator New indicator issues [28] Foreign Affairs and Trade [28] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To advance Ireland's prosperity by promoting our economic interests internationally

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 317 364 D.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 20,499 - 20,499 21,688 - 21,688 D.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 7,809 4,000 11,809 8,308 2,200 10,508 D.3 - PROMOTING IRELAND …. 4,316 - 4,316 9,316 - 9,316 D.4 - CONTRIBUTIONS TO NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS …. 3,229 - 3,229 3,229 - 3,229 Programme Total:- 35,853 4,000 39,853 42,541 2,200 44,741 of which pay:- 20,499 - 20,499 21,688 - 21,688

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities

2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Effective contribution to No. of Local Market Plans prepared 27 27 27 whole of Government (27) targets in support of job No. of trade promotion initiatives funded in support of Joint creation, exports, 6 Economic Commissions or related to national trading 12 12 entrepreneurship, and (12) tourism and education strategies No. of promotional events or initiatives organised or in Ireland, rooted in (a) 41 (40) (a) 40 (a) 80 strong bilateral supported by Missions in a calendar year with funding from (b) 7 (5) (b) 7 (b) 9 relationships abroad (a) Asia Pacific Regional Funds (b) Middle East Markets (c) 33 (New Metric) (c) 23 (c) 36 Fund (c) Americas Market Fund No. of inward visits from the Latin America and Caribbean region supported by Americas Unit 16 18 20 (New Metric)

No. of inward visits from US and Canada supported by Americas Unit 35 20 45 (New Metric)

No. of inward visits from the Asia-Pacific region supported 60 60 60 by the Asia Pacific Unit (60) Strong understanding St. Patrick’s Day events organised by Embassies or 1,302 internationally of Consulates 300 1,350 Ireland as a place to (300) visit, work, invest and No. of St. Patrick’s Day Ministerial-led trade and 35 study promotional visits prepared by the Embassy network 15-20 35 (15-20)

No. of Departments and State Agencies contributing to, or 12 receiving, DFAT “Key Messages for International 12 15 (12) Audiences” 7 No. of Heads of State and Heads of Government visiting 3 3 Ireland in calendar year (3) 6 No. of visits abroad by the President of Ireland 6 6 (6) Strong contribution to No. of cultural events organised or supported by Missions raising Ireland's in calendar year visibility and promoting 350 330 400 a positive reputation (330) internationally

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Asia Pacific Strategy

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Jobs attributable to Agency-assisted Foreign Direct Investment 339,790 378,797 412,303

2- Value of exports of goods and services €258,549m €282,252m €140,835m

3- No. of overseas visitors 8,742,000 9,932,000 9,609,000

4- No. of visa applications submitted to missions 124,225 124,781 140,533

5- No. of business visa applications received 18,078 18,594 19,843

6- Visa Services Revenue New Metric €1,791,664 €1,607,418* *This figure does not include visa income accounted for by Dept. Justice & Equality. [28] Foreign Affairs and Trade [28]

III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To strengthen our influence and capacity to deliver our goals

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 343 320 E.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 17,991 - 17,991 19,055 - 19,055 E.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 24,151 9,000 33,151 26,861 4,300 31,161 E.3 - INFORMATION SERVICES .... 2,502 - 2,502 2,502 - 2,502 Programme Total:- 44,644 9,000 53,644 48,418 4,300 52,718 of which pay:- 17,991 - 17,991 19,055 - 19,055

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) A service that is responsive to national and global changes and Number of new missions opened (New Metric) 7 3 challenges, delivering for Government and citizens

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - DFAT Consular Strategy 2019-2022 - DFAT Green Foreign Ministry Vision & Action Plan

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- No. of diplomatic missions 80 80 83

2- No. of business plans 107 115 115

3- FOI requests processed 214 292 318 [28] Foreign Affairs and Trade [28]

III. Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000


1. Passport, Visa and other Consular Services …. 55,019 - 55,019 41,770 - 41,770 2. Repayment of Repatriation and Maintenance advances .... 30 - 30 30 - 30 3. VAT refunds to Diplomatic Missions …. 750 - 750 - - - 4. Miscellaneous …. 500 - 500 500 - 500 5. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 2,652 - 2,652 2,401 - 2,401 Total :- 58,951 - 58,951 44,701 - 44,701 [29] Communications, Climate Action and Environment [29] 29 COMMUNICATIONS, CLIMATE ACTION AND ENVIRONMENT I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, including certain services administered by that Office, and for payment of certain grants.

(a) by way of current year provision Five hundred and twenty-eight million, two hundred and eighty-one thousand euro (€528,281,000) (b) by way of the application for capital supply services of unspent appropriations, the surrender of which may be deferred under Section 91 of the Finance Act 2004. Twenty seven million, two hundred and ninety-six thousand euro (€27,296,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment. Change 2019 Estimate** 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - COMMUNICATIONS …. 13,218 68,414 81,632 14,331 127,414 141,745 74% B - BROADCASTING .... 262,881 2,023 264,904 272,648 4,023 276,671 4% C - ENERGY .... 32,769 142,603 175,372 33,671 184,681 218,352 25% D - NATURAL RESOURCES .... 12,790 11,775 24,565 12,674 11,775 24,449 - E - INLAND FISHERIES .... 31,441 3,127 34,568 31,952 3,127 35,079 1% F - ENVIRONMENT AND WASTE MANAGEMENT 38,636 45,025 83,661 43,876 50,480 94,356 13% Gross Total :- 391,735 272,967 664,702 409,152 381,500 790,652 19% Deduct :- G - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 242,711 - 242,711 252,371 10,000 262,371 8% Net Total :- 149,024 272,967 421,991 156,781 371,500 528,281 25%

Net Increase (€000) 106,290

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 63,494 67,915 7% Associated Public Service employees .... * 1,594 1,628 2%

Exchequer pensions included in above net total .... 6,506 6,593 1% Associated Public Service pensioners .... 419 429 2%

Change 2019 Estimate** 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 26,249 - 26,249 29,142 - 29,142 11% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 941 - 941 941 - 941 - (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 1,389 - 1,389 1,389 - 1,389 - (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 600 - 600 450 - 450 -25% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 2,245 949 3,194 2,245 949 3,194 - (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 963 - 963 963 - 963 - (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 1,800 - 1,800 1,800 - 1,800 - (viii) EQUIPMENT, STORES AND MAINTENANCE …. 245- - 51 296- 145 51 196 -34% Gross Total :- 34,432 1,000 35,432 37,075 1,000 38,075 7%

Subheads under which it is intended to apply the amount of €27.296 million in unspent 2019 appropriations to capital supply services.

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Change 2020 Application of Deferred Surrender over 2019 €000 €000

A.3 - INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMME …. 15,000 27,296 82% 15,000 27,296 82%

* Included in this amount are 308 non-exchequer funded employees and 53 co funded North-South agency employees. In 2019, the figures were 308 and 53 respectively. ** The 2019 Estimate includes a technical Supplementary Estimate of €1,000 [29] Communications, Climate Action and Environment [29] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To contribute to the ongoing growth and development of Irish economy and society by continuing to develop a stable, innovative and secure digital communications and services infrastructure.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 110 118 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 6,796 - 6,796 8,039 - 8,039 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,626 124 1,750 1,613 124 1,737 A.3 - INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMME …. - 62,190 62,190 - 121,190 121,190 12 12 A.4 - MULTIMEDIA DEVELOPMENTS …. 682 3,600 4,282 695 3,600 4,295 A.5 - INFORMATION SOCIETY … 4,114 2,500 6,614 3,984 2,500 6,484 Programme Total:- 13,218 68,414 81,632 14,331 127,414 141,745 122 130 of which pay:- 7,326 7,326 8,582 8,582

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Information and National Broadband Plan - Broadband Connection Points (BCPs) Communications deployed New Metric New Metric Up to 300 Technology Programmes Percentage of requests for an Eircode for existing addresses answered 99.9% 99% 99% within 5 days (99%)

99.8% Percentage of new addresses allocated an Eircode within 5 weeks 99% 99% (99%)

Multimedia No. of digital enterprises based at the Digital Hub 71 Developments 85 71 (90)

750 No. of full time jobs based at the Digital Hub 700 724 (700)

Information No. of small businesses supported by the Trading Online Voucher Society & Scheme 1,107 1,500 1,250 eInclusion (1,500)

No. of citizens provided with digital skills training under the Digital 16,630 25,000 25,000 Skills for Citizens Scheme (25,000)

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - European Union Directive 2016/1148 - Digital Hub Development Agency - Digital Hub Development Agency Dissolution Bill Dissolution Bill - Communications Management (Agency) - Communications Management (Agency) Bill Bill - National Broadband Plan Bill - National Broadband Plan Bill

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

- Ireland's 2019 National Cyber Security Strategy

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Total Number of Broadband Users (including mobile users) 1.71m 1.69m 1.73m

2- Total Number of Broadband Users (excluding mobile users) 1.36m 1.4m 1.43m

3- % of SMEs trading online 30% 30% 30%

4- % of citizens (adults 16 – 74) not engaging with the internet 15% 16% 13%1

5- Number of premises with access to high speed broadband 1.4m (61%) 1.6m (69%) 1.75m (74%)

1 The previous figure reported for citizens not engaging with the Internet (16%) in 2018 has been updated in the CSO Information Society Statistics Households Survey for 2019 to read 13%. [29] Communications, Climate Action and Environment [29] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To promote, support and protect a diverse and plural media sector, including the provision of high quality public service broadcasting, and a broadcasting sector underpinned by a proportionate and effective regulatory regime.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 19 13 B.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 1,160 - 1,160 921 - 921 B.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 358 23 381 364 23 387 B.3 - GRANT TO RADIO TELEFÍS ÉIREANN FOR BROADCASTING LICENCE FEES …. 199,322 - 199,322 208,622 - 208,622 B.4 - PAYMENT TO AN POST FOR COLLECTION OF BROADCASTING LICENCE FEES …. 12,457 - 12,457 12,457 - 12,457 B.5 - DEONTAS I LEITH THEILIFÍS NA GAEILGE (DEONTAS-I-gCABHAIR) …. 34,233 2,000 36,233 34,233 3,000 37,233 B.6 - BROADCASTING FUND …. 15,351 - 15,351 16,051 - 16,051 B.7 - RTE SPECTRUM …. - - - - 1,000 1,000 Programme Total:- 262,881 2,023 264,904 272,648 4,023 276,671 of which pay:- 1,160 1,160 921 921 19 13 Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target 2018 Output Target) Grant To Radio Telefís Reach of all RTÉ services among adults 18+ 95% Éireann for Broadcasting >90% >90% Licence Fees (>90%)

30% Radio all day share (adults 15+) 30% 30% (New Metric)

26% TV all day share (adults 15+) 25.5% 25.5% (New Metric)

5,831 Hours of home produced content on RTÉ One & RTÉ 2 5,150 5,300 (4,750)

RTÉ expenditure on independently produced television and €39.8m €39.9m €40.2m radio programmes (€39.5m)

Deontas I Leith Theilifís Average No. of broadcast hours of Irish language programming 12.80 Na Gaeilge per day 12.34 12.24 (12.34)

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

- Transposition of Audio Visual Media Services Directive 2018

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

- BAI 2019 Annual Review of Public Service Broadcasters - National Advisory Council on Online Safety Annual Report

Context and Impact indicators

2016 2017 2018

Number of new television and radio programmes offered funding through the 1- 349 239 256 BAI’s Broadcasting Funding Scheme

TG4: Average number of hours (per day) of Irish produced television 1,660 1,619 1,511 2- programming (4.55) (4.44) (4.14)

RTÉ: Number of hours of distinctive indigenous programming broadcast across 3- 5,027 5,530 5,831 all genres [29] Communications, Climate Action and Environment [29] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To ensure security, continuity and competitiveness of energy supply for the economy and for consumers, and to promote the sustainability of energy supply and demand

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 79 84 C.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 4,856 - 4,856 5,717 - 5,717 C.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,661 185 1,846 1,555 185 1,740 96 96 C.3 - SUSTAINABLE ENERGY AUTHORITY OF IRELAND - ADMINISTRATION AND GENERAL EXPENSES …. 12,504 5,000 17,504 12,671 - 12,671 C.4 - SUSTAINABLE ENERGY PROGRAMMES …. 12,393 128,717 141,110 12,393 174,795 187,188 C.5 - ENERGY RESEARCH PROGRAMMES .... 1,000 8,700 9,700 1,000 9,700 10,700 C.6 - GAS SERVICES …. 65 - 65 45 - 45 C.7 - SUBSCRIPTIONS TO INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS …. 290 - 290 290 - 290 C.8 - RENEWABLE ENERGY COMPLIANCE …. - 1 1 - 1 1 Programme Total:- 32,769 142,603 175,372 33,671 184,681 218,352 175 180 of which pay:- 11,575 11,575 12,601 12,601

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Sustainable Energy Number of homes supported to improve their energy efficiency 21,350 Programmes 24,458 23,200 (28,500)

Number of commercial/other beneficiaries* supported to New metric New metric 800 improve their energy efficiency 1,999 Number of new grant-aided Electric Vehicle Purchases 3,500 6,000 (1,200) Number of grant-aided electric vehicle home charging points n/a 2,000 5,000 installed Number of grant-aided on-street electric vehicle charging points n/a 200 400 installed Heat output of operational projects under the Support Scheme n/a 100 100 for Renewable Heat (GWh)

Solar PV Scheme (No. of applications) 71 1,700 2,400

* Includes commercial, community and public sector beneficiaries. Includes upgrades to buildings, systems and appliances

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

- National Oil Reserves Agency - National Oil Reserves Agency (Amendment) Bill (Amendment) Bill

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (RESS) - - National Energy and Climate Plan - Long Term Renovation Strategy for Energy High level Design Performance of Buildings - National Adaptation Plan for Electricity and Gas Networks - National Policy Statement on Electricity Interconnection - I-SEM Arrangements Decision Paper - Interim Review of the Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan (OREDP) [29] Communications, Climate Action and Environment [29]

Context and Impact indicators

2016 2017 2018

1- Overall % of gross final energy consumption from renewable resources 9.2% 10.6% 11.0%

2- % electricity demand generated from renewable sources (RES-E) 26.8% 30.1% 33.2%

3- % heat demand from renewable resources (RES-H) 6.3% 6.7% 6.5%

4- % transport demand from renewable resources (RES-T) 5.2% 7.4% 7.2%

5- Level of RES-E capacity installed (MW) 350 401 354

6- Progress to Public Sector 33% efficiency by 2020 20% 24% Not yet available

7- Number of Building Energy Ratings published New metric New metric 98,916


High Level Goal: Alleviate Energy Poverty through energy efficiency upgrades in low income households.

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics (2018 Output Target) 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target 6,6011 No. of lower income households provided with energy efficiency upgrades 4,609 4,000 (9,300)

1 Number of homes is lower than target because of shift to deeper energy efficiency measures, resulting in more energy and CO2 savings

Context and Impact indicators

2016 2017 2018

1- € savings in lower income households (€m) 1.2 1.2 1.2 [29] Communications, Climate Action and Environment [29] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To productively utilise and manage our mineral, hydrocarbon and other geological resources in a sustainable and productive manner.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 103 95 D.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 6,344 - 6,344 6,501 - 6,501 D.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 2,707 455 3,162 2,434 455 2,889 D.3 - PETROLEUM SERVICES …. 504 - 504 504 - 504 D.4 - MINING SERVICES …. 2,200 550 2,750 2,200 550 2,750 D.5 - GSI SERVICES …. 900 10,770 11,670 900 10,770 11,670 D.6 - SUBSCRIPTIONS TO INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS …. 135 - 135 135 - 135 Programme Total:- 12,790 11,775 24,565 12,674 11,775 24,449 of which pay:- 6,344 6,344 6,501 6,501 103 95 Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Natural Resources No of active Minerals Prospective Licences 614 600 550 Admin (600)

16 No. of active Mining Leases/Licences 17 17 (17)

No. of Active Prospecting Licences in respect of which exploration 115 120 115 data released for open access (115)

56 No. of Petroleum Authorisations under Regulation 55 40 (70)

No. of Applications to undertake seismic acquisition (petroleum) 0 1 1 managed (0)

0 No. of Applications to drill a well (petroleum) management 1 1 (0) GSI Services Tellus Survey Programme implementation sq.km (% RoI coverage) Limerick/Tipperary & West Cork Complete Limerick, Carlow/Kilkenny 3,600 sq.km 56% Tipperary & S.E. Leinster 6,000sq.km (76%) (South Midlands 9,000 sq.km. 6,800sq.km (70%) (59%)

11,723 sq.km / 45% INFOMAR Seabed Survey Programme sq.km / % Phase 2 completed - 5,560 sq.km / 52% 5,500 sq.km / 59% revised (4,000 sq.km / 32%)

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Regulations and Terms and Conditions to - Regulations and Terms and Conditions to enable commencement of the Minerals enable commencement of the Minerals Development Act 2017, and the transposition Development Act 2017, and the transposition of the EIA Directive 2014/52/EU of the EIA Directive 2014/52/EU - European Union (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Petroleum Exploration) (Amendment) Regulations 2019 (SI No. 124 of 2019) - EU (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Petroleum Exploration) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2019

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

- ObSERVE - Acoustic and Aerial Survey Final - Guidance Document for Financial - Rules and Procedures Manual for Offshore Reports Capability Assessments of Offshore Oil and Petroleum Exploration – Technical Guidance Gas Exploration and Appraisal Applications Document - Rules and Procedures Manual for Offshore Petroleum Production – Technical Guidance Document - The ObSERVE Programme - Phase I (2014-2018) Project Final Report - ObSERVE - Acoustic and Aerial Final Reports Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Revenue earned by the State from: Mining/Mineral Prospecting €5.5 €8.3m* €6.3

Revenue from Petroleum Authorisations €2.4m €3.0m €3.5m 2- Geoscience Ireland- GSI business cluster (a) Number of Companies (a) 28 (a) 33 a) 38 (b) Jobs created (b) 179 (b) 354 (b) 253 (c) Overseas Turnover (c) €298m (c) €316m (c) €369m

* Excludes Mining Compensation to Private Minerals owners [29] Communications, Climate Action and Environment [29] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To manage our inland fisheries in a sustainable and productive manner

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 13 11 E.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 830 - 830 764 - 764 E.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 380 73 453 321 73 394 365 365 E.3 - INLAND FISHERIES …. 30,231 3,054 33,285 30,867 3,054 33,921 Programme Total:- 31,441 3,127 34,568 31,952 3,127 35,079 378 376 of which pay:- 17,611 17,611 17,956 17,956 ^ Included in the numbers are 53 co-funded North-South agency employees. In 2019 the figure was 53.

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Inland Fisheries No. of inspections of Recreational Anglers for licence and/or permit 15,674 14,790 15,000 (17,000)

No. of inspections of Other Anglers 17,321 15,480 15,000 (17,000)

No. of fines issued/fixed charge notices 165 250 180 (250)

No. of prosecutions concluded 67 85 75 (80)

No. of angling structures actioned (either repaired, replaced or 979 356 350 removed) following audit (500) Production of peer reviewed scientific Publications 27 6 12 (6)

Context and Impact indicators

2016 2017 2018

1- Number of rivers assessed as part of the annual salmon management programme 143 143 143

2- Number of recreational salmon angling licence sales 18,286 18,212 16,755

3- Number of commercial salmon licence sales 122 125 125 [29] Communications, Climate Action and Environment [29]

III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To promote the protection of our natural environment, the health and well-being of our citizens and the transition to a resource-efficient circular economy in support of ecologically sustainable development, growth and jobs.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 101 106 F.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 6,263 - 6,263 7,200 - 7,200 F.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,451 140 1,591 1,646 140 1,786 411 420 F.3 - ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY …. 25,141 11,780 36,921 29,100 11,780 40,880 F.4 - CARBON FUND …. - 5,105 5,105 - 3,000 3,000 F.5 - INTERNATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE COMMITMENTS …. - 2,500 2,500 - 4,500 4,500 F.6 - LANDFILL REMEDIATION …. - 8,500 8,500 - 8,500 8,500 F.7 - CLIMATE INITIATIVES …. 350 1,500 1,850 500 5,560 6,060 F.8 - SUBSCRIPTIONS TO INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS …. 3,000 - 3,000 3,000 - 3,000 F.9 - NATIONAL DIALOGUE …. ------F.10 - WASTE MANAGEMENT INITIATIVES …. 2,430 500 2,930 2,430 1,000 3,430 F.11 - CLIMATE ACTION FUND …. - 15,000 15,000 - 10,000 10,000 F.12 - JUST TRANSITION …. 1 - 1 - 6,000 6,000 Programme Total:- 38,636 45,025 83,661 43,876 50,480 94,356 of which pay:- 23,059 23,059 24,408 24,408 512 526 Key Outputs and Public Service Activities

2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target)

Environmental Number of Environmental and Radiological Decisions 1,403 2,140* 1,270** Protection (2,232)

1,507 Number of Industrial/Waste site visits 1,320 1,450 (1,320)

36 Number of EPA Reports published 35 35 (35)

32 Number of Reports on Environmental Research Projects published 35 30*** (35)

250 Number of Open Data datasets published on the DPER Open Portal 260 280 (250)

Number of Article 27 (By-product) notifications dealt with New Metric 100 100

Number of Article 28 (End of Waste) applications dealt with New Metric 6 6

Landfill Number of projects in receipt of grant funding to alleviate the risk of 36 Remediation environmental pollution and the associated risk to human health 16 25 (5)

* Lowered projected output target due to transition to Graded Authorisation. ** 2020 will be the first year that the full effect of Graded Authorisation will be seen and thus a reduction in number of amendments received is expected. *** Smaller number of larger projects being funded. Thus less reports.

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Aarhus Convention Bill - Ratification of Protocols to Convention on - Ratification of the Minamata Convention Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution - Climate Action (Amendment) Bill - Aarhus Convention Bill

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - National Clean Air Strategy - National Clean Air Strategy - Review of Implementation of National - SDG National Implementation Plan 2021- Waste Policy 2023 - Study into how Ireland can achieve 90% - Climate Action Plan 2020 collection rate for a single use beverage - Long Term Strategy on Greenhouse Gas containers, PET and aluminium Emissions Reduction - Climate Action Plan 2019 - Annual Transition Statement 2019 [29] Communications, Climate Action and Environment [29]

Context and Impact indicators

2016 2017 2018

1- Net greenhouse gas emissions in Mt Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2e) 61.6 60.7 60.5

2- Acid rain precursor emissions (1,000 tonnes (kt) of gas emitted):

(a) Sulphur dioxide; 13.8 13.2 Not available

(b) Nitrogen oxides; 60.6 60.4 Not available

(c) Ammonia. 116.1 118.5 Not available

3- Achievement of waste diversion, recovery and recycling targets:

(a) Biodegradable Municipal Waste (BMW) landfilled 390,000 307,000 190,000

4- Number of visits to EPA website 819,000 908,000 1,061,411

Number of environmental queries from the public answered 2,207 2,184 2,200

APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000


1. Proceeds of fines in respect of inland fishery offences .... 50 - 50 50 - 50 2. Receipts under the Minerals Development Act, 1940 and the Petroleum and Other Minerals Act, 1960 .... 8,795 - 8,795 8,795 - 8,795 3. Petroleum Infrastructure Support Group …. 437 - 437 437 - 437 4. Broadcasting Licence Fees …. 227,130 - 227,130 237,130 - 237,130 5. Geological Survey Ireland Income …. 300 - 300 300 - 300 6. Rent on Properties in GPO …. 223 - 223 223 - 223 7. Energy Efficiency Fund Receipts …. - - - - 10,000 10,000 8. Miscellaneous …. 1,070 - 1,070 1,070 - 1,070 9. Pension Contributions from Agencies …. 732 - 732 732 - 732 10. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 3,581 - 3,581 3,054 - 3,054 11. Dormant Accounts Receipt …. 393 - 393 580 - 580 Total :- 242,711 - 242,711 252,371 10,000 262,371 [29] Communications, Climate Action & Environment [29] APPENDIX Estimate of Income and Expenditure of the Environment Fund Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

Income: Plastic Bag Levy …. 5,900 - 5,900 5,100 - 5,100 -14% Landfill Levy …. 12,600 - 12,600 9,900 - 9,900 -21%

Total Income :- 18,500 - 18,500 15,000 - 15,000 -19%

Expenditure: Costs incurred by the Revenue Commissioners …. 400 - 400 400 400 - Capital Schemes …. 4,000 - 4,000 5,000 5,000 25% Current Schemes …. 33,100 - 33,100 22,600 - 22,600 -32%

Total Expenditure :- 37,500 - 37,500 28,000 - 28,000 -25%

Excess of Income over Expenditure - - (19,000) - (13,000) -32%

Balance of Fund at 31 December 2018 (a) …. - - 29,737 - - - Balance of Fund at 31 December 2019 (projected) (b) …. - - 13,000 - - - - Balance of Fund at 31 December 2020 (projected) (c) …. ------

(a) The balance of the Fund at the end of December 2018 on a cash basis was €29.737m. This was a decline from a cash balance of c.€40m at end December 2017. The cash balance was accumulated due to higher than anticipated Landfill Levy returns in 2016 and 2017

(b) Revenues have declined in 2018 and 2019 mainly due to a decrease in Landfill Levy returns which is in line with the reduction in the number of operating landfills in Ireland. Therefore, the balance of the Fund at the end of December 2019 is expected to be in the order of €13 million (cash basis). (c ) It is anticipated that revenues to the Fund will continue to decline in 2020 . Accordingly, the cash balance is expected to be exhausted by end 2020. [30] Agriculture, Food and the Marine [30] 30 AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND THE MARINE I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, including certain services administered by that Office and for payment of certain grants and subsidies and for the payment of certain grants under cash-limited schemes and the remediation of Haulbowline Island.

(a) by way of current year provision One thousand, two hundred and ninety-two million and five hundred thousand euro (€1,292,500,000) (b) by way of the application for capital supply services of unspent appropriations, the surrender of which may be deferred under Section 91 of the Finance Act 2004. Nineteen million and eight hundred thousand euro (€19,800,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine. Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate ** 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A. - FOOD SAFETY, ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH AND ANIMAL WELFARE …. 240,990 32,851 273,841 263,880 6,940 270,820 -1% B. - FARM/SECTOR SUPPORTS AND CONTROLS …. 704,621 166,845 871,466 686,320 177,358 863,678 -1% C. - POLICY AND STRATEGY …. 339,535 27,685 367,220 324,893 33,592 358,485 -2% D. - SEAFOOD SECTOR … 88,183 55,714 143,897 97,662 56,110 153,772 7% Gross Total :- 1,373,329 283,095 1,656,424 1,372,755 274,000 1,646,755 -1%

Deduct :- E. - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID …. 333,317 - 333,317 354,255 - 354,255 6% Net Total :- 1,040,012 283,095 1,323,107 1,018,500 274,000 1,292,500 -2%

Net Decrease (€000) (30,607)

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 256,571 280,280 9% Associated Public Service employees ….. 4,958 5,170 4%

Exchequer pensions included in above net total .... 51,932 52,957 2% Associated Public Service pensioners ….. 1,940 2,062 6%

Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate ** 2020 ADMINISTRATION over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme 2019 allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES …. 181,077 - 181,077 201,073 - 201,073 11% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 7,999 - 7,999 8,600 - 8,600 8% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 6,547 - 6,547 6,606 - 6,606 1% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 4,954 - 4,954 5,102 - 5,102 3% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 36,110 3,501 39,611 38,101 3,500 41,601 5% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 9,149 29,095 38,244 10,200 1,000 11,200 -71% (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 208 - 208 423 - 423 103% (viii) SUPPLEMENTARY MEASURES TO PROTECT THE FINANCIAL INTERESTS OF THE EU .... 852 - 852 900 - 900 6% (ix) LABORATORY SERVICES …. 4,900 1,300 6,200 4,900 2,726 7,626 23% Gross Total :- 251,796 33,896 285,692 275,905 7,226 283,131 -1%

Subhead under which it is intended to apply the amount of €19,800,000 in unspent 2019 appropriations to capital supply services.

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Change 2020 Application of Deferred Surrender over 2019 €000 €000


* The 2019 Estimate includes a Supplementary Estimate of €19,424,000 ** The 2020 Estimate reflects a Budget Transfer of €495,000 to the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer. [30] Agriculture, Food and the Marine [30] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To promote and safeguard public, animal and plant health and animal welfare for the benefit of consumers, producers and wider society.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 1,907 1,993 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 103,175 - 103,175 119,046 - 119,046 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 42,403 32,131 74,534 43,119 5,240 48,359 A.3 - FOOD SAFETY, ANIMAL & PLANT HEALTH & ANIMAL WELFARE …. 95,412 720 96,132 101,715 1,700 103,415 Programme Total:- 240,990 32,851 273,841 263,880 6,940 270,820 of which pay:- 103,175 103,175 119,046 119,046

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) No. of food safety & hygiene inspections to carry out 4,663 4,900 Plus 16,036 Other Controls 4,900 Plus 16,000 Other Plus 16,800 Other Controls* (3,800 Plus 16,000 Other Controls* Controls*) No. of residue tests to carry out 17,900 19,000 18,500 (19,000) No. of trichinella tests to carry out 3,518 3,500 3,500 (3,500) No. of TB tests on cattle to carry out 8.9m 8.9m 8.9m (8.4m) Blood samples from culled cows to test to retain brucellosis free 33% 50,000 14,000 status (OBF) (70%**) No. of TSE tests on prescribed animals to carry out 92,323 90,000 90,000 (90,000) No. of consignments of live animals & products inspected at Border 3,134 3,200 3,392 Inspection Posts (3,055) No. of on-farm controls and inspections for animal health and welfare 2,200 *** 600 600 to carry out (600) No. of animal transport controls and inspections for animal health and 1,000 **** welfare to carry out (675) 653 2,000 No. Plant Health inspections for EU Emergency Measures to carry 2,423 1,500 1,500 out (1,650) No. Plant Health inspections for Protected Zones to carry out 5,477 4,800 4,800 (5,900) No. Plant Health inspections for Potato Pests to carry out 2,118 1,700 1,700 (1,500) No. Plant Health inspections for National Legislation to carry out 88 50 80 (150) No. Plant Health Import Inspections to carry out 3,316 3,500 4,100 (3,500) No. Phytosanitary Certificates to Issue 948 1,000 1,000 (1,000)

*Controls associated with the issuing of Health Certificates for the export of both Meat and Dairy products to 3rd Countries are considered to be ‘other controls’ they also encompass controls for new activities being carried out in existing approved plants, new approvals of new establishments, inspection visits in preparation for internal and external audits, the close out of audits and inspection findings and ongoing specific checks for Third Country criteria. **% of culled cows slaughtered in meat plants to sample *** Routine inspections required under REGULATION(EC)No 882/2004, and further Incident inspections identified at Regional Office level as requiring a visit by a veterinary inspector for reason of welfare of farmed animals. ****The number of controls increased proportionally to the numbers of consignments

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Number of major food safety incidents 0 0 0 Number of tests accredited under the National Reference Laboratory 2- 141 145 148 function* 3- Number of new trade areas opened or re-opened 5 3 3 4- Retained high disease status Retained high disease status Retained high disease status Animal Disease and welfare measurements as reported to OIE (Organisation and Officially Brucellosis and Officially Brucellosis and Officially Brucellosis International des Epizooties) data on Free Free Free a. Exotic diseases incidents nil nil nil b. Brucellosis cases nil nil nil

c. TB herd incidence 3.27% 3.47% 3.51% d. BSE cases 0 1 0 *“These figures are in respect of accredited test methods currently in use in DAFM Laboratories, some of which may be used for multiple analyses and/or with multiple matrices”. Metrics for 2016 revised from previous to reflect this definition [30] Agriculture, Food and the Marine [30] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: Provide income and market supports to underpin the rural economy and the environment.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 978 985 B.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 53,604 - 53,604 56,442 - 56,442 B.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 19,106 1,237 20,343 21,281 1,392 22,673 B.3 - AGRI-ENVIRONMENTAL SCHEMES …. 235,250 1,250 236,500 233,340 4,250 237,590 B.4 - AREAS OF NATURAL CONSTRAINT SCHEME …. 250,000 - 250,000 250,000 - 250,000 B.5 - DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE & FOOD (FARM) …. 865 84,530 85,395 975 70,787 71,762 B.6 - BEEF SUSTAINABILITY SCHEMES …. 84,650 1,150 85,800 85,100 250 85,350 B.7 - KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER …. 25,000 - 25,000 5,000 - 5,000 B.8 - ANIMAL WELFARE SCHEME FOR SHEEP …. 18,000 - 18,000 18,000 - 18,000 B.9 - EARLY RETIREMENT SCHEME …. 220 - 220 220 - 220 B.10 - FORESTRY & BIO ENERGY …. 3,250 78,178 81,428 3,250 100,179 103,429 B.11 - CONTROL & OTHER SUPPORT SCHEME COSTS …. 12,351 - 12,351 12,618 - 12,618 B.12 - OTHER SCHEMES …. 2,325 500 2,825 94 500 594 Programme Total:- 704,621 166,845 871,466 686,320 177,358 863,678 of which pay:- 53,604 53,604 56,442 56,442

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) No. of applicants to pay under main agri-environment schemes AEOS 2,371 AEOS 259 AEOS Nil (REPS, AEOS and GLAS) GLAS 42,672 GLAS 49,119 GLAS 48,629 (53,100) No of applicants to pay under Locally Led Agri-environment schemes New Metric 2,548 2,692

No of applicants to pay under Organic Farming Scheme 1,646 1,570 1,550 (1,650) No of participants in Areas of Natural Constraint scheme to be paid 94,500 100,000 100,000 (96,000) No of hectares of new forestry plantings 4,025 6,600 8,000 (6,605) Percentage of TAMS II applications approved/rejected within 6 months of receipt of application New Metric 70% 70% No of herds owners participating in animal welfare scheme for sheep 19,000 19,000 19,000 (23,000)

No of ewes in animal welfare scheme for sheep 1.8m 1.8m 1.8m (2.0m) Number of participants in Knowledge Transfer Programme 18,100 18,000 n/a scheme ended 2019 (18,992)

No. of participants in Beef Data and Genomics Programme (BDGP) 22,550 24,584 24,018 (24,675) No. of cattle and their progeny weight recorded under Beef Environmental Efficiency Pilot New metric for new scheme 500,000 n/a

Amount paid and number of farmers receiving EU fully funded €1,182m to 123,000 direct payments paid for Basic Payments and Greening Schemes €1,200m to c.123,000 €1,200m to c 123,000 (€1,200m to c.126,000)

No of Inspections completed a. 1,445 (1,350) a. 1,350 a. 1,350 a. Full Cross Compliance b. 8,069 (7,500) b. 7,500 b. 7,500 b. Eligibility inspections Major findings identified by the Certification Body in their Annual Report on the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and the 0 0 0 European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) Annual (0) Account [30] Agriculture, Food and the Marine [30] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 Gross Value added of the sector (€m) 1- 4,093 5,050 4,624 Primary Sector (Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing) Increase in area of land under forestry (ha) (% change over previous year) +4,025 (+0.52%) Total area of land under forestry +6,500 (+0.86%) +5,538 (+1.73%) 2- 774,045 756,853 770,020 '

3- Area of land farmed organically (ha) (% change over previous year) 72,000 (+17%) 72,000 (0%) 72,000 (0%)

Absolute emissions expressed as MtCO2eq as reported by the EPA using 4- 19.66 mt CO2eq 20.22 mt CO2eq 20.6 mt CO2eq revised emission metrics (1990 baseline: 19.53mtCO2eq) 5- Change in absolute agricultural GHG emissions from 1990 baseline of -0.7 +0.14 '+0.24 19.53mt CO2eq (% change) (-3.44%) (+0.69%) (+1.18%) 6- Change in absolute agricultural GHG emissions from 2005 baseline of 18.71 -0.15 +0.41 +0.79 mtCO2eq (% change) (-0.76%) (+2.07%) (+3.99%)

7- Agricultural ammonia (NH3) emissions as reported to EU (kt NH3) 115.53 117.00 Not yet available 8- Family Farm Income (FFI) in Disadvantaged areas (as % of FFI in Non- €22,174 €28,747 €21,593 Disadvantaged Areas) 80% 76% 78% 9- % payments made within targets (a) direct payment schemes a. 98% a. 98% a. 98% (b) other schemes b. 75 -100% b. 75 -100% b. 75-100%

10- Retain EU Paying Agency status and net draw down of EU funding Achieved Achieved: Achieved: €1,610m €1,534m €1,397m [30] Agriculture, Food and the Marine [30] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: Provide the optimum policy framework for the sustainable development of the agri-food sector.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 253 289 C.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 15,277 - 15,277 16,085 - 16,085 C.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 5,026 241 5,267 5,723 271 5,994 C.3 - RESEARCH, QUALITY & CERTIFICATION …. 25,561 - 25,561 26,512 200 26,712 C.4 - DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD (NON FARM) …. 3,810 9,630 13,440 6,897 8,524 15,421 1,045 1,105 C.5 - TEAGASC GRANT …. 132,082 6,150 138,232 132,582 10,950 143,532 146 146 C.6 - AN BORD BIA GRANT …. 46,619 - 46,619 48,229 - 48,229 C.7 - HORSE AND GREYHOUND RACING FUND …. 72,856 11,144 84,000 70,856 13,144 84,000 C.8 - CEDRA RURAL INNOVATION & DEVELOPMENT FUND …. 1,500 - 1,500 1,500 - 1,500 C.9 - FOOD AID DONATIONS - WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME …. 23,000 - 23,000 700 - 700 C.11 - OTHER SERVICES …. 13,804 520 14,324 15,809 503 16,312 Programme Total:- 339,535 27,685 367,220 324,893 33,592 358,485 1444 1540 of which pay:- 76,441 76,441 78,994 78,994

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Progress in implementation of Food Wise recommendations: A: 74 (20%) A: Target Achieved B: 226 (60%) B: Substantial action undertaken and ongoing C: 73 (19.5%) C: Action commenced and progressing D: 2 (0.5%) A. 75 (20%) A. 198 (50%) D: Action at commencement stage E: 0 (0%) B. 263 (70%) B. 142 (36%) E: Action not yet commenced. Total Actions: 375 C. 37 (10%) C. 35 (9%) D. 0 D. 21 (5%) A. 56 (15%) E. 0 E. 0 B. 245 (65%) Total Actions 375 Total: 396 C. 71 (19%) D. 3 (1%) E. 0 Total Actions: 375

No. of places in Teagasc education and training programmes to meet the 1,265 development needs of commercial and part time farmers and those seeking (1,285) 1,255 1,183 a career in the agri-food sector.

Continuous Professional Development (Co Funded) training for 466 agricultural advisors – no of Knowledge Transfer Facilitators trained in 340 n/a scheme ended 2019 (400) farm health and safety Number of new national research projects funded through FIRM, RSF and 28 CoFoRD programmes (22) 30 0

Number of new transnational research projects funded through FIRM, RSF 7 and CoFoRD programmes (4) 9 10

Number of new direct employment places created (eg. contract researchers, 81 PhDs, MSc) as a result of the new Research Call awards (75) 90 25

% of available budget under Societal Challenge 2 of Horizon 2020 and in 3.25% 2017 under the Biobased Joint Undertaking secured to Support Irish (2%) 2% 2% researchers and industry

No. of Teagasc Research Projects completed 93 90 134 (79) No. of direct Teagasc clients to be engaged in support of the development 42,325 and adoption of knowledge and environmental technologies on Irish farms 44,000 44,000 (44,681)

Number of companies using the services of the Prepared Consumer Foods Centre (New metric 40 60 new service) Bord Bia – client companies membership of Origin Green 346 (347 375 400 New Metric)

Bord Bia Sustainable Beef/Lamb Quality Assurance inspections 34,234 33,000 34,000 (32,011) Horse Racing Ireland - change in a. Attendances a.1.274m - 0.5% b. Bloodstock sales b.€263.1m - 1.9% c. Tote Betting c.€69.2m - 33% (The 2018 figures are the actual a.+2.9% a. +3% figures. The %s for 2018 are the b .+2% b.+2% percentage change from 2017) c. 0% c. 0% (a. +3% b. +3% c. +5%) [30] Agriculture, Food and the Marine [30]

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

- Greyhound Industry Act 2019

2018 Output Outturn Publish Documents 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Steps to Success 2018 - Implementation Report of Food - Steps to Success 2019 – Progress report of - As the Agri-food Strategy to 2030 process is Wise 2025 Food Wise 2025 currently underway, it is not envisaged that there will be a Food Wise Steps to Success in 2020.

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018

Value (€000m) of agri food exports – total, by sector1, (a)4,586 (a)Dairy Products and Ingredients (b)2,433 (b)Beef a)3,380 (a)4,023 (c)861 (c)Prepared Foods (b)2,380 (b)2,496 (d)1,437 (d)Beverages (c)1,925 (c)2,243 (e)828 (e)Pigmeat (d)1,400 (d)1,497 (f)578 (f)Seafood (e)615 (e)712 (g)752 (g)Edible Horticulture & Cereals (f)555 (f)645 (h)299 1- (h)Poultry (g)230 (g)230 (i)315 (i)Sheepmeat (h)275 (h)295 (j)428 (j)Live Animals (i)240 (i)275 (k)481 (k)Forestry (Wood Based Products) (j)150 (j)175 (l)130 (l)Crude Animal & Vegetable Materials (k)355 (k)423 (m)108 (m)Animal Skins & furs (p)11,505 (p)13,014 (n)345 (n)Animal Food Stuffs (o)83 (o)Other (p)13,665 (p)Total

Value (€000m) of primary production – total and by sector (a)2,281.9 (a)2,361.4 (a)2,261 (a)Cattle (b)468.0 (b)515.6 (b)459 (b)Pigs (c)255.2 (c)262.6 (c)253 (c)Sheep (d)156.8 (d)163.1 (d)169 (d)Poultry 2- (e)1,790.3 (e)2,591.7 (e)2,555 (e)Milk (f)230.8 (f)237.3 (f)288 (f)Cereals (g)547.8 (g)609 (g)546 (g)Fisheries (h)437.2 (h) 429.5 (h)430 (h)Forestry (i)6,268.0 (i)7,170.2 (i)6,961 (i)Total

2018 figures are DAFM/CSO figures. Previous year’s figures are based off Bord Bia statistics that are not used by the department anymore

1 Note:2016 and 2017 Export figures are based on Bord Bia Performance and Prospects with the exception of Forestry, therefore these figures may not match Department’s CSO export figures. 2018 figures are DAFM/CSO figures. [30] Agriculture, Food and the Marine [30] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: Deliver a sustainable growth driven sector focused on competitiveness and innovation driven by a skilled workforce delivering value added products in line with market demands.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 173 195 D.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 9,021 - 9,021 9,500 - 9,500 D.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 4,184 287 4,471 4,709 323 5,032 D.3 - FISHERIES …. 12,461 28,427 40,888 15,911 28,787 44,698 142 143 D.4 - MARINE INSTITUTE GRANT …. 22,929 12,000 34,929 24,381 14,000 38,381 149 145 D.5 - BORD IASCAIGH MHARA - GRANT …. 26,193 12,100 38,293 26,400 12,100 38,500 145 169 D.6 - SEA FISHERIES PROTECTION AUTHORITY …. 13,395 400 13,795 16,761 600 17,361 D.7 - HAULBOWLINE REMEDIATION PROJECT …. - 2,500 2,500 - 300 300 Programme Total:- 88,183 55,714 143,897 97,662 56,110 153,772 609 652 of which pay:- 34,748 34,748 37,992 37,992

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) No . National Strategic Plan for Sustainable Aquaculture Development 22 22 22 Actions being implemented. (22) No. of EMFF Seafood Operational Programme 2014-2020 schemes 19 19 19 operational. (17) No. of Aquaculture Development licence determinations to make 305 300 50-752 (250-300)

% completion of Haulbowline remediation works (a) 99% a. East Tip (b) 0% a. 100% b. Other n/a ((a) 90% b. 0% (b) 0%)

Number of local development strategies to be implemented by Fisheries 7 Local Action Groups 7 7 (7)

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

- Bill to amend the Sea-Fisheries and Maritime Jurisdiction Act 2006

2018 Output Outturn Publish Documents 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

- A strategy to Expand the Raw Material Base for the Irish Seafood Sector

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018

1- Value of Total Seafood Sales €939m €1,095m €1,064m

2- Value of Seafood Exports €559m €645m €578m

2 The reduced number reflects the elimination of the shellfish licensing backlog as an issue affecting the industry. [30] Agriculture, Food and the Marine [30]

III. Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000


1. Recoupment of salaries, etc. of officers on loan to outside bodies ... 600 - 600 650 - 650 2. Forfeited deposits and securities under EU intervention, export refund, etc. arrangements ... 1 - 1 1 - 1 3. Refunds from veterinary fees for inspection at poultry and other meat plants ... 15,436 - 15,436 17,945 - 17,945 4. Receipts from veterinary inspection fees for live exports ... 613 - 613 723 - 723 5. Receipts from fees for dairy premises inspection services …. 6,500 - 6,500 6,750 - 6,750 6. Receipts from the sale of vaccines, livestock, farm produce, etc. at Veterinary Research Laboratory and farm at Abbotstown; recoupment of quarantine expenses at Spike Island … 670 - 670 675 - 675 7. Receipts from seed testing fees, certification fees, licensing fees, pesticides, registration fees, etc. and receipts from Backweston Farm ... 1,856 - 1,856 1,929 - 1,929 8. Receipts from farmer contributions towards the cost of eradicating Bovine Disease ... 7,000 - 7,000 7,000 - 7,000 9. Land Commission receipts ... 350 - 350 300 - 300 10. Other Receipts ... 2,470 - 2,470 2,701 - 2,701 11. Market intervention expenses and financing costs for other FEOGA (Guarantee) section measures ... 975 - 975 975 - 975 12. Intervention Stock losses, etc. ... ------13. EAFRD(European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development ... 246,000 - 246,000 270,000 - 270,000 14. Veterinary Fund … 9,200 - 9,200 7,205 - 7,205 15. Other Guarantee Receipts from EU (Agriculture) ... 36 - 36 45 - 45 16. Proceeds of fines and forfeitures in respect of sea fisheries ... 100 - 100 100 - 100 17. Receipts under the 1933 Foreshore Act and the 1954 State Property Act .... 100 - 100 100 - 100 18. EU Recoupment in respect of expenditure on the conservation and management of fisheries .... 1 - 1 - - - 19. Aquaculture Licence fees .... 412 - 412 412 - 412 20. EU Receipts for EMFF …. 30,000 - 30,000 25,000 - 25,000 21. EFF (Fisheries) 2007 - 2013 …. ------22. Receipts from Sustainable Food Systems Ireland …. 200 - 200 200 - 200 23. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 10,797 - 10,797 11,544 - 11,544 Total :- 333,317 - 333,317 354,255 - 354,255 [30] Agriculture, Food and the Marine [30]

Estimate of FEOGA-funded Expenditure managed by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine managed by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Guarantee (Measures fully funded by the EU) - Fully-funded EAGF Expenditure Basic Payment Scheme …. 1,200,000 - 1,200,000 1,211,000 - 1,211,000 1% Other …. 2,654 - 2,654 10,000 10,000 277% Market Volatility Payment (Dairy & Pigmeat Sector) …. ------Subtotal :- 1,202,654 - 1,202,654 1,221,000 - 1,221,000 2%

Co funded receipts (measures co funded by EU) * - Agriculture EAFRD Rural Development Program 205,000 205,000 270,000 - 270,000 32% Veterinary Fund 9,200 - 9,200 7,205 - 7,205 -22% Market intervention 975 - 975 - - - Intervention Stock Loss 1 - 1 - - - Other Co-financing Guarantee Receipts (Agriculture) 36 - 36 - - - Fisheries Fisheries - EFF - - - - - EU Conservation and Management of Fisheries - - - - - Fisheries - EMFF 30,000 - 30,000 25,000 - 25,000 -17% Subtotal :- 245,212 - 245,212 302,205 - 302,205 23%

Total Expenditure :- 1,447,866 - 1,447,866 1,523,205 - 1,523,205 5%

* Only the EU Co-funding on these programmes is shown on this Table. [31] Transport, Tourism and Sport [31] 31 TRANSPORT, TOURISM AND SPORT I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December, 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, including certain services administered by that Office, for payment of certain grants and certain other services. (a) by way of current year provision Two thousand, six hundred and ninety-seven million, seven hundred and forty-six thousand euro (€2,697,746,000)

(b) by way of the application for capital supply services of unspent appropriations, the surrender of which may be deferred under Section 91 of the Finance Act 2004. Forty eight million, six hundred and eleven thousand euro (€48,611,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport.

