Gospel 'Rumpet Full Salvation Unity and Truth
· the GOSPEL 'RUMPET FULL SALVATION UNITY AND TRUTH ANDERSON, INDIANA, U. S. A .. SEPTEMBER 15, 1921 Ii FIELD OF' BOAZ, NEAR BETHLEHEM Labor-saving machines were little known in the days of Boaz. The grain was reaped with sickles, or pulled u!p' by tIle roots. It was then gathered in handfuls and bound illlto sheaves, after which carts, usually, conveyed it to bamns OIl thre.shing-ftoors. Crude instruments were 'I.lsed in thresl1ing and winnowing the grain. It was· in the field of Boaz that Ruth gleaned after the re!apers. G 0 S PEL T R U· M PET COM P .A NY J ~~------------:------------------.----------,;) N. H. BYRUM. sac. & TRII:Aa, A. 1.... BYERS, V. PRES. J. T. WILSON, PRES. & GEN. MGR. GOSPEL TRUMPET COMPANY PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS BIBLICAL LITERATURE ANDERSON. INDIANA Sept. 15, 1921 To the Church: The general' conviction is that the church must move f'orward on all lines more aggressively than ever before. The fires of evangelistic fervor must be 'rebuilt in many a locality. Where the . brethren have become indifferent and are doing little to convert their neighbors, a new spirit of revivalism, born of' love, born of' the Holy Spirit, must be begotten in them. We who have 'received such notable blessings from God can not simply sit down and let a world gO,to destruction. 0 my God, re buke the awful spirit of lukewarmness wherever it exists, rebuke and chasten thy people, 0 Lord, for lack of soul-saving love in what ever degree it exists! Stir hearts, revive the, lingering love, pour out a spirit of prayer and mighty soul travail upon us! Leave none of us out, 0 God, but upon every minister, every pastor, every evangelist, every Sunday~school worker, every deacon, yea, upon everyone of thy little ones throughout America, and in all the world, pour out a mighty spirit of evangelistic zeal.
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