The membership newsletter of the The Historical Society of Alberta Box 4035, Station C Calgary, AB T2T 5M9 NO. 4 T8lephone: 403.261 .3662 October 2012 x: 403.269.6029 ISSN 1205-0350 _.nail:
[email protected] PMA #40010031 IN THIS ISSUE Headstones and History Head ston es and History Story and photos by John Chalme rs Now Hiring - Ed itor 2 President's Report 3 Welcome 3 Thank You 4 Legacy Donations 4 Headstones ... Continued 5 Chapter Reports 8 Boo k Review - Hadrian and the Triumph of Rome 12 'ook Review - Inside the Ark 13 BookRevlew - The Temp lars On May 26 and 27, 2012, for the first tim e I attended the annual conference of and the Shroud of Christ 13 the Historical Society of Alberta, held this year in Ca lgary. While the western Book Summary - Fro ntier Life theme in program topics and attire is common with special events in Calgary, in the Mounted Po lice 14 this year it had special meaning as 2012 marks the 100th An niversary of the first Calgary Stampede. Book Summary - The Fort Edm onton HouseJournals 15 Before attending the conference I read Wendy Bryden's new book, TIle First Flores (often called Florence) was the wife ofGuy Best Dress ed Cowgirl 16 Stampede of Flores LaDue. Weadick, father of the Stampede with the financial backing of the Big Four - New Alberta Historic Sites 17 Patrick Burns, George Lane, Archie McLean and A.E. (Alfred Ernest) Cross. Appropriately, the conference was held in the impressive log structur e at Conference Concerns 18 Stampede Park, the Big Four Building, nam ed for those four far-sighted friends Book Summary - Fensala 19 ofwhat would become a world famous annual event.