Change 2019 Estimate * 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - CIVIL AVIATION .... 26,188 10,579 36,767 26,315 10,700 37,015 1% B - LAND TRANSPORT .... 443,658 1,466,523 1,910,181 454,886 1,826,510 2,281,396 19% C - MARITIME TRANSPORT AND SAFETY .... 95,115 7,953 103,068 95,667 7,280 102,947 -0% D - SPORTS AND RECREATION SERVICES .... 64,674 61,488 126,162 80,161 43,055 123,216 -2% E - TOURISM SERVICES .... 136,173 39,482 175,655 129,873 55,190 185,063 5% Gross Total :- 765,808 1,586,025 2,351,833 786,902 1,942,735 2,729,637 16% Deduct :- F - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 23,964 1,000 24,964 31,391 500 31,891 28% - Net Total :- 741,844 1,585,025 2,326,869 755,511 1,942,235 2,697,746 16%

Net Increase (€000) 370,877

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 101,469 108,226 7% Associated Public Service employees .... 1,999 2,187 9%

Exchequer pensions included in above net total .... 10,123 10,132 -

Associated Public Service pensioners .... 564 589 4%

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 35,891 - 35,891 37,164 - 37,164 - (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 1,377 - 1,377 1,377 - 1,377 - (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 2,273 - 2,273 2,382 - 2,382 5% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 519 - 519 519 - 519 - (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 884 1,895 2,779 884 2,000 2,884 4% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 564 100 664 564 - 564 -15% (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 1,399 - 1,399 1,399 - 1,399 - Gross Total :- 42,907 1,995 44,902 44,289 2,000 46,289 3%

Subheads under which it is intended to apply the amount of €48,611 million in unspent 2019 appropriations to capital supply services.

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Change 2020 Application of Deferred Surrender over 2019 €000 €000 % A.3 - REGIONAL AIRPORTS …. 1,000 1,000 - B.5 - VEHICLE AND DRIVING LICENCING EXPENSES …. 1,870 800 -57% B.6 - CARBON REDUCTION …. 1,965 - - B.7 - PUBLIC SERVICE PROVISION PAYMENTS - RURAL TRANSPORT PROGRAMME ….. 39 - B.8 - PUBLIC AND SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT INVESTMENT PROGRAMME …. 500 9150 C.3 - MARITIME ADMINISTRATION AND IRCG …. 3,000 4,000 33% D.3 - GRANTS FOR SPORTING BODIES …. 2,500 12,000 - D.4 - PROVISION AND RENOVATION OF SWIMMING POOLS …. 2,824 2,600 -8% D.7 - LARGE SCALE SPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FUND …. - 8,800 - E.6 - TOURISM PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT .... 4,068 5,961 47% E.7 - GREENWAYS …. 600 3,500 - X05 ADMINISTRATION CAPITAL …. - 800 - 18,366 48,611 -

* The 2019 Estimate includes a Supplementary Estimate of €10,000,000 [31] Transport, Tourism and Sport [31] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To maximise air transport connectivity with a safe, competitive, cost-effective and sustainable aviation sector

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 83 75 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 3,589 - 3,589 3,716 - 3,716 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,101 179 1,280 1,101 200 1,301 A.3 - REGIONAL AIRPORTS .... 11,300 10,400 21,700 11,300 10,500 21,800 A.4 - MISCELLANEOUS AVIATION SERVICES …. 10,198 - 10,198 10,198 - 10,198 Programme Total:- 26,188 10,579 36,767 26,315 10,700 37,015 of which pay:- 3,589 3,589 3,716 3,716

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Total Number of Traffic Movements at State Airports:

Cork Flights 20,441 25,462 26,776 (N/A)

Dublin Flights 222,692 239,619 241,948 (N/A)

Shannon Flights 13,699 22,956 21,721 (N/A)

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Ratification of Bilateral Air Transport agreement - Aircraft Noise (Dublin Airport) Regulation - Air Navigation Transport Bill (CAR/IAA) between Ireland and United Arab Emirates, Act 2019 - Air Navigation Transport Amendment Bill domestic procedures completed for agreement - Ratification of three Bilateral Air (Beijing/Montreal) with Egypt Transport agreements between Ireland and - Aviation Regulation Amendment Bill Hong Kong, Oman and Saudi Arabia. Irish Airport Charges Aviation Authority Act 1993 Amendment - Complete domestic procedures for Bill Bilateral Air Transport Agreements between - Complete domestic procedures for Ireland and Oman and Saudi Arabia Bilateral Air Transport Agreements between Ireland and Egypt and Hong Kong

2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Publish Documents

- Review of Capacity Needs at Ireland’s State - National Policy Statement on the Future - Regional Airport Programme 2020-2024 Airports Development of Dublin Airport - 2nd National Aviation Policy - National Aviation Policy 2nd Progress Report - Ireland’s State Action Plan for Aviation Emissions Reduction - Economic Evaluation of the Aircraft Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul sector in Ireland

Context and Impact indicators

2016 2017 2018

1- Passenger traffic numbers at Airports (total): 33.0m 34.7m 36.8m (a) State Airports 31.9m 33.6m 35.7m (b) Regional Airports 1.1m 1.1m 1.1m 2- Remained in the top performers in the Eurocontrol ranking for en route air navigation charges (1st = lowest 40th = highest) 6th 6th 6th

3- Number of accidents, serious incidents and other incidents defined in legislation and international convention. AAIU investigate 88 68 73 accidents and serious incidents and record incidents*

*‘accident’ means an occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft ‘serious incident’ means an incident involving circumstances indicating that there was a high probability of an accident and is associated with the operation of an aircraft ‘incident’ means an occurrence, other than an accident, associated with the operation of an aircraft which affects or could affect the safety of operation [31] Transport, Tourism and Sport [31] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To best serve the needs of society and the economy through safe, sustainable and competitive transport networks and services

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 1063 1209 B.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 13,280 - 13,280 13,751 - 13,751 B.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 2,495 863 3,358 2,604 720 3,324 B.3 - ROAD IMPROVEMENT/MAINTENANCE …. 102,652 957,400 1,060,052 111,007 1,088,200 1,199,207 B.4 - ROAD SAFETY AGENCIES AND EXPENSES …. 5,522 460 5,982 4,962 440 5,402 B.5 - VEHICLE AND DRIVER LICENCING EXPENSES …. 18,900 3,000 21,900 18,900 4,000 22,900 B.6 - CARBON REDUCTION …. - 7,000 7,000 - 7,500 7,500 B.7 - PUBLIC SERVICE PROVISION PAYMENTS …. 284,296 18,650 302,946 284,913 18,650 303,563 B.8 - SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY INVESTMENT …. 1,605 479,150 480,755 1,650 707,000 708,650 B.9 - PUBLIC TRANSPORT AGENCIES AND EXPENSES …. 14,830 - 14,830 17,021 - 17,021 B.10 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES .... 78 - 78 78 - 78 Programme Total:- 443,658 1,466,523 1,910,181 454,886 1,826,510 2,281,396 of which pay:- 46,224 46,224 51,659 51,659 Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) New Single Carriageway completed (km) 12.8 km 22 km 18 km (12.8 km) Pavement Renewals (km) 218 km 264 km 220 km (280 km) Bridges subject to rehabilitation works 78 60 40 (85) Regional and local road maintained (km) 2,399 2,400 2,700 (2,320)

Regional and local road improved (km) 2,234 2,150 2,300 (2,050) No. of actions relevant to the Department within the Road Safety 11 9 2 Strategy 2013/2020 to be implemented (11) Supporting the collection of Motor Tax €980m €940m €930m (980m) Supporting the business of stakeholders in the enforcement of €500m speeding, parking fines, tolling fees, and the issuing of driving €500m €500m (€500m) licences Number of electric Small public service vehicles (SPSVs) taxi/hackney/limousine n/a n/a 120 Number of vehicles registered: Electric Vehicle Toll Incentive Scheme n/a n/a 10,000

Total number of electric vehicles n/a n/a 20,000

Number of buses added to fleet n/a n/a 60 [31] Transport, Tourism and Sport [31] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Transposition of EU Directive 2014/52/EU - Transposed under SI. No 279 of 2019 - Road Traffic (Miscellaneous Provisions) amending Directive 2011/92/EU on the European Union (Roads Act 1993) Bill 2019 assessment of the effects of certain public and (Environmental Impact Assessment) - Road Safety Authority (Amendment) Bill private projects on the environment (Amendment) Regulations 2019 - Road Safety Authority (Commercial - Road Traffic (Amendment) Act 2018 - Road Traffic (Miscellaneous Provisions) Vehicle Roadworthiness Bill Bill 2019 -Road Safety Authority (Amendment) Bill - Road Safety Authority (Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness Bill

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Irish Bulletin of Vehicle and Driver Statistics - Ex-Post Evaluation of Smarter Travel - IMMAC Review Report Areas - National Roads 2040 Connecting people - Irish Bulletin of Vehicle and Driver and places Statistics

Context and Impact indicators

2016 2017 2018

1- Number of Leap Cards purchased 644,959 704,367 823,580

2- Number of RTPI Signs in Operation 680 790 744

3- % of total journeys by walking and cycling 16.3% 16.3% 16.3%

4 - Number of electric SPSVs 3 5 47

5- Number of vehicles registered for EVTI Scheme n/a n/a 4135

6- Total number of electric vehicles 2,270 3,799 7,647

Number of Motor Transactions processed on the National Vehicle and 5m (3.5m via the online 5.03m (3.63m via the online 5.01M (3.73m via the online 7- Driver File (NVDF) service) service) service)

€1.051bn (€739m via the €1.021bn (€739m via the €0.982m (€733m via the 8- Motor Tax Receipts processed on the NVDF online service) online service) online service)

1.2m (465,000 via the online 1.194m (538,000 via the 1.116m (566,179 via the 9- Vehicle Change of Ownership notices issued service) online service) online service)

10- Driving Licences (including Learner Permits) issued 575,000 596,000 695,371

11- Penalty Point Notices Issued 204,000 191,000 183,000

12- Number of Road Fatalities 185 156 142 Documents/Notices printed and mailed in order to meet regulatory driver 13- 8.05 million 8.5 million 8.5 million and vehicle obligations [31] Transport, Tourism and Sport [31] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: to facilitate safe and sustainable maritime transport and the delivery of emergency management services

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 252 248 C.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 15,433 - 15,433 15,981 - 15,981 C.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 2,719 773 3,492 2,719 860 3,579 C.3 - MARITIME ADMINISTRATION AND IRISH COAST GUARD …. 76,877 7,180 84,057 76,877 6,420 83,297 C.4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES .... 86 - 86 90 - 90 Programme Total:- 95,115 7,953 103,068 95,667 7,280 102,947 of which pay:- 15,557 15,557 16,105 16,105

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) No. of surveys to carry out for certification /licencing of 1,293 1,500 1,500 vessels (1,500) No. of inspections to carry out in Ports and Port Facilities 13 44 25 (25) No. of applications for certification of seafarers / fishers 1,779 1,600 1,600 (1,600) No. of foreign flagged ships to inspect (Paris MoU Fair 266 267 281 Share) (260) No. of inspections to carry out for Sulphur Directive / Port 124 158 153 Reception Facilities Directive (153)

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Transposition of EU Directive - Publication of Merchant Shipping 2017/159 Work in Fishing Convention (International Conventions and Maritime - Transposition of EU Directive Safety) Bill 2017/2108 safety rules and standards for - Transposition of EU Directive passenger ships 2018/131 amending the agreement to the - Transposition of EU Directive 2014 Maritime Labour Convention 2017/2109 registration of persons sailing on board passenger ships - Transposition of EU Directive 2017/2110 safe operation of ro-ro passenger ships

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Review of the Oversight of Search and Rescue - National Search and Rescue Plan 2019 (SAR) Aviation operations in Ireland

Context and Impact indicators

2016 2017 2018

1- Number of 112/999 calls received 2,123 2,099 2,303

Number of distress calls received very High Frequency (VHF) and 2- 127 109 135 medium Frequency (MF) radios

3- No. of Incidents 2,582 2,503 2,647

4- No. of Persons Saved/Assisted 4,080 3,974 4,990

5- No. of times the Irish Coast Guard Coastal Units was tasked 1,065 1,073 1,192

6- No. of times the Irish Coast Guard Helicopter was tasked 898 755 669 IRCG Helicopter Tasked for Helicopter Emergency Medical Services 7- 179 149 107 (HEMS) 8- No. of times RNLI Tasked 854 843 843 [31] Transport, Tourism and Sport [31] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: to contribute to a healthier and more active society by promoting sports participation and by supporting high performance and the provision of sport facilities

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 87 106 D.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 2,153 - 2,153 2,229 - 2,229 D.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 420 108 528 420 120 540 D.3 - GRANTS FOR SPORTING BODIES AND THE PROVISION OF SPORTS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES (PART FUNDED BY THE NATIONAL LOTTERY)* .... - 42,580 42,580 - 27,935 27,935 D.4 - NEW LARGE SCALE SPORTS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND (INC. SWIMMING POOLS) …. - 4,100 4,100 - 2,100 2,100 D.5 - SPORT IRELAND (PART FUNDED BY THE NATIONAL LOTTERY)* …. 58,101 4,900 63,001 65,612 2,900 68,512 D.6 - DORMANT ACCOUNTS FUNDING FOR SPORTS MEASURES .... 4,000 1,000 5,000 7,500 500 8,000 D.7 LARGE SCALE SPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FUND …. - 8,800 8,800 - 9,500 9,500 D.8 MAJOR EVENTS …. - - - 4,400 - 4,400 Programme Total:- 64,674 61,488 126,162 80,161 43,055 123,216 of which pay:- 5,178 5,178 5,685 5,685 * Part-funded from the National Lottery Licence transaction

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Sports Capital Programme number of payments made (total Payments: 1,284 (1,280) value) 1,600 (€43.2m) 1,400 (€40m) Value: €34m (€35.3m) Number of sports facilities/projects under construction or 832 1,000 1,000 completed in the year

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

- National Sports Policy Published - Draft Sports Action Plan - Sports Action Plan - High Performance Strategy - National Swimming Strategy

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 Levels of participation in sport and physical activity, as measured by 1- 45.0% 43.0% 43.0% Irish Sports Monitor (% adults) Levels of Participation in a sporting Session, as measured by Irish 2- Sports Monitor (% adults who take part in at least one session 40.5% 39.0% 39.0% lasting 30 minutes or more, at least once a week) Number of medals won in international competition at elite level (in 3- 54 72 77 sports supported by Sport Ireland)

4- Number of visitors to the National Aquatic Centre 1,036,000 1,099,756 1,149,000

Number of days of support services (science, medicine and lifestyle) 5- 2,909 2,961 3,303 delivered to athletes by Sport Ireland Institute Number of Anti-doping tests conducted as part of the National 6- 1,003 989 1,112 Testing Programme [31] Transport, Tourism and Sport [31] EQUALITY BUDGETING OBJECTIVES & PERFORMANCE INDICATORS

High Level Goal: To ensure a significantly higher proportion of Irish girls and women from all sectors of society are regularly involved in all forms of active and social participation in sport.

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities Key High Level Metrics 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Outturn 2020 Output (2018 Output Target) (2019 Output Target) Target

Number of National Governing Bodies (NGBs) supported by Sport Ireland’s Women in Sport 28 40* 40 Programme (28) (28) Number of Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs) supported by Sport Ireland’s Women in Sport 21 26 Programme 26 (New Metric) (21)

Ratio of female to male participants in sport as measured by the Irish Sports Monitor 0.94 0.91 0.92 (0.85) (0.89)

* The publication of Sport Ireland’s new Policy on Women in Sport in 2019 resulted in a substantial investment in the NGBs through the Women in Sport programme. As a result Sport Ireland is receiving an increased level of funding applications.

Context and Impact indicators 2017 2018 2019 €1,581,000 (to NGBs) Plus 1- Amount spent on the Sport Ireland Women in Sport programme €971,500 €971,500 €265,000 (to LSPs) Total €1,846,000

Levels of participation by women in sport and physical activity, as 2- 40.8% 40.8% 43.6% measured by Irish Sports Monitor (% adults)*

Ratio of female to male participants in sport as measured by Irish Sports 3- 0.9 0.94 0.91 Monitor*

Number of medals won by females or mixed teams with female 4- member(s) in international competition at elite level (in sports supported 37 35 51* by Sport Ireland)

*41 medals in female only events. 10 medals in mixed gender or open (i.e. equestrian) [31] Transport, Tourism and Sport [31] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: to support the tourism industry to grow in a sustainable way

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 514 549 E.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 1,436 - 1,436 1,487 - 1,487 E.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 281 72 353 281 100 381 E.3 - FÁILTE IRELAND …. 68,835 1,050 69,885 67,583 1,050 68,633 E.4 - TOURISM IRELAND LIMITED - GRANT FOR ADMINISTRATION AND GENERAL EXPENSES .... 16,038 100 16,138 16,239 - 16,239 E.5 - TOURISM MARKETING FUND .... 49,583 4,000 53,583 44,283 2,540 46,823 E.6 - TOURISM PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT * .... - 20,960 20,960 - 28,000 28,000 E.7 - GREENWAYS …. - 13,300 13,300 - 23,500 23,500 Programme Total:- 136,173 39,482 175,655 129,873 55,190 185,063 of which pay:- 34,141 34,141 34,841 34,841 * Part funded from the National Lottery Licence transaction

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) % increase in revenue associated with overseas tourist visits to 6.0% 6.0% 3.0% Ireland (5.0%) % increase of overseas tourists to Ireland 6.5% 4.0% 1.0% (2.0%)

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Tourism Action Plan 2019-2021 - Greenway Strategy on future delivery of Greenways

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 Increasing estimated revenue from overseas tourists* €4,638m €4,924m €5,217m 1 - % change on previous year (+8.7%) (+6.2%) (+6%)

8,742m 9,023m 9,609 2 - Number of Overseas Tourists (000s) (% change on previous year)* (8.9%) (+3.2%) (+6.5%)

9.36m 9.63m 10.92m 3 - Increasing number of domestic trips (and related revenue impact)* (€1,798m) (€1,879m) (€2,006m)

Year on year change in air access capacity: (a) +8% (a) +5% (a)+7% 4 - (a) Summer season of year stated compared with previous year and (b) +3% (b)+7% (b)+8% (b) Winter commencing in the year stated compared with previous year

5 - Total employment in tourism and hospitality sector (Fáilte Ireland) 225,000 240,000 260,000

* CSO overseas visitor data was previously quoted. Current populated data sourced from Fáilte Ireland’s Key Tourism Facts 2018 and refers to tourists. [31] Transport, Tourism and Sport [31]

III. Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 F. - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID:

ADMINISTRATION 1. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 3,220 - 3,220 3,780 - 3,780 Subtotal :- 3,220 - 3,220 3,780 - 3,780

CIVIL AVIATION 2. IAA Refund of Subscriptions to International Organisations … 7,007 - 7,007 8,473 - 8,473 3. IAA Recoupment of Rents, etc. .... 394 - 394 394 - 394 4. IAA Payment for Associated Costs .... 2,760 - 2,760 2,700 - 2,700 Subtotal :- 10,161 - 10,161 11,567 - 11,567

LAND TRANSPORT 5. Road Transport Licence Fees .... 800 - 800 800 - 800 6. Receipts from Local Government Fund .... - - - - 7. Miscellaneous Land Transport Receipts .... 4,688 - 4,688 6,470 - 6,470 Subtotal :- 5,488 - 5,488 7,270 - 7,270

MARITIME TRANSPORT AND SAFETY 8. Receipts under the Merchant Shipping and Wireless Telegraphy Act .... 450 - 450 500 - 500 Subtotal :- 450 - 450 500 - 500

TOURISM SERVICES 9. Tourism Ireland Pension Receipts …. 190 - 190 300 - 300 Subtotal :- 190 - 190 300 - 300

SPORTS SERVICES 10. Sport Ireland Pension Receipts …. 85 - 85 134 - 134 11. Dormant Accounts …. 4,000 1,000 5,000 7,500 500 8,000 Subtotal :- 4,085 1,000 5,085 7,634 500 8,134

MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 12. Miscellaneous Receipts .... 370 - 370 340 - 340 Subtotal :- 370 - 370 340 - 340 Total :- 23,964 1,000 24,964 31,391 500 31,891 [32] Business Enterprise and Innovation [32] 32

BUSINESS ENTERPRISE AND INNOVATION I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, including certain services administered by that Office, for the payment of certain subsidies and grants and for the payment of certain grants under cash-limited schemes.

(a) by way of current year provision Nine hundred and eighteen million, one hundred and eighty-four thousand euro (€918,184,000) (b) by way of the application for capital supply services of unspent appropriations, the surrender of which may be deferred under Section 91 of the Finance Act 2004. Forty-two million, one hundred and fifty thousand euro (€42,150,000)

II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation. Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate** 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % A - JOBS AND ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT .... 216,327 242,605 458,932 219,233 249,497 468,730 2% B - INNOVATION .... 31,099 378,620 409,719 31,729 382,503 414,232 1% C - REGULATION .... 81,587 - 81,587 87,946 - 87,946 8% Gross Total :- 329,013 621,225 950,238 338,908 632,000 970,908 2% Deduct :- D - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 50,772 2,500 53,272 50,316 2,408 52,724 -1% Net Total :- 278,241 618,725 896,966 288,592 629,592 918,184 2%

Net Increase (€000) 21,218

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 163,021 170,687 5%

Associated Public Service employees .... 2,638 2,724 3%

Exchequer pensions included in above net total .... 44,860 47,634 6%

Associated Public Service pensioners .... 1,760 1,729 -2%

Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate** 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 28,591 - 28,591 29,487 - 29,487 3% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 856 - 856 856 - 856 - (iii) LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 1,300 - 1,300 1,501 - 1,501 15% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 300 - 300 300 - 300 - (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 4,010 - 4,010 3,918 - 3,918 -2% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 980 - 980 804 - 804 -18% (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 1,300 - 1,300 1,277 - 1,277 -2% (viii) ADVERTISING AND INFORMATION RESOURCES .... 250 - 250 351 - 351 40% Gross Total :- 37,587 - 37,587 38,494 - 38,494 2%

Subheads under which it is intended to apply the amount of €42.150 million in unspent 2019 appropriations to capital supply services.

2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate** Change Application of Deferred Surrender 2020 over €000 €000 2019


* The 2019 Estimate includes a technical Supplementary Estimate of €1,000. ** The 2020 Estimate reflects a Budget Transfer of €92,000 to the Office of the Government Chief Information Office. [32] Business Enterprise and Innovation [32] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: Creating and sustaining high quality enterprise and employment across all regions of the country by supporting a strong indigenous enterprise base, the continued attraction of foreign direct investment and a strong entrepreneurial culture

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 139 148 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 9,901 - 9,901 10,270 - 10,270 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 2,866 - 2,866 2,924 - 2,924 A.3 - AGENCY LEGACY PENSIONS …. 40,540 - 40,540 41,040 - 41,040 42 42 A.4 - INTERTRADE IRELAND …. 2,450 7,195 9,645 2,497 7,695 10,192 359 359 A.5 - IDA IRELAND …. 54,670 136,900 191,570 53,177 136,000 189,177 161 173 A.6 - NSAI - GRANT FOR ADMINISTRATION AND GENERAL EXPENSES .... 6,146 500 6,646 6,790 500 7,290 584 602 A.7 - ENTERPRISE IRELAND …. 87,327 57,750 145,077 89,538 65,750 155,288 A.8 - LOCAL ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT .... 10,431 27,500 37,931 10,681 27,500 38,181 A.9 - TEMPORARY PARTIAL CREDIT GUARANTEE SCHEME …. - 500 500 - 500 500 A.10 - MATCHING FUNDING FOR INTERREG .... - 4,200 4,200 - 5,800 5,800 A.11 - SUBSCRIPTIONS TO INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS, ETC. .... 1,840 - 1,840 2,160 - 2,160 A.12 - COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND SPECIAL INQUIRIES .... 1 - 1 1 - 1 A.13 - LEGAL COSTS AND OTHER SERVICES …. 155 - 155 155 - 155 A.14 - FUTURE GROWTH LOAN SCHEME …. - 8,000 8,000 - 5,750 5,750 A.15 - HUMANITARIAN RELIEF SCHEME …. - 60 60 - 1 1 A.16 - MICRO FINANCE IRELAND …. - - - - 1 1 Programme Total:- 216,327 242,605 458,932 219,233 249,497 468,730 1,285 1,324 of which pay:- 98,136 98,136 100,368 100,368

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) No. of new IDA investment projects won 265 190 190* (180) No. of gross new jobs created by IDA client companies in year 22,785 16,500 16,500* (16,300) Total number of premises visited by NSAI Legal Metrology Service 4,260 5,500 5,500* to undertake inspections (4,500) Total number of instruments inspected by the NSAI (Legal 15,660 18,000 18,000* Metrology Service) (14,800) Standards published by NSAI 1,318 1,250 1,250* (1,500) No. of gross permanent fulltime job gains in EI client companies in 15,107 12,000 12,000* year (12,000) Exports sales by EI client companies €23.8bn €25bn €25bn* (€23bn) Net number of jobs created in LEO supported companies (full & 3,656 other-time in client companies in receipt of LEO funding) 3,500 3,500* (3,000)

No. of LEO clients on individual mentoring assignments (excl. 9,625 5,800 8,000* LEOs Mentoring clinics) (3,200) No. of business projects funded under Measure 1 supports 1,259 1,200 1,200* (Priming/Expansion/Feasibility/IBYE Investment) (1,000) No. of participants on (Core) training programmes 34,938 34,500 34,500* (28,000) No. of loan approvals supported through the Credit Guarantee 121 250 200 Scheme (250) Number of loans sanctioned through the Future Growth Loan Scheme New Metric 800 650 No. of additional jobs created outside the Dublin region** 24,600 40,000 27,000 (40,000)

* Given the timeframe of REV publication in December (i.e. before year end) it is not possible to specifically set targets across certain elements without first knowing outputs. Hence, a number of the 2020 targets are the same as 2019. ** As per Programme for Government target of 200,000 jobs, of which 135,000 are outside the Dublin region, by 2020, (Q1 2016 to Q4 2020) [average 27,000 per annum]. 132,900 cumulative jobs outside the Dublin region delivered to Q4 2018.

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - European Investment Fund Agreement Act 2018 - Industrial Development (Misc. Provisions) Bill - Industrial Development (Amendment) Bill 2019

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Action Plan for Jobs 2018 Future Jobs 2019 - Future Jobs 2020 - BEI – Statement of Strategy 2018 - 2020 - Action Plan to address barriers to carbon abatement in Food and Drink sector - Action Plan to address barriers to carbon abatement in Cement Sector

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Total direct expenditure in Irish economy by development agency client €42.5bn €46.4bn €49.25bn (estimated) companies (EI & IDA clients) 2- Total employment by development agency client companies – (EI, IDA, LEOs). 443,984 465,251 491,235

3- IMD World Competitiveness Ranking* 7th 6th 12th

4- Ireland’s Total Early Stage Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Report** 10.9% 8.9% 9.6%

* The IMD (Institute for Management Development) World Competitiveness Yearbook assesses the ability of countries to create and maintain an environment in which enterprises can compete globally. ** TEA is entrepreneurial activity centred on the period preceding and immediately after the actual start of a firm. The moment of startup is defined by generating the first income from the sales of products or services. The GEM annual TEA Index of early stage entrepreneurs indicates that Ireland had increased rates of entrepreneurship in 2018. EQUALITY BUDGETING OBJECTIVES & PERFORMANCE INDICATORS

High Level Goal: Ensuring that business women realise their full business potential in response to an underrepresentation of women entrepreneurs in Ireland. To support ambitious women entrepreneurs to launch and grow High Potential Start-Ups, and to address the key challenges facing women in start-ups.

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2019 Output Outturn 2020 Output Target Key High Level Metrics 2018 Output Outturn (2019 Output Target) Number of female-led HPSUs 12* 22** 18 (22) Competitive Fund for Female Entrepreneurs 1 call 1 call 1 call** *Figure to end of October 2019

Context and Impact indicators 2018 2019 2020 1- Number of HPSUs 82 90** 90** 2- Number of CSF investments approved 50 90** 90** **2020 figures not available until completion of Corporate Planning. [32] Business Enterprise and Innovation [32]

III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: Position Ireland as a Global Innovation Leader, driving an internationally competitive research and development system, creating an innovative enterprise base and building a better society

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 115 123 B.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 7,664 - 7,664 7,782 - 7,782 B.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 2,674 - 2,674 2,644 - 2,644 47 44 B.3 - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF IRELAND …. 3,033 - 3,033 3,133 - 3,133 137 137 B.4 - SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME .... 17,137 302,087 319,224 17,579 305,986 323,565 B.5 - PROGRAMME FOR RESEARCH IN THIRD LEVEL INSTITUTIONS (PRTLI) .... - 26,299 26,299 - 24,072 24,072 B.6 - SUBSCRIPTIONS TO INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS, ETC. .... 430 30,234 30,664 430 22,445 22,875 B.7 - COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND SPECIAL INQUIRIES .... 1 - 1 1 - 1 B.8 - LEGAL COSTS AND OTHER SERVICES …. 160 - 160 160 - 160 B.9 - DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES INNOVATION FUND …. - 20,000 20,000 - 30,000 30,000 299 304 Programme Total:- 31,099 378,620 409,719 31,729 382,503 414,232 of which pay:- 18,399 18,399 18,787 18,787

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) No. of companies involved in Technology Centres 844 540 540* (500) No. of High Potential Start-Ups (HPSUs) supported 82 90 90* (100) No. of commercially valuable technologies transferred to Irish 155 135 135* industry (135) No. of Company Collaborations with Third Level Institutions - 1,048 1,080 1,080* Enterprise Ireland (825) Excellence of SFI-funded research (global baseline = 1.0) 1.87 1.9 1.95

Budget invested by SFI in programmes partnering with other €33m €38m €41m research funders % female leadership in awards funded by SFI 23% 24% 25%

Funding secured in contracts from the European Space Agency €20.99m (€13.0m) €13.4m €14m

No. of Irish companies engaged in European Space Agency contract 67 70 75 work. (65) Company co-funding of SFI research €217m €250m €290m (€200m) Number of companies formally collaborating with SFI researchers 437 470 500 (400) Percentage SFI-funded postgrads and postdocs departing to positions 54% 54% 56% outside of academia after 6 years (50%) €117m International and philanthropic co-funding of SFI research** €130m €150m (€100m) * Given the timeframe of REV publication in December (i.e. before year end) it is not possible to specifically set targets across certain elements without first knowing outputs. Hence, a number the 2020 targets are the same as 2019. ** This includes all of SFI programmes alongside the Research Centres, but the majority will still be delivered by the SFI Research Centres.

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Copyright and Other Intellectual Property Law Provisions Act 2019

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Third Progress Report on Implementation of - Mid-term Review of Innovation 2020 (published June 2019) - 2019/2020 Research & Development Budget Innovation 2020 (published July 2018) - Fourth Progress Report on Implementation of Innovation 2020 - The Science Budget 2016/17 (published July 2019) - 2018/2019 Research & Development Budget

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Gross Expenditure on Research and Development (GERD) €3,414m €3,675m €3,717m (estimated) - as a percentage of GNP 1.54% 1.56% 1.46%

2- Business expenditure on Research & Development (BERD) €2,532m €2,770m €2,778m (estimated)

3- Invention disclosures from public research organisations 461 455 487

4- Licence agreements between public research organisations and firms 186 164 211

5- International competitiveness rankings - (a) university-industry collaboration on R&D 13 13 11 (b) quality of Scientific Research institutions (Global Competitiveness Report, 15 19 38 World Economic Forum – 132 countries)

(c) Scientific Citations per publications/Global ranking (Clarivate InCities) 10 11 12

(d) European Innovation Scoreboard 6 10 9 (e) Global Innovation Index 7 10 10 [32] Business Enterprise and Innovation [32]


High Level Goal: Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) aims to play a strong role in addressing the imbalance by committing to increase the representation of women among SFI award holders to 30% by 2020 and to improve the representation and progression of women in all aspects of STEM careers in Ireland through the implementation of the Science Foundation Ireland Gender Strategy 2016-2020.

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics (2018 Output Target) (2019 Output Target) 2020 Output Target 26% Not yet available Percentage of Research Award Holders that are female (28%) (29%) 30%

37% (Minimum 40% male and female research Not yet available Achieve gender balance in Research Teams team members) (40%) 40% 0 Not yet available At least one female Research Professor by 2020 (1) (1) 1 * The 2019 year-end SFI data will be determined through the Annual SFI Stocktake of Research Outputs. These data are typically not available until the end of Q1 in the subsequent year. Context and Impact Indicators 2017 2018 2019 5 7 7 1- Number of institutions with Athena SWAN gender equality accreditation 37% 2- SFI Female Research Applicant Success Rates 24% Not yet available 26 3- Number of SFI Maternity Supplements to Research Grants 19 20* 31% 4- Achieve gender balance on Review Panels 30% Not yet available * Data recorded as at 19/11/2019 [32] Business Enterprise and Innovation [32] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: Ensure that our business regulation facilitates business investment and development, competition in the market place, high standards of consumer protection and corporate governance, and provides Ireland with a competitive advantage in the global market.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 230 245 C.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 11,026 - 11,026 11,435 - 11,435 C.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 3,456 - 3,456 3,439 - 3,439 224 230 C.3 - WORKPLACE RELATIONS PROGRAMME ..… 18,005 - 18,005 19,299 - 19,299 C.4 - GRANTS FOR TRADE UNION EDUCATION AND ADVISORY SERVICES - CASH-LIMITED .... 900 - 900 900 - 900 203 195 C.5 - HEALTH AND SAFETY AUTHORITY - GRANT FOR ADMINISTRATION AND GENERAL EXPENSES …. 19,408 - 19,408 20,502 - 20,502 C.6 - TRADE UNION AMALGAMATIONS .... 60 - 60 60 - 60 40 43 C.7 - OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE ENFORCEMENT …. 4,657 - 4,657 6,057 - 6,057 112 137 C.8 - COMPETITION AND CONSUMER PROTECTION COMMISSION .... 12,077 - 12,077 13,836 - 13,836 80 80 C.9 - PERSONAL INJURIES ASSESSMENT BOARD …. 366 - 366 246 - 246 C.10 - CONSUMER SUPPORT …. 70 - 70 70 - 70 122 130 C.11 - COMPANIES REGISTRATION OFFICE AND REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - GRANT FOR ADMINISTRATION AND GENERAL EXPENSES .... 7,025 - 7,025 7,875 - 7,875 43 36 C.12 - IRISH AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY .... 2,112 - 2,112 1,942 - 1,942 C.13 - SUBSCRIPTIONS TO INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS, ETC. .... 1,320 - 1,320 1,320 - 1,320 C.14 - COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND SPECIAL INQUIRIES .... 256 - 256 186 - 186 C.15 - LEGAL COSTS AND OTHER SERVICES …. 849 - 849 779 - 779 *Programme Total:- 81,587 - 81,587 87,946 - 87,946 1054 1096 of which pay:- 52,589 52,589 58,152 58,152

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Key High Level Metrics (2018 Output Target) Total no. of workplace inspections and investigations undertaken by 9,830 the Health and Safety Authority (including Chemicals inspections) 11,410 11,410 (12,035)

Cumulative no. of users of BeSMART programme 56,329 62,000 72,000 (47,900) Accreditations awarded by the Irish National Accreditation Board 111 160 160 (INAB) (115) Number of calls made by Consumers to the Competition and 42,112 40,000 40,000 Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) call centre (43,000) Number of hits on CCPC website 1.6 million 1.8 million 2 million (2 million) Companies Registration Office (CRO) Electronic Filing: Producing €7.8m €7.5m €8.0m saving to public in filing fees (€7.0m) CRO: percentage of companies up-to-date with their annual return 94.3% 93% 94% filing requirement (93%)

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Industrial Relations (Amendment) Bill 2018 - Unfair Contract Terms (Gift Voucher) Bill - Employment Permit (Consolidation and Amendment) Bill - Companies (Corporate Enforcement Authority) Bill - Personal Injuries Assessment Board (Amendment) (No.2) Bill 2018 2019

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Employment Permits Issued 9,371 11,349 13,398 2- Number of workplace fatalities reported under Safety, Health and Welfare at 48 48 39 Work Act 2005 3- CRO: percentage of documents being e-filed 67% 78% 79%

4- Days lost through strike action 71,647 50,191 4,050 [32] Business Enterprise and Innovation [32]

III. Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000


Employment Rights and Industrial Relations: Receipts from Social Insurance Fund …. 250 - 250 100 - 100 Employment Permit Fees …. 11,000 - 11,000 11,000 - 11,000 Employment Agency Licences …. 355 - 355 355 - 355 WRC Fixed Penalty Notices …. 22 - 22 22 - 22 WRC Court Award Costs …. 20 - 20 20 - 20 Subtotal:- 11,647 - 11,647 11,497 - 11,497

Insurance and Company Law: Companies Registration Office .... 16,200 - 16,200 16,200 - 16,200 Registry of Friendly Societies .... 45 - 45 50 - 50 Beneficial Ownershipe of Companies and Industrial and Provident Societies …. - - - 50 - 50 Subtotal:- 16,245 - 16,245 16,300 - 16,300

Trade, Competition and Market Rights: Receipts under the Trade Marks Act, 1963 and Patents Act …. 9,000 - 9,000 9,000 - 9,000 Occasional Trading Licences .... 1 - 1 1 - 1 Competition and Consumer Protection Commission …. 508 - 508 508 - 508 Merger Notifications .... 320 - 320 320 - 320 Subtotal:- 9,829 - 9,829 9,829 - 9,829

Other: ODCE Legal …. 50 - 50 50 - 50 Miscellaneous .... 200 - 200 100 - 100 Enterprise Policy (a) .... 3,675 2,000 5,675 3,545 2,000 5,545 Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (b) …. 2,077 - 2,077 1,500 - 1,500 PIAB Superannuation …. 1,133 - 1,133 1,168 - 1,168 HSA Superannuation …. 306 - 306 - - - Temporary Loan Guarantee Scheme …. - 500 500 - 408 408 Expert Group on Future Skills Needs …. 507 - 507 557 - 557 Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 5,103 - 5,103 5,770 - 5,770 Subtotal:- 13,051 2,500 15,551 12,690 2,408 15,098 Total :- 50,772 2,500 53,272 50,316 2,408 52,724

(a) Enterprise Policy shows amounts received from the Enterprise Agencies in relation to staff pension contributions. This figure was previously broken down under Intertrade Ireland, HSA, IDA, EI and SFI. Capital Receipts reflect ERDF reimbursements which will arise in 2020. (b) Receipts under this line are in part-recoupment of the expenditure under Subhead C.8. [33] Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht [33] 33

CULTURE, HERITAGE AND THE GAELTACHT I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht including certain services administered by that Office, and for payment of certain subsidies and grants. (a) by way of current year provision Three hundred and fifty one million, two hundred and thirty-six thousand euro (€351,236,000) (b) by way of the application for capital supply services of unspent appropriations, the surrender of which may be deferred under Section 91 of the Finance Act 2004. Three million, four hundred and thirty-five thousand euro (€3,435,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % A - CULTURE …. 148,728 40,230 188,958 153,225 39,680 192,905 2% B - HERITAGE .... 38,727 15,354 54,081 40,450 22,104 62,554 16% C - IRISH LANGUAGE, GAELTACHT AND ISLANDS ... . 41,805 13,717 55,522 43,350 14,717 58,067 5% D - NORTH-SOUTH CO-OPERATION* .... 35,8993,764 4,499- 40,3983,764 36,6203,409 4,499- 41,1193,409 2% Gross Total :- 265,159 73,800 338,959 273,645 81,000 354,645 5% Deduct :- E - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 3,764 - 3,764 3,409 - 3,409 -9% Net Total :- 261,395 73,800 335,195 270,236 81,000 351,236 5%

Net Increase (€000) 16,041

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 85,631 90,218 5% Associated Public Service employees .... 1,952 1,985 2%

Exchequer pensions included in above net total .... 7,512 7,482 - Associated Public Service pensioners .... 456 480 5%

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 34,595 - 34,595 37,291 - 37,291 8% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 1,428 - 1,428 1,428 - 1,428 - (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 987 - 987 987 - 987 - (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 610 - 610 610 - 610 - (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 1,342 645 1,987 1,392 645 2,037 3% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 775 - 775 775 - 775 - (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 100 - 100 100 - 100 - Gross Total :- 39,837 645 40,482 42,583 645 43,228 7%

* Allocation is subject to the North-South Ministerial Council. Subheads under which it is intended to apply the amount of €3.435 million in unspent 2019 appropriations to capital supply services.

