Human Rights in Russia
RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN PAKISTAN HEARING BEFORE THE TOM LANTOS HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION OCTOBER 8, 2009 Available via the World Wide Web: TOM LANTOS HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION JAMES P. McGOVERN, Massachusetts, Cochairman FRANK R. WOLF, Virginia, Cochairman JAN SCHAKOWSKY, Illinois CHRIS SMITH, New Jersey DONNA EDWARDS, Maryland JOSEPH R. PITTS, Pennsylvania KEITH ELLISON, Minnesota TRENT FRANKS, Arizona TAMMY BALDWIN, Wisconsin HANS J. HOGREFE, Democratic Staff Director ELIZABETH HOFFMAN, Republican Staff Director II C O N T E N T S WITNESSES Nina Shea, Hudson Institute……………...….……………………………………….………………………5 Mujeeb Ijaz, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community…………………………………………………….………..16 Amjad Mahmood Khan, attorney specializing in human rights, law and governance in Muslim-majority countries………………………………………………………………………………………………...…...21 III HUMAN RIGHTS IN PAKISTAN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2009 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, TOM LANTOS HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION, Washington, D.C. The Commission met, pursuant to call, at 11:01 a.m., in Room 2325, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Frank R. Wolf [cochairman of the Commission] presiding. Mr. WOLF. We will begin the hearing now. We don't know when the votes will begin. I want to welcome the witnesses that we have here today on this very, very important issue. And I am looking for the witness, Mujeeb Ijaz, a human rights advocate representing the Ahmadiyya Muslim community. Also, Amjad Mahmood Khan, Los Angeles attorney, frequent lecturer on human rights law; and Nina Shea with the Hudson Institute, who has testified before the committee many, many times. Your full statements will be in the record. Nina, perhaps maybe you should go first; and then we can--what is the order? Has there been a particular order? Oh, yes.
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