Billboard 1978-04-01
oe!?c* NEWSPAPER A Billboard Publication The International Music -Record -Tape Newsweekly April 1, 1978 $1.95 (U.S.) Pickwick's Smith Will 250,000 See Broad Sales Base Chair IMIC Session Cal Jam Il And Growth Seen LOS ANGELES -C. Charles France; Peter Meisel, Intro Gebr. Smith, president of Pickwick Inter- Meisel, Germany; and Ralph Peer Set History national, will chair the session en- II, Peer -Southern, U.S. By PAUL GREIN titled "Harnessing The Computer: Other topics will include "The In- ONTARIO, Calif. -An estimated At NARM Confab Bar Coding, Newest Answer To In- dependent Label: Hope Of The Fu- 250,000 paying concertgoers ventory Control" at IMIC '78, the (Continued on page 78) crowded into the Ontario Motor By JOHN SIPPEL Billboard sponsored International Speedway here March 18 for Cal NEW ORLEANS -The record /tape industry presently has a far broader Music Industry Conference in Jam II to become the largest paying and different age group base than previously reckoned, atten,lee6-r'rARM's Venice, May 1 -4. audience in the history of U.S. rock 20th annual convention here learned. Population growth estimates project Other sessions firmed are New Brand Names No concerts and the largest rock even more optimistic sales plateaus Techniques In Talent Negotiations," crowd -paying or not -ever in Cali- as 1985 nears. Bar coding of albums chaired by Frederic N. Gaines, at- Lure For Discos fornia. Publishers is imminent and the sooner the bet- torney, Bushkin, Kopelson, Gaims The previous record -holder, Mull ter, all segments of the business re- By RADCLIFFE JOE & Gaines; "Bridging The Gap Be- claims Sandy Feldman, a copro- port.
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