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Change Application of Deferred Surrender 2020 over €000 €000 2019 %

A.7 - CULTURAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT …. - 3,000 - C.4 - IRISH LANGUAGE SUPPORT SCHEMES …. - 435 - C.8 - ÚDARÁS NA GAELTACHTA - GRANTS FOR PROJECTS AND CAPITAL EXPENDITURE ON PREMISES …. 700 - - 700 3,435 - [33] Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht [33] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To promote and develop Ireland’s world-class artistic and creative strengths at home and abroad, maximising their societal, economic and reputational value for the country

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 156 156 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 7,714 - 7,714 8,464 - 8,464 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,246 123 1,369 1,296 123 1,419 A.3 - PAYMENTS TO MATCH RESOURCES GENERATED BY THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES …. 40 - 40 40 - 40 A.4 - GENERAL EXPENSES OF THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND NATIONAL ARCHIVES ADVISORY COUNCIL …. 1,315 351 1,666 1,315 351 1,666 172 186 A.5 - GENERAL EXPENSES OF THE IRISH MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, CHESTER BEATTY LIBRARY, NATIONAL CONCERT HALL AND THE CRAWFORD GALLERY .... 12,379 917 13,296 13,495 917 14,412 A.6 - REGIONAL MUSEUMS, GALLERIES, CULTURAL CENTRES AND PROJECTS …. 12,500 - 12,500 9,805 - 9,805 A.7 - CULTURAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT .... - 12,150 12,150 - 9,500 9,500 A.8 - CULTURE IRELAND .... 4,600 - 4,600 4,600 - 4,600 54 54 A.9 - AN CHOMHAIRLE EALAÍON (PART FUNDED BY NATIONAL LOTTERY) …. 73,957 1,045 75,002 77,957 2,045 80,002 159 159 A.10 - GENERAL EXPENSES OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF IRELAND …. 13,001 1,108 14,109 13,151 1,108 14,259 96 104 A.11 - GENERAL EXPENSES OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRELAND …. 7,347 478 7,825 7,437 478 7,915 27 32 A.12 - FÍS ÉIREANN / SCREEN IRELAND …. 3,840 16,200 20,040 3,866 17,200 21,066 170 173 A.13 - GENERAL EXPENSES OF THE NATIONAL GALLERY OF IRELAND …. 9,689 858 10,547 9,799 858 10,657 A.14 - EUROPEAN CITY OF CULTURE …. - 6,000 6,000 - 7,100 7,100 A.15 - DECADE OF CENTENARIES 1912 - 1922 …. 1,100 - 1,100 2,000 - 2,000 A.16 - CORK EVENT CENTRE* …. - 1,000 1,000 - - - Programme Total:- 148,728 40,230 188,958 153,225 39,680 192,905 834 864 of which pay:- 39,040 39,040 40,783 40,783

* Funded from the National Lottery Licence transaction

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) No. of arts organisations in receipt of funding 776 600 720 (500) No. of local authorities funded under Creative Ireland New Metric New Metric 31

No. of events with Irish artists supported globally New Metric New Metric 600 No. of artists supported to promote Irish culture abroad New Metric New Metric 1,800 No. of individual artists allocated funding 730 600 600 (550) No. of feature film projects receiving production funding from 43 39 40 Screen Ireland (37) No. of Screen Skills Ireland skills development initiatives New Metric New Metric 60 No. of (a) cultural projects and (a) 150 N/A N/A (b) events delivered as part of Galway 2020 (b) 1,900

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Irish Film Board (Amendment) Bill

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Number of visitors to Cultural Institutions 4.9m 5m 4.7m 2- No. of learning and participation events at National Cultural Institutions New Metric New Metric 4,833 (NCI) 3- Number attending NCI learning and participation events New Metric New Metric 337,985

4- Irish artists supported by Culture Ireland Programme (a) 450 (a) 450 (a) 550 (a) number of artists supported (b) €5m (b) €3.5m (b) €4m (b) total amount of grant-aid EQUALITY BUDGETING OBJECTIVES & PERFORMANCE INDICATORS High Level Goal: To work to achieve enhanced levels of representation of women and girls in films and screen content supported by Fís Eireann/ Screen Ireland Key Outputs and Public Service Activities

Key High Level Metrics 2018 Output Outturn (2018 Output Target) 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target +12% +5% +5% Increase level of applications received with female talent* attached (+5%) +7% +5% +5% Increase level of successful applications received with female talent* attached (+5%) *Female talent refers to either female writers, producers or directors attached to the project

Context and Impact Indicators 2017 2018 2019 1- Number of Irish Film Board/ Screen Ireland applications received 419 667 648 to date [33] Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht [33] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To conserve and manage our unique heritage for the benefit of present and future generations, as a support to economic renewal and sustainable employment, and in compliance with legal obligations

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 487 487 B.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 21,207 - 21,207 22,663 - 22,663 B.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 2,412 284 2,696 2,412 284 2,696 14 14 B.3 - GRANT FOR AN CHOMHAIRLE OIDHREACHTA (HERITAGE COUNCIL) (PART FUNDED BY NATIONAL LOTTERY) …. 3,900 2,688 6,588 3,917 2,688 6,605 B.4 - BUILT HERITAGE …. 1,364 2,349 3,713 1,364 2,349 3,713 B.5 - NATURAL HERITAGE (NATIONAL PARKS AND WILDLIFE SERVICE) …. 9,394 4,333 13,727 9,644 4,083 13,727 B.6 - IRISH HERITAGE TRUST …. 450 200 650 450 200 650 B.7 - BUILT HERITAGE INVESTMENT SCHEME …. - 2,500 2,500 - 2,500 2,500 B.8 - PEATLANDS RESTORATION, CONSERVATION & MANAGEMENT …. - 3,000 3,000 - 10,000 10,000 501 501 Programme Total:- 38,727 15,354 54,081 40,450 22,104 62,554 of which pay:- 22,090 22,090 23,593 23,593

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics (2018 Output Target) 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

No. of towns supported under the Historic Towns Initiative New Metric New Metric 6

No. of Architectural Inventory Surveys to complete 1 2 2 (3) Number of Ministerial Consents granted for works at national 75 150 150 monuments (150) Number of Section 26 licence* applications issued and managed 767 800 900 (700) Number of World Heritage Management and Stakeholder meetings 13 10 20 held to progress Inscribed sites and Tentative lists (13) Number of rescue excavations commissioned, and notifications and 434 reported damage interventions to ensure Monument Protection 350 350 (350) Number of Heritage Awareness Events held or supported New Metric New Metric 18

Number of initiatives supported which promote peatlands 14 3 3 community engagement, education and awareness (3) Number of sites for which detailed site specific conservation New Metric New Metric 89 objectives have been published No. of National Parks and Wildlife Service farm plans in place with 60 landowners New Metric New Metric Number of payments made to work towards a total cessation of turf 2,741 cutting on designated raised bog SAC** and NHA*** sites 2,812 2,932 (2,711)

Number of Turf Deliveries made to work towards a total cessation 83 of turf cutting on designated raised bog SAC** and NHA*** sites 74 50 (70)

* 'Section 26 licence' refers to licences for archaeological excavation ** Special Areas of Conservation *** Natural Heritage Areas

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Wildlife (Amendment) Bill - Wildlife (Amendment) Bill - National Monuments Bill - Monuments and Archaeological Heritage Bill [33] Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht [33] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target . - Annual Progress Report on National - National Policy on Architecture Peatlands Strategy - Annual Progress Report on National - Publish consultation paper in relation to the Peatlands Strategy and mid-term review review of the use of peat in the horticultural - Finalise review of the use of peat in the industry horticultural industry - Heritage Ireland 2030 - Tara Conservation Management Plan 2020 - 2030 - Skellig Michael Management Plan 2020 - 2030 - Climate Change Implementation Plan Number 1

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Number of Structures protected/assisted through grants or other mechanisms 332 486 357

2- Ministerial recommendations for protection of structures 0 1,632 831

3- Extent of European Commission infringement cases against Ireland 1 (Peatlands infringement 1 (Peatlands infringement 1 (Peatlands infringement case) case) case) 1 (Special Area of 1 (Special Area of 1 (Special Area of Conservation Designation Conservation Designation Conservation Designation Programme Infringement Programme Infringement Programme Infringement case) case) case) 1 (Failure to transpose Directive 2014/52/EU) 4- Number of visitor services open to the public 9 10 10 [33] Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht [33] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To support the Irish language, to strengthen its use as the principal community language in the Gaeltacht and to assist the sustainable development of island communities

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 91 91 C.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 4,413 - 4,413 4,788 - 4,788 C.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,006 119 1,125 1,006 119 1,125 C.3 - GAELTACHT SUPPORT SCHEMES …. 7,370 2,322 9,692 7,370 2,322 9,692 C.4 - IRISH LANGUAGE SUPPORT SCHEMES (PART FUNDED BY NATIONAL LOTTERY ) … 4,650 632 5,282 4,650 632 5,282 7 9 C.5 - AN COIMISINÉIR TEANGA … 810 - 810 845 - 845 89 90 C.6 - ÚDARÁS NA GAELTACHTA - ADMINISTRATION …. 9,442 - 9,442 9,602 - 9,602 C.7 - ÚDARÁS NA GAELTACHTA - CURRENT PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE .… 3,850 - 3,850 4,050 - 4,050 C.8 - ÚDARÁS NA GAELTACHTA - GRANTS FOR PROJECTS AND CAPITAL EXPENDITURE ON PREMISES .... - 9,000 9,000 - 10,000 10,000 C.9 - ISLANDS … 7,064 1,644 8,708 7,339 1,644 8,983 C.10 - 20 YEAR STRATEGY FOR THE IRISH LANGUAGE 2010 - 2030 …. 3,200 - 3,200 3,700 - 3,700

Programme Total:- 41,805 13,717 55,522 43,350 14,717 58,067 187 190 of which pay:- 10,558 10,558 11,123 11,123

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) No. of strategic Gaeltacht projects approved for capital funding 2 3 3 (2) No. of co-ops etc. funded 32 33 45 (33)

No. of Naíonraí / early years services funded 98 (74) 74 104 No. of children attending Naíonraí 1,500 (1,100) 1,100 1,550 No. of Clubanna Óige funded 37 (39) 38 42 No. of children attending Clubanna Óige 1,333 (1,350) 1,330 1,450 No. of new jobs created in the Gaeltacht 589 500 500 (530) No of jobs maintained in the Gaeltacht 7,625 7,800 8,000 (7,500) No. of digital hubs opened New Metric New Metric 31

No. of lifeline island services, including ferry, cargo and air services 25 25 25 (24) No. of Gaeltacht Language Planning Areas to designate under 10 10 3 Gaeltacht Act 2012 (with the assistance of Údarás na Gaeltachta) (10)

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Official Languages (Amendment) Act

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Digital Plan for the Irish Language - Straitéis do na hEalaíona Teangabhunaithe

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Number attending Irish colleges in the Gaeltacht 26,024 25,782 26,228

2- Number of people using subsidised travel services to the offshore islands 459,168 462,206 472,963 [33] Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht [33] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To maintain, develop and foster North-South co-operation

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 14 14 D.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 1,261 - 1,261 1,376 - 1,376 D.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 578 119 697 578 119 697 74 74 D.3 - AN FORAS TEANGA (a) … 13,323 - 13,323 13,383 - 13,383 342 342 D.4 - WATERWAYS IRELAND (a) … 20,737 4,380 25,117 21,283 4,380 25,663 Programme Total:- 35,899 4,499 40,398 36,620 4,499 41,119 430 430 of which pay:- 16,252 16,252 16,673 16,673

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities Key High Level Metrics 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Number of North South Ministerial Council Meetings held in each 0 2 2 of the Language and Inland Waterways sectoral formats (2) Number of organisations and festivals supported by Foras na 520 428 450 Gaeilge (446) Number of organisations supported by the Ulster-Scots Agency 343 374 350 (279) Number of joint projects supported by the two agencies of An Foras 4 3 2 Teanga (4)

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Number of registered boat users on waterways 14,548 14,965 15,539

2- Percentage of waterways navigable in boating season 90% 90% 90%

(a) Allocation is subject to the approval of the North-South Ministerial Council.

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000


1. National Archives .... 40 - 40 40 - 40 2. Miscelleanous Receipts …. 881 - 881 881 - 881 3. Rents (Incl. receipts from lettings of fishing rights, etc.) .... 95 - 95 95 - 95 4. Services and Charges at National Parks and Wildlife Sites .... 465 - 465 465 - 465 5. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 2,283 - 2,283 1,928 - 1,928 Total :- 3,764 - 3,764 3,409 - 3,409 [34] Housing, Planning, and Local Government [34] 34 HOUSING, PLANNING AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government, including grants to Local Authorities, grants and other expenses in connection with housing, water services, miscellaneous schemes, subsidies, grants and payment of certain grants under cash-limited schemes (a) by way of current year provision Four thousand, two hundred and one million, eight hundred and eighty-four thousand euro (€4,201,884,000) (b) by way of the application for capital supply services of unspent appropriations, the surrender of which may be deferred under Section 91 of the Finance Act 2004. Thirty-three million, five hundred thousand euro (€33,500,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government.

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate** 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - HOUSING .... 965,292 1,335,680 2,300,972 1,103,021 1,455,937 2,558,958 11% B - WATER SERVICES .... 626,246 685,450 1,311,696 658,214 638,412 1,296,626 -1% C - LOCAL GOVERNMENT .... 199,610 12,395 212,005 170,641 14,542 185,183 -13% D - PLANNING .... 61,356 82,065 143,421 62,961 118,494 181,455 27% E - MET ÉIREANN .... 22,384 8,000 30,384 26,767 9,000 35,767 18% Gross Total :- 1,874,888 2,123,590 3,998,478 2,021,604 2,236,385 4,257,989 6% Deduct :- F - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 59,175 2,000 61,175 53,483 2,622 56,105 -8% Net Total :- 1,815,713 2,121,590 3,937,303 1,968,121 2,233,763 4,201,884 7%

Net Increase (€000) 264,581

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 32,509 44,282 36% Associated Public Service employees* .... 1,460 1,685 15%

Exchequer pensions included in above net total .... 5,278 6,217 18% Associated Public Service pensioners* .... 304 350 15%

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate** 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 49,449 - 49,449 53,638 - 53,638 8% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 1,309 - 1,309 1,510 - 1,510 15% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 2,316 - 2,316 2,230 - 2,230 -4% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 1,334 - 1,334 1,310 - 1,310 -2% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 7,589 7,500 15,089 6,226 8,800 15,026 - (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 1,597 3,000 4,597 1,901 5,000 6,901 50% (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 38 - 38 78 - 78 - (viii) RESEARCH (STATISTICS AND ECONOMICS) …. 226 - 226 199 - 199 -12% (ix) PROTECTED DISCLOSURES (INVESTIGATION SERVICES) …. 200 - 200 199 - 199 -1% (x) RECRUITMENT & HR OPERATIONS …. 120 - 120 119 - 119 -1% Gross Total :- 64,178 10,500 74,678 67,410 13,800 81,210 9%

Subhead under which it is intended to apply the amount of €33.5 million in unspent 2019 appropriations to capital supply services.

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Change 2019 Application of Deferred Surrender over 2020 €000 €000


- 33,500 -

* These figures include a number of Non-Commercial State Agencies (NCSAs) that are not in direct receipt of Exchequer funding but whose staff are included here. ** The 2020 Estimate reflects a Budget Transfer of €345,000 and €710,000, respectively, to the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer [34] Housing, Planning and Local Government [34] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To provide for a stable and sustainable supply of good quality housing

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 245 275 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 15,516 - 15,516 16,956 - 16,956 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 4,049 1,680 5,729 3,743 2,937 6,680 A.3 - LOCAL AUTHORITY HOUSING …. - 747,471 747,471 - 789,087 789,087 A.4 - SOCIAL HOUSING CURRENT EXPENDITURE PROGRAMME …. 154,886 - 154,886 190,886 - 190,886 A.5 - RENTAL ACCOMMODATION SCHEME …. 134,300 - 134,300 133,000 - 133,000 A.6 - HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENT SCHEME …. 422,729 - 422,729 497,729 - 497,729 A.7 - CAPITAL ASSISTANCE SCHEME …. - 94,875 94,875 - 94,875 94,875 A.8 - CAPITAL LOANS & SUBSIDY SCHEME .... 54,750 - 54,750 54,500 - 54,500 A.9 - COMMUNAL FACILITIES# …. - 500 500 - 500 500 A.10 - MORTGAGE TO RENT …. - 23,000 23,000 - 23,000 23,000 A.11 - CAPITAL ADVANCE LEASING FACILITY .... - 94,400 94,400 - 113,800 113,800 A.12 - TRAVELLER ACCOMMODATION & SUPPORT …. 4,710 13,000 17,710 4,710 14,500 19,210 A.13 - ACCOMMODATION FOR HOMELESS* …. 146,000 - 146,000 166,000 - 166,000 A.14 - HOUSING FOR PEOPLE WITH A DISABILITY AND OLDER PEOPLE …. 345 - 345 500 - 500 A.15 - ESTATE REGENERATION/REMEDIAL WORKS …. - 71,750 71,750 - 71,750 71,750 A.16 - ENERGY EFFICIENCY - RETROFITTING …. - 30,454 30,454 - 48,238 48,238 A.17 - REPAIR AND LEASING SCHEME …. - 38,000 38,000 - 10,700 10,700 A.18 - PRIVATE HOUSING GRANTS# …. - 57,000 57,000 - 59,000 59,000 A.19 - MORTGAGE ALLOWANCES …. - 600 600 - 600 600 A.20 - AFFORDABLE HOUSING/SHARED OWNERSHIP SUBSIDY …. 4,000 - 4,000 4,000 - 4,000 A.21 - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND …. - 130,000 130,000 - 186,000 186,000 A.22 - PYRITE AND MICA REMEDIATION - CASH LIMITED …. - 32,000 32,000 - 40,000 40,000 110 125 A.23 - HOUSING & SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES AGENCY …. 10,000 - 10,000 10,500 - 10,500 94 106 A.24 - RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES BOARD …. 11,511 950 12,461 9,001 950 9,951 A.25 - RENTED ACCOMMODATION INSPECTION …. - - - 8,500 - 8,500 A.26 - OTHER SERVICES …. 626,2462,496 -685,450 1,311,6962,496 4,1122,996 - 0 4,1122,996 Programme Total:- 965,292 1,335,680 2,300,972 1,103,021 1,455,937 2,558,958 449 506 of which pay:- 22,016 22,016 23,956 23,956

# Part-funded by the National Lottery Licence transaction * Includes Dormant Accounts Funding Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Total no. of social housing needs met 27,103 27,360 27,517 (25,500) Total no. of social housing units to secure through 19,682 19,490 18,981 Current Funded Programmes (19,600) No. of additional households to transfer from rent 755 600 600 supplement to Rental Accommodation Scheme (600) Total no. of social housing units to secure through 7,421 7,870 8,686 Social Housing Capital Programmes (5,869) Total no. of social housing units to secure through all 4,649 6,545 7,736 Build Programmes (4,969) Total no. of social housing units to secure through 2,912 4,197 4,719 Local Authority Build Programmes (3,209) Total no. of social housing units to secure through 1,737 Approved Housing Body Build Programmes 2,348 3,017 (1,760)

No. of Special Needs Units to deliver under Capital 485 425 400 Assistance Scheme (400) No. of units to deliver under the National Regeneration 200 200 200 Programme (150) No. of Traveller Specific Units to deliver 107 120 130 (110) No. of units to upgrade under retrofitting programme 4,453 3,000 1,000 (9,000) No. of additional households to be supported by 17,926 16,760 15,750 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) (17,000) No. of Vacant social housing units to be refurbished 560 303 180 and brought back to productive use (560) No. of properties repaired and brought into leasing 80 950 150 under the Repair & Leasing Scheme (800) No. of grants to assist older people and people with 9,413 11,000 12,000 disabilities to remain in their home for longer (11,000) No. of dwellings remediated under Pyrite and Mica Schemes New Metric New Metric 450 No. of short term letting investigations commenced New Metric New Metric 2,750 [34] Housing, Planning and Local Government [34] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources

No. of private rental minimum standard compliance 28,806 48,500 64,500* inspections (32,750) Number of new private homes, including more affordable homes discounted on open market prices, delivered on local authority or privately owned sites and supported by the provision of grant funding for 2,010 3,200 4,155 infrastructure works through the Serviced Sites (1,000) Fund** (SSF) and Local Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund*** (LIHAF)

* This provisional inspection target is 20% of the 323,909 tenancies registered with the Residential Tenancies Board at 31/12/2018. ** 2018/19 SSF was initiated in late 2018 and the previous target metric related to the number of affordable homes which would result from the allocation of SSF funds for infrastructure construction and which had been approved for funding. 2020 figures include the number of homes which will be delivered via SSF in that year and which will be made available under affordable dwelling purchase arrangements. Detailing the delivery number (rather than the number of homes approved for funding) reflects the planning and development process required in advance of construction programmes. *** 823 more affordable/cost reduced units were delivered under LIHAF out of a total of 2,000 units in 2019 with the remainder being open market prices. 1,755 affordable/cost reduced units from 4,155 in 2020.

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Residential Tenancies (Amendment)(No.2) Bill - Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act 2019 - Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Bill - General Scheme of Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Bill - Housing (Regulation of Approved Housing Bodies) Bill 2019 --- Published July 2019 --- Committee Stage Nov 2019

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Population (CSO)* 4,739,600 4,792,500 4,857,000 2- People employed in the construction sector (CSO) 121,100 133,400 144,000 3- Number of residential mortgage drawdowns (BPFI) 29,498 34,798 40,203 4- Commencement Notices (BCMS) 13,234 17,572 22,467 5- Number of households qualified for social housing support 91,600 85,799 71,858 6- Number of adults exiting homelessness 3,079 4,729 5,135 *Population to end April in 2016, 2017 and 2018 [34] Housing, Planning and Local Government [34] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To provide a framework for the sustainable management of water resources from source to sea.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 71 67 B.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 4,520 - 4,520 4,112 - 4,112 B.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,157 480 1,637 909 713 1,622 B.3 - WATER QUALITY PROGRAMME …. 14,849 8,300 23,149 14,849 10,999 25,848 B.4 - RURAL WATER PROGRAMME …. 24,000 23,000 47,000 24,000 25,000 49,000 B.5 - IRISH WATER …. 562,500 646,000 1,208,500 596,500 592,000 1,188,500 B.6 - LOCAL AUTHORITIES …. 16,500 - 16,500 15,090 - 15,090 B.7 - LEGACY WATER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES …. - 7,000 7,000 - 9,000 9,000 B.8 - MARINE ENVIRONMENT …. 2,466 670 3,136 2,500 700 3,200 B.9 - WATER ADVISORY BODY …. 220 - 220 220 - 220 B.10 - OTHER SERVICES …. 34 - 34 34 - 34 71 67 Programme Total:- 626,246 685,450 1,311,696 658,214 638,412 1,296,626 of which pay:- 8,714 8,714 9,223 9,223 Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) No. of Operational Supports to Private Group Water 563 500 575 Schemes (500) No. of Operational Supports to Public Group Water 195 145 175 Schemes (150) 1,569 Total No. of Private Well (new and upgraded) 3,900 2,000 (3,650) 83 Total No. of Septic Tank (upgraded) 125 250 (70) Total No. of Waste Water Treatment Plant (new and 11 12 5* upgraded) Total No. of Drinking Water Treatment Plant 10 8 3** (new and upgraded) Kilometres of Waste Water Network sewer 74 57 19*** (new and rehabilitated)

Kilometres of Water Network (new and rehabilitated) 416 292 189****

* Only upgrades planned for 2020 (no new plant). Capacity PE (Population Equivalent) for these 5 upgrades is 317,556 vs Capacity PE for 2019 of 379,540. In 2020 a number of projects are being progressed through design and construction with project completions planned to increase for subsequent years. ** The 3 relates to 1 new & 2 upgraded plants the equivalent of 36.5 Ml/day in total which compares to 85 Ml/day in 2019. As above, a number of projects are being progressed through design and construction with project completions planned to increase for subsequent years. *** The targets for 2020 are reflective of targeting rehabilitation of high priority larger diameter critical sewers, which have a higher unit cost than the smaller sewer diameters delivered in previous years. **** Irish Water funding is being prioritised for leakage reduction programmes e.g. Find and Fix, in order to achieve leakage savings which will also impact on reducing new and rehabilitated water network in 2020.

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - European Union (Water Policy) (Abstractions - General Scheme of the Water Environment - Water Environment (Abstractions) Act Regulations) Regulations 2018 (Abstractions) Bill 2019 - Microbeads Bill 2019

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Funding of Multi-annual Rural Water - Funding of the Multi-annual Developer Programme 2019-2021 Provided Water Services Infrastructure - Report of working group on the wider Resolution Programme 2019-2021 investment needs relating to rural water services - Report of working group on the wider - Climate Adaptation – Sectoral Adaptation investment needs relating to rural water Plan for Water Quality and Water Services services

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 99.9%3 99.9%3 99.9%3 (a) Public water supply1 99.5%4 99.5%4 99.6%4 % drinking water 3 3 99.8% 99.5% 1- compliance with (b) Public group water supply2 Not Available5 99.7%4 N/A%4 standards: 96.1%3 96.7%3 (c) Private group water supply2 Not Available5 99.4%4 N/A4 2- National mean for unaccounted for water in public supplies6 45% 45% 45.9% 3- No. of agglomerations with no treatment or preliminary treatment only6 41 43 37 4- Bathing Waters meeting minimum required standard of Sufficient quality7 92.9% 93% 94%

1. As per EPA Drinking water report for public supplies for 2018 2. As per EPA Focus on Private Water Supplies 2017 In relation to drinking water, the EPA provides data for public supplies, public group scheme supplies and private scheme supplies but not an overall compliance figure. 3. Microbiological standards compliance 4. Chemical standards compliance 5. Data not yet published – EPA report Focus on Private Water Supplies 2018 due to be published at the end of November 2019 6. Metric supplied by Irish Water 7. EPA Bathing Water reports [34] Housing, Planning and Local Government [34] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goals: To support and enable democratic, responsive and effective local government and a modernised electoral management framework.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 106 144 C.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 6,719 - 6,719 8,898 - 8,898 C.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,736 720 2,456 1,962 1,542 3,504 C.3 - LOCAL GOVERNMENT FUND …. 185,000 - 185,000 156,060 - 156,060 C.4 - FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES …. 1,250 11,175 12,425 1,250 12,500 13,750 C.5 - FRANCHISE …. 3,912 500 4,412 1,480 500 1,980 C.6 - OTHER SERVICES …. 993 - 993 991 - 991 106 144 Programme Total:- 199,610 12,395 212,005 170,641 14,542 185,183 of which pay:- 6,719 6,719 8,898 8,898

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target)

Local Government Audit Service audits of local New Metric 100% 100% authorities completed by end October

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - European Parliament Elections (Amendment) - Electoral Commission Bill Bill - Rates Bill - Tailte Éireann Bill

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018

1- Local authority Surplus/(Deficit) (after transfers from/(to) reserves) €16.96 million* €1.02 million Available early 2020

2- Number of local authority staff (WTE) at year-end 26,801 27,389 28,272 Number of incidents to which fire service mobilised: (a) 39,084 (a) 40,111 (a) 48,593 (a) Total 3- (b) 26,587 (b) 26,910 (b) 28,081 (b) Fire (c) 12,497 (c) 13,201 (c) 20,512 (c) Non-Fire Average time to mobilise Fire Brigade (Fire in Minutes)** (a) 1.52 (a) 1.45 (a) 1.25 4- (a) Full Time Station (Median) (b) 5.64 (b) 5.49 (b) 5.34 (b) Part Time Station (Median) 5- Kilometres of local road strengthened** 1,429 1,556 2,215

6- Amount spent on local road strengthening** €100 million €114 million €162 million

7- Community organisations registered with Public Participation Networks** 11,915 13,329 15,043

* The correct figure as published in the amalgamated Annual Financial Statements of Local Authorities 2017 is €16,958,000. The figure provided for the 2019 REV was a result of a typographical error. ** Source: NOAC Local Authority Performance Indicator Report [34] Housing, Planning and Local Government [34] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To ensure that planning and building in our regions and communities contribute to sustainable and balanced development.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 164 123 D.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 10,385 - 10,385 7,555 - 7,555 D.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 2,700 1,120 3,820 1,668 1,308 2,976 152 191 D.3 - AN BORD PLEANÁLA …. 18,088 460 18,548 18,331 1,200 19,531 1 1 D.4 - PLANNING TRIBUNAL …. 5,582 - 5,582 2,645 - 2,645 16 21 D.5 - OFFICE OF THE PLANNING REGULATOR …. 2,367 - 2,367 2,569 - 2,569 D.6 - PLANNING POLICY …. 420 - 420 420 - 420 D.7 - NATIONAL AND REGIONAL PLANNING POLICY …. 250 - 250 240 - 240 D.8 - MY PLAN …. 135 - 135 135 - 135 D.9 - URBAN RENEWAL/REGENERATION …. - 63,000 63,000 10 96,500 96,510 D.10 - DEVELOPMENT CONTRIBUTION REBATE SCHEME - - - - 1 1 222 230 D.11 - ORDNANCE SURVEY IRELAND …. 14,778 985 15,763 16,778 985 17,763 D.12 - LAND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY …. 3,549 16,500 20,049 4,000 13,500 17,500 D.13 - FORESHORE …. 2,492 - 2,492 2,400 - 2,400 D.14 - MARINE SPATIAL PLANNING …. 500 - 500 750 - 750 D.15 - ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING POLICY …. - - - 350 - 350 D.16 - OTHER SERVICES …. 110 - 110 5,110 5,000 10,110 Programme Total:- 61,356 82,065 143,421 62,961 118,494 181,455 555 566 of which pay:- 25,321 25,321 23,332 23,332 Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) No. of development contribution scheme observation 5 0 3 submissions to issue (4) No. of EIA* Portal notifications processed New Metric New Metric 150 Office of the Planning Regulator - No. of statutory New Metric 17 50 development plans and strategies assessed Office of the Planning Regulator - No. of system and New Metric New Metric 3 procedure reviews of planning authorities * Environmental Impact Assessment

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

- Planning (Short-term Lets) Bill - Housing and Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill - Land Development Agency Bill - Marine Planning and Development Management Bill

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

- National Planning Framework - Development Plan Guidelines - Targeted revision of Rural Housing - Urban Development and Building Heights Guidelines - Draft National Marine Planning Framework Guidelines for Planning Authorities and Environmental Assessments - Final Development Plan Guidelines - Sustainable Urban Housing: Design Standards for - Water Services Guidelines - Sustainable Urban and Rural Development New Apartments, Guidelines for Planning Authorities Guidelines - National Report on Unfinished Housing - Final National Marine Planning Framework Developments and Environmental Assessments - Childcare Facility Guidelines - Targeted review of Telecommunications Antennae and Support Structures Guidelines - Wind Energy Development Guidelines - Strategic Environmental Assessment Guidelines

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Number of sets of statutory planning guidelines issued 2 0 2 2- Number of homes granted planning permission (CSO) 16,375 20,776 29,243 3- Strategic Infrastructure cases (An Bord Pleanála) processed 44 38 55 Strategic Housing Development cases (An Bord Pleanála): (a) 25 (a) 74 4- (a) Pre-applications decided N/A (b) 0 (b) 39 (b) Applications decided

5- Total number of cases on hand at year end (An Bord Pleanála) 762 1,189 1,073 Completion rate for reaching a final decision on a planning application within 6- 79% 64% 43%** the 18 week statutory timeframe (An Bord Pleanála) Consent Applications (Foreshore): (a) 57 (a) 54 (a) 64 7- a) Pre-Application Consultations (b) 30 (b) 23 (b) 23 b) Ministerial Determinations 8- Estate Management (Foreshore): Rent Reviews 32 44 38

** Reflects impact of increased caseload in 2018 (32% increase in number of cases decided over 2017 – 2,800 decisions made) and transition to new IT system. [34] Housing, Planning and Local Government [34] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To serve society through the production and communication of reliable weather and climate information to protect life and property and to further enhance Met Éireann’s role as the authoritative voice for high impact weather in Ireland.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 194 261 E.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 12,309 - 12,309 16,117 - 16,117 E.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 5,087 6,500 11,587 5,490 7,300 12,790 E.3 - SUBS TO INTERNATIONAL METEROLOGICAL ORGANISATIONS …. 4,838 - 4,838 5,100 - 5,100 E.4 - FLOOD FORECASTING AND WARNING SERVICE …. 150 1,500 1,650 60 1,700 1,760

194 261 Programme Total:- 22,384 8,000 30,384 26,767 9,000 35,767 of which pay:- 12,309 12,309 16,117 16,117

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Number of years of gridded rainfall and temperature 55 datasets available online 56 48 (55)

Automatic Climate Stations to be installed 20 33 20 (25)

Context and Impact indicators

2016 2017 2018 1- Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts: (a) 95.10% (a) 86.60% (a) 91.50% (a) Timeliness* (b) 86.31% (b) 85.65% (b) 85.44% (b) Accuracy** 2- Accuracy of NWP model:*** (a) 12.34 (a) 10.26 (a) 10.83 (a) 24 hour forecast (b) 17.08 (b) 15.35 (b) 16.10 (b) 48 hour forecast 3- Weather Observations: (a) 97.90% (a) 97.80% (a) 98.10% (a) METAR timeliness* (b) 99.90% (b) 99.94% (b) 99.93% (b) SYNOP timeliness**** (c) 99.75% (c) 99.85% (c) 99.81% (c) SYNOP availability***** *Target 90% **Proportion of forecasts meeting accuracy standards in ICAO Annex 3 attachment B. International verification against METARs (Aerodrome Routine Meteorological Reports). Performed by MET Alliance (i.e. cooperative grouping of 8 European National Meterological Services). ***Shows the average monthly root mean square error (RMSE) of the 500hPa pressure level height forecast from the HARMONIE-AROME model used operationally by Met Éireann. Lower error means better forecast. Note: results prior to 2017 relate to the older HIRLAM forecast model. ****EUMETNET quality monitoring. EUMETNET is a cooperative association of 29 European national meteorological services. Target 95%. *****EUMETNET quality monitoring, SYNOP Availability Target is 95%.

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000


1. Fees payable by Local Authorities, etc., for audit of their accounts .... 1,910 - 1,910 1,956 - 1,956 2. Receipt from the Social Insurance Fund in respect of premises occupied in connection with Social Insurance (Social Welfare (Consolidation) Act, 2005) .... 741 - 741 741 - 741 3. MÉT Eireann Receipts .... 10,200 - 10,200 9,800 - 9,800 4. Miscellaneous Receipts .... 200 - 200 200 - 200 5. Foreshore Receipts .... 2,100 - 2,100 2,100 - 2,100 6. OSI …. 364 - 364 398 - 398 7. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 40,660 - 40,660 35,288 - 35,288 8. ERDF Receipts Interreg v Environment Measure …. - 2,000 2,000 - 2,500 2,500 9. Dormant Accounts Fund - Housing First Implementation …. 3,000 - 3,000 3,000 - 3,000 10. ERDF Receipts - Interreg Atlantic Area Programme …. - - - - 108 108 11. ERDF Receipts - RAGES Project …. - - - - 14 14 Total :- 59,175 2,000 61,175 53,483 2,622 56,105 [34] Housing, Planning and Local Government [34]

Estimate of Income and Expenditure of the Local Government Fund Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 Over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 Income: €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Local Property Tax .... 470,000 - 470,000 480000 480,000 2% Payment from the Exchequer …. 185,000 - 185,000 156060 156,060 -16% Total Income :- 655,000 - 655,000 636,060 - 636,060 -3%

Expenditure: Local Property Tax Allocation .... 426,000 77,000 503,000 440,750 76,000 516,750 3% Other Miscellaneous Schemes .... 96,000 - 96,000 118,560 118,560 24% Local Authority Rates payments .... 47,000 - 47,000 0 - - Total Expenditure :- 569,000 77,000 646,000 559,310 76,000 635,310 -2%

Excess of Income over Expenditure 86,000 (77,000) 9,000 76,750 (76,000) 750 -92%

Balance of Fund at 31 December 2018 84,172 - 84,172 - - - - Balance of Fund at 31 December 2019 (projected) 93,172 - 93,172 - - - - Balance of Fund at 31 December 2020 (projected) - - 93922 - 93,922 -

. . . [35] Army Pensions [35] 35

ARMY PENSIONS I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for retired pay, pensions, compensation, allowances and gratuities payable under sundry statutes to or in respect of members of the and certain other Military Organisations, etc., and for sundry contributions and expenses in connection therewith; for certain extra-statutory children's allowances and other payments and for sundry grants.

Two hundred and fifty-four million, one hundred and fifty thousand euro (€254,150,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Defence.

Change 2019 Estimate** 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % A - PROVISION FOR DEFENCE FORCES' PENSION BENEFITS .... 251,033 - 251,033 259,150 - 259,150 3% Gross Total :- 251,033 - 251,033 259,150 - 259,150 3% Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 5,000 - 5,000 5,000 - 5,000 - Net Total :- 246,033 - 246,033 254,150 - 254,150 3%

Net Increase (€000) 8,117

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 67 67 - Associated Public Service employees .... 1 1 -

Exchequer pensions included in above net total .... 245,916 253,983 3% Associated Public Service pensioners * .... 13,307 13,576 2%

Change 2019 Estimate** 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 70 - 70 70 - 70 - Gross Total :- 70 - 70 70 - 70 -

* Some pensioners are in receipt of both an occupational pension and a disablement pension and are therefore included twice. ** The 2019 Estimate includes a Supplementary Estimate of €1,900,000. [35] Army Pensions [35] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To provide for the military defence of the State, contribute to national and international peace and security and fulfil all other roles assigned by Government

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers * Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 1 1 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 70 - 70 70 - 70 12,229 12,523 A.2 - DEFENCE FORCES (PENSIONS) SCHEMES AND PAYMENTS IN RESPECT OF TRANSFERRED SERVICE .... 242,138 - 242,138 249,535 - 249,535 1,030 1,007 A.3 - WOUND AND DISABILITY PENSIONS, ALLOWANCES AND GRATUITIES TO OR IN RESPECT OF FORMER MEMBERS OF THE DEFENCE FORCES …. 8,471 - 8,471 9,000 - 9,000 28 25 A.4 - PAYMENTS TO SPOUSES OF VETERANS OF THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE …. 229 - 229 220 - 220 20 20 A.5 - COMPENSATION PAYMENTS …. 75 - 75 225 - 225 A.6 - MEDICAL APPLIANCES AND TRAVELLING AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES …. 50 - 50 100 - 100 13,308 13,576 Programme Total:- 251,033 - 251,033 259,150 - 259,150 of which pay:- 70 70 70 70 * Some pensioners are in receipt of both an occupational pension and a disablement pension and are therefore included twice.

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) No. of cases processed (management and administration of Defence 13,046 Forces superannuation code, including the processing and payment 13,250 13,510 of benefits). (12,940) No. of cases processed (management and administration of Defence Forces occupational injuries code, including the processing and 1,353 1,390 1,370 payment of benefits, and other miscellaneous pensions matters). (1,415)

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target 2017 Annual Report on Defence Forces 2018 Annual Report on Defence Forces 2019 Annual Report on Defence Forces Superannuation Schemes Superannuation Schemes Superannuation Schemes

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018

1- Number of pension accounts in payment at year end 12,909 13,071 13,180

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Contributions to Defence Forces Spouses' and Children's Pension Schemes …. 3,347 - 3,347 3,347 - 3,347 2. Contributions to Defence Forces Contributory (Main) Pensions Schemes …. 1,500 - 1,500 1,500 - 1,500 3. Recoveries of overpayments …. 40 - 40 40 - 40 4. Payments received in respect of transferred service …. 40 - 40 40 - 40 5. Miscellaneous …. 70 - 70 70 - 70 6. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 3 - 3 3 - 3 Total :- 5,000 - 5,000 5,000 - 5,000 [36] Defence [36] 36 DEFENCE I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Minister for Defence, including certain services administered by that Office; for the pay and expenses of the Defence Forces; and for payment of certain grants. Seven hundred and fifty-six million, nine hundred and sixty-one thousand euro (€756,961,000)

II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Defence.

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate* 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % A - DEFENCE POLICY AND SUPPORT, MILITARY CAPABILITIES AND OPERATIONAL OUTPUTS .... 652,048 106,000 758,048 668,031 113,000 781,031 3% Gross Total :- 652,048 106,000 758,048 668,031 113,000 781,031 3% Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 21,485 1,250 22,735 23,420 650 24,070 6% Net Total :- 630,563 104,750 735,313 644,611 112,350 756,961 3%

Net Increase (€000) 21,648

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 513,747 529,314 3% Associated Public Service employees .... 10,440 10,440 -

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate* 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 18,900 - 18,900 21,300 - 21,300 13% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 650 - 650 650 - 650 - (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 315 - 315 315 - 315 - (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 600 60 660 600 60 660 - (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 2,485 390 2,875 2,066 390 2,456 -15% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 950 - 950 950 - 950 - (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 190 - 190 190 - 190 - Gross Total :- 24,090 450 24,540 26,071 450 26,521 8%

* The 2020 Estimate reflects a Budget Transfer of €419,000 to the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer [36] Defence [36] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To provide for the military defence of the State, contribute to national and international peace and security and fulfil all other roles assigned by Government

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 354 354 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 18,900 - 18,900 21,300 - 21,300 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 5,190 450 5,640 4,771 450 5,221 9,514 9,514 A.3 - PERMANENT DEFENCE FORCE: PAY .... 446,709 - 446,709 457,261 - 457,261 A.4 - PERMANENT DEFENCE FORCE: ALLOWANCES .... 41,202 - 41,202 46,052 - 46,052 A.5 - RESERVE DEFENCE FORCE: PAY, ETC. …. 2,150 - 2,150 2,150 - 2,150 18 18 A.6 - CHAPLAINS AND OFFICIATING CLERGYMEN: PAY AND ALLOWANCES .... 1,250 - 1,250 1,250 - 1,250 550 550 A.7 - DEFENCE FORCES CIVILIAN SUPPORT PAY AND ALLOWANCES, ETC. …. 26,000 - 26,000 24,000 - 24,000 A.8 - DEFENCE FORCES: CAPABILITY DEVELOPMENT .... 5,000 70,000 75,000 5,000 76,000 81,000 A.9 - AIR CORPS: EQUIPMENT AND SUPPORT …. 16,810 50 16,860 16,810 50 16,860 A10 - MILITARY TRANSPORT .... 7,790 6,400 14,190 7,790 6,400 14,190 A.11 - NAVAL SERVICE: EQUIPMENT AND SUPPORT .... 11,000 2,000 13,000 11,000 2,000 13,000 A.12 - BARRACK EXPENSES AND ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT …. 11,980 2,000 13,980 12,180 2,000 14,180 A.13 - DEFENCE FORCES BUILT INFRASTRUCTURE: CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE …. 9,100 19,000 28,100 9,100 20,000 29,100 A.14 - DEFENCE FORCES UNIFORMS, CLOTHING, EQUIPMENT AND CATERING .... 13,360 620 13,980 13,360 620 13,980 A.15 - DEFENCE FORCES COMMUNICATIONS AND IT …. 5,800 4,940 10,740 5,800 4,940 10,740 A.16 - MILITARY EDUCATION AND TRAINING .... 2,100 50 2,150 2,100 50 2,150 A.17 - DEFENCE FORCES LOGISTICS & TRAVEL .... 3,378 - 3,378 3,378 - 3,378 A.18 - DEFENCE FORCES MEDICAL AND HEALTHCARE SUPPORT .... 6,870 130 7,000 6,870 130 7,000 A.19 - LANDS .... 990 10 1,000 790 10 800 A.20- EQUITATION .... 900 - 900 900 - 900 A.21 - LITIGATION AND COMPENSATION COSTS .... 5,000 - 5,000 5,000 - 5,000 4 4 A.22- MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURE (INCL DORMANT ACCOUNTS FUND) .... 3,500 - 3,500 3,567 - 3,567 A.23- COSTS ARISING DIRECTLY FROM IRELAND'S PARTICIPATION IN THE E.U.'S COMMON SECURITY AND DEFENCE POLICY …. 1,747 - 1,747 1,747 - 1,747 A.24- CIVIL DEFENCE (INCL DORMANT ACCOUNTS FUND) …. 4,390 350 4,740 4,890 350 5,240 A.25- IRISH RED CROSS SOCIETY …. 932 - 932 965 - 965 Programme Total:- 652,048 106,000 758,048 668,031 113,000 781,031 10,440 10,440 of which pay:- 528,820 528,820 544,622 544,622

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) PDF strength as a percentage of PDF establishment (9,500) 94% 95%-100% 95%-100% (95%-100%) Army Reserve and Naval Service Reserve effective strength as a 42% 57%-65% 57%-65% percentage of establishment (4,069) (57%-65%) Meet Aid to the Civil Power requests for support* 100% 100% 100% (100%) Meet requests for approved Aid to the Civil Authority support* 100% 100% 100% (100%) Meet Government requirements for overseas peace support and crisis 100% 100% 100% management operations* (100%) Deliver Naval Service fishery protection patrol days in line with Control 99%: 1,076 Plan agreed with Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (100% of Plan Target) 100% of Plan Target 100% of Plan Target

Deliver Air Corps fishery protection maritime air patrols in line with 84%: 184 Control Plan agreed with Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (100% of Plan Target) 100% of Plan Target 100% of Plan Target

Number of meetings of the civil-military High Level Planning and 9 Procurement Group 10 10 (8)

Number of meetings of the Government Task Force on Emergency 6 Planning 6 6 (6)

*Based on existing levels of service parameters [36] Defence [36] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Defence Forces (Evidence) Bill No Primary legislation was finalised in 2018 or 2019 but several changes to secondary - Defence (Amendment) Bill legislation were finalised. - Red Cross Bill

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Summary of the National Risk Management - 1st White Paper Update - Review of Strategic Emergency Capabilities Assessment - 2018 - Strategic Emergency Management Management Guidelines Guideline 3 – Critical Infrastructure - Review of National Risk Management Resilience Process - Review National Risk Management - National Risk Assessment 2020 Process

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 Percentage of PDF personnel who served overseas (aggregate number as a 1- 16% 18% 19% percentage of PDF personnel)

2- Number of PDF personnel deployed overseas 1,480 1,639 1,696

3- Number of Aid to the Civil Power operations 3,769 3,408 3,483

4- Naval Service Vessel Patrol Days 1,376 1,408 1,297

5- Air Corps Operational Flight Hours 4,287 3,572 3,889

6- Number of inductions to the Permanent Defence Force 690 751 611

7- Number of participants on Civil Defence courses, seminars and exercises 3,876 3,265 3,997

Number of MOUs and SLAs in place with other Government Departments and 8- 28 29 28 Agencies*

9- Number of White Paper projects initiated** 36 36 39

10- % of initiated White Paper projects closed** 0% 14% 23%

* MOU stands for Memorandum of Understanding; SLA stands for Service Level Agreement ** White Paper on Defence 2015: these metrics relate to a rolling set of projects, to give effect to all elements of the White Paper, being implemented on a phased basis over a ten-year period to 2025.

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Receipts from United Nations in respect of overseas allowances, etc. …. 6,013 - 6,013 8,113 - 8,113 2. Receipts from EU in respect of fishery protection costs .... ------3. Receipts from banks and other organisations .... 1,300 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,300 4. Receipts from occupation of official quarters .... 140 - 140 90 - 90 5. Receipts from rations on repayment .... 900 - 900 450 - 450 6. Receipts from other issues on repayment .... 20 - 20 20 - 20 7. Receipts for aviation fuel .... 40 - 40 40 - 40 8. Receipts on discharge by purchase .... 50 - 50 50 - 50 9. Lands and premises :- (a) Rents, etc. …. 462 - 462 462 - 462 (b) Sales …. - 1,250 1,250 - 650 650 10. Sale of surplus stores .... 100 - 100 100 - 100 11. Refunds in respect of services of seconded personnel .... 50 - 50 50 - 50 12. Miscellaneous .... 300 - 300 300 - 300 13. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 11,610 - 11,610 11,345 - 11,345 14. Dormant Accounts Receipts …. 500 - 500 1,100 - 1,100

Total :- 21,485 1,250 22,735 23,420 650 24,070 [36] Defence [36]

The following military forces will be provided:

Army Army Reserve Special Forces 1 Ranger Company Manoeuvre 6 Cavalry Troop Manoeuvre 1 Armoured Reconnaissance Squadron 2 Mechanised Light Infantry Platoon 1 Mechanised Light Infantry Company 23 Infantry Company 2 Infantry Brigades 4 Artillery Battery 7 Infantry Battalion (4+3) 2 Engineering Platoon 2 Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron 2 Military Police Company 2 Artillery Regiment 2 Transport Company 2 Field Engineering Company 2 Medical Detachment 2 Communication & Information Systems Company 2 Military Police Company 2 Transport Company

Naval Service Naval Service Reserve Patrol and Coastal 9 P 31 LÉ Eithne 4 NSR Units Combatants P 41 LÉ Orla P 42 LÉ Ciara P 51 LÉ Roisin P 52 LÉ Niamh P 61 LÉ Samuel Beckett P 62 LÉ James Joyce P 63 LÉ William Butler Yeats P 64 LÉ George Bernard Shaw

Other 1 Naval Service Fishery Monitoring Centre 1 Naval Service Diving Unit

Air Corps Maritime Patrol 2 CASA SA/MPA Training 8 Pilatus PC9M Personnel Transport 1 Learjet 45 Rotary 6 Augusta Westland 139 2 Eurocopter EC135 P2

Garda Air Support 1 P254 Defender Unit (GASU) 2 Eurocopter EC135 T2

[Three new Pilatus PC12 aircraft are due to be delivered in 2020.] [37] Employment Affairs and Social Protection [37] 37 EMPLOYMENT AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL PROTECTION I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection, for certain services administered by that Office, for payments to the Social Insurance Fund and for certain grants.

Ten thousand, eight hundred and thirteen million, six hundred and forty-six thousand euro (€10,813,646,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection. Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate** 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % A - SOCIAL ASSISTANCE SCHEMES, SERVICES, ADMINISTRATION AND PAYMENT TO SOCIAL INSURANCE FUND: - Administration …. 542,647 11,870 554,517 550,990 15,000 565,990 2% - Pensions …. 1,047,900 - 1,047,900 1,042,210 - 1,042,210 -1% - Working Age - Income Supports …. 2,434,505 - 2,434,505 2,411,260 - 2,411,260 - - Working Age - Employment Supports …. 696,270 - 696,270 658,928 - 658,928 -5% - Illness, Disability and Carers …. 3,034,485 - 3,034,485 3,175,610 - 3,175,610 5% - Children …. 2,632,870 - 2,632,870 2,662,430 - 2,662,430 1% - Supplementary Payments, etc. …. 516,926 - 516,926 515,408 - 515,408 -0% - Subvention to the Social Insurance Fund …. ------Gross Total :- 10,905,603 11,870 10,917,473 11,016,836 15,000 11,031,836 1% Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 217,700 - 217,700 218,190 - 218,190 0% Net Total :- 10,687,903 11,870 10,699,773 10,798,646 15,000 10,813,646 1%

Net Increase (€000) 113,873

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 295,264 299,568 1% Associated Public Service employees .... 6,046 6,070 0%

Exchequer pensions included in above net total .... 613 871 42% Associated Public Service pensioners .... 74 80 8%

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate** 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 297,642 - 297,642 300,210 - 300,210 1% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 4,800 - 4,800 5,000 - 5,000 4% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 12,780 - 12,780 14,210 - 14,210 11% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 14,400 - 14,400 16,400 - 16,400 14% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 51,450 9,870 61,320 58,790 10,800 69,590 13% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 15,025 2,000 17,025 14,950 4,000 18,950 11% (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES …. 800 - 800 2,100 - 2,100 163% (viii) PAYMENTS FOR AGENCY SERVICES .... 132,050 - 132,050 127,230 - 127,230 -4% (ix) eGOVERNMENT RELATED PROJECTS …. 13,700 - 13,700 12,100 200 12,300 -10% Gross Total :- 542,647 11,870 554,517 550,990 15,000 565,990 2% [37] EMPLOYMENT AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL PROTECTION [37] Total Expenditure on Social Protection Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate** 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %


Gross Total :- 10,905,603 11,870 10,917,473 11,016,836 15,000 11,031,836 1%

Less: Payment to the Social Insurance Fund under Section 9(9)(a) of the Social Welfare Consolidation Act 2005 … ------

Administration expenses recovered by Vote 37 from the Social Insurance Fund .... 131,930 - 131,930 121,980 - 121,980 #DIV/0!-8% Subtotal:- 10,773,673 11,870 10,785,543 10,894,856 15,000 10,909,856 1%

(2) SOCIAL INSURANCE FUND .... 10,023,727 - 10,023,727 10,294,514 - 10,294,514 3%

(3) TOTAL EXPENDITURE - VOTE 37 and SIF (1) + (2) .... 20,797,400 11,870 20,809,270 21,189,370 15,000 21,204,370 2%

TOTAL EXPENDITURE BROKEN DOWN BY ADMINISTRATION AND PROGRAMME ADMINISTRATION*** …. 639,399 11,870 651,269 643,968 15,000 658,968 1% PENSIONS …. 8,228,035 - 8,228,035 8,425,470 - 8,425,470 2% WORKING AGE - INCOME SUPPORTS …. 3,269,365 - 3,269,365 3,285,050 - 3,285,050 0% WORKING AGE - EMPLOYMENT SUPPORTS …. 696,270 - 696,270 658,928 - 658,928 -5% ILLNESS, DISABILITY AND CARERS …. 4,517,815 - 4,517,815 4,678,750 - 4,678,750 4% CHILDREN …. 2,654,130 - 2,654,130 2,684,270 - 2,684,270 1% SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS, ETC …. 792,386 - 792,386 812,934 - 812,934 #DIV/0!3% Total Expenditure :- 20,797,400 11,870 20,809,270 21,189,370 15,000 21,204,370 2%

* The 2019 Estimate includes a Supplementary Estimate of €100,000,000.

Programmes under which it is intended to apply the amount of €1,187,000 in unspent 2019 appropriations to capital supply services. 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Change Application of Deferred Surrender 2019 over €000 €000 2020

A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,000 1,187 19%

1,000 1,187 19%

** The 2020 REV Estimate provides for an additional €95m to fund an additional pay day in respect of certain schemes because of how the calendar falls in 2020. The 2020 Estimate also reflects a Budget Transfer of €150,000 to the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer -Vote 43. *** Total Expenditure on Employment Affairs and Social Protection Administration includes payments to other Votes and payment for An Post Agency Services from the Social Insurance Fund. [37] Employment Affairs and Social Protection [37] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: Place the client at the centre of all the Department’s activities by providing targeted income support, training referral and employment services as required, based on individual needs and circumstances, and attain better outcomes in tackling poverty.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 - ADMINISTRATION: 6,046 6,070 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 297,642 - 297,642 300,210 - 300,210 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 245,005 11,870 256,875 250,780 15,000 265,780 Subtotal:- 542,647 11,870 554,517 550,990 15,000 565,990

- PENSIONS: A.3 - STATE PENSION (NON-CONTRIBUTORY) …. 1,047,900 - 1,047,900 1,042,210 - 1,042,210 Subtotal:- 1,047,900 - 1,047,900 1,042,210 - 1,042,210

- WORKING AGE - INCOME SUPPORTS: A.4 - JOBSEEKER'S ALLOWANCE …. 1,634,200 - 1,634,200 1,597,650 - 1,597,650 A.5 - ONE-PARENT FAMILY PAYMENT …. 534,300 - 534,300 547,820 - 547,820 A.6 - WIDOWS'/ WIDOWERS' / SURVIVING CIVIL PARTNER'S (NON-CONTRIBUTORY) PENSION …. 14,000 - 14,000 12,690 - 12,690 A.7 - DESERTED WIFE'S ALLOWANCE …. 955 - 955 820 - 820 A.8 - BASIC SUPPLEMENTARY WELFARE ALLOWANCE PAYMENTS …. 119,800 - 119,800 128,190 - 128,190 A.9 - FARM ASSIST …. 68,750 - 68,750 60,980 - 60,980 A.10 - EXCEPTIONAL AND URGENT NEEDS PAYMENTS …. 43,500 - 43,500 44,230 - 44,230 A.11 - OTHER WORKING AGE - INCOME SUPPORTS .. 19,000 - 19,000 18,880 - 18,880 Subtotal:- 2,434,505 - 2,434,505 2,411,260 - 2,411,260

- WORKING AGE - EMPLOYMENT SUPPORTS: A.12 - COMMUNITY EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMME .... 349,200 - 349,200 355,080 - 355,080 A.13 - RURAL SOCIAL SCHEME …. 53,500 - 53,500 54,070 - 54,070 A.14 - TÚS …. 99,600 - 99,600 92,048 - 92,048 A.15 - JOB INITIATIVE …. 17,490 - 17,490 14,890 - 14,890 A.16 - BACK TO WORK ENTERPRISE ALLOWANCE .... 60,160 - 60,160 37,320 - 37,320 A.17 - YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SUPPORT SCHEME .... 800 - 800 3,350 - 3,350 A.18 - BACK TO EDUCATION ALLOWANCE …. 66,100 - 66,100 56,900 - 56,900 A.19 - JOBSPLUS …. 15,100 - 15,100 10,100 - 10,100 A.20 - LOCAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE …. 19,300 - 19,300 19,300 - 19,300 A.21 - JOBS CLUBS …. 5,400 - 5,400 5,400 - 5,400 A.22 - OTHER WORKING AGE - EMPLOYMENT SUPPORTS …. 13,6259,620 - 9,620 10,470 - 10,470 Subtotal:- 696,270 - 696,270 658,928 - 658,928

- ILLNESS, DISABILITY AND CARERS: A.23 - DISABILITY ALLOWANCE …. 1,710,500 - 1,710,500 1,770,410 - 1,770,410 A.24 - BLIND PENSION …. 13,625 - 13,625 12,940 - 12,940 A.25 - CARER'S ALLOWANCE …. 866,700 - 866,700 919,040 - 919,040 A.26 - DOMICILIARY CARE ALLOWANCE …. 183,600 - 183,600 195,670 - 195,670 A.27 - CARER'S SUPPORT GRANT …. 220,400 - 220,400 237,320 - 237,320 A.28 - DISABILITY ACTIVATION SUPPORTS …. 14,260 - 14,260 15,680 - 15,680 A.29 - WAGE SUBSIDY SCHEME …. 25,400 - 25,400 24,550 - 24,550 Subtotal:- 3,034,485 - 3,034,485 3,175,610 - 3,175,610

- CHILDREN: A.30 - CHILD BENEFIT …. 2,102,000 - 2,102,000 2,119,980 - 2,119,980 A.31 - WORKING FAMILY PAYMENT …. 397,140 - 397,140 402,490 - 402,490 A.32 - BACK TO WORK FAMILY DIVIDEND …. 18,670 - 18,670 16,920 - 16,920 A.33 - BACK-TO-SCHOOL CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR ALLOWANCE …. 53,670 - 53,670 53,980 - 53,980 A.34 - SCHOOL MEALS SCHEME .... 53,600 - 53,600 61,600 - 61,600 A.35 - CHILD RELATED PAYMENTS .... 7,790 - 7,790 7,460 - 7,460 Subtotal:- 2,632,870 - 2,632,870 2,662,430 - 2,662,430

- SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS, AGENCIES AND MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: A.36 - RENT SUPPLEMENT …. 125,495 - 125,495 94,600 - 94,600 A.37 - TELEPHONE SUPPORT ALLOWANCE …. 8,200 - 8,200 8,239 - 8,239 A.38 - HOUSEHOLD BENEFITS PACKAGE …. 69,673 - 69,673 75,479 - 75,479 A.39 - FREE TRAVEL …. 95,000 - 95,000 95,000 - 95,000 A.40 - FUEL ALLOWANCE …. 147,292 - 147,292 162,085 - 162,085 A.41 - GRANT TO THE CITIZENS INFORMATION BOARD .... 58,160 - 58,160 61,774 - 61,774 A.42- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES …. 12,616 - 12,616 17,741 - 17,741 A.43- LOW PAY COMMISSION …. 490 - 490 490 - 490 Subtotal:- 516,926 - 516,926 515,408 - 515,408


A.44 - PAYMENT TO THE SOCIAL INSURANCE FUND UNDER SECTION 9(9) (a) OF THE SOCIAL WELFARE CONSOLIDATION ACT 2005 …. ------Subtotal:------Programme Total:- 10,905,603 11,870 10,917,473 11,016,836 15,000 11,031,836

* The 2020 REV Estimate provides for an additional €95m to fund an additional pay day in respect of certain schemes because of how the calendar falls in 2020. [37] Employment Affairs and Social Protection [37] III. Estimate of Income and Expenditure of the Social Insurance Fund Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Income: Income from Contributions .... 11,586,210 - 11,586,210 12,110,420 - 12,110,420 5% Overpayment Recoveries .... 11,300 - 11,300 11,300 - 11,300 - Redundancy and Insolvency Recoveries from Employers .... 12,700 - 12,700 6,400 - 6,400 -50% Recovery of Benefits from Insurance Compensation - - Awards …. 22,100 - 22,100 21,900 - 21,900 -1% Other SIF Income …. 40 - 40 40 - 40 - Total Income:- 11,632,350 - 11,632,350 12,150,060 - 12,150,060 4%

Expenditure (current): Administration Transfer to other votes …. 73,672 - 73,672 69,818 - 69,818 -5% Transfer to V37 (Dept of Employment Affairs and Social Protection) …. 131,930 - 131,930 121,980 - 121,980 -8% An Post …. 20,000 - 20,000 20,000 - 20,000 - Bank Charges …. 2,270 - 2,270 2,230 - 2,230 -2% Negative Interest …. 810 - 810 2,230930 - 930 15% Subtotal :- 228,682 228,682 214,958 214,958 -6% Benefits

PENSIONS State Pension (Contributory) .... 5,607,830 - 5,607,830 5,808,970 - 5,808,970 4% Widow(er's) and Surviving Civil Partners' Pension (Contrib) …. 1,562,220 - 1,562,220 1,563,770 - 1,563,770 - Widow(er)s' and Surviving Civil Partners' (Death Benefit) .... 10,085 - 10,085 10,520 - 10,520 4% Subtotal :- 7,180,135 7,180,135 7,383,260 7,383,260 3% WORKING AGE - INCOME SUPPORTS Jobseeker's Benefit .... 347,750 - 347,750 354,420 - 354,420 2% Jobseeker's Benefit (Self Employed) .... - - 13,700 13,700 Deserted Wife's Benefit .... 71,820 - 71,820 68,520 - 68,520 -5% Maternity Benefit ..... 267,320 - 267,320 270,130 - 270,130 1% Adoptive Benefit .... 150 - 150 90 - 90 -40% Paternity Benefit .... 13,180 - 13,180 15,140 - 15,140 15% Parents Benefit .... 1,500 - 1,500 22,000 - 22,000 - Health and Safety Benefit .... 380 - 380 350 - 350 -8% Redundancy and Insolvency Payments .... 31,640 - 31,640 26,490 - 26,490 -16% Treatment Benefits .... 101,120 - 101,120 102,950 - 102,950 2% Subtotal :- 834,860 834,860 873,790 873,790 5%

ILLNESS, DISABILITY AND CARERS Illness Benefit .... 605,100 605,100 611,480 - 611,480 1% Injury Benefit .... 12,480 - 12,480 12,620 - 12,620 1% Invalidity Pension .... 729,210 - 729,210 739,170 - 739,170 1% Partial Capacity Benefit .... 21,375 - 21,375 24,240 - 24,240 13% Disablement Benefit .... 71,985 - 71,985 72,220 - 72,220 - Medical Care Scheme .... 190 - 190 220 - 220 16% Carer's Benefit .... 42,990 - 42,990 43,190 - 43,190 - Subtotal :- 1,483,330 1,483,330 1,503,140 1,503,140 1% CHILDREN Guardian's Payment (Contributory) …. 15,765 - 15,765 16,080 - 16,080 2% Widowed Parent / Surving Civil Partner Grant …. 5,495 - 5,495 5,760 - 5,760 5% Subtotal :- 21,260 21,260 21,840 21,840 3% SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS, AGENCIES AND MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Household Benefits Package .... 177,885 - 177,885 188,983 - 188,983 6% Fuel Allowance …. 88,475 - 88,475 99,265 - 99,265 12% Telephone Support Allowance …. 9,100 - 9,100 9,278 - 9,278 2% Subtotal :- 275,460 275,460 297,526 297,526 8%

Total Schemes and Services:- 9,795,045 - 9,795,045 10,079,556 - 10,079,556 3%

Total Expenditure:- 10,023,727 10,023,727 10,294,514 10,294,514 3%

Excess of Expenditure over Income ------Excess of Income over Expenditure 1,608,623 1,608,623 1,855,546 1,855,546 -

Subvention required from Vote 37 .... ------[37] Employment Affairs and Social Protection [37] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


Key Outputs and Public Service Activities

2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Pensions Average no. of weekly payments 590,993 607,960 632,630 (590,190) Average no. of monthly payments 43,942 44,220 44,420 (44,720) % of contributory claims to award within 92 90 90 processing time standards (90) % of State Pension Non Contributory 69 claims to award within processing time 75 75 (75) standards Working Age - Average no. of weekly payments 299,672 267,520 273,185 Income Supports (298,380) Average weekly Live Register 221,320 191,800 188,319 (225,000) % of claims to award within processing 93 90 90 time standards (90) Working Age Average no. of weekly payments 55,897 Employment 53,070 45,793 (63,480) Supports Illness, Average no. of weekly payments 347,565 353,510 368,207 Disability and (347,890) Carers Average no. of annual Carer's Support 110,879 118,090 126,709 payments (112,640) % of Illness Benefit, Invalidity Pension and Occupational Injury Benefit claims to 77 90 90 award within processing time standards* (90)

% of Disability Allowance claims to award 58 within processing time standards 75 75 (75)

% of Carer’s Allowance claims to award within processing time standards 20 70 70 (70)

% of Domiciliary Care Allowance claims 77 to award within processing time 90 90 (70) standards** Children Average no. of weekly payments 57,302 57,400 53,333 (59,420) Average no. of monthly Child Benefit 1,196,118 1,202,480 1,208,362 payments (1,195,390)

% of Child Benefit claims to award within 79 90 90 processing time standards (90)

Supplementary Average no. of Rent Supplement payments 26,680 19,960 16,490 Payments (27,620) Average no. of Household Benefits 434,470 447,800 448,860 payments (435,870) % of Household Benefits & Free Travel 97 claims to award within processing time 90 90 (90) standards Control No. of control surveys completed and 1 2 2 published (2) % of debtors*** receiving a weekly social 75% welfare payment making debt repayments 80% 80% (75%)

% of the value of outstanding debts being 47% repaid*** (47%) 50% 50%

Appeals No. of appeals awaiting decision at year 8,963 8,500-9,500 8,500–9,500 end (8,000-9,000) Payment No. of customers with 25,382 Services for Local Property Tax deductions from their 25,250 25,300 (26,000) Other payment Departments No. of Magdalen Commission customers 420 480 460 in payment (305) * Illness Benefit and Occupational Injury Benefit statistics are not available due to migration to a new IT platform. ** From the 1st of April 2018, the processing time standard for Domiciliary Care Allowance was amended from 70% of claims cleared in 15 weeks to 90% of claims cleared in 10 weeks. *** Excluding new claimants with debts and new debts raised (under one month). [37] Employment Affairs and Social Protection [37]

III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources

PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

- Employment (Miscellaneous Provisions) - Civil Registration Act 2019 - Social Welfare (Spring) Bill Act 2018 - Social Welfare Act 2019 (Jobseeker’s - Social Welfare (Budget) Bill - Social Welfare, Pensions and Civil Benefit for the Self-Employed) - Payment of Wages Bill (to amend Payment of Wages Act Registration Act 2018 - Social Welfare (No. 2) Bill 2019 (Budget 1991, in relation to treatment of tips) Bill) - Gender Recognition Bill (to amend certain provisions of Gender Recognition Act 2015) - Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 (Amendment) Bill (to bring the legislation into line with the EU Working Time Directive) (Note: It may be possible to effect the necessary changes by Statutory Instrument, negating the need for a Bill. Final advice pending.)

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

. - Recommendations of the Low Pay - Recommendations of the Low Pay - Recommendations of the Low Pay Commission for the Commission for the National Minimum Commission for the National Minimum Wage National Minimum Wage (2020) Wage (2018) (2019) - Pathways to Work Impact Evaluations of JobPath and Jobsplus

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 No. of payments 80.7m 79.7m 79.5m

No. of claims decided - weekly paid schemes* 742,958 755,957 667,499

No. of telephone calls answered 7.3m 7.5m 6.5m

% of population at risk of poverty** Pre Social transfers 44.9% 43.8% 40.9% Post Social Transfers 16.5% 15.7% 14% 8.3% 6.7% 5.6% Consistent Poverty Rate Pension Coverage***

Defined Benefit scheme members 471,608 457,220 494,289 Defined Contribution scheme members 299,782 329,297 351,657

Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs) 250,719 264,664 281,127

* Stats exclude SWA weekly payments; Due to migration to new IT platform, some statistics excluded for certain periods Illness Benefit and Occupational Injury Benefit (Aug-Nov 2018). ** SILC survey, CSO annual publication- data not yet available for 2018. *** Figures as per Pensions Authority Annual Report.


High Level Goal: Promote active inclusion and reduce the proportion of jobless households in society by providing targeted activation and development and employment services

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2020 Output Target 1 (2018 Output Target) (2019 Output Target) Share of population aged 18-59 years resident in jobless 9.5% 8.8% Not yet available households2 (<10%) (<9.5%) Target an aggregate progression to employment rate across 55% 58% activation programmes of 40% (measured 6 months after Not yet available (40%) (40%) completion of programme)3 2.2:1 2.8:1 Reduce the ratio between youth and overall unemployment4 Not yet available (2:1) (2:1)

Context and Impact Indicators 2017 2018 2019

1- Unemployment rate5 6.8% 5.8% 4.9%

2- Long-term unemployment rate5 3.0% 2.1% 1.4%

3- Youth unemployment rate5 14.4% 13.7% 13.5%

4- Employment rate5 67.7% 68.7% 69.1%

5- Number of participants on employment programmes6 31,830 31,585 30,690 Number of participants on employment supports (Back To 6- Work Enterprise Allowance and Back To Education 20,581 15,514 11,024 Allowance)6

Number of Working Family Payment recipients6: 57,745 54,116 52,036 7- - Families 129,274 122,056 117,238 - Children

Proportion of population 0-17 years resident in jobless 8- 11.9% 11.8% 11.3% households2

1 Targets for 2020 are not yet available as these will be published as part of the new Pathways to Work policy in early 2020 2 Jobless household statistics are from the CSO’s LFS Households and Family Units release Q2, 2019, and these figures refer to Q2 each year. 3 Figures are from Q3 each year 4 This is a volatile metric which is prone to revision 5 2019 figures refer to CSO LFS Q3 2019 6 2019 figures are to end of October [37] Employment Affairs and Social Protection [37]


High Level Goal: Increase the take-up level of Paternity Benefit among eligible employees and self-employed people

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2019 Outturn Key High Level Metrics (Output 2018 Outturn Target) 2 2020 Output Target Paternity Benefit claims as a percentage of Maternity Benefit claims1 62% 58% >60% (>60%)

Context and Impact Indicators 2017 2018 2019 1- Number of Paternity Benefit claims awarded2 26,559 24,080 23,210

2- Number of Maternity Benefit claims awarded2 45,621 41,429 37,500

3- Number of births3 62,053 61,016 Not yet available

4- Number of male PRSI Class A, E, H & S contributors4 1.313m Not yet available Not yet available

5- Number of female PRSI Class A, E, H & S contributors4 1.146m Not yet available Not yet available

6- Number of males in employment5 1.186m 1.221m 1.252m

7- Number of females in employment5 1.008m 1.036m 1.065.5m

1 It should be noted that Paternity and Maternity Benefit claims are not directly comparable as eligibility is dependent on the person’s employment status and PRSI contribution record, which may differ for each parent of a child. In addition, Maternity Benefit is (generally) taken from two weeks before the birth of the child, while Paternity Benefit can be taken within 6 months of the birth of the child. 2 2019 figures are to end October 3 CSO Vital Statistics 2018 4 P35 Revenue data, figure is number of people by primary class 5 2019 figures refer to CSO LFS Q3 2019

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid 2018 Estimate 2019 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID


1. Recovery of administration expenses from the Social Insurance Fund .... 131,930 - 131,930 121,980 - 121,980

Subtotal:- 131,930 - 131,930 121,980 - 121,980 APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: Other 2. Recoveries of Social Assistance overpaid .... 58,800 - 58,800 58,300 - 58,300 3. Repayment from the Social Insurance Fund of amounts paid initially as Social Assistance .... 5,420 - 5,420 4,000 - 4,000 4. Receipts under "Liability to Maintain Family" provisions in Part 12 of the Social Welfare Act 2005 .... 320 - 320 320 - 320 5. Receipts from the General Register Office …. 310 - 310 340 - 340 6. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 7,410 - 7,410 6,000 - 6,000 7. Receipts from European Social Fund …. - - - 7,250 - 7,250 8. Receipts from National Training Fund (Community Employment) .... 6,100 - 6,100 6,100 - 6,100 9. Receipts from Pensions Board - Staff Superannuation …. 600 - 600 600 - 600 10. Homeless Unit Operational Cost - contributions from external agencies …. 2,500 - 2,500 - - - 11. Receipts from Dormant Accounts …. 550 - 550 5,000 - 5,000 12. Recovery of assistance from Insurance Claims …. 2,700 - 2,700 2,800 - 2,800 13. Receipts from Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived …. 260 - 260 4,500 - 4,500 14. Miscellaneous …. 800 - 800 1,000 - 1,000

Subtotal:- 85,770 - 85,770 96,210 - 96,210

Total:> 217,700, - 217,700, 218,190, - 218,190, [37] Employment Affairs and Social Protection [37] Supplementary Notes to Revised Estimates 2020

1. Details of Social Insurance Fund Administration * 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total

€000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (Vote 37) …. 131,930 - 131,930 121,980 - 121,980 Office of the Revenue Commissioners (Vote 9) …. 37,437 - 37,437 37,437 - 37,437 An Post Agency Services …. 20,000 - 20,000 20,000 - 20,000 Superannuation and Retired Allowances (Vote 12) …. 28,000 - 28,000 25,400 - 25,400 Office of Public Works (Vote 13) …. 7,192 - 7,192 5,900 - 5,900 Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government (Vote 34) .. 741 - 741 741 - 741 Comptroller & Auditor General (Vote 8) …. 140 - 140 140 - 140 Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation (Vote 32) …. 162 - 162 200 - 200 Bank Charges …., 2,270 - 2,270 2,230 - 2,230 Negative Interest ….. 810 - 810 930 - 930 Subtotal :- 228,682 - 228,682 214,958 - 214,958

2. Details of Household Benefits and Fuel Allowance Expenditure

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate TOTAL EXPENDITURE ON HOUSEHOLD BENEFITS Social Social Vote 37 Insurance Total Vote 37 Insurance Total Fund Fund €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 Electricity Allowance 49,590 116,480 166,070 51,453 121,520 172,973 Gas Allowance 4,780 16,385 21,165 4,877 16,442 21,319 Free Television Licence 15,303 45,020 60,323 19,149 51,021 70,170 Total :- 69,673 177,885 247,558 75,479 188,983 264,462

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate TOTAL EXPENDITURE ON FUEL ALLOWANCE Social Social Vote 37 Insurance Total Vote 37 Insurance Total Fund Fund €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 Fuel Allowance 147,292 88,475 235,767 162,085 99,265 261,350 Total :- 147,292 88,475 235,767 162,085 99,265 261,350

* Estimated expenses of administering the Social Insurance Fund are recovered from the Fund and appropriated in aid of the votes to which they are attributable. An amount is also provided for An Post agency services. [38] Health [38] 38 HEALTH I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Minister for Health and certain other services administered by that Office, including grants to the Health Service Executive and miscellaneous grants. (a) by way of current year provision

Seventeen thousand, nine hundred million, six hundred and sixty three thousand euro (€17,900,663,000) (b) by way of the application for capital supply services of unspent appropriations, the surrender of which may be deferred under Section 91 of the Finance Act 2004. Thirty million euro (€30,000,000) II. Subheads under which this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Health. Change 2019 Estimate*** 2020 Estimate * 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 ADMINISTRATION €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A.1 - SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 32,692 - 32,692 36,000 - 36,000 10% A.2 - TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 500 - 500 625 - 625 25% A.3 - TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 1,550 - 1,550 1,854 - 1,854 20% A.4 - POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 450 - 450 230 - 230 -49% A.5 - OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 1,750 473 2,223 1,850 473 2,323 4% A.6 - OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 754 - 754 972 - 972 29% A.7 - CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 1,500 - 1,500 1,500 - 1,500 - Subtotal :- 39,196 473 39,669 43,031 473 43,504 10%


B.1 - GRANTS TO RESEARCH BODIES AND OTHER RESEARCH GRANTS .... 40,000 - 40,000 42,150 - 42,150 5% B.2 - HEALTHY IRELAND FUND .... 5,000 - 5,000 6,000 - 6,000 20% B.3 - DRUGS INITIATIVE …. 6,987 - 6,987 7,487 - 7,487 7% Subtotal:- 51,987 - 51,987 55,637 - 55,637 7%



Change 2019 Estimate*** 2020 Estimate * 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % HEALTH CARE REFORM

H - SLAINTECARE …. 23,500 - 23,500 45,500 - 45,500 - Subtotal:- 23,500 - 23,500 45,500 - 45,500 -

CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION I - NET PENSION COSTS …. - - - PENSION LUMP SUM PAYMENTS …. 514,000 - 514,000 562,500 - 562,500 - Subtotal:- 514,000 - 514,000 562,500 - 562,500 -


J - HSE (IINCLUDING SERVICE DEVELOPMENTS) …. 11,247,029 11,247,029 11,715,617 11,715,617 4% Subtotal:- 11,247,029 - 11,247,029 11,715,617 - 11,715,617 4%


K.1 - HEALTH AGENCIES AND SIMILAR ORGANISATIONS (PART FUNDED BY THE NATIONAL LOTTERY) …. 7,513 - 7,513 7,513 - 7,513 - K.2 - PAYMENTS TO SPECIAL ACCOUNT - HEALTH (REPAYMENT) ACT 2006 …. 2,000 - 2,000 1,700 - 1,700 -15% K.3 - PAYMENT TO SPECIAL ACCOUNT EST UNDER SECTION 4 OF THE HEPATITIS C COMPENSATION TRIBUNAL (AMENDMENT) ACT 2006 - INSURANCE SCHEME …. 1,500 - 1,500 1,500 - 1,500 - K.4 - PAYMENT TO STATE CLAIMS AGENCY …. 370,000 - 370,000 400,000 - 400,000 8% K.5 - ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DISADVANTAGED (DORMANT - - ACCOUNT FUNDING) ….. 2,450 250 2,700 2,450 250 2,700 - Subtotal:- 383,463 250 383,713 413,163 250 413,413 8%


L.1 - PRIMARY CARE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICES …. 3,147,888 - 3,147,888 3,218,400 - 3,218,400 1% L.2 - LONG TERM RESIDENTIAL CARE …. 998,844 - 998,844 1,062,396 - 1,062,396 1% Subtotal:- 4,146,732 - 4,146,732 4,280,796 - 4,280,796 2%


M.1 - GRANTS IN RESPECT OF BUILDING, EQUIPPING (INCLUDING ICT) …. - 14,527 14,527 - 14,527 14,527 - M.2 - BUILDING, EQUIPPING AND FURNISHING OF HEALTH FACILITIES … - 639,461 639,461 - 744,000 744,000 16% M.3 - INFORMATION SERVICES AND RELATED SERVICES FOR HEALTH AGENCIES …. 127,000 87,539 214,539 127,000 95,000 222,000 3% Subtotal:- 127,000 741,527 868,527 127,000 853,527 980,527 13%

Gross Total :- 16,748,065 742,250 17,490,315 17,476,634 854,250 18,330,884 5%

Deduct :- I. - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 449,750 10,250 460,000 429,971 250 430,221 -6% Net Total :- 16,298,315 732,000 17,030,315 17,046,663 854,000 17,900,663 5%

Net Increase (€000) 870,348

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 7,470,402 7,949,696 6% Associated public service employees …. 120,124 121,613 1%

Exchequer pensions included in above net total .... 515,360 563,891 9% Associated public service pensioners ** …. 51,210 53,062 4%

* Adjusted to include no-deal Brexit expenditure in 2020 of €18 million ** The Exchequer Pensions figure for 2020 is net of Pension incomes *** The 2019 Estimate includes a Supplementary Estimates of €338,055,000

Subheads under which it is intended to apply the amount of €30,000,000 in unspent 2019 appropriations to capital supply services. 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Change 2020 Application of Deferred Surrender over 2019 €000 €000


- 30,000 - [38] Department of Health [38]

III. Details of certain subheads 2019 Estimate * 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total

€000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 HSE - HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE SERVICES

J Operational Areas Pay: Clinical and other Client/Patient Services …. 6,012,446 - 6,012,446 6,255,707 - 6,255,707 Non Clinical …. 1,689,134 - 1,689,134 1,764,430 - 1,764,430 Non-Pay: Clinical and other Client/Patient Services …. 1,068,105 - 1,068,105 1,114,666 - 1,114,666 Non Clinical …. 2,477,344 - 2,477,344 2,580,814 - 2,580,814

Total :- 11,247,029 - 11,247,029 11,715,617 - 11,715,617

L.1 - PRIMARY CARE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICES: Pay …. 16,924 - 16,924 17,303 - 17,303 Non-Pay …. 27,245 - 27,245 27,855 - 27,855 Pensions …. 596 - 609 - GP Fees for Medical Card Scheme …. 587,104 - 587,104 600,255 - 600,255 Pharmacy Fees for all Schemes …. 220,454 - 220,454 225,393 - 225,393 Cost of Drugs, Medicines and Appliances …. 1,533,165 - 1,533,165 1,567,508 - 1,567,508 Fund for Development of General Practice - - including Drug Target Payments …. 432 432 441 441 Drug Payment Scheme …. 77,963 - 77,963 79,710 - 79,710 Long-Term Illness Scheme …. 220,819 - 220,819 225,766 - 225,766 Other Primary Care (Medical Card Services) Schemes …. 433,945 - 433,945 443,665 - 443,665 Oncology Drugs …. 20,803 - 20,803 21,268 - 21,268 Immunisation …. 8,438 - 8,438 8,627 - 8,627 Total :- 3,147,888 - 3,147,888 3,218,400 - 3,218,400

N. - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1 Recovery of cost of Health Services provided under regulations of the European Community .... 269,779 - 269,779 250,000 - 250,000 2. Receipts from certain excise duties on tobacco products …. 167,605 - 167,605 167,605 - 167,605 3. Recoupment of certain Ophthalmic Services Scheme costs from the Social Insurance Fund .… 3,000 - 3,000 2,000 - 2,000 4. Recoupment of certain Dental Treatment Services Scheme costs from the Social Insurance Fund .… 3,000 - 3,000 3,800 - 3,800 5. Miscellaneous Receipts ... 1 10,000 10,001 201 - 201 6. Dormant Accounts …. 2,450 250 2,700 2,450 250 2,700 7. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 3,915 - 3,915 3,915 - 3,915

Total :- 449,750 10,250 460,000 429,971 250 430,221 [38] Department of Health [38] Indicative Appendix - Objectives, Financial and Human Resources, Outputs and Context and Impact Indicators

PRIMARY CARE SERVICES (including PCRS, Social Inclusion and Palliative Care)

High Level Goal: To deliver significantly strengthened primary care services in a cost-effective manner. The core objective is to achieve a more balanced health service by ensuring the vast majority of patients and clients who require urgent or planned care are managed within primary and community based settings. Financial & Human Resource Inputs

Numbers 2019 2020

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total

10,965 11,138 L.1 - PRIMARY CARE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICES …. 3,147,888 - 3,147,888 3,218,400 - 3,218,400

Programme Total:- 3,147,888 - 3,147,888 3,218,400 - 3,218,400

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total

€000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 Primary Care Services - allocation is not included in the table above, included in J.1, J.2, J.3 and J.4 …. Primary Care 888,500 26,700 915,200 926,700 32,000 958,700 Social Inclusion 158,000 2,100 160,100 161,000 1,000 162,000 Palliative Care …. 86,500 1,000 87,500 100,600 1,000 101,600

Total :- 1,133,000 29,800 1,162,800 1,188,300 34,000 1,222,300 Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Primary Care Services No. of contacts with GP out-of-hours 1,065,567 1,147,496 1,064,465 (1,105,151)

No. of GP Trainees 193 202 217 (198)

No. of Paediatric Homecare Packages 377 457 537 (584)

Therapies / Community Healthcare Network Services 1,553,140 1,557,484 1,516,182 Total No. of patients seen (1,524,864)

Nursing* 695,062 743,605 474,366* No. of patients seen (743,605)

Community Intervention Teams Total Activity 44,406 45,432 45,432 (38,180)

PCRS Number of dental treatments 1,147,714 1,185,985 1,185,985 (1,261,381)

Number of community ophthalmic services treatments 793,256 793,256 793,256 (869,891)

% of properly completed medical/GP visit card applications processed within 15 day 99.8% 99% 99% turnaround** (96%)

% of medical card/ GP visit card applications, assigned for medical officer review, processed 97.8% 95% 95% within five days (91%)

% of medical card / GP visit card applications which are accurately processed from a 95.9% 96% 96% financial perspective by National Medical Card Unit staff (95%)

Number of items prescribed on the General Medical Services Scheme 58,192,133 58,347,423 60,094,352 (56,854,793)

Number of items prescribed on the Drugs Payment Scheme 7,585,690 7,544,139 8,530,102 (7,872,735)

Number of items prescribed on the Long Term Illness Scheme 8,892,719 8,829,947 10,167,522 (8,241,730)

Number of high tech drugs claims 714,937 708,859 778,563 (650,150

Social Inclusion No. and % of substance misusers (over 18 years) for whom treatment has commenced within 4,219 (93%) 4,884 (100%) 4,940 (100%) (Substance Misuse) one calendar month following assessment (4,946 (100%)

No and % of substance misusers (under 18 years) for whom treatment has commenced 315 (96%) 340 (100%) 360 (100%) within one week following assessment 333 (100%)

(Opioid Substitution) Average waiting time from referral to assessment for opioid substitution treatment 6.4 days 4 days 4 days (3 Days)

(Needle exchange) No of unique individuals attending pharmacy needle exchange 1,650*** 1,650 1,894 (1,628) (Homelessness) No. and % of service users admitted to homeless emergency accommodation hostels / 86% facilities whose health needs have been assessed within 2 weeks of admission 1,126 (87%) 1,245 (80%) (73%)

(Traveller Health) No of people who receive information on type 2 diabetes or participated in related 4,000 3,735 3,735 initiatives**** (3,735)

No of people who receive information on cardiovascular health or participated in related 5,387 3,735 3,735 initiatives**** (3,735)

Palliative Care Access to specialist palliative care services in the community provided within 7 days (normal 89.3% 90% 90% place of residence) (95%)

No. of patients in receipt of specialist palliative care in the community in their normal place 3,405 3,405 3,532 of residence (in the month) (3,376) Access to specialist palliative inpatient bed provided within 7 days 98.1% 98% 98% (98%) Indicative Appendix - Objectives, Financial and Human Resources, Outputs and Context and Impact Indicators

No. accessing specialist inpatient bed (during the reporting month) 3,809 3,809 4,201 (3,595)

No. of children in the care of the children’s outreach nursing team 223 280 283 (280) No. of children in the care of the children’s specialist palliative care team in Our Lady’s 63 Children’s Hospital Crumlin/Children’s University Hospital and Temple Street Hospital 97 97 (during reporting month) (97)

* Nursing Target 2020 reflects data review undertaken during 2019 and greater data completeness in respect of the 2018 projected activity on which the 2019 target was based. ** Eligibility Policy Unit does not receive information on the overall number of med card/GPVC applications processed within the Primary Care Reimbursement Service (PCRS). These figures would change on a daily basis and would include new applications, review applications etc. and be dependent on how many applications the PCRS receive in a particular month. We do get a monthly report from the PCRS which details the number of med cards / GPVC (including discretionary cards) in circulation each month and also the percentage of applications completed within a 15 day turnaround. (It should be noted that the same query was raised last year which was subsequently withdrawn.) *** Please note that this data was not available in the 2018 Annual Report. 2018 outturn figure has been taken from the 2019 National Service Plan. **** The targets for the Traveller Health metrics are set on the basis of 20% of the traveller population aged > 15 years as per Census 2016 data, rather than on the basis of an outturn. It has been consistently set on this basis since the current metrics were disaggregated in 2018.

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Bill 2018 - Health & Childcare Support - Health (General Practitioner Service) Act 2018 (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2019 – drafted in collaboration with the Department of Children

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - National Biosimilar Policy - National Oral Health Policy

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017* 2018 1,683,792 1,609,820 1,541,667 1- No. of persons covered by medical cards (35.4%) (33.6%) 32.2%

470,505 487,510 528,079 2- No. of persons covered by GP visit cards (9.9%) (10.2%) 10.4%

3- No. of items claimed under Long Term Illness Scheme 7,593,728 8,304,668 8,892,719

4- No. of items claimed under General Medical Services Scheme 58,797,149 58,713,753 58,192,133

5- No. of contacts with GP Out of Hours 1,090,348 1,065,230 1,065,567

6- No. of items claimed on Drugs Payment Scheme 7,203,742 7,135,002 7,585,690

7- No. of persons receiving opioid substitute treatment outside the prisons 9,712 9,804 9,848

8- % of patients triaged within one working day of referral (Inpatient Unit) 46.00% 97.1% 96.9%

% of patients with a multidisciplinary care plan documented within five working days of initial assessment 9- 46.60% 80.6% 91.7% (Inpatient Unit)

10- % of patients triaged within one working day of referral (community) 66.1% 94.7% 96%

*Figures for LTI, GMS and DPS have been taken from the PCRS annual report for 2017. [38] Department of Health [38] Indicative Appendix - Objectives, Financial and Human Resources, Outputs and Context and Impact Indicators


High Level Goal: Maximise the potential of older people, their families and local communities to maintain people in their own homes and communities, within existing resources and provide quality long-term residential care services for those who require it.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers* 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

13,504 14,127 l.2 - LONG TERM RESIDENTIAL CARE …. 998,844 - 998,844 1,062,396 - 1,062,396

*Total Social Care numbers (Disability and Older People) Programme Total:- 998,844 - 998,844 1,062,396 - 1,062,396

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total

€000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 Services for Older People - allocation is not included in the table above, included in J.1, J.2, J.3 and J.4 …. 873,300 55,000 928,300 949,800 100,000 1,049,800

Total :- 873,300 55,000 928,300 949,800 100,000 1,049,800

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) % of preliminary screenings for adults with an outcome of reasonable grounds for concern that are submitted to the safeguarding and protection teams accompanied by an interim 98.1% 100% 100% safeguarding plan - All Adults 65 and over) (100%) Safeguarding vulnerable persons at risk of abuse % of preliminary screenings for adults with an outcome of reasonable grounds for concern 99.7% that are submitted to the safeguarding and protection teams accompanied by an interim 100% 100% safeguarding plan - All Adults under 65 (100%)

Home Support Hours 250 No. of people in receipt of intensive Home Care Packages at a point in time 235 235 (235)

406,047 No. of home support hours provided (from Intensive Home Care Packages (HCPs) 360,000 360,000 (360,000)

53,016 No. of people in receipt of home support (excluding those with Intensive HCPs) 53,182 53,475 (50,500)

17.1m No. of home support hours provided (excluding hours from Intensive HCPs) 17.9m 18.9m (17,094m)

Residential Care 4,961 No. of Nursing Home Support Scheme (NHSS) beds in public long stay units 4,900 4,980* (5,096)

1,946 No. of short stay beds in public long stay units 1,850 1,720 (2,053)

No. of persons funded under the Nursing Home Support Scheme (NHSS) in long-term 23,305 23,042 23,479* residential care (23,334)

* Subject to change

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Nursing Home Support Scheme (Amendment) Bill

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Mid- term review of the National Dementia Strategy - Report on the Public Consultation Process on - Draft Health Sector policy on adult - Improving Home Care Services in Ireland: An Overview of the Findings of the Draft Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard Safeguarding (for public consultation) the Department of Health’s Public Consultation - a Report by the Institute of Proposals published in July 2019 Public Health in Ireland for the Department of Health - Joint Policy Statement on Housing for Older People (with Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government) published February 2019 Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 New PI New PI 1- No. of people in receipt of intensive Home Care Packages (HCP) at a point in time 250 NSP2018 NSP2018 New PI New PI 2- No. of home support hours provided (from Intensive HCPs) 406,047 NSP2018 NSP2018

New PI New PI 3- No. of home support hours provided (excluding hours from Intensive HCPs) 17,130,453 NSP2018 NSP2018

New PI New PI 4- No. of people in receipt of home support (excluding those with Intensive HCPs) 53,016 NSP2018 NSP2018

5- No. of people in receipt of financial support under the Nursing Homes Support Scheme 23,142 22,949 23,305

6- No. of NHSS beds in public long stay units 5,150 4,973 4,961

7- No. of short stay beds in public long stay units 1,921 1,998 1,946

8- Average length of stay for NHSS clients in public, private and saver long-stay units 3.2 years 3.1 years 3.1 years [38] Department of Health [38] Indicative Appendix - Objectives, Financial and Human Resources, Outputs and Context and Impact Indicators

ACUTE SERVICES (including National Ambulance Service & Cancer Care Services)

High Level Goal: The acute hospital system aims to provide high quality, safe care to patients in need of acute hospital care. The focus is on ensuring that patients in need of acute hospital care can access it as quickly as possible in the most appropriate setting and as close to home as possible, consistent with patient safety and the achievement of the best patient outcomes. The role and purpose of the NAS is to provide patients with a clinically appropriate and timely pre-hospital care and transportation service, as an integral part of a continuum of care for patients / clients.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

61,469 61,949 ACUTE HOSPITALS & NATIONAL CLINICAL STRATEGY PROGRAMME .… 5,213,500 353,000 5,566,500 5,377,600 543,000 5,920,600 National Cancer control programme …. 94,200 25,000 119,200 97,600 15,000 112,600 National Ambulance Service …. 170,400 11,500 181,900 173,900 21,000 194,900

* Includes 1,744 in National Ambulance Service (NAS). ** Includes 1,853 in NAS Programme Total:- 5,478,100 389,500 5,867,600 5,649,100 579,000 6,228,100

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Acute hospitals 642,646 Discharge Activity Inpatient 637,173 645,037 (634,815)

1,074,172 Day Cases 1,069,702 1,142,437 (1,055,851)

439,922 Emergency Discharges 444,010 444,606 (430,995)

92,760 Elective Discharges 85,660 91,635 (92,172)

Outpatients 3,335,855 Total number of new and return outpatient attendances 3,339,859 3,318,604 (3,337,967)

Emergency Care 1,470,729 Total number of Emergency Presentations 1,475,136 1,547,712 (1,416,645)

Delayed Discharges 206,606 Number of bed days lost through delayed discharges ≤200,750 ≤200,750 ≤182.500

476 Number of beds subject to delayed discharges ≤550 ≤550 (500)

Inpatient, Day Case and 84.3% % adults waiting <15 months for an elective procedure (inpatient) 85% 85% Outpatient Waiting (90%) Times 92.9% % adults waiting <15 months for an elective procedure (day case) 95% 95% (95%) 89.8% % children waiting <15 months for an elective procedure (inpatient) 85% 95% (90%) 83.9% % children waiting <15 months for an elective procedure (day case) 90% 90% (90%)

70.4% % people <52 weeks for first access to OPD services 80% 80% (80%)

Colonoscopy / 253 % people waiting <4 weeks for an urgent colonoscopy 0 0 gastrointestinal service (0)

59.1% % people waiting <13 weeks following referral for a routine colonoscopy or OGD 70% 65% (70%) Emergency Care and 64.6% % discharged or admitted within 6 hours of registration 75% 65% Patient Experience Time (75%) 79.4% % discharged or admitted within 9 hours of registration 95% 80% (100%) Average Length of Stay 7 days Medical Patient Average Length Of Stay ≤7.2 ≤7.0 (≤6.3)

5.5 days Surgical patient Average Length Of Stay ≤5.5 ≤5.2 (≤5) Stroke Services % of patients with confirmed acute ischaemic stroke in whom thrombolysis is not 9.4% 12% 12% contraindicated who receive thrombolysis (12%)

% of hospital stay for acute stroke patients in stroke unit who are admitted to an acute or 68.0% 90% 90% combined stroke unit (90%)

Acute Coronary 95.5% % STEMI patients (without contraindication to reperfusion therapy) who get PPCI 95% 95% Syndrome (90%)

Surgery 74.2% % of elective surgical inpatients who had principal procedure conducted on day of admission 82% 82% (82%) 2% % of surgical re-admissions to the same hospital within 30 days of discharge ≤3% ≤2% ≤3% 86.6% % of emergency hip fracture surgery carried out within 48 hours (pre-op LOS: 0, 1 or 2) 85% 85% (95%) Medicine % of emergency re-admissions for acute medical conditions to the same hospital within 30 11.3% ≤11.1% ≤11.1% days of discharge (≤11.1%) [38] Department of Health [38] Indicative Appendix - Objectives, Financial and Human Resources, Outputs and Context and Impact Indicators

Ambulance Services Emergency Response % of clinical status 1 ECHO (life threatening cardiac or respiratory arrest) incidents 79.5% 80% 80% Times responded to by a patient carrying vehicle in 18 minutes and 59 seconds or less) (80%)

% of clinical status 1 DELTA (life threatening cardiac or respiratory arrest) incidents 57.4% responded to by a patient carrying vehicle in 18 minutes and 59 seconds or less) 80% 70% (80%) Intermediate Care % of all transfers which were provided through the Intermediate Care Vehicle (ICV) Service 90.6% Service 90% 90% (90%)

ROSC Return of spontaneous circulation in certain out of hospital cardiac arrests 47.1% 40% 40% (40%)

Cancer % of attendances whose referrals were triaged as urgent by the cancer centre and adhered to 75.7% 95% 95% Symptomatic Breast the national standard of 2 weeks for urgent referrals. (95%) Cancer Services % of attendances whose referrals were triaged as non-urgent by the cancer centre and 67.6% 95% 95% adhered to the national standard of 12 weeks for non-urgent referrals (95%)

% of new attendances to clinic, triaged as urgent, who have a subsequent diagnosis of breast 10.2% >6% >6% cancer (6%)

Lung Cancers % of patients attending the rapid access clinic who attended or were offered an appointment 88.2% within 10 working days of receipt of referral in the cancer centre 95% 95% (95%) % of new attendances to clinic who have a subsequent diagnosis of lung cancer 29% >25% >25% (25%)

Prostate Cancers % of patients attending the rapid access clinic who attended or were offered an appointment 78.1% 90% 90% within 20 working days of receipt of referral in the cancer centre (90%)

% of new attendances to clinic, triaged as urgent, who have a subsequent diagnosis of 36.4% >34.7% >30.0% prostate cancer >30% Radiotherapy % of patients undergoing radical radiotherapy treatment who commenced treatment within 82.3% 15 working days of being deemed ready to treat by the radiation oncologist (palliative care 90% 90% (90%) patients not included) Maternity Maternity Patient Safety % of maternity hospitals / units that have completed and published monthly Maternity Patient 100% Statements Safety Statements 100% 100% (100%) % of Hospital Groups that have discussed a quality and safety agenda with NWIHP on a bi / New PI New PI quarterly / monthly basis, in line with the frequency stipulated by NWIHP 100% NSP2020 NSP2020 % of maternity units / hospitals with full implementation of IMEWS Irish Maternity Early 100% 100% 100% Warning Score (100%) (IMEWS)

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Children's Health Bill 2018. Human Tissue Bill. Health (Regulation of - Children’s Health (Amendment) Bill Human Tissue Bill termination of pregnancy) Bill 2018 - Human Tissue Bill - Patient Safety Bill* - Patient safety (Licensing) Bill

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - National Clinical Effectiveness Committee Maternity Guidelines - A Trauma System for Ireland: Report of the Trauma Steering Group - Health Service Capacity Review 2018. Review of Health demand and capacity requirements in Ireland to 2031

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 Acute Hospitals 1- Inpatient discharges 635,802 634,993* MDR 642,646

2- Day case discharges 1,054,659 1,072,981* 1,074,172

3- Total no. of emergency presentations 1,382,300 1,417,892* 1,470,729

4a- Emergency Discharges 439,922 428,299 432,353*

5a- Elective Discharges 92,014 92,293* 92,760

6- Adults waiting >15 months for an elective procedure (inpatient) 1,839 2,677 2,747

7- Adults waiting >15 months for an elective procedure (daycase) 3,511 3,967 3,269

8- People waiting >15 months for Outpatient services 53,334 106,080 117,557

National Ambulance Service 1- Total number of emergency ambulance calls 313,735 321,379 337,754

2- No. of vehicles 490 509 540

3- No. of clinical status 1 ECHO calls activated 5,427 4,981 5,101

4- No. of clinical status DELTA calls activated 125,151 128,701 140,249 Cancer Care Services

1- No. of attendees at lung cancer rapid access clinics 3,249 3,447 3,730

2- No. of attendees at lung cancer rapid access clinics that received an appointment within target timeframe 2,649 2,852 3,289

3- No. of urgent attendees at symptomatic breast clinics 18,942 19,266 20,443

4- No. of urgent attendees at symptomatic breast clinics that received an appointment within target timeframe 16,658 14,518 15,473

5- No. of non-urgent attendees at symptomatic breast clinics 22,366 21,543 22,408

6- No. (and %) of non-urgent attendees at symptomatic breast clinics that received an appointment within 16,251 15,305 target timeframe 15,142 (72.6%) (71%) (67.6%) 7- No. of patients who completed radical radiotherapy treatment (not including palliative care) 5,131 5,178 5,522

8- No. (and %) of patients undergoing radical radiotherapy treatment who commenced treatment within 15 working days of being deemed ready to treat by the radiation oncologist (palliative care patients not 4,263 3,952 4,544 included) (83% (76.3%) (82.3%)

9- No. of patients attending the prostate rapid access clinic in the cancer centres 2,580 3,015 3,360

10- No. (and %) of patients attending the rapid access clinic who attended or were offered an appointment 1,377 1,853 2,625 within 20 working days of receipt of referral in the cancer centre (53.4%) (61.4%) 89% * Reported actual 2017 figure taken from 2018 Annual Report [38] Department of Health [38] Indicative Appendix - Objectives, Financial and Human Resources, Outputs and Context and Impact Indicators


High Level Goal: To support people with disabilities to live ordinary lives in ordinary places, through delivering person-centred services that enable people with disabilities to live self-directed and fulfilling lives in line with the disability reform programme ‘Transforming Lives’.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers* 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

18,348 18,528 DISABILITY SERVICES …. 1,965,800 67,000 2,032,800 2,054,500 33,000 2,087,500

*Total Social Care numbers (Disability and Older People) Programme Total:- 1,965,800 67,000 2,032,800 2,054,500 33,000 2,087,500

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Safeguarding vulnerable % of preliminary screenings for adults with an outcome of reasonable grounds for concern 98% (over 65s) 100% persons at risk of abuse that are submitted to the safeguarding and protection teams accompanied by an interim (under 65s) 100% 100% safeguarding plan (100%)

Support living in the 1,636,883 Provide personal assistance (PA) hours to persons with a physical and/or sensory disability 1.63m 1.63m community (1.46m) 2,535 Number of adults with a physical and/or sensory disability in receipt of a PA service 2,535 2,552 (2,357) 3,138,939 Provide home support hours to persons with a disability 3.08m 3.08m (2.93m)

Number of people with a disability in receipt of home support services (ID/Autism and 8,094 8,094 7,294 physical / sensory disability) (7,447)

156,725 Provide centre-based respite nights to people with disabilities 182,506 166,183 (182,506) 32,622 Number of day-only respite sessions accessed by people with a disability 32,662 33,712 (42,552)

155 Facilitate movement from congregated to community settings 160 132 (170) Day service Provision 2,269 No. of people (all disabilities) in receipt of Rehabilative Training (RT) (2,432) 2,282 2,290

Number of people with a disability (adult, intellectual disability ( ID), autism and physical / sensory disability) in receipt of day services (excluding rehabilitative training and work like 20,772 22,272 23,547 activities) (19,672) Reconfiguration of 0 services for children with No. of Children’s Disability Network Teams established 80 96 a disability (129)

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

- Report of the Taskforce on Personalised Budgets - Commence pilot of 180 participants to test - Continue pilot - Report of Transforming Lives working group on forecasting demand for the model Disability Services

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018

1- No. of persons with a disability in receipt of work/work-like activity services 3,232 2,645 2,364

2- No. of rehabilitative training places provided (all disabilities) 2,426 2,282 2,269

No. of persons with a disability in receipt of other day services (excluding RT and work / work-like 3- 16,805 16,290 17,092 activity)

4- Number of residential places for people with a disability 8,095 7,249 8,235

5- Total no. of Home Support delivered to adults and children with physical and/or sensory disability 2.9 million 2.8 million 3.1 million EQUALITY BUDGETING OBJECTIVES & PERFORMANCE INDICATORS

High Level Goal: To support people with disabilities to live ordinary lives in ordinary places by: (a) replacing residential institutions or residential campuses with ordinary housing in the community in line with Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; (b) providing more person-centred day services in line with the New Directions policy and reducing the number of people receiving sheltered work/work-like activities.

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2019 Outturn 2020 Output Target Key High Level Metrics

The number of people who are facilitated to move from congregated residential settings to community- Not available until 2020 132 based residential placements Number of people who move from inappropriate work/work-like activity services to community-based day Not available until 2020 232 services No of intensive transitional support packages provided to children and young people with complex/high New 2020 activity 144 support needs

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Number of residential places for people with a disability 8,095 7,249 8,235 % of people with disabilities living in community-based residential placements (i.e. people living in de- 2- 70% 68% 74% congregated residential settings).

3- No. of people with ID and/or autism or physical and sensory disabilities in receipt of a day programme. Not available 21,217 21,725

% of people with ID and/or autism or physical and sensory disabilities on a day programme who are 4- Not available 87% 89% receiving community-based day services

*Work on a census of the overall numbers of people in receipt of day programmes is currently being carried out by the HSE and it is expected that the data from the census will be available in early 2020 [38] Department of Health [38] Indicative Appendix - Objectives, Financial and Human Resources, Outputs and Context and Impact Indicators


High Level Goal: The vision for mental health services is to support the population to achieve their optimal mental health through a number of key priorities which include ensuring the views of service users, family members and carers are central to the design and delivery of services, designing integrated, evidence based and recovery focused services, delivering timely, clinically effective and standardised safe services in adherence to statutory requirements, promoting mental health of the population including reducing loss of life by suicide and enabling the provision of mental health services by highly trained and engaged staff and fit for purpose infrastructure

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

9,582 9,952 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES …. 995,700 74,000 1,069,700 1,031,300 26,000 1,057,300

Programme Total:- 995,700 74,000 1,069,700 1,031,300 26,000 1,057,300

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) General Adult Services % of accepted referrals/re-referrals offered appointment and seen within 12 weeks/3 months 72.7% by General Adult Community Mental Health Teams 75% 75% (75%)

No. of adult referrals seen by Mental Health Services 27,124 28,716 28,716 (29,135)

Psychiatry of Old Age % of accepted referrals /re-referrals offered first appointment and seen within 12 weeks / 3 95.2% Services months by Psychiatry of Old Age Community Mental Health Teams 95% 95% (95%)

No. of psychiatry of old age referrals seen by Mental Health Services 8,553 8,896 8,896 (9,045)

CAMHS Services % of accepted referrals/re-referrals offered appointment and seen within 12 weeks/3 months 72.6% by Child & Adolescent Mental Health Teams 72% 72% (72%)

No. of CAMHS referrals seen by Mental Health Services 10,796 10,833 10,833 (14,365)

Admissions of children to Child and Adolescent Inpatient Units as a % of the total number of 70.7% admissions of children to mental health acute inpatient units. 75% 75% (95%)

No. of admissions to CAMHS acute inpatient units* 203 203 203 (335)

% of bed days used in CAMHS Inpatient Units as a total of bed days used by children in 93.7% mental health inpatient units 95% 95% (95%)

*This does not include CAMHS into adult units

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

Mental Health (Amendment) Bill

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target A Vision for Change Refresh Report 2019

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- No. of admissions to acute adult unit 12,548 12,155 12,106

2- Median length of stay (days) 11 12 5 3- No. of admissions of children to Child and Adolescent Acute Inpatient Units as a % of the total number of admissions of children to mental health acute inpatient units 82.1% 73.5%* 70.7%

* Reported actual 2017 figure taken from 2018 Annual Report [38] Department of Health [38] Indicative Appendix - Objectives, Financial and Human Resources, Outputs and Context and Impact Indicators


High Level Goal: To help people to stay healthy and well, reduce health inequalities and protect people from threats to their health and wellbeing.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

600 600 HEALTH AND WELLBEING …. 129,900 1,500 131,400 141,000 2,000 143,000

Programme Total:- 129,900 1,500 131,400 141,000 2,000 143,000

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Immunisation % children aged 24 months of age who have received the MMR vaccine 92.3% 95% 95% (95%) % children aged 24 months of age who have received three doses of the 6 in 1 vaccine 94.5% 95% 95% (95%) % uptake in flu vaccine for those aged 65 and over with a medical or GP visit card 57.6% 75% 75% (75%)

% 1st year girls who have received 2 doses of HPV vaccine 59.4% 85% 85% (85%) Tobacco *No. of smokers who received intensive cessation support from a cessation counsellor* 10,608 11,500 10,000 (13,000)

Child Health % of new born babies visited by a PHN within 72 hours of discharge from maternity services 96.5% 98% 98% (98%) % babies breastfed (exclusively and not exclusively) at three month PHN visit 40.1% 40% 46% (40%) Food Safety No. of planned and unplanned surveillance inspections of food businesses 32,252 33,000 33,000 (33,000) BreastCheck % women offered hospital admission for treatment within 3 weeks of diagnosis of breast 86.3% 95% 95% cancer >90% % BreastCheck Screening uptake rate 74.5% 70% 70% >70% CervicalCheck % eligible women with at least one satisfactory CervicalCheck screening in a 5 year period 79.5% >80% 80% >80% Average result turnaround time New PI New PI 6 weeks NSP 2020 NSP 2020 BowelScreen % of client uptake rate in the BowelScreen programme 40% 45% TBC** >45%

Diabetic RetinaScreen % Diabetic RetinaScreen uptake 63.9% 68% 68% >65%

* Figure has been revised due to the new national Quit Manager IT system which has highlighted some areas where clients could have been captured in our data twice in historical returns. ** Figure will be available in revised National Service Plan

Legislation 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Public Health (Alcohol) Act 2018 (outturn) - Public Health (Sale of Tobacco Products and - Public Health (Sale of Tobacco Products and Non-Medicinal Nicotine Non-Medicinal Nicotine Delivery Systems) Delivery Systems) Bill 2018 Bill 2019 - Health and Wellbeing (Calorie Posting and Workplace Wellbeing) Bill - General Scheme of the Health and Wellbeing (Calorie Posting and Workplace Wellbeing) Bill

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - National Healthcare Quality Reporting System 4th iteration. - National Healthcare Quality Reporting - Report of the Review of the Patient Safety Complaints and Advocacy System 5th iteration Policy - Healthy Ireland Outcomes Framework

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018

1- Breast cancer screening – no. of women who have had a complete mammogram in eligible population 141,882 164,187 170,583

2- Cervical cancer screening – no. of unique women who had one or more smear tests in a primary setting 253,091 259,099 339,161

3- Colorectal cancer screening – no. of people who completed a satisfactory BowelScreen FIT test 108,285 120,764 105,416

4- Immunisations and Vaccines - % of children 24 months of age who have received the MMR Vaccine 92.5% 92.2% 92.3%

Child Health - % newborn babies visited by a PHN within 72 hours of hospital Discharge 5- 97.7% 98.1% 96.5%

6- Diabetic Retina Screening – no. of clients screened with final grading result 88,807 96,239 100,000 EQUALITY BUDGETING OBJECTIVES & PERFORMANCE INDICATORS

High Level Goal: To reduce overall prevalence of smoking in the population, and in particular to narrow the gap between the highest and lowest social class groupings.

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Outturn 2019 Outturn 2020 Outturn Key High Level Metrics (208 Output Target) (2019 Output Target) Smoking prevalence (% population aged 15 and over who are current smokers) as measured in Healthy 20% 17% 16% Ireland Survey. (21%) (19%) Gap between smoking prevalence in the 3 most deprived and in the 3 least deprived population deciles 10% 10% 10% (15%) 10%

Context and Impact indicators 2017 2018 2019 1- Increase in excise duty on tobacco products (indicator for pack of 20 cigarettes with pro rata increase on 50c 50c 50c other products) 2- Additional increase in excise duty on 30g‘roll your own’ tobacco products to narrow price differential with 25c 25c 0c cigarettes and reducing attractiveness to younger smokers in particular [38] Health [38] III. Details of certain subheads

ADMINISTRATION A.1 - SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES: 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

Minister, Minister of State and Central 38 67 Secretariat .... 2,286 - 2,286 3,870 - 3,870 44 69 Primary Care …. 2,628 - 2,628 3,970 - 3,970 36 48 Social Care …. 2,170 - 2,170 2,770 - 2,770 68 67 Acute Care …. 4,000 - 4,000 3,820 - 3,820 Nursing / Midwifery, Mental Health, Drugs Policy 37 48 Social Inclusion …. 2,229 - 2,229 2,770 - 2,770 73 49 Office of the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) …. 4,286 - 4,286 2,825 - 2,825 61 52 Governance and Performance …. 3,600 - 3,600 2,970 - 2,970 39 48 Policy and Strategy …. 2,343 - 2,343 2,750 - 2,750 31 43 Research & Development and Health Analytics …. 1,886 - 1,886 2,450 - 2,450 33 44 Finance and Evaluation …. 2,000 - 2,000 2,520 - 2,520 65 65 National HR …. 3,714 - 3,714 3,710 - 3,710 Overtime …. 200 - 200 175 - 175 Allowances …. 200 - 200 250 - 250 Social Welfare Employer's Contributions …. 1,150 - 1,150 1,150 - 1,150

525 600 Total :- 32,692 - 32,692 36,000 - 36,000

A.5 - OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES: 1. Office Equipment .... 1,750 473 2,223 1,850 473 2,323 2. IT External Service Provision …. ------Total :- 1,750 473 2,223 1,850 473 2,323 GRANTS

B.1 - GRANTS TO RESEARCH BODIES AND OTHER RESEARCH GRANTS .... Payments to: 1. Health Research Board .... 33,014 - 33,014 33,014 - 33,014 2. National Cancer Registry Board .... 3,123 - 3,123 3,423 - 3,423 3. Other Research Grants .... 3,863 - 3,863 5,713 - 5,713 Total :- 40,000 - 40,000 42,150 - 42,150 OTHER SERVICES

C. - EXPENSES IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION AND OTHER INTERNATIONAL BODIES: 1. Subscriptions to the World Health Organisation .... 1,900 - 1,900 2,300 - 2,300 2. Subscriptions to other international bodies .... 550 - 550 100 - 100 Total :- 2,450 - 2,450 2,400 - 2,400


Health Products Regulatory Authority .... 4,316 - 4,316 5,193 - 5,193 Food Safety Authority of Ireland .... 15,779 - 15,779 15,972 - 15,972 Institute of Public Health .... 1,377 - 1,377 1,377 - 1,377 National Council for Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery …. - - - - - Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council …. 2,997 - 2,997 2,997 - 2,997 Mental Health Commission …. 13,974 - 13,974 13,974 - 13,974 Health Information and Quality Authority …. 16,269 - 16,269 16,269 - 16,269 Health and Social Care Professionals Council …. 3,135 - 3,135 3,135 - 3,135 Office of the Disability Appeals Officer …. - - - - National Advisory Council on Drugs …. - - - - Other .... 20,667 - 20,667 21,564 - 21,564 Total :- 78,514 - 78,514 80,481 - 80,481 [39] Office of Government Procurement [39]

39 OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of Government Procurement.

(a) by way of current year provision Eighteen million three hundred and fifty-two thousand euro (€18,352,000) (b) by way of the application for capital supply services of unspent appropriations, the surrender of which may be deferred under Section 91 of the Finance Act 2004. Fifty-nine thousand euro (€59,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform. Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - DELIVERY OF CENTRAL PROCUREMENT SERVICE 17,894 587 18,481 18,123 587 18,710 1% Gross Total :- 17,894 587 18,481 18,123 587 18,710 1%

Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 450 - 450 358 - 358 -20% Net Total :- 17,444 587 18,031 17,765 587 18,352 2%

Net Increase (€000) 321

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 14,235 14,556 2%

Associated Public Service employees .... 249 249 -

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 ADMINISTRATION over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in the above 2019 Programme allocations %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES …. 14,685 - 14,685 14,914 - 14,914 2% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 155 - 155 210 - 210 35% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 444 - 444 715 - 715 61% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 90 - 90 107 - 107 19% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 180 61 241 170 65 235 -2% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 200 214 414 100 27 127 -69% Gross Total :- 15,754 275 16,029 16,216 92 16,308 2%

Subheads under which it is intended to apply the amount of €59,000 in unspent 2019 appropriations to capital supply services.

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Change Application of Deferred Surrender 2020 over €000 €000 2019

A.2 - ADMINISTRATION NON-PAY …. 96 59 -39%

96 59 -39% [39] Office of Government Procurement [39]

III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To lead the Procurement Reform Programme, bringing procurement policy and operations together and focussing on building procurement capacity and capability.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Numbers 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 249 249 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 14,685 - 14,685 14,914 - 14,914 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,069 275 1,344 1,302 92 1,394 A.3 - PROCUREMENT CONSULTANCY AND OTHER COSTS …. 2,140 312 2,452 1,907 495 2,402 Programme Total:- 17,894 587 18,481 18,123 587 18,710 249 249 of which pay:- 14,685 14,685 14,914 14,914

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Savings to be enabled from procurement activity by Sourcing €71m €20m - 40m €10m - €30m Organisations (€67m) Number of OGP Frameworks established 22 23 40 (22) Estimated total contract value of OGP Frameworks established €600m €710m €1,500m (€600m) Estimated total number of OGP mini-competitions 1,122 1,000 950 (1000) Estimated total contract value of OGP Mini Competitions €600m €550m €650m - €700m (€600m) % increase in number of active registered users on eTenders 0.5% 5% 1% (5%) OGP Customer Helpdesk - % of queries closed within 24 hours 85% 80% 80% (80%)

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target

Public Service Spend and Tendering Analysis Public Service Spend and Tendering Public Service Spend and Tendering Report 2016 Analysis Report 2017 Analysis Report 2018

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 Savings enabled by Sourcing Organisations (OGP, Health, Defence, Local Authority, 1- €131m €156m €71m Education) from procurement activity 2- % increase in number of active suppliers* on eTenders 16.3%** 6.1% 0.5% *Suppliers who expressed an interest in a public procurement competition or submitted a bid via their company profile on eTenders in the previous 2 years **The indicator for 2016 and for previous years used a different measurement based on the increases in login activity by suppliers rather than engagement in public procurement.

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

C - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1. Miscellaneous .... 2. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on 50 - 50 50 - 50 Public Service Remuneration …. 400 - 400 308 - 308 Total :- 450 - 450 358 - 358 [40] Children and Youth Affairs [40] 40

CHILDREN AND YOUTH AFFAIRS I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, for certain services administered by that Office and for the payment of grants.

One thousand, five hundred and eighty-six million and twenty thousand euro (€1,586,020,000)

II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs. Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate** 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - CHILDREN AND FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAMME …. 820,633 15,194 835,827 832,933 19,194 852,127 2% B - SECTORAL PROGRAMMES FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE .... 647,739 12,406 660,145 717,753 11,806 729,559 11% C - POLICY AND LEGISLATION PROGRAMME .... 29,341 - 29,341 31,379 - 31,379 7% Gross Total :- 1,497,713 27,600 1,525,313 1,582,065 31,000 1,613,065 6% Deduct :- D - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 27,637 - 27,637 27,045 - 27,045 -2% Net Total :- 1,470,076 27,600 1,497,676 1,555,020 31,000 1,586,020 6%

Net Increase (€000) 88,344

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 322,104 335,458 4%

Associated Public Service employees .... 5,237 5,349 2%

Exchequer pensions included in above net total .... 2,712 3,198 18%

Associated Public Service pensioners .... 598 628 5%

Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate** 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 15,359 - 15,359 18,746 - 18,746 22% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 187 - 187 167 - 167 -11% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 786 - 786 625 - 625 -20% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 119 - 119 234 - 234 97% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 681 - 681 648 - 648 -5% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 433 - 433 563 - 563 30% (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 142 - 142 547 - 547 285% Gross Total :- 17,707 - 17,707 21,530 - 21,530 22%

* The 2019 Estimate includes a Supplementary Estimate of €15,000,000 ** The 2020 Estimate reflects a Budget Transfer of €430,000 to the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer. [40] Children and Youth Affairs [40] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To support and improve the existing service delivery arrangements to protect and support the welfare of children, young people and families, including oversight of the Child and Family Agency.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 64 74 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 2,612 - 2,612 3,937 - 3,937 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 401 - 401 585 - 585 4,571 4,636 A.3 - CHILD AND FAMILY AGENCY …. 795,060 13,194 808,254 801,978 15,394 817,372 281 281 A.4 - YOUTH JUSTICE - INCLUDING OBERSTOWN CHILDREN DETENTION CAMPUS …. 22,560 2,000 24,560 25,588 3,800 29,388 A.5 - GUARDIAN AD LITEM EXECUTIVE OFFICE …. - - - 845 - 845 Programme Total:- 820,633 15,194 835,827 832,933 19,194 852,127 4,916 4,991 of which pay:- 308,516 308,516 318,082 318,082

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Key High Level Metrics (2018 Output Target)

Child and Family Agency 92% - Care Plans % of children across all care settings to have a care (>90%) >90% >90% plan - Family Resource Centre 121 Number of funded Family Resource Centres 120 121 Programme (120) - Domestic, Sexual and Number of funded Emergency Domestic Violence 22 22 22 Gender Based Violence Refuges (22) Services Number of funded emergency domestic violence 155 160 160 refuge spaces (family units) (152) 82% - Foster Care % of Approval rate for relative foster carers 100% 100% (100%)

% of children who require a social work service 76% - Social Work Service 90% 90% who have an allocated social worker (Open Cases) (>90%) Youth Justice - Safe and No. of safe and secure children detention school 54 secure detention places 54 54 places provided (70-82)

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Eleventh Report of the Special Rapporteur on - Twelfth Report of the Special Rapporteur on - Thirteenth Report of the Special Rapporteur Child Protection Child Protection on Child Protection

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Number of children in care 6,258 6,297 6,029 2- Number of referrals for child welfare and protection 47,399 53,755 55,316 Number of open cases with Tusla assessed as needing a social work service 3- 25,034 24,891 26,433 (includes children in care) [40] Children and Youth Affairs [40] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To continue to support the provision of both universal and targeted services for the care, development and well-being of children and young people.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 109 126 B.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 6,143 - 6,143 6,748 - 6,748 B.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 939 - 939 1,002 - 1,002 B.3 - ECCE AND AIM PRE-SCHOOL PROGRAMMES …. 328,300 - 328,300 338,576 - 338,576 B.4 - NATIONAL CHILDCARE SCHEME AND OTHER CHILDCARE PROGRAMMES …. 166,350 - 166,350 216,350 - 216,350 B.5 - CHILDCARE PROGRAMMES: DELIVERY SUPPORTS AND OTHER INITIATIVES …. 67,098 9,206 76,304 74,210 8,806 83,016 B.6 - YOUTH ORGANISATIONS AND SERVICES (PART FUNDED BY THE NATIONAL LOTTERY) …. 60,045 3,200 63,245 61,789 3,000 64,789 B.7 - PREVENTION AND EARLY INTERVENTION PROGRAMMES …. 9,500 - 9,500 9,500 - 9,500 B.8 - INTERVENTION PROGRAMMES FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE (DORMANT ACCOUNTS FUNDED) …. 7,166 - 7,166 7,234 - 7,234 B.9 - PROGRAMME FOR PEACE AND RECONCILIATION …. 2,098 - 2,098 2,244 - 2,244 B.10 - CREATIVE IRELAND ( …. ) 100 - 100 100 - 100 Programme Total:- 647,739 12,406 660,145 717,753 11,806 729,559 109 126 of which pay:- 10,353 - 10,353 11,458 - 11,458

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Key High Level Metrics (2018 Output Target) ECCE and AIM Pre- No. of children enrolled in the ECCE Programme 118,870 109,500 109,905 School Programmes (126,312) Number of approvals for additional assistance under 3,079 AIM 3,704 4,445 (N/A) National Childcare Number of children on NCS & other targeted New metric 85,283 100,000 Scheme & Other Childcare schemes Youth programmes No. of children and young people to benefit from 380,000 380,000 380,000 engagement in programmes (380,000)

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Youth programmes - LGBTI+ Youth Strategy - Year 1 Report on Implementation of LGBTI+ - Second Report on Implementation of National Youth Strategy LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy Prevention and Early Intervention - National Evaluation Report of the Prevention - Measurement Framework for Prevention - Prevention and Early Intervention Summit Programmes Programmes Programme as part of Tusla Prevention, with associated reports Partnership and Family Support (PPFS) Programme Intervention Programmes for - National Outcomes for Children Data Hub - Quality and Capacity Building Initiative - Evidence Matrix - Children (QCBI) Learning Framework initiatives Catalogue of Evidence Based Programmes in Ireland published on-line - National Outcomes for Children Data Hub - ‘What Works*’ Learning Framework - QCBI Knowledge Exchange Platform and Guidance Document Evidence Matrix - Documented findings of the ‘What Works’ Executive Leadership Programme * QCBI re-branded to ‘What Works’ during 2019

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- % of staff in ELC settings with a relevant degree New metric 21% 23% 2- Number of children benefitting from AIM targeted supports New metric 2,486 4,170 [40] Children and Youth Affairs [40]


High Level Goal: Make childcare more affordable so as to reduce the barriers to women’s labour market participation (in addition to supporting other high-level goals, which include positive child outcomes, narrowing the attainment gap, and poverty reduction). Key Outputs and Public Service Activities Key High Level Metrics 2018 Output Outurn 2019 Output Outurn 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) (2019 Output Target) Number of children receiving financial support under an ELC/SAC support scheme1 185,116 185,448 195,212 (184,000) (179,500) Percentage of ELC and SAC services in contract for full time services 34% 34% 33% (33%) (33%) Maximum subsidy as % of average full-time fees 81% 79% 80% (80%) (80%) Universal subsidy (under-3s) as % of average full-time fees 11% 11% 11% (11%) (11%) 1 For this metric, dual access to schemes is accounted for (including the small cohort of children that attend CCSP during ECCE holidays), therefore for this metric, each child can be counted in one scheme only.

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 1- Employment-rate of women with children 61.9% 64% 66.8% 2- % of under 3s in formal childcare2 28.6% 34.4% Not yet available 3- % of 3-5 year olds in formal childcare2 92.9% 93.1% Not yet available 4- % of 6-14 year olds in childcare services in contract with DCYA 4.2% 4.0% 4.8% 2 This indicator from the EU SILC dataset is available 2 years in arrears. [40] Children and Youth Affairs [40] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To oversee key areas of policy, legislation and inter-sectoral collaboration to improve the lives and well-being of children and young people.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 130 150 C.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 6,604 - 6,604 8,061 - 8,061 C.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,008 - 1,008 1,197 - 1,197 C.3 - MISCELLANEOUS LEGAL FEES AND SETTLEMENTS …. 417 - 417 539 - 539 C.4 - NATIONAL LONGITUDINAL STUDY AND OTHER RESEARCH PROGRAMMES …. 2,796 - 2,796 3,210 - 3,210 C.5 - CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE'S POLICY FRAMEWORK AND OTHER PROGRAMMES …. 7,645 - 7,645 6,048 - 6,048 31 31 C.6 - ADOPTION AUTHORITY OF IRELAND …. 4,913 - 4,913 5,667 - 5,667 21 21 C.7 - OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN FOR CHILDREN …. 2,747 - 2,747 2,865 - 2,865 30 30 C.8 - COMMISSION OF INVESTIGATION …. 3,211 - 3,211 3,792 - 3,792 Programme Total:- 29,341 - 29,341 31,379 - 31,379 212 232 of which pay:- 11,636 - 11,636 13,258 - 13,258

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities

Legislation 2018 Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2019 (Guardian - Children (Amendment) Bill 2020 ad litem)

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Mid-Term Review of Better Outcomes Brighter - Better Outcomes Brighter Futures Annual - Better Outcomes Brighter Futures Final Better Outcomes Brighter Futures Futures Report (2017/2018) published Report Framework (2014-2020) for Children & Young People Voice of Children & Young People - Updated Action Plan for the Implementation - Mid Term Review of National Strategy on - Phase II Report on Implementation of of National Strategy on Children and Young Children and Young People’s Participation in National Strategy on Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-Making Decision-Making 2015-2020 People’s Participation in Decision-Making 2015-2020 2015-2020 - Fourth Annual Report on Implementation of National Strategy on Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-Making 2015-2020 Growing Up in Ireland - A Series of 4 Key Findings with summary data for - A report on development from birth to five - A report on the lives of 17 year olds (Child Infant Cohort age 9 years old (infant cohort) Cohort) - A report on the lives of 13 year olds (Child Cohort) - A thematic report on the effects of the recession and family stress on the adjustment of three-year-olds

- A descriptive report on 17 year olds State of the Nation’s Children - 7th Report in biennial series - Ongoing publication of data relating to the Report Ireland State of the Nation's Children as a live data - Data Repository to go live with key indicator source on www.gov.ie Data Repository data on children and young people`s outcomes

Evaluation - Focussed Policy Assessment of the Affordable - Focussed Policy Assessment of the Early - Focussed Policy Assessment of the Early Childcare Scheme: Cost drivers, Model Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Higher Childhood Care and Education Higher Assumptions and Policy Extensions Capitation Scheme Capitation Scheme

- A report to Establish a Baseline Scenario for Engagement by Traveller and Roma with School

- A report to Establish a Baseline Scenario for Child Poverty in Ireland

Context and Impact indicators

2016 2017 2018

Number of applications to access data collected under the National Longitudinal Study 1- 164 140 152 of Children in Ireland [40] Children and Youth Affairs [40]

III. Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 D. - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID:

1. Superannuation Scheme - Child and Family Agency …. 8,925 - 8,925 8,974 - 8,974 2. Superannuation Scheme - Non-teaching Staff of Oberstown Children Detention Campus …. 556 - 556 547 - 547 3. Superannuation Scheme - Adoption Authority of Ireland …. 1 - 1 1 - 1 4. Superannuation Scheme - Office of the Ombudsman for Children …. 2 - 2 2 - 2 5. Miscellaneous …. 874 - 874 574 - 574 6. Dormant Accounts Receipts …. 7,166 - 7,166 7,234 - 7,234 7. Programme for Peace and Reconcilliation …. 1,712 - 1,712 2,373 - 2,373 8. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 8,401 - 8,401 7,340 - 7,340 Total :- 27,637 - 27,637 27,045 - 27,045 [41] Policing Authority [41] 41 POLICING AUTHORITY I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Policing Authority. Three million, three hundred and sixty-six thousand euro (€3,366,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Policing Authority. Change 2020 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate over Current Current 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 %


Deduct :- B. - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 52 47 -10% Net Total :- 3,324 3,366 1%

Net Increase (€000) 42

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 2,124 2,166 2% Associated Public Service employees .... 39 39 -

Change 2020 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate over ADMINISTRATION Current Current 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 2,176 2,213 2% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 50 50 - (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 745 745 - (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 50 50 - (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 125 125 - (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES …. 130 130 - (vii) CONSULTANY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 100 100 #DIV/0!- Gross Total :- 3,376 3,413 1% [41] Policing Authority [41] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: Provision of independent oversight of the policing functions of the Garda Síochána

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 39 39 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 2,176 - 2,176 2,213 - 2,213 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,200 - 1,200 1,200 - 1,200 Programme Total:- 3,376 - 3,376 3,413 - 3,413

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Key High Level Metrics (2018 Output Target) No. of meetings of the Policing Authority with the 11 11 11 Garda Commissioner (11) No. of Authority Committee meetings 29 20 20 (27) No. of Engagement with Joint Policing Committee 1 1 1 Chairs (1) No. of Selection Competitions for senior ranks in the Garda 2 3* 3* Síochána (2) No. of Public events live streamed 1 2 2 (1) *if required

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - 2x Half-yearly assessment of Policing Performance - 2x Half-yearly assessment of Policing - 2x Half-yearly assessment of Policing Performance Performance

Context and Impact Indicators 2016 2017 2018 Increased transparency as evidenced by meetings with the Garda Commissioner in public to oversee policing 5 5 6 performance and events relating to policing oversight held in public or live streamed Appointments to positions in the senior leadership of the 2 37 46 Garda Síochána after independent selection processes

Evidence produced and publically available arising from the oversight of policing including in the Garda Commissioner’s 2 18 22 monthly report to the Authority and arising from Authority assessments of policing performance, research and other publications. (No. of publications)

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

C - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1 Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 52 - 52 47 - 47 Total :- 52 - 52 47 - 47 [42] Rural & Community Development [42] 42 RURAL & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Minister for Rural and Community Development including certain services administered by that Office and for the payment of grants.

Two hundred and sixty-three million, eight hundred and eighty thousand euro (€263,880,000)

7 II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Rural and Community Development.

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate* 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND REGIONAL AFFAIRS …. 15,489 122,882 138,371 15,780 133,882 149,662 8% B - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT .... 133,107 15,118 148,225 137,861 16,118 153,979 4% C - CHARITIES REGULATORY AUTHORITY …. 4,606 - 4,606 4,606 - 4,606 - Gross Total :- 153,202 138,000 291,202 158,247 150,000 308,247 6% Deduct :- D - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... 13,020 17,500 30,520 16,467 27,900 44,367 45% Net Total :- 140,182 120,500 260,682 141,780 122,100 263,880 1%

Net Increase (€000) 3,198

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... 12,325 13,497 10% Associated Public Service employees .... 229 239 4%

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate* 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total ADMINISTRATION 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES .... 8,457 - 8,457 9,600 - 9,600 14% (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... 604 - 604 500 - 500 -17% (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... 539 - 539 764 - 764 42% (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... 191 16 207 60 5 65 -69% (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... 1,416 281 1,697 190 145 335 -80% (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... 289 36 325 180 183 363 12% (vii) CONSULTANCY SERVICES AND VALUE FOR MONEY AND POLICY REVIEWS …. 90 - 90 330 - 330 - (viii) RESEARCH …. - - - 100 - 100 - Gross Total :- 11,586 333 11,919 11,724 333 12,057 1%

* The 2020 Estimate reflects a Budget Transfer of €175,000 to the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) in respect of the Department's ICT managed service. [42] Rural & Community Development [42]

III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To facilitate the economic development of Ireland's regions and foster the sustainable development of vibrant rural communities.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 90 91 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 4,711 - 4,711 5,276 - 5,276 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,749 182 1,931 1,154 182 1,336 17 24 A.3 - WESTERN DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION …. 2,028 - 2,028 2,049 - 2,049 A.4 - RURAL SUPPORTS* …. 5,300 15,000 20,300 5,600 15,000 20,600 A.5 - LEADER - RURAL ECONOMY SUB PROGRAMME …. - 30,000 30,000 - 40,000 40,000 A.6 - TIDY TOWNS COMPETITION …. 1 - 1 1 - 1 A.7 - REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT …. 1,700 700 2,400 1,700 700 2,400 A.8 - RURAL REGENERATION & DEVELOPMENT** …. - , 52,000, 52,000 - 78,000 78,000 Programme Total:- 15,489 122,882 138,371 15,780 133,882 149,662 107 115 of which pay:- 5,962 5,962 6,547 6,547

*Note 1: A4. RURAL SUPPORTS - consists of the CLÁR programme and Walks Programme (both formerly part of National Rural Development Schemes) and the Local Improvement Scheme. **Note 2: A8. RURAL REGENERATION & DEVELOPMENT – Town and Village Regeneration and Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS) (formerly part of National Rural Development Schemes) integrated into Rural Regeneration and Development, in line with commitments in National Development Plan.

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Rural Supports No of private landlords in Walks Scheme 1,918 2,100 2,200 (1,900) No. of Trails covered by Walks Scheme 39 45 49 (39) No. CLÁR projects approved New Metric New Metric 160

LEADER No. of projects supported 1,576 2,400* 3,600* (1,200) No. of enterprises supported 423 600* 900* (300) Regional Economic No. of local authorities with digital strategy (or 5 31 31 Development equivalent) in place (31) No. of Broadband Connection Points** New Metric New Metric 300

No. of Atlantic Economic Corridor (AEC) New Metric New Metric 5 development projects No. of hubs in the AEC hub network New Metric New Metric 10

Rural Regeneration Rural Regeneration and Development Fund: No. of and Development projects completed New Metric New Metric 25

No. of projects approved for Town and Village 224 renewal funding 220 150 (250)

No. of projects approved for the Outdoor Recreation 224 Infrastructure Scheme 180 180 (200)

* Cumulative data for 2019 and 2020. ** Broadband Connection Points (BCPs) will provide onsite access to high-speed broadband for rural and remote communities ahead of the arrival of the National Broadband Plan.

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2019 Output Target Action Plan for Rural Development - Progress Report National Social Enterprise Strategy National Rural Development Policy 2020-2025

Context and Impact indicators End of project indicators for the LEADER Programme 2014-2020: 2016 2017 2018*

1- Total number of individuals who have progressed into employment or self- 16.2 (FTE) 786.4 (FTE) employment and total employment numbers maintained as a result of RDP N/A 1.5 created 181.9 created interventions 14.7 sustained 604.4 sustained 2- No. of people trained N/A N/A 231 3- No. of people benefitting from basic services for hard to reach communities N/A 6,082 305,513 4- No. of young people who participated in rural youth initiatives N/A N/A 6,648 5- No. of people who visited tourist attractions attributed to LEADER funding N/A 5,376 354,449

* Cumulative data for 2018. Drawdown of LEADER funding commenced primarily in 2018 following approval of projects by Local Action Groups. Data refers to completed LEADER projects i.e. when the final payment is made to the beneficiary. Jobs created/sustained refers only to jobs created or sustained after the LEADER initiative is up and running. [42] Rural & Community Development [42] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goals: To promote and support the development of vibrant inclusive communities and of the community and voluntary sector.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 67 68 B.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 3,670 - 3,670 4,177 - 4,177 B.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 1,350 151 1,501 891 151 1,042 B.3 - SUPPORTS FOR COMMUNITY AND VOLUNTARY SECTOR (NAT LOTT) …. 12,587 1 12,588 12,587 1 12,588 B.4 - SICAP, LOCAL/REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT SUPPORTS (NAT LOTT) …. 43,265 - 43,265 44,065 - 44,065 B.5 - LOCAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - COMMITTEE (SUPPORT) …. 1,905 - 1,905 2,405 - 2,405 B.6 - SUPPORTS FOR DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITIES …. 5,233 1,767 7,000 5,233 1,267 6,500 B.7 - DORMANT ACCOUNT MEASURES …. 10,070 2,500 12,570 10,070 2,500 12,570 B.8 - PROGRAMME FOR PEACE AND RECONCILIATION …. 4,317 650 4,967 6,317 650 6,967 7 8 B.9 - WATER SAFETY IRELAND …. 1,118 - 1,118 1,124 - 1,124 B.10 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT AND ARCHIVE SERVICE …. 1,102 6,049 7,151 1,102 7,049 8,151 B.11 - COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT PROGRAMME …. - 4,000 4,000 - 4,500 4,500 B.12 - COMMUNITY SERVICES PROGRAMME …. 46,190 - 46,190 46,890 - 46,890 B.13 - SOCIAL INCLUSION UNITS …. 550 - 550 550 - 550 B.14 - PUBLIC PARTICIPATION NETWORKS …. 1,750 - 1,750 2,450 - 2,450 74 76 Programme Total:- 133,107 15,118 148,225 137,861 16,118 153,979 of which pay:- 4,036 4,036 4,549 4,549

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities Key High Level Metrics 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Senior Alerts Scheme No. of approved participants New Metric New Metric 21,000

SICAP* Total number of community groups assisted under SICAP 2,558 2,230 2,273 (2,219) Total number of individuals (15 years upwards) engaged 31,967 27,550 27,313 under SICAP on a one-to-one basis (27,452) Water Safety Ireland No. of Summer Water Safety Weeks (water rescue courses) 199 199 199 organised and run (199) Libraries Development No. of new My Open Libraries New Metric New Metric 32

Community No. of initiatives completed Enhancement New Metric New Metric 2,000 Programme (CEP) Community Services No. of organisations supported financially 413 400 454 Programme (400) No. of individuals employed full-time 1,826 1,650 1,977 (1,650) No. of individuals employed part-time 1,121 1,020 1,176 (1,020)

* Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme: Following consultation and review, changes made to the programme include reduced targets to enable more intensive engagement with disadvantaged individuals and groups.

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target - Implementation Plan for the "Our Communities" - Sustainable, inclusive and empowered communities: a - National Volunteering Strategy Local and Community Development Framework five year strategy to support the Community and - Public Participation Network: Annual Report Policy Voluntary Sector in Ireland 2020 - Public Participation Network: Annual Report 2018 - Public Participation Network: Annual Report 2019

Context and Impact indicators 2016 2017 2018 SICAP No. of people employed within 6 months of SICAP New Metric New Metric 1,616 Employment Supports No. of people self-employed within 6 months of SICAP New Metric New Metric 3,070 Employment Supports Libraries Number of visits to local authority libraries (millions) 17.3 17.3 17 Total items borrowed (millions)** 18 17 17.9 Public Participation No. of member organisations 11,962 12,825 14,846 Networks **Includes books, DVDs, audio, eBooks, e-magazines, e-audio etc. [42] Rural & Community Development [42] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goals: To ensure the operation and development of effective regulation of the charities sector

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 48 48 C.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. 76 - 76 147 - 147 C.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. 30 - 30 79 - 79 C.3 - CHARITIES REGULATORY AUTHORITY …. 4,490 - 4,490 4,370 - 4,370 C.4 - CHARITIES APPEALS TRIBUNAL 10 - 10 10 - 10 48 48 Programme Total:- 4,606 - 4,606 4,606 - 4,606 of which pay:- 2,727 2,727 2,748 2,748

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) No. of Charities on the Register at the end of year 9,799 11,100 11,200 (9,700)

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target Charities Regulatory Authority: Statement of Strategy 2019- Annual Report 2019 2021

Context and Impact indicators

2016 2017 2018

No. Charities Registered- 84 1,841 3,158 1- (a) Section 39 Organisations* 7,919 7,220 6,641 (b) Section 40 Organisations**

No. Applications Registered- 84 1,757 1,321 2- (a) Section 39 Organisations* 3,655 5,902 6,641 (b) Section 40 Organisations**

3- No. Charities Deregistered 314 699 579

4- No. Annual Reports Received 4,500 6,005 7,321

*"S39 Charities” are those Charities registered by the Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA) **"S40 Charites” are Charities that held a CHY number prior to the establishment of the CRA (deemed registered)

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000


1. Miscellaneous Contributions …. 50 - 50 50 - 50 2. LEADER Rural Economy Sub Programme …. - 15,000 15,000 - 25,000 25,000 3. Programme for Peace and Reconciliation …. 2,500 - 2,500 6,000 400 6,400 4. Dormant Accs - Programme Expenditure …. 10,070 2,500 12,570 10,070 2,500 12,570 5. SICAP - Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme …. ------6. Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. 400 - 400 347 - 347 Total :- 13,020 17,500 30,520 16,467 27,900 44,367 [43] Office of the Government Chief Information Officer [43]

43 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNMENT CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer

Twenty one million, seven hundred and four thousand euro (€21,704,000)

II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

A - GOVERNMENT ICT SERVICES …. - - - 18,219 3,610 21,829 - Gross Total :- 18,219 3,610 21,829 - Deduct :- B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... - - - 125 - 125 - Net Total :- - - - 18,094 3,610 21,704 -

Net Increase (€000) 21,704

Exchequer pay included in above net total .... - 5,330 - Associated Public Service employees .... - 65 -

Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate 2020 ADMINISTRATION over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in the above 2019 Programme allocations €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 %

(i) SALARIES, WAGES AND ALLOWANCES …. - - - 5,445 - 5,445 - (ii) TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE .... - - - 70 - 70 - (iii) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES .... - - - 137 - 137 - (iv) POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .... - - - 292 - 292 - (v) OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND EXTERNAL IT SERVICES .... - - - 960 240 1,200 - (vi) OFFICE PREMISES EXPENSES .... - - - 30 - 30 - (vii) CONSULTANCY AND OTHER SERVICES …. ------Gross Total :- - - - 6,934 240 7,174 -

* The Estimate for 2019 for the Office of the Government Chief Information Office is reflected in the main, in Vote 11, The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. Other budget transfers were received from the Votes of the President’s Establishment, the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General, the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government, the Department of Defence, the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, the Department of Justice and Equality, the Department of Rural and Community Development, the Department of Education and Skills, the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, the National Shared Services Office, the Prison Service and the Public Appointments Service. [43] Office of the Government Chief Information Officer [43] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: To drive the digital transformation agenda across Government while providing and developing pan-public service ICT infrastructure, service delivery models and cross government applications.

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 - 65 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. - - - 5,445 - 5,445 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. - - - 1,489 240 1,729 A.3 - GOVERNMENT ICT SERVICES …. - - - 11,285 3,370 14,655 Programme Total:- - - - 18,219 3,610 21,829

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities 2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (2018 Output Target) Build to Share New Metric 4,800 7,500 services available to Applications suite: active daily users** the Public Service* Desktop: active daily users*** New Metric 2,500 4,500

Gov.ie page impressions per annum New Metric 5 million 6 million

Government cloud tenants New Metric 10 15

Digital Postbox service users New Metric 0 5

Digital Government Verified MyGovID accounts New Metric 400,000 500,000

Number of Government sites connected by Government New Metric 600 800 Networks Division * The Build to Share programme is creating common ICT shared services to support integration across the wider Public Service to drive efficiency, standardisation, consolidation, reduction in duplication and thereby control cost. ** Under Build to Share, the OGCIO has developed a range of applications such as electronic parliamentary questions (ePQs) and electronic submissions (eSubs) that are available to Government Departments, Offices and bodies under the aegis and which are enabling increased productivity. ***Under Build to Share, the OGCIO has developed a managed desktop service which includes the central management, oversight and delivery of common core office productivity services and a suite of core ICT infrastructure services that are available to Government Departments, Offices and bodies under the aegis and which are enabling increased productivity and efficiencies through economies of scale..

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target -Public Service Data Strategy - Cloud Computing Advice Note Digital Strategy for Public Service - Cruinniú GovTech 2019 Report published

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1 Miscellaneous .... - - - 10 - 10 2 Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. - - - 115 - 115 Total :- - - - 125 - 125 [44] Data Protection Commission [44] 44 DATA PROTECTION COMMISSION I. Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December 2020 for the salaries and expenses of the Data Protection Commission Sixteen million, six hundred and eighty-six thousand euro (€16,686,000) II. Programmes under which the Subheads for this Vote will be accounted for by the Data Protection Commission

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 2020 * Estimate over Current Current 2019 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE €000 €000 %

A - DATA PROTECTION REGULATION - 16,916 - Gross Total :- - 16,916 -

Deduct :- B. - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID .... - 230 - Net Total :- - 16,686 -

Net Increase (€000) 16,686

Associated Public Service employees .... - 176 -

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 2020 * Estimate over ADMINISTRATION Current Current 2019 Functional split of Administrative Budgets, which are included in above Programme allocations. €000 €000 %


* The Estimate for 2019 for the Data Protection Commission is reflected in Vote 24 Justice and Equality [44] Data Protection Commission [44] III. Details of Programmes - Objectives, Outputs and Financial & Human Resources PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE


High Level Goal: Data Protection Regulation

Financial & Human Resource Inputs 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Numbers Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 - 176 A.1 - ADMINISTRATION - PAY …. - - - 10,552 - 10,552 A.2 - ADMINISTRATION - NON-PAY …. - - - 6,364 - 6,364 Programme Total:- - - - 16,916 - 16,916

Key Outputs and Public Service Activities

2018 Output Outturn Key High Level Metrics 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target (25 May - 31 December 2018)

No. of Complaints concluded 1,480 6,000 7,000

No. of Breach Notifications concluded 3,345 6,000 6,000

Publish Documents 2018 Output Outturn 2019 Output Target 2020 Output Target General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) General Data Protection Regulation Guidance in respect of General Data and Data Protection Legislation Protection Regulation (GDPR), Direct Guidance and Supervision Marketing /Electoral, Technological Issues, Guidance from the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and Information Blogs

Context and Impact Indicators: 2018 (25 May - 31 December)

1- Complaints received 2,864

2- Complaints on hand at the end of the year 1,862

3- Breach Notifications received 3,687

4- Breach Notifications on hand at the end of the year 373

Details of Appropriations-in-Aid

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

B - APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID: 1 Miscellaneious …. - - - 10 - 10 2 Receipts from Additional Superannuation Contribution on Public Service Remuneration …. - - - 220 - 220 Total :- - - - 230 - 230 NON-COMMERCIAL STATE



Change Vote Vote Non Commercial State Agency 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over No. 2019

€000 €000 % 2 Department of the Taoiseach National Economic and Social Council 2,072 2,099 1% 3 Office of the Attorney General Law Reform Commission 2,295 2,439 6% 24 Office of the Minister for Justice National Disability Authority 4,811 4,844 1% and Equality 26 Education and Skills Royal Irish Academy of Music 3,216 3,282 2% Higher Education Authority 1,167,097 1,182,829 1% Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 8,863 9,126 3% Solas (b) 569,275 577,376 1% Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)* 4,579 5,484 20% Grangegorman Development Agency * 3,157 3,179 1% 29 Communications, Climate Action Inland Fisheries Ireland 30,495 31,096 2% and Environment Sustainable Energy Ireland 164,964 208,009 26% Digital Hub Development Agency * 1,022 795 -22% Environmental Protection Agency 43,196 47,534 10% 30 Agriculture, Food and the Teagasc 165,308 169,748 3% Marine (a) An Bord Bia 55,219 57,129 3% Marine Institute 40,861 43,469 6% An Bord Iascaigh Mhara 38,293 38,500 1% Sea Fisheries Protection Authority 13,795 17,361 26% 31 Transport, Tourism and Sport (a) Transport Infrastructure Ireland 576,686 725,841 26% Road Safety Authority 139 139 - Medical Bureau of Road Safety 5,226 5,263 1% Commission for Railway Regulation 433 509 18% National Transport Authority 583,504 810,075 39% Failte Ireland 100,942 105,994 5% Sport Ireland 68,111 77,512 14% 32 Business, Enterprise and IDA Ireland 191,570 189,177 -1% Innovation Enterprise Ireland** 329,749 350,263 6% Science Foundation Ireland 200,865 206,631 3% National Standards Authority of Ireland 6,646 7,290 10% Competition and Consumer Protection Commission 12,077 13,836 15% Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority 2,112 1,942 -8% Health and Safety Authority 19,408 20,502 6% Trade and Business Development Body/InterTrade Ireland * 9,645 10,192 6% Personal Injuries Assessment Board * 366 246 -33% 33 Culture, Heritage National Museum of Ireland 14,109 14,259 1% and Gaeltacht Affairs National Library of Ireland 7,825 7,915 1% Screen Ireland 20,040 21,066 5% National Gallery of Ireland 10,547 10,657 1% Údarás na Gaeltachta 25,222 27,002 7% Irish Museum of Modern Art * 5,958 6,014 1% The Chester Beatty Library and Gallery of Oriental Art * 2,801 2,837 1% National Concert Hall * 3,048 4,062 33% The Crawford Gallery * 1,489 1,499 1% Heritage Council * 6,588 6,605 - An Chomhairle Ealaíon 75,002 80,002 7% An Foras Teanga * 13,323 13,383 - Waterways Ireland * 25,117 25,663 2% 34 Housing, Planning Housing and Sustainable Communities Agency 10,000 10,500 5% and Local Government (a) An Bord Pleanála 18,548 19,531 5% Residential Tenancies Board 7,960 9,950 25% Office of the Planning Regulator 2,367 2,569 9% Ordnance Survey Ireland 15,763 17,763 13% * Agency statements are not included for these Agencies. ** Including LEOs (a) The following Non-Commercial State Agencies are not in direct receipt of Exchequer Expenditure: Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government: Housing Finance Agency and Local Government Management Agency. Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment: Commission for Communication Regulation; Commission for Energy Regulation; National Oil Reserves Agency, Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: National Milk Agency. Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport: Commission for Aviation Regulation; Commission for Taxi Regulation. (b) Including miscellaneous grants from the Department of Employment and Social Protection. Change Vote 2019 Vote Non Commercial State Agency 2020 Estimate 2020 over No. Estimate 2019

€000 €000 % 37 Social Protection Citizens Information Board 58,160 61,774 6% 38 Health (a) Food Safety Authority of Ireland 15,779 15,972 1% Food Safety Promotion Board 5,691 5,691 - Health Information and Quality Authority * 13,193 16,269 23% Health Research Board * 32,504 33,014 2% Health and Social Care Professionals Council * 3,235 3,135 -3% Health Products Regulatory Authority * 2,941 5,193 77% Mental Health Commission * 13,974 13,974 - National Cancer Registry Board * 2,733 3,423 25% National Treatment Purchase Fund * 55,022 100,022 82% Institute of Public Health * 1,459 1,377 -6% Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council * 2,797 2,997 7% 40 Children and Youth Affairs Child and Family Agency 815,610 822,427 1% Adoption Authority of Ireland * 4,913 5,667 15% Office of the Ombudsman for Children * 2,747 2,865 4% 42 Rural and Community Development Western Development Commission 2,028 2,049 1% Irish Water Safety 1,118 1,124 1% * Agency statements are not included for these Agencies. (a) The following Non-Commercial State Agencies are not in direct receipt of Exchequer Expenditure: Department of Health: An Bord Altranais - The Nursing Board; Dental Council; Health Insurance Authority; National Paediatric Hospital Development Board; Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland; Opticians Board; Medical Council. [2] Agency Statement [2] AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 2 - DEPARTMENT OF THE TAOISEACH National Economic and Social Council (Subhead A.3) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 1,572 - 1,572 1599 - 1,599 2% Non-Pay .... 500 - 500 500 - 500 - Total Expenditure:- 2,072 - 2,072 2,099 - 2,099 1%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead A.3 .... 2,072 - 2,072 2,099 - 2,099 1% Cash Balance carried forward from 2018 .... 130 - 130 - Cash Balance carried forward from 2019 .... - - - 130 - 130 - Total Income:- 2,202 - 2,202 2,229 - 2,229 1%

Surplus / Deficit in year .... 130 - 130 130 - 130 -

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 18 18 -

[3] Agency Statement [3] AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 3 - OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Law Reform Commission (Subhead A.4) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Current 2019 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 1,330 1,354 2% Non-pay .... 897 1,017 13% Pension .... 68 68 - Total Expenditure :- 2,295 2,439 6%

Sources of Income: Exchequer (Subhead A.4) .... 2,295 2,439 6% Total Income :- 2,295 2,439 6%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 23 22 -4% [24] Agency Statement [24] AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 24 - JUSTICE AND EQUALITY National Disability Authority (Programme D.3) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 3,034 - 3,034 3,067 - 3,067 1% Non-Pay .... 1,777 - 1,777 1,777 - 1,777 - Total Expenditure:- 4,811 - 4,811 4,844 - 4,844 1%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Programme D.3 …. 4,811 - 4,811 4,844 - 4,844 1% Total Income:- 4,811 - 4,811 4,844 - 4,844 1%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 35 35 - [26] Agency Statement [26] AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 26 - EDUCATION AND SKILLS Royal Irish Academy of Music (Subhead C.8) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure Administration: Pay .... 5,226 - 5,226 5,412 - 5,412 4% Pension * .... 621 - 621 570 - 570 -8% Non-Pay .... 2,370 - 2,370 2,375 - 2,375 -

Total Expenditure 8,217 - 8,217 8,357 - 8,357 2%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead C.8 (Grant) … 3,216 - 3,216 3,282 - 3,282 2%

Non-Exchequer: Other …. 5,001 - 5,001 5,075 - 5,075 1%

Total Income: 8,217 - 8,217 8,357 - 8,357 2%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 56 60 7%

* The Pensions are paid from an RIAM Pension Fund into which employee and employer contributions are invested.

Higher Education Authority (Subheads C.3, C.4, C.10.2) Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure Administration: Pay .... 4,681 - 4,681 6,007 - 6,007 28% Superannuation* .... 63,940 - 63,940 63,950 - 63,950 - Non-Pay .... 1,650 - 1,650 2,640 - 2,640 60% Programmes: Grants to Universities and Colleges , Institutes of Technology and designated Institutions of Higher Education …. 1,150,764 - 1,150,764 1,275,422 - 1,275,422 11% Capital Expenditure …. - 137,600 137,600 - 121,600 121,600 -12% Total Expenditure: 1,221,035 137,600 1,358,635 1,348,019 121,600 1,469,619 8%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead C.3 (Grant for General Expenses) .... 7,021 - 7,021 9,347 - 9,347 33% Subhead C.4 (Grant) .... 959,226 - 959,226 977,054 - 977,054 2% Subhead C.10.2** .... 63,250 - 63,250 63,250 - 63,250 - Subhead C.12 .... - 47,600 47,600 - 41,600 41,600 -13% Subhead C.16 (Capital) .... - 90,000 90,000 - 69,000 69,000 -23% Subhead C.18 .... - - - 11,578 11,000 22,578 -

Non-Exchequer National Training Fund - Training People in Employment … 37,000 - 37,000 44,000 - 44,000 19% National Training Fund - Enterprise Focused Higher Education … 120,100 - 120,100 148,352 - 148,352 - National Training Fund - Springboard+ … 34,438 - 34,438 34,438 - 34,438 - Human Capital Initative 60,000 - 60,000 -

Total Income: 1,221,035 137,600 1,358,635 1,348,019 121,600 1,469,619 8%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 72 86 19%

* Allocations for Higher Education Pensions have been reallocated from C.4 - UNIVERSITIES, IOTs & OTHER (GRANT) to C.10 - SUPERANNUATION TO IOT AND UNIVERSITY STAFF. ** In order to ensure full transparency for accounting purposes, all pension related receipts and payments for all pension schemes are currently accounted for by Universities on a gross basis, in a Pensions Control Account. Under the Financial Measures (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 the former funded schemes of the five older Universities transferred to the National Pension Reserve Fund (NPRF) and the assets of the closed pension funds therefore transferred to the NPRF. The Act places an obligation on the State to fund any shortfalls in the funded schemes. Up to and including 2012, there were sufficient funds in the Universities Pensions Control Accounts to meet these costs, however the surpluses in the Pension Control Accounts are now eroded and as set out in the 2009 Act the amount required to meet the pension costs of the funded schemes must be met by the State. [26] Agency Statement [26] AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 26 - EDUCATION AND SKILLS Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (Subhead C.7) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure Administration: Pay .... 682 - 682 702 - 702 3% Pension .... 197 - 197 203 - 203 3% Non-Pay .... 803 - 803 827 - 827 3% Programmes: The School of Celtic Studies .... 1,275 - 1,275 1,312 - 1,312 3% The School of Theoretical Physics .... 905 - 905 932 - 932 3% The School of Cosmic Physics .... 3,644 - 3,644 3,751 - 3,751 3% Pension .... 1,463 - 1,463 1,506 - 1,506 3% Total Expenditure: 8,969 - 8,969 9,232 - 9,232 3%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead C.7 (Grant) .... 6,828 - 6,828 7,091 - 7,091 4% Science Foundation Ireland & Other Funding Agencies 2,035 - 2,035 2,035 - 2,035 - Non-Exchequer: Other .... 106 - 106 106 - 106 - Total Income: 8,969 - 8,969 9,232 - 9,232 3%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 63 61 -3%

SOLAS (Subheads B.3, B.5 and B.7)

Change 2019 Estimate* 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: 1. Administration …. 23,818 500 24,318 24,100 500 24,600 1% 2. Pension - Financial Measures Act .... 33,000 - 33,000 33,000 - 33,000 - 3. Provision of Further Education and Training Programmes …. 769,666 12,500 782,166 784,618 17,500 802,118 3%

Total Expenditure:- 826,484 13,000 839,484 841,718 18,000 859,718 2%

Sources of Income : Exchequer: 1. Department of Education and Skills (Vote 26) Subhead B3 - Administration and General Expenses Pay …. 11,260 - 11,260 11,542 - 11,542 3% Non Pay …. 12,558 - 12,558 12,558 - 12,558 - Capital …. - 500 500 - 500 500 - Subhead B5 - Grants to SOLAS Further Education Pay …. 239,797 - 239,797 242,764 - 242,764 1% Non Pay …. 259,660 - 259,660 259,512 - 259,512 - Capital …. - 12,500 12,500 - 17,500 17,500 40% Subhead B7 - Pension Costs ….. 33,000 - 33,000 33,000 - 33,000 -

Non-Exchequer National Training Fund - Training People In Employment …. 129,173 - 129,173 131,273 - 131,273 2% National Training Fund - Training People For Employment …. 126,956 - 126,956 130,189 - 130,189 3% National Training Fund - Skills Analysis Unit …. 480 - 480 580 - 580 21% Workplace Basic Education Fund …. 14,000 - 14,000 20,300 - 20,300 45%

Total Income:- 826,884 13,000 839,884 841,718 18,000 859,718 2%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 219 219 -

* Allocations for ETB PLC programmes along with further education and training co-operation hours pay have been reallocated from Programme A Subhead A.5 - ETB TEACHER SALARIES to Subhead B.5 - GRANTS TO SOLAS - FURTHER EDUCATION & TRAINING. [29] Agency Statement [29] AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 29 - COMMUNICATIONS CLIMATE ACTION AND ENVIRONMENT

Inland Fisheries Ireland (Subhead E.3) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 19,859 - 19,859 20,146 - 20,146 1% Non-Pay .... 10,764 3,786 14,550 11,514 3,786 15,300 5% Total Expenditure :- 30,623 3,786 34,409 31,660 3,786 35,446 3% Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead E.3 .... 27,909 2,586 30,495 28,510 2,586 31,096 2%

Non-Exchequer: Other .... 2,714 1,200 3,914 3,150 1,200 4,350 11% Total Income :- 30,623 3,786 34,409 31,660 3,786 35,446 3%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 312 312 0%

Sustainable Energy Ireland - Administration and General Expenses (Subhead C.3): Sustainable Energy Programmes (Subhead C.4): Energy Research Programmes (Subhead C.5) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 6,904 - 6,904 7,071 - 7,071 2% Non-Pay .... 5,600 - 5,600 5,600 - 5,600 - Programmes .... 16,543 139,217 155,760 16,365 182,295 198,660 28% Total Expenditure :- 29,047 139,217 168,264 29,036 182,295 211,331 26% Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead C.3 .... Pay .... 6,904 - 6,904 7,071 - 7,071 2% Non-Pay .... 5,600 5,000 10,600 5,600 - 5,600 -47% Subtotal :- 12,504 5,000 17,504 12,671 - 12,671 -28%

Subhead C.4 .... Non-Pay .... 12,393 - 12,393 12,193 - 12,193 -2% Capital .... - 128,717 128,717 - 174,795 174,795 36% Subtotal :- 12,393 128,717 141,110 12,193 174,795 186,988 33%

Subhead C.5 .... Non-Pay .... 850 - 850 850 - 850 - Capital .... - 5,500 5,500 - 7,500 7,500 36% Subtotal :- 850 5,500 6,350 850 7,500 8,350 31%

Non-Exchequer: Building Energy Rating / Energy Performance of Building Directive …. 3,300 - 3,300 3,322 - 3,322 1% Subtotal :- 3,300 - 3,300 3,322 - 3,322 1%

Total Income :- 29,047 139,217 168,264 29,036 182,295 211,331 26%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 95 96 1%

Environmental Protection Agency (Subhead B.3, C.3 & C.4)

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 31,848 - 31,848 31,105 - 31,105 -2% Non-Pay .... 10,250 5,217 15,467 8,194 7,281 15,475 - Programme …. 9,700 12,150 21,850 10,195 10,916 21,111 -3%

Total Expenditure:- 51,798 17,367 69,165 49,494 18,197 67,691 #DIV/0!-2% Sources of Income: Exchequer: Exchequer DCCAE …. 25141 11780 36,921 29,100 11,780 40,880 11% Exchequer DHPLG …. 5,325 950 6,275 5,667 987 6,654 6% Subtotal:- 30,466 12,730 43,196 34,767 12,767 47,534 10%

Non-Exchequer: EPA - Environment Fund …. 5,787 4,637 10,424 4,288 3,588 7,876 -24% EPA - Own Income …. 13,500 - 13,500 13,945 - 13,945 3% Subtotal:- 19,287 4,637 23,924 18,233 3,588 21,821 -9%

Total Income:- 49,753 17,367 67,120 53,000 16,355 69,355 3%

Surplus / Deficit in year .... (2,045) - (2,045) 3,506 (1,842) 1,664 -181%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 411 420 2% [30] Agency Statement [30] AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 30 - AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND THE MARINE Teagasc (Subhead C.5 ) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Current: Administration including support services .... 16,467 - 16,467 16,500 - 16,500 - Research Centres .... 76,785 - 76,785 74,500 - 74,500 -3% Training, Advisory and Education .... 49,561 - 49,561 47,552 - 47,552 -4% Grants to Private Agricultural Colleges .... 2,988 - 2,988 2,900 - 2,900 -3% Superannuation .... 43,447 - 43,447 44,130 - 44,130 2%

Capital Expenditure .... - 7,900 7,900 - 15,800 15,800 -

Cash balance at Y/E .... 18,000 8,216 26,216 19,000 3,366 22,366 -15% Total Expenditure :- 207,248 16,116 223,364 204,582 19,166 223,748 -

Sources of Income : Exchequer: Subhead C.5 .... 10,500 - 10,500 10,500 - 10,500 - Subhead C.5 & C.11 part .... 121,582 6,630 128,212 122,082 10,950 133,032 4% Cash balance carried forward .... 17,110 9,486 26,596 18,000 8,216 26,216 -1%

Non-Exchequer: EU Receipts .... 2,225 - 2,225 2,000 - 2,000 -10% Food, Research and Development .... 21,450 - 21,450 20,000 - 20,000 -7% Other Income .... 34,381 - 34,381 32,000 - 32,000 -7% Total Income :- 207,248 16,116 223,364 204,582 19,166 223,748 -

Includes consultancy expenditure 1,985 - 1,985 1,900 - 1,900 -4%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 1,065 1,105 4%

An Bord Bia (Subhead C.6; C.4.3 (part) and C.3.9) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 14,719 - 14,719 15,229 - 15,229 3% Non-Pay .... 3,575 80 3,655 4,080 80 4,160 14% Programme Expenditure Marketing and Promotional Expenditure .... 49,379 - 49,379 49,844 - 49,844 1% Marketing Finance .... 950 - 950 950 - 950 - BQAS - Special Fund … 6,400 - 6,400 6,600 - 6,600 3% Healthy Eating Initiative … 3,943 - 3,943 4,900 - 4,900 24% Total Expenditure :- 78,966 80 79,046 81,603 80 81,683 3%

Sources of Income : Exchequer: Subhead C.6 .... 46,619 - 46,619 48,229 - 48,229 3% BLSAS - Special Fund - Subhead C.3.9 .… 6,400 - 6,400 6,600 - 6,600 3% Healthy Eating Initiative - Subhead C.4.3 (part) .… 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 - 2,000 - Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Organic Funding …. 200 - 200 300 - 300 50%

Non-Exchequer Statutory Levy .... 6,152 - 6,152 6,200 - 6,200 1% EU Receipts .... 7,360 - 7,360 6,720 - 6,720 -9% Industry Contributions .... 10,315 - 10,315 11,634 - 11,634 13% Total Income :- 79,046 - 79,046 81,683 - 81,683 3%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 146 146 - [30] Agency Statement [30] AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 30 - AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND THE MARINE

The Marine Institute (Subhead D.4 & D.3 part) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Pay .... 8,363 - 8,363 8,600 - 8,600 - Non-Pay …. 13,895 - 13,895 14,423 - 14,423 4% Pension …. 1,165 - 1,165 1,358 - 1,358 17%

Capital Development Programme …. - 3,000 3,000 - 5,000 5,000 67% RTDI Research Measure …. - 9,000 9,000 - 9,000 9,000 -

INFOMAR …. 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 - EMFF (D.3 part) 4,950 - 4,950 4,600 4,600 -7% Databuoys(D.3 part) 251 237 488 251 237 488 -

Other Expenditure …. 13,000 500 13,500 12,000 500 12,500 -7% Total Expenditure :- 43,624 12,737 56,361 43,232 14,737 57,969 3%

Sources of Income: Subhead D.4 (Grant) …. 23,423 12,000 35,423 24,381 14,000 38,381 8%

INFOMAR …. 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 - 2,000 - EMFF(D.3 part) 4,950 - 4,950 4,600 - 4,600 -7% Databuoys(D.3 part) 251 237 488 251 237 488 -

Other Income …. 13,000 500 13,500 12,000 500 12,500 -7% Total Income :- 43,624 12,737 56,361 43,232 14,737 57,969 3%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 142 143 1%

An Bord Iascaigh Mhara (Subhead D.5) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Current: Administration: Staff salaries and pension payments .... 10,443 - 10,443 11,150 - 11,150 7% Other Administration Expenses .... 4,620 - 4,620 4,750 - 4,750 3%

Development: Seafood Development Programme (EMFF) .... 11,130 - 11,130 10,500 - 10,500 -6%

Capital: Seafood Development Programme (EMFF) .... - 10,620 10,620 - 10,600 10,600 - BIM fixed assets .... - 1,480 1,480 - 1,500 1,500 1% Total Expenditure :- 26,193 12,100 38,293 26,400 12,100 38,500 1%

Sources of Income: Exchequer Subhead D.5 (Grant) …. 26,193 12,100 38,293 26,400 12,100 38,500 1% Total Income :- 26,193 12,100 38,293 26,400 12,100 38,500 1%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 149 145 -3% [30] Agency Statement [30] AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 30 - AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND THE MARINE

Sea Fisheries Protection Authority (Subhead D.6) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Current: Pay .... 9,795 - 9,795 12,411 - 12,411 27% Non-Pay .... 3,600 - 3,600 4,350 - 4,350 21% Capital Expenditure .... - 400 400 - 600 600 50% Total Expenditure :- 13,395 400 13,795 16,761 600 17,361 26%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead D.6 …. 13,395 400 13,795 16,761 600 17,361 26% Total Income :- 13,395 400 13,795 16,761 600 17,361 26%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 145 169 17%

[31] Agency Statement [31] AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 31 - TRANSPORT, TOURISM AND SPORT Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) (Subhead B.3) * Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 20,920 - 20,920 24,475 - 24,475 17% Non-Pay .... 6,766 - 6,766 5,716 - 5,716 -16% Programmes: National Road Improvement .... 395,000 395,000 - 480,000 480,000 22% National Road Maintenance .... 34,000 - 34,000 34,850 - 34,850 2% PPP Operations (B.3.4) .... - 120,000 120,000 - 129,000 129,000 8% Public Transport … - - - - 51,800 51,800 Non-Exchequer National Road Improvement/Maintenance … - 35,000 157,000 192,000 - Other … - - 20,490 20,490 -

Total Expenditure :- 61,686 515,000 576,686 100,041 838,290 938,331 -

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead B.3.3 pay and pension .... 22,620 - 22,620 24,475 - 24,475 8% Subhead B.3.3 non-pay .... 5,066 - 5,066 5,716 - 5,716 13% Vote 31 - Subhead B.3.1 and B.3.2 .... 34,000 395,000 429,000 34,850 480,000 514,850 20% Subhead B.3.4 .... 120,000 120,000 - 129,000 129,000 8% Other Government Funding: NTA Capital Funding - - - 51,800 51,800 - - Non-Exchequer: - Toll-based Revenue .... - - - 35,000 147,000 182,000 - Other .... - - - 30,490 30,490 - Total Income :- 61,686 515,000 576,686 100,041 838,290 938,331 -

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 268 264 -1%

* Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) was established on 1 August 2015. Formed through the merger of the National Roads Agency and the Railway Procurement Agency under the Governments Agency Rationalisation Programme, the new organisation now combines all statutory functions of NRA and RPA.

Road Safety Authority (Subhead B.4) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Exchequer Pension Contribution .... 139 - 139 139 - 139 -

Non-Exchequer: Other .... 85,633 12,787 98,420 81,180 8,746 89,926 -9% Total Expenditure :- 85,772 12,787 98,559 81,319 8,746 90,065 -9%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Vote 31 - Subhead B.4 .... 139 - 139 139 - 139 -

Non-Exchequer: Other .... 85,633 12,787 98,420 81,180 8,746 89,926 -9% Total Income:- 85,772 12,787 98,559 81,319 8,746 90,065 -9%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 388 446 15% [31] Agency Statement [31] AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 31 - TRANSPORT, TOURISM AND SPORT Medical Bureau of Road Safety (Subhead B.4) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 2,466 - 2,466 2,523 - 2,523 2% Non-Pay .... 2,300 460 2,760 2,300 440 2,740 -1% Total Expenditure :- 4,766 460 5,226 4,823 440 5,263 1%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Vote 31 - Subhead B.4 .... 4,766 460 5,226 4,823 440 5,263 1% Total Income:- 4,766 460 5,226 4,823 440 5,263 1%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 43 43 -

Commission for Railway Regulation (Subhead B.9) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Non-Pay .... 433 - 433 509 - 509 18%

Non-Exchequer: Other .... 1,770 - 1,770 1,947 - 1,947 10% Total Expenditure :- 2,203 - 2,203 2,456 - 2,456 11%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Vote 31 - Subhead B.9 .... 433 - 433 509 - 509 18%

Non-Exchequer: Other .... 1,770 - 1,770 1,947 - 1,947 10% Total Income:- 2,203 - 2,203 2,456 - 2,456 11%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 16 17 6%

National Transport Authority (Subhead B.7, B.8 & B.9) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 9,558 - 9,558 12,684 - 12,684 33% Non-Pay .... 3,828 - 3,828 3,828 - 3,828 -

Programmes: General …. 285,318 284,800 570,118 284,913 508,650 793,563 39% Total Expenditure :- 298,704 284,800 583,504 301,425 508,650 810,075 39%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Vote 31 - Subheads B.7, B.8 & B.9 .... 298,704 284,800 583,504 301,425 508,650 810,075 39% Total Income:- 298,704 284,800 583,504 301,425 508,650 810,075 39%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 137 162 18% [31] Agency Statement [31] AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 31 - TRANSPORT, TOURISM AND SPORT Fáilte Ireland (Subhead E.3, E.5 & E.6) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Current: Pay .... 22,752 - 22,752 23,200 - 23,200 2% Non-Pay .... 56,180 - 56,180 53,744 - 53,744 -4% Non Exchequer … Other Income 1,400 3,289 4,689 1,400 2,601 4,001 -15% Subtotal:- 80,332 3,289 83,621 78,344 2,601 80,945 -3% Capital: Development Schemes .... - 20,960 20,960 - 28,000 28,000 34% Business Support Services .... - 1,050 1,050 - 1,050 1,050 - Subtotal:- - 22,010 22,010 - 29,050 29,050 32% Total Expenditure :- 80,332 25,299 105,631 78,344 31,651 109,995 4%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead E.3 (Grant) Fáilte Ireland …. 67,835 1,050 68,885 67,583 1,050 68,633 - Subhead E.5 (Grant) Tourism Marketing Fund .... 11,097 11,097 9,361 - 9,361 -16% Subhead E.6 (Grant) Tourism Product Development …. 20,960 20,960 - 28,000 28,000 34%

Non-Exchequer .... Other Income .... 1,400 3,289 4,689 1,400 2,601 4,001 -15% Total Income :- 80,332 25,299 105,631 78,344 31,651 109,995 4%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 339 360 6%

Sport Ireland (Subhead D.5 and D.6)* Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 3,025 - 3,025 3,456 - 3,456 14% Pension .... 93 - 93 93 - 93 - Non-Pay .... 2,095 - 2,095 2,095 - 2,095 - Programmes General : Current …. 52,998 - 52,998 60,968 - 60,968 15% Capital …. - 4,900 4,900 - 2,900 2,900 -

Dormant Accounts Funding for Sports Matters …. 4,000 1,000 5,000 7,500 500 8,000 - Total Expenditure :- 62,211 5,900 68,111 74,112 3,400 77,512 14%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead D.5 +D.6 61,301 5,900 67,201 73,112 3,400 76,512 14% Other .... 910 - 910 1,000 - 1,000 - Total Income :- 62,211 5,900 68,111 74,112 3,400 77,512 14%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 46 56 22% [32] Agency Statement [32]

AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 32 - BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE AND INNOVATION IDA Ireland (Subhead A.5) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay and Pensions .... 31,360 - 31,360 32,144 - 32,144 3% Non - Pay .... 25,820 - 25,820 25,093 - 25,093 -3%

Subtotal :- 57,180 - 57,180 57,237 - 57,237 -

Capital Industrial Property …. - 89,700 89,700 - 62,000 62,000 -31%

Subtotal :- - 89,700 89,700 - 62,000 62,000 -31%

Support Measures: R&D Grants …. - 50,500 50,500 - 47,500 47,500 -6% Capital Grants …. - 19,500 19,500 - 19,000 19,000 -3% Employment Grants .... - 22,700 22,700 - 22,000 22,000 -3% Other Support Measures .... - 1,500 1,500 - 1,150 1,150 -23% Training Grants …. - 7,500 7,500 - 9,000 9,000 20% Grant Assessments / Validations …. - 300 300 - 350 350 17%

Subtotal :- - 102,000 102,000 - 99,000 99,000 -3%

National Training Fund - 3,000 3,000 - 3,000 3,000 -

Subtotal :- - 3,000 3,000 - 3,000 3,000 -

Total Expenditure :- 57,180 194,700 251,880 57,237 164,000 221,237 -12%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead A.5(i): of which Pay .... 31,360 31,360 32,144 - 32,144 2% Non-Pay .... 23,310 23,310 21,033 - 21,033 -10% Capital Subhead A.5(ii) - Grants to Industry .... - 95,000 95,000 - 94,000 94,000 -1% Subhead A.5(ii) - Grants to Industry Capital Carryover …. - 5,000 5,000 - - - - Subhead A.5(iii) - Grants for Building - 41,900 41,900 - 42,000 42,000 - Subhead A.5(iii) - Grants for Building Capital Carryover - 15,800 15,800 - - - -

Non- Exchequer: Cash Carried Forward from Previous Year - A.5(ii) …. ------Cash Carried Forward from Previous Year - A.5(iii) ------Factory Rents .... 2,143 - 2,143 3,746 - 3,746 75% Miscellaneous Receipts .... 367 - 367 314 - 314 -14% Sale of Fixed Assets .... - 32,000 32,000 - 20,000 20,000 -38% Grant Refunds .... - 2,000 2,000 - 5,000 5,000 150% National Training Fund .... - 3,000 3,000 - 3,000 3,000 -

Total Income :- 57,180 194,700 251,880 57,237 164,000 221,237 -12%

Includes consultancy expenditure .... 850 850 850 - 850 -

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 359 359 0% [32] Agency Statement [32]

AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 32 - BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE AND INNOVATION Enterprise Ireland (Subheads A.7, A.8, B.4 (i), B.9) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay Subhead A.7 .... 60,493 - 60,493 61,226 - 61,226 1% Pensions Subhead A.7 …. 3,578 - 3,578 4,432 - 4,432 24% Voluntary Early Retirement/Voluntary Leaving ------Non-Pay …. 28,471 - 28,471 27,871 - 27,871 -2% Pay Subhead B.4(i) …. 3,667 - 3,667 3,456 - 3,456 -6%

Subtotal :- 96,209 - 96,209 96,985 - 96,985 1% Subhead A.7 - Grants to Industry: Marketing Support to Industry …. 17,625 - 17,625 21,000 - 21,000 19% Funding to Industry …. - 53,455 53,455 - 47,354 47,354 -11% Seed & Venture Capital …. - 45,000 45,000 - 43,650 43,650 -3% Infrastructure Programmes …. - 11,000 11,000 - 20,449 20,449 86% Transfers to other bodies …. - 5,229 5,229 - 5,744 5,744 10% Additional Brexit impact supports - - - 23,500 23,500 -

Subhead A.8 - Local Enterprise Development: Local Enterprise Offices …. 10,431 27,500 37,931 10,681 27,500 38,181 1% SME Strategy & Targeted Brexit Supports - - - - 6,000 6,000 - Subhead A.7 - Buildings and Equipment …. - 2,500 2,500 - 2,500 2,500 -

Subtotal :- 28,056 144,684 172,740 31,681 176,697 208,378 21%

Subhead F Science & Technology Development Programme Transforming R&D Activity in Enterprise .… - 51,100 51,100 - 48,200 48,200 -6% Industry Collaboration with the 3rd Level Sector .… - 46,800 46,800 - 49,012 49,012 5% Research Community .… - 28,000 28,000 - 28,000 28,000 - Subhead B9 Disruptive Technology Innovation Fund - 20,000 20,000 - 30,000 30,000 50% Contractual Grant Commitments - - - - 2,800 2,800 -

Subtotal :- - 145,900 145,900 - 158,012 158,012 8%

Total Expenditure :- 124,265 290,584 414,849 128,666 334,709 463,375 12% [32] Agency Statement [32]

AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 32 - BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE AND INNOVATION Enterprise Ireland (Subheads A.7, A.8, B.4 (i)B.9) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Sources of Income : Subhead A.7 and L Oireachtas Grants: Subhead A.7 - Grant for Administration and Expenses Pay .... 52,191 - 52,191 53,247 - 53,247 2% Pensions .... 3,578 - 3,578 4,433 - 4,433 24% Non-Pay .... 25,133 - 25,133 25,433 - 25,433 1% Subhead A.7 - Grants to Industry .... 6,425 55,250 61,675 6,425 63,250 69,675 13% Subhead A.7 - Grants for Capital Expenditure .... - 2,500 2,500 - 2,500 2,500 - Capital Carryover 23,500 23,500 -

Subtotal :- 87,327 57,750 145,077 89,538 89,250 178,788 23%

Subhead A.7 - Own Resource Income: Arising from A.7 investments: Factory/Office Rents .... 550 - 550 550 - 550 - Miscellaneous Receipts .... 200 - 200 240 - 240 20% Fee Income .... 50 - 50 10 - 10 -80%

Subtotal :- 800 - 800 800 - 800 - Arising from A.7 investments: Repayment of Grants .... - 740 740 - 500 500 -32% Sale of Investments .... 14,566 55,694 70,260 16,053 50,447 66,500 -5% Dividends .... - 3,000 3,000 - 3,000 3,000 - Project Income .... 2,700 - 2,700 3,000 - 3,000 11%

Subtotal :- 17,266 59,434 76,700 19,053 53,947 73,000 -5% Other Income National Training Fund (NTF) .... 3,500 - 3,500 3,500 - 3,500 - Beef Fund .... ------Food Competitiveness Programme ------Local Enterprise Offices (LEO's - Subhead A.8) .... 10,431 27,500 37,931 10,681 27,500 38,181 1% Capital Carryover (LEO's - Subhead A.8) - - - - 6,000 6,000 -

Subtotal :- 13,931 27,500 41,431 14,181 33,500 47,681 15%

Subhead B.4(i) - Income Oireachtas Grant …. .... 4,741 122,000 126,741 4,794 122,000 126,794 0% Repayment of Grants …. - 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 - Collaboration Income …. 200 2,900 3,100 300 2,212 2,512 -19%

Subtotal :- 4,941 125,900 130,841 5,094 125,212 130,306 -

Subhead B.9 - Income Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund….. - 20,000 20,000 - 30,000 30,000 50% Capital Carryover - 2,800 2,800 - Subtotal :- - 20,000 20,000 - 32,800 32,800 64%

Total Income :- 124,265 290,584 414,849 128,666 334,709 463,375 12%

Includes consultancy expenditure …. 1,700 - 1,700 1,850 - 1,850 9%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 657 673 2% [32] Agency Statement [32]

AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 32 - BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE AND INNOVATION Science Foundation Ireland (Subhead B.4(ii)) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Current (Administration): Pay ….. 5,228 - 5,228 5,345 - 5,345 2% Non-Pay ….. 7,050 - 7,050 7,300 - 7,300 4%

B.4 Capital Grants SFI Centres …. - 74,000 74,000 - 91,000 91,000 23% Individual Competitive Research Grants* …. - 98,837 98,837 - 87,286 87,286 -12% Workshops and Conferences ….. - 250 250 - 200 200 -20% SFI New Building 3PP - 6,800 6,800 - - - - Delivery of Research Centre Renewal & Research Fellowships - 4,925 4,925 -

B5 - PhD & Research Masters - 15,500 15,500 - 15,500 15,500 -

Total Expenditure:- 12,278 195,387 207,665 12,645 198,911 211,556 2%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead B.4(ii) ….. 12,278 173,087 185,365 12,645 178,486 191,131 3% Subhead B.5 - PhD & Research Masters …. - 15,500 15,500 - 15,500 15,500 - Capital Carryover - 6,800 6,800 - 4,925 4,925 -28%

Total Income:- 12,278 195,387 207,665 12,645 198,911 211,556 2%

Includes consultancy expenditure .... 160 - 160 101 - 101 -37%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 64 63 -2%

AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 32 - BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE AND INNOVATION National Standards Authority of Ireland (Subhead A.6) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure Administration: Pay .... 15,477 - 15,477 16,945 - 16,945 9% Non-Pay .... 12,903 - 12,903 12,937 - 12,937 0% Capital .... - 500 500 - 500 500 -

Total Expenditure:- 28,380 500 28,880 29,882 500 30,382 5%

Sources of Income : Exchequer: Subhead A.6: Pay .... 6,097 - 6,097 6,741 - 6,741 11% Non-Pay .... 49 - 49 49 - 49 - Capital .... - 500 500 - 500 500 -

Subtotal:- 6,146 500 6,646 6,790 500 7,290 10% Non-Exchequer Standards .... 1,390 - 1,390 1,190 - 1,190 -14% Metrology Receipts .... 1,180 - 1,180 1,405 - 1,405 19% Conformity Assessment .... 19,145 - 19,145 20,497 - 20,497 7% Miscellaneous Receipts …. 519 - 519 - - - -

Subtotal:- 22,234 - 22,234 23,092 - 23,092 4%

Total Income:- 28,380 500 28,880 29,882 500 30,382 5%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 164 173 5% [32] Agency Statement [32]

AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 32 - BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE AND INNOVATION Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (Subhead C.8) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 Current Capital Total Current Capital Total over 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay (Subheads C.8(i)) …. 7,046 - 7,046 8,555 - 8,555 21% Non Pay (Subheads C.8(i)) …. 2,954 - 2,954 3,781 - 3,781 28% Pay (Subheads C.8(ii)) …. 750 - 750 750 - 750 - Non Pay (Subheads C.8(ii)) …. 1,327 - 1,327 750 - 750 -43%

Total Expenditure:- 12,077 - 12,077 13,836 - 13,836 15%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Pay (Subheads C.8(i)) …. 7,046 - 7,046 8,555 - 8,555 21% Non Pay (Subheads C.8(i)) …. 2,954 - 2,954 3,781 - 3,781 28% Pay (Subheads C.8(ii)) …. 750 - 750 750 - 750 - Non Pay (Subheads C.8(ii)) …. 1,327 1,327 750 - 750 -43%

Total Income:- 12,077 - 12,077 13,836 - 13,836 15%

Includes consultancy expenditure …. 260 - 260 470 - 470 81%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 112 137 22% [32] Agency Statement [32]

AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 32 - BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE AND INNOVATION Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority (Subhead C.12) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Pay .... 4,360 - 4,360 3,788 - 3,788 -13% Non-Pay .... 1,791 - 1,791 2,313 - 2,313 29%

Total Expenditure:- 6,151 - 6,151 6,101 - 6,101 -1%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead C.12: 2,112 2,112 1,942 - 1,942 -8%

Subtotal:- 2,112 2,112 1,942 - 1,942 -8%

Non-Exchequer [Levy income] Pay .... 2,908 - 2,908 2,630 - 2,630 -10% Non-Pay .... 1,131 - 1,131 1,529 - 1,529 35%

Total Income:- 6,151 - 6,151 6,101 - 6,101 -1%

Includes consultancy expenditure …. 619 - 619 952 - 952 54%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 43 36 -16%

The Health and Safety Authority (Subhead C.5) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure Administration: Pay .... 13,528 - 13,528 14,572 - 14,572 8% Non-Pay .... 8,380 - 8,380 8,680 - 8,680 4%

Total Expenditure:- 21,908 - 21,908 23,252 - 23,252 6%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead C.5 Pay .... 12,578 - 12,578 13,522 - 13,522 8% Non-Pay .... 6,830 - 6,830 6,980 - 6,980 2% Subtotal 19,408 - 19,408 20,502 - 20,502 6%

Non-Exchequer: Fees (training, processing income, etc) …. 180 - 180 180 - 180 - Publications Sales …. ------Conference Fees, Fines …. ------Other Income …. 2,320 - 2,320 2,570 - 2,570 11%

Subtotal 2,500 - 2,500 2,750 - 2,750 10%

- Total Income:- 21,908 - 21,908 23,252 - 23,252 6%

Includes consultancy expenditure* …. 150 - 150 150 - 150 -

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 203 195 -4%

* The majority of consultancy is driven by the requirement for specialised services in relation to enforcements and prosecutions. [33] Agency Statement [33] AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 33 - CULTURE, HERITAGE AND THE GAELTACHT An Chomhairle Ealaíon (Subhead A.9) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure:

Arts Sector Grant Programme: Strategic Funding 36,280 - 36,280 37,427 - 37,427 3% Project & Programme 13,225 - 13,225 13,784 - 13,784 4% Partnership Funding 8,279 - 8,279 9,181 - 9,181 11% Artists' Supports 6,100 - 6,100 6,761 - 6,761 11% Development Funding 3,587 - 3,587 4,055 - 4,055 13% Research, Information, Communication …. 350 - 350 350 - 350 - Administration .... 6,136 1,045 7,181 6,399 2,045 8,444 18% Total Expenditure :- 73,957 1,045 75,002 77,957 2,045 80,002 7% Of which: Pay .... 3,248 - 3,248 3,303 - 3,303 2% Non-Pay .... 70,709 1,045 71,754 74,654 2,045 76,699 7% 73,957 1,045 75,002 77,957 2,045 80,002 7%

Sources of income:

Exchequer Voted:- Grant .... 73,957 1,045 75,002 77,957 2,045 80,002 7% Total Income :- 73,957 1,045 75,002 77,957 2,045 80,002 7%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 54 54 -

National Museum of Ireland (Subhead A.10) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 8,757 - 8,757 8,907 - 8,907 2% Non-Pay .... 4,444 - 4,444 4,444 - 4,444 -

Programme Expenditure: General expenses .... - 1,108 1,108 - 1,108 1,108 - Total Expenditure :- 13,201 1,108 14,309 13,351 1,108 14,459 1%

Sources of Income : Exchequer: Subhead A.10 …. 13,001 1,108 14,109 13,151 1,108 14,259 1%

Non-Exchequer .... Own Resources …. 200 - 200 200 - 200 - Total Income :- 13,201 1,108 14,309 13,351 1,108 14,459 1%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 159 159 - [33] Agency Statement [33] AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 33 - CULTURE, HERITAGE AND THE GAELTACHT National Library of Ireland (Subhead A.11) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 5,283 - 5,283 5,493 - 5,493 4% Non-Pay .... 1,400 120 1,520 1,350 120 1,470 -3%

Programme Expenditure …. 1,035 358 1,393 977 358 1,335 -4% Total Expenditure :- 7,718 478 8,196 7,820 478 8,298 1%

Sources of Income : Exchequer: Subhead A.11 …. 7,347 478 7,825 7,437 478 7,915 1%

Non-Exchequer .... Other …. 200 - 200 383 - 383 - Total Income :- 7,547 478 8,025 7,820 478 8,298 3%

Surplus brought forward from previous year 171 - 171 - - - -

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 96 104 8%

Screen Ireland (Subhead A.12) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Current: Administration: Pay .... 1,566 - 1,566 1,918 - 1,918 22% Non- Pay .... 2,274 - 2,274 1,948 - 1,948 -14%

Capital: Development Loans .... - 2,100 2,100 - 2,100 2,100 - Production Loans .... - 12,132 12,132 - 13,132 13,132 8% Training Grants .... - 850 850 - 850 850 - Other Programmes …. - 1,118 1,118 - 1,118 1,118 - Non-Voted .... - 3,250 3,250 - 3,250 3,250 - Total Expenditure :- 3,840 19,450 23,290 3,866 20,450 24,316 4%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead A.12 (Grant) …. 3,840 16,200 20,040 3,866 17,200 21,066 5%

Non-Exchequer: Repayment of Capital Grants ..... - 750 750 - 750 750 - Carryover from previous year …. - 2,500 2,500 - 2,500 2,500 - Total Income:- 3,840 19,450 23,290 3,866 20,450 24,316 4%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 27 32 18% [33] Agency Statement [33]

AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 33 - CULTURE, HERITAGE AND THE GAELTACHT National Gallery of Ireland (Subhead A.13) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 6,949 - 6,949 7,350 - 7,350 6% Non-Pay .... 2,740 - 2,740 2,740 - 2,740 -

Programme Expenditure …. National Gallery Renovation of the Historic Wings - 858 858 - 858 858 -

Non-Exchequer …. Expenditure 3,000 - 3,000 2,481 - 2,481 -17% Total Expenditure :- 12,689 858 13,547 12,571 858 13,429 -1%

Sources of Income : Exchequer: Subhead A.13 …. 9,689 858 10,547 9,799 858 10,657 1%

Non-Exchequer .... Other …. 3,000 3,000 2,265 - 2,265 -25% Total Income :- 12,689 858 13,547 12,064 858 12,922 -5%

Surplus brought forward from previous year 2,982 - 2,982 5,200 - 5,200 74% Surplus carried forward to next year 5,200 - 5,200 4,027 - 4,027 -23%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 170 173 2%

Údarás na Gaeltachta (Subheads C.6, C.7 and C.8) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Current Expenditure Administration - Pay …. 6,800 - 6,800 6,877 - 6,877 1% - Pension …. 5,000 - 5,000 5,000 - 5,000 - - Other …. 1,500 - 1,500 1,500 - 1,500 - - Property Maintenance …. 2,242 - 2,242 2,500 - 2,500 - Culture and Language …. 3,465 - 3,465 3,885 - 3,885 12% Community Development and Co-operation Societies …. 3,690 - 3,690 3,890 - 3,890 5% Subtotal:- 22,697 - 22,697 23,652 - 23,652 4%

Capital Expenditure Grants to Industry …. - 5,500 5,500 - 6,500 6,500 18% Shares …. - 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 - Building and Assets …. - 5,000 5,000 - 7,000 7,000 40% Total Expenditure :- 22,697 11,500 34,197 23,652 14,500 38,152 12%

Sources of Income Exchequer Current Subhead C.3 - Gaeltacht Support Schemes …. 330 - 330 350 - 350 6% Subhead C.6 - Administration …. 9,442 - 9,442 9,602 - 9,602 2% Subhead C.7 - Current Programme Expenditure …. 3,850 - 3,850 4,050 - 4,050 5% Subhead C.10 - 20 Year Strategy For The Irish Language 2010- 2030 2,600 - 2,600 3,000 - 3,000 15%

Capital Subhead C.8 - Grants for projects and capital expenditure on premises…. - 9,000 9,000 - 10,000 10,000 11%

Non-Exchequer Current Income from lettings of buildings and from services …. 4,200 - 4,200 4,400 - 4,400 5% Pension contributions deducted from pay …. 275 - 275 250 - 250 -9%

Capital Receipts from sale of assets and investments …. 2,000 1,500 3,500 2,000 1,500 3,500 - Other Receipts (a) …. - 800 800 - 2,800 2,800 - Other Income (b) …. - 200 200 - 200 200 - Total Income :- 22,697 11,500 34,197 23,652 14,500 38,152 12%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 89 90 1%

(a) Receipts from Enterprise Ireland and the EU (b) Money from private sources. [34] Agency Statement [34] AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 34 - HOUSING, PLANNING AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT Housing and Sustainable Communities Agency (Subhead A.23) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 6,500 - 6,500 7,000 - 7,000 8% Non-Pay .... 3,500 3,500 3,500 - 3,500 - Total Expenditure:- 10,000 - 10,000 10,500 - 10,500 5%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead A.23 …. 10,000 10,000 10,500 - 10,500 5%

Total Income:- 10,000 - 10,000 10,500 - 10,500 -

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 110 125 14%

An Bord Pleanála (Subhead D.3) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 12,028 - 12,028 12,368 - 12,368 - Non-Pay .... 11,510 460 11,970 12,913 1,200 14,113 18% Total Expenditure:- 23,538 460 23,998 25,281 1,200 26,481 10%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead D.3 …. 18,088 460 18,548 18,331 1,200 19,531 5% Non-Exchequer: Other …. 5,450 - 5,450 6,950 - 6,950 28% Total Income:- 23,538 460 23,998 25,281 1,200 26,481 10%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 152 191 26%

Ordnance Survey Ireland (Subhead D.11) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 13,033 - 13,033 13,250 - 13,250 2% Non-Pay .... 13,284 985 14,269 14,287 985 15,272 7%

Total Expenditure:- 26,317 985 27,302 27,537 985 28,522 4%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead D.11 …. 14,778 985 15,763 16,778 985 17,763 13%

Non-Exchequer: Other …. 10,855 - 10,855 10,823 - 10,823 -

Total Income:- 25,633 985 26,618 27,601 985 28,586 7%

Surplus / Deficit in year .... (684) - (684) 64 - 64 -

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 222 230 4% Office of the Planning Regulator (Subhead D.5) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 1,162 - 1,162 1,499 - 1,499 29% Non-Pay .... 1,205 - 1,205 1,070 - 1,070 -11%

Total Expenditure:- 2,367 - 2,367 2,569 - 2,569 9%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead D.5 …. 2,367 - 2,367 2,569 - 2,569 9%

Total Income:- 2,367 - 2,367 2,569 - 2,569 9%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 16 21 31%

Residential Tenancies Board (Subhead A.24) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 3,906 - 3,906 5,658 - 5,658 - Non-Pay .... 12,480 1,265 13,745 15,029 950 15,979 16%

Total Expenditure:- 16,386 1,265 17,651 20,687 950 21,637 23%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead A.24 …. 7,010 950 7,960 9,000 950 9,950 25%

Non-Exchequer: Other …. 10,727 - 10,727 11,687 - 11,687 9%

Total Income:- 17,737 950 18,687 20,687 950 21,637 16%

Surplus / Deficit in year .... 1,036 - 1,036 - - - -

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 94 106 13% [37] Agency Statement [37] AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 37 - EMPLOYMENT AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL PROTECTION Citizens Information Board (Subhead A.40) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 4,772 - 4,772 5,098 - 5,098 7% Pensions .... 1,213 - 1,213 1,121 - 1,121 -8% Non-Pay .... 2,979 - 2,979 3,320 - 3,320 11%

Programmes: Citizen Information Service (Regional Services) … 16,881 - 16,881 18,665 - 18,665 11% Money Advice & Budgeting Service …. 18,719 - 18,719 19,162 - 19,162 2% Information Resources … 345 - 345 323 - 323 -6% Social Policy and Research … 138 - 138 150 - 150 9% Information & Communications Technology … 3,567 - 3,567 4,076 - 4,076 14% Advocacy … 4,850 - 4,850 4,989 - 4,989 3% eLearning/Training … 75 - 75 75 - 75 - Dedicated Mortgage Arrears MABS … 2,080 - 2,080 2,500 - 2,500 20% Aid and Advice … 2,820 - 2,820 2,500 - 2,500 -11% Total Expenditure :- 58,439 - 58,439 61,979 - 61,979 6%

Sources of Income: Subhead A.36 …. 58,160 - 58,160 61,774 - 61,774 6% Other Income .... 279 - 279 205 - 205 -27% Total Income :- 58,439 - 58,439 61,979 - 61,979 6%

Surplus / Deficit in year .... ------

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 74 79 7% [38] Agency Statement [38] AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 38 - HEALTH Food Safety Authority of Ireland (Subhead E.1) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 4,891 - 4,891 5,514 - 5,514 13% Non-Pay …. 4,033 - 4,033 4,258 - 4,258 6% Programmes: Payments to Local Authorities in respect of veterinary services …. 6,855 - 6,855 6,200 - 6,200 -10% Total Expenditure :- 15,779 - 15,779 15,972 - 15,972 1%

Sources of Income: Department of Health: Subhead E.1 - Grant for Administration and Programmes and H (Capital Services) …. 15,779 - 15,779 15,927 - 15,927 1%

Total Income:- 15,779 - 15,779 15,927 - 15,927 1%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 90 94 4%

North/South Body Food Safety Promotion Board (Subhead E.2.)(a) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 2,465 - 2,465 2,465 - 2,465 - Non-Pay …. 5,520 5,520 5,520 - 5,520 - Programmes: Total Expenditure :- 7,985 - 7,985 7,985 - 7,985 -

Sources of Income: South: Department of Health and Children: Subheads E.2 and I …. 5,691 5,691 5,691 - 5,691 - North: Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety .... 2,294 2,294 2,294 - 2,294 - Total Income:- 7,985 - 7,985 7,985 - 7,985 -

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 30 30 -

(a) The Body was set up under the Good Friday Agreement and the British-Irish Agreement establishing Implementation Bodies. [40] Agency Statement [40] AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 40 - CHILDREN AND YOUTH AFFAIRS Child and Family Agency (Subhead A.3) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 305,309 - 305,309 313,162 - 313,162 3%

Programmes: Foster Care and Other Allowances …. 121,294 - 121,294 121,294 - 121,294 - Private Residential and Foster Care …. 132,200 - 132,200 124,906 - 124,906 -6% Legal (including Guardian Ad Litem costs) …. 28,994 - 28,994 28,994 - 28,994 - Grant arrangements under Section 56 …. 156,437 - 156,437 156,837 - 156,837 - Other Current Expenditure Programmes …. 58,182 - 58,182 61,840 - 61,840 6% Capital Expenditure Programme …. - 13,194 13,194 - 15,394 15,394 17% Total Expenditure :- 802,416 13,194 815,610 807,033 15,394 822,427 1%

Sources of Income: Subhead A.3 …. 795,060 13,194 808,254 801,978 15,394 817,372 1% Subhead B.5 …. 4,356 - 4,356 5,055 - 5,055 16% Subhead C.5 …. 3,000 - 3,000 - - - - Other Income …. ------Total Income :- 802,416 13,194 815,610 807,033 15,394 822,427 1%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 4,571 4,636 1%

[42] Agency Statement [42] AGENCY STATEMENT FOR VOTE 42 - RURAL AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Western Development Commission* (Subhead A.4)

Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration Pay .... 1,289 1,289 1,309 1,309 2% Non-Pay .... 739 739 740 740 - Western Investment Fund .... - 40,177 40,177 - 39,312 39,312 -2% WIF 'Revolved' Funds .... - 10,000 10,000 - 7,500 7,500 -25% Other ------Total Expenditure :- 2,028 50,177 52,205 2,049 46,812 48,861 -6%

Sources of Income : Exchequer: Subhead A.4 …. 2,028 - 2,028 2,049 - 2,049 1%

Other: Western Investment Fund* …. - 47,177 47,177 - 43,812 43,812 -7% WIF 'Revolved' Funds** .... - 3,000 3,000 - 3,000 3,000 -

Total Income :- 2,028 50,177 52,205 2,049 46,812 48,861 -6%

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 17 24 41%

*The Western Investment Fund (WIF): The WIF is operated by the WDC and contributes to the development of the region by investing through equity or loans in business start-up, growth-oriented small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and in community-based measures to encourage enterprise development. **WIF Revolved Funds: All investments from the WIF are repayable and are the revolved funds shown. The Government established the WIF as an evergreen Fund, which means all its profits are re-invested in the region.

Water Safety Ireland * (Subhead B.9) Change 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate 2020 over Current Capital Total Current Capital Total 2019 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 % Expenditure: Administration: Pay .... 440 - 440 446 - 446 1% Non-Pay .... 305 - 305 305 - 305 - Programme Expenditure …. 823 - 823 823 - 823 -

Total Expenditure:- 1,568 - 1,568 1,574 - 1,574 0%

Sources of Income: Exchequer: Subhead B.9 …. 1,118 - 1,118 1,124 - 1,124 1%

Non-Exchequer: Sales and Misc Grants …. 450 - 450 450 - 450 -

Total Income:- 1,568 - 1,568 1,574 - 1,574 -

Public Service employees (whole-time equivalents) .... 7 8 14%

*Formerly Irish Water Safety Appendices

Page Appendix 1: National Lottery Funding - 2018 Estimate and 2019 Estimate …. 255

Appendix 2: Estimated EU Receipts in 2019 …. 256

Appendix 3: Science, Technology and Innovation Single Funding Stream 2019 …. 259

Appendix 4: Civil Service running costs by Vote - 2018 Estimate and 2019 Estimate …. 260

Appendix 5: Civil Service running costs by Expenditure Category - 2018 Estimate and 2019 Estimate …. 261

Appendix 6: Consultancy expenditure - 2018 Estimate and 2019 Estimate …. 262

Appendix 7: Multi-Annual Exchequer Capital Investment Framework 2019 to 2022 …. 265

Appendix 8: Public Capital Programme of Voted and Non-Voted Estimates in 2019 …. 266

Appendix 9: Public Capital Expenditure by Sector 2019 …. 276

Appendix 10: Climate Related Expenditure …. 283

Appendix 11: Carbon Tax Expenditure 285 Appendix 1 EXPENDITURE PART-FUNDED BY THE NATIONAL LOTTERY * 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Vote/Subhead Current Capital Total Current Capital Total

€000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

31. Transport, Tourism and Sport D.3 Grants for Sporting Bodies and the Provision of Sports and Recreational Facilities … - 42,580 42,580 - 27,935 27,935 D.5 Sports Ireland …. 57,301 4,900 62,201 65,612 2,900 68,512

Subtotal :- 57,301 47,480 104,781 65,612 30,835 96,447

33. Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht A.9 An Chomhairle Ealaíon …. 73,957 1,045 75,002 77,957 2,045 80,002 B.3 Grant for An Chomhairle Oidhreachta (Heritage Council) .... 3,900 2,688 6,588 3,917 2,688 6,605

C.4 Irish Language Support Schemes .... 4,400 682 5,082 4,650 632 5,2820 Subtotal :- 82,257 4,415 86,672 86,524 5,365 91,889 0 34. Housing, Planning and Local Government 0 A.9 Communal Facilities in Housing Projects** …. 500 500 500 500

A.18 Private Housing Grants** …. 57,000 57,000 59,000 59,0000 Subtotal :- - 57,500 57,500 - 59,500 59,500 0 38. Health J.1 Health Agencies and Other Similar Organisations .... 7,513 7,513 7,513 7,513

L..3 Building, Equipping and Furnishing of Health Facilities …. 2,539 2,539 0 Subtotal :- 7,513 2,539 10,052 7,513 - 7,513

40. Children and Youth Affairs B.6.1 Youth Organisations and Services …. 59,983 3,200 63,183 61,723 3,000 64,723

Subtotal :- 59,983 3,200 63,183 61,723 3,000 64,723

42. Rural and Community Development B.3.2 Seniors Alert Scheme …. 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 B.3.3(II) Supports for Community and Voluntary Sector - National Organisations Funding .... 5,921 5,921 5,921 5,921 B.4.1 Local/Regional Development Supports …. 726 726 882 882 B.4.2 Society of St Vincent de Paul and Protestant Aid …. 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Subtotal :- 10,447 - 10,447 10,603 - 10,603

Total* :- 217,501 115,134 332,635 231,975 98,700 330,675

* The total expenditure of €333 million in 2019 was part-funded by approximately €250 million from the National Lottery; the remainder was funded by the Exchequer. In 2020, estimated total expenditure of €331 million will be part-funded by approximately €250 million from the National Lottery, the remainder will be funded by the Exchequer.

** These subheads appear as A.4.3 and A.7 respectively in the Revised Estimates 2019. Appendix 2 ESTIMATED EU RECEIPTS in 2020 Total Exchequer Contribution Estimated EU of which relates to Vote and Subhead Receipts in Gross Net 2020 2020 2019 prior to 2019 2020 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

Vote 4. Central Statistics Office

A - Collection of Statistics 130 130 - - 2,316 2,186

Total Receipts (EUROSTAT) - Central Statistics Office - Current (a) 130 130 - - 2,316 2,186

Vote 11. Public Expenditure & Reform

A.6 - Peace Programme/ Northern Ireland INTERREG 780 490 218 - 1,200 710

Total Receipts (ERDF) - Public Expenditure & Reform - Capital (a) 780 490 218 - 1,200 710

Vote 24. Justice & Equality

B.6, B.8 - Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (PEIL) 2014-2020 (ESF) 9,000 - - 9,000 - -

D.4, E.3 - Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) 2014-2020 6,500 - 2,500 4,000 - -

Total Receipts (ESF, AMIF) - Justice & Equality - Current (a) 15,500 - 2,500 13,000 - -

Vote 26. Education & Skills

C.4, B.5 - Higher and Further Education Grants (a) 34,700 - - 34,700 - - - Higher and Further Education Grants (d) 27,750 - - 27,750 - -

Total Receipts from ESF - (current) (a) (d) 62,450 - - 62,450 - -

C.13 - Erasmus and funding direct to Leargas and Higher Education Authority - (c) Combined Total 34,802 19,260 15,542 - 20,735 1,475

Total Receipts (ESF) - Education & Skills - Current (a) (c) (d) 97,252 19,260 15,542 62,450 20,735 1,475

Vote 29. Communications, Climate Action & Environment

A.3 - Regional Operational Programme (National Broadband Plan)(b) 25,000 25,000 ---- C.4, C.5- Regional Operational Programme (Energy) (b) 1,428 - - 1,428 - - C.4, C.5- INTERREG V - AFLOWT SEAI (c) 161 125 36 - 250 125 C.4, C.5- INTERREG V - OPIN SEAI (c) 172 - 172 - - - D.5 - INTERREG - / DG Mare / CHERISH / FP7 GSI Services (a) 2,472 200 460 1,812 25 - D.5 - INTERREG VA - Catchment CARE GSI (a) 150 100 50 - 23 - E - INTERREG VA - ERDF Inland Fisheries Receipts (c) 585 167 418 - 585 418 E - INTERREG VA - SWELL Project Loughs Agency (c) 36 6 - 30 - - E - INTERREG IVA - Sea Monitoring Loughs Agency (c) 988 392 500 96 - - E - INTERREG VA - Catchment CARE Loughs Agency (c) 309 165 74 70 - -

Receipts from ERDF (capital) (a) (b) (c) 31,301 26,155 1,710 3,436 883 543 C.4, C.5- INTERREG V - OPIN SEAI (c) - 127 17 - 211 84 E - INTERREG VA - Catchment CARE Inland Fisheries (c) * 167 15 - 152 - - E - INTERREG VA - COMPASS Project Inland Fisheries (c) 63 5 14 44 - - F - INTERREG Europe - GPP4Growth (b) 97443509 5

Receipts from ERDF (current) (b) (c) 327 151 74 246 220 89

C.5 - Horizon 2020 - ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems SEAI (c) 56 33 23 -9865 C.5 - Horizon 2020 - Oceanera-NET SEAI (c) 93 67 26 - 204 137 C.5 - Horizon 2020 - Ocean Set SEAI (c) ** 114 - 114 --- C - Horizon 2020 - EU SysFlex Eirgrid (c) 1,150 - - 1,150 - - D.5 - Horizon 2020 - EMODNET Geology GSI (a) 3535----

Receipts from Horizon 2020 (capital) (a) (c) 1,448 135 163 1,150 302 202

C - Horizon 2020 ESB Networks (c) 1,466 175 48 1,243 - - C.4 - Horizon 2020 - SEAI Receipts (a)** 203 159 44 - 159 - C.5 - Horizon 2020 - Ocean Set SEAI (c)** 156 100 56 - 100 - D.5 - Horizon 2020 - GSI Receipts (a) 423 133 45 245 - - D - Horizon 2020 - GSI Receipts (f) 392 55 - 337 - - D - Horizon 2020 - MIREU EMD (f) 60 15 14 32 - - E - Horizon 2020 - AMBER Project Inland Fisheries (c)* 164 - 37 127 - -

Receipts from Horizon 2020 (current) (a) (c) (f) 2,864 637 244 1,984 259 - C - Connecting Europe Facility Celtic Interconnector Eirgrid (CEF) - (capital) (c)** 3,139 - - 3,139 - - A.4 - Erasmus+ Digital Skills Pathway (DHDA) -(current) (c) 9- - 9- - E - NASCO Sea Lice Project (Inland Fisheries) EMFF - (current) (c)* 104 - - 104 - - Total Receipts (ERDF, Horizon 2020, CEF, Erasmus+, EMFF) - Communications, Climate Action & Environment - Current & Capital (a) (b) (c) (f) 39,192 27,078 2,191 10,068 1,664 834 * Expenditure will be fully reimbursed by 3rd party ** Not matched by exchequer funding Appendix 2 - ESTIMATED EU RECEIPTS IN 2020 - continued Total Exchequer Contribution Estimated EU of which relates to Vote and Subhead Receipts in Gross Net 2020 2020 2019 prior to 2019 2020 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

Vote 30. Agriculture, Food & the Marine

E.14 - EU Veterinary Fund (Subhead A.3, part) 7,205 - 7,205 - - -

Receipts from EAGF - (current) (a) 7,205 - 7,205 - - -

E.13 - EAFRD (Subheads A.3 part, B.3, B.4, B.5, B.6, B.7, B.8, B.9 & C.10 part) 270,000 120,000 150,000 - 255,000 135,000

Receipts from EAFRD - (current) (a) 270,000 120,000 150,000 - 255,000 135,000

E.20 - EMFF (Subheads D.3, D.4 & D.5 parts) 25,000 - 25,000 - - -

Receipts from EMFF, EFF - (current) (a) 25,000 - 25,000 - - - Total Receipts (EAGF, Fisheries Surveillance, EAFRD, EMFF) - Agriculture, Food & the Marine - Current & Capital (a) 302,205 120,000 182,205 - 255,000 135,000

Vote 31. Transport, Tourism & Sport

Sustainable Transport Grant INTERREG VA Programme 1,833 1,701 63 69 - - Receipts from ERDF - (capital) (b) 1,833 1,701 63 69 - -

Dublin Port Company CEF 761761---- Port of Cork Company CEF 6,500 6,500 ---- Shannon Foynes Port Company CEF 591 591 ---- Receipts from CEF - (capital) (c) 7,852 7,852 - - - -

Total Receipts (ERDF, CEF) - Transport, Tourism & Sport - Capital (b) (c) 9,685 9,553 63 69 - -

Vote 32. Business, Enterprise & Innovation

A.8 - Microenterprise 5,000 - 3,800 1,200 - - A.10 - INTERREG - ERDF Reimbursements 5,516 2,989 2,325 201 5,800 2,811 B.4 - Science and Technology 32,929 - 17,500 15,429 - -

Total Receipts (ERDF) - Business, Enterprise & Innovation - Capital (b) 43,445 2,989 23,625 16,830 5,800 2,811

Vote 33. Culture, Heritage & the Gaeltacht

B.5 - EU LIFE Kerry 488 488 - - 488 - B.5 - EU LIFE Atlantic Crex 1,289 1,289 - - 1,436 147 B.5 - EU LIFE Wild Atlantic Nature IP 2,475 2,475 - - 2,835 360 B.8 - EU LIFE 2014-2020 Programme 811 811 - - 811 -

Total Receipts (EU Life) - Culture, Heritage & the Gaeltacht - Current & Capital (b) 5,063 5,063 - - 5,570 507

Vote 34 Housing, Planning & Local Government

A.16 - Energy Efficiency - Retrofitting - (capital ) (b) 7,500 - 2,500 5,000 - - B.3 - Water Quality Programme - INTERREG V - (capital) (b) 6,066 5,891 81 94 6,066 175 B.5 - Irish Water - INTERREG V - (current) (e) 678 532 146 - 780 248 B.8 - Marine Environment - INTERREG/RAGES ERDF (Capital) (a) (c) 655 342 313 - 456 114 F.3 - Met Éireann - (current) (a) 2- - 2- -

Total Receipts (ERDF, CEF, H2020) - Housing Planning & Local Government - Current & Capital (a) (b) (c) (e) 14,901 6,765 3,040 5,096 7,302 537

Vote 37. Employment Affairs & Social Protection A.2 - Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) 190 - 190 - 253 253 A.16 - Back to Work Enterprise Allowance (ESF) (YEI) 2,330 - - 2,330 - - A.20 - JobsPlus (ESF) (YEI) 4,350 - - 4,350 - - A.22 - Other Employment Support Services (ESF) (EURES) 570 - - 570 - - A.42 - Miscellaneous Services (Food Aid) (FEAD) 4,500 - 4,500 - - -

Total Receipts (CEF, ESF, FEAD, YEI) - Employment Affairs & Social Protection - Current (a) 11,940 - 4,690 7,250 253 253 Appendix 2 - ESTIMATED EU RECEIPTS IN 2020 - continued Total Exchequer Contribution Estimated EU of which relates to Vote and Subhead Receipts in Gross Net 2020 2020 2019 prior to 2019 2020 2020 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000

Vote 38. Health

Health Research Board European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) 80 44 36 - 204 124

Institute of Public Health in Ireland Joint Action (Chrodis) 9- 9- - -

Total Receipts (Miscellaneous Health Related Programmes) - Health - Current (c) 89 44 45 - 204 124

Vote 40. Children & Youth Affairs

B.9 Programme for Peace & Reconciliation 2,373 1,270 1,049 54 2,244 974

Total Receipts (ERDF) - Children & Youth Affairs - Current (a) 2,373 1,270 1,049 54 2,244 974

Vote 42. Rural & Community Development

D.2 - LEADER - Rural Economy Sub-Programme 2014 -2020 (EAFRD) - (capital) (a) 25,000 16,000 9,000 - 25,480 9,480

D.3 - Programme for Peace & Reconcilliation (ERDF) - (current) (a) 6,000 2,600 3,400 - 3,059 459 Total Receipts (EAFRD, ERDF) - Rural & Community Development - Current & Capital (a) 31,000 18,600 12,400 - 28,539 9,939

Total Receipts 573,555 211,242 247,568 114,817 330,827 155,350

Totals European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 100,958 42,121 33,179 25,729 20,708 6,123 European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) 7,205 - 7,205 - - - European Social Fund (ESF, EURES, YEI) 69,700 - - 69,700 - - Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) 11,183 7,852 190 3,141 253 253 European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF, EFF) 25,104 - 25,000 104 - - European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) 295,000 136,000 159,000 - 280,480 144,480 European Refugee Fund/ European Integration Fund (ERF, EIF) 15,500 - 2,500 13,000 - - European Aid for the Most Deprived (FEAD) 4,500 - 4,500 - - - EUROSTAT Receipts 130 130 - - 2,316 2,186 Erasmus+ 34,811 19,260 15,542 9 20,735 1,475 EU LIFE 5,063 5,063 - - 5,570 507 Horizon 2020 4,312 772 407 3,134 561 202 Miscellaneous Health Related Programmes 89 44 45 - 204 124

Total Receipts 573,555 211,242 247,568 114,817 330,827 155,350 of which Capital 129,019 61,555 37,360 29,718 40,187 14,035 Current 444,536 149,687 210,208 85,099 290,640 141,315

(a) These receipts are included as Appropriations-in-Aid on the Vote. (b) These receipts are paid directly into the Central Fund. The related expenditure is provided in the Vote. 7,852 (c) These receipts are paid directly to the relevant implementation agencies and do not go through the Votes and are not paid to the Exchequer. The gross (and net) exchequer contribution is provided for in the Vote. (d) These are paid directly into the National Training Fund (NTF) and are not included as Voted Exchequer appropriations-in-aid (e) These receipts are paid directly into the Central Fund and relate to expenditure by Irish Water. Appendix 3 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION SINGLE FUNDING STREAM 2019 2020 Current Capital Total

€000 €000 €000

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine:

C.3- Competitive Research Funding Programmes STIM, FIRM, CoFord 17,000 17,000 C.4 Prepared Consumer Foods Innovation Centre - 5,000 5,000 C.5- Teagasc 77,000 7,000 84,000 D.4- Marine Institute 5,000 9,500 14,500 D.5 Bord Iascaigh Mhara 4,000 - 4,000 Subtotal :- 103,000 21,500 124,500 Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation:

B.4 - Enterprise Ireland STI …. 4,794 122,000 126,794 B.4 - Science Foundation Ireland …. 12,645 178,486 191,131 B.4 - Irish Universities Association (Researcher Mobility) …. 140 - 140 B.4 - Tyndall Institute …. - 5,500 5,500 B.5 - Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions (PRTLI) …. - 24,072 24,072 B.6 - Ireland's Memberships/participation in International Research Organisations - 22,445 22,445 B.9 - Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund - 30,000 30,000 Subtotal :- 17,579 382,503 400,082 Department of Education and Skills C.12 - Irish Research Council …. - 40,500 40,500 C.12 - ICHEC …. - 1,100 1,100 C. 18 - HEAnet 11,000 11,578 22,578 Subtotal :- 11,000 53,178 64,178 Department of Health: B.1.1 - Health Research Board .... 28,460 - 28,460 H - Grants in respect of building, equipping (incl. ICT) of agencies funded by the Department …. 0 10,000 10,000 Subtotal :- 28,460 10,000 38,460

Grand Total :- 160,039 467,181 627,220 Appendix 4

CIVIL SERVICE RUNNING COSTS BY VOTE (a) Change Vote 2020 Service 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate No. over 2019 €000 €000 %

2 Department of the Taoiseach 22,520 22,277 -1% 3 Office of the Attorney General 13,880 14,268 3% 4 Central Statistics Office 56,163 67,010 19% 5 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 18,875 19,469 3% 6 Chief State Solicitor's Office 20,571 21,771 6% 7 Office of the Minister for Finance 23,444 25,580 9% 8 Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General 14,638 15,147 3% 9 Office of the Revenue Commissioners 450,171 470,462 5% 10 Office of the Appeals Commissioners 3,348 3,308 -1% 11 Public Expenditure and Reform 31,742 26,331 -17% 13 Office of Public Works 52,824 58,347 10% 14 State Laboratory 10,861 11,317 4% 16 Valuation Office 10,869 13,464 24% 17 Public Appointments Service 15,503 15,567 0% 18 National Shared Services Office 44,405 43,455 -2% 19 Office of the Ombudsman 12,174 12,321 1% 22 Courts Service 95,808 103,281 8% 24 Justice and Equality 60,304 118,666 97% 26 Education and Skills 103,082 106,932 4% 27 International Co-operation 33,729 36,925 9% 28 Foreign Affairs and Trade 193,145 198,255 3% 29 Communications, Climate Action and the Environment 35,432 38,075 7% 30 Agriculture, Food and the Marine 285,692 283,131 -1% 31 Transport, Tourism and Sport 44,902 46,289 3% 32 Business, Enterprise and Innovation 37,587 38,494 2% 33 Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht 40,482 43,228 7% 34 Housing, Planning, and Local Government 74,678 81,210 9% 36 Defence 24,540 26,521 8% 37 Employment Affairs and Social Protection 554,517 565,990 2% 38 Health 39,669 43,504 10% 39 Office of Government Procurement 16,029 16,308 2% 40 Children and Youth Affairs 17,707 21,530 22% 42 Rural and Community Development 11,919 12,057 1% 43 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer - 7,174 - 44 Data Protection Commission - 16,916 - Grand Total:- 2,471,210 2,644,580 4% (a) Year on year percentage change figures may not be directly comparable due to certain functions transferring. Appendix 5

CIVIL SERVICE RUNNING COSTS BY CATEGORY (a) Change 2020 Category of Expenditure 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate over 2019 €000 €000 %

Salaries Wages & Allowances 1,657,623 1,773,988 Travel & Subsistence 47,797 51,152 Incidental Expenses 101,757 108,900 Postal & Telecommunications Services 58,018 62,091 Office Machinery & Other Supplies and Related Services 267,289 286,052 Office Premises Expenses 112,071 119,938 Consultancy Services, Value for Money and Policy Reviews 10,884 11,648 Legal Fees 750 803 Contract Legal Expertise (Attorney General) 324 346 Contract Audit Services 885 947 Collection of Statistics 2,035 2,178 Equipment, Stores & Maintenance 319 342 Advertising, Information Resources, Publicity & Government Publications 453 485 Supplementary Measures to protect EU Interests 919 984 Payments for Agency Services 129,310 138,387 Motor Vehicles 3,238 3,465 Law Charges, Fees & Rewards 11,763 12,589 Financial Shared Services (Justice & Equality) 7,223 7,730 Compensation & Losses 540 577 Research (Justice & Equality) 304 326 Foreign Representation and Accommodation Expenses 13,055 13,972 Laboratory Services (Agriculture, Food and the Marine) 6,583 7,045 Recruitment Costs (Public Appointments Service) 3,033 3,245 National Education Psychological Service 21,363 22,862 eGovernment Related Projects 13,166 14,091 Referendum Commission 509 436 Total:- 2,471,210 2,644,580 (a) Year on year percentage change figures may not be directly comparable due to certain functions transferring. Appendix 6 EXPENDITURE ON CONSULTANCY * 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Vote and Subhead €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 2. Department of the Taoiseach

A.2 (vii) Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 18 - 18 18 - 18 Subtotal :- 18 - 18 18 - 18 3. Attorney Generals Office

A.2 (vii) - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 43 - 43 43 - 43 A.5 (viii) - Contract Legal Expertise …. 280 - 280 280 - 280 Subtotal :- 323 - 323 323 - 323 4. Central Statistics Office

A.2 - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 220 - 220 55 - 55 Subtotal :- 220 - 220 55 - 55 5. Director of Public Prosecutions

A.2 - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 37 - 37 37 - 37 Subtotal :- 37 - 37 37 - 37 6. Office of the Chief State Solicitor

A.2 - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 50 - 50 100 - 100 Subtotal :- 50 - 50 100 - 100 7. Office of the Minister for Finance

A.2 (vii) Administration - Non-Pay …. 20 - 20 20 - 20 A.4 - Consultancy and Other Costs …. 1,150 - 1150 620 - 620 B.4 - Consultancy and Other Costs …. 3,252 - 3252 2,015 - 2015 Subtotal :- 4,422 - 4,422 2,655 - 2,655 8. Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General

A.2 - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 50 - 50 125 - 125 Subtotal :- 50 - 50 125 - 125 9. Office of the Revenue Commissioners

A.2 - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 50 - 50 60 - 60 Subtotal :- 50 - 50 60 - 60 10. Tax Appeals Commission A.2 - Consultancy Services and Other Services …. 70 - 70 210 - 210 Subtotal :- 70 - 70 210 - 210 11. Office of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform

A.2 - Administration - Non-Pay …. 9 - 9 15 - 15 A.4 - Structural Funds Technical Assistance and Other Costs …. 95 - 95 0 - 0 A.9 - Consultancy and Other Costs …. 138 - 138 293 - 293 B.2 - Administration - Non-Pay …. 21 - 21 15 - 15 B.5 - Consultancy and Other Costs …. 197 - 197 142 - 142 B.7 - Reform Agenda …. 245 - 245 415 - 415 B.9 - Public Pay Determination Support 300 - 300 150 - 150 B.12 - Single Public Service Pension Scheme Administration Project …. 210 - 210 220 - 220 Subtotal :- 1,215 - 1,215 1,250 - 1,250 13. Office of Public Works

(vii) Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 266 - 266 266 - 266 Subtotal :- 266 - 266 266 - 266 14. State Laboratory

A.2 - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 105 - 105 65 - 65 Subtotal :- 105 - 105 65 - 65 16. Valuation Office

A.2 - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 50 - 50 50 - 50 B.2 - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 10 - 10 10 - 10 Subtotal :- 60 - 60 60 - 60 17. Public Appointments Service

A.2 - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 30 - 30 170 30 200 Subtotal :- 30 - 30 170 30 200 18. National Shared Service Office

A.3 - Financial Management Shared Services …. - 1,225 1,225 - 70 70 Subtotal :- - 1,225 1,225 - 70 70 19. Office of the Ombudsman A.2 - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 434 - 434 20 - 20 Subtotal :- 434 - 434 20 - 20 *This table is for information purposes only. The expenditure amounts are approximate based on an estimate of Consultancy expenditure provided by Departments and Offices. Expenditure on “IT External Service Provision” which was previously included, for certain Votes, under Consultancy (A7) is now shown as a separate subhead item under the Office Machinery and Other Office Supplies and Related Services Subhead (A5). 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Current Capital Total Current Capital Total Vote and Subhead €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 20. Garda Síochána

A.2 (vii) - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 261 - 261 261 - 261 Subtotal :- 261 - 261 261 - 261 21. Prisons

A.2 (vi) - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 100 - 100 100 - 100 A.3 - Buildings and Equipment …. - 700 700 - 700 700 Subtotal :- 100 700 800 100 700 800 22. Courts Service

A.2 (vii) - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 100 - 100 100 - 100 Subtotal :- 100 - 100 100 - 100 23. Property Registration Authority

A.2 (vii) - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 25 - 25 - - - Subtotal :- 25 - 25 - - - 24. Justice and Equality

A.7 - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 73 - 73 73 - 73 Subtotal :- 73 - 73 73 - 73 25 Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission A.2 (vii) - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 299 - 299 299 - 299 Subtotal :- 299 - 299 299 - 299

26. Education and Skills (v)- IT Current and Capital 80 - 80 80 - 80 (vii)- Consultancy and VFM Services 340 - 340 265 - 265 A.2 - Administration Non-Pay …. - - - 8 - 8 A 9 School Transport 30 - 30 30 - 30 A.14 - Miscellaneous Grants and Services - School Information and Communication Technologies Activities ….. 200 - 200 200 - 200 A.15 Building Equipment and Furnishing of Primary and Post Primary Schools, Colleges, Institutes of Technology and Other Designated Institutions of Higher Education …. - 150 150 - 150 150 A.16 Public Private Partnership Costs …. - 300 300 - 300 300 B.2 - Administration Non-Pay 8 - 8 8 - 8 B.4 - ESF Policy and Operations 110 - 110 110 - 110 C.2 - Administration Non-Pay - - - - - 0 C.3 - Higher Education Authority General Expenses 1,050 - 1050 1,050 - 1050 C.7 - Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies …. 60 - 60 60 - 60 C.12 - Research Activities …. 250 - 250 250 - 250 Subtotal :- 2,128 450 2,578 2,061 450 2,511 27. International Co-operation A.2 - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 500 - 500 500 - 500 A.3 - Payment to Grant Fund for Bilateral and - - other co-operation …. 500 - 500 500 500 Subtotal :- 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 28. Foreign Affairs and Trade (vii) Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 100 - 100 100 - 100 Subtotal :- 100 - 100 100 - 100

29. Communications, Climate Action and Environment

A.2 - Communications: Administration Non-Pay …. 402 - 402 249 - 249 A.3 - Information and Communications Technology Programme …. - 11,780 11,780 - 8,024 8,024 A.5 - Information Society …. 373 - 373 - 5 5 B.2 - Broadcasting: Administration Non-Pay …. 138 - 138 114 - 114 C.2 - Energy: Administration Non-Pay …. 487 - 487 219 - 219 C.4 - Sustainable Energy Programmes …. - - - - 78 78 C.5 - Energy Research Programmes …. - 165 165 - 200 200 C.6 - Gas Services …. - - - 45 - 45 D.2 - Natural Resources: Administration Non-Pay …. 657 - 657 713 - 713 D.4 - Mining Services .... 600 1100 1,700 400 200 600 E.2 - Inland Fisheries: Administration Non-Pay …. 95 - 95 106 - 106 F.2 - Environment and Waste Management: Administration Non-Pay …. 21 - 21 399 - 399 F.7 - Climate Initiatives .... - 1500 1,500 - 2,408 2,408 F.10 - Waste Management Initiatives .... - 260 260 - 60 60 Subtotal :- 2,773 14,805 17,578 2,245 10,975 13,220 30. Agriculture, Food and the Marine (vii) Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 208 - 208 423 - 423 Subtotal :- 208 - 208 423 - 423 31. Transport, Tourism and Sport vii Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 1,399 - 1,399 1,399 - 1,399 B.8 - Public Transport Investment Programme …. - 100 100 - 400 400 C.3 - Maritime Administration and IRCG …. 450 - 450 450 - 450 Subtotal :- 1,849 100 1,949 1,849 400 2,249 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Vote and Subhead Current Capital Total Current Capital Total €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 32. Business Enterprise and Innovation (vii) Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 1,300 - 1,300 1,278 - 1,278 A.4 - Intertrade Ireland …. 50 - 50 50 - 50 A.5 - IDA …. 850 - 850 850 - 850 A.7 - Enterprise Ireland …. 1,600 - 1,600 1,700 - 1,700 B.4 - Science and Technology …. 260 - 260 251 - 251 C.3 - Workplace Relations Commission .... 162 - 162 162 - 162 C.5 - Health and Safety Authority .... 150 - 150 150 - 150 C.7 - Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement …. 150 - 150 150 - 150 C.8 - Competition and Consumer Protection Commission …. 260 - 260 470 - 470 C.11 - Companies Registration Office and Registry of Friendly Societies …. 40 - 40 40 - 40 C.13 - Irish Auditing & Accounting Supervisory Authority 619 - 619 952 - 952 Subtotal :- 5,441 - 5,441 6,053 - 6,053 33. Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (vii) - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 100 - 100 100 - 100 (iii)- Training and Development and incidental expenses 50 - 50 - - -

(v)- Office Equiment and External IT Services 60 - 60 - - - A.4 - General Expenses of the National Archives 160 - 160 - - - B.5 - Natural Heritage (National Parks and Wildlife Services) … - - 0 231 - 231 Subtotal :- 370 - 370 331 - 331 34. Housing, Planning and Local Government iii - Training and Development and Incidental Expenses - - - 10 - 10 vii - Consultancy and VFM and Policy Reviews …. 38 - 38 78 - 78 A. 12 - Traveller Accomodation and Support …. 20 - 20 - 40 40 A.26 - Other Services …. 639 - 639 919 - 919 B.3 - Water Quality Programme …. 190 429 190 80 331 411 B.4 - Rural Water Programme …. - 250 0 - 300 300 B.9 - Water Advisory Body …. 10 - 10 - - 0 C.4 - Fire and Emergency Services …. 156 - 156 166 - 166 C.5 - Franchise …. 75 - 75 75 - 75 D.6 - Planning Policy …. 60 - 60 60 - 60 D.7 - National and Regional Planning Policy …. 85 - 85 220 - 220 D.12 - Land Development Agency …. 443 - 443 - - - D.13 Foreshore … 50 - 50 - - - D14 - Marine Spatial Planning …. 531 350 531 190 - 190 D15 - Environmental Planning Policy …. - - 0 123 - 123 Subtotal :- 2,297 1,029 3,326 1,921 671 2,592 36. Defence A.2 - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 190 - 190 190 - 190 Subtotal :- 190 - 190 190 - 190 37. Employment Affairs and Social Protection (vii) - Consultancy Services …. 2,100 - 2,100 2,100 - 2,100 Subtotal :- 2,100 - 2,100 2,100 - 2,100

38. Health

A.7 - Consultancy Services …. 1,500 - 1,500 1,500 - 1,500 Subtotal :- 1,500 - 1,500 1,500 - 1,500 39. Office of Government Procurement

A.3 - Procurement Consultancy and Other Costs …. 2,140 312 2,452 1,957 495 2,452 Subtotal :- 2,140 312 2,452 1,957 495 2,452 40. Children and Youth Affairs

A.2 - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 24 - 24 115 - 115 B.2 - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 57 - 57 197 - 197

C.2 - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 61 - 61 235 - 235 Subtotal :- 142 - 142 547 - 547 41 Policing Authority

A.2 (vii) - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews 100 - 100 100 - 100 Subtotal :- 100 - 100 100 - 100 42 Rural and Community Development vii Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. 90 - 90 330 - 330 A 4 - National Rural Development Schemes 30 - 30 - - - A.8 - Regional Economic Development 250 - 250 - - - B3 - Supports for Community and Voluntary Sector 100 - 100 - - - B.12 - Community Services Programme 50 - 50 - - - C 3 - Charities Regulatory Authority …. 300 - 300 - - - Subtotal :- 820 - 820 330 - 330

44. Data Protection Commision A.2 (vii) - Consultancy Services and Value for Money and Policy Reviews …. - - - 625 - 625 Subtotal:- - - - 625 - 625

Grand Total :- 31,366 18,621 49,987 29,579 13,791 43,370 Appendix 7

Multi-Annual Capital Investment Framework 2020 to 2022

2020 2021 2022 €million Capital Envelope Exchequer Exchequer Exchequer Total Capital Capital Capital 2020 - 2022 (€millions) Funding Funding Funding Ministerial Vote Group






DEFENCE GROUP 113 120 125 358

EDUCATION AND SKILLS 922 1,006 1,100 3,028


FINANCE GROUP 22 18 19 59


HEALTH 854 880 880 2,614





TRANSPORT, TOURISM AND SPORT 1,943 2,613 2,424 6,980


Total * 8,166 9,161 9,335 26,662 Total Investment as a % of GNI* 4.0% 4.3% 4.3% * Rounding effects totals

Appendix 8


2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Sources of Finance Sources of Finance €000sTotal €000s Total Ministerial Group Expenditure Expenditure Exchequer Internal External in PCP Exchequer Internal External in PCP (income / own (borrowings / (income / own (borrowings / resources ) EU Receipts) resources ) EU Receipts) AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND THE MARINE Voted: A.2 - Food Safety, Animal & Plant Health and Animal Welfare - Administration (Non-Pay) 32,131 - - 32,131 5,240 - - 5,240 A.3 - Food Safety, Animal & Plant Health and Animal Welfare 720 - - 720 1,700 - - 1,700 B.2 - Farm / Sector Supports and Controls - Administration (Non-Pay) 1,237 - - 1,237 1,392 - - 1,392 B.3 - Agri-Environmental Schemes 1,250 - - 1,250 4,250 - - 4,250 B.5 - Development of Agriculture and Food (Farm) 84,530 - - 84,530 70,787 - - 70,787 B.6 - Beef Sustainability Schemes 1,150 - - 1,150 250 - - 250 B.10 - Forestry and Bio-Energy 78,178 - - 78,178 100,179 - - 100,179 B.12 - Other Schemes 500 - - 500 500 - - 500 C.2 - Policy and Strategy - Administration (Non-Pay) 241 - - 241 271 - - 271 C.3 - Research, Quality and Certification - - - - 200 - - 200 C.4 - Development and Promotion of Agriculture and Food (Non-Farm) 9,630 - - 9,630 8,524 - - 8,524 C.5 - Teagasc (Grant) 6,150 - - 6,150 10,950 - - 10,950 C.7 - Horse and Greyhound Racing Fund 11,144 - - 11,144 13,144 - - 13,144 C.11 - Other Services 520 - - 520 503 - - 503 D.2 - Seafood Sector - Administration (Non-Pay) 287 - - 287 323 - - 323 D.3 - Fisheries 28,427 - - 28,427 28,787 - - 28,787 D.4 - Marine Institute 12,000 - - 12,000 14,000 - - 14,000 D.5 - Bord Iascaigh Mhara 12,100 - - 12,100 12,100 - - 12,100 D.6 - Sea Fisheries Protection Authority 400 - - 400 600 - - 600 D.7 - Haulbowline Remediation Project 2,500 - - 2,500 300 - - 300 Voted Subtotal: 283,095 - - 283,095 274,000 - - 274,000

Non-Voted: Coillte Teo - 85,487 - 85,487 - 39,417 128,002 167,419 National Stud - 2,800 - 2,800 - 3,000 - 3,000 Teagasc - 4,000 - 4,000 - 5,000 - 5,000 Horse Racing Ireland - 15,484 5,948 21,432 - - - - Bord na gCon - 3,000 - 3,000 - 3,000 - 3,000 Non-Voted Subtotal: - 110,771 5,948 116,719 - 50,417 128,002 178,419

Total 283,095 110,771 5,948 399,814 274,000 50,417 128,002 452,419

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Sources of Finance Sources of Finance €000sTotal €000s Total Ministerial Group Expenditure Expenditure Exchequer Internal External in PCP Exchequer Internal External in PCP (income / own (borrowings / (income / own (borrowings / resources ) EU Receipts) resources ) EU Receipts) BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE AND INNOVATION Voted: A.4 - Intertrade Ireland 7,195 - - 7,195 7,695 - - 7,695 A.5 - IDA Ireland 136,900 - - 136,900 136,000 - - 136,000 A.6 - National Standards Authority of Ireland 500 - - 500 500 - - 500 A.7 - Enterprise Ireland 57,750 - - 57,750 65,750 - - 65,750 A.8 - Local Enterprise Development 27,500 - - 27,500 27,500 - - 27,500 A.9 - Temporary Partial Credit Guarantee Scheme 500 - - 500 500 - - 500 A.10 - Matching Funding for INTERREG 4,200 - - 4,200 5,800 - - 5,800 A.14 - Future Growth Loan Scheme 8,000 - - 8,000 5,750 - - 5,750 A.15 - Humanitarian Relief Scheme 60 - - 60 1 - - 1 A.16 - Micro Finance Ireland -- -- 1 - - 1 B.4 - Science & Technology Development Programme 302,087 - - 302,087 305,986 - - 305,986 B.5 - Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions 26,299 - - 26,299 24,072 - - 24,072 B.6 - Subscriptions to International Organisations, etc. 30,234 - - 30,234 22,445 - - 22,445 B.9 - Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund 20,000 - - 20,000 30,000 - - 30,000 Voted Subtotal: 621,225 - - 621,225 632,000 - - 632,000

Non-Voted: Enterprise Ireland - 59,000 - 59,000 - 59,000 - 59,000 IDA Ireland Grants - 2,000 - 2,000 - 5,000 - 5,000 IDA Ireland Buildings - 32,000 - 32,000 - 20,000 - 20,000 Non-Voted Subtotal: - 93,000 - 93,000 - 84,000 - 84,000

Total 621,225 93,000 - 714,225 632,000 84,000 - 716,000

CHILDREN AND YOUTH AFFAIRS Voted: A.3 - Child and Family Agency 13,194 - - 13,194 15,394 - - 15,394 A.4 - Youth Justice - Oberstown Children Detention Campus 2,000 - - 2,000 3,800 - - 3,800 B.5 - Childcare Programmes: Delivery Supports & Other Initiatives 9,206 - - 9,206 8,806 - - 8,806 B.6 - Youth Organisations and Services 3,200 - - 3,200 3,000 - - 3,000

Total 27,600 - - 27,600 31,000 - - 31,000

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Sources of Finance Sources of Finance €000s Total€000s Total Ministerial Group Expenditure Expenditure Exchequer Internal External in PCP Exchequer Internal External in PCP (income / own (borrowings / (income / own (borrowings / resources ) EU Receipts) resources ) EU Receipts) COMMUNICATIONS, CLIMATE ACTION AND ENVIRONMENT Voted: A.2 - Communications - Administration (Non-Pay) 124 - - 124 124 - - 124 A.3 - Information and Communications Technology Programme 62,190 - - 62,190 121,190 - - 121,190 A.4 - Multi-Media Developments 3,600 - - 3,600 3,600 - - 3,600 A.5 - Information Society and eInclusion 2,500 - - 2,500 2,500 - - 2,500 B.2 - Broadcasting - Administration (Non-Pay) 23 - - 23 23 - - 23 B.5 - Deontas I Leith TG4 2,000 - - 2,000 3,000 - - 3,000 B.7 - RTÉ Spectrum - - - - 1,000 - - 1,000 C.2 - Energy - Administration (Non-Pay) 185 - - 185 185 - - 185 C.3 - Sustainable Energy Ireland 5,000 - - 5,000 - - - - C.4 - Sustainable Energy Programmes 128,717 - - 128,717 174,795 - - 174,795 C.5 - Energy Research Programmes 8,700 - - 8,700 9,700 - - 9,700 C.8 - Renewable Energy - Statistical Transfers 1 - - 1 1 - - 1 D.2 - Natural Resources - Administration (Non-Pay) 455 - - 455 455 - - 455 D.4 - Mining Services 550 - - 550 550 - - 550 D.5 - GSI Services 10,770 - - 10,770 10,770 - - 10,770 E.2 - Inland Fisheries - Administration (Non-Pay) 73 - - 73 73 - - 73 E.3 - Inland Fisheries 3,054 - - 3,054 3,054 - - 3,054 F.2 - Environment and Waste Management - Administration (Non-Pay) 140 - - 140 140 - - 140 F.3 - Environmental Protection Agency 11,780 - - 11,780 11,780 - - 11,780 F.4 - Carbon Fund 5,105 - - 5,105 3,000 - - 3,000 F.5 - International Climate Change Commitments 2,500 - - 2,500 4,500 - - 4,500 F.6 - Landfill Remediation 8,500 - - 8,500 8,500 - - 8,500 F.7 - Climate Initiatives 1,500 - - 1,500 5,560 - - 5,560 F.10 - Waste Management Initiatives 500 - - 500 1,000 - - 1,000 F.11 - Climate Action Fund 15,000 - - 15,000 10,000 - - 10,000 F.12 - Just Transition - - - - 6,000 - - 6,000 Voted Subtotal: 272,967 - - 272,967 381,500 - - 381,500

Non-Voted: An Post - 10,000 - 10,000 - 15,000 - 15,000 E.S.B. - 830,000 330,000 1,160,000 - 1,190,000 50,000 1,240,000 EirGrid - 35,200 800 36,000 - 40,950 5,650 46,600 Bord na Móna - 44,654 - 44,654 - 34,641 - 34,641 R.T.E. - 20,600 - 20,600 - 18,600 - 18,600 Broadcasting Authority of Ireland -4 3 - 43 -8 0 - 80 Digital Hub Development Agency - 870 - 870 - 362 - 362 Commission for Communications Regulation - 3,055 - 3,055 - 3,042 - 3,042 Commission for Energy Regulation - 245 - 245 - 200 - 200 Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland ------114 114 Inland Fisheries Ireland - 1,200 - 1,200 - 1,200 - 1,200 Environment Services - Productive Infrastructure - 4,000 - 4,000 - 5,500 - 5,500 Non-Voted Subtotal: - 949,867 330,800 1,280,667 - 1,309,575 55,764 1,365,339

Total 272,967 949,867 330,800 1,553,634 381,500 1,309,575 55,764 1,746,839

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Sources of Finance Sources of Finance €000s Total€000s Total Ministerial Group Expenditure Expenditure Exchequer Internal External in PCP Exchequer Internal External in PCP (income / own (borrowings / (income / own (borrowings / resources ) EU Receipts) resources ) EU Receipts) CULTURE, HERITAGE AND THE GAELTACHT Voted: A.2 - Culture - Administration (Non-Pay) 123 - - 123 123 - - 123 A.4 - General Expenses of National Archives and National Archives Advisory Council 351 - - 351 351 - - 351 A.5 - General Expenses of The Irish Museum of Modern Art, Chester Beatty Library, National Concert Hall and the Crawford Gallery 917 - - 917 917 - - 917 A.7 - Cultural Infrastructure and Development 12,150 - - 12,150 9,500 - - 9,500 A.9 - An Chomhairle Ealaíon (Arts Council of Ireland) 1,045 - - 1,045 2,045 - - 2,045 A.10 - General Expenses of the National Museum of Ireland 1,108 - - 1,108 1,108 - - 1,108 A.11 - General Expenses of the National Library of Ireland 478 - - 478 478 - - 478 A.12 - Fís Éireann - Screen Ireland 16,200 - - 16,200 17,200 - - 17,200 A.13 - General Expenses of the National Gallery of Ireland 858 - - 858 858 - - 858 A.14 - European City of Culture 6,000 - - 6,000 7,100 - - 7,100 A.16 - Cork Events Centre 1,000 - - 1,000 -- - - B.2 - Heritage - Administration (Non-Pay) 284 - - 284 284 - - 284 B.3 - Grant for Comhairle Oidreachta (Heritage Council) (part funded by National Lottery) . 2,688 - - 2,688 2,688 - - 2,688 B.4 - Built Heritage 2,349 - - 2,349 2,349 - - 2,349 B.5 - Natural Heritage (National Parks and Wildlife Service) 4,333 - - 4,333 4,083 - - 4,083 B.6 - Irish Heritage Trust 200 - - 200 200 - - 200 B.7 - Built Heritage - Investment Scheme 2,500 - - 2,500 2,500 - - 2,500 B.8 - Peatlands Restoration and Management 3,000 - - 3,000 10,000 - - 10,000 C.2 - Irish Language, Gaeltacht and the Islands - Administration (Non-Pay) 119 - - 119 119 - - 119 C.3 - Gaeltacht Support Schemes 2,322 - - 2,322 2,322 - - 2,322 C.4 - Irish Language Support Schemes 632 - - 632 632 - - 632 C.8 - Údarás na Gaeltachta 9,000 - - 9,000 10,000 - - 10,000 C.9 - Islands 1,644 - - 1,644 1,644 - - 1,644 D.2 - North South Co-operation - Administration (Non-Pay) 119 - - 119 119 - - 119 D.4 - Waterways Ireland 4,380 - - 4,380 4,380 - - 4,380 Voted Subtotal: 73,800 - - 73,800 81,000 - - 81,000

Non-Voted: Irish Film Board - 750 - 750 - 750 - 750 Údarás na Gaeltachta - 1,000 700 1,700 - 1,300 1,800 3,100 Non-Voted Subtotal: - 1,750 700 2,450 - 2,050 1,800 3,850

Total 73,800 1,750 700 76,250 81,000 2,050 1,800 84,850

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Sources of Finance Sources of Finance €000s Total€000s Total Ministerial Group Expenditure Expenditure Exchequer Internal External in PCP Exchequer Internal External in PCP (income / own (borrowings / (income / own (borrowings / resources ) EU Receipts) resources ) EU Receipts) DEFENCE Voted: A.2 - Defence Policy and Military Capabilities - Administration (Non-Pay) 450 - - 450 450 - - 450 A.8 - Defence Forces Capability Development 70,000 - - 70,000 76,000 - - 76,000 A.9 - Air Corps Equipment and Support 50 - - 50 50 - - 50 A.10 - Military Transport 6,400 - - 6,400 6,400 - - 6,400 A.11 - Naval Service Equipment and Support 2,000 - - 2,000 2,000 - - 2,000 A.12 - Barrack Expenses and Engineering Equipment 2,000 - - 2,000 2,000 - - 2,000 A.13 - Defence Forces Built Infrastructure, Construction and Maintenance 19,000 - - 19,000 20,000 - - 20,000 A.14 - Defence Forces Uniforms, Clothing, Equipment and Catering 620 - - 620 620 - - 620 A.15 - Defence Forces Communications and Information Technology 4,940 - - 4,940 4,940 - - 4,940 A.16 - Military Education and Training 50 - - 50 50 - - 50 A.18 - Defence Forces Medical and Healthcare Support 130 - - 130 130 - - 130 A.19 - Lands 10 - - 10 10 - - 10 A.24 - Civil Defence 350 - - 350 350 - - 350

Total 106,000 - - 106,000 113,000 - - 113,000

EDUCATION AND SKILLS Voted: A.2 - First, Second and Early Years Education - Administration (Non-Pay) 2,600 - - 2,600 3,033 - - 3,033 A.13 - Residential Institutions Redress and costs associated with the Child Abuse Commission 500 - - 500 500 - - 500 A14 - Miscellaneous Grants and Services 54,900 - - 54,900 53,400 - - 53,400 A15 - Primary and Post-Primary Infrastructure 622,000 - - 622,000 620,000 - - 620,000 A16 - Public Private Partnership Costs 84,055 - - 84,055 71,000 - - 71,000 B.2 - Skills Development - Administration (Non-Pay) 204 - - 204 238 - - 238 B.3 - Grants to Solas in respect of Administration and General Expenses 500 - - 500 500 - - 500 B.5 - Grants to Solas in respect of Further Education and Training Activities 12,500 - - 12,500 17,500 - - 17,500 C.2 - Higher Education - Administration (Non-Pay) 196 - - 196 229 - - 229 C.12 - Research Activities 47,600 - - 47,600 41,600 - - 41,600 C.16 - Third Level Infrastructure 90,000 - - 90,000 69,000 - - 69,000 C.17 - Public Private Partnership Costs 25,945 - - 25,945 34,000 - - 34,000 C.18 - Shared Services - - - - 11,000 - - 11,000 Voted Subtotal: 941,000 - - 941,000 922,000 - - 922,000 PPP Capital Cost - - 122,000 122,000 - - 38,000 38,000

Total 941,000 - 122,000 1,063,000 922,000 - 38,000 960,000

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Sources of Finance Sources of Finance €000s Total€000s Total Ministerial Group Expenditure Expenditure Exchequer Internal External in PCP Exchequer Internal External in PCP (income / own (borrowings / (income / own (borrowings / resources ) EU Receipts) resources ) EU Receipts) EMPLOYMENT AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL PROTECTION Voted: A.2 - Social Assistance Schemes, Services - Administration (Non-Pay) 11,870 - - 11,870 15,000 - - 15,000

Total 11,870 - - 11,870 15,000 - - 15,000

FINANCE Voted: A.2 - Economic and Fiscal Policy - Administration (Non-Pay) 245 - - 245 500 - - 500 B.2 - Banking and Financial Services Policy - Administration (Non-Pay) 245 - - 245 500 - - 500 Office of the Revenue Commissioners A.2 - Collection of Taxes and Duties - Administration (Non-Pay) 26,459 - - 26,459 21,000 - - 21,000 Voted Subtotal: 26,949 - - 26,704 22,000 - - 22,000

Total 26,949 - - 26,949 22,000 - - 22,000

FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND TRADE Voted: A.2 - To Serve our People at Home and Abroad and to Promote Reconciliation and Co-operation - Administration (Non-Pay) 5,500 - - 5,500 4,000 - - 4,000 D.2 - To Advance Ireland's Prosperity by Promoting Our Economic Interests Internationally - Administration (Non-Pay) 4,000 - - 4,000 2,200 - - 2,200 E.2 - To Strengthen Our Influence and Capacity to Deliver Our Goals - Administration (Non-Pay) 9,000 - - 9,000 4,300 - - 4,300 International Co-operation A.2 - Work on Poverty and Hunger Reduction - Administration (Non-Pay) 2,500 - - 2,500 2,500 - - 2,500 Voted Subtotal: 21,000 -- 21,000 13,000 -- 13,000

Total 21,000 - - 21,000 13,000 - - 13,000

HEALTH Voted: A.5 - Office Equipment and External IT Services 473 - - 473 473 - - 473 J.5 - Economic and Social Disadvantaged 250 - - 250 250 - - 250 L.1 - Grants in respect of Building, Equipping (Including ICT) 14,527 - - 14,527 14,527 - - 14,527 L.2 - Building and Equipment (Health Facilities) 639,461 - - 639,461 744,000 - - 744,000 L.3 - Building, Equipping and Furnishing of Health Facilities 2,539 - - 2,539 - - - - L.4 - Information Services and Related Services for Health Agencies 85,000 - - 85,000 95,000 - - 95,000 Voted Subtotal: 742,250 - - 742,250 854,250 - - 854,250 PPP Capital Cost ------17,000 17,000

Total 742,250 - - 742,250 854,250 - 17,000 871,250

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Sources of Finance Sources of Finance €000s Total€000s Total Ministerial Group Expenditure Expenditure Exchequer Internal External in PCP Exchequer Internal External in PCP (income / own (borrowings / (income / own (borrowings / resources ) EU Receipts) resources ) EU Receipts) HOUSING, PLANNING AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT Voted: A.2 - Housing - Administration (Non-Pay) 1,680 - - 1,680 2,937 - - 2,937 A.3 - Local Authority Housing 747,471 - - 747,471 789,087 - - 789,087 A.7 - Capital Assistance Scheme 94,875 - - 94,875 94,875 - - 94,875 A.9 - Communal Facilities 500 - - 500 500 - - 500 A.10 - Mortgage to Rent 23,000 - - 23,000 23,000 - - 23,000 A.11 - Capital Advance Leasing Facility 94,400 - - 94,400 113,800 - - 113,800 A.12 - Traveller Accommodation and Support 13,000 - - 13,000 14,500 - - 14,500 A.15 - Estate Regeneration - Remedial Works 71,750 - - 71,750 71,750 - - 71,750 A.16 - Energy Efficiency - Retrofitting 30,454 - - 30,454 48,238 - - 48,238 A.17 - Repair and Leasing Scheme 38,000 - - 38,000 10,700 - - 10,700 A.18 - Private Housing Grants 57,000 - - 57,000 59,000 - - 59,000 A.19 - Mortgage Allowances 600 - - 600 600 - - 600 A.21 - Infrastructure Fund 130,000 - - 130,000 186,000 - - 186,000 A.22 - Pyrite Resolution Board 32,000 - - 32,000 40,000 - - 40,000 A.24 - Residential Tenancies Board 950 - - 950 950 - - 950 B.2 - Water Services - Administration (Non-Pay) 480 - - 480 713 - - 713 B.3 - Water Quality Programme 8,300 - - 8,300 10,999 - - 10,999 B.4 - Rural Water Programme 23,000 - - 23,000 25,000 - - 25,000 B.5 - Irish Water 646,000 - - 646,000 592,000 - - 592,000 B.7 - Legacy Water Environmental Issues 7,000 - - 7,000 9,000 - - 9,000 B.8 - Marine Environment 670 - - 670 700 - - 700 C.2 - Local Government - Administration (Non-Pay) 720 - - 720 1,542 - - 1,542 C.4 - Fire and Emergency Services 11,175 - - 11,175 12,500 - - 12,500 C.5 - Franchise 500 - - 500 500 - - 500 D.2 - Planning - Administration (Non-Pay) 1,120 - - 1,120 1,308 - - 1,308 D.3 - An Bord Pleanála 460 - - 460 1,200 - - 1,200 D.9 - Urban Renewal / Regeneration 63,000 - - 63,000 96,500 - - 96,500 D.10 - Development Contribution Rebate Scheme - - - - 1 - - 1 D.11 - Ordnance Survey Ireland 985 - - 985 985 - - 985 D.12 - Land Development Agency 16,500 - - 16,500 13,500 - - 13,500 D.16 - Other Services - - - - 5,000 - - 5,000 E.2 - Met Éireann - Administration (Non-Pay) 6,500 - - 6,500 7,300 - - 7,300 E.4 - Flood Forecasting and Warning Service 1,500 - - 1,500 1,700 - - 1,700 Property Registration Authority A.2 - Manage the Land Registry and the Registry of Deeds - Administration (Non-Pay) 560 - - 560 1,000 - - 1,000 Valuation Office A.2 - Provision of State Valuation Services - Administration (Non-Pay) - - - - 2,365 - - 2,365 B.2 - Administration of Valuation Tribunal - Administration (Non-Pay) 250 - - 250 250 - - 250 Voted Subtotal: 2,124,400 - - 2,124,400 2,240,000 - - 2,240,000 Non-Voted: Local Authority & Social Housing - 147,000 - 147,000 - 153,000 - 153,000 House Purchase & Improvement Loans etc. (incl. H.F.A.) - 14,250 210,000 224,250 - 14,750 210,000 224,750 Water and Waste Water Investment Plan (Irish Water) - 105,022 111,276 216,298 - 98,087 133,559 231,646 Ervia - 57,000 45,000 102,000 - 71,920 52,080 124,000 Ordnance Survey Ireland - 2,000 - 2,000 - 2,000 - 2,000 Land Development Agency ------83,000 83,000 PPP Capital Cost ------43,517 43,517 Non-Voted Subtotal: - 325,272 366,276 691,548 - 339,757 522,156 861,913

Total 2,124,400 325,272 366,276 2,815,948 2,240,000 339,757 522,156 3,101,913

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Sources of Finance Sources of Finance €000s Total€000s Total Ministerial Group Expenditure Expenditure Exchequer Internal External in PCP Exchequer Internal External in PCP (income / own (borrowings / (income / own (borrowings / resources ) EU Receipts) resources ) EU Receipts) JUSTICE AND EQUALITY Voted: Garda Síochána A.2 - Working with Communities to Protect and Serve - Administration (Non-Pay) 56,107 - - 56,107 73,799 - - 73,799 A.5 - Transport 11,000 - - 11,000 9,000 - - 9,000 A.6 - Communications and other Equipment 3,284 - - 3,284 1,500 - - 1,500 A.12 - Capital Building Programme 12,687 - - 12,687 32,200 - - 32,200 A.13 - Garda College 2 - - 2 1 - - 1 Prisons A.2 - Provision of Safe, Secure, Humane and Rehabilitative Custody for People who are sent to Prison - Administration (Non-Pay) 1,480 - - 1,480 1,000 - - 1,000 A.3 - Prison Service - Building & Equipment 29,500 - - 29,500 45,189 - - 45,189 A.5 - Prison Service - Operational Services 1,350 - - 1,350 500 - - 500 Courts Service A.2 - Manage the Courts and Support the Judiciary - Administration (Non-Pay) 8,920 - - 8,920 12,920 - - 12,920 A.3 - Courthouses 4,880 - - 4,880 15,380 - - 15,380 A.4 - PPP Costs 37,717 - - 37,717 37,717 - - 37,717 Justice and Equality A.2 - Leadership in and Oversight of Justice and Equality Policy and Delivery - Administration (Non-Pay) 126 - - 126 121 - - 121 B.2 - A Safe Secure Ireland - Administration (Non-Pay) 104 - - 104 105 - - 105 B.18 - Forensic Science Ireland 1,570 - - 1,570 39,551 - - 39,551 C.2 - Access to Justice for All - Administration (Non-Pay) 3 - - 3 5 - - 5 D.2 - An Equal and Inclusive Society - Administration (Non-Pay) 8 - - 8 5 - - 5 E.2 - Fair Immigration Asylum and Citizenship System - Administration (Non-Pay) 109 - - 109 114 - - 114 Irish Human Rights and Equlaity Commission A.2 - Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Function - Administration (Non-Pay) 100 - - 100 100 - - 100

Voted Subtotal: 168,947 - - 168,947 269,207 - - 269,207

PPP Capital Cost ------

Total 168,947 - - 168,947 269,207 - - 269,207

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Sources of Finance Sources of Finance €000s Total€000s Total Ministerial Group Expenditure Expenditure Exchequer Internal External in PCP Exchequer Internal External in PCP (income / own (borrowings / (income / own (borrowings / resources ) EU Receipts) resources ) EU Receipts) PUBLIC EXPENDITURE AND REFORM Voted: A.2 - Public Expenditure and Sectoral Policy - Administration (Non-Pay) 88 - - 88 25 - - 25 B.2 - Public Service Management Policy - Administration (Non-Pay) 207 - - 207 26 - - 26 B.10 - Civil Service Learning and Development Programme 515 - - 515 515 - - 515 - Office of the Government CIO 3,370 - - 3,370 - - - - Office of Public Works 0 A.2 - Flood Risk Management - Administration (Non-Pay) 143 - - 143 158 - - 158 A.3 - Purchase of Engineering Plant and Machinery 4,150 - - 4,150 6,470 - - 6,470 A.5 - Flood Risk Management 68,969 - - 68,969 81,366 - - 81,366 B.2 - Estate Portfolio Management - Administration (Non-Pay) 3,027 - - 3,027 3,344 - - 3,344 B.4 - Grants for Refurbishment Works and Services 250 - - 250 250 - - 250 B.5 - Purchase of Sites and Buildings 3,480 - - 3,480 4,480 - - 4,480 B.6 - New Works, Alterations and Additions 74,030 - - 74,030 82,981 - - 82,981 B.10 - Unitary Payments 25,000 - - 25,000 25,000 - - 25,000 Public Appointments Service A.2 - Civil and Public Service Recruitment and Selection - Administration (Non-Pay) 1,700 - - 1,700 2,000 - - 2,000 National Shared Services Office A.2 - NSSO Function - Administration (Non-Pay) 1,879 - - 1,879 2,500 - - 2,500 A.3 - Financial Management Shared Services Project 8,256 - - 8,256 11,850 - - 11,850 B.2 - HR Shared Services - Administration (Non-Pay) 100 - - 100 - - - - Office of Government Procurement A.2 - Delivery of Central Procurement Service - Administration (Non-Pay) 275 - - 275 92 - - 92 A.3 - Procurement Consultancy and Other Costs 312 - - 312 495 - - 495 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer A.2 - Government ICT Services - Administration (Non-Pay) - - - - 240 - - 240 A.3 - Government ICT Services - - - - 3,370 - - 3,370

Voted Subtotal: 195,751 - - 195,751 225,162 - - 225,162 0 Total 195,751 - - 195,751 225,162 - - 225,162

RURAL AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Voted: A.2 - Rural Development and Regional Affairs - Administration (Non-Pay) 182 - - 182 182 - - 182 A.4 - National Rural Development Schemes 15,000 - - 15,000 15,000 - - 15,000 A.5 - Leader - Rural Economy Sub Programme 30,000 - - 30,000 40,000 - - 40,000 A.7 - Town and Village Regeneration 700 - - 700 700 - - 700 A.8 - Regional Economic Development 52,000 - - 52,000 78,000 - - 78,000 A.9 - Local Improvement Schemes 15,000 - - 15,000 - - - - A.10 - Rural Regeneration and Development Fund 10,000 - - 10,000 - - - - B.2 - Community Development - Administration (Non-Pay) 151 - - 151 151 - - 151 B.3 - Supports for Community and Voluntary Sector 1 - - 1 1 - - 1 B.6 - Supports for Disadvantaged Communities 1,767 - - 1,767 1,267 - - 1,267 B.7 - Dormant Account Measures 2,500 - - 2,500 2,500 - - 2,500 B.8 - Programme for Peace and Reconciliation 650 - - 650 650 - - 650 B.10 - Library Development and Archive Service 6,049 - - 6,049 7,049 - - 7,049 B.11 - Community Enhancement Programme 4,000 - - 4,000 4,500 - - 4,500

Total 138,000 - - 138,000 150,000 - - 150,000

2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Sources of Finance Sources of Finance €000s Total€000s Total Ministerial Group Expenditure Expenditure Exchequer Internal External in PCP Exchequer Internal External in PCP (income / own (borrowings / (income / own (borrowings / resources ) EU Receipts) resources ) EU Receipts)

TRANSPORT, TOURISM AND SPORT Voted: A.2 - Civil Aviation - Administration (Non-Pay) 179 - - 179 200 - - 200 A.3 - Regional Airports 10,400 - - 10,400 10,500 - - 10,500 B.2 - Land Transport - Administration (Non-Pay) 863 - - 863 720 - - 720 B.3 - Road Improvement / Maintenance 957,400 - - 957,400 1,088,200 - - 1,088,200 B.4 - Road Safety Agencies and Expenses 460 - - 460 440 - - 440 B.5 - Vehicle and Driver Licencing Expenses 3,000 - - 3,000 4,000 - - 4,000 B.6 - Carbon Reduction 7,000 - - 7,000 7,500 - - 7,500 B.7 - Public Service Provision Payments 18,650 - - 18,650 18,650 - - 18,650 B.8 - Public and Sustainable Transport Investment Programme 479,150 - - 479,150 707,000 - - 707,000 C.2 - Maritime Transport and Safety - Administration (Non-Pay) 773 - - 773 860 - - 860 C.3 - Maritime Administration and Irish Coast Guard . 7,180 - - 7,180 6,420 - - 6,420 D.2 - Sports and Recreation Services - Administration (Non-Pay) 108 - - 108 120 - - 120 D.3 - Grants for Sporting Bodies and the Provision of Sports and Recreational Facilities 42,580 - - 42,580 27,935 - - 27,935 D.4 - Grants for Provision & Renovation of Swimming Pools . 4,100 - - 4,100 2,100 - - 2,100 D.5 - Irish Sports Council - National Sports Campus 4,900 - - 4,900 2,900 - - 2,900 D.6 - Dormant Account Funding for Sports Measures 1,000 - - 1,000 500 - - 500 D.7 - Large Scale Sport Infrastructure Fund 8,800 - - 8,800 9,500 - - 9,500 E.2 - Tourism - Administration (Non-Pay) 72 - - 72 100 - - 100 E.3 - Fáilte Ireland 1,050 - - 1,050 1,050 - - 1,050 E.4 - Tourism Ireland Ltd 100 - - 100 - - - - E.5 - Tourism Marketing Fund 4,000 - - 4,000 2,540 - - 2,540 E.6 - Tourism Product Development 20,960 - - 20,960 28,000 - - 28,000 E.7 - Greenways 13,300 - - 13,300 23,500 - - 23,500 Voted Subtotal: 1,586,025 -- 1,586,025 1,942,735 - - 1,942,735 Non-Voted: Road Improvement/Maintenance - - 16,100 16,100 - - 7,900 7,900 C.I.E. - 59,026 - 59,026 - 102,857 - 102,857 Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) - - - - - 15,000 - 15,000 Irish Aviation Authority - 41,601 - 41,601 - 54,561 - 54,561 Port Companies - 73,817 - 73,817 - 199,784 - 199,784 DAA plc - 373,000 - 373,000 - 335,000 - 335,000 Shannon Group plc - 45,095 - 45,095 - 34,800 - 34,800 PPP Capital Cost - - 22,794 22,794 - - 3,000 3,000 Non-Voted Subtotal: - 592,539 38,894 631,433 - 742,002 10,900 752,902

Total 1,586,025 592,539 38,894 2,217,458 1,942,735 742,002 10,900 2,695,637

Overall Total Investment Framework 7,340,879 2,073,199 864,618 10,278,696 8,165,854 2,527,801 773,622 11,467,2770 Of which GROSS VOTED 7,340,879 - 144,794 7,485,673 8,165,854 - 101,517 8,267,371 NON-VOTED - 2,073,199 719,824 2,793,023 - 2,527,801 672,105 3,199,906 Deduct :- Appropriations-in-Aid (17,500) - - (17,500) (27,900) - - (27,900) NET TOTAL 7,323,379 2,073,199 864,618 10,261,196 8,137,954 2,527,801 773,622 11,439,377 Appendix 9 Public Capital Expenditure by Sector 2020

Summary of Public Capital By Sector 2011 to 2020

% Change 2019 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2020 REV 2020 over € millions Estimate 2019 Sectoral Economic Investment Agriculture and Food 111 69 69 83 97 106 128 194 171 151 -12% Industry 552 514 514 485 549 577 591 607 669 683 2% Tourism 29 32 32 41 23 22 22 26 40 45 13% Fisheries 41 24 24 43 45 45 58 52 58 60 4% Forestry 157 127 127 183 202 188 156 147 164 268 64% Sub-total 890 766 766 835 917 937 955 1,027 1,101 1,207 10%

Productive Infrastructure Energy 1,422 1,356 1,356 1,400 1,260 1,516 1,344 1,519 1,496 1,641 10% Transport 2,042 1,479 1,479 1,242 1,433 1,593 1,596 1,908 2,099 2,518 20% Environmental Services 587 417 417 697 681 654 643 784 1,059 1,116 5% Communications (including Postal Services, RTÉ) 72 45 45 55 38 44 55 54 96 160 67% Sub-total 4,123 3,297 3,297 3,394 3,412 3,808 3,639 4,265 4,750 5,434 14%

Social Infrastructure Housing 628 532 532 511 697 778 1,104 1,544 1,789 2,028 13% Education and Skills 633 447 447 593 741 778 778 822 1,085 980 -10% Health and Children 355 355 355 392 403 435 552 542 764 895 17% Government Construction, etc. 334 302 302 441 578 716 712 618 789 923 17% Sub-total 1,950 1,636 1,636 1,937 2,418 2,707 3,145 3,526 4,427 4,826 9%

Grand Total 6,963 5,699 5,699 6,166 6,746 7,452 7,739 8,818 10,279 11,467 12%

Note: The individual totals may differ from the Sectoral area sub-totals/ Grand Total due to rounding. The rolling 5 year multi-annual capital envelopes introduced in 2004 allows for the carryover into the following year of unspent capital of up to a maximum of 10% of Voted Capital. The table above shows the current years provision only. They do not include the carryover from a previous year into the following year. Appendix 9 Continued 2020 Sectoral Economic Investment

% Change 2020 AGRICULTURE AND FOOD 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Estimate Over 2019 Estimate

€000s €000s Agricultural Development 19,550 19,214 -2% LEADER / INTERREG 45,000 40,000 -11% Teagasc - Capital 10,150 15,950 57% National Stud 2,800 3,000 7% CLÁR Programme 5,000 5,000 - Rural Recreation 10,000 - -100% Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Schemes 77,000 62,750 -19% Traditional Buildings 1,250 4,250 240% Other Schemes 500 500 - TOTAL 171,250 150,664 -12%

% Change 2020 INDUSTRY 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Estimate Over 2019 Estimate

€000s €000s IDA - Ireland 170,900 161,000 -6% Údarás na Gaeltachta 10,700 13,100 22% Science and Technology Programme 302,087 305,986 1% Enterprise Ireland 116,750 124,750 7% Local Enterprise Development 27,500 27,500 - NSAI 500 500 - Inter Trade Ireland 7,195 7,695 7% SOLAS 500 500 - Matching Funding for INTERREG 4,200 5,800 38% Atlantic Economic Corridor 100 100 - Temporary Loan Guarantee Scheme 500 500 - Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund 20,000 30,000 50% Future Growth Loan Scheme 8,000 5,750 -28% Humanitarian Relief Scheme 60 1 - Micro Finance Loan Fund - 1 - TOTAL 668,992 683,183 2% Appendix 9 Continued 2020 Sectoral Economic Investment

% Change 2020 TOURISM 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Estimate Over 2019 Estimate

€000s €000s Fáilte Ireland 26,010 31,590 21% Tourism Related Heritage Projects 13,562 13,312 -2% Tourism Ireland Ltd 100 - - Total 39,672 44,902 13%

% Change 2020 FISHERIES 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Estimate Over 2019 Estimate

€000s €000s An Bord Iascaigh Mhara 12,100 12,100 - Fishery Harbours 26,890 27,000 - Marine Research and Development 12,000 14,000 17% Marine Safety & Regulations 700 700 - Inland Fisheries Development / Tourism Angling 4,254 4,254 - Sea Fisheries Protection Authority 400 600 50% Seafood Development Programme 1,300 1,550 19% Other 237 237 - Total 57,881 60,441 4%

% Change 2020 FORESTRY 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Estimate Over 2019 Estimate

€000s €000s Promotion of Forestry 78,169 100,168 28% Coillte Teo 85,487 167,419 96% Agri-Bio Fuels Initiatives 9 11 22% Total 163,665 267,598 64%

SECTORAL ECONOMIC INVESTMENT OVERALL TOTAL 1,101,460 1,206,788 10% Appendix 9 Continued 2020 Productive Infrastructure

% Change 2020 ENERGY (including minerals) 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Estimate Over 2019 Estimate

€000's €000's ESB 1,160,000 1,240,000 7% EirGrid 36,000 46,600 29% Bord na Móna 44,654 34,641 -22% Energy Conservation 133,717 174,909 31% Energy RDTI Programme 8,700 9,700 11% National Seabed Survey 4,000 4,000 - Mining Services 550 550 - Geoscience Initiatives 6,770 6,770 - Ervia 102,000 124,000 22% Renewable Energy - Statistical Transfers 1 1 - Total 1,496,392 1,641,171 10%

% Change 2020 TRANSPORT 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Estimate Over 2019 Estimate

€000's €000's Construction and Improvement of Roads 853,500 967,100 13% Coras Iompair Eireann 311,526 444,357 43% Transport Infrastructure Ireland - 15,000 - Regional/ Local Airports 10,400 10,500 1% Seaports and Shipping 73,817 199,784 171% Electronic and Other Equipment 8,375 7,720 -8% Public Transport Projects 36,250 47,150 30% Dublin Transportation Office 194,050 260,400 34% Irish Aviation Authority 41,601 54,561 31% Island Access 1,644 1,644 - Public Private Partnership Costs 142,794 132,000 -8% Carbon Reduction Measures 7,000 7,500 7% DAA plc 373,000 335,000 -10% Shannon Group plc 45,095 34,800 -23% Total 2,099,052 2,517,516 20% Appendix 9 Continued 2020 Productive Infrastructure

% Change 2020 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Estimate Over 2019 Estimate

€000's €000's Water Services 248,098 267,653 8% Fire and Emergency Services 11,175 12,500 12% Carbon Fund 7,605 7,500 -1% Landfill Remediation 11,000 8,800 -20% Peatlands Restoration 3,000 10,000 233% Miscellaneous 2,000 6,560 228% Environmental Services - Productive Infrastructure 4,000 5,500 38% Irish Water Domestic Services 293,000 191,000 -35% Irish Water Capital Contriburion 353,000 401,000 14% Sustainable Transport - Cycling Package 15,000 76,600 411% Greenways 13,300 23,500 77% Flood Relief 70,469 83,066 18% Environmental Services 460 440 -4% Environmental Protection Agency 11,780 11,780 - Climate Action Fund 15,000 10,000 -33% Interreg Atlantic Area Programme 185 185 - Total 1,059,072 1,116,084 5%

% Change 2020 COMMUNICATIONS 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Estimate Over (including Postal services / RTÉ ): 2019 Estimate

€000's €000's Telecommunications 243 1,280 427% Postal Service 10,000 15,000 50% RTÉ 20,600 18,600 -10% TG4 2,000 3,000 50% Regional Broadband & Technology 62,790 121,790 94% Total 95,633 159,670 67%


Appendix 9 Continued 2020 Social Infrastructure

% Change 2020 HOUSING 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Estimate Over 2019 Estimate

€000's €000's Local Authority and Social Housing 1,274,700 1,334,200 5% Local Authority Housing Loans 210,600 210,600 - Private Housing Grants 57,000 59,000 4% Other Housing 4,950 5,450 10% Pyrite Resolution 32,000 40,000 25% Housing Infrastructure Fund 130,000 186,000 43% Land Development Agency 16,500 96,500 - Urban Regeneration and Development Fund 58,000 96,500 66% Urban Renewal - Regeneration 5,000 - - Total 1,788,750 2,028,250 13%

% Change 2020 EDUCATION AND SKILLS 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Estimate Over 2019 Estimate

€000's €000's National School Programme 622,000 631,000 1% Higher Education Authority Capital 116,299 93,072 -20% Information and Communication Technologies 54,900 53,400 -3% Public Private Partnerships Costs 232,000 143,000 -38% Research & Development 47,600 41,600 -13% Solas - Further Education & Training 12,500 17,500 40% Total 1,085,299 979,572 -10%

% Change 2020 HEALTH & CHILDREN 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Estimate Over 2019 Estimate

€000's €000's Hospitals and Health Facilities 639,777 741,777 16% Information systems and related services for Health Agencies 85,000 95,000 12% General Childcare Programmes 9,206 8,806 -4% Children & Family Service 13,194 15,394 17% Public Private Partnerships Costs 17,000 34,000 100% Total 764,177 894,977 17% SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE OVERALL TOTAL 3,638,226 3,902,799 7% Appendix 9 Continued 2019 Government Construction and Miscellaneous Infrastructure

% Change 2020 GOVT CONSTRUCTION 2019 Estimate 2020 Estimate Estimate Over 2019 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS Estimate BUILDING/COMPUTERISATION

€000's €000's Purchase of Sites and Buildings 3,480 4,480 29% New Works, Alterations and Additions 78,430 89,701 14% Prisons and Probation Service 32,850 49,489 51% Garda Aircraft and Vehicles 11,000 9,000 -18% Defence - Aircraft, Vessels, Vehicles & Equipment 82,340 88,340 7% Courthouses 4,880 15,380 215% Financial Shared Services 59 59 - Gaeltacht Improvement Schemes 2,322 2,322 - New Works, Buildings etc. for Defence Forces 19,010 20,010 5% National Lottery Grants 46,313 32,668 -29% Recreational Facilities 5,100 7,600 49% HR and Payroll Shared Services 10,750 17,230 60% National Sports Campus/National Aquatic Centre 4,900 2,900 -41% Horse & Greyhound Racing Fund 35,576 16,144 -55% Computerisation etc. 158,059 151,764 -4% Office Premises Expenses 39,313 30,109 -23% Conservation Projects 200 200 - Commission for Energy Regulation 245 200 -18% Commission for Communications Regulation 3,055 3,042 - Irish Film Board 16,950 17,950 6% Miscellaneous 65,513 119,895 83% Cultural Projects 22,862 20,312 -11% Library Service - Books etc. 6,049 7,049 17% North South Cooperation 6,500 8,992 38% Programme for Peace & Reconciliation 650 650 - RAPID [Local Development Programme] 1,767 1,267 -28% Drugs Initiative/ Youth Facilities & Services 3,200 3,000 -6% Multi-Media Developments 6,770 6,262 -8% Dormant Accounts Fund 2,500 2,500 - Revenue - Vehicles & Equipment 1,500 2,500 67% Public Private Partnerships 62,717 106,234 69% RCD Development Funds 52,000 78,000 50% OSI 2,000 2,000 - Just Transition - 6,000 - Total 788,860 923,249 17%

OVERALL TOTAL 10,278,695 11,467,277 12% Appendix 10 – Climate Related Expenditure

Vote 13: Office of Public Works 2019 2020 % Programme/Scheme Subhead €,000 €,000 Change Flood Risk Management (OPW) A.5 76,127 85,866 13% Total 76,127 85,866 13%

Vote 29: Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment 2019 2020 % Programme/Scheme Subhead €,000 €,000 Change SEI Admin and General Expenses C.3 17,504 12,671 -28% Sustainable Energy Programmes C.4 141,110 187,188 33% Energy Research Programmes C.5 9,700 10,700 10% Environmental Protection Agency F.3 36,921 40,880 11% Carbon Fund F.4 5,605 3,000 -46% International Climate Change Commitments F.5 2,500 4,500 80% Landfill Remediation F.6 9,000 8,500 -6% Climate Initiatives F.7 1,850 6,060 228% Climate Action Fund F.11 15,000 10,000 -33% Just Transition Fund F.12 - 6,000 - Total 239,190 289,499 21%

Vote 30: Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine 2019 2020 % Programme/Scheme Subhead €,000 €,000 Change Agri-environmental Schemes B.3 229,500 237,590 4% Beef Sustainability Schemes B.6 67,800 85,350 26% Forestry and Bio-energy B.10 81,428 103,429 27% Marine Institute Grant D.4 35,429 38,381 8% Total 414,157 464,750 12%

Vote 31: Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport 2019 2020 % Programme/Scheme Subhead €,000 €,000 Change Carbon Reduction B.6 7,000 7,500 7% Public Service Provision Payments B.7 302,363 303,563 0.4% Sustainable Mobility Investment Programme B.8 480,755 708,650 47% Greenways E.7 13,300 23,500 77% Total 803,418 1,043,213 30% Vote 33: Department of Culture, Heritage & Gaeltacht 2019 2020 % Programme/Scheme Subhead €,000 €,000 Change Natural Heritage (NPWS) B.5 13,852 13,727 -1% Peatlands Restoration and Management B.8 3,000 10,000 233% Total 16,852 23,727 41%

Vote 34: Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government 2019 2020 % Programme/Scheme Subhead €,000 €,000 Change Energy Efficiency - Retrofitting A.16 30,454 48,238 58% Water Quality Programme B.3 23,149 25,848 12% Rural Water Programme B.4 47,000 49,000 4% Total 100,603 123,086 22%

Total Direct Climate Related Exchequer Expenditure Projected in 2020 – €2,030,142,000 Increase in Projected Climate Related Expenditure in 2020 Over 2019 - 23% Appendix 11 – Carbon Tax Expenditures 2020 In Budget 2020, the Minister for Finance announced that the projected revenue raised by a €6 increase of the carbon tax in 2020 will be ring-fenced to protect those most exposed to higher fuel and energy costs, to support a just transition for displaced workers and to invest in new climate action. This table details the allocation of these funds to specific spending programmes, as announced on Budget Day.

2020 Programme/Scheme Department Subhead €,000 Protecting the Vulnerable 1. Fuel allowance DEASP A.40 21,000 2. Energy Poverty Efficiency Upgrades DCCAE C.4 13,000 A Just Transition 3. Aggregated Housing Upgrade Scheme DHPLG A.16 20,000 4. Peatlands Restoration DCHG B.8 5,000 5. Just Transition Fund DCCAE F.12 6,000 Investing in the Low Carbon Transition E.7 4,500 6. Greenways / Urban Cycling DTTAS B.8 4,500 7. Continuation of Electric Vehicle Grants DCCAE C.4 8,000 8. Further Investment in EV Charging DCCAE C.4 1,500 Infrastructure DTTAS B.6 1,500 9. ODA - Green Climate Fund DCCAE F.5 2,000 10. Green Agricultural Pilots DAFM B.3 3,000 Total 90,000 Appendix 11 Continued - Carbon Tax Ex-Ante Performance Metrics 2020*

1. Fuel Allowance 1. 370,000 households receiving increased fuel allowance payments 2. €21m additional funds disbursed to households at €56 per household

2. Energy Poverty Efficiency Upgrades 3. 12.4 GWh of energy savings 4. 3,100 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions savings 5. 4,000 homes upgraded

3. Aggregated Housing Upgrade Scheme 6. 600 – 850 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions savings 7. 2.5 – 3.4 GWh of energy savings 8. 500 – 700 homes upgraded that reach B2 or cost optimal performance

4. Peatlands Restoration 9. 4,945 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions sequestered per year over a period of 10 to 30 years 10. 1,800 hectares of peatlands restored/rehabilitated 11. 250 hectares of active raised bog created over time 12. 10% increase in the height of the water table across all restored bogs 13. 100 (approx.) jobs supported

5. Just Transition Fund 14. €6m funds disbursed

6. Greenways/Urban Cycling 15. 5 additional greenway projects funded for feasibility/detailed design/environmental screening 16. 4 additional km of urban cycling infrastructure completed/improved

7. Continuation of EV Purchase Grants 17. 6,000 Electric Vehicle grants paid out 18. 150,000 tonnes greenhouse gas emissions saved 19. €2,000,000 reduction in emissions associated with air pollution

8. Additional Supports for EV Charging Infrastructure 20. 400 on-street charge points constructed 21. 10 SPSV dedicated fast EV recharging points installed in major transport hubs

9. Contribution to the Green Climate Fund 22. €4m in total funding provided to the GC

10. Green Agricultural Pilots 23. 4,400 hectares of peatlands under agricultural use rewetted

* Details on the individual programmes receiving funding, the context behind the selection of the performance metrics and how the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform will enforce the ring-fencing of the additional carbon tax funds in 2020 is outlined in an associated DPER publication “The Use of Carbon Tax Funds in 2020